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reported speech 4

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1. Put into the correct reported speech.

a. Tom said, “I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father.”
b. She said, “I once spent a summer in this village.”

c. The nurse said, “The patient in this room didn’t obey your order, Doctor.”
d. They said to me, “You taught us English last year.”

e. Mr. Brown said, ”Our trip cost us two thousand dollars.”
f. He said to her, “I can’t find my hat anywhere in this room>”
g. My father said to them, “My secretary is going to finish this job.”
h. They said , “WE can’t meet you here either today or tomorrow.”
i. My mother said, “your car has been stolen, John.”

j. They said, “ The river is rising early this year.”
k. He said, “I’ll expect her to come soon.”

l. Our teacher said , “ World War II broke out in 1939.”

m. The students said, “We’ll be sitting for our next exam next Monday.”
n. He said, “I’m going to finish this work.”

2. Change to the reported speech.

o. Mr. Smith said to me, “Where are you going on your vacation this year?”
p. She said, “Did the mechanics finish repairing your car?”

q. She said, “Why David been looking so miserable lately?”

r. I asked my friend, “Was anyone hurt in the car accident last month?
s. She asked me, “How old are you now?”

t. He said to her, “Have you been to twon today?”

u. Jonh said, “How long does it take you to get to London , Mary?”
v. The policeman asked the little girl, “ What’s your name?”

w. Mr. green said to his secretary, “Who did you talk to a few minutes ago?”
x. Paul said, “Can you swim, Mary?”

y. She asked her son, “Do you know which is the cup you used?”
z. Helen said, “What did you say, Jack?”

aa. She said to him, “Why didn’t you get up early this morning?”
bb. He said , “Will it rain tonight?”

3. Turn into the reported speech.

cc. The manager said, “Come into my office please.”
dd. The teacher said to us , “Don’t make so much noise.”
ee. Mr.Green saud, “Please come to our dinner tonight, Bill.”
ff. Susan said to Tom, “Don’t call me again at this late hour.”
gg. She said to the boy, “Show me what you have in your hand.”
hh. The police ordered: “Stay where you are and don’t touch anything,”

The old lady said, “Will you please water these flowers for me.”
ii. She said, “Don’t leave your coat in this chair.”

jj. She saud to him ,” Don’t speak to me like that.”

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4. Rewrite the following sentences

a.The flight attendant said, “Don’t forget to fasten your seat bells.” ( The flight attendat

b. The policeman said to her, “Show me your driving licence.”( The policeman orded)
c. He said, “Did you see Mary yesterday?” (He wanted to know)

d. He said, “Would you mind telling me the time?” (He told)
e. I said to my friend , “When did you byu your new car?” ( Ias ked)

f. My friend said to me , “We have known everything about that. (My friend told)
g. I wonder ed why there were so many people at that station that day.”



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