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me:... Date:...
Class:.... Test: the first semester- Grade9

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced in each line: ( 1p)</b>
1. A. media B. article C. documentary D. viable

2. A. watch B. channel C. chat D.chemistry
3. A. adults B. controls C. magazines D. newspapers
4. A. remote B. respond C. access D. edition
<b>II. Choose the best option to complete the sentences: ( 2p)</b>

1. Everything is okey,...?

A. is it B. isn’t it C. are they D. aren’t they
2. She felt...for all the children living in such terrible conditions.

A. pity B. pitiful C. pitifully D. pitying
3. I really dislike...to answer questions in class when I haven’t prepared my lesson .
A. asking B. to ask C. being asked D. to be asked
4. I enjoy... to the park on summer evening.

A. to go B. going C. having gone D. to be gone
5. Mary asked him ...Shella was his sister.

A. if B. what C. or not D. either
6. The teacher told us...in class.

A. not talk B. don’t talk C. not talking D. not to talk
7. If it...fine tomorrow, we will go for a picnic.

A. is B. will C. will be D. was

8. Henry and Peter asked me to go with...

A. they B. their C. them D. theirs.
<b>III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (2p)</b>

1. Tommy suggested... the shrine on the mountain. ( visit )
2. In the 18th<sub> century, Jean cloth...completely from cotton. ( make )</sub>

3. When I ...to see Mr Robinson last night, he ... a newspaper and his
two children... to an English song ( come/ read/ listen )

4. I ...your brother recently. ( not see )

5. Would you mind... me how... an e-mail. ( show/ send )
<b>IV. Put the sentences into Reported speech; (2p)</b>

1.She said;” I can’t find my umbrella”.

2.They said: “ We are learning English now”.

3.The boy said to his neighbor:” I’m going on holiday tomorrow”

4. He said:” My father is a doctor here”


5*. The teacher said to his class: “ You will have to finish all these excises before next week”

6*.” If you want to learn English, I can help you” John said

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Hard / are / on / having / in / who / spending / until / classes /

Dear Khang,

I am..(1)...a great time here in England. My university term doesn’t start..(2)...
the autumn, so I am taking the opportunity to improve my English. I am staying with some
English friends.(3)...own a farm. On weekdays, I catch a bus into Torquay to go to
language..(4) ...At weekend, I help.(5) the farm. At the moment, they..

(6)...harvesting the corn and they need all the help they can get. It’s quite..(7)...work,
but I like it. I am ..(8)...the winter holiday here at the farm. It gets very... here in the
winter, I think.



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