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Dat.of pre.18/09/10
Dat.of tea.20/09/10
<b>PD 1-2</b>

<b>mix. exercises</b>

<b>I. Objectives : to help sts review the usage and the form of simple present tense and </b>
simple past tense.

<b>II.Method : communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids : lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Content</b>

<b>A. Theory</b>

<b>I. The simple present tense. </b>
<b> I. 1 - Tobe</b>

<b> ( + ) S + is / are / am + …</b>

<i>Ex: She is a doctor. </i>

<b> ( - ) S + is / are / am + not + …</b>

<i>Ex: They are not engineers.</i>

<b> ( ? ) Is / Are / Am + S + …</b>

<i>Ex: Are you tired ?</i>

<b>I .2 - Verb</b>

( + ) S + V / V+ s / es + …

I / you / we / they / plural noun … V - infinitive
She / he / it / singular noun … V + s / es

<i>Ex: They go to school every day.</i>

<i>He never eats meat.</i>

( - ) S + do not / does not + V – infinitive …

I / you / we / they / plural noun … do not ( don’t )
She / he / it / singular noun … does not ( doesn’t )

<i>Ex: Sarah doesn’t like cats.</i>

<i>The children don’t play tennis every afternoon.</i>

( ? ) Does / Do + S + V – infinitive …?
I / you / we / they / plural noun … Do
She / he / it / singular noun … Does

<i>Ex: Do you go fishing in summer ?</i>

<i>Does Peter usually stay up late ?</i>

<b>II -The simple past </b>
<b>II.1 – Tobe </b>

( + ) S + was / were …

<i>Ex: She was ill yesterday.</i>

( - ) S + were / was + not…

<i>Ex: I was not good last week.</i>

( ? ) Was / Were + S …

<i>Ex: Was the weather good 3 days ago ?</i>

She / he / it / I / singular noun was
They / you / we / plural noun were
<b>II.2- Verb</b>

( + ) S + V-ed / V-irregular + …

<i>Ex: They saw an accident last night.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<i>Ex: My mother didn’t give me a present on my birthday.</i>

( ? ) Did + S + V- infinitive … ?

<i>Ex: Did you go to the movie last night ?</i>

<b>B. Exercises</b>

<b>Exercise 1: Put the verb in the bracket into the simple present tense.</b>
1. I ……….(eat) my breakfast in the kitchen every day.

2. These boys often ……….………(play) football at weekends.
3. It ………...(rain) in the winter.

4. She ……….(go) to school three days a week.
5. My little boy often ………..…………(watch) cartoon film.
6. She ………..(study) English very well.

7. My father often ………(play) tennis in the morning.
8. Ann ……… (speak) German very well.

<b>Exercise 2:</b>

<b>Test 1 </b><b> Ex.I,II,II,IV </b>-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10(10)


Ex.V,VI,VII -sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10(11)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Dat.of tea.28/09/10
<b>PD 3-4 </b>

<b> THE past perfect tense and simple past tense.</b>
<b>I. Objectives : to help sts review the usage and the form of </b>past perfect tense and

simple past tense.

<b>II.Method : communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids : lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Content</b>

<b>A. Theory</b>

<b> -The simple past </b>
<b>.1 – Tobe </b>

( + ) S + was / were …

<i>Ex: She was ill yesterday.</i>

( - ) S + were / was + not…

<i>Ex: I was not good last week.</i>

( ? ) Was / Were + S …

<i>Ex: Was the weather good 3 days ago ?</i>

She / he / it / I / singular noun was
They / you / we / plural noun were
<b>.2- Verb</b>

( + ) S + V-ed / V-irregular + …

<i>Ex: They saw an accident last night.</i>

<b> ( - ) S + didn’t + V- infinitive + …</b>

<i>Ex: My mother didn’t give me a present on my birthday.</i>

( ? ) Did + S + V- infinitive … ?

<i>Ex: Did you go to the movie last night ?</i>

<b>-. The Past Perfect Tense</b>
<b>1. Form</b>

- Affirmative: S + had + V3/ed….
- Negative: S + had + not + V3/ed…..
- Interrogative: Had + S + V3/ed….?
<b>.2. Use</b>

Ex: By the end of last month, she had made 4 skirts.
b. (before, after, by the time, when)

Eg: - After Nam had done his homework, he went to bed.

- They had lived in Dong Thap before they moved to HCM city.
<b>B.Exercise: Give the right tenses of the verbs in the blanks </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

there. Next month, she will take the final exam. She (be) ______ able to get a good
job when she (return) ______ to Vietnam.

<b>*TEST 2 </b><b> Ex.I,II,II,IV </b>-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10(20-21)


Ex.V,VI,VII -sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10(22)

Dat.of pre.02/10/10
Dat.of tea.04/10/10

<b>PD 5-6 </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>I. Objectives : to help sts to do mix.exercises of tenses and the phonetics </b>
:Pronunciation and stress.

<b>II.Method : communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids : lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Content</b>

<b>A. Theory</b>

<b> Stress the syllable immediately before the suffix: </b>

- ial memorial financial artificial essential
- ual visual unusual intellectual individual
- ian Canadian vegetarian pedestrian politician
- sion explosion occasion conclusion permission
- tion definition production situation qualification

- ient ancient sufficient efficient deficient proficient
- cious delicious conscious suspicious judicious

- tious ambitious cautious superstitious conscientious
- ic academic energetic fantastic terrific realistic
- ible edible flexible incredible impossible

- ity ability necessity publicity possibility humidity
- ify classify terrify humidify personify solidify
- logy biology sociology anthropology psychology

- graphy geography autobiography photography pornography
- meter kilometer parameter speedometer thermometer

<b>B.Checking homework.</b>

-Ex.VII.(22)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

-Revision test 1-sentences from 35 to 50.(25)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng
anh 10

<b>C.Doing mix.exercises.</b>

-Ex.I,II (26)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10


<b>Ex.IV (27)-</b>sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiÕng anh 10

Dat.of pre.20/10/10
Dat.of tea.22/10/10
<b>PD 7-8</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>II.Method : communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids : lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Content</b>

<b>A. Theory</b>

<i><b>1. The present perfect tense </b><b> ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành )</b></i>
( + ) S + have / has + P2

<i>Ex: John has just cleaned the floor.</i>

( - ) S + have / have + not + P2

<i>Ex: They have not received their salary yet.</i>

( ? ) Have / Have + S + P2 … ?

<i>Ex: Have the students finished doing the homeworks ?</i>

Notes: You / we / they / plural noun / I have

She / he / it / single noun has
2. Passive voice with present perfect.

Active : S + have / has + P2 + O

<i><b> </b></i>
Passive : S + have / has + been + P2 + by ….
<b>3. Relative pronouns</b>

<b> Who: subject or object pronoun for people </b>

Ex : I told you about the woman <i>who </i>lives next door.
<b>Which : subject or object pronoun for animals and things.</b>

Ex : Do you see the cat <i>which </i>is lying on the roof ?
<b>Which : referring to a whole sentence</b>

Ex : He couldn’t read, <i>which </i>surprised me.

<b>That : subject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in defining relative </b>
clauses (<i>who </i>or <i>which </i>are also possible)

Ex <i>: </i>I don’t like the table <i>that </i>stands in the kitchen.

I<b>B.Checking homework.</b>

<b>Ex.IV (27)-</b>sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

<b>C.Doing mix.exercises.</b>

-Ex.I,II ,III(33)- sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

<b> D.Homework.</b>

<b> Ex.IV,VI (34 -35 )-</b>sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

Dat.of pre.24/10/10
Dat.of tea.26/10/10
<b>PD 11-12</b>

<b>I. Objectives : to help sts to do mix.exercises of relative pronouns.</b>
<b>II.Method : communicative</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b>A. Theory</b>

<b>3. Relative pronouns</b>

<b> Who: subject or object pronoun for people </b>

Ex : I told you about the woman <i>who </i>lives next door.
<b>Which : subject or object pronoun for animals and things.</b>

Ex : Do you see the cat <i>which </i>is lying on the roof ?
<b>Which : referring to a whole sentence</b>

Ex : He couldn’t read, <i>which </i>surprised me.

<b>That : subject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in defining relative </b>
clauses (<i>who </i>or <i>which </i>are also possible)

Ex <i>: </i>I don’t like the table <i>that </i>stands in the kitchen.

I<b>B.Checking homework.</b>

<b> Ex.IV,VI (34 -35 )-</b>s¸ch bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

<b>C.Doing mix.exercises.</b>

Ex. I.Combine the following sentences using relative pronouns.
1. A man told me you were away. He answered the phone.

2. That waitress was very impolite and impatient. She served us.

3. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.

4. I saw the man. You have just talked about him.

5. Mr. Fed is happy. His son won the race.

6. We are studying sentences. They contain adjective clauses.

7. The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport.

8. Mr .Tam has a good voice. He usually sings at the concert.

9. We enjoyed the actors. His performances are very attractive.

10.These students are in my class. I am walking with them.

12. I’ve spoken to John. His house was burgled last Monday<i>.</i>


Ex. I.Combine the following sentences using relative pronouns.
1.A man told me you were away. He answered the phone.

The man who/that answered the phone told me you were away.
2.That waitress was very impolite and impatient. She served us.

That waitress, who/that served us ,was very impolite and impatient.
3.A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.

The building that/which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt
4.Mr. Fed is happy. His son won the race.

Mr. Fed ,whose won the race, is happy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

We are studying sentences which contain adjective clauses
6.The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport.

The taxi driver who/that<i> </i>took me to the airport was friendly
7.Mr .Tam has a good voice. He usually sings at the concert.
Mr .Tam ,who usually sings at the concert, has a good voice.

8.We enjoyed the actors. His performances are very attractive.
We enjoyed the actors whose performances are very attractive.
9.These students are in my class. I am walking with them.

These students who/whom/that I am walking with are in my class.
10.I’ve spoken to John. His house was burgled last Monday<i>.</i>

I’ve spoken to John whose house was burgled last Monday<i>.</i>

<b> D.Homework.</b>

Find a mistake from the underlined parts in each sentence then correct it.
1. This is my brother, who's wife is French.

2. The Post Office, that is a retail company in the United Kingdom; formerly part of
the postal service Royal Mail, became a separate entity in 1981.

3. At that time, all commercial centers are very crowded with people who comes to
buy food and things to prepare for Tet.

4. Energy being the power from sources such as electricity and coal that makes
machines work or provides heat.

5. A dam is a wall building across a river to stop the river’s flow and collect the

Dat.of pre.29/10/10
Dat.of tea.01/11/10
<b>PD 13-14</b>

<b>I. Objectives : to help sts to do mix.exercises .</b>
<b>II.Method : communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids : lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Content</b>

<b>A. Theory</b>

<b>3. Relative pronouns</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

Ex : I told you about the woman <i>who </i>lives next door.
<b>Which : subject or object pronoun for animals and things.</b>

Ex : Do you see the cat <i>which </i>is lying on the roof ?
<b>Which : referring to a whole sentence</b>

Ex : He couldn’t read, <i>which </i>surprised me.

<b>That : subject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in defining relative </b>
clauses (<i>who </i>or <i>which </i>are also possible)

Ex <i>: </i>I don’t like the table <i>that </i>stands in the kitchen.
<b>B.Ex. </b>

<b>Ex.1. Multiple choice</b>

1. James will only go to places…………..are recommended by his friends.

a. what b. where c. which d. how.

2. Miss Kelly took part in the singing contest………….she was on holiday in

a. what b. where c. when d. how.

3. Tom……….is a monitor of the class, is also the captain of the football.

a. who b. which c. whom d. whose.

4. I saw the man……….owns that car walking towards the shop.

a. which b. whom c. who d. whose

5. The street…………leads to my school is very narrow.

a. who b. which c. whom d. whose.

6. Bring me the clock………..is over there.

a. whom b. which c. whose d. who

7. My friend, …………aunt is nurse, would like to be a doctor someday.

a. who b. whom c. which d. whose

8. The dog, ………..tail I stepped on, bit me.

a. who b. whose c. which d. whom

9. Please give this to the beggar……….is at the door.

a. who b. which c. whom d. whose

10.My father gave me the doll…………..I had been hoping for.

a. who b. which c. whom d. which

11.Yesterday I met my friend……….gave me a dog on my birthday.

a. who b. whose c. whom d. which.

12.Any boy………….disobeys the rules will be punished.

a. that b. which c. whom d. who.

13.Budapest……….is on the Danube is a beautiful city.

a. where b whose c. when d. which

14.The river from………….we get our water supply is nearly empty.

a. that b. which c. whom d. where.

15.The boy…………father is in prison is my friend.

a. whom b. who c. whose d. which


1.James will only go to places…………..are recommended by his friends.

a. what b. where <b>c. which</b> d. how.

2.Miss Kelly took part in the singing contest………….she was on holiday in

a. what <b>b. where</b> c. when d. how.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>a. who</b> b. which c. whom d. whose.
4.I saw the man……….owns that car walking towards the shop.

a. which b. whom <b>c. who</b> d. whose

5.The street…………leads to my school is very narrow.

a. who <b>b. which</b> c. whom d. whose.

6.Bring me the clock………..is over there.

a. whom <b>b. which</b> c. whose d. who

7.My friend, …………aunt is nurse, would like to be a doctor someday.

a. who b. whom c. which <b>d. whose</b>

8.The dog, ………..tail I stepped on, bit me.

a. who <b>b. whose</b> c. which d. whom

9.Please give this to the beggar……….is at the door.

<b>a. who</b> b. which c. whom d. whose

10.My father gave me the doll…………..I had been hoping for.

a. who <b>b. which</b> c. whom d. which

11.Yesterday I met my friend……….gave me a dog on my birthday.

<b>a. who</b> b. whose c. whom d. which.

12.Any boy………….disobeys the rules will be punished.

<b>a. that</b> b. which c. whom d. who.

13.Budapest……….is on the Danube is a beautiful city.

a. where b whose c. when <b>d. which</b>

14.The river from………….we get our water supply is nearly empty.

a. that <b>b. which</b> c. whom d. where.

<b>C.More ex.Ex I,II (36)-</b>sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

<b>D.Homework.Ex.VII (38 )-</b>sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

Dat.of pre.06/10/10
Dat.of tea.08/11/10
<b>PD 15-16</b>

<b>I. Objectives : to help sts to do mix.exercises .</b>
<b>II.Method : communicative</b>

<b>III. Teaching aids : lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Content</b>

A. Theory

<b>I.The present progressive:( thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)</b>
<b>1.Cơng thức:</b>

-Câu khẳng định: -Câu phủ định:
- Câu hỏi:

S +am/ is/ are + not+ Ving...
S +have/ has +not +Ved/ V3...

S +am/ is/ are + Ving... <b>Am/ Is/ Are + S +Ving...?</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>2.Cách dùng:</b>

-Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả một <i>hành động đang xảy ra tại thời </i>
<i>điểm nói</i>.

Ex: I (read)...a book now.

At the moment, she (cook)...dinner.

-Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả <i>một kế hoạch tương lai đã được sắp </i>
<i>xếp</i> ( tương lai gần).

Ex: My wife has an appointment with a doctor. She

(see)...Dr. David next Tuesday.

They have already made their plan. They (leave)...at
noon tomorrow.

<b>II. Be going to:</b>
1.Công thức:

-Câu khẳng định:

-Câu phủ định:

- Câu hỏi:
<b>2.Cách dùng:</b>

-"Be going to" dùng để chỉ một <i>dự định trong tương lai</i>, một việc đã quyết
định làm nhưng <i>chưa có kế hoạch thực hiện</i>.

Ex: People (choose)...a new president.
...you (visit)...Dalat this year?

-"Be going to" còn dùng để chỉ một <i>dự đoán</i>, 1 điều sẽ xảy ra dựa vào 1 tình
huống cụ thể.

Ex: Tom is a good student. He (pass)...the exam.
There are a lot of clouds in the sky. It (rain)...
<b>1.Checking homework</b>

<b>Ex.VII (38 )-</b>sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

<b>2. Doing more exercises </b>

<b>Ex.I,II,VI (44)-</b>s¸ch bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

S +am/ is/ are +going to+Vo...

S +am/ is/ are + not+ going to +Vo...

S +have/ has +not +Ved/ V3...

<b>Am/ Is/ Are + S +going to + Vo...?</b>

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Dat.of pre.13/11/10
Dat.of tea.15/11/10
<b>PD 17-18</b>


<b>I. Objectives : to help sts review and use correctly the points of grannar above as </b>
well as practise doing exercises

<b>II. Method : communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aid : Lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Contents</b>

<i><b>A. Theory</b></i>

<i><b>1. The present continuous tense </b></i>
<b> ( + ) S + is / are / am + V-ing</b>

<i>Ex: I am teaching .</i>

<i>They are studying.</i>

<b> ( - ) S + is / are / am + not + V-ing</b>

<i>Ex: You are not planting vegetables in the garden this year.</i>

( ? ) Is / Are / Am + S + V-ing …?

<i>Ex: Are they reading book at the moment ?</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

( + ) S + is / are / am + going to + V- infinitive

( - ) S + is / are / am + not + going to + V – infinitive
( ? ) Is / are / am + S + going to + V – infinitive ?
<i><b>B. Exercises</b></i>

Exercise IV,VI (44-45)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

Exercise III,IV (46)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10


Exercise V,VI (47)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh 10

Dat.of pre.20/11/10
Dat.of tea.22/11/10

<b>PD 19-20 the present perfect</b>

<b> in spite of-because of-ex.</b>

<b> I. Objectives : to help sts review and use correctly the points of grammar above as </b>
well as practise doing exercises

<b>II. Method : communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aid : Lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Contents</b>

<i><b>A. Theory</b></i>

<i><b>I. The present perfect tense </b></i>
( + ) S + have / has + P2

<i>Ex: John has just cleaned the floor.</i>

( - ) S + have / have + not + P2

<i>Ex: They have not received their salary yet.</i>

( ? ) Have / Have + S + P2 … ?

<i>Ex: Have the students finished doing the homeworks ?</i>

Notes: You / we / they / plural noun / I have

She / he / it / single noun has
II.Because + Clause

Because of + V – ing / Noun phrase

Although / Though + Clause

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<b>B. Exercises</b>

<b>Exercise 1: Supply either “BECAUSE or BECAUSE OF,ALTHOUGH, IN </b>
<b>SPITE OF”.</b>

<b>” as appropriate.</b>

1. It was difficult to deliver the letter ……….…the sender had written the
wrong address on the envelope.

2. We decided to leave early …………..……….the party was boring.
3. Rescue attempts were temporarily………..…the bad weather.

4. They visited their friends often ………they enjoyed their company.
5. Paul can’t go to the football game ………his grades.

6. ………it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation.

7. ………all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.

8……….we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
9.a/ I went home early …………...….I was feeing sick.

b/ I went to work the next day ………I was still feeling sick.
10I couldn’t get to sleep ………..there was a lot of noise.
11. I didn’t get the job ……….being extremely qualified.
12 ………..the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.

13 I couldn’t sleep ……….. I was really tired.

14. The flight may be cancelled ………the thick fog.
<i><b>B. Exercises</b></i>

Exercise III(49)-VI (50)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh

Exercise VI(53)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh

<i><b>C.Homework.Exercise V(53)-</b></i>sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh

Dat.of pre.27/11/10
Dat.of tea.29/11/10

<b>PD 21-22 MIX,EXERCISES</b>

<b> I. Objectives : to help sts review and use correctly the points of grammar they have </b>
learned as well as practise doing exercises

<b>II. Method : communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aid : Lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Contents</b>

<b>A. Theory</b>

<b>I. The present perfect tense </b>
( + ) S + have / has + P2
Ex: John has just cleaned the floor.

( - ) S + have / have + not + P2

Ex: They have not received their salary yet.
( ? ) Have / Have + S + P2 … ?

Ex: Have the students finished doing the homeworks ?
Notes: You / we / they / plural noun / I have

She / he / it / single noun has
<b>II.Because + Clause</b>

Because of + V – ing / Noun phrase
Although / Though + Clause

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<b>Exercise 1: Putting the verbs into the Present Perfect Tense.</b>
1. I ………..(live) here since 1970.

2. The cat ………(sit) in front of the fire since tea-time.
3. ………….you ……….(be) to the zoo ?

4. I’m afraid you ……….(look) at the wrong one.
5. ………you ……….(wait) long for me ?

6. Yes! I ……….(stand) here in the rain for half an hour.

7. He ………(learn) English for three years, but he can’t even read a
newspaper yet.

8. This watch was working all right a moment ago but now it ……….(stop).
9. Lunch is not quite ready yet, although I …………..(cook) all the morning
10. Look! That light ..(burn) all night.

<i><b>B. Exercises</b></i>

Exercise V(53)-,Ex.I,II ,Ex.VII (50)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh

<i><b>C.Homework.Ex.VII (50)-</b></i>sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh

Dat.of pre.02/12/10
Dat.of tea.04/12/10

<b>PD 23-24 Reported speech: statement</b>

<b>I. Objectives : to help sts review the usage of reported speech: statements and </b>

<b>II.Method : communicative</b>
<b>III. Teaching aids : lesson plan</b>
<b>IV. Content</b>

<b>A. Theory</b>

<b>I.Reported speech: statements</b>

 Trong câu trực tiếp thông tin đi từ người thứ nhất đến thẳng người thứ hai.

<i>He said : / "I <b> bought </b>a new motorbike for <b> myself yesterday</b>"<b> </b></i>

Mđchính Mđ phụ

 Trong câu gián tiếp thơng tin đi từ người thứ nhất qua người thứ hai đến với người
thứ ba. Khi đó, câu có biến đổi về mặt ngữ pháp.

<i>He said <b>he had bought</b> a new motorbike for <b>himself the day before</b>.</i>

 Để biến đổi một câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp cần:

 Giữ nguyên mệnh đề chính nếu sau "said" khơng có túc từ.Nếu sau "said" có
túc từ, đổi "said to" thành "told".

 Bỏ dấu ngoặc kép và dấu hai chấm, dùng liên từ "that" nối mệnh đề chính với
mệnh đề phụ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

 Lùi động từ ở câu trực tiếp xuống một cấp so với lúc ban đầu.
 Biến đổi các đại từ chỉ thị, phó từ chỉ thời gian và địa điểm theo bảng qui định.

<b>Bảng đổi động từ</b>

<i><b>Direct speech</b></i> <i><b>Indirect speech</b></i>
Simple present

Present progressive
Present perfect

Simple past


Simple past
Past progressive

Past perfect
Past perfect
Would/ Should

Could/ Might

<b>Bảng đổi các đại từ chỉ thị, phó từ chỉ địa điểm và</b>
<b>thời gian</b>

<i><b>Direct speech</b></i> <i><b>Indirect speech</b></i>

Next week
Last month
Two years ago

This, these
Now/at present

In two weeks

That day
The day before

The day after
The week after
The month before

Two years before
That, those

In two weeks’ time
Ex:a."I'll wait for you tomorrow", the boy said.

-The boy said (that) he would wait for me the day after.

<b>B. Exercises.Exercise 1 : Change this direct speech into reported speech</b><i>:</i>

1.They said, "We are busy."

→ They said that ...
2.He said, "I know a better restaurant."

→ He said that ...
3. She said, "I woke up early."

→ She said that ...
4.He said, "I will ring her."

→ He said that ...
5.They said, "We have just arrived."

→ They said that ...
6. He said, "I will clean the car."

→ He said that ...
7.She said, "I did not say that."

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

8.She said, "I don't know where my shoes are."

→ She said that ...
9.He said: "I won't tell anyone."

→ He said that ...
10.They said, "This is our book."

→ They said ...
11.He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow."

→ He said ...
12.You said, "I will do this for him."

→ You said ...
13.She said, "I am not hungry now."

→ She said ...
14. They said, "We have never been here before."

→ They said ...
15.They said, "We were in London last week."

→ They said ...
16.He said, "I will have finished this paper by tomorrow."

→ He said ...

17.He said, "They won't sleep."

→ He said ...
18.She said, "It is very quiet here."

→ She said ...
19. “He works in a bank”

→ She said ………..
20. “We went out last night”

→ She told me
21. “I’m coming!”

→ She said ………
22. “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived”

→ She told me ……….
23. “ I’d never been there before”

→ She said ………..
24. “I didn’t go to the party”

→ She told me ...
25. “Lucy’ll come later”

→ She said ...
26. “He hasn’t eaten breakfast”

→ She told me ...

27. “I can help you tomorrow”

→ She said ...
28. “You should go to bed early”

→ She told me ...
29. “I don’t like chocolate”

→ She told me ...
30. “I won’t see you tomorrow”

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

31. “She’s living in Paris for a few months”

→ She said ...
32. “I visited my parents at the weekend”

→ She told me ...
33. “She hasn’t eaten sushi before”

→ She said ...
34. “I hadn’t travelled by underground before I came to London”

→ She said

35. “They would help if they could”

→ She said ...
36. “I’ll do the washing-up later”

→ She told me

37. “He could read when he was three”

→ She said ...
38. “I was sleeping when Julie called”

→ She said ...
<b>B. Exercises</b>

Revision test 3( from sen.1 to sen.15)-(pag .61)-sách bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao TA.

<b>C.Homework.Revision test 3( from sen.16 to sen.50)-(pag .62-63)-</b>sách bài tập bổ
trợ và n©ng cao tiÕng anh.

<b>Phieu bai tap </b>

<b>Exercise 1 : </b><i><b>Change this direct speech into reported speech</b>:</i>
1.They said, "We are busy."

→ They said that ...
2.He said, "I know a better restaurant."

→ He said that ...
3. She said, "I woke up early."

→ She said that ...
4.He said, "I will ring her."

→ He said that ...
5.They said, "We have just arrived."

→ They said that ...
6. He said, "I will clean the car."

→ He said that ...
7.She said, "I did not say that."

→ She said that...
8.She said, "I don't know where my shoes are."

→ She said that ...
9.He said: "I won't tell anyone."

→ He said that ...
10.They said, "This is our book."

→ They said ...
11.He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow."

→ He said ...
12.You said, "I will do this for him."

→ You said ...
13.She said, "I am not hungry now."

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

14. They said, "We have never been here before."

→ They said ...
15.They said, "We were in London last week."

→ They said ...
16.He said, "I will have finished this paper by tomorrow."

→ He said ...
17.He said, "They won't sleep."

→ He said ...
18.She said, "It is very quiet here."

→ She said ...
19. “He works in a bank”

→ She said ………..
20. “We went out last night”

→ She told me
21. “I’m coming!”

→ She said ………
22. “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived”

→ She told me ……….
23. “ I’d never been there before”

→ She said ………..
24. “I didn’t go to the party”

→ She told me ...
25. “Lucy’ll come later”

→ She said ...
26. “He hasn’t eaten breakfast”

→ She told me ...
27. “I can help you tomorrow”

→ She said ...
28. “You should go to bed early”

→ She told me ...
29. “I don’t like chocolate”

→ She told me ...
30. “I won’t see you tomorrow”

→ She said ...
31. “She’s living in Paris for a few months”

→ She said ...
32. “I visited my parents at the weekend”

→ She told me ...
33. “She hasn’t eaten sushi before”

→ She said ...
34. “I hadn’t travelled by underground before I came to London”

→ She said

35. “They would help if they could”

→ She said ...
36. “I’ll decorate my room tomorrow”

→ She told me

37. “He could read three years ago”

→ She said ...
38. “I was sleeping when Julie called”

→ She said ...

<b>Exercise 2 : Supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses in order to make present probable </b>
<b>condition. </b>

1. If Liz studies hard, she ………..(pass) her test.

2. If I have time tomorrow, I ……….(go) shopping with you.
3. If you ………(turn) off the light, we will be in the dark.
4. If I see Duc, I ………(give) him your message.

5. He ……….(send) you some information if you tell him your address
6. If Kate ………(be) late again, she will lose her job.

7. She will be sick if she ……….(eat) all that ice-cream.

8. If we ……….(go) out tomorrow evening, we ...(miss) that new programme on TV.
9. I (be) ... angry if it turns out that you are wrong.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

12. You (have to) ...finish writing it if you want to leave now.
13. If it (not rain) ...we will have the party outside.

14. She will ask you if she ... (need) help.

15. The reporter ... (write) about it if he has enough time.
16. If the temperature is below zero, water ... (freeze).
17. I ... (not stay) out if it starts to rain hard.

18. A dog will never bite you ifyou ( look ) <b>... </b>it straight in the eyes.
19. If it snows tomorrow, I ( stay)……….. at home.

20. If the weather ( be) nice tomorrow, I will go for a long walk.

<b>Exercise 3 : Read situations and write the conditional sentence for each one.</b>
1. Drive carefully or you will cause accident .

If ………..
2. Be quiet or you’ll wake the baby up

If ………..
3. I don’t have free time, that’s why I can’t go to see him.

If ………..

4. She never drives fast so she seldom meets accident .

If ………..
5. He loses all his money because he isn’t careful.

If ………..

6. I cannot go to the beach with you this weekend because I have a date with my old classmates.

If ………..
7. The weather is fine so we can go out for a walk .

If ………..

<b>Bảng đổi động từ</b>

<i><b>Direct speech</b></i> <i><b>Indirect speech</b></i>
Simple present

Present progressive
Present perfect

Simple past

have to/must


<b>Bảng đổi các đại từ chỉ thị, phó từ chỉ địa điểm và</b>
<b>thời gian</b>

<i><b>Direct speech</b></i> <i><b>Indirect speech</b></i>

Next week
Last month


<b>Bảng đổi các đại từ chỉ thị, phó từ chỉ địa điểm và</b>
<b>thời gian</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

Two years ago
This, these

Now/at present

In two weeks

<i><b>Doremon 1. “I’ll decorate my room tomorrow”</b></i>

<i><b>Rainbow 2. “He could read three years ago”</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<i><b>Date of preparation : 12 / 10 / 09 </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

I. Objective : to help sts use the point of grammar corectly and exactly as well as
practise doing exercises.

II. Method : communicative
III. Teaching aid : Lesson plan

<b>A. Theory </b>

<i>Because + Clause</i>

<i>Because of + V – ing / Noun phrase </i>
<i>Although / Though + Clause</i>

<i>Inspite of / Despite + V – ing / Noun phrase</i>

<b>B. Exercises</b>

<b>Exercise 1: Supply either “BECAUSE or BECAUSE OF” </b>
<b>as appropriate.</b>

1. It was difficult to deliver the letter ……….…the sender had written the
wrong address on the envelope.

2. We decided to leave early …………..……….the party was boring.
3. Rescue attempts were temporarily………..…the bad weather.

4. They visited their friends often ………they enjoyed their company.
5. Paul can’t go to the football game ………his grades.

6. Marcella was awarded a scholarship……….her superiors scholastic

7. Nobody ventured outdoor ………..the hurricane warning.

8. We plan to spend our vacation in the mountains …………....the air is purer there
9. We have to drive around the bay ………..the bridge was destroyed in the

10. The chickens have died ……….the intense heat.

<b>Exercise 2: Replace the underlined words by the words in parentheses.</b>
11. D e s p i te her dislikes coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm.

→ Although

12. Mary will take a plane, e v e n thou g h she dislikes flying.
→ In spite of


13. I n s pite of Lan’s sadness at losing the contest, she managed to

→ Although

14. We took many pictures t hou g h the sky was cloudy.

→ Despite


15. D e s p i te her poor money, the old woman told interesting stories to the children.
→ Even though


16. T hou g h he has been absent frequently, he managed to pass the test.
→ In spite of

17. Nancy told me the secret d e s p i t e having promised not to do so.
→ Though


<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>


→ Even though ………...

19. I n s pite of the high prices, my daughters insist on going to the movies every

→ Even though ………...………..
20. He ate the chocolate cake e v e n thou g h he is on a diet.

→ In spite of

21. We went out i n s p i t e of the heavy rain.

→ Although


22. D e s p i te his injured foot, he managed to walk to the nearest town.
→ Although


23. E v e n thou g h we live on the same street, we hardly ever see each other.
→ Despite

24. They are always happy a l t hou g h they have very little money.

→ In spite of ……….
25. Rice grows well here b e c a u s e of the warm and wet climate.

→ Because

26. She didn’t go to school b e c a u s e she was seriously ill.

→ Because of


<b>Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with “ALTHOUGH, IN SPITE OF, </b>

27. ………it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation.

28. a/ ………all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.
b/ ……….we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went

29. a/ I went home early …………...….I was feeing sick.

b/ I went to work the next day ………I was still feeling sick.
30. I couldn’t get to sleep ………..there was a lot of noise.
31. I didn’t get the job ……….being extremely qualified.
32. ………..the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.

33. I couldn’t sleep ……….. I was really tired.

34. The flight may be cancelled ………the thick fog.
<b>Exercise 4: Putting the verbs into the Present Perfect Tense.</b>

35. I ………..(live) here since 1970.

36. The cat ………(sit) in front of the fire since tea-time.
37. ………….you ……….(be) to the zoo ?

38. I’m afraid you ……….(look) at the wrong one.
39. ………you ……….(wait) long for me ?

40. Yes! I ……….(stand) here in the rain for half an hour.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

42. This watch was working all right a moment ago but now it ……….(stop).
43. Lunch is not quite ready yet, although I …………..(cook) all the morning
44. Look! That light ………..(burn) all night.

<i><b>Date of preparation : 12 / 10 / 09 </b></i>

<b>Week 11 : Reported speech – Statement ( cont ) </b>
<b>Exercise 1: Change this direct speech into reported speech</b> <i><b> ( cont )</b></i>
1.“ I’ll see you tomorrow’’ She said...

2. “ I saw her today’’ She said...

3. “I don’t like this film’’ <sub> She said...</sub>

4. “ We went swimming today’’  <sub> She said...</sub>
5. “ I’ll meet Mary on Sunday’’ <sub> She said...</sub>

6. “ Peter and Sue are getting married tomorrow’’  <sub> He said...</sub>
7. “I really like this furniture’’  <sub> She said...</sub>

8. “ I’m meeting them at four o’clock today’’  <sub> He said....</sub>

9. “ I live here with my parents’’  <sub> He said...</sub>

10. “ Our new house is beautiful’’ <sub> He said....</sub>
11. “ I want to be a teacher of English’’ <sub> He said....</sub>
12. “ I can’t speak chinese’’  <sub> She said...</sub>

13. “ My sister is now having a wonderful time in Nha Trang’’ <sub> He said....</sub>
14. “ I’ll be very busy today’’ <sub> She said...</sub>

15. “ I must come to the meeting tomorrow’’ <sub> He said....</sub>
16.“ These roses are for you’’ <sub>She told me...</sub>

17. “ I’m going away tomorrow , mother’’ <sub> He said....</sub>

18. “ Nothing can grow in my garden. It never gets sun  <sub> He said....</sub>
19. “ It is so foggy today’’ <sub> She said...</sub>

20. “ If you answer the questions correctly, you may win us 100 <sub> She said...</sub>
21. “ I have to clean the floor today’’ <sub> She said...</sub>

22.“ These roses are cut from my garden’’ <sub> My aunt said...</sub>
<b>Exercise 2 : Choose the best answer to complete sentences.</b>

1. Mr Brown said, “I watched TV last night.”

---> Mr Brown said that he ____ TV the night before.

A. was watching B. watched C. had watched D. has watched
2. Sandy explained, “ I saw the accident at the corner of High Street.”

---> Sandy explained that ____ the accident at the corner of High Street.

A. he had seen B. I saw C. I had seen D. he saw
3. Bob said, “ We had a wonderful time at Peter’s party.”

---> Bob said ____ a wonderful time at Peter’s party.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

---> The farmer said ____ her.

A. he had seen B. I hadn’t seen C. she didn’t see D. he hadn’t seen
5. Will and Tim said, “ We were very happy about the present.”

---> Will and Tim said they ____ very happy about the present.

A. had been B. been C. were D. were being
6. Peter reported, “ We played a lot of tennis last year.”

---> Peter reported that they had played a lot of tennis ____.

A. the followingyear B. the year before C. last year D. A&B are

7. The Clarks told us, “ We drove right down to Athens last summer.”
---> The Clarks told us ____ right down to Athens ____.

A. he had driven / the summer before B. they had driven / the summer before
C. they drove / the previous summer D. he drove / last summer

8. Helen said, “ I’m watching the late night show.”
---> Helen said ____ the late night show.

A. they were watching B. you watched C. she was watching D. Helen is

9. Peter said, “ They were interested in other countries.”
---> Peter said ____ interested in other countries.

A. he had been B. he was C. they were D. they had

10. Mrs Miller said, “I don’t feel better now.”
---> Mrs Miller said she ____ feel better ____.

A. they not / now B. she doesn’t / then
C. she didn’t / then D. they didn’t / now

<i><b>Date of preparation : 30 / 10 / 09 </b></i>

<b>Week 12 + 13 : Conditional type 1</b>

I. Objectives : helps sts to review the use and form of conditional tye 1 as well as
practise doing exercises on the points of grammar.

II. Method : communicative

III. Teaching aids : Lesson plan , reference book, …
IV. Content

<b>A – Theory </b>

<b>Conditional sentences type I ( real / true in present or future )</b>

If - clause Main clause

S + V ( do / does ) S + V ( will do )

+ to express an action or thing which can happen at present or future time.
Ex : If it is sunny, we will go to the beach.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

Ex : If you drop it, it wil break.
+ to express a promiss.

Ex : I’ll pick you up at the part if you phone me.
<b>* Note : Unless = If … not</b>

<b>B. Exercises</b>

<b>Exercise 1 : Match a line in A with a line in B to make meaningful sentences.</b>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

1. If you go to Paris,
2. If we can afford it,

3. If I don’t hear from you today,
4. If the music is too loud,

5. If we don’t leave soon,

6. If there is nothing interesting in the


7. If she has to work late,
8. If Peter calls,

a. we’ll be late for school.
b. go inside the store.

c. tell him I never want to see him again.
d. we’ll buy a new car soon.

e. she’ll call you from the office.
f. you can turn down the radio.

g. you must go to the top of Eiffel Tower
h. I’ll call you tomorrow.

<b>Exercise 2 : Supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses in order to make </b>
<b>present probable </b>

<b>condition. </b>

1. If Liz studies hard, she ………..(pass) her test.

2. If I have time tomorrow, I ……….(go) shopping with you.
3. If you ………(turn) off the light, we will be in the dark.
4. If I see Duc, I ………(give) him your message.

5. He ……….(send) you some information if you tell him your address
6. If Kate ………(be) late again, she will lose her job.

7. She will be sick if she ……….(eat) all that ice-cream.

8. If we ……….(go) out tomorrow evening, we ...(miss) that new
programme on TV.

9. I (be) ... angry if it turns out that you are wrong.

10. If he (finish) ...with the computer, I will put it away.
11. If you leave now, you (be) ... home in 2 hours.

12. You (have to) ...finish writing it if you want to leave now.
13. If it (not rain) ...we will have the party outside.

14. She will ask you if she ... (need) help.

15. The reporter ... (write) about it if he has enough time.
16. If the temperature is below zero, water ... (freeze).
17. I ... (not stay) out if it starts to rain hard.

18. A dog will never bite you if you ( look ) ... it straight in the eyes.
19. If it snows tomorrow, I ( stay)……….. at home.

20. If the weather ( be) nice tomorrow, I will go for a long walk.

<b>Exercise 3 : Read situations and write the conditional sentence for each one.</b>
1. Drive carefully or you will cause accident .

If ………..
2. Be quiet or you’ll wake the baby up

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

3. I don’t have free time, that’s why I can’t go to see him.

If ………..
4. She never drives fast so she seldom meets accident .

If ………..
5. He loses all his money because he isn’t careful.

If ………..
6. I cannot go to the beach with you this weekend because I have a date with my old

If ………..
7. The weather is fine so we can go out for a walk .

If ………..
8. Because Simon doesn’t live near his mother, he can’t visit her often.

If ………..
9.Unless she listens carefully , she will make some mistakes.

If ………..
10. Why don’t you come here for lunch ?

<b>Exercise 4 : Look at the information in brackets and complete the sentences </b>
<b>using if and a verb in the present simple.</b>

1. (I may see Tom tonight.) . <i>If I see Tom,</i> I’ll tell him the news.

2. (Melanie is coming soon.) . ………., can you let her in,
please ?

3. (The alarm will ring soon.) . ………., we will all have to leave
the building.

4. (I might feel better tomorrow.) . ………., I’ll probably go back
to work.

5. (This film finishes at ten.) . ………., I’ll stop the video.
6. (The plan may not work.) . ………., we’ll have to think of
something else.

7. (I’m going shopping this evening.) . ………., I’ll buy some

8. (You might hear some news.) . ………., can you ring me
immediately ?

9. (I’ll get home tonight.) . ………., I’ll make myself an omelette.
10. (It might stay fine.) . ………., I’ll probably go for a walk later

<b>Exercise 5: Choose the best answer. </b>

1. If the weather ………nice tomorrow, we ……..swimming.

A. is-go B. is-will go C. will be-go D. will be-will go
2 . The roads will be flooded ………..we resurface and raise them.

A. if B. unless C. when D. so
3 . If Tom is late again, he ………….his job.

A. loses B. lost C. will lose D. would lose
4 . We will go skiing if it ………this winter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

A. You will get lost B. You will not get lost C. You get lost
D. You got lost

6. Don’t worry. You ………….told if there’s a change of the plan.
A. are B. will C. will be D. would be
7 . I will give your regards to her………….. I meet her tomorrow.
A. if B. even if C. when D. while
8. You will ………..yourself a lot of time if you take the car
A. spend B. make C. save D. spare

9 . You will never finish that job by tomorrow morning unless you ……some help.
A. will get B. would get C. get D. will have got

10 . You will become ill …………..you don’t stop working so hard.
A. until B. when C. unless D. if

<i><b>Date of preparation : 30 / 10 / 09 </b></i>

<b>Week 14 : General exercises </b>
<b>I/Give the correct form of the verb in brackets:</b>

1.It (be)...often hot in the summer.

2.Daisy is cooking food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook)...in the

3.She said that she (already,see)...Dr Rice.

4.Last night,before she (watch)...TV, she (do)...her

5.When I (arrive)...at this house, he was still sleeping.
6.I (see)...her last year.

7.What you (do)...yesterday?

8.Did you remember (lock)...the car? - No, I didn't.I'd better go back
and do it now.

9.Would you like me (turn )...down the radio a bit?

10.Would your children mind (keep)...quiet for a moment? I'm trying
(fill)...a form.

11.Does she want (become)...a singer?
12.Rivers usually (flow)...to the sea.

13.The light (go)...out when we were having dinner.

14.After they had gone, I (sit)...down and (rest)...
15.We'll go out when the rain (stop)...

16.We stopped once (buy)...petrol and then we stopped again
(ask)...someone the way.

17.Jack suggested (take) ...me one flat and keep the other for me.
18.Before Alice (go)...to sleep,she (call)...her family.
19.You (watch)...TV last night?

20.The children were playing football when their mother (come)...back

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

22.I'll come and see you before I (leave)...

23.Try to avoid (make )...him angry.
24.It's no use (wait)...

25.She (be)...born in 1980.
<b>II/ Make questions:</b>

1.We often have breakfast at 6 o'clock.

2.Daisy is cooking some food in the kitchen.

3.The farmers are working in the field at the moment.

4.Mrs Green goes to work by bus.

5.They have studied English for 6 years.

6.I saw her last year.

<b>III.Combine these sentences, using relative pronouns:</b>

1.The girl chatted with him yesterday. She arrived here at 6:30.

2.I will introduce to you the man. He is sharing the flat with me.

3.My phone is out of order. It’s a real nuisance.

4.I’m reading a book. I bought it in Sydney in 1996.


5.The mechanic is an experienced one. I sent for him to repair my motorbike.

6.You left the key in your car. That was rather careless of you.

7.The architect design these flats. He has moved to HCM city.

8.I must thank the people. I got a present from them.


9.Oxford university has many colleges. It’s one of the oldest one in the world.

10.The police blocked up the road. This caused a traffic jam.

11.This is Mrs Jones. Her son won the championship last year.

12.Mary has won an Oscar.I know her sister.

<b>IV/ Change into passive voice:</b>

1.They have offered Mike an opportunity to study abroad.

2.The boys spell these words wrongly.

3.Terrorists murdered three hostages.

4.People haven’t used these machines for at least five years.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

5.The woman didn't sell the house at the end of the street.

6.Has the postman delivered the package yet?

7.The police have blocked up the road for an hour after the accident.

8.The teacher doesn’t call my name.

9.They can hold the meeting before May Day.

10.Does she invite you to her wedding party?

11.Did anything disturb you in the night?

12.The boy broke the window.

13.Will they teach English here?

<b>V/Complete the sentences, using “used to”, “be used to”:</b>

1.You are talking to the biologist whom I……….talk with in 1999.
2.You………..sending an e-mail?

3.We……….sleeping on the floor.

4.You ………share a room with another person?
5.I……….love Ann but now she gets on my nerves.

6.My parents……….writing every thing in English.
7.It took me a long time to……….. wearing my glasses.

<b>VI/Circle the word with the italicised letter(s) pronounced differently from those</b>
<b>of the others</b><i>:</i>

1.a.b<i>ou</i>ght b.<i>ou</i>ght c.th<i>ou</i>ght d.thr<i>ou</i>gh

2.a.your b.f<i>ou</i>r c.p<i>ou</i>r d.h<i>ou</i>r

3.a.c<i>o</i>st b.r<i>oa</i>st c.p<i>o</i>st d.t<i>oa</i>st

4.a.<i>a</i>ll b.t<i>a</i>lk c.s<i>a</i>lad d.f<i>a</i>lse

5.a.b<i>o</i>th b.br<i>o</i>ke c.b<i>o</i>ss d.t<i>o</i>ld

<i><b>Date of preparation : 28 / 11 / 09 </b></i>

<b>Week 15 : General exercises ( cont )</b>
<b>Exercise 1 : Build a sentence with the words provided.</b>

1. Nguyen Trai / 1380 / born / Thang Long / now call / Hanoi.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>


3. he / devote / all / life / country’s independence / freedom.


4. during / schooldays / he / educate / by father / scholar / village school teacher.


5. he / so brilliant / that / get / Doctor’s degree / age / twenty.


6. he / help / Le Loi / end the Minh aggression.


7. after / victory / he / write / “Binh Ngo Dai Cao” / which / praise / people’s
heroism / and / look forward / bright future / Vietnam.



<b>Exercise 2 : Rewrite the sentences, using the +</b><i><b> adjective</b><b> instead of the</b></i>
<b>underlined phrases.</b>

1. People who have lots of money have comfortable lives.

<i>- The rich have comfortable lives.</i>

2. We live near a special school for people who can’t hear.


3. The old soldiers were holding a service for those who had died.


4. The government should do more for people who do not have enough money.


5. I’m doing a course on caring for people who are mentally handicapped.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>


7. People with severe disabilities need full-time care.


8. Life must be hard for people who do not have a job in our society today.


9. What can we do to feed people who do not have enough to eat ?


10. Braille is a reading system for people who are unable to see.


<b>Exercise 3 : Complete each sentence of the following letter of confirmation:</b>
Dear Trung!

1. Thank you / letter / invite /me / go / Tung Chau / you / family / next weekend.


2. I / like / go / but / here / recommendations / I / like / make.


3. You / remember / Aunt Nga / who / my father / younger sister?


4. She / now / live / Ha Long Bay / and / own / small hotel / there.


5. You / want / me / telephone / her / arrange / accommodation / us.


6. Moreover / think / we / start / trip / early morning.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>


8. Then / we / stop / the way / and / breakfast / roadside restaurant.


9. Let / hope / weather / be fine / during / holiday.


10.I look / forward / hear / you / soon.



<b>Exercise 4 : Rewrite the sentences using in spite of.</b>

1. Although she is an accountant, she never seems to have any money.

<i>- In spite of being an accountant, she never seems to have any money.</i>

2. Although Henry is a millionaire, he hates spending money.


3. Mark went on working although he felt unwell.


4. They slept soundly although the night air was hot.


5. Although she was successful, she felt dissatisfied.


6. Although the boat was full of water, it sailed on.


7. Although the children were poor, they seemed happy.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>


9. I enjoyed the film although the story was silly.


10. He didn’t arrive until 9 o’clock although he promised that he wouldn’t be late.


<b>Exercise 5 : Complete these sentences, using because or because of + one of these</b>
<b>phrases :</b>

the strong wind growing unrest in the country
my computer isn’t working I can hear the waves

flooding on the road the mist

the streets were covered in ice my mother has arrived

her illness prices were falling

1. _____, I won’t be able to meet you on Thursday after all.

<i>- Because my mother has arrived, </i>I won’t be able to meet you on Thursday after


2. She couldn’t complete the work _____.

- She couldn’t complete the work <i>because of her illness</i>.
3. The boat couldn’t put to sea _____.


4. _____, they couldn’t sell their house.


5. I can’t print out the letter _____.


6. When we got to the top of the hill we couldn’t see anything _____.


7. She walked carefully _____.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>


9. The Prime Minister returned home _____.


10. We couldn’t get to his house _____.


<b>Exercise 6 : Complete the sentences with although/ in spite of/ because/ because</b>

1. ____________ the meeting’s at 2.00, I won’t be late to see you.
2. ____________ I told the absolute truth, no one would believe me.

3. The goods were never delivered ____________ the promise we had received.
4. My mother is always complaining ___________ the untidiness of my room.
5. I didn’t get the job ____________ I had all the necessary qualifications.
6. It’s unsafe to travel in that country _____________ the ongoing civil war.
7. The villagers refused to leave ___________ the drought.

8. ____________ everything looked different, I had no idea where to go.

9. __________ his age, John was not hired ___________ he had the necessary

10. You can’t enter this secure area _____________ you don’t have an official


11. ___________ it was sunny, it was quite a cold day.

12. Several people in the crowd became ill and fainted ___________ the extreme

13. ____________ having a bad cough, she was able to sing in the choir.
14. ___________ I had nothing for lunch but an apple, I ate dinner early.
15. Sarah can’t climb up the tree ___________ her fear of heights.

<b>Exercise 7 : Rewrite the sentences below, beginning with the words given.</b>
<b> 1 .Paul said “ I bought a present for my father 2 days ago .”</b>

Paul _________________________________________________________
2. David said to his mother, “ I don’t see your coat here.”

David ________________________________________________________
3. They say to me ‘We will not wait for you at the station’

They _________________________________________________________
4. Mary said to me ‘I have finished my work’

Mary _________________________________________________________
5. She said to him ‘ I found out these glasses yesterday’

6. Daisy says to her teacher ‘ I’m not feeling well today ’

Daisy _________________________________________________________
7. She said ‘ The weather was very cold here last month’

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

He ___________________________________________________________
9. Dick said ‘I’ve just bought a radio cassette but I don’t like it much’

Dick _________________________________________________________
10. She said to us ‘I didn’t finish the work yesterday because I was very busy’

She ___________________________________________________________

<i><b>Date of preparation : 05 / 01 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 1 : Conditional sentence type 2 </b>

I. Objective : help sts to use the point of grammar correctly and exactly as well as
practise doing exercises on the point of grammar above

II. Method : communicative

III. Teaching aids : Lesson plan , reference book
IV. Content

<b>A. Theory</b>
<b>1. Form :</b>

<i><b>If + S + simple past - S + would (could, should, might) + Verb in </b></i>
<i><b>simple form</b></i>

Ex: If I had enough money now, I would buy this house .
Ex: If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing.

<b>2. Usage</b>

The second conditional is used to talk about things which are unreal (not true or not
possible) in the present or the future

It is not used to talk about things that can happen in the present or future.
Ex: If I were you, I would drive more carefully in the rain.

<b>B. Exercises</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

1. If I had a typewriter I ………(type) it myself.
2. If I ………..(know) his address I’d give it to you.
3. He ……….(look) a lot better if he shaved more often.

4. If you ………(play) for lower stakes you wouldn’t lose so much.
5. If he worked more slowly he ………(not make) so many mistakes.
6. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I ………(be) you.

7. More tourist would come to this country if it …………..(have) a better climate.
8. If I were sent to prison you …………(visit) me?

9. If someone………. (give) you a helicopter what would you do with it?
10. I ………….(buy) shares in that company if I had some money.

11. If he …………..(clean) his windscreen he’d be able to see where he going.
12. If you drove your car into the river you ………(be able) to get out.
13. If you …………(not belong) to a union you couldn’t get a good job.
14. If I …………(win) a big prize in a lottery I’d give up my job

15. What you …………(do) if you found a burglar in your house

16. If my grandfather ...(be) still alive, he would be a hundred today.
17. I ... (offer) to give you a lift if I had my car here.
18. Where ... (you/ choose) if you could live anywhere in the world?
19.If you... (drive) from London to Glasg<sub>ow, which way would you go?</sub>

20. .If I... (live) out of town, I...(take) up the garden.
21. We... (not have) any money if we...(not work).

22. I... (not mind) living in England if the weather... (be) better.
23. If I were you, I... (not wait), I...(go) now.

24. If we...(have) more reliable car, we...(drive) to Spain rather than fly.
25. If Mr Morgan... (be) still head teacher, he ... (not permit) such bad

<i><b>Exercise 2</b> : <b> </b><b>Comment on these situations. Use a type 2 conditional</b></i>.
1. Alan always overeats at lunch because he never eats breakfast.

<i>If Alan cite breakfast, he wouldn't overeat at lunch. </i>

2. I don't know enough about the machine, so I can't mend it myself.

3. I don't ride the bus to work every morning because it's always so crowded.

4. Not enough money is spent on cancer research, so a prevention has not been found.

5. The wind is blowing hard. so I won't take the boat out for a ride.

6. Nick can't find the way because he hasn't got a map.

7. Schroeder ignores Lucy. so she g<sub>ets angry at him.</sub>


8. I can't look the word up because I haven't got a dictionary.

9. Linus is smart, so he finds clever solutions to life's problems.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<i><b>Exercise 3: Complete these conversations. Put the verbs in brackets into the first or</b></i>

<i><b>second conditional.</b></i>
1. A: We're not late, are we?

B: No. We ...(be) fine if we... (leave) in the next ten

2. A Come on. can't you and Anne be friends?

B: No, I... (speak) to her again unless she ...(say) sorry
for what she's done.

3. A :So you think it's my fault that I feel so tired?

B:Yes, you ...(feel) much better if you (go) to bed at a
reasonable time.

4. A: What's your idea of the most perfect place for a holiday?
B: I think I ... (go) to the Seychelles if I (have) the

5.A: Do you and your brother get together very often?

B: No, we ... (see) each other -more if we ...
(live) closer, but he lives in Scotland.

6. A: Is it going to be a big party?

B: Yes, if most people... (come), there ...(be) about 100 of us.

7. A Let's go to the beach.

B: No, it's too cold. If it... (be) warmer, I... (not
mind) going to the beach.

8. A: I don't know what happened to my dictionary. I've looked
everywhere for it.

B: What... (you/ do) if you ... (not find) it?

9.A Do you have any plans for next year?

B: Well, I... (travel) if I... (can afford) it. But I don't
have any money.

9. A: Why do you read newspapers?

B: Well, if I ... (not read) newspapers, I ...(not
know) what was happening in the world.

<i><b>Exercise 4 : Choose the correct completion.</b></i>

1. I'm not an astronaut. If I...an astronaut, I ... my

camera with me on the rocket ship.

a. am/ will take b. was/ would take

c. were/ had taken d. was/ would have


2. Don't throw aerosol into a fire. An aerosol ... if you ... it into a fire.
a. will be exploded/ throw b. would explode/ threw

c. explodes/ will .throw d. can explode/ throw
3. That sounds like a good offer. I...it if I...you.

a. had accepted/ were b. will accept/ am

c. would accept/ were d. accepted' were

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

Your welcome to borrow it.

a. brought .b. would bring c. will bring d. brings

3. If energy ...inexpensive and unlimited, many things

in the world would be different.

a. is b. was c. had been d. would be

5. If you ... all of my questions, I ... anything to help you.

a. don't answer/ can't do b. didn't answer/ won't do

c. wouldn't answer/ can't do b. wouldn't answer/ couldn't do

4. If I ... wings,... take an airplane to fly home.

a. have/ won't have to b. had/ wouldn't


c. have/ will have to d. had/ didn't have


5. 'Here's my phone' number.

'Thanks, I ...you a call if I ... some help.

a. will give/ will need b. would give/


c. give/ need d. will give/ need

6. If we ...serious about pollution, we ... more money on

a. had been/ spent b. were/ had spent

c. were/ would spend d. are/ will spend

7. Sea water is salty. If the oceans...of fresh water,

there ... plenty of water to irrigate all of the deserts in the

a. consisted/ would be b. consisted/ were

c. would consist/ could be d. consist/ will be

<i><b>Exercise 5 : Complete these sentences with </b><b> should/ shouldn't + infinitive </b><b> (or a </b></i>
<i><b>passive form) using one of these verbs: </b>include, keep, meet, refrigerate-ate„stay,</i>
<i>break, tell, warn, take, play.</i>

<i>1. </i>Those boys ... football on the street. It's very dangerous.
2. This medicine ... in a cool place.

3. You...him about this deal. It's supposed to be absolutely confidential.
4. Here's someone y<sub>ou really ...</sub>

5. She... in bed all day unless she's ill.

6. According to the label, the jam... after opening.

7. You'll catch cold if you go out like that. I think you ...a hat.
8. People ...of the danger of swimming off this beach.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

Ngày .. tháng .. năm 2010
Duyệt của tổ chuyên môn

<i><b>Date of preparation : 09 / 01 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 2: The passive voice</b>

I. Objectives : help sts to use the passive voice correctly and exactly as well as
practise doing exercises

II. Method : communicative

III. Teaching aids : Lesson plan, references book, …
IV. Content

<b>A. Theory</b>

<b>The general formation : Active : S + V + O </b>
<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Passive : S + tobe + P2 + by …</b></i>
<b>1. Passive voice with simple present.</b>

Active : S + V / Vs/es + O

<i><b> </b></i>

Passive : S + is / are / am + P2 + by ….
<b>2. Passive voice with present progressive.</b>

Active : S + is /are / am + V- ing + O

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

<b>3. Passive voice with present perfect.</b>

Active : S + have / has + P2 + O

<i><b> </b></i>
Passive : S + have / has + been + P2 + by ….
<b>4. Passive voice with simple past.</b>

Active : S + Ved / V- irregular + O

<i><b> </b></i>
Passive : S + was / were + P2 + by …..

<b>5. Passive voice with past progressive.</b>

Active : S + was / were + V- ing + O

<i><b> </b></i>
Passive : S + was / were + being + P2 + by ….

<b>6. Passive voice with past perfect.</b>

Active : S + had + P2 + O

<i><b> </b></i>
Passive : S + had + been + P2 + by …

<b>7. Passive voice with simple future.</b>

Active : S + will / shall / can / may … + V + O

<i><b> </b></i>
Passive : S + will / shall / can / may … + be + P2 + by …

<b>8. Passive voice with “tobe going to”</b>

Active : S + is / are / am + going to + V- bare infinitive + O
<i><b> </b></i>
Passive : S + is / are / am + going to be + P2 + by ….

<b>9. Passive voice with Modal verbs.</b>

Active : S + modal verb + V- bare infinitive + O

Passive : S + modal verb + be + P2 + by …

<b>B. Exercises</b>

<i><b>Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.</b></i>

1. Sheila is drinking a cup of coffee.

2. My father is washing the car. .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

3. Farmer Joe is milking the cows.

4. She is taking the picture of him.

5. I am writing a poem.

6. We are not playing football. .

7. He is not wearing a tire.

8. Is she preparing a party ?

9. Are they talking about the meeting ?
10. Is she watering the flowers ? .

11. He opens the door.

12. We set the table.

13. She pays a lot of money. .

14. I draw a picture. .


15. They wear blue shoes.

16. They don’t help you.

17. He doesn’t open the book.

18. You do not write the letter.

19. Does your mum pick you up ?

20. Does the police officer catch the thief ?

21.Somebody hit me .

22.We stopped the bus .

23. A thief stole my car .

24. They didn't let him go .


25. She didn't win the prize.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

26. They didn't make their beds .

27. I didn’t reply his letter.

28. Did you tell them ?

29. Did he send the letter ?

30.Kerrie has paid the bill.

31.I have eaten a hamburger.

32. We have cycled five miles.

33. I have opened the present.

34.They have not read the book.

35.You have not sent the parcel.

36. We have not agreed to this issue.

37.They have not caught the thieves.

38.Has she phoned him?

39.Have they noticed us?

40.Jane will buy a new computer.

41.Her boyfriend will install it.

42.Millions of people will visit the museum .

43.Our boss will sign the contract.

44.You will not do it.

45.They will not show the new film.

46.He won't see Sue.

47.They will not ask him.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

48.Will the company employ a new worker?
49.Will the plumber repair the shower?

50.I can answer the question.

51.She would carry the box.

52.You should open the window. .

53.We might play cards.

54.You ought to wash the car.

55.He must fill in the form.


56.They need not buy bread.

57. He could not read the sentence .

58.Will the teacher test our English?

59.Could Jenny lock the door?

60.John collects money.

61.Anna opened the window.

62.We have done our homework.

63. I will ask a question.

64. He can cut out the picture.

65. The sheep ate a lot.


66.We do not clean our rooms.

67.William will not repair the car .

68.Did Sue draw this circle?

69.Could you feed the dog?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

70.I had worn blue shoes.

71.Joe had cleaned the tables.

72.We had lost the key.

73.They had started a fight.

74.I had been reading an article .

75.I had not closed the window.

76.They had not bought the paper.

77.She had not noticed me.

78.Had she solved the problem?

79. Had he recorded that song?

80.He was playing the guitar.


Ngày .. tháng .. năm 2010
Duyệt của tổ chuyên môn
<i><b>Date of preparation : 28 / 01 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 3: Conditional sentences – type 3 </b>

I. Objective : to help sts review, use conditional sentence correctly and exactly, as
well as practise doing exercise

II. Method : communicative
III. Teaching aid : Lesson plan
IV. Content

<b>A. Theory</b>

<b>Conditional sentences type III ( unreal / not true in the past )</b>
+ an action or thing can not happen in the past.

Ex : If he had taken his father’s advice yesterday, he would not have got wet.

If - clause Main clause

S + V( had done ) S + V ( would have done )
<b>B. Exercises </b>

<b>Exercise 1 : Put the verb in brackets into the correct tenses.</b>
1. If I had known that you were in hospital I (visit) you.
2. The ground was very soft. But for that, my horse (win).
3. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.

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5. But for his quickness I (be) killed.

6. I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes.
7. If he had slipped he (fall) 500 meters.

8. If he had asked you, you (accept)?

9. If I (had) a map I would have been all right.

10. If I (know) that you were coming I’d have baked a cake.
11. I (offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill.
12. If you had left that wasp alone it (not sting) you.

13. If I (realize) what a bad driver you were I wouldn’t have come with you.
14. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I (stop).

15. But for the fog we (reach) our destination ages ago.

16. If you had taken care of your children,they might (be) more confident.
17. If he had worked hard, he could (earn) enough money

18. If I hadn't cut my hair,it would (be) longer.

19. If the student had spoken politely,the teacher (would/not /be) angry.
20. You wouldn’t have seen the film if you………..(come) late.
21. You……….. (hit) the wall if you hadn’t stopped the car.

22. They would have called you if they………. (have) your telephone

23. The company wouldn’t have cut the trees if we……….(protest).
24. If they had paid attention, they………(learn) the lesson.

25. We………..(go) to the movies, if we had had money.
26. If we had stored the information, we ……….(save) time.
27. You would have found your book if you ……….. (look) for it.
28. If she had helped me, I ………(finish) my homework.
29. If it ……….(be) sunny, we would have gone to the beach.
30. They……….(see) the film if they had come earlier.
<b>Exercises 2: Supply correct form of the verbs in parentheses</b><i>.<b> </b></i>
1. What you (do) if I hadn’t lend you the money?

2. If you had asked me for ticket, I (get) you some tickets.
3. I (not marry) him If I had known what he was like.

4. I wouldn’t have hired a car if I (know) how expensive it was.

5. If we (go) to the cinema earlier, we wouldn’t have missed the start of the film.
6. If I had been born a year earlier, I (have) to do military service.

7. If you (ask) me , I would have lend you my car.
8. If I had gone to university, I (get) a better job.

9. I (not go) out yesterday , If you had asked me not to.
10. I could have given you a lift if my car (not break) down.
11. I (not go) to Britain if I had known what was going to happen.
12. I would have stay longer if he( want) me to.

13. I (not come) to this school if I had known it was like.

14. We would have gone to his party if we be able to find a baby – sister.
15. . I (visit ) you in the hospital if I had known you were there.

<b>Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses</b>
1.I might have enough time tonight.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

→ If the weather(be) good, I(go) for a five - mile - walk.
3. Mary didn’t come to my party last week.

→ If she (come) to my party, she (meet) my friends.
4. Snow is predicted for tomorrow.

→ If it (snow) tomorrow, I( stay) at home.
5. Jack didn’t study for the test.

→ If he( study), he( pass) it.
6. Air plane tickets are expensive.

→ If they( be) cheap, I (fly) to Ho Chi Minh city for weekend.
7. May be the weather will be nice tomorrow.

→ If the weather( be) nice, I( go) for a long walk.
8. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough money.

→ If I( have) enough money, I( buy) a ticket to the rock concert.
9. I didn’t know it was your birthday yesterday.

→ If I( know) it was your birthday yesterday. I (get) you a present.
10. I’m tired.

→ If I (be not) tired, I( help) you.

11. I have a cold today but I probably feel better tomorrow.
→ I If I (feel) better tomorrow, I (go) to class.

12. I didn’t know that Bob was sick.

→ If I (know) that he was sick, I (take) him some chicken soup.
13. i may have a dollar. Let me look in my wallet.

→ If I( have) a dollar, I (lend ) it to you.

14. I know that you don’t want to go to movie tonight.
→ I If you( want) to go to the movie, I (go) with you.

15. Why didn’t you tell me when your plane was supposed to arrive?
→ If you (tell) me, I( pick) you up at the airport.

16. May be I will buy a car.

→ If I( buy) a car, I (drive) to Hanoi with my girl friend.
17. What would you do if you were a cat?

→ If I( be) a cat, I( jump) into your lab.
18. You study hard.

→ If you study hard, you have good grades.

19. My wife and I want to buy a house, but houses are too expensive.
→ We (buy) a house if we( have) enough money for a down payment.
20. I’m sorry that you didn’t come to the party.

→ If you( come), you (have) a good time.
<b>Exercise 4 : Fill in with the right verb tense: </b>

1- If we had been here, we _____________________________(can help) you.
2- She will ask you if she ________________________(need) help.

3- I ___________________________(ask) her t go if I had thought of it.
4- I _____________________________(try) to visit her if I had time.

5- The reporter____________________________(write) about it if he has enough

6- What _________she________________________(do) if she had known the truth?

7- He________________________(like) my play if he read it.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

10- You _______________________(have) seven years of bad luck if you break a

11- If a man _______________________(can be) in two places at one time, I´d be
with you.

12- ____________________(not stay) out if it starts to rain hard.

13- In case anyone calls me, _________________(tell) that I will not be home at

<b>Exercise 5 : Match the columns:</b>

1- If it is possible,…(___) a- if you had asked for more money.
2- Nothing could happen …(___) b- if he had a day off?

3- If anyone calls me,…(___) c- we will come for dinner.
4- Where might he go …(___) d- he would be happier.
5- He´d have said no …(___) e- if she didn´t help us.

6- Had I seen him there,…(___) f- tell that I will be back after noon.
7- Were she here, …(___) g- I would have left the room at once.
<b>Exercise 6 : Turn into the two other Conditional Sentences:</b>

1- If you feel tired, you may rest anywhere here.

2- I could sweep the room if you bought a new broom.
3- I will turn my computer off it the weather is stormy.

4- What would have happened if he had remained in that heavy rain?
5- If you didn´t know how to do it, I would teach you .

Exercise 7 : Choose the best answer

1. If I ______ the bus this afternoon, I will get a taxi instead.

A. miss B. will miss C. missed D. had


2. `We’ll have to go without John if he ______ soon.

A. won’t arrive B. will arrive C. arrives D. doesn’t

3. If I make some coffee, _____ the cake?

A. do you cut B. will you cut C. are you cutting D. don’t you

4. If you ______ your homework, I _____ you watch TV.

A. won’t do/ let B. did/ won’t let C. don’t do/ won’t let D. won’t do/
don’t let

5. If you _____ this switch, the computer _____ on.

A. press/ comes B. will press/ comes C. press/ can come D. have

pressed/ will comes

6. ____ you, I would think twice about that decision. It could be a bad move.

A. If I am B. should I be C. were I D. if I had


7. “Would you like some cake?”- “no thanks. If I ________ cake, I ______ fat.”
A. ate/ will get B. ate/ would get C. would eat/could get D. am
eating/ will get

8. Pam broke her arm in the accident. It____ much worse if she hadn’t been wearing
her seat belt.

A. will be B. would have been C. was D. were

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

A. were/ would have quit B. am/ will quit C. was/ must quit D. were/
would quit

10.“John went to the hospital alone.”- “Did he? If he_____ me with him.”
A. told/ would go B. told/ might have gone
C. had told/ could go D. had told/ would have gone
11.“My car broke down when I was leaving Tan Chau ”. – “_____, we’d _____ you

A. if we had known/ pick B. had we known/ had picked
C. if we’d known/ picked D. if we knew/ pick

12.“I don’t know whether to take that job or not”- “_____ you, I _____ it. ”

A. if I had been/ would have taken B. should I be/ will take
C. if I were/would have taken D. were I/ would take

13.“ You look tired ”- “well, if you ____ me up in the middle of the night, I _____ so

A. didn’t wake/ wouldn’t have been B. hadn’t woken/ wouldn’t be
C. hadn’t woken/ wouldn’t have been D. don’t wake/ won’t be

Ngày .. tháng .. năm 2010
Dut cđa tỉ chuyªn m«n
<i><b>Date of preparation : 18 / 02 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 4: review </b>

I. Objective : to help sts review all points of grammars through doing exercises
II. Method : communicative

III. Teaching aid : Lesson plan
IV. Content

<b>Exercise 1 : Fill the gaps with the correct tenses (active or passive voice).</b>

1.In the year 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian (visit) his provinces in Britain.
2.On his visit, the Roman soldiers (tell ) him that Pictish tribes from Britain's north

(attack ) them.

3.So Hadrian (give) the order to build a protective wall across one of the narrowest

parts of the country.

4.After 6 years of hard work, the Wall (finish) in 128.
5.It (be) 117 kilometres long and about 4 metres high.
6.The Wall (guard) by 15,000 Roman soldiers.

7.Every 8 kilometres there (be) a large fort in which up to 1,000 soldiers (find)


8.The soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check) the people who

(want) to enter or leave Roman Britain.

9.In order to pass through the Wall, people (must go) to one of the small forts that

(serve) as gateways.

10.Those forts (call) milecastles because the distance from one fort to another (be)

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11.Between the milecastles there (be) two turrets from which the soldiers (guard) the

12.If the Wall (attack) by enemies, the soldiers at the turrets (run) to the nearest
milecastle for help or (light) a fire that (can / see) by the soldiers in the milecastle.
13.In 383 Hadrian's Wall (abandon) .

14.Today Hadrian's Wall (be ) the most popular tourist attraction in northern

15.In 1987, it (become) a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

<b>Exercise 2 : Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use</b> <i><b>Simple Present</b>,</i>

<i><b>Simple Past</b>, <b>Present Perfect Simple, Future</b></i>
1.She (go) to school in Boston.

2.He (sell) cars.
3.The blue car (sell) .

4.She (call) her grandparents every Friday.
5.The letters (type) .

6.He (take) his medicine every day.

7.Jane (take / not) to school by her father.
8. She (work / not) for a bank.

9.Milk (keep) in the refrigerator.
10.Antony (grow up) in the country.
11.My friend Paul (bear) in Dallas.
12.They (visit) their granny.

13.We (visit) by our teacher.
14.She (go) to school in Boston.
15.Antony (grow up) in the country.

16.The film (produce / not) in Hollywood.
17.Barbara (know) James very well.

18.The jewels (hide / not) in the cellar.
19.We (spend / not) all day on the beach.
20. She (work / not) for a bank.

21.The trees (cut) down.

22. My mother ( take ) me to the movies last night.
23.The car (steal) .

24.I (bake) a cake.
25. I (eat) an ice-cream.
26.My friends (buy) a house.
27.The cup (put) on the table.
28.Trees (plant) in the street.
29.The boy (fall / not) off his bike.
30.I (bite / not) by a snake.

31.He (step) on my toe.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

33.The letters (type) .

34.The new shopping centre (build) last year.
35.The house (build) here.

36.You (send) home.
37.We (go) home now.
38. I (help) you.

39.The match (win / not) by our team.
40.The weather (improve / not) tomorrow.

41.The meeting (cancel / not) .

42.They (do / not) that again.
43.We (go) to school by bus.
44. She (pick up / not) by a friend.

<b>Exercise 3 : Choose the correct relative pronoun</b>
1. This is the bank ………….. was robbed yesterday.
2. The man ……….robbed the bank had two pistols.

3. He wore a mask ………made him look like Mickey Mouse.
4. He came with a friend …………..waited outside in the car.
5. The woman …………gave him the money was young.
6.The bag …………..contained the money was yellow.

7. The people ………….were in the bank were very frightened.
8. The man …………..drove the car was nervous.

9. He didn't wait at the traffic lights …………..were red.
10. This is the dog …………..barks every night.

<b>Exercise 4 : Combine the sentences using relative clauses without relative </b>
<i><b>pronouns (contact clauses).</b></i>

1. We bought a car last week. The car is blue.

→ The car ……….
2. The girl is a singer. We met her at the party.

→ The girl ……….

3. The bananas are on the table. George bought them.
→ The bananas ……….
4. We watched a film last night. It was really scary.
→ The film ………
5. I have to learn new words. They are very difficult.
→ The new words ………..
6. I am reading a book at the moment. It is very interesting.
→ The book ……….
7. You live in a town. The town is very old.

→ The town ……….
The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday.

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8. The football match was very exciting. My friend played in it.
→ The football match ………
9. The letter hasn't arrived yet. I posted it three days ago.

→ The letter ………
10. He lives in a house. The house is not very big.

→ The house ……….
11. Jane wore a beautiful shirt yesterday. Did you see it?
→ Did you see ………..
12. Sue is going out with a boy. I don't like him.

→ I don't like ……….
<b>Exercise V. Multiple choices</b>

1. Peter works for a company………makes computers.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

2. What is the name of the girl………bicycle was stolen.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

3. The children, ………parents work late, are taken home by bus.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

4. She doesn’t understand………I am saying.

A. which B. who C. whom D. what

5. The place ………we spent our holiday was really beautiful.

A. which B. who C. in where D. where

6. He will take us to the town………we can see old temples.

A. which B. where C. whom D. in where

7. I don’t like stories………have an unhappy ending.

A. that B. who C. whom D. whose

8. They would like to live in a country………there is plenty of snow
in winter.

A. which B. where C. whom D. in where

9. They took her to the International Hospital, ………is only a mile

A. which B. who C. whom D. what

10.My uncle, ………you met at the party, is a lawyer.

A. which B. who C. whom D. that

11.Dien Bien Phu is the place………our army won resounding
victory in 1954.

A. which B. that C. what D. where

12.The woman………son is studying at Hanoi University of
Technology is a teacher.

A. that B. whose C. which D. who

13.Hue city, ………is an old capital, attracts millions of tourists
every year.

A. which B. who C. whom D. that

14.This is the school ………my father used to teach.

A. which B. that C. what D. where

15.A pilot is a person………flies a plane.

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Ngày .. tháng .. năm 2010
Duyệt của tổ chuyên môn
<i><b>Date of preparation : 28 / 02 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 5 : - Wh – questions ;to + infinitive to talk about purpose</b>
<b> </b>

I. Objective : help sts practise doing exercise on the point of gammar
II. Method : communicative

III. Teaching aid : Lesson plan
IV. Contents

<b>Exercise 1 : Complete the sentence with a suitable verb in the list, using to </b>
<i><b>infinitive or in order/ so as (not) + to-infinitive</b>: admire, reduce, cut. .find, </i>
<i>remem-ber, listen, lose, make, miss, take, protect, wake up, complete, be, avoid.</i>

1. 1 am going on a diet …………. weight.

1. The President has a team of bodyguard ……….. him.
2. Mike hid behind the tree ………… by his friends.

4: We took off our boots ………. the floor dirty.

5. We wrote Betty's name on the calendar ………… her birthday.
6. The government took these measures …………. crime.

7. The staff are working at weekends ………… the project in time.
8. She gave up her job ………….. care of her mother.

9. I shut the door quietly ………… the baby.
5. She took a bus ……… late.

6. He turned on the radio ………… to the news.

10.______________________________________________________________After dinner we drove to the

top of a hill outside the city ………. the sunset.

7. Leave early ……….. the bus.

8. I carried the knife carefully ………. myself.

9. We went to the countryside ………… being disturbed by the noise of the city.

<b>Exercirse II. Choose the correct alternative.</b>

1. The school boys are in a hurry not to / in order not miss their school bus.
2. They were talking in whispers so that/ so as nobody could hear them.
3. My mother needs a tin opener to open/ for opening the bottles.

4. Advice is given in order that/ in order to students can choose the best course.
5. You may put your money in a small coin bank so that / in order to keep it safe.
6. We wrote Katie's name on the calendar so as not to/ so that not forget her birthday
7. 'She stayed at work late in order to/ so that she could complete the report.

8. I need some new clothes. I haven't got anything nice to wear/ in order to wear.
9. The new paint. is excellent to cover/ for covering walls with cracks in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

traffic noise.

<b>Exercise III. Make questions for the underlined words/ phrases in the following </b>

1. Jackson will captain the team if Nick isn't available.

2. My sister is a pianist.

3. I often listen to classical music to relax my mind.

4. The Bach concert lasted four hours.

5. We prefer pop music to classical music.

6. There were about 90 to 100 people at the concert last night.

7. I passed Mark’s house early in the morning.

8. The concert last night was great.

9. My English teacher is very tall and blond.

10. My favorite musician is Trinh Cong Son.

11. The opera was first performed in 1992.

12. Music can help relax and feel rejuvenated.

13. We take a holiday once a year.

14. The concert are usually held at the university.

15. I like classical music.

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<b>Exercise IV. People aren't giving you enough information. Ask questions. </b>

1. Something has happened. …….. Oh? What has happened?
2. I've invited someone to tea…….. Well?

3. The doctor has some children………. Really?
4. Somebody is having a party. ……… Oh, really?
5. My friend's uncle has died. ……... What's that?

6. Rachel is planning something. ……… Is she?
7. A lot Of money was stolen last night ………… Oh?

8. You can keep those photos. …….. Photos?

9. The meeting will last long. ……. Yes, I know, but?
10. I'm looking for someone. …….. Maybe I can help.

11. Jessica will get back from Denver someday ……. Really?
12. We are going to somewhere on weekends. …… Go on, tell me.

<b>Exercise V. Choose the correct answer – a, b, c, or d - that best-completes each </b>
<b>sentence. </b>

1. The staff are .working at weekend ... delay the project any further.

a. so that not to b. not to c. so as not to d. for not

2. The soft background music made her ... sleepy.

a. feel b. to feel c. feeling d. feels.

2. 'This movie is boring and too violent.' `I agree. ... leave?'

a. Will we b. Why don't we c. Must we d. Would we

3. 'Let's go to the Riverton this weekend. 'Sounds like fun. ... from here?'

a. How far is b. How far it is c. It's how far d. How far is. it

4. Did the teacher explain how ... this problem?

a. do we solve b. can we solve c. to solve d. solve

3. That book is about a famous anthropologist. It's about the people in Samoa ...

for two years.

a. that she lived b. that she lived among them
c. among whom she lived d. where she lived among, them
7. Would you please.<sub> remember ... away all the tapes when you're finished </sub>

listening to them?

a. putting <sub>b. to put</sub> <sub>c. put</sub> <sub>d. be put</sub>

8. I was enjoying my book. but I stopped ... a program on TV.

a. reading to watch b. to read to watch

c. to read for watching d. reading for


9. ... to music is a great way to relax.

a. To listen b. Listening c. Listen d. Listened
10. post the card today ... there on my mother's birthday.

a. to get it b. in order to get it c. so as it g<sub>ets</sub> <sub>d. so that it gets</sub>
11. Maria is g<sub>oing to stop ... dinner, so she may be late.</sub>

a. eating b. for eating c. to eat d. eat

12. This heater is ... the plants warm in winter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

13.Do you know ...? myself have no idea.

a. how Many years the earth is b. how old the earth is

c. how long is the earth d. how much time has been the earth

14.1 bought this new software ... Chinese.

a. for learning . b. learning c. to learn d. learned

15.She hid the present ...

a. so that the children wouldn't find it b. in order to the children not to find it
c. for the children not find it d. in order that the children not to fins it

Ngày .. tháng .. năm 2010
Duyệt của tổ chuyên môn

<i><b>Date of preparation : 03 / 03 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 6 + 7 : A / an / the</b>

I. Objectives : help sts use the articles correctly and exactly as well as practise doing
exercises on articles

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<b>A. Theory</b>

<b>3. Cách dùng quán từ không xác định "a" và "an" </b>

- Dùng a hoặc an trước một danh từ số ít đếm được. Chúng có nghĩa là một. Chúng
được dùng trong câu có tính khái quát hoặc đề cập đến một chủ thể chưa được đề cập
từ trước.

Ex : A ball is round. (nghĩa chung, khái quát, chỉ tất cả các quả bóng)

I saw a boy in the street. (chúng ta không biết cậu bé nào, chưa được đề cập
trước đó)

<b>3.1 Dùng “an” với: </b>

- Quán từ <i>an</i> được dùng trước từ bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm (trong cách phát âm, chứ
không phải trong cách viết). Bao gồm:

· Các từ bắt đầu bằng các nguyên âm a, e, i, o: an aircraft, an empty glass, an object
· Một số từ bắt đầu bằng u, y: an uncle, an umbrella

· Một số từ bắt đầu bằng h câm: an heir, haft an hour
· Các từ mở đầu bằng một chữ viết tắt: an S.O.S/ an M.P
<b>3.2. Dùng “a” với: </b>

- Dùng <i>a</i> trước các từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm. Chúng bao gồm các chữ cái còn lại
và một số trường hợp bắt đầu bằng u, y, h. VD: a house, a university, a home party, a
heavy load, a uniform, a union, a year a income,...

· Đứng trước một danh từ mở đầu bằng "uni..." phải dùng "a" (a university/ a
uniform/ universal/ union)

(Europe, eulogy (lời ca ngợi), euphemism (lối nói trại), eucalyptus (cây khuynh diệp)
· Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lượng nhất định như: a lot of/a great deal of/a
couple/a dozen.

· Dùng trước những số đếm nhất định thường là hàng ngàn, hàng trăm như a/one
hundred - a/one thousand.

· Dùng trước "half" (một nửa) khi nó theo sau một đơn vị nguyên vẹn: a kilo and a
half, hay khi nó đi ghép với một danh từ khác để chỉ nửa phần (khi viết có dấu gạch
nối): a half - share, a half - holiday (ngày lễ chỉ nghỉ nửa ngày).

· Dùng với các đơn vị phân số như 1/3 a/one third - 1/5 a /one fifth.

· Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ giá cả, tốc độ, tỉ lệ: $5 a kilo, 60 kilometers an hour, 4
times a day.

<b>3.3 Cách dùng quán từ xác định "The" </b>

- Dùng <i>the</i> trước một danh từ đã được xác định cụ thể về mặt tính chất, đặc điểm, vị
trí hoặc đã được đề cập đến trước đó, hoặc những khái niệm phổ thơng, ai cũng biết.
Ex : The boy in the corner is my friend. (Cả người nói và người nghe đều biết đó là
cậu bé nào)

The earth is round. (Chỉ có một trái đất, ai cũng biết)

- Với danh từ không đếm được, dùng the nếu nói đến một vật cụ thể, khơng dùng the
nếu nói chung.

Ex : Sugar is sweet. (Chỉ các loại đường nói chung)

The sugar on the table is from Cuba. (Cụ thể là đường ở trên bàn)

- Với danh từ đếm được số nhiều, khi chúng có nghĩa đại diện chung cho một lớp các
vật cùng loại thì cũng không dùng <i>the</i>.

Ex : Oranges are green until they ripen. (Cam nói chung)

Athletes should follow a well-balanced diet. (Vận động viên nói chung)
<b>4. Sau đây là một số trường hợp thông dụng dùng The theo quy tắc trên: </b>
· The + danh từ + giới từ + danh từ: The girl in blue, the Gulf of Mexico.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

· Dùng cho những khoảng thời gian xác định (thập niên): In the 1990s

· The + danh từ + đại từ quan hệ + mệnh đề phụ: The man to whom you have just
spoken is the chairman.

· The + danh từ số ít tượng trưng cho một nhóm thú vật hoặc đồ vật: The whale =
whales (lồi cá voi), the deep-freeze (thức ăn đơng lạnh)

· Đối với <i>man</i> khi mang nghĩa "loài người" tuyệt đối không được dùng the: Since
man lived on the earth ...(kể từ khi loài người sinh sống trên trái đất này)

· Dùng trước một danh từ số ít để chỉ một nhóm, một hạng người nhất định trong xã
hội: The small shopkeeper: Giới chủ tiệm nhỏ/ The top offcial: Giới quan chức cao

· The + adj: Tượng trưng cho một nhóm người, chúng khơng bao giờ được phép ở số
nhiều nhưng được xem là các danh từ số nhiều. Do vậy động từ và đại từ đi cùng với
chúng phải ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều: The old = The old people;

The old <i>are</i> often very hard in their moving

· The + tên gọi các đội hợp xướng/ dàn nhạc cổ điển/ ban nhạc phổ thông: The Back
Choir/ The Philharmonique Philadelphia Orchestra/ The Beatles.

· The + tên gọi các tờ báo (khơng tạp chí)/ tàu biển/ các khinh khí cầu: The Times/
The Titanic/ The Hindenberg

· The + họ của một gia đình ở số nhiều = <i>giađình nhà</i>: The Smiths = Mr/ Mrs Smith
and children

· Thông thường không dùng the trước tên riêng trừ trường hợp có nhiều người hoặc
vật cùng tên và người nói muốn ám chỉ một người cụ thể trong số đó:

Ex : There are three Sunsan Parkers in the telephone directory. The Sunsan
Parker that I know lives on the First Avenue.

· Tương tự, không dùng "the" trước bữa ăn: breakfast, lunch, dinner:
Ex : We ate breakfast at 8 am this morning.

Trừ khi muốn ám chỉ một bữa ăn cụ thể:

Ex : The dinner that you invited me last week were delecious.

· Không dùng "the" trước một số danh từ như home, bed, church, court, jail, prison,
hospital, school, class,college, university v.v... khi nó đi với các động từ và giới từ
chỉ chuyển động chỉ đi đến đó là mục đích chính hoặc ra khỏi đó cũng vì mục đích

Ex : Students go to school everyday.

The patient was released from hospital.

Nhưng nếu đến đó hoặc ra khỏi đó khơng vì mục đích chính thì dùng "the".
Ex : Students go to the school for a class party.

The doctor left the hospital for lunch.
<b>B. Exercises</b>

<i><b>Exercise 1 : Put in a / an or the</b></i>

1. This morning I bought …… newspaper and magazine. ………… newspaper is in
my bag but I don’t know where I put ……… magazine.

2. I saw …….. accident this morning. ……….car crashed into ….. ….tree. ………
driver of ……car wasn’t hurt but ……. car was badly damaged.

3. There are two cars parked outside: ……blue one and grey one. ……… blue one
belongs to my neighbours; I don’t know who ……. owner of ….. grey one is.

4. My friends live in …… old house in small village. There is ……… beautiful
garden behind ……. House. I would like to have ……. Garden like that.

5. They have got two children: ………boy and ………..girl; ……….girl´s seven and
…………boy´s nine.

6. She´s visiting ……….United States next month.

7. How do you go to ……….work? - I always go by ………..bus.
8. She´s very good at playing ……..piano.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

10. How often does he go to London? - He goes to London once ………year.

11. How much time do you work ………day? - I work seven hours and ………half
every day.

12. ………water is essential for people, but ……….water in this area is polluted, so
we have to buy some.

13. ……….pubs usually close at midnight.

14. Mary has got ……flat on ……….fouth floor and she gets ……..lovely view from

15. We like ……….tea, but we don´t like ………..coffee.

16. ………..flowers and trees grow well in ………wet and sunny climate.

17. My best friend is ……….mechanic, let´s ask him for ………..advice about cars.
18. Yesterday my mother went to ………..school to talk to ………..teachers.

19. I don´t know if we can pay by ……….cheque here.

20. A famous proverb says that ……….apple a day keeps …………doctor away.
21. We went to ……..cinema yesterday, but I didn´t really like …….end of

22. I think she is trvelling tonight. I hope she has ………good time and ………..good

23. ……..most people travel to London by plane.

24. She sometimes goes to …..supermarket and buys some chocolate, she loves
……..chocolate very much.

25. ……friend of mine is expecting …….baby. It it´s ………girl she is going to be
called Angie.

<b>Exercise 2 : Fill in the blanks: a - an - x (no article) :</b>

1.There were many dogs in the park. One dog was ___ Dalmatian.
2.Pandas and ___ tigers are both endangered animals.

3. She is wearing ___ blue dress with red earrings
4. Hawaii is ___ island in the Pacific Ocean.
5. Christmas comes once ___ year.

6. ___ ant is __ insect.
7. The Nile is ___ river.

8. I went to the shop to get ___ bread.

9. He broke ___ glass when he was washing dishes.
10. You should take ___ umbrella.

11. We went by _____ train to _____ west of England.

12. ______ who live in ______ Netherlands are called ______ .
13. ______ judge sent me to _____ prison for ______ ten years.

14. ______ Columbus was one of _____ people to cross _____ Atlantic.
15. As ______ captain of ______ ship, I have _______ complete authority.
16. David learned to play _____ violin when he was at _______ university.
17. ______ Trafalgar Square is near ______ Charing Cross Station.

18. Did you read _____ book I lent you _____ last week?

19. We’ll put up ______ shelves and then go to ______ café for something to eat.
20. Is that ______ present Bill gave you for ______ Christmas.

<b>Exercise 3: Choose the best answer</b>

1. My mother goes to church in ______ morning.

A. x B. every C. the D. a

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

A. a banana B. banana C. the bananas D. any

3. Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at _____ sea.

A. a B. an C. the D. x

4. There are billions of stars in _____ space.

A. a B. an C. x D. the

5. He tried to park his car but _____ space wasn’t big enough.

A. the B. a C. an D. x

6. Can you turn off _____ television, please?

A. the B. a C. an D. x

7. We had _____ dinner in a restaurant.

A. a B. an C. x D. the

8. We had _____ meal in a restaurant.

A. a B. an C. the D. x

9. Thank you. That was ______ very nice lunch.

A. a B. an C. the D.x

10. ______rose is my favourite color.

A. a B. an C. the D. x

11. When was _____ computer invented?

A. a B. an C. the D. x

12. My daughter plays _____ piano very well.

A. the B. a C. an D. x

13. Mary loves _____ flowers.

A. a B. an C. the D. x

14. Jill went to ______ hospital to see her friend.

A. x B. the C. a D. an

15. Mrs Lan went to ______ school to meet her son’s daughter.

A. x B. the C. a D. an

16. Carol went to ______ prison to meet her brother.

A. the B. a C. an D. x

17. Sandra works at a big hospital. She’s _______.

A.nurse B. a nurse C. the nurse D. an


18. She works six days _____ week.

A. in B. for C. a D. x

19. ______ is a star.

A. Sun B. A sun C. The sun D. Suns

20. What did you have for ______ breakfast this morning.

A. x B. a C. an D. the

21. London is _____ capital of England.

A. an B. a C. x D. the

22. When ______ invented?

A. was telephone B. was the telephone C. were telephones D. were a

23. We visited _______ two years ago.

A. Canada and the United States B. the Canada and the United

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

24. Are you going away next week? No, _______ week after next.

A. a B. the C. some D. x

25. We haven’t been to ______ for years.

A. cinema B. the cinema C. a cinema D. any


26. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ______ journey.

A. three hour B. a three- hours C. a three- hour D. three-


27. If you live in _______ foreign country, you should try and learn the language.

A. the B. x C. an D. a

28. Did your train leave from ______ ?

A. the 8 Platform B. an Platform 8 C. some Platform 8 D.
Platform 8

29. I can’t work here. There’s so much ______.

A. noise B. noises C. the noise D. a


30. Do you need ____?

A. an umbrella B. a umbrella C. umbrella D. an


31. I’ve seen ______ good films recently.

A. a B. the C. some D. an

32. I often watch ______ television for two hours every night.

A. some B. the C. any D. x

33. The injured man was taken to _____.

A. hospital B. any hospital C. the hospital D.


34. She went out without _____ money.

A. any B. an C. a D. x

35. Toshi speaks ______ at home.

A. the Japanese B. Japan C. the Japan D.


Ngày .. tháng .. năm 2010
Duyệt của tổ chuyên môn
<i><b>Date of preparation : 03 / 03 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 8 : Review</b>

I. Objective : help sts review the points of grammar from unit 12 to unit 14 and
practise doing exercises

II. Method : communicative
III. Teaching atd : Lesson plan
IV. Content

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

<i>like, play, meet, pass, travel, win.</i>

I. Keep calm!. I think Manchester ... the game.

2. Don't worry about your exam. I'm sure you ...
3. Why don't you try on this dress? It ... nice on
4. You must meet George sometime. I think you
5. It's raining. Don't go out. You ... wet.

6. They've invited me to their house. They ..."offended if I do
7. Good bye. I expect we ... again before long.

8. I've invited Sue to the party but I don't think she ...
9. It now seems unlikely that Webb ... in the match against
2. I think one day people ... to Mars.

<b>Exercise 2 : Complete the conversations. Put in will or be going to with the verbs.</b>
1 . A: Are you two going out?

B: Yes, why?

A: It just said on the radio that ... (it/ snow).
B: Oh, did it? ... (I/ take) my big coat then.

D: Good idea. So ... (I).
2. A: We've run out of biscuits.

B: Yeah, I know. ... (I/ get) some this afternoon. I’ve got them on my

3. A: Jenny's had her baby.

B: Really? That's wonderful! ... (I/ send) her some flowers. ...(I/ visit)
her this afternoon. ...(I/ give) them to her for you if you want.

4: A: Casablanca is on at the Arts Cinema this week.

A: Yes...(I/ see) it with Roger.

A: Oh...

5. A: I haven't got a clean shirt... (you/ wash) one for me?
B: No, ...(I/ not). You can do Your own washing.

6. A: I haven't got enough money to get home.

B: OK. ...(I/ lend) you some if you like. How much do you want?
A: Two pounds is enoug<sub>h. Thanks a lot. ... (I/ give) . It back tomorrow</sub>

7. A: What... (you/ buy) Jill for her birthday? B:ACD.
A:She hasn't got a CD player.

B: Oh... (I/ buy) her a record, then.
8. A: Hello. Where are you going?

B: To my evening class. I'm learning Swedish. And next week ... (I/ have) a
chance to speak it for real. ... (I/ g<sub>o) to Sweden for three weeks.</sub>

<b>Exercise 3 : Put in a/ an or the where necessary. Leave an empty space (-) if </b>
<b>sentence is already complete.</b>

1. I don't usually like staying at ... hotels, but last summer we spent a few
days at... very nice hotel by ... sea.

2. tennis is my favorite sport. I play once or twice ... week if I can, but I'm
not... very good player.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

after ...work and we're going to ... cinema.

4. ... unemployment is very high at the moment and it's very difficult for ...
people to find ... work.

5. There was ... accident as.<sub> I was going ... home last night. Two people </sub>
were taken to ... hospital. I think ...most accidents are caused
by ... people driving too fast.

6. Carol is ... economist. She used to work in ... investment department
of ... Lloyds Bank. Now she works for ...American bank in ... United

7. A: What's ... name of ...hotel where you're staying?

B: ... Imperial. It's in ... Queen Street in ...city center. It's
near ...station.

8. I have two brothers. ... older one is training to be ...pilot with British
Airways. ... younger one is still at………. school. When he leaves ...
school, he hopes to go to... university to study ... law.

<b>Exercise 4 : Read the conversation between Alice and her friend, Jake. </b>

<b>Complete it with the correct form of the words in parentheses. Choose between </b>
<i><b>-ed and – ing participial adjectives.</b></i>

Alice : That was a very (1) ...(interest) movie. What did you think?

Jake : To be honest. I found it kind of (2)...(bore). I'm not that (3) ...
(interest) in science fiction.

Alice : _Really? I find it (4) ... (fascinate). What kind of movie do you enjoy?
Jake: Mostly comedies. Have you seen Home. Again?

Alice: Yes, but J wasn't (5) ... ...(amuse) at all. In fact I thought it was (6) ...
(horrify). The story line was (7) ... (confuse), and I couldn't find any humor
in the characters' problem. When Hell the theater, I felt kind of (8) ...

Jake : I'm (9) ... (amaze) that you felt that way! I thought it was very
(10) ... (amuse).

Alice : Well, I guess it's a matter of taste.

Jake : Speaking of taste, would you like to get a bite to eat?
Alice : Thanks, but it's late and I'm (11) ...(exhaust).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<i><b>Date of preparation : 30 / 03 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 9 : - Non - defining vs. defining relative clauses</b>
<b> - “Although” to connect contrasting ideas</b>

I. Objective : help sts review relative clauses , “although” as well as practise doing

II. Method : communicative
III. Teaching atd : Lesson plan
IV. Content

<b>Exercise 1 : In some of these sentences you can use which/ that or who/ that; in </b>
<b>others, only which or who is possible. Cross out that if only which or who is </b>
<b>possible. Also, put commas (,) where necessary</b>

1. I made an appointment with a doctor who/ that is considered an expert on eye

2. I made an appointment with Dr. Raven who/ that is considered an expert on eye

3. The car which/ that Al bought had had three previous owners, but it was in
excellent condition.

4. My car which/ that I have just bought for three months broke down just outside

5. Bogota which/ that is the capital of Colombia is a cosmopolitan city.

6. They climbed Mount Rainier which/ that is in the State of Washington twice last

7. We thoroughly enjoyed the music which/ that we heard at the concert last night.
8. Violent tropical storms which/ that occur in western Asia are called typhoons.

9. Larry was very close to his only brother who/ that was a famous social historian.
10. I think the waiter Who/ that took our order used to work at Captain Bob's


<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

12. Few tourists ever see a jaguar which/ that is a spotted wild cat.

13. The sun which! that is one of millions of stars in the universe provides us with
heat and light.

14. Mark Twain is an author who/ that is known far and wide as one of the 'greatest
American humorists.

15. Florida which/ that is known as the Sunshine State attracts many tourists every

<b>Exercise 2 : Combine the following sentences by changing the second sentence </b>
<b>into a relative clause. Use commas for non-defining relative clauses. </b>

<b>1. I remember the day. I was afraid to use my new computer then</b>


2. I work in an office. In my office, the software changes frequently.


3. The secretary can give you the information. She sits at the first desk on the right.


4. The Southam Chess Club meets weekly on Friday evenings. It has more than 50


5. Professor Johnson is to visit the university next week. I have long admired him.

6. The playground wasn't used by those children. It was built for those children.

7. People often suffer from backache. Their work involves standing for most of the


8. They climbed up to the top of a large. rock. They got a good view from there.

9. A doctor has had to retire through ill health. We know him.



<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>


11. Thanksgiving is a time. Everyone eats turkey in America then.


12. The island's two million inhabitants have been badly affected by the drought.
Most of the island's inhabitants are peasant farmers.


13. Dr Rowan has had to do all his own typing<sub>. His secretary resigned two weeks </sub>


14. I would like to thank to my tutor. I would never have finished
the work without her.


15. She has now moved back to the house on Long Island. She-
was born there.


16. Scotland have won their last five international matches was
against England.


<b>Exercise 3 : Are these correct or appropriately they are, put a tick (v) are not, </b>
<b>correct them.</b>

1. My brother who is in the army he came to see us.

2.The path was made by walkers who crossed the mountains each summer.

3. John Graham's latest film that is set in the north of Australia is his first for more
than five years.

4. I have to go to the hospital on Monday, this means I won't be able to see you.
5. It's one of the most interesting<sub> books I've read this year.</sub>

6. The building where I used to work in had 24 floors.

7. The reason.<sub> because I didn't know was that no one had told</sub>
8. I didn't know the name of the man helped me.

9. He is now able to beat his father, from who he learned how to play chess.
10. This is the ball Dennis scored three goals with in the final.

11. The airline, which head office is situated in France, has recently begun to fly
between Paris and Lima.

12. I bought the present that I g<sub>ave him it for Christmas in Japan.</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>


14. She is one of the few people to whom 1 look up.

15. The film is about the lives of three women, all of whom are played by Kate

<b>Exercise 4 : Choose the correct completions.</b>

1. a. I like living in the dorm <i>even though/ despite </i>it is noisy.
b. I like living in the dorm <i>although/ in spite of </i>its noise.
c. I like living<sub> in</sub><sub>the dorm although/ </sub><i><sub>despite </sub></i><sub>the </sub>

.fact that it was noisy.

d. I like living in the dorm <i>although/ in spite of </i>there are a lot of noise.

<i>2. </i>a. <i>Although/ In spite of </i>the hot weather, they went jogging in the park.

b. <i>Although/ Despite </i>the weather was extremely hot, they went jogging in the park.

c. <i>Even though/ In spite of </i>the weather that was extremely hot, they went jogging

in the park.

d. They went jogging in the park <i>although/ in spite of </i>the fact that the weather was

3. a. I'm no better <i>although/ in spite of </i>I've taken the pills.
b. I'm no better <i>though/ in spite of </i>the pills I've taken.
c. I'm no better <i>although/ despite </i>taking the pills.

d. I'm no better <i>even though/ despite </i>the fact that I've take the pills.

4. a. <i>Even though/ Despite </i>her doctor warned her, Jane has continued to smoke nearly
three packs of cigarettes a day.

<i>b. Even though/ In spite' of </i>her doctor's warnings, Jane has continued to
smoke nearly three packs of cigarettes a day.

<i>c. Although/ Despite </i>the, warnings the doctor gave her, Jane continues to smoke.

<i>d. Although/ In spite of </i>the fact that her doctor warned her of dangers her health,
Jane continues to smoke.

<i>c. Even though/ In spite of </i>she has been warned about the dangers smoking by her
doctor, Jane continues to smoke.

5. a <i>Although/ In spite of </i>he had practiced for many hours, George failed driving test
for the third time.

<i>b. Although! Despite </i>his many hours of practice, George failed his driving test

<i>c. Although/ In spite of </i>practicing for many hours, George fielding test again.

<i>d. Although/ Despite </i>his father spent hours with him in the car trying to teach him
how to drive, George failed his driving test repeated

e. <i>Although/ In.<sub> spite of </sub></i><sub>his father's efforts to teach him how to George failed his </sub>

driving test again.

6. a <i>Although/ In spite of </i>an approaching storm, the two climbers continued their trek
up the mountain.

<i>b. Although/ In spite of </i>a storm was approaching, the two climbers continued their

<i>c. Although/ In spite of </i>there was an approaching storm, the two climbers
continued up the mountain.

<i>d. Although/ In spite of </i>the storm that was approaching, the two climbers
-continued their trek.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

<b>Exercise 5 : Join each pair of sentences. Be careful where you put the words in </b>
<b>brackets. </b>

1 . This shirt is still dirty. I've washed it twice. (even though)

2. Mark enjoyed his helicopter trip over the Grand Canyon in Arizona. afraid of

heights. (despite)

2. He lost a lot of blood. He is in a stable condition. (in spite of)

3. John had the necessary.<sub> qualifications. He was not hired because of h (even </sub>

though) .

5. She was successful. She felt dissatisfied. (in spite of)

6. They drank from the stream. They knew it was polluted. (although)

7. The villagers refuse to leave. Their food supply is threatened. (despite)

8. Reid failed to score himself. He helped Jones score two goals. (although)

9. My foot was injured. I managed to walk to the nearest village. (in spite of)

10. Brian went ahead with his original plan for the company. Everyone disagreed

with him. (although)


<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

<i><b>Date of preparation : 02 / 04 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 10 : Comparatives & superlatives </b>

I. Objective : to help sts use comparative & superatives correctly and exactly as well
as practise doing exercises

II. Method : communicative
III. Teaching aid : Lesson plan
IV. Content

<i><b>A- Theory. </b></i>

<i><b>1- Comparative ( so sanh hon )</b></i>

S1 + V + adj ( short ) + er + than + S2
S1 + V + more + adj ( long ) + than + S2
Ex: She is smaller than me.

They are taller than us.

He is more beautifull than her sister.

* We use “er” for two- syllable words that end in “- y”

lucky luckier noisy noisier
happy happier funny funnier
easy easier heavy heavier

* We can use “er” or “more” with some two – syllable adjectives, especially: quiet,
clever, narrow, shallow, simple,.

Ex: It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter / more quiet ?
* These adjectives and adverbs have irregular comparative forms:

good / well better
bad / badly worse

far further / farther
<i><b>2- Superlative.( so sanh nhat )</b></i>

<i><b> S + V + the + adj ( short ) + est ( + N ) </b></i>
<i><b> S + V + the most + adj ( long ) ( + N )</b></i>
Ex: Nam is the most intelligent student in my class.
This tree is the smallest in the garden.

* Notes. easy easiest ……

* Some adjs are irregular : good best
bad worst

far further / farther
* We use “in” with places after superlative .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

* We often use “present perfect” after a superlative.
Ex: It’s the best film I’ve ever seen.

* Sometimes, we use “most + adj” to mean “verry”.

Ex: The book you lent me was most interesting.

<i><b>B- Exercises.</b></i>

<i><b>Exercise 1 : Complete the sentences with the adjs in bracket., using comparative.</b></i>
1- They are ( tall ) their father.

2- I am ( thin ) her.

3- The boys ( talkative ) the girls.
4-You are ( lucky ) me.

5- This computer is ( slim ) that one.

6- Long’s hair style is ( modern ) Nam’s hair style.
7- This book is ( thick ) that book.

8- My house is ( large ) Minh’s house.

9- The weather to day is ( bad ) the weather yesterdasy.
10- His mother is ( old ) her mother.

11- Jessica is ( marvelous ) Rose.
12- Tim is ( handsome ) Jack.

13- He is not ( reliable ) his younger brother.
14- This room is ( narrow ) that room.

15- Vegetables which I’ve bought are ( fresh ) one in the fridge.

<i><b>Exercise 2: Complete sentences with the adjective in bracket, using superlative or </b></i>

1- We stayed at ( cheap ) hotel in the town.
2- Our hotel was ( cheap ) the others in the town.

3- The United States is very large, but Canada is ( large ).
4- What’s ( long ) river in the world ?

5- He was bit depressed yesterday but he looks ( happy ) today.
6- It was an awful day. It was the ( bad ) day of my life.

7- What is ( popular ) sport in your country ?

8- Everest is ( high ) mountain in the world. It is ( high ) than any others .

9- We had a great holiday. It was one of the ( enjoyable ) holidays we’ve ever had.
10- What’s ( quick ) way of getting home from the station ?

<i><b>Exercise 3 : Write the superlative form of the words in </b></i>

1. That film was...film I've ever seen. (boring)
2. It's been ... day in London for 35 years. (hot)

3. The telephone is one of...inventions ever. (useful)

4. Some people now consider her to be... figure in British politics.

5. They've got a lot of money. They're ...club in the country. (rich)
6. ... ancient Indian burial ground is near Austin, Texas. (recently/

7. This is ... I've ever got up. (early)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

10. The factory uses...production methods. (modern)

<i><b>Exercise 4 : Choose the right forms in these sentences. In some caste forms are </b></i>

1. Is your house much further/ farther?
2. Who is the oldest/ eldest in this class?
3. Your driving is worse/ worst than mine.
4. Have you heard the last/ latest news?
5. We have no further/ farther information.
6. His last/ latest words were: 'The end'.

7. Trevor spends less/ lesser on clothes than Laura does.
8. His English is gooder / better than mine.

9. It's the better/ best in the shoe.
10. Jane is older/ elder than I am.

11. My elder/ older sister got married last year.
12. Emma made the least/ less mistake!

13. The Hotel Bristol has the more/ most rooms.

14. I haven't got many books. You've got more many/ more than I have

15. Even if the worse/ worst happens, you shouldn't give up hope.

<i><b>Exercise 5 :Complete the text with the comparative or superlative of the adjectives </b></i>
<i><b>in brackets.</b></i>

California is (1)_...(famous) state in the USA. It isn’t (2)... (big)
state; that's Alaska. But it's got (3)...(large) population and it's certainly
(4)...(important) state for the US economy. It's (5) ...(rich) than most
countries in the world. The coast has one of (6) ... (good) climates in. the
USA; it’s (7) ...(warm) and (8) ...(dry) than most place. Some people
would also say it's (9) ...(beautiful) states ! But California has some problems;
Los Angeles has one of (10)... crime rate of any US city.

<i><b>Exercise 6 : Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word wm should</b></i>
<i><b>not be there. If a sentence is correct, put a tick (v).</b></i> <i><b>If incorrect, cross the</b></i>
<i><b>unnecessary word out of the sentence</b></i>

1. I've got the least powerful computer in the world.
2. London is more biker than Birmingham.

3. Silver isn't as expensive as gold.
4. Indian food is the nicer than Chinese.

5. The telephone is one of the most useful inventions ever.
6. I feel much more better now, thank you.

7. The longer you wait, so the harder it'll be.
8. The piano is heavier than the sofa.

9. This is the most quickest way to the hotel.

10. You're taller than he is.

11. Who is the cleverest student in of the class?
12. The weather is getting hotter and more hotter.

<i><b>Exercise 7 : Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the </b></i>
<i><b>first. Use the word in brackets.</b></i>

1. This train is more convenient than all the others. (most)

This train______________________________________________
2. The living room isn't as large as the kitchen. (than)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

3. I'm not as fit as you. (am)

You're ______________________________________________
4. The table and the desk are the same size. (big)

The table _____________________________________________
5. The dress is cheaper than the skirt. (expensive)

The skirt ______________________________________________
6. This crossword is the easiest. (difficult)

This crossword _________________________________________
7. Their excitement was increasing all the time. (excited)

They were getting _______________________________________
8. I've never read a more romantic story. (most)

' It's __________________________________________________
9. Prices just get higher all the time..(and)

Prices ________________________________________________
10. A bus is cheaper than a taxi. (less)

A bus ________________________________________________

Ngày .. tháng .. năm 2010
Duyệt của tổ chuyên môn

<i><b>Date of preparation : 10 / 04 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 11 : Comparatives & superlatives ( CONT )</b>
I. Objective : to help sts practise doing exercises

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

<i><b>Exercise 1 : Complete the sentences with the correct superlative</b></i>
1. The Sahara is ……… desert in the world. ( large )

2. She was ………. girl I had ever seen. ( beautiful )
3. It’s ………….. camera in the shop. ( expensive )
4. That’s ………….. question to answer. ( easy )
5. It was ………….. day of my life. ( bad )

6. This textbook is ……… to understand. ( difficult )
7. He’s ……… film star in my country. ( popular )

8. The Queen of England is one of ……….. women in the world. ( rich )
<b>Exercise 2 : Choose the best answer to complete sentences.</b>

1) Sarah is ____ at chemistry than Susan.
A. good B. well C. better D. best

2) I don’t work so hard ____ my father.
A. so B. as C. than D. more

3) Sam is the ____ student in my class.
A. tall B. most tall C. taller D. tallest

4) No one in my class is ____ beautiful ____ her.
A. as/as B. more/as C. as/than D. the/more

5) Going by train isn’t ____ convenient as going by car.
A. so B. as C. more D. A & B are correct.

6) The test is not ____ difficult ____ it was last month.
A. as / as B. so / as C. more / as D. A & B are correct.
7) Peter usually drives ____ Mary

A. more fast B. fast than C. faster than D. B & C are correct.
8) She cooked ____ than you.

A. well B. more good C. better D. more well
9) This film is ____ interesting than that film.
A. most B. less C. as D. so

10) My salary is ____ his salary.

A. high B. more high C. higher than D. more higher than
11) He works ____ we do.

A. harder B. as hard as C. harder D. so hard as
12) No one in this class is ____ Jimmy.

A. so tall as B. tall than C. the tallest D. more tall than
13) Apples are usually ____ oranges.

A. cheap than B. more cheap C. the cheapest D. cheaper than
14) I know him ____ than you do.

A. better B. more well C. good D. the best

15) Marie is not ____ intelligent ____ her sister.
A. more/as B. so/so C. so/as D. the/of

16) Janet is ____ tennis player in the cluB.
A. good B. best C. well D. the best

17) I ran ____ than Tom.

A. more fast B. faster C. fast D. the fastest
18) She can speak English ____ I can.

A. more well B. best than C. better than D. better

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

A. older than B. younger than C. older D. younger
20) Nobody can cook as ____ as my mother.
A. well B. best C. good D. better

21) Jane can swim ____ than I can.

A. far B. further C. more further D. more far
22) Tom drives ____ than Jim does.

A. carefully B. more careful C. careful D. more carefully
23) Today the weather is ____ than yesterday.

A. worse B. more bad C. more good D. well
24) Sound travels more ____ light does.

A. slow than B. slowly than C. slowly D. slow
25) My bicycle is ____ yours.

A. more new B. as new as C. new than D. so new as
26) This ring is ____ that one.

A. valuable B. more valuable C. valuable than D. more valuable than
27) Hue is ____ beautiful ____ Dalat.

A. as/as B. so/as C. as/so D. so/so
28) Nam is ____ Tan.

A. bigger B. bigger than C. the biggest D. more big than
29) My computer is ____ modern ____ yours.

A. less/than B. so/as C. the/than D. more/as
30) She doesn’t work ____ her sister.

A. as hard as B. so hard C. more harder D. A & B are correct.
31) What is ____ road in this city?

A. longest B. the longest C. the most long D. most long
32) Hoa is the ____ of the three students.

A. tallest B. taller C. tall D. most tall
33) My brother sings ____ me.

A. as good as B. well as C. as well as D. more well than
34) Thong is the ____ in my class.

A. clever B. more clever C. cleverest D. clever than
35) What month is ____ in the year?

A. the hot B. hotter than C. the hottest D. more hotter
36) I have ____ job in the world.

A. the best B. good C. the better D. well
37) Our team didn’t play ____ I expected.
A. as well as B. better C. well D. as bad as
38) Could you talk ____? I’m trying to work.

A. quiet B. more quiet C. more quietly D. quieter than

39) Sorry we’re late. Your house is much ____ than we thought.
A. far B. the farthest C. the farther D. farther

40) Write a report first. It’s more important ____ your other work.
A. than B. as C. from D. then

41) Thank you! That’s ____ gift I have ever received.

A. the nicer B. a nice C. nicest D. the nicest

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

A. more fast B. fast than C. the fastest D. faster than
44) His job is ____ important than his friend’s.
A. as B. more C. so D. the most

45) He plays the guitar ____ well as my brother.
A. so B. as C. less D. A & B are correct

46) Tom reads ____ than his sister.

A. quicker B. quickly C. more quickly D. A & C are correct
47) California is farther from New York ____ Pennsylvania.
A. as B. more C. than D. so

48) China is the country with the ____ population.
A. larger B. large C. most large D. largest

49) My sister is much ____ than me.

A. pretty B. prettier C. the prettiest D. more prettier
50) Do you feel ____ today than yesterday?

A. well B. good C. best D. better
51) He is the ____ person we know.

A. happy B. happier C. happiest D. most happiest
52) Mary is ____ as her sister.

A. prettier B. as pretty C. pretty D. more pretty

53) His job is ____ important than mine.

A. more B. as C. the most D. so

54) Today English is ____ international of languages.
A. more B. most C. the most D. the more

55) Is this book more interesting ____ the one you read last week?
A. that B. as C. than D. of

56) The teacher speaks English ____ we do.

A. fluently B. more fluently C. most fluently D. more fluently than
57) John is much ____ I thought.

A. strong B. more strong C. stronger than D. more strong than
58) I’m a ____ player than she is.

A. better B. good C. well D. best

59) Nobody in this team plays ____ Tom.

A. as good as B. so well as C. as best as D. B & C are correct
60) We are not ____ you.

A. busy as B. as busy than C. as busier than D. as busy as

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

<i><b>Date of preparation : 15 / 04 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 12 : review </b>

I. Objective : Help sts review tenses in English
II. Method : communicative

III. Teaching aid : Lesson plan
IV. Content

<i><b>Chia động từ trong ngoặc.</b></i>

1-I will go out when the rain(stop)………..

2-Miss Helen (help) ……….you as soon as she (finish)……… that letter

3-We( go ) home as soon as we have finished our work

4- I (see)……….. an accident when I (wait)……….. for you on this corner

5- Mr John (be)……… the principal of our school since last year.
6- Mr Smith (teach) ………..at this school since he (graduate)……….. in

7- My father (not watch) ………TV every night.
8-I (meet) ………her three years ago.

9-My friend(thank)……… me for what I had done for her.

10-Don’t call me in the afternoon. I (always be)…………. away in the afternoon.
11-Mr Bill (be) ……….in New York 2 months ago.

12-John (drive) ………..that car ever since I (know)……….. him.
13-People (speak)……….. English in most of Canada.

14-I (see) ………him since last Sunday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

16-She (play)………. the piano when our guests (arrive)……… last

17-My mother (come) to stay with us next weekend.
18-Violets (bloom) ………in Spring.

19. -I (never forget)……… what you (just tell) ………..me.
20-They (prepare)………. for the Christmas dinner at the moment.
21- George (work) at the University so far.

22. I (see) a car accident while I (wait) for you on this corner yesterday.

... ... ...
... ...

23 .Mr. john (be) principal of our school since last year.

... ... ...
... ...

24. Mr. Smith (teach) at this school since he (graduate) in 1980.

... ... ...
... ...

25. My father (not watch) TV every night.

... ... ...
... ...

26. I (meet) Authur three weeks ago.

... ... ...
... ...

27 Yesterday the police (report) that they (capture) the thief.

... ... ...
... ...

28. My friend (thank) me for what I had done for him.

... ... ...
... ...

29. Someone (steal) my handbag on the bus.

... ... ...
... ...

30. The Browns (live) in Paris for 7 years when the second World War (break) down.
... ... ...
... ...

31. Last month I (be) in the hospital for ten days.

... ... ...
... ...

32. Don't call me in the afternoon. I usually (be) away in the afternoon.

... ... ...
... ...

33. Mr. Clark (be) in New York 2 months ago. Mr. Rossi (be) in New York until 2
months ago.

... ... ...
... ...

34. John (drive) that car ever since I (know) him.

... ... ...
... ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

... ... ...
... ...

36. The dog (wag) his tail whenever he (see) me.

... ... ...
... ...

37. What you (do) when I (ring) you last night?

... ... ...
... ...

38. Up to then I never (see) such a fat man.

... ... ...
... ...

39. I (not see) him last Monday.

... ... ...
... ...

40. They had sold all the books when we (get) there.

... ...
41. Yesterday John (go) to the store before he (go) home.

... ... ...
... ...

42. Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) England in 1970.

... ... ...
... ...

43. When John and I got to the theatre, the movie (start) already.

... ... ...
... ...

44. Before Alice (go) to sleep, she (call) her family.

... ... ...
... ...

45. When the phone (ring), I (have) dinner.

... ... ...
... ...

46. Daisy (agree) with other members in the last meeting.

... ... ...
... ...

47. What you (do) at 6 p.m yesterday?

... ... ...
... ...

48. The little girl asked what (happen) to her ice-cream.

... ... ...
... ...

49. He (teach) in this school before he (leave) for England.

... ... ...
... ...

50. She (win) the gold medal in 1986.

... ...
51. They (go) home after they (finish) their work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

52. She said that she (already, see) Dr. Rice.

... ... ...
... ...

53. When we came to the stadium, the match (already, begin).

... ... ...
... ...

54. They told me they (not, eat) such kind of food before.

... ... ...
... ...

55. He (ask) why we (come) so early.

... ... ...
... ...

56. After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest).

... ... ...
... ...

57. Before she (watch) TV, she (do) her homework.

... ... ...
... ...

58. After taking a bath, he (go) to bed.

... ... ...
... ...

59. What (be) he when he (be) young?

... ... ...
... ...

60. It was the first time I (ever, see) such a beautiful girl.

... ...
61. We'll go out when the rain (stop).

... ... ...
... ...

62. I (stay) here until he (answer) me.

... ... ...
... ...

63. Wait until I (catch) you.

... ... ...
... ...

64. She (not come) until you (be) ready.

... ... ...
... ...

65. Miss Helen (help) you as soon as she (finish) that letter tomorrow.

... ... ...
... ...

66. After the class (be) over, ask the teacher about that sentence.

... ... ...
... ...

67. I (come) and (see) you before I leave here.

... ... ...
... ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

... ... ...
... ...

69. I (wait) here until you (come) back tomorrow.

... ... ...

... ...

70. I (send) you some postcards as soon as I (arrive) in London.
... ...

71. I (see) a car accident while I (wait) for you on this corner yesterday.

... ... ...
... ...

72. Mr. john (be) principal of our school since last year.

... ... ...
... ...

73. Mr. Smith (teach) at this school since he (graduate) in 1980.

... ... ...
... ...

74. My father (not watch) TV every night.

... ... ...
... ...

75. I (meet) Authur three weeks ago.

... ... ...
... ...

76. Yesterday the police (report) that they (capture) the thief.

... ... ...
... ...

77. My friend (thank) me for what I had done for him.

... ... ...
... ...

78. Someone (steal) my handbag on the bus.

... ... ...
... ...

79. The Browns (live) in Paris for 7 years when the second World War (break) down.
... ... ...
... ...

80. Last month I (be) in the hospital for ten days.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

<i><b>Date of preparation : 30 / 04 / 2010</b></i>

<b>Week 13 : review </b>

<i><b>Exercise 1 : Complete the profile of Charles Chaplin by making sentences from the</b></i>
<i><b>sets of words given. The first one has been done for you.</b></i>

<i><b>Ex: Charles Chaplin / born/ 1889</b></i>

……Charles Chaplin was born in 1889………
1. He/ marry/ three times/ and have/ 11 children.

2. Chaplin/ well-known worldwide/ as/ comic actor/ film director.
3. He / make/ many short films.

4. He also/ produce/ act in/ and direct/ 11 full-leng films.
5. His last film/ be/ <i>A Countess from Hong Kong.</i>

6. Chaplin/ die/ age/ 88.

<i><b>Exercise 2 : Rewrite the sentences using the given requirements in brackets.</b></i>
<b>1.</b> The teacher is going to collect our papers. (change into passive voice)

<b>2.</b> She didn’t become famous until she came to Hollywood. (Use: It was not until …….that…)
<b>3.</b> Rock began in the USA in the early 1950s. (make a question for the underlined


<b>4.</b> The ideas, which are presented in that book, are good. <b>( use Reduced relative</b>

<b>5.</b> The helicopter, which was flying toward the lake, made a low droning sound. ( use Reduced
<b>relative clause)</b>

<i><b>Exercise 3: will or be going to</b></i>

<b>1.</b> Look at the clouds. It ______ soon.(to rain)
<b>2.</b> Peter ________15 next Wednesday.(to be)
<b>3.</b> We_______ to London this summer.(to fly)

<b>4.</b> Tomorrow it ________in the North.(to rain)
<b>5.</b> Just a moment, I_________ you.(to help)
<b>6.</b> In 2010 there ___________ more cars. (to be)
<b>7.</b> I think I __________sick. I feel very tired. (to be)

<b>8.</b> I________ a party. I have already invited my friends. (to have)
<i><b>Exercise 4: Put the word in appropriate form of adjective</b></i>

1. He was so………….that he couldn’t sleep. [EXCITE]

2. The match was so………That she couldn’t wait to tell everyone about
it. [EXCITE]

3. It’s………..that Liz chose Rome for a holiday. [INTEREST]

4. His wife was so… ………..to hear Paul had got a new job. [THRILL]
5. Patterson was……….with my present. [THRILL]

<i><b>Exercise 5: Give the correct form (-ing or –ed) of the verbs in brackets.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

2/ We went for a very long walk. It was very ………. .

3/ Why do you always look so (bore)……… ? Is your life really so
……….. (bore) ?

4/ He is one of the (bore) ……… people I’ve ever met. He never
stops talking and never says anything (interest) ………

5/ I was (astonish) ……… When I heard they were getting divorced. They

had always seemed so happy together.

6/ I’m staring a new job next week. I’m quite (excite) ……… about it.
7/ Didn’t you think it was an (amuse) ………. play?

8/ The children are (frighten) ……… by the animals.
9/ Complete the (follow) ……… sentences.
10/ He has to repair this (break) ……… table.

<i><b>Exercise 6 : Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with “ It was not </b></i>

1/ He didn’t come home until midnight...
2/ Cinema did not become an industry until 1915...
3/ I didn’t know how to swim until I was 15...
4/ He didn’t eat anything until he got home...
5/ Mai didn’t do her homework until her mother came home...
6/ I couldn’t solve the problem until the teacher help...
7/ We didn’t go to the cinema until last week...
8/ The football match didn’t start until 3 yesterday afternoon...
9/ I didn’t meet him until he said sorry to me...
10/ He didn’t get up until 7.

<i><b>Exercise 7: it was not until…that</b></i>

1. She didn’t write to him until she received a letter from him.
It was not until ____________________________
2. The boys didn’t stop singing until their teacher came.
It was not until _____________________.

3. Lan didn’t go abroad until she was 35.

It was not until______________________

<i><b>Exercise 8 : Rewrite sentences using “it was not until …”</b></i>
1. She didn’t recover her confidence until that morning
I was not until ………

2. He didn’t arrive at the office until half past nine.
It was not until ………
3. Mary didn’t work for the UN until 2004
It was not until………..

4. I didn’t know how to ride a bicycle until I was 15.
It was not until ……….

5. John didn’t finish reading my book until last Saturday.
It was not until ………
6. I didn’t like chocolate until I went to university.
It was not until……….

7. No one could leave the stadium until 2.30
It was not until………

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It was not until………
9. We didn’t have any holidays until last summer.
It was not until………

10. She didn’t stop learning German until the age of 24.
It was not until………

11. I couldn’t finish my project until Mark helped me.
It was not until………

12. The didn’t pay the bill until the electricity was cut off.
It was not until………
13. I didn’t sleep until midnight.

It was not until………

<i><b>Exercise 9 : Insert all the relative pronouns that best complete the sentences</b></i>
1/ Mr. Green is the man __________ I was talking about.

2/ My brother bought a bicycle __________ is specially designed for long-distance

3/ The teacher _________ many students in our school respect is Mr. Black.
4/ That is the park _________ has many beautiful flowers.

5/ The neighbor _________ daughter Tom loves does not like Tom.
6/ The school _________ they have just built looks modern.

7/ Have the police found the thief ________ stole your bicycle?
8/ Celina Dion is the singer _________ albums I like to listen to.

9/ The girl _________ lives next to John's house falls in love with him.
10/ The zoo _________ we visited last Saturday has a variety of animals.

11/ There were a few policemen and their dogs __ were searching for the drugs
15/ A cafe is a small restaurant ________ we can have a light meal.

16/ A battle field is a place ________ soldiers fight.



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