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de thi hsg toan 9

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<b>Sở giáo dục và đào tạo</b>

<b>hảI dơng</b>


<b>---Hớng dẫn chấm đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi</b>

<b>tỉnh Lớp 9 THCS năm học 2011 </b>

<b> 2012</b>

<b>Môn thi : </b>

<b>TiÕng Anh</b>

<b>A. LISTENING </b>

I. Listen to an interview with a doctor about three diets and decide whether the statements are true or
false. Write (T) or (F) in your answer sheet. (5 points)

1 point for each correct answer

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F

II. Listen to the advertisements about three entertainment events and fill each blank with a word or a
number. (10 points)

1 point for each correct answer

6. food 7. children 8. 10/ ten 9. 5/ five 10. Sunday
11. dancing 12. Theater / Theatre 13. Club 14. 9/ nine 15. students
<b>B. phonetics </b>

Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group. (5 points)
1 point for each correct answer

16. B. 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B.

<b> C. grammar – vocabulary – language functions</b>

I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (10 points)
1 point for each correct answer

21. D 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. D

26. A 27. A 28. A 29. C 30. D

II. Give the correct form of the words in capital letters to complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 point for each correct answer





III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correction. (5 points)
1 point for each correct answer

41. C 42. A 43. C 44. A 45. B

IV. Match each sentence in column A with its suitable response in column B. Use each response once
only. (5 points)

1 point for each correct answer

46. G 47. F 48. B 49. D 50. A

<b>D. READING</b>

I. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, D best fits each space. (10 points)
1 point for each correct answer

51. C 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. B

56. C 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. D

II. Read the following passage and fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. (10 points)

1 point for each correct answer

61. diet 62. enough 63. These 64. building 65. ones
66. from 67. energy 68. found 69. needs 70. most
III. Read the following passage and answer the questions below. (5 points)

1 point for each correct answer
<i>Answer the questions:</i>

71. Why are scientists worried about Cumbre Vieja?

- (They are worried) because the walls of the volcano on La Palma in the Canary Islands are getting

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or - In less than an hour.

73. Why would Europe be in less danger than America?

- (Europe would be in less danger than America) because the side of the volcano faces west, across
Alantic Ocean, which would protect it a little.

74. How big would the wave be when it reached Lisbon?
- The wave would be 12 metters high / tall.

- It

75. Why would it travel a long way inland in the Caribbean and South Africa?
- (It would do that) because the coast is very flat.

<b>E. WRITING</b>

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. (5 points)

1 point/ One correct answer.
76. <sub></sub> The storm prevented the train (from) running.


or: - The storm made it impossible for the train to run.
77. <sub></sub> The car was too rusty to be repaired.

78. <sub></sub> Because of her bad befaviour, everybody hates her.
- behaving badly

Or: – Because of the fact that she behaved badly, everybody hates her.
79. <sub></sub> Thank you for having looked after my mother so well.


80. <sub></sub> If you practice speaking English everyday, you will / can improve it.

Or: - If you don’t practice your English everyday, you will not (won’t) / cannot (can’t) improve it.
II. Use the set of words to write complete sentences of a passage. (10 points)

Computer games and TV

81. In the UK today, fewer and fewer teenagers (0.5 p) are playing games outside with their friends. (0.5 p)
82. Most of them prefer playing computer games (0.5 p) on their own.(0.5 p)

83. In fact, playing computer games is (0.5 p) one of the most popular leisure activities in the UK. (0.5 p)
84. In 2003, British shoppers spent £ 1,152 million (0.5 p) on computer games! (0.5 p)

85. In general (0.5 p), boys are more interested in computers than girls.(0.5 p)
86. Teenagers also love watching TV. (1.0 p)

87. Watching TV is (0.5 p) more popular with boys and girls in the UK (0.5 p) than in most other European
countries. (0.5 p)

88. In the UK, the TV is often on all day, (0.5 p) and teenagers watch it before and after school.(0.5 p)
89. More than half of the childtren (0.5 p) have a television in their bedroom, (0.5 p) and about a (one) third

also have a video recorder.(0.5 p)

III. Your uncle, who is living abroad, wants to buy a present for your birthday. He has just asked you what you
would like as present. Write a letter of about 100 – 120 words telling him about your choice. In your letter, you
should give your choice and state clearly why you like it. (10 points)

 Form: (1 point)

- Correct form of an informal letter.
 Task fullfillment: (4.0 points)

- Give the choice with all detailed explanation
- Well – organized.

 Language:

- accurate grammar. (2.5 points)
- appropriate vocabulary. (1.5 points)
- Correct spelling and punctuation (1 point)



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