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<b>Bài tập Ơn tập Tính từ, trạng từ, các cấp độ so sánh</b>
<b>I.</b> <b>Sử dụng "as...as" để nối những cặp câu sau:</b>

1. I speak English badly. Minh speaks English badly.

2. This book is beautiful. Mine is beautiful, too.

3. He is happy today. She is happy today.

4. This boy is intelligent. That one is intelligent.

5. Tom doesn't play football well. Nam plays football well.

6. John isn't tall. Tom is tall.

7. My sister speaks English quickly. Your sister also speaks English quickly.

8. I don't cook well. My mother cooks well.

9. His job is not difficult. My job is difficult.

10. He is tall. His father is also tall.

<b>II.</b> <b>Cho h×nh thức thích hợp của tính từ hoặc trạng từ trong ngc:</b>

1. I do not speak English (well)...as Minh.

2. Life in a countryside is (quiet) ...than in a city.
3. Which of these two pupils studies (hard) ...?

4. I have a (little) ...time for listening to the music than my husband.
5. He runs (fast) ...as his brother.

6. Which one is (high) ..., the building or the house?

7. This shirt is too (small) ..., I need a (large) ...size.
8. There are (few) ...boys than girls in my class.

9. She is my (old) ...sister.

10. Could you speak (slowly) ..., please?
11. This street is (busy) ...of all.

12. April is (hot) ...month of the year.

13. Ho Chi Minh City is (big) ...than Hanoi.
14. He is (young) ...than I am.

15. They go to the movies (frequently) ...than their friends.
16. Which is (good) ...novel on the shelf?

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19. The Mekong River is (long) ...river in Vietnam.
20. Alice knows the teacher (well) ...than I do.
21. Nam has (much) ...money than Tan.

22. This house is (large) ...in our neighbour hood.
23. It is (boring) ...film I've ever seen.

24. He speaks English (well) ...of all.

25. Your example is (good) ...than the one in the book.
26. The last story wasn't (interesting) ...as the other.
27. Health is the (important) ...

28. Those machines are very (powerful) ...
29. Who is (beautiful) ... in your class?

30. It is a little (warm) ...today than it was yesterday.
31. He is one of (boring) ...person I've ever met.
32.Gold is (precious)...than iron.

33. The Pacific is (large)...ocean in the world.

34. Ho Chi Minh City is the (large)...city in Vietnam.
35. Going on a trip is (interesting) ...than staying at home.
36. Who is (good)..., Minh or Nam?

37. Jack is big, but Fred is (big)...

38. This exercise seems the (difficult)...in the book.
39. Today, it is not as (cold)...it was yesterday.

40. Ann is pretty, but my uncle thinks her sister is (pretty)...
41. They spent (little)...money than they did last year.

42. Jane is (clever)...as Arthur.

43. That movie was (interesting)...than the one on television.
44. We've (little)...time than I thought.

45. The life here is (busy)...as the city life.

46. The newcomer gets into the game (quickly)...as we do.
47. Lan is (clever)...and (pretty)...than Lien.
48. You're standing too (near)...the camera. Can you move a bit


49. Mary has (many)...books as Sue.

50. The city centre was (crowded)...that morning as it usaully is.
51. That was the (big)...farm I've ever visited.

52. Who among these milkmaids works (good)...?
53. You look (thin)... Have you lost weight?

54. Health and happiness are (important)...than money.
55. I've seen many thrilling films but it's (thrilling)...
56. This old machine is (powerful)...than I thought.
57. He dances the (beautifully)...in the village.

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60. The lessons are (interesting)... and (boring)...
than some years ago.

61.He is one of (boring)...person I've ever met.
62. Ann works (hard)...than most of her friends.

63. Please, don't go by plane. It's much (expensive)...than going
by train.

64. This flat is too (small)...for two people. We need something
much (big)...

65. There were only four of five passengers on the bus yesterday. It was
(crowded) ...than usaul.

66. I am going to sleep on the floor. It's just (comfortable)...as
sleeping in that bed.

67. We were lucky to have one of (nice)...room in the hotel.
68.* The suitcase seemed to get (heavy)...as I carried it along the road.
69. What is (long)...river in the world?

70. This watch is too (expensive)... Have you got a
(cheap) ...one?

71. It was one of (bad)...experiences in my life.

72. The sitting room is (light)...and (comfortable)...
than the dinning-room.

73. He's much (well)...today.

74. What is (high)...mountain in the world?

75.* The football match became (exciting, and exciting) ...
76. Mary is (pretty) ...as her sister.

77. A new house is (expensive) ... than an old one.
78. His job is (important) ...than mine.

79. Of the four ties, I like the red one (well) ...
80. Nobody is (happy) ...than Miss Snow.

81. Today English is (international) ...of languages.
82. John is much (strong) ...than I thought.

83. Dick is the (careful)...of the three workers.
84. Sam's conduct is (bad)...than Paul's.

85. The teacher speaks English (fluently)...than we do.

86. These boys are (ill-prepared)...for employment than my

87. These shoes are (little)...expensive of all.

88. He speaks English much (rapidly)...than he does Spanish.
89. Mary is (thin) ...of the three sisters.

90. Harry's watch is far (expensive) ...than mine.

91. Of the three boys, Harry is the (badly-bred)...

92.* Thanks to the progress of science, human life is (good)...and
(good) ...

93.* Bill is (lazy)...and (lazy)...

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95.* She becomes (beautiful)...and (beaytiful) ...
96.* Dear Kate,

Dave and I are having the (1-good)...holiday of our lives! We
are in Barbados, one of the (2-lovely)... It is much
(3-small) ...than Jamaica, but there seems to be
(4-much)... to do than in Jamaica. The people here seem to be
(5-friendly)... than those on other islands. We are staying in the
(6-modern)... hotel I've ever seen. It's large and cool, and many
people think it's (7-good) ...hotel on the island. It's far
(8-comfortable)... than any of the other hotels, and it's even
(9-big)...than the world famous Belton Hotel. The (10-near)
...beach is (11-little) ...than a hundred metres away, and
so we can go swimming a lot. It's really (12-good), and I do wish you were here.


<b>III.</b> <b>Khoanh tròn chữ cái đứng trớc đáp án đúng:</b>
1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (A. better/ B. best).
2. Pil is the (A. happier/ B. happiest) person we know.
3. Pat's car is (A. faster/ B. fastest) than Dan's.

4. This is (A. creamier/ B. the creamiest) ice-cream I have had in a long time.
5. This poster is (A. colourfuler/ B. more colourful) than the one in the hall.
6. Does Fed feel (A. weller/ B. better) today than he did yesterday?

7. This vegetable soup tastes very (A. good/ B. the best).

8. While trying to balance the baskets on her head, the woman walked (A. awkwarder/
B. more awkwardly) than her daughter.

9. Jane is (A. less/ B. the least) athlete of all the women.
10. My cat is (A. prettier/ B. the prettiest) of the two.
11. This summary is (A. the better/ B. the best) of the pair.
12.*The colder the weather gets, (A. sicker/ B. the sicker) I feel.

13. Jim has as (A. few/ B. fewer) opportunities to play tennis as I have.
14. That recipe calls for (A. many/ B. much) more sugar than mine does.
15. The museum is (A. further/ B. the furthest away of the three buildings.

<b>IV.</b> <b>Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi, bắt đầu bằng từ cho sẵn:</b>
1. Minh is taller than Nam.  Nam...
2. Nobody in the class is as tal as Huy.  Huy...
3. Jane cooks better than her sister.  Jane's sister...
4. Tom is the best football player in this team.


