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Chuong trinh tieng anh lop 9

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<b>TỪ VỰNG</b>

<b>1. penpal: (n)bạn tâm thư</b>
<b>2.foreign: (adj) nước ngoài</b>
<b>3. visit = pay a visit(v)viếng thăm</b>

<b>4.Malaysian(n)Người Mã Lai-> Malaysia(n) nước Mã Lai</b>
<b>5.corresspond(v)trao đổi thư tin</b>

<b>6.impressed- impressing(adj)-> impress(v,n):gây ấn tượng, để lại ấn </b>

<b>7.mausoleum(n)lăng tẩm, lăng mộ</b>
<b>8.mosque(n) nhà thờ Hồi Giáo</b>

<b>9.the Temple of Literture: Văn miếu quốc tử giám</b>

<b>10.primary| secondary| high school: trường cấp 1|cấp2|cấp 3</b>

<b>11.ASEAN( the Association of South East Nations ): hiệp hội các nước </b>
<b>Đơng Nam Á</b>

<b>12. south|north|west|East: phương/phía Nam|Bắc|Tây|Đơng</b>
<b>13.separate(v)phân, tách biệt</b>

<b>14.comprise: (v) bao gồm, gồm có</b>

<b>15.ringgit(n) ring- gít(đơn vị tiền tệ của nước Mã Lai)</b>
<b>16.consist of:gồm có </b>

<b>17.climate(n)khí hậu, thời tiết</b>

<b>18.tropical(adj) thuộc khu vực nhiệt đới</b>
<b>19.currency (n) tiền tệ</b>

<b>20.Buddhism(n) Phật Giáo</b>
<b>21.Hinduism(n) Thiên chúa giáo</b>

<b>22.compulsory(adj) ép buộc, bắt buộc, cưỡng bách </b>
<b>23.Tamil: người, tiếng Ta-min</b>

<b>24.instruction(n)->instruct(v) sự hướng dẫn</b>
<b>25.wide(adj)->widely(adv): rộng rãi</b>

<b>26.In addition( to something) : Thêm vào,...</b>
<b>27.unit of something: đơn vị của...</b>

<b>28.religion(n)-> religious(adj) tơn giáo</b>
<b>29.official (adj) chính thức</b>

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<b>Bổ sung thêm :</b>
<b>worship :sự thờ cúng</b>
<b>recreation : giải trí</b>

<b>all the above :tất cả các câu trên </b>
<b>introduce :giới thiệu</b>

<b>ASEAN :Hiệp Hội Các Nước ĐNÁ</b>
<b>unit of currency :đơn vị tiền tệ</b>
<b>consist of :bao gồm</b>

<b>population : dân số</b>
<b>in addition :ngoài ra</b>
<b>such as :như là</b>

<b>national :thuộc quốc gia</b>

<b>language of instruction :ngôn ngữ dạy học</b>
<b>secondary school :trường trung học</b>
<b>primary school :trường tiểu học</b>
<b>hang-hung-hung :treo</b>

<b>famous for :nổi tiếng</b>
<b>pen pal :bạn qua thư từ</b>
<b>museum :viện bảo tàng</b>
<b>park :công viên</b>

<b>lake : hồ </b>

<b>temple :đền ,miếu</b>
<b>area : khu vực, diện tích</b>
<b>language :ngơn ngữ</b>
<b>invite :mời</b>

<b>place ; nơi</b>

<b>Malay = Bahasa Malaysia :tiếng Malayxia</b>
<b>known as :còn gọi là</b>

<b>only : chỉ</b>

<b>concert : buổi hoà nhạc</b>
<b>camp : buổi cấm trại</b>
<b>play :vỡ kịch</b>

<b>called :có tên là</b>
<b>too :quá</b>

<b>expensive : đắt tiền</b>
<b>cheap :rẻ</b>

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<b>forget :quên</b>

<b>receive : nhận được</b>
<b>return :trở lại</b>
<b>library : thư viện</b>
<b>take : dẫn (ai) </b>
<b>meet :gặp</b>
<b>send :gởi</b>

<b>Unfortunately :chẳng may</b>
<b>its : của nó</b>

<b>pity :điều đáng tiếc</b>
<b>LoẠi TỪ</b>

<b>Modernize (V) : hiện đại hóa</b>

<b>Modernization (N) : sự hiện đại hóa</b>
<b>Modern (Adj) : hiện đại </b>

<b>Fashion (N) : thời trang</b>
<b>Fashionable (Adj) :</b>
<b>Know (V) : biết</b>

<b>Knowledge (N) : kiến thức</b>
<b>Unknown (Adj) : lạ, không biết</b>
<b>Tradition (N) : truyền thống</b>
<b>Traditional (Adj) :</b>

<b>Impression (N) : ấn tượng</b>
<b>Impressive (Adj) :</b>

<b>Impress (V) :gây ấn tượng</b>
<b>Friend (N) : bạn</b>

<b>Friendship (N) : tình bạn</b>
<b>Friendly (Adj) : thân thiện</b>

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<b>Famous (Adj) : nổi tiếng</b>
<b>Fame (N) : danh tiếng</b>
<b>Option (N) : sự chọn lựa</b>

<b>Optional (Adj) : có thể chọn lựa</b>
<b>Religion (N) : tơn giáo</b>

<b>Religious (Adj) :thuộc tơn giáo</b>
<b>Peace (N) : hịa bình</b>

<b>Peaceful (Adj) : yên ổn, yên tỉnh</b>

<b>Depend (V) : lệ thuộc</b>

<b>Dependable (Adj) : có thể lệ thuộc</b>
<b>Dependence (N) :sự lệ thuộc</b>
<b>Dependent (Adj) :lệ thuộc vào</b>
<b>Independent (Adj) : độc lập</b>
<b>Difficult (Adj) : khó</b>

<b>Difficulty (N) : sự khó khăn</b>
<b>Compel (V) : bắt buộc</b>

<b>Compulsory (Adj) : có tính bắt buộc</b>
<b>Separate (V) : tách ra</b>

<b>Separation (N) :</b>
<b>Divide (V) : chia ra</b>

<b>Division (N) :sự phân chia, phép chia</b>
<b>Inspire (V) : gây cảm hứng </b>

<b>Inspiration (N) : nguồn cảm hứng</b>
<b>Correspond (V) : trao đổi thư từ</b>

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1. They were impressed by the (friend) ___________ of the local

2. They enjoy the (friend) ___________ atmosphere in the meeting.
3. The (friend) ___________ they make at school will last through their


4. (beauty) ___________ parks and lakes in Hanoi really actract tourists.
5. The litter girl is dacing (beauty) ___________

6. The big garden helps ( beauty) ___________ the house.

7. They enjoyed every ( peace) ___________ moment in the country.
8. She is too young , so is( depend) ___________ on her parents.
9. He is old enough to lead an ( depend) ___________ life.

10.They are old enough to be (depend) ___________ of their parents.

<b> GiỚi TỪ</b>

Consist <b>of</b> : bao gồm
Famous <b>for</b> : nổi tiếng về
Rich <b>in</b> : giàu có về
Divide <b>into</b> : chia thành
Full <b>of</b> : đầy

Depend <b>on</b> : lệ thuộc vào

<b>Kindof</b> sb : tốt bụng với ai
Impressed <b>by</b> : gây ấn tượng bởi

<b>For</b> fun : cho vui

<b>Impoliteof</b> sb : bất lịch sự đối với ai
Keep <b>in</b> touch with : giữ liên lạc với

Look <b>after</b> : trông nom

Impression <b>on</b> : có ấn tượng về
Correspond <b>with</b> : trao đổi thư tín với
Comprise <b>of</b> : bao gồm

<b>In</b> addition : ngoài ra
Pray <b>for </b>: cầu nguyện cho
Separate <b>from</b> : chia tách khỏi
Independent <b>of</b> : không lệ thuộc

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<b>Viết lại câu dùng cấu trúc wish đã học :</b>

1)There isn't any water

I wish...
2)I can't buy a car because I don't have enough money

I wish...
3) I am short so I can't reach the light

I wish...
4)I want to go out

I wish...
5)I'd like to pass the exam

I wish...
6)I don't want to have bad marks

I wish...
7)Don't go out !

I wish...
8)Don't be silly !

I wish...
9)Open your box ,please

I wish...
10)It's boring to sit here alone

I wish...

Write what the people WISH:

1. John ate too many cakes

John: I wish i hadn't eaten too many cakes
2. Mr. Charles is not good-looking

Mr.Charles:... ...
3.Elizabeth broke her leg

Elizabeth:... ...
4.Alice's student don't work hard in her lesson
Alice:... ...
5. It's raining hard. Tom iss wet and cold

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

7. Tommy was rude to hiss boss yesterday

Tommy:... ...
8. Mike crashed his dad's car last night

Mike:... ...
9.Babara can't type fas. She won't get the job
Babara:... ...
10. Jack's mother shouts at him all the time
Jack:... ...
11. Smith talks too much and his wife doesn't like it
Smith's wife:... ...
12. Lui's car is very old but he can't buy a new one
Lui:... ...
13. Mrs taylor stayed in the sun too long
Mrs. Taylor:... ...
14. Sally is sad because she is poor

Shally:... ...
15. Jackson drank too much last night

Jackson... ...

<b>I.</b> <b>Write the sentences beginning with "I wish"</b>

1. I am sorry that I didn't go to the wedding last week.
--> I wish……….
2. What a pity my friend misunderstands me !

--> I wish………
3. The children are making too much noise.

--> I wish……….
4. I couldn't be there yesterday.

--> I wish………..
5. The place where I live is very noisy.

--> I wish………..
6. He won't come here on time.

--> I wish………
7. It's a pity I don't know where he is.

--> I wish………..
8. I'm sorry, I must go now.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>1.You are not very tall</b>

<b>--> I wish,I ...</b>

<b>2.it s' so hot. You want to be in the swimming pool</b>
<b>-->I wish,I ...</b>

<b>3.You don't have a computer</b>

<b>--> I wish,I...</b>
<b>4.You live very far from school</b>
<b>-->I wish,I...</b>
<b>5.You don't have a sister</b>

<b>-->I wish,I...</b>

<b>6.You draw very badly</b>

<b>-->I wish,I...</b>

<b>7.You don't have your fiend s' phone number</b>
<b>-->I wish ,I...</b>

<b>8.You don't know many friends</b>
<b>-->I wish,I...</b>

<b>9.There aren't any river and lakes in your hometown</b>
<b>-->I wish,I...</b>

<b>II .Find one mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence :</b>

1. Maryam was really impressed by the beauty of the city and
thefriendly of its people

a b c d

2. The Malaysian unit of currency is ringgit, consisted os 100 sen.
a b c d

3. Would you like to come and visiting me next summer?
a b c d

4. I love the people, the foods and the beaches in Vietnamese.
a b c d

5. Malaysia is divided to two regions known as West Malaysia and East


a b c d

6. Bahasa Malaysia is the primary language in instruction in all
secondary schools.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

7. There are other religion such as Buddhism and Hinduism.
a b c d

8. What interest my most are Jane’s family and friends.
a b c d

9. English and Chinese are widely speaking in Malaysia.
a b c d

10. He went to see a movie calling “ Ghosts and Monsters”.
a b c d

<i><b>Writing</b>: dear mom and dad !</i>

<i>I'm writing this letter to tell you how.I arrived in hn.I arrived here at </i>
<i>about 5.00 pm yesterday and <b>My </b>uncle Minh met me at the train </i>
<i>station.I met all of <b>relatives</b> in hn such as:<b>my </b>grandma </i>

<i>mother, <b>my </b>father,<b> my</b> uncle hung, bao ,...I <b>felt</b> so happy to see them </i>
<i>again after such <b> a long</b> time<b> .</b> I visited many famous places in hn such </i>
<i>as :hoan kiem <b>lake</b> ,ngoc son temple <b>the temple</b> of literature and 36 </i>
<i>streets here. Besides, My grandma took me to Dong Xuan market to </i>
<i>enjoy some special food such as: <b>"</b>pho<b>"</b> ,<b>"</b>bun oc<b>"</b></i>

<b>Bài tập từ cho unit 1 grade 9</b>


<b>I. Choose the words or phrases which best to complete each </b>

1.We are really ___________ by the beauty of Ha Long Bay.
A. impress B. to impress C. impressed D. impressing

2. He made a deep ___________ on the members of his speaking
English club.

A. impress B. impression C. impressed D. impressing
3. His ___________ made us happy.

A.unfriendly B. friendly C. unfriendliness D. friendliness
4. A lot of ___________ come to Van Mieu every day.
A.visitor B. visitors C. visiting D. visited

5. What was he doing when you ___________?
A.come B.to come C. came D. coming

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

7. Hanoi is not ___________ from Kuala Lumpur.
A.difference B. different C. differ D. differently

8. We went to see many ___________ places in Hanoi last year.
A.fame B.famous C. famously D. famousness

9. The ___________ language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia.
A. nation B. national C. nationally D. nationality

10. In Malaysia, ___________ is free.

A. education B. educate C. educationally D. educational
11. I wish Mary ___________ harder for her examination.
A. will work B. worked C. has worked D. works

12. It’s very kind ___________ you to say so !
A.in B.to C.for D.of

13. Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists ___________
A. of B.to C.with D.in

14. Vietnamese people are very ___________ and hospitable.
A.friend B. friendless C. friendly D. friendship

15. I com from Vietnam, so I am not used to ___________ on the left.
A. drive B. drove C. driven D. driving

16. Although we are far away from each other, We still ___________
A.keep in touch B.say hello C.keep together D.keep on

17. Music and painting are ___________ subjects.
A.option B. optional C. optionally D. optioning

18. The children are playing ___________ in the schoolyard.
A. happy B. happily C. happiness D. happiliness

19. I wish they ___________ here tomorrow.
A. will come B. would come C.come D. came

20. They ___________ to Dalat in summer when they were young.
A. use to go B. useed to going C.are used to go D.used to go

<b>1.stay with sb:</b> ở với ai

<b>2.to be from s.w = come from s.w:</b> đến từ đâu

<b>3.correspond (v):</b> tương ứng, phù hợp. liên lạc ...

<b>- corresponding (adj) </b>
<b>- correspondingly (adv)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>- correspondent (n)</b> : phóng viên

<b>=>correspond with sb:</b> trao đổi thư từ với ai

<b>4.at least (adv):</b> tối thiểu, ít nhất

<b>>< at most (adv):</b> nhiều nhất

<b>5.at once:</b> ngay lập tức

<b>- at last:</b> cuối cùng

<b>- at the moment:</b> ngay lúc này

<b>- at home:</b> ở nhà

<b>6.take sb to s.w:</b> đưa ai đi đâu

<b>7.take sb in:</b> lừa dối ai

<b>8.vestige:</b> di tích

<b>9.to be impressed by st:</b> bị ấn tượng bởi cái gì

<b>10.impress with st:</b> gây ấn tượng bằng cái gì, làm cho khâm phục

<b>11.impress st on/ upon sb:</b> để lại một dấu ấn sâu đậm trong tâm trí ai,
làm cho ai nhận thức rõ cái gì

<b>- impression (n)</b>
<b>- impressive (adj)</b>

<b>12.to be busy with st/ Ving st</b>: bận rộn với cái gì/ làm gì
Chú ý: <b>busy</b> vừa là tính từ vừa là động từ

<b>13.Like A, B + V + O:</b>giống như A, B là ...

<b>14.the Temple of Literature:</b> Văn Miếu

<b>15.want to V st:</b> muốn làm gì

<b>16. mosque:</b> nhà thờ hồi giáo

<b>17.pray for sb:</b> cầu nguyện cho ai

<b>18.It's difficult for sb to V st:</b> Làm gì là khó khăn đối với ai

<b>19.have difficulty in st/ Ving st:</b> có khó khăn trong làm gì

<b>20.depend on sb/ st:</b>phụ thuộc vào ai/ điều gì; trơng cậy vào...

<b>21.keep in touch with sb:</b> liên lạc với ai

<b>- keep up with sb:</b> vẫn giữ liên lạc với ai

<b>22.the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN):</b> hiệp hội
các quốc gia Đông Nam Á

<b>23.divide st into st:</b> chia cái gì thành cái gì

<b>24.to be separated by st:</b> bị chia cắt bởi ....

<b>25.have an area of ...:</b> có diện tích là...

<b>26.have population of ...:</b> có dân số là...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<b>I, Supply the correct form of the words in brackets:</b>

1, I am interested in…………English at your language centre(learn)
2, If you want to attend this course you have to pass


3, She has great…………in her writing English essays(improve)

4, If you want to make progress in learning English you

should……….speaking and listening(practical)

5, This examination will test your……….in English(proficient)
6, Chinese is the language with more……….than English(speak)
7, Our school has a well-………teaching satff(qualify)

8, You must pass an………..test if you want to follow the

<b>II, Report each sentence, using only the number of words stated:</b>

1, “Excuse me, but I wonder if you’d mind opening the window ?”
The man siting next to me asked me……….(4

2, “You go down this street, turn left, then take the second turning on
the right. The cinemal is just down the street on the left”

A passer-by told me how………(5 words)
3, “I want to know how much this bike costs. Can you tell me?”
John asked how……….(4 words)

4, “Look, don’t worry, I’ll help you if you like”
Sue said she………..(3 words)
5, “All right, I can sell this car with $5000”

The sales man said I could………(5 words)
6, “Who gave you this book”

Peter asked me who……….(5 words)

7, “Will you come back a litle later?”

She politely told him………(6 words)

<b>I. Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently </b>
<b>from that of the others and translate them into Vietnamese</b>

1. a. primary b. divide c .comprise d. religion
2. a. school b. children c. Chinese d. church

3. a. impressed b. disappointed c. wished d. stopped
4. a. beach b. peaceful c. recreation d. meet

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently </b>
<b>from the others and translate them into VNese</b>

1. a. correspond b. recreation c. museum d. entertain
2. a. primary b. official c. tropical d. literature
3. a. worship b. climate c. comprise d. separate

4. a. population b. mausoleum c. correspondent d. secondary
5. a. atmosphere b. currency c. compulsory d. interesting

<b>III. Choose the word of phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank </b>
<b>space in each sentence.</b>

1. US dollars are considered common ___ in international transactions

a. currency b. money c. value d. support

2. Should all motorcyclists be ___ to wear helmets?
a. interested b. dangerous c. impressed d. compulsory

3. Lan and Maryam are pen pals. They ___ with each other twice a

a. comprise b. touch c. correspond d. separate

4. Since their argument there had been a trained ___ between them
a. friendliness b. atmosphere c. instruction d. activity

5. most visitors to Ha Noi came to visit Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum
a. impressive tomb b. large house c. lasting memorial d. nature trail
6. Last night I came home, cooked dinner, and ___ TV

a. watch b. watched c. was watching d. would watch
7. I rarely eat ice cream now bu I ___ it when I was a child
a. eat b. used to eat c. would eat d. didn’t use to eat

8. I wish I ___ you some money for your rent, but I’m broke myself
a. can lend b. would lend c. could lend d. will lend

9. Would you like ___ and visit me next summer?
a. come b. coming c. to come d. came

10. Rick left class early because he ___ a headache
a. had b. used to have c. was having d. has

11. Sara didn’t hear the phone. She ___

a. sleeps b. slept c. used to sleep d. was sleeping

12. The Marconi family ___ to the United States thirty years ago
a. comes b. came c. has come d. was coming

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

14. The country now known as Myanmar ___ Burma
a. called b. be called c. used to be called d. has called

15. “Monica is such a nice person” “Yes. I wish I ___ her more often”
a. see b. will see c. saw d. have seen

<b>IV. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each </b>

1. The list of their achievements is pretty ___ (impress)
2. She felt alone and ___ (friend)

3. We need to get more young people ___ in the sport. (interest)

4. My Australian friends want to visit some ___ places in my hometown

5. In primary schools, music is an ___ subject (option)

<b>V. Fill in each blank with correct preposition.</b>

1. I walked __ several hotels __ my way __ to the gas station
2. This job is a lot different __ what I’m used to

3. His breakfast consists __ dry bread and a cup of tea
4. Their yard is separated __ the factory __ a tall fence

5. __ Friday, Maryam wanted to visit the mosque __ Hang Luoc street

<b>VI. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the</b>
<b>fist. Use word in brackets</b>

1. I had my old coat on (wearing)

2. No one told me about the change of the plan (know)

3. She’s sorry she can’t play the piano (wishes)

4. Our trip to Africa was in October (We)

5. It was breakfast-time when Susan rang (I)


<b>VII. Read the passage. Choose the word that beast completes the </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

Australian koalas. He was a little afraid __ the lions. When they
yawned, he could see their sharp teeth. He and Kitty were very excited

when they saw the monkeys. There were so many types __ monkeys.
Some were very big but some were small.

Timothy was very happy. When he __ home, ho told hias mother all
about his trip __ the zoo.

<b>VIII. With the cues given, written a letter to your pen pal. You </b>
<b>should put them in correct order first, and then begin to write</b>

- The trip/be/very interesting, and I/be/eager/to tell you about it
- Walk/around the lake/enjoy/the fresh cool air, we/feel/very

- The weather/be/rather cold/night, but it/be/very cool/during the day
- I/just/return/four-day trip/to Da Lat/my parents

- We/stay/mini hotel/Xuan Huong lake
- We/enjoy/ourselves so much

- We/also/visit/a lot of famous places/such/Prenn Waterfall/Cam Ly
Waterfall/Lake of sighs/ Bao Dai Palaces/ Da Lat flower Park ...
- Write/ me soon

Dear Anne,

<b>UNIT 2 : CLOTHING</b>
<b>Từ vựng</b>

-mention (v) đề cập

-silk (n) tơ, chỉ, lụa
-slit (n) đường xẻ

-wear- wore-worn (v) mặc , mang , đội
-material (n) chất liệu, vật liệu

-cross (n) chữ thập, thánh giá
-strip (n) sọc , vằn, viền

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

-uniform (n) đồng phục # casual clothes (n)thường phục
-colorful (adj) đầy màu sắc

-faded (adj) bạc màu
-sweater (n) áo len dài tay

-sleeveless (adj) khơng có tay, cụt tay(áo)
-blouse (n) áo cổ trịn, cho nữ

-plain (adj) trơn (khơng có hoa hoặc hình vẽ)
-paggy (adj) trộng thùng thình (lai quần )
-T-shirt (n)áo phông

-Europe= European (n) Châu Âu
-sailor (n) Thủy thủ

-style (n) kiểu cách
-embroider (v) thêu
-label (n) nhãn hiệu
-sale (n) doanh số

-worldwide economic situation : tình hình kinh tế thế giới
-> worldwide web : www...[tên trang web]

-generation (n) thế hệ

-grow (v) lớn lên, trưởng thành
-lively (adj) đầy sức sống

-alive (adj) còn sống # dead (adj) đã chết->death (n) cái chết
-self- confident : tự tin với chính mình

-bear (v) mang (tên)
-bear (n) con gấu
-palace (n) cung điện

-reunification (n)sự thống nhất
-botanical (adj) (thuộc) thực vật học
-durian (n) sầu riêng

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

-plaid (adj) kẻ carô, kẻ ô vuông
-loose (adj) lỏng, không chặt
-pattern (n) mẫu , mơ hình
<b>*Giới từ</b>

-make from:làm từ vật liệu nhưng có pha chế , kĩ thuật
-make of: làm từ vật liệu nguyên chất

-name after:đặt tên theo
-were on : (thời gian) trôi qua
-be proud of :tự hào về…

-thanks for: cảm ơn vì

-thanks to : Nhờ có …(thường là máy móc )
-go up = go on : leo thang.

-in fashion: đúng mốt

-out of fashion: quê mùa, không hợp thời trang
-run out of petrol: hết xăng

-short out of money : hết tiền
-be fond of :rất vui vì..

-be proud of :tự hào về...
-by oneself :tự mình

-by one's side :bên cạnh ai đó...= besidesomeone.
<b> Loại từ</b>

<b>* Family words (Gia đình từ):</b>
<b>1) cloth (n) vải, giẻ, khăn lau </b>
<b>clothe (v) mặc vào </b>

<b>clothing = clothes (n) quần áo , y phục </b>
<b>2)poem (n) bài thơ</b>

<b>poet (n) nhà thơ</b>
<b>poetess(n) nữ thi sĩ </b>

<b>poetaster (n) nhà thơ xoàng </b>

<b>poetic (adj) thuộc về thi ca , hợp vs. thơ</b>
<b>3)tradition(n) phong tục , tập quán</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>4) organize (v) tổ chức</b>

<b>organization (n) hiệp hội, tổ chức</b>
<b>5)comfort (n) sự thoải mái </b>

<b>comfortable (adj) thoải mái , dễ chịu</b>
<b># uncomfortable (adj) khó chịu</b>
<b>6) convenient (adj) tiện nghi</b>
<b>convenience(n) sự tiện lợi </b>
<b># inconvenient(adj) bất tiện</b>

<b>7)amuse (v) làm vui, làm buồn cười</b>
<b>amusement (n) sự vui chơi, trị gjải trí </b>
<b>8) encourage (v)khuyến khích, cổ vũ</b>
<b>encouragement (n) sự động viện, khích lệ</b>
<b>9)vegetable (n) rau </b>

<b>vegetarian (n) người ăn chay</b>
<b>10)fashion (n) thời trang</b>

<b>fashionable (adj) hợp thời trang</b>
<b>11) design (v) thiết kế</b>

<b>designer (n) nhà thiết kế </b>
<b> Bài tập Unit 2</b>

<b>I. Change these sentences into passive form.</b>
1. She had finished the report by noon

--> The report………..
2. Have you fed the dogs yet?

--> Have the dogs………..
3. They clean the floor everyday.

--> The floor………..
4. My sister is watching TV in the living room now.
--> TV ……….
5. They painted the wall yesterday.

--> The wall ………
6. Mrs. Nga was playing badminton at 4 pm yesterday.
--> Badminton ……….
7. They are going to build a bridge here.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

8. Tom did the test carefully at school this morning.

--> The test ………
9. Open your book

--> Let ………..
10. People said that he was a thief.

--> It ………..
--> He ……….
<b>I. Change the following sentences from the active into the passive.</b>

1. My sister gave me a new pair of jeans on my fìteenth birthday.

2. The workers are building a supermarket on our street.
3. The zoo keepers feed the animals twice a day.

4. They have sold their car to pay their debt.

5. We are going to grow flowers in the front garden.

6. You mustn't use this machine after 5.30 pm

7. My grandmother is knitting a new sweater for me.

8. Did people make jeans two hundred years ago?

9. We don't use this kind of cloth to make shirts.

10. Vietnamese woman continue to wear the unique and fashionable ao


<b>II. Read the first sentence, and then complete the second sentence </b>
<b>with the same meaning.</b>

1. She last wore that dress at her sister's wedding.
---> She hasn't ...

2. Jack London didn't write the novel "The Adventures of Tom sawyer".
----> The novel ... ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

4. When did you start working in that factory?
----> How long ... ...
5. It isn't necessary for student to wear iniforms today.
----> Student ...

<b> Bài tập Unit 2</b>

<b>I-Trắc nghiệm: (5 mps)</b>

1.Jeans have never been ... fashion, haven't they?
a.out of b.in of c.out d.off

2.Wearing casual clothes makes students...comfortable.
a.felt b.feel c.feeling d.to feel

3.Since when...in your house?- for 4 years
a.have you lived b.did you lived

c.are you lived d.were you living
4.This toy is made...wood

a.of b.from b.by d.at

<b>II-Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc: (2mps)</b>
1.This coffee is too (heat)... to drink

2.Is your mother alive or (die)………....?
<b>III-Preposition: (2mps)</b>

1.My friend , Lan is not ...beautiful but.... intelligent.
2.She prefers walking ...cycling.

<b>IV-Rewrite: (1 mp)</b>

1.Let's invite the Browns to the party.
->He suggested ...

2.Everyone heard about the accident before I did.
->I was... .

<b>---Unit 2 : Clothing</b>

<b>I- Multiple choice</b>

<b>1. The word jeans comes from a kind of material that___________ </b>
<b>in Europe.</b>

a) made b) has made c) was made

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

a) called b) has called c) was called

<b>3. At first, jean cloth was made_________ a mixture of things.</b>

a) of b) from c) by

<b>4. In the 18th century, plantation workers wore jeans____________ </b>
<b>completely is cotton. </b>

a) was made b) make c) made

<b>5. Indigo_____ jean cloth a dark blue color.</b>
a) was made b) make c) made

<b>6. A man called Jacob Davis had the idea of______ metal rivets to </b>

pockets and the jeans together.
a) used b) using c) use

<b>7. In 1886, Levi sewed a leather label_____ their jeans.</b>
a) in b) on c) above

<b>8. During the time of the World War 2, "waist overalls"--- to </b>
<b>the worl</b>d

<b>by American soldiers.</b>

a) introduced b) were introduced c) have introduced

<b>9. In the 1950s, denim became popular--- young people.</b>

a) with b) to c) for

<b>10.In some countries_____ uniforms is compulsory in schools.</b>
a) wear b) to wear c) wearing

<b>II- Change these sentences into passive if possible. Be sure to the </b>
<b>same tense and include "by - phrase" only if necessary.</b>

1. Lan bought some comic books for her brother.

-> ………
2. Thu may go to school late today.

3.The waitress handed Phong's parents the menu.


4. The children woke up in the middle of the night because of the
strange noises in the house.


5.Nowadays people use electricity for light


<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>



7.Our school team played against Le Loi team last week.


8.They felt so tired after the final exam

-> ……….

9.People notice that famous singer wherever he goes


10. According to the inspector, lightning burned down the forest.


<b>III- Rewrite the following sentences. Be sure to keep the meaning </b>

<b> the sentences unchanged.</b>

Example: Mark Twain wrote "Life on the Mississipi"
-> "Life on the Mississipi" was written by Mark Twain.

1. Lien couldn't open the door of the classroom.

2. Phong has to return the scientific book to the library

3. The teacher won't accept papers written in pencil.


4. The athletes might visit some interesting places after Sea-Games

5. Lan's parents have to clean up their house before Tet holidays

<b>IV.Write questions for these answers</b>

1.Writers and musicians have mentioned the "ao dai" in poems, novels
and songs.

->What_______________ _._________________________________
2.My mother has worn "ao dai" since she began her career as a teacher.
->What_____________________________________________ _____
3. She borrowed some of my English books.

->Whose____________________________________________ _____
4. Lan has just bought a pair of sandals made in China.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

5. It's about 320 kilometers from HCM City to Nha Trang.
-How ………..

<b> Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết</b>

Họ và tên:………

Lớp: 9…..

<b>I. Pronunciation (1 mark)</b>

1. A.wished B. impressed C. enjoyed D. worked
2. A. please B. pleasure C. easy D. teacher
3. A. what B. who C. wher D. when

4. A. comprise B. divide C. primary D. religion
<b>II. Vocabulary and grammar (3 marks)</b>

1. The unit of_________used in the USA is dollar.
A. currency B. money C. change D. note

2. He used to work on a ship. He was a__________
A. poet B. writer C. designer D. sailor

3. Have you_______gone to London ?
A. never B. for C. ever D. never
4. His father is proud_____his son.
A. of B. on C. in D. at

5. When he was a child, he used to_______fishing with his father.
A. going B. went C. go D. to go

6. They_______some flowers and candies for the farewell party last

A. bought B. buy C. has bought D. have bought

7. We have lived in this town_______1998.
A. for B. ago C. in D. since

8. My house____________into last year.

A. are broken B. is broken C. were broken D. was broken
9. I wish I______a designer. Now I’m a student.

A. were B. was C. am D. is

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

A. has correspond B. corresponded
C. has corresponded D. correspond

11. You don’t need to clean the floor. I have___________done it.
A. yet B. never C. ever D. already

12. The workers loved wearing jeans because they didn’t wear___easily.
A. out B. of C. on D. in

<b>III. Do as directed (4 marks)</b>

1. He would go hunting when he was in Africa. (Used to)

2. They clean the floor everday. (Change into passive form)

3. I can’t read this word correctly. (Use “I wish”)


4. The factory will produce 10.000 cars next year. (Change into passive

5. The children don’t use this computer very often. (Use “I wish”)
6. My father___________(not take) me to Dam Sen Amusement Park
yesterday. (Give the correct form)

7. When / I / young, I / play / with / friends. (Complete the sentence)
8. We had our dinner when the telephone rang. (Find and correct the


<b>IV. Write a paragraph to support the argument that high school </b>
<b>girls should wear</b><i><b>ao dai</b></i><b>. (2 marks)</b>

High school girls should wear ao dai

Wearing ao dai:

 Make school girls to be proud of their traditional dress as
well as the traditional cultural beauty of the country.
 Make school girls feel equal in many ways whether they

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

 Make school girls feel self – confident. Because it is both

traditional and fashionable.

 Is practical. Not think of what to wear everyday

I think it is necessry for high school girls to wear Ao dai when they are
at school .

Firstly, wearing Ao dai makes high school girls to be proud of their
traditional because the Ao dai is the traditional dress of Vietnamese
women .

Secondly, wearing Ao dai makes high school girls feel equal in many
ways whether they are rich or poor.

Thirdly, wearing Ao dai makes high school girls feel self-confident
when they are at school because it is both fashionable and traditional .
Finally, wearing Ao dai is practical .You don't have to think of what to
wear everyday.

Therefore , high school girls should wear Ao dai they go to school .
<b>[Test] Bài kiểm tra tổng hợp Unit 1 + 2</b>

<b>I.Multiple choice</b>

1. She was really impressed ____ the friendliness of the people here
A . with B. by C. in D .on

2.Islamic people usually go to the ____ to pray
A. pagoda B.temple C .mosque D.church
3.He seems _____ the Vietnamese food .

A.enjoying B.to enjoy C.be enjoyed D.enjoyed
4 .The book ______of five chapters

A .comprises B.consists C.makes D.has
5.The train arrived at Da Nang _____ at 5 am
A.station B. port C.airport D.stop

6. The mirror was________ broken

A.accident B.accidentally C.accidental D.by accident
7.The club_______up last year .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

A,born B.let C.allowed D.admitted

9.Television _________ only for the last forty or fifty years
A.must be existed B.has been existed

C. was existed D.has existed

10. ''How many pages ______so far ?'' - " Ten"
A. do you study B.did you study

C.have you studied D.had you study

<b>II. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets :</b>

1. The newspaper is published twice (week) _____

2.The editor welcomes (correspond) _______ from readers on any

subject .

3.Unfortunately we lack the resources to (modern) _________
4.We soon became (friend)_______with the couple next door .
5,It was a (touch) ______story that moved many of us to tears .

<b>III. Supply the correct verb tense :</b>

1.Mr.Khanh often (drink) _____coffee in the morning .
2.Our class (go)______to visit our former teacher last Sunday
3.I (swim)______when I was about six years old .

4. When yo first (come)______ to the countryside ?
5.-When your uncle (arrive) _____? - Next month

<b>IV.Read the passage,then choose one word from the box to fill in </b>
<b>each numbered blank :</b>

Majority , coast , industries , produces , country , population , official ,
agriculture , founded , snow-capped .

Colombia is located in a Northwestern part of South America and is the
fourth largest (1)………..in South America.It has (2) ………….lines on
both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans .It has a (3)…………of around
36 million and is a very beautiful country with (4)…………mountains
as well as hot lowland lands .The capital is Bogota ,which was (5)
…………by the Spaniards in 1538. Almost all Colombians speak
Spanish,which is the country’s (6)…………..language.The religion of
the (7)…………of the population is Roman Catholic . Some of the most
important (8)………….are textiles and clothing .Other industries

include mining and oil . Agriculture is the most important section of the
economy ,and Colombia’s main (9) ………….. products are

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

………….more coffee than any other country except Brazil.

<b>V. Rewrite sentences :</b>

1. Why don't you buy them this picture as a wedding present,John?
-> Maria suggested ……….
2.It started to rain at four o'clock

->It has ………
3I haven’t got a washing machine at home.

->I wish ……….
4 Their team didn’t play very well

-> They wish ………
5. " How much do you think it will cost ?" he asked

-> He wanted to know ………
6. The librarian arranges books on the shelf against the wall.
-> The books………
7 . They will cut the grass in the park next week

-> The grass………..
8.When did they decorate the kitchen?

-> When ………
9 . People should keep fruits in the fridge for long.

-> Fruits………..
10. They export bananas to Europe

-> Bananas……….

<b>Từ vựng</b>

<b>III)Vocabulary: </b>

-<b>sick=ill:</b> bị bệnh

-<b>take a photo</b> (v) chụp hình
-<b>waterfall</b>(n) thác nước

-<b>harvest crope</b> : thu hoạch vụ/mùa
-<b>air</b>(n) khơng khí, khí quyển
-<b>air-conditioner</b> (n) máy điều hoà
-<b>have a rest = rest</b> (v) nghỉ ngơi
-<b>Trip</b> (n) chuyến đi

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

-<b>snack</b> (n) bữa ăn nhẹ
-<b>lie – lying</b> (v) nằm
-<b>shrine</b>(n)lăng mộ

-<b>hero</b>(n) anh hùng<b> # heroine</b>(n) nữ anh hùng
-<b>fresh</b> (adj) sạch, trong <b># tidy</b> (adj) dơ bẩn
-<b>take back = come back= return</b> (v) trở về
-<b>blanket</b> (n) chăn , mền

-<b>standard</b> (adj) tiêu chuẩn
-<b>garther</b> (v) dọn dẹp

-<b>take/catch bus</b> (v) đón xe bt

-<b>blind man’s buff </b>(n) trị chơi “bịt mắt bắt dê”
-<b>pass</b>(v) đậu <b># fail</b> (v) rớt

-<b>still</b> (adv) vẫn còn

-<b>as soon as</b> (adv) ngay khi
-<b>as well as</b> (adv) cũng như
-<b>across </b>(v) băng qua

-<b>flow – flew- flown</b> (v) chảy qua.
-<b>collect</b> (v) thu lượm, sưu tầm
-<b>plant</b> (v) trồng trọt

-<b>raise</b> (v) chăn nuôi

-<b>highway</b>(n) đường cao tốc
-<b>pond</b> (n) ao , hồ

-<b>forest</b>(n) rừng
-<b>store</b>(n)cửa hàng

-<b>grocery store</b> (n)cửa hành tạp hoá

-<b>exchange student</b> (n) học sinh trao đổi văn hoá
-<b>the USA = the United of America</b> :Mỹ, Hoa Kì
-<b>the UK = the United Kingdom</b> : Anh

-<b>part-time</b> : bán thời gian

-<b>outside</b> (adv) bên ngoài, ngời trời <b>#inside</b>(adv) phía trong, bên trong
-<b>hard</b> (adj)cứng, chăm chỉ -><b>hardly</b>(adv) gần đây

-<b>late</b>(adj) trễ-><b>lately</b> (n) dạo này

=>Hai trạng từ <b>“hardly”</b> và <b>“lately”</b> thường được sử dụng trong
thì <b>“Hiện tại hồn thành”</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

-<b>volleyball</b> :bóng chuyền
-<b>soccer = football</b> : bóng đá
-<b>go fishing </b>(v) đi câu cá
-<b>reply</b>(v) hồi âm

-<b>village</b>(n) làng, bản

-l<b>eave – left-left</b>(v) rời , khỏi

<b>->leave books</b>: quên đem sách
-<b>meeting</b> (n) buổi họp, hội nghị
-<b>hamberger</b>(n) bánh hăm-bơ-gơ
-<b>hot dog </b>(n) xúc xích

-<b>banyan tree</b> (n) cây cổ thụ

-<b>do for a living</b> (v) làm việc, kiếm sống

<b>Ngữ pháp:</b>
<b>1)Linking verb:</b>

<b>feel, seem, want,…:</b>linking verb

=>Sau linking verb, verb không thêm “ing”

-Sau chúng, dùng “adj”, ko dùng “adv”
<b>2)</b>Sau <i><b>“some, every”</b></i>, là một danh từ ở số ít

<b>3)Passive voice:</b>

a.Hiện tại đơn: <i><b>S+am/is/are+p.p….</b></i>

b.Hiện tại tiếp diễn: <i><b>S+am/is/are</b></i>

c.Quá khứ đơn: <i><b>S+was/were+p.p….</b></i>

d.Hiện tại hoàn thành :<i><b>S+have/has+been+p.p….</b></i>

*Cách chuyển từ adj sang adv: adv= adj+ “ly”

-Vị trí của adv: đứng trc’ động từ thường và đứngsau động từ “to be”.


-Một số từ dc chuyển thể trong câu ước “wish”

+can => could
<b>6)Tính từ ghép:</b>
<b>Ex:</b>a two-day trip

=>Form: a/an + number-plural noun ( ko thêm s/es)+danh từ chung

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<b>S+spend+time + on V-ing</b>

<b>=>It takes/took/has taken….+ time+ for +Đại từ nhân xưng+…to-V.</b>
<b>9)The same:</b>

<b>Ex:</b> He and I <b>are the same age</b>.
=>I‘m <b>the same age as</b> him

- Sau “the same” là một <i>danh từ đếm được</i> .Trong câu , nếu có mục đích
so sánh thì sau “the same+noun” là “as”.

<b>10)The present perfect continuous tense: (Thì hiện tại hồn thành </b>
<i><b>tiếp diễn )</b></i>


<i><b>I, We, You, They…+have+ been + V-ing</b></i>
<i><b>He, She It…+has+ been + V-ing</b></i>


-Thì này diễn tả một hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ và kéo dài liên
tục đến hiện tại.

<b>Lưu ý:</b> Khơng dùng thì này với các động từ chỉ nhận thức , tri giác.Với
loại động từ này ta dùng Present Perfect (xem các động từ đã nêu trong
thì hiện tại tiếp diễn ).

<b>Ex:</b> + I have been studying French for five years.

*Các từ hay đi kèm là : since (+mốc thời gian), for (+khoảng thời gian).

<b>11)Adverb clause of result: ( Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả )</b>

*Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả là mệnh đề phụ để chỉ kết quả do hành
động của mệnh đề chính gây ra.

*Cấu trúc của câu có mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả như sau.

<b>1.So…that:</b> (quá …..đến nỗi)

S+ be +so +adj …+…. that +S +verb….
(main clause)…………..(adverb clause of result)

<b>Ex:</b> It was so dark that I couldn’t see anything.

<b>12)Gerund: (danh động từ)</b>

-Danh động từ có dạng V-ing

-Vị trí: có tính chất như một tính từ , có thể làm chủ ngữ trong câu.

<b>Ex:</b>-Growing rice is very important for a poor country.

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<b>II-Loại từ: </b>

<b>-enjoy</b>(v)thích, thưởng thức-><b>enjoyable</b>(adj)thú vị.
-<b>arrive</b>(v) đến-><b>arrival</b>(n)

-<b>depart</b>(v)khởi hành-><b>departure</b>(n) sự khởi hành
-<b>appoint</b> (v) hẹn, gặp gỡ -><b>appointment</b> (n) cuộc hẹn

<b>Giới từ</b>
<b>III-Giới từ:</b>

-<b>fon the buffalo back =plow with the buffalo</b>: chăn trâu
-<b>to the north |east|west|south</b>: phía Bắc | Đơng|Tây|Nam
-<b>go there notgo </b>to<b> there</b>:đi đến đó

-<b>far from</b> :xa từ <b>notnear</b> <b>from</b>:gần….
-<b>near by</b>: bên bờ sông

-<b>at the entrance to</b>….:cổng vào, lối vào…

-<b>At Chirstmas</b> :vào dịp Giáng Sinh <b>but onChirstmasday</b>:vào ngày
Giáng Sinh

-<b>on a day trip/on weekend/at theweekend</b>:vào cuối tuần
-<b>go for holiday/vacation</b>: đi nghỉ.

-<b>join in</b>: tham vào…..

#<b>but join s.o to</b>…..: cùng ai đó tham gia vào………
-<b>travel by</b>……:đi bằng phương tiện gì….

-<b>lay out</b> : dọn ra

-<b>wake up = get up</b> : thức dậy

<b>But wake up</b>: vừa thức, nhưng chưa bứơc ra khỏi giường, vừa mới mở

Và <b>get up</b> : thức dậy rồi, đã đánh răng rửa mặt rồi.

-<b>after/before/until/till/at + time</b>: sau/trước/cho đến khi/lúc : thời gian.
-<b>walk into</b>: đi trong….

<b>Walk around</b>: đi dạo

<b>Walk up</b> : leo (núi)

-<b>on the street</b> :trên đuờng <b>but in the river</b> trên sông
-<b>on a farm</b>(n) nông trại

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

-<b>The beginning |middle|last of month</b> : vào đầu |giữa|cuối tháng.
-<b>In the season</b>:Vào mùa

-<b>turn on # turn off</b>: mở # tắt
-<b>late for s.th </b>: trễ gì đó..

-<b>Do something for amount of time”:</b>làm một việc gì đó trong 1 khoảng
thời gian

<b>I.TÌm từ gạch chân đc phát âm khác vs những từ còn lại</b>
1 . A. Means . B seat C. area D. Peak

2. A. object B. crop C. hope D . boss
3. A. bamboo B afternoon C.food D. foot
4. A.wealth B. meat C. peaceful D. beaches
5. A. comb B. plumb C. climb D. disturb

II.H·y x¸c đ inh một lỗi trong các từ hoặc cụm từ có gạch
chân của các câu sau

1. I always am having lunchat the cafe near the office

2. These dictionaries are alltoo expensive for we to buyat this time
3. his teacher encouragedhim talking part in thecompetition

4. They had so a good meal at that restaurant thatt they wanted to go
there again

5.My father was raised in a farm , but I have lived in the city my whole

<b>III . Viết dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc</b>

1. Trung used (write ) ... to his friends , but now he
( communicate ) ... with them through the internet

2. we are really impressed by the ( friend ) ... of these villagers
3 . Linh was used to (wear)... her uniforms to school

4. The light ( go)... out when we (have ) ... dinner
5. what you (do)………. at 7p.,m last night?

<b> Bài tập số 3</b>

<b>I . Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced </b>
<b>differently from that of the others</b>

1. a . village b . shrine c river d picnic
2. a . private b. provide c. million d. wide
3. a. protect b. concern c . conserve d.crop

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

5. a. animal b. manage c. land d. shake

<b>II . Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently </b>
<b>from the others</b>

1. a. family b. complete c. grocery d primary
2. a.weather b. woman c. other d. protect

3. a understand b. company c,. preference d. everything
4. a. decide b. circus c. again d. sincere

5 . a. invite b. lucky c. reason d. letter

<b>III. Underline the correct form of the verbs to complete the </b>
<b>following passage</b>

Dennis Heal (1<i>) is / was</i> a politician . He ( 2) <i><b>has gone /went</b></i> to Oxford
University in 1950 and (3) <i><b>becomes/became</b></i> a member of Parliament for
the Labour Party in 1957. He (4) <i><b>has been/had been</b></i> a Member of
Parliament since then. He (5) <i><b>wrote /has written</b></i> three story books
including his autobiography. He (6<i><b>) is/ was married</b></i> to an artist , Anna
Heal , and they ( 7) <i><b>have / had</b></i> two children . They ( 8) <i><b>live / lived</b></i> in
Oxford for 15 years , the (9) <i><b>moved / moving</b></i> to London in 1970. They
now ( 10) <i><b>live / has lived</b></i> in Cardigan Square in central London

<b>IV . Choose the underlined word or phrase ( A,B ,C,D ) that needs </b>

1. we reached the nearest village after walk for five hours

2. Computers and new methods of communicative have revolutionzied
the modern office

3. I felt sadly when I readthe letter

4 . Most babies will grow upto be as cleverer as theirparents .
5. In 1776 to 1800 , the population of the U.S continued to
rise reachingfive million citizens by the turn of the century

<b>V Read the first sentence , and then complete the second sentence </b>
<b>with the same meaning</b>

1 . she last wore that dress at her sister’s wedding
==> she hasn’t………..
2 . They began buiding the bridge 2 years ago

==> they have been ……….
3. they have changed the date of the meeting

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

4.dave worked in a factory in the past , but doesn’t work there now
==> dave used ...
<b>Bài tập Unit 3</b>

<b>I-Trắc nghiệm:</b> (5ms)

1.The final examination will be held ...June 12th, 2006
a.in b.on c.at d.to

2.The boys looks very proud ...his success at school.
a.on b.of c.at d.in

3.All the students are looking forward....their summer vacation in the

a.to spend b.spend c.to spending d.spending
4.Flowers should....in warm places.

a.be keep b.kept c.be kept d.be keeping
5.Do you know the man....car Jack is driving?
a.who b.whom c.which d.whose

<b>II</b>-<b>Forms:</b><i><b>(1.5 ms)</b></i>

1.Is English compulsory or...? (option)
2.His...quickly spread... (famous/word)


1.I always come to school...foot
2.It never snows here ...Christmas

3.You are very tired because you often stay...late.
4.I learnt to drive in 1990 at the age ...17

5.Look...! That glass is going to fall.
<b>IV-Rewite: </b><i><b>(3ms)</b></i>

1.She has learnt English for 3 years

--> She started...
2.The last time I saw him was in 1995.

--> I haven't...
3.When did you begin to learn English?

--> How long...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b>- foreign (a) nước ngoài, ngoại ngữ</b>
<b>- foreigner (n) người ngoại quốc</b>
<b>- language (n) ngôn ngữ</b>

<b>- compare (v) so sánh</b>

<b>- understand – understood – understood (v) hiểu, nhận ra</b>
<b>- dormitory = dorm (n) kí túc xá</b>

<b>- campus (n) khuôn viên trường đại học</b>
<b>- reputation (n) danh tiếng</b>

<b>- list (n) danh sách</b>
<b>- culture (n) nền văn hoá</b>
<b>- experience (n) kinh nghiệm</b>
<b>- scenery (n) phong cảnh, cảnh vật</b>
<b>- center (n) trung tâm</b>

<b>- sing – sang – sang (v) hát</b>

<b>- pass # fall – fell - fell (v) đậu / rớt (kì thi)</b>
<b>- approximately (adv) xấp xỉ</b>

<b>- aspect (n) khía cạnh</b>

<b>- native speaker (n) người bản xứ</b>
<b>- passage (n) đoạn văn</b>

<b>- essay (n) bài luận</b>

<b>- Oral exam # Written Exam : kì thi nói # kì thi viết</b>
<b>- write – wrote – written (v) viết</b>

<b>- terrible (adj) khủng khiếp</b>

<b>- be able to = can (v) có khả năng, có thể</b>
<b>- worry (v) = nervous (adj) : lo lắng</b>
<b>- candidate (n) ứng cử viên, thí sinh</b>
<b>- hobby (n) sở thích</b>

<b>- habbit (n) thói quen</b>

<b>- royal (adj) (thuộc về) hồng tộc, hồng gia </b>
<b>- formal (adj) trang trọng</b>

<b>- detail (n) chi tiết</b>

<b>- complete (v) (adj) hoàn thành </b>
<b>- include (v) bao gồm</b>

<b>- faithfully (adj) chung thuỷ, chung thực, chính sác</b>
<b>- recipient (adj) dễ tiếp thu, dễ lĩnh hội</b>

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<b>- institution (n) sự thành lập, tổ chức, cơ quan</b>
<b>- available (adj) có sẵn</b>

<b>- news (n) tin tức</b>
<b>- further (a) thêm</b>

<b>-> further information : thông tin thêm</b>
<b>- polite (a) lễ phép , lịch sự</b>

<b>- supply (v) hỗ trợ</b>
<b>- exactly (adv) chính sác</b>
<b>- lost weight (v) giảm cân</b>
<b>- offer (v) đề nghị, đưa ra</b>
<b>- college (n) cao đẳng</b>
<b>- university (n) đại học</b>
<b>- institute (n) học viện</b>

<b>- Australia – Australian : nước Úc - người / (thuộc về) nước Úc</b>
<b>- council (n) hội đồng</b>

<b>- tuition (n) sự giảng dạy</b>

<b>- academy (n) trường đào tạo đặc biệt, học viện</b>
<b>- Advanced (n) nâng cao</b>

<b>- intermediate (n) trung cấp</b>

<b>- begin – began – begun (v) bắt đầu ( + to –V / V-ing)</b>
<b>- beginner (n) người mới bắt đầu</b>

<b>- well – qualified teacher (n) giáo viên dạy giỏi</b>
<b>- course (n) khố học</b>

<b>- fee (n) học phí, tiền thù lao</b>

<b>- inquiry (n) câu hỏi (tìm hiểu ), yêu cầu (thông tin)</b>
<b> Ngữ pháp</b>

<b>1) as…as…:</b>

Ex: <i><b>as</b></i> fast (adv) <i><b>as</b></i> he could (clause), <i><b>as</b></i> much(adj) <i><b>as</b></i> possible (adj)
=>Form : as…+…adj/adv+as…+….clause/ adj/adv

<b>2) </b><i><b>Revise</b><b> </b></i><b>Reported Speech:</b>

<i><b>*Có 5 dạng chính, cơ bản:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

3.Câu khẳng định: S + said + S + Verb…..

4.Câu hỏi “Yes –No”: S + said / asked + if /whether + S + Verb (đảo
<i>ngữ câu hỏi )</i>

5.Câu hỏi “Wh.., H….”: S + said / asked + wh…/h….+ S + Verb (đảo
<i>ngữ câu hỏi )</i>

<b>3) Sentence Transformation:</b>

<b>a)Ex: When did you begin working in this factory?</b>
-> How long have you worked in this factory?

<b>When did + S + begin / start +V-ing / to-V…?</b>
<b>-> How long have/ has + S + p.p…..?</b>

<b>b)Ex: I last saw her a month ago.</b>
-> I haven’t seen her for a month.
-> The last time I saw her was a month.
-> It’s a month since I saw her.


<b>S + last + V (past) +…..+ [ a space of time] + ago / [a point of time ]</b>
<b>-> S + have/ has + not + p.p +….for - [ a space of time] / since -[ a </b>
<b>point of time ]</b>

<b>-> The last time + S + V (past) +……was / is + [ a space of time] </b>

<b>-> It + was/is + [ a space of time] + since + S + V(past)+…..</b>
<b>c) Ex: Let’s play.</b>

->What/How about playing?
-> Why don’t we play?

<b>Let’s + bare – inf</b>

<b>-> Why don’t we+ bare –inf…?</b>
<b>->What/How about + V-ing…?</b>
<b>d) Pharasal Verb:</b>

<b>-be interested in + V-ing = have a interest in + V-ing</b>
<b>-decide = make a decision</b>

<b>-look forward to + V-ing : mong chờ, đợi…</b>
<b>-would like + to…..</b>

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- difficult(adj) khó, khó khăn, gay go
difficultly (adv) một cách khó khăn
difficulty (n) sự khó khăn, gian lao

difficile (adj) khó tính, khó chơi (người….)
- examnination = exam (n) kì thi

examinational (adj) tỉ mỉ, nghiêm ngặt
examnine = examinable (v) nghiên cứu
examnine (n) thí sinh

examniner = examninant (n) giám khảo

- agree (v) đồng ý # disagree (v) bất đồng , không đồng ý
agreement (n) sự đồng ý

agreeable (adj) tán thành, sẵn sàng đồng ý
agreeably (adv) nhiệt liệt hưởng ứng, tán thành

agreeability = agreeableness (n) sự tán thành, sự đồng ý
- improve (v) cải tiến, cải thiện

improvement(n)sự cải thiên
improver (n) người cải thiện
improvable (adj) có tính cải thiện

improvablity = improvabless (n) tính có thể cải thiện, tính có thể làm tốt

- advert = advertise = advertize (v) quảng cáo
advertisement ( n) mẫu quảng cáo

advertisement colume : cột quảng cáo

advertising (n) sự quảng cáo, nghề quảng cáo
advertiser (n) người quảng cáo

- edition (n) số báo

edit (v) chuẩn bị (cho bài viết ), biên tập
editor (n) người biên tập

editors – in –chief :chủ bút, tổng biên tập
editorial (adj) (thuộc) biên tập viên
edito princeps (n) bản in đầu tiên
- request (v) đề nghị

requester (n) người câu xin, người thỉnh cầu
- need (v) cần

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needful (adj) cần thiết

needfully (adv) một cách cần thiết , quan trọng
needfullness (n) sự cần thiết

neediness (n) cảnh túng thiếu
- conclude = concluder (v) kết thúc
conclusion (n) sự kết thúc, cuối cùng
conclusive (adj) để kết luận, để kết thúc
conclusively (adv) chắc chắn, thuyết phục

conclusiveness (n) tính chất để kết luận, tính chất cuối cùng
<b> Giới từ</b>

<b>II- Giới từ:</b>

<b>- listen to s.th: nghe thứ gì đó </b>
<b>- in the end…: vào cuối….</b>
<b>- lots of = a lot of : nhiều….</b>
<b>- come from : đến từ ….</b>
<b>- go out : đi chơi </b>

<b>- eat out : ăn vặt</b>
<b>- late for ….:trễ ….</b>

<b>- name after: đặt tên theo…</b>
<b>- live in/at : ở trong / tại ….</b>

<b>- know about s.th: biết về cái gì đó …..</b>

<b>- discuss s.th with s.o : thảo luận về việc gì đó với một ai đó</b>
<b>*Tránh viết discuss about…. : thảo luận về < Tiếng Việt đọc là </b>
<b>thế ,nhưng trog English ko có about></b>

<b>-learn by heart : học thuộc lòng </b>

<b>-attend to s.th /s.o : chú ý đến ai đó / thứ gì đó</b>
<b> Bài Tập</b>

1. Please lend me your book, Loan." Tuan said.

-> ………..
2. "Can you help me with my homework?" Ba said.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

4. "Don't talk in class." Miss Lan said.

5. "You should listen to your teacher in class". Mrs Hoa said to her son.

6. "Do you live here?" Liz asked.

7. "Are you tired, Ba?" Loan said.

8. "How many students are there in your class?" Hoang said.
9. "What time is it?" Ba said.

10. "Where do you go, Ba?" Loan asked.

11. "Do you often help your mom?" Ba asked.

12. "Are you doing anything this weekend?" Hoa asked Nam.

13. "You have to hand in your papers next Tuesday."The teacher said

<b> 45 minutes test</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently</b>
<b>from the others’ (1m).</b>

1. a. between b. election c. English d.entrance
2. a. parents b. ten c. when d. mend

3. a. around b. how c. bought d. found
4. a. danger b. angry c. language d. passage

<b>II. Choose the correct answer (2ms).</b>

1. You will pass the exam (but/and/if) you study hard.
2. I met him (on/at/in) the entrance to the village.

3. Do you collect stamps or other things ? – Yes, I’m a stamp

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

6. She asked me (if/did/do) I studied English at school.

7. If Mai is friendly, she (will have/has/would have) a lot of friends.
8. There is a meeting (on/between/at) 9AM and 2PM.

<b>III. Change these sentences in to reported speech (2ms).</b>

1. What school are you going to ?

Nam asked me__________________________________
2. Why do you want to take the course ?

--> She asked me___________________________________
3. I can use a computer now.

Hoa said_______________________________________
4. Are you good at learning English in your class ?

--> She asked me_____________________________

<b>IV. Write the letter (2ms).</b>

Dear Sir,

I saw your school’s advertisement on TV last night.
I/interested/learn English/and/I/like/information/school.

I/be/very grateful/if/you/send/details/courses/fees.
Look forward/hear/you/soon.

Your sincerely,

<i><b>Dear Sir,</b></i>

I saw your school’s advertisement on TV last night.

________________________________________ ______________
__________________________________________________ ___
Your sincerely,


<b>V. Read the passage and do the tasks below.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

It was a beautiful Sunday. We assembled at the school gate and traveled
to the Botanic Garden by bus. It was a long way to our destination and
we sang very merrily all the way.

The Botanic Garden is a very beautiful place. We made a short tour
round the garden and took some pictures of the whole class. Then we
played a lot of games on the grassland. One of the boys brought the
guitar and we sang our favorite songs. We laughed, talked and danced,
too. After the meal, we all took a rest. Some of us slept very soundly. In
the afternoon, we went on playing some more games. Then we started to
go home at four. We all felt very happy.

· <b>True or False:</b>

1. ___ He went for a picnic with his family.

2. ___ It was a long way from his school to the Botanic Garden.
3. ___ They brought the piano.

4. ___ They played games in the afternoon.
· <b>Answer:</b>

1. Where did they assemble ?

2. How did they feel after the picnic ?


<b>Unit 4 : </b>

<b>I- Multiple choice</b>

<b>1. Ba said he _____ some good marks last semester.</b>
<b>a)</b> gets <b>b)</b> got <b>c)</b> getting

<b>2. They asked me how many children ______.</b>
<b>a)</b> I had <b>b)</b> had I <b>c)</b> I have

<b>3. Please let us know if the new teacher______ .</b>
<b>a)</b> will come <b>b)</b> comes <b>c)</b> coming

<b>4. If you _____ to pass the exam, you should try harder.</b>
<b>a)</b> wanted <b>b)</b> want <b>c)</b> will want

<b>5. They have to ask for their parents` permission if they ______ out</b>
<b>a)</b> went <b>b)</b> go <b>c)</b> are going

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

<b>7. Learn more vocabulary if you want ___ good at English</b>
<b>a)</b> be <b>b)</b> to be <b>c)</b> being

<b>8. Thu said she was _____ yesterday.</b>
<b>a)</b> here <b>b)</b> there <b>c)</b> in this place

<b>9. My mother has to learn English ______ her work</b>
<b>a)</b> for <b>b) ofc)</b> from

<b>10. You should ______ practice English in order to talk to foreigner</b>

<b>a)</b> to speak <b>b)</b> speak <b>c)</b> speaking

<b>II- Rewrite these Wh-questions in reported speech</b>

<b>1. "Where does your father work?" The teacher asked me.</b>

-> The teacher ...

<b>2. "How far is it from HCM city to Vung Tau?" A tourist asked. </b>

-> A tourist ...

<b>3. "How many people are there in your family?" She asked Lan.</b> .
-> She asked... ……….

<b>4. "How long will you stay in England?" Tam's friend asked him. </b>

-> Tam's friend ...

<b>5. "What's your hobby?" The teacher asked Lien.</b>

-> The teacher ...

<b> Bài tập Unit 4</b>
<b>I- Trắc nghiệm</b><i><b>(5ms)</b></i>

1.Helen is my aunt’s daughter .She’s my ……
a.sister b.nephew c.cousin d.niece

2.There is enough …….. about aspects of American life here.

a.information b.announcement c.declaration d.qualification
3.Kimonos…………sometimes…………in Japan.

a.is-worn b.are-worn c.is-wore d.was-wore

4.She persuaded herself that life was worth……, not something boring
a.living b.to live c.to living d.live

5.Vietnam is famous for its beautiful …………..and excellent food.
a.scenery b.views c.waterfall d.sightings

<b>II-Supply the correct form or tense of the verb</b><i><b>: (2ms)</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

3- A new hospital (build)…………in my neighborhood at present.
4-Someday people (live)……in the Moon.

<b>III- Fill in the bank</b><i><b>: (1ms)</b></i>

English is a very useful (1)……….. . If we (2)…………English, we can
go to any countries we like .We will not find it hard to make people
understand (3)………. we want to say .English also helps us to learn all
kinds of (4)……….

<b>III- Rewrite</b>: (2ms)

1.Tom has his father repair his bicycle.

2.No city in Vietnam is bigger than HCM City.

->HCM City………..
3.I haven’t ever heard anyone spoke to me like that.

-> I ………..
4.Couldn’t you find a better hotel?

-> Is this ………?
<b>UNIT 5: THE MEDIA</b>

<b> Từ vựng</b>

<b>- media(n): phương tiện truyền thông</b>
<b>- crier(n): người rao bán</b>

<b>- latest news (n): tin giờ chót</b>
<b>- widely(adv): cách rộng rãi</b>

<b>- adult (n): người lớn # infant(n) : trẻ con</b>
<b>- variety(n): sự khác nhau</b>

<b>- channel (n): kênh (truyền hình)</b>
<b>-control(v) kiểm sốt-(n) sự kiểm sốt</b>
<b>- stage(n): giai đoạn</b>

<b>- development = increase (n) : sự phát triển</b>
<b>- interactive (adj): tương tác</b>

<b>- remote = far (adj): xa</b>

<b>remote control (n): sự điều khiển từ xa</b>

- fact (n): sự kiện

<b>- event (n): sự cố</b>

<b>- interact (v) ảnh hưởng lẫn nhau</b>
<b>- benefit (n) ích lợi</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<b>- documentary(adj): thuộc về tài liệu</b>
<b>- documentary (n) : phim tài liệu</b>
<b>- boring = dull (adj): buồn tẻ</b>
<b>- guide (n): sách chỉ dẫn</b>
<b>- folk music(n): nhạc dân tộc</b>

<b> Ngữ pháp</b>


Ta có : <i><b>S + be + one of the + so sánh nhất + noun (số nhiều)</b></i>

<b>2-Not only…but also:</b>

<i><b>S+ V + both…and….</b></i>

<i><b>S+ V + O / C + and + O / C</b></i>
<i><b>S+ V + and + S + V</b></i>

<i><b>-> S+ V + not only…but also.</b></i>

<b>3-Tiếp đầu ngữ :</b>

+Chỉ tính chất, kích thước, số lượng có phạm vi:over-, under-, sub-,
<b>bi-, semi-, out-, multi- super-, inter-.</b>

+Chỉ thời gian, nhận thức, tác động:fore-,mid-,post-, pre-, re-, ex-,
<b>pro-, anti-, non, co-, en-.</b>

+Phủ định:un-, in-, im-, ir-, il-, dis-, mis-.

-Khi Adj chỉ cảm xúc được dùng với chủ ngữ chỉngười thì Adj phải thêm
đi –ed

-Khi Adj chỉ cảm xúc được dùng với chủ ngữ chỉ vậtthì Adj phải thêm
đuôi –ing

Ex: It is a boring film.
I get bored from this film.
<b>5-Question tag:</b>

.Nếu mệnh đề chính ở khẳng định, câu hỏi đuôi ở phủ định và ngược lại
Ex: You are a worker, <i><b>aren’t you?</b></i>

2.Nếu mệnh đề chính có dùng một độgn từ đặc việt (modal verbs), câu
hỏi đi dùng lại động từ đó.

Ex: Your little brother can swim, <i><b>can’t he?</b></i>

3.Nếu mệnh đề chính dùng động từ thường (ordinary verb), câu hỏi
đi dùng dạng thích hợp của động từ đó.

Ex: Your school begins at 7.30, doesn’t it?

<i>(Còn nhiều dạng đặc biệt của Question Tag nữa, nên LG sẽ post ở TA </i>
<i>nâng cao ná )</i>


Ta có: prefer s.th to s.th

-Nếu nói một sự lựa chọn duy nhất thì : <i><b>S + prefer + to –V</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

+Nhưng nếu nói sự lựa chọn giữa cái này với cái nọ thì : S + prefer+
V-ing + to + V-V-ing

Ex:I prefer walking on foot to riding by bike.
<b>7.To spend:</b>

spend – spent – spent : trải qua, tiêu xài
Ta có : to spend on s.th

But : to spend V-ing
NOT: to spend on V-ing

<i>(câu này dễ bị mắc bẫy trắc nghiệm á )</i>

<b>8. Phân biệt “another, others, the others and the other”:</b>
-Cái này thì chỉ cần nhớ một qui tắc :

+another là nói đến MỘT cái khác, nhưng chưa phải là cái cuối cùng
+others là NHỮNG cái khác, cũng chưa phải là cuối cùng

+the other là nói đến MỘT cái, và là cái CUỐI CÙNG
+the others là nói đến NHỮNG CÁI CUỐI CÙNG
Ex: You have 3 sisters

One is 20 years old.
Another is 17
The other is 15

<b>9.Phân biệt “In the end” và “At the end”:</b>

+<b>at the end</b>: tại thời điểm cuối của một sự kiện gì đó
Ex:at the end of this year : cuối năm nay

+ <b>In the end</b> : kết thúc

<b>10.”Because” or “Because of”:</b>
Ta có : Because + clause (S+ V )
Và Because of<b> + noun/ V-ing</b>

Ex: He failed this exam because he was ill.
-> He He failed this exam because <i><b>of</b></i> his illness.

<b> Giới từ</b>

<b>II-Giới từ</b>

-thanks <b>to</b> s.th: Nhờ…
-thanks <b>for</b> s.th:Cảm ơn vì….
-listen <b>to</b> s.th: nghe….

-go <b>on</b>: tiếp tục

-<b>for</b> me = <b>to</b> me : theo tôi
-ask <b>about</b> s.th: hỏi về ….
-according <b>to</b> s.o: theo ai đó….
-opposite <b>to</b>: đối nhau, trái nghĩa

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<b>III-Loại từ :</b>

-invent (v) phát minh
-invention (n) sự phát minh
-inventor (n) người phát minh

-differ (v) khác nhau

-different (adj) khơng giống với

-difference (n)tình trạng / sự khác nhau
-informative (adj) đầy thông tin

-information (n) thông tin (an uncountable noun)
-health (n)sức khoẻ

-healthy (adj) khoẻ mạnh
-art (n) nghệ thuật

-artor (n) nam ca sĩ
-artress (n) nữ ca sĩ
-respond(v) hồi âm

-response (n) sự trả lời
-relative (n) họ hàng

-relationship (n) mối quan hệ
-wonder (n) kì quan

-wonderful (adj) tuyệt vời, kì lạ
-use (v) sử dụng

-useful (adj) hữu ích
-useless (adj) bất tiện

-educate (v) giáo dục, cho ăn học
-education (n) nền giáo dục

-educational (adj) thuộc ngành giáo dục
-commerca (n) thương mại

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-communication (n) sự truyền đạt
-entertain (n) vui chơi

-entertainmet (n) sự giải trí

-entertainer (n) người làm trò tiêu khiển
-person (n) người

-personal (adj) cá nhân

-electronic (adj) (thuộc) điện tử
-electronicity (n) điện lực


<b> Vocabulary</b>

<b>enviroment(n) môi trường</b>
<b>garbage(n) rác thải</b>

<b>dump(n) bãi, đống, bãi đổ, nơi chứa => garbage dump: bãi rác thải</b>
<b>air pollution: sự ô nhiễm bầu khí quyển(khơng khí)</b>

<b>water pollution: nguồn nước bị ơ nhiễm</b>
<b>deforestation(n) sự phá rừng</b>

<b>dynamite fishing: đánh cá bằng thuốc nổ</b>
<b>spraying pesticides: phun thuốc trừ sâu bọ</b>
<b>plastic(n) chất dẻo</b>

<b>sand(n) cát, bãi cát</b>
<b>garbage(n) rác thải</b>

<b>disappointed(adj.) thất vọng</b>

<b>spoilt: cướp phá, tước đoat, làm hư, làm hại</b>
<b>raw(adj) sống, chưa được điều chế</b>

<b>sewage(n) nước thải, nước cống</b>

<b>pump(n) vận chuyển chất lỏng bằng máy bơm</b>
<b>guilty(adj) có trách nhiệm</b>

<b>vessel(n) tàu thủy</b>
<b>marine(adj) thuộc biển</b>

<b>deleberate(adj) có ý đồ, chủ tâm</b>
<b>leak(n) chỗ thủng</b>

<b>WORD FORM</b>

<b>Loại từ :</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>-deforestation = disforestation (n) : sự phá rừng</b>

<b>disappoint (v) : làm thất vọng</b>
<b>disappointment (n) : sự thất vọng</b>
<b>disappointed (adj) : thất vọng</b>
<b>disappointing (adj) : làm thất vọng</b>
<b>disappointedly (adv)</b>

<b>environ (v) : bao vây</b>

<b>environment (n) : môi trường </b>
<b>environs (n) : vùng ngoại ô</b>

<b>environmental (adj) : thuộc về môi trường</b>
<b>environmentally (adv)</b>

<b>fly (v) : bay</b>
<b>fly (n) : con ruồi </b>
<b>flight (n) : chuyến bay</b>
<b>flying (adj): bay đc</b>

<b>flightless (adj) : hok bay đc</b>
<b>foam (v) : sủi bọt </b>

<b>foam (n) : bọt</b>

<b>foamy (adj) : sủi bọt</b>
<b>minimize (v) : giảm thiểu</b>

<b>minimization (n) : sự giảm thiểu</b>
<b>minimum (n) : mức tối thiểu</b>
<b>minute (adj) : rất nhỏ</b>
<b>minutely (adv) </b>

<b>persuade (v) :thuyết fục</b>
<b>persuasion (n) : sự thuyết fục</b>
<b>persuasiveness (n) : tính thuyết fục</b>
<b>persuadable (adj) : thuyết fục đc</b>
<b>persuasive (adj) : có tính thuyết fục</b>
<b>persuasively (adv)</b>

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<b>provide (v) : cung cấp</b>

<b>provision (n) : sự cung cấp / vật cung cấp</b>

<b>reduce (v) : làm giảm</b>
<b>reduction (n) : sự giảm bớt</b>
<b>reducible (adj) : có thể giảm đc</b>
<b>reductional (adj) : giảm bớt, hạ giá </b>
<b>reductive (adj) : giảm bớt, thu nhỏ</b>

<b>environ (v)</b>

<b>environment (n)</b>
<b>environmentalist (n)</b>
<b>environmental (adj)</b>
<b>environmentally (adv)</b>
<b>pollute (v)</b>

<b>pollution (n)</b>
<b>pollutant (s) (n)</b>
<b>polluter (n)</b>

<b>(un)polluted (adj)</b>
<b>deforest (v)</b>

<b>deforestation (n)</b>
<b>divide (v)</b>

<b>divide (n)</b>
<b>division (n)</b>
<b>divided (adj)</b>
<b>divisional (adj)</b>
<b>collect (v) </b>
<b>collection (n)</b>
<b>collector (n)</b>
<b>collected (adj)</b>
<b>collectable (adj)</b>
<b>collective (adj)</b>
<b>collectively (adv)</b>
<b>provide (v)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

<b>continue (v)</b>

<b>continuousness (n)</b>
<b>continuation (n)</b>
<b>continuous (adj) </b>
<b>continuative (adj)</b>
<b>continuously (adv)</b>
<b>persuade (v)</b>
<b>persuasion (n)</b>
<b>persuasive (adj)</b>
<b>persuasively (adv)</b>
<b>protect (v)</b>

<b>protection (n)</b>
<b>protector (n)</b>
<b>protective (adj)</b>
<b>protectively (adj)</b>
<b>express (v)</b>

<b>expression (n)</b>
<b>expressional (adj)</b>
<b>expressionless (adj)</b>
<b>naturalize (v)</b>

<b>nature (n)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<b>discuss (v)</b>
<b>discussion (n)</b>
<b>explain (v)</b>

<b>explanation (n)</b>
<b>explanatory (n)</b>
<b>explicable (adj)</b>
<b>minimize (v)</b>
<b>minimum (n)</b>
<b>minimum (adj)</b>
<b>suggest (v)</b>
<b>suggestion (n)</b>
<b>suggestiveness (n)</b>
<b>suggestive (adj)</b>
<b>act (v)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

<b>happiness (n)</b>
<b>happy (adj)</b>
<b>happily (adv)</b>
<b>bad (n)</b>
<b>bad (adj)</b>
<b>bad (adv)</b>
<b>assign (v)</b>
<b>assignment (n)</b>
<b>assignee (n)</b>
<b>play (v)</b>
<b>play (n)</b>
<b>player (n)</b>
<b>playing (n)</b>
<b>playful (adj)</b>
<b>care (v)</b>
<b>care (n)</b>

<b>carefulness (n)</b>

<b>careful (adj)</b>
<b>careless (adj)</b>
<b>carefully (adv)</b>
<b>slow (v)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<b>disappointingly (adv)</b>
<b>reduce (v)</b>

<b>reduction (n)</b>
<b>reductive (adj)</b>
<b>pest (n)</b>

<b>pesticide (n)</b>
<b>hard (adj)</b>
<b>hard (adv)</b>
<b>idealize (v)</b>
<b>idea (n)</b>
<b>ideal (n)</b>
<b>ideal (adj)</b>
<b>ideally (adv)</b>
<b>mention (v)</b>
<b>mention (n)</b>
<b>wonder (v)</b>
<b>wonder (n)</b>
<b>wonderful (adj)</b>
<b>wonderfully (adv)</b>
<b>wonderingly (adv)</b>
<b>amaze (v)</b>

<b>amazement (n)</b>

<b>amazed (adj)</b>
<b>amazing (adj)</b>
<b>amazingly (adv)</b>


<b> Từ vựng </b>

<b>Enormous :to lớn, nhiều </b>
<b>Faucet : vòi nước</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

<b>Make sure : bảo đảm</b>
<b>Bath: tắm bằng bồn tắm</b>
<b>Shower :tắm bằng vòi sen</b>

<b>Solar energy : năng lượng mặt trời </b>
<b>Store : tồn trữ</b>

<b>Roof : nóc nhà</b>

<b>Luxuries : những thứ xa xỉ</b>
<b>Necessities : những thứ cần thiết</b>
<b>Scheme : kế hoạch</b>

<b>Unused clothes : quần áo cũ</b>
<b>Elderly people : người già</b>
<b>War invalids : thương binh</b>

<b>Single printed page : trang giấy đã in một mặt</b>
<b>Sheet : tờ giấy</b>

<b>For drafting : làm giấy nháp</b>
<b>Consumer : người mua</b>
<b>Per : mỗi</b>

<b>A quarter : 1/4</b>

<b>Ordinary : thong thường</b>
<b>Last : (v) kéo dài</b>

<b>Times : lần </b>

<b>Motorcycle : xe gắn máy</b>
<b>Stove : bếp lò</b>

<b>Shortage : sự thiếu hụt</b>
<b>Fresh water : nước ngọt</b>
<b>Decade : thập kỷ ( 10 năm)</b>
<b>Reduce : giảm xuống</b>

<b> Ngữ pháp [Phrasal Verb]</b>

<b>Turn off : tắt ( đèn, nứơc, máy móc ) </b>
<b>Turn on : mở ,bật ( đèn, nứơc, máy móc )</b>
<b>Turn up : xuất hiện </b>

<b>Go on : tiếp tục </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<b>Take off : cởi ra ( quần áo ,giày dép ,nón ... ); cất cách ( máy bay )</b>
<b>Fill in : điền vào </b>

<b>Try on : thử ( quần áo ,giày dép ... )</b>
<b>Give up : từ bỏ </b>

<b>Keep up with : theo kịp </b>

If you don't study hard ,you won't keep up with your classmates : nếu
bạn không học tập chăm chỉ ,bạn sẽ không theo kịp các bạn trong lớp
<b>Run out of : cạn kiệt ,hết </b>

<b>See off : tiển đưa </b>

She saw me off at the airport : cô ấy tiển đưa tôi tại sân bay
<b>Break down : hư ( xe )</b>

<b>Look up : tra ( tự điển )</b>
<b>Get off : bước xuống ( xe )</b>

<b>Go off : hư ,thiu ( đồ ăn ) ; reng ( chuông )</b>
<b>Come off : bung ra ( giày dép ,đồ đạc )</b>
<b>Cut off : cắt </b>

<b>Bring on : dẫn đến </b>

<b>Drop out : xã rác ; bỏ học </b>
<b>Drop in : ghé thăm </b>

<b>Get over : khỏi bệnh </b>
<b>Look over : xem xét </b>
<b>Look into : nghiên cứu</b>

<b>Shut off : tắt </b>

<b>Show off : nỗi bật </b>
<b>Take after : giống ( ai )</b>

She takes after her mother : cô ấy giống mẹ
<b>Take in : thăm</b>

<b>Tear up : xé rách </b>
<b>Throw up : ói ,nơn</b>
<b>Think of : tìm ra </b>

<b>Put back : để lại chổ củ </b>
<b>Call off: hoãn lại </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

Name:... TEST 30’ GRADE 9 (UNIT7 )

<b>I/ Pick out the word whose underlined syllable is pronouned </b>
<b>differently from the others ( o.5 m)</b>

 <i>b ill, plumber, bulb, label.</i>

 exhaust, hedge, household, happen

<b>II/ Pick out the word that has the main stressed syllable different </b>
<b>from the others : ( 0,5m)</b>

 appliance, household, innovate, ordinary.
 regular, separate, standard, reduce.

<b>III/ Odd one out : (o,5m)</b>

 consumer, cooker,driver, farmer.
 crack, pipe, plumber, faucet.

<b>IV/ Read the speech below and say wheather these statesments are </b>
<b>true or false : (1m)</b>

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is John and tonight
I’am going to tell you how to save energy in your house.

Most of us use too much energy . You can reduce this amount by :
+ Using energy saving bulbs.

+ Turning off the electric appliances when we don’t use .

If you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money , but also
the Earth ‘s resources will be conserved.

True/ False

1/ The meeting happens in the afternoon.
2/ Mr John gives two simple rules.
3/All the listeners are children

4/ According to the speaker, the natural resources can be saved.
<b>V/ Fill in each number blank with one word : (2ms)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

In Western countries, people think electricity ,gas, and water are not
(1)...but necessities. The (2)... want their products will
work effectively and (3)... money .In North America , Most
households (4)... an ordinary 100 – watt bulb with an energy -
saving bulb so as to reduce electricity (5)... . In Europe, There is
a(6)... scheme for refrigerators, freezers,washing machines and
tumble dryers.The consumers can know how(7)... energy efficiency
each model has and compared with other appliances in the same
category.So people will save money as well as conserve the Earth’s

<b>VI/ Pick out one best option to complete each sentence : (4,5ms)</b>
1/In my family , lighting ( looks/ accounts/ takes/ chooses) for 30
percent of electricity bill..

2/ solar energy is a clean ( natural/ dangerous/ joyful / expensive) source
of power for the future.

3/ To save energy , I think people should ( keep refrigerator door open /
<i>turn on all lights and fans in the houses/ take a bath instead of a shower</i>
<i>/ go to work by public transport)</i>

4/ They suggest ( to take/ takes/ taking/ taken) showers because theycan
( recycle/save/ pollute/ protect ) water.

5/ Gases from factories mainly cause air ( pollute/ pollution/ polluted/
<i>polluting ).</i>

6/ If we go ( in/ on/ of/ at ) wasting water , there will be shortage of
fresh water in a few decades.

7 / You should get ( a plumber/ a mechanic/ an electricity/ carpenter )
to make sure there are no cracks in the pipes.

8/ He is ill ( therefore / because/ however/ so ) he still continues his
work .

9/ People will use solar energy instead of oil and coal (becauseit is
<i>cheap and clean / if we can find easily/ who pollute the environment/ </i>
<i>although it is very expensive ).</i>

10/ I think the best way to (collect/ reduce/ protect/ waste ) garbage is to
use and recycle things.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

<i>collecting) plastic bags.</i>

13/ A ( cutting/ dripping/ dropping/ putting) faucet can waste 500 liters
of water a month.

14/ We must ( lower/ reduce/ lessen/ cut down ) the amount of water our
family use everyday.

15/ I think we should organize a show to raise (money/ time/ solar/
<i>energy ) to help poor people.</i>

16/ We won’t eat ( until/ since/ however/ but ) the whole area is clean
<b>VII/ Writing : (1m). </b>

 We / should/ food carefully/ before/ turn on / the stove.
... ... ...



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