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Unit 9



<i>Lesson 3:</i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to get more information about the natural disasters in the

<b>II. Language contents:</b>


- Nouns : tidal wave, tornado, majority

- Verbs : warn, suck-up

<b> Grammar:</b>


<b> </b>Developing pupils’ skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

<b>III. Method and teaching aids:</b>

- Communicative approach

- <b>Teaching aids:</b> pictures, posters, books, …

<b>IV. Time: </b>

45 minutes

<b>V.Teaching steps:</b>

<b>A. Classroom procedures:</b>
<b> </b>1. Greetings

2. Checking attendance

<b>B. New lesson:</b>



<b>Warm up:</b>

- Elicits some words, then
writes them on the board
- Asks Ps to say them in
Vietnamese, then gets Ps
playing game in teams

- Controls the game, then
announces the winner

<b> Pre - reading:</b>

<b> </b><sub></sub><b>Pre- teach vocabulary</b>

- Elicits vocabulary using
1. picture

2. picture
3. explanation
4. translation
5. explanation

- Say out the words
- Say the meaning
of these words,
then play game in

- Say out the words
they know

- Listen to the
teacher and repeat
the words chorally

and then


- Copy these words



<b>SLAP THE BOARD: </b>

<b> New words:</b>

1. a tidal wave: sóng thần
2. a tornado: bão xốy

3. majority (n): phần lớn, đa số
4. (to) warn: cảnh báo

5. (to) suck-up: hút lên

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<b>C. Homework: </b>

<b> </b>


<b> Learn by heart new words</b>

- Read the text again and write the answers into notebook

- Prepare “Write”

Period: 85
Week: 30

Unit 9



<i>Lesson 4:</i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write a story

<b>II. Language contents:</b>


- Verb : behave

- Adverb : all of a sudden
- Noun : shelter

<b> Grammar: </b>


<b> </b>Developing pupils’ skills: writing, listening, speaking and reading

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- <b>Teaching aids:</b> Posters, book, …

<b>IV. Time: </b>

45 minutes

<b>V.Teaching steps:</b>

<b>A. Classroom procedures:</b>
<b> </b>1. Greetings

2. Checking attendance

<b>B. New lesson:</b>


<b>Warm up:</b>

- Writes the words whose
letters are in a random order
on the board

- Divides the class into two
teams and gets Ps to play

- Controls this activity and
announces the winner

<b> Pre - writing:</b>

<b> </b><sub></sub><b>Pre- teach vocabulary</b>

- Elicits vocabulary using
1. translation

2. explanation
3. synonym
4. translation

- Checks new words by “Slap
the board”

- Shows six pictures on the
board, then sets the scene:
This is Lan’s family, they are
at home.

- Asks Ps some questions to
elicit the story

- After telling the story, asks
Ps to look at the pictures and
retell the story in groups, one
student, one picture

- Calls on some groups to
retell the story in front of

- Listens and corrects Ps’
mistakes if there are

- Look at the board
and think about the

- Play game in

- Say out the words
they know

- Listen to the
teacher and repeat
the words chorally

and then


- Copy these words
into notebooks
- Play game and

remember the


- Look at the
pictures and listen
to the teacher
- Answer the T’s

- Work in groups to
retell the story

- Correct the




<b>Jumbled words: </b>

1. otnophy = typhoon
2. damotro = tornado
3. lacono = volcano
4. tearquakeh = earthquake
5. ormst = storm

<b> New words:</b>

1. (to) behave: cư xử, ứng xử
2. a shelter: chỗ trú ngụ
3. scared (adj): sợ, hoảng sợ
4. all of a sudden (adv): bỗng dưng

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<b>C. Homework: </b>


<b> Learn by heart new words</b>

- Rewrite the story into notebook

- Prepare “Language Focus”

Period: 86
Week: 30

Unit 9



<i>Lesson 5:</i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b>Language Focus 1</b></i>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to do more relative clause exercises

<b>II. Language contents:</b>


<b> Grammar: </b>

- Relative pronouns: who – that - which

<b> Skills:</b>

Developing pupils’ skills: writing, reading, speaking and listening

<b>III. Method and teaching aids:</b>

- Communicative approach

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<b>V.Teaching steps:</b>

<b>A. Classroom procedures:</b>
<b> </b>1. Greetings

2. Checking attendance

<b>B. New lesson:</b>


<b>Warm up:</b>

- Divides the class into two

- Explains the game, then
calls out the questions and
asks Ps to answer as quick as
possible, which team having
the right answers, gets good

<b> Activity 1:</b>

- Reviews <i>who - that –</i> <i>which</i>

and asks Ps to copy into

- Asks Ps to work in pairs to
do exercise in Language focus
1 on page 81

- Calls on some Ps to go to the
board to write the answers
- Corrects Ps’ mistakes if
there are

<b> Activity 2:</b>

- Gives some sentences and
asks ps to do in pairs.

- Calls on some ps to go to the
board and write the answers.

- Get into two

- Listen and

- Play game

- Remember and

copy into


- Work in pairs to
do exercise

- Go to the board to
write the answers
- Correct Ps’

- do this exercise in

- go to the board
and write the
<b>Quiz: </b>
<b>(Exercise 1)</b>

<b>Questions and answers:</b>

1. Singapore
2. rhinoceros

3. Christopher columbus
4. Venus

5. Buffalo
6. Malaysia
7. Chewing gum
8. Water

<b> Exercise 1:</b>

<b> Notes: </b>

- <i>Who</i> is used for people
- <i>Which</i> is used for things

- <i>That</i> is used for both <i>who</i> or <i>which</i>


a. The city which was struck by a huge
earthquake in 1995 in Kobe.

b. The country which won the 1998 Tiger
Cup is Singapore.

c. The animal which has one or two horns
on its snout is rhinocoros.

d. The explorer who discovered America
is Christopher Columbus.

e. The planet which is closest to the earth
is Venus.

f. The animal which was chosen to be the
logo of ses games 2003 is buffalo.

g. The ASEAN country which is divided
into two regions by the sea is Malaysia.
h. The food which you can chew but you
can’t swallow is the chewing gum and the
thing you can snallow but you can’t chew
is water.

 <b>Exercise Combine two sentences</b>

<b>and then write one sentence with the</b>
<b>same meaning. Use a relative clause</b>
<b>in your sentence.</b>

1. Kerry works for a factory. The
factory makes typewriters.

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<b>C. Homework: </b>

<b> </b>


<b> Learn by heart grammar</b>

- Rewrite the answers into notebooks
- Prepare for One Period Test



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