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de thi HKII nam hoc 20112012

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<b>REVISION 2</b>

<b>I.Complete the sentences with the most suitable words:</b>

<b>1. I want everybody to listen </b>………

A.care B.careful C.careless D.carefully
<b>2. We feel very </b>………..today.
A.happy B.happiness C.happily D.happen

<b>3. I’ve looked ………my new pen everywhere and I can’t find it anywhere.</b>
A.at B.for C.up D.on

<b>4. Solar energy doesn’t cause ………</b>
A.pollution B.polluted C.pollute D.pollutant
<b>5. Where ………you go if you have a car?</b>

A.would B.have C.will D.did

<b>6. ………is a person who installs and repairs water pipes.</b>

A.electrician B.carpenter C.loocksmeth D.plumber
<b>7. He is tired …………..he stayed up late watching TV.</b>

A.so B.because C.but D and
<b>8. I suggest ……….to the movies.</b>

A.going B.to go C.go D.went
<b>9. All the classes were ………..painted.</b>

A.bad B.badly C.worse D.good
10.My parents saw were me ………at the railway station

A.in B.for C.up D.off

11. Her family is aware of saving ………
A.energy B.energize C.energetic D.energetically
12. What will you do if you ……….the final examination?

A.pass B.passed C.passes D.will pass

13……is a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and pieces of furniture.
A.electrician B.carpenter C.locksmith D.plumber

14.I suggest ……….up the beach.

A.clean B.to clean C.cleaned D.cleaning
15.Passover is celebrated in Israeland by all………people.
A.English B.Vietnamese C.Japanese D.Jewish
16. He is the most ……….activist in the town.

A.effect B.effective C.effectivey D.effectiveness
17. In Australia, a tropical storm is called a………

A.typhoon B.hurricane C.eyclone D.tornado
18. We can usually predict when a volcano will……….

A.abrupt B.abruptness C.erupt D.eruption
19. He is the man ……….helped me yesterday.

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20.The car………..she has just bought is very modern

A.which B.who C.whom D.whose

21. ………….are funnel-shped storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm.
A. earthquakes B.typhoons C.volcanones D.tornadoes
22.We are saving money……….we want to buy a new house.

A.so B.because C.but D.and
23. My father has to go to work………it is raining hard
A.though B.but C.because D.and

24. He loves his parents very much and wants them to be …………
A.happy B.happily C.happiness happen

25. In Asia, a tropical storm is called a ………

A.typhoon B.hurricane C.cyclone D.tornado

26. Where are the photos ………..were taken at the Christmas party?
A.which B.who C.whom D. whose

27. She doesn’t know the man………….sent her this letter.
A.which B.who C.whom D.whose
28. Ninety per cent of ………occur around the Pacific Rim.

A.earthquakes B.typhoons C.volcanoes D.tornadoes
29. Where ………you go if you have a car?



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