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Week : 36 Date of preparation: 21/04/2012

Period: 99 Date of teaching: 23/04/2012

<b> </b>

<b>I. OBJECTIVES: </b>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Read the short texts about some famous places in the world .
+ Introduce some famous places they know.

<b>II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, cassetle</b>


1/ Warm-up: (7’)

- Hang on some pictures, and ask Ss to guess
which countries they are.

- Introduce the lesson.

- Observe and guess.

- Listen and take note.

2/ Pre-reading: (8’)

- Introduce some vocabualry.

<i>I. Vocabulary: the pronunciation</i>

<i>442 meters high</i>

<i>6000 kilometers long</i>
<i>12 meters thick</i>

- Review some adjectives: long, high, thick

- Pay attention, then practice.

- Remind and remember.

3/ While-reading: (15’)


<b> </b>

<b> Activity 1:</b>

- Get Ss listen the tape B3 twice and ask Ss to

- Ask Ss to answer the questions.

- Listen and read.

- Answer the questions.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

- Ask Ss to answer the questions.

1. Which is shorter: Sears tower or PETRONAS
twin towers?

2. How high is the Sear tower?

3. Is the Great Wall the longest structure in the

4. Is PETRONAS twin towers the tallest building
in the world?

- Answer the questions:
1. Sears tower is shorter than
PETRONAS twin towers.
2. Sears tower is 442 meters

3. Yes, it is.
4. Yes, it is.

5/ Homework: (2’)

- Have Ss review comparatives and superlatives

- Write assignment.

<b>* Consolidation: Choose the best answer (3’)</b>

1. Petronas Twin Towers is the tallest building ...

A. in the world B. on the world C. in world
2. The Great World of China is ...

A. the World’s longest structure B. world’s longest structure
C. the world’s the longest structure

3. Sears Tower in Chicago is ...

A. 442 meters high B. 442 high meters C. high 442

<b>IV. COMMENT:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Week : 36 Date of preparation: 21/04/2012

Period: 100 Date of teaching: 23/04/2012

<b> </b>

<b>I. OBJECTIVES: </b>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ Read the short texts about natural features in Viet Nam.
+ Read the texts about a farmer’s routine.

+ Use: some, a lot of, lots of, much, a few, a little.
<b>II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, cassetle</b>


1/ Warm-up

: (8’)


- Ask Ss to match the pictures with their
correct name.

- Play game.
a. mountains
b. rivers
c. lakes
d. rain
e. forests
f. beaches
g. deserts

2/ Pre-reading

: (15’)


<b> </b>

<b> Activity 1:</b>
- Teach some new words.

<i>I. Vocabulary:</i>

<i>1. a lot of = lots of: nhiều</i>

<i>2. natural features (n): đặc điểm tự nhiên</i>

<i>3. rain (n): mưa</i>

- Listen, read and take note.


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<i><b>II. Structure:</b></i>

Many / lots of / a lot of + danh từ đếm được
Much / lots of / a lot of + d.từ không đếm được

3/ While-reading: (12’)

- Ask Ss to listen and read the passages in C3.
- Ask Ss to work in group to answer the

a. The Mekong river is the longest river in VN.
b. It starts in Tibet.

c. The Nile river is the longest river in the

d. It flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

e. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the

f. Phanxipang is the highest mountain in VN.
- Call some groups to correct.

- Read the text carefully.
- Work in groups.

- Correct.

4/ Post-reading: (8’)

- Have Ss remember the way to answer the

Which is the longest river in Viet Nam?

- Pay attention and remember.

5/ Homework: (2’)

- Have Ss:

+ Learn vocabulary and structure by heart.
+ Practice speaking the proper nouns.

- Write assignments.

<b>IV. COMMENT:</b>

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Week : 36 Date of preparation: 21/04/2012

Period: 101 Date of teaching: 23/04/2012

<b> </b>

Tên: ………

Lớp: ………..

<b><sub>15’ Listening Test</sub></b>


<b>I. Match the pictures with “some, a few, a little, a lot of”:</b>

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

<b>II. Complete the sentences:</b>
1. There ……… a lot of potatoes.
2. There are ……… tomatoes.
3. There are ……… onions.
4. There are a lot of ……….


<b>I. </b>

a) a lot of b) some c) a few d) a lot of e) a lot of f) some
<b>II. </b>

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<b>I. OBJECTIVES: </b>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “some, a lot of, a little, a few”.
<b>II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, cassetle</b>



1/ Warm-up: (8’)

- Ask Ss to list some uncountable nouns and
countable nouns.


apple potato

orange carrots

- List some uncountable nouns and
countable nouns such as rice, meat,
fish, orange, egg …


meat Fruit Rice

2/ Pre-listening: (12’)

- Have Ss listen and repeat A1.
- Ask Ss to take note.

<i>I. Structure:</i>

<i>+ a lot = lots of + danh từ đếm được & </i>
<i>không đếm được</i>

<i>+ a few = some + danh từ đếm được</i>

<i>+ a little = some + danh từ không đếm được</i>

* Model sentences:

<i>+ How much rice is there? </i>
<i>There’s some / A lot of / A little</i>
<i>+ How many egss are there? </i>

<i>There are some / A lot of / A few </i>

- Listen and repeat.
- Take note.

3/ While-listening: (15’)

<b>Test 15’</b>

- Have Ss do the listening test. - Do the test.

4/ Post-listening: (8’)

- Correct the test. - Pay attention.


<b>SECTION A: Animals and</b>



noun <sub>Uncountable</sub>

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- Ask Ss to remind the using of “some, a lot
of, a few, a little”

- Remind.

5/ Homework: (2’)

- Have Ss learn by heart structure and review
vocabulary of food.

- Write assignments.

<b>IV. COMMENT:</b>



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