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Past tense

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<b>Past Tenses</b>

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<b>Past Simple</b>

<i><b>Completed actions in </b></i>
<i><b>the past</b></i>


He jumped out of his bed
and ran.

<b>Past Continuous</b>

<i><b>Actions in progress during </b></i>
<i><b>the past period of time</b></i>

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<b>Past Simple – Past Simple</b>

I got up, washed my face and brushed my teeth.
She got up when the alarm clock went off.

<b>Past Simple – Past Continuous</b>

Erika dropped her bag while she was getting into
her car.

<b>Past Continuous - Past Continuous </b>

My mother was watching TV while my father was

washing dishes.

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While I lived in London, I walked through the park
every day.

When Carlo was in hospital, we were visiting him
twice a week.

<b>past habit</b>

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<b>Past Perfect</b>

By the time I got to the station, the train had left.

The train left five minutes before I got to the station.

<b>Past Perfect Continuous</b>

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<b>Used to</b>


Whenever we went to my
uncle’s house, we would
play in the garden.

We used to play in the


He used to have a dog.
The factory used to be
over there.


<i><b>habits (if time reference </b></i>
<i><b>is clear)</b></i>

Whenever we went to my
uncle’s house, we would
play in the garden.

We would play in the

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<b>Other structures</b>

I was going to phone you but I forgot.

I was thinking of buying a present for him but I
haven’t decided.

I was about to ask you.

Jack was to watch the film, but he fell asleep.



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