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GIAO AN 3 LETS GO 20122013

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<i><b>THE ACEDEMIC YEAR</b></i>

Date of the planning:.15/8/09...

<b>I. Aims and Ojectives</b>

<b>1. Aims: Introducing the book and the organisation of each unit in the book" Let's go 1B" </b>
expressed by Oxford university

<b>2. Ojectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to be familiar with the new programme " </b>
Let's go " and the book 1B.

<b>II. Teaching aids: Picture, relias, cassette</b>
<b>III. Organisation:</b>

Class Date of teaching Absent student


IV. Procedures

<i><b>Time</b></i> <i><b>T's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>





<b>1. Warm up/ Review</b>
Teacher and Ss greet each

T and Ss chat for some
minutes after the holiday
<b>* Lead in: Last year we </b>
learnt with Let's go 1A and
now we will know more with
Let's go 1B

<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>A. Introduce the book</b>
? Ss to look at the book and
the picture of the cover and

-What color is the cover?
- Is it nice? Do you like it?
- What is the name of the
book ?

- How many people are there?
- Who are they? Do you know
their names?

T asks Ss to look at the
second page, then introduces
the authors of the book.
1: R.Nakata 2: K.Frazier
3: B. Hoskins 4: S.Wilkinson
With the songs by Carolyn

T introduces the place where
the book expressed ( Oxford

_ Is it a student book, a
workbook or both?
<b>B. Introduce the </b>
<b>organisation of a unit</b>
? Ss to open their books and
answer some questions:


(Ss' answers)
( Let's go 1B)

( Ss' answers)

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- How many units are there?
- How many review lesssons?
- How many lesson of each


- Which one is the first,
second, third...?

- Do they have the same icon?

+ T ? Ss to see the next page
to look at the icon in each
lesson and describle them
+ The page without color is
the excesices in the workbook
that Ss will be able to do in
class or at home

( There are 4)
( Threre are 2)

( every unit is divided into six lessons)
( Let's talk, Let's sing, Let's learn,....)

( No, they don't. Each lesson is identified by a
colourful icon)

<b>V. Homework(1')</b>

Ss learn by heart the icons in the book and remember the information about the book that T
provides during the lesson .

<b>VI. Evaluation </b>

<i><b>THE ACEDEMIC YEAR</b></i>

Date of the planning:...

<b>I. Aims and Ojectives</b>

<b>1. Aims: Helping Ss to understand what they will learn in the book " Let's go 1B” in this </b>
academic year.

<b>2. Ojectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know about the topics they will learn in </b>
this academic year.

<b>II. Teaching aids: Books.</b>
<b>II. Organisation:</b>

Class Date of teaching Absent student

IV. Procedures

<i><b>Time</b></i> <i><b>T's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>




<b>1. Warm up/ Review</b>
Teacher greet Ss

T asks Ss about the weather ,

<b>* Lead in: Last lesson you </b>
knew some informations
about the book Let's go 1B,
Today you will know more
about the syllabus of the book
<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>A. Introduce the syllabus</b>
? Ss to open their book p 74-

Ss greet Teacher

Ss answer about the weather, health,...
Ss listen

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-T introduces the whole
syllabus in Vietnamese.?
- T introduces the quality of

the unit

T introdices the topics that Ss
will learn in each unit.

Unit 5: Birthday, Age, Toy
Unit 6: Weather, Outdoor

Unit 7: Food and Drink
Unit 8: Favorite colors.

<b>B. Play</b>

- T asks Ss to stand in to
circle and play the game.
- T asks Ss to count from 1-
10 in turn

- T helps SS to ccorrect their
mistake orally.

<b>V Homework(1')</b>

Ss learn by heart the number 1-10
<b>VI. Evaluation</b>

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<i> </i> Date of the planning:.22/8/2009

<b>I. Aims and Ojectives</b>

<b>1. Aims: Helping Ss to know how to congratulation their friends on the birthday ? number 1- 10, </b>
Asking and telling about age.

<b>2. Ojectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to say" Happy birthday...." to their friends . </b>
Saying when giving and getting the presents. Ask and tell about age using structure:" how old are
you? " - " I'm... years old"

<b>II. Teaching aids: Picture, realias, cassette, 2 puppets</b>
<b>II. Organisation:</b>

Class Date of teaching Absent students

3A 24/8/2009
3B 24/8/2009
IV. Procedures


<i><b>e</b></i> <i><b>T's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>




<b>1. Warm up/ Review</b>
Teacher greet Ss

T and Ss sing the song "Happy birthday
to you"

*Lead in: Last lesson you knew some
informations about the book Let's go 1B,
Today you will know learn with the first
part of the unit 5.That's "Let's talk"
<b>2. New lesson</b>

A. Presentation:

a) Present the first part of the dialogue
- T draws a birthday cake and some gifts
on the board then says: “ Happy birthday
“ with a happy voice.

* Numbers

T writes number from 1- 10 on the board
in turn:

T reads the numbers aloud
T models:

Ss greet Teacher

Ss sing the song with the Teacher

Ss listen to the teacher

-Ss repeat chorally.

Ss repeat in choral 3 times

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T: ( point to the number 7 and student 1)
Seven. ( Nam) is seven years old.

T: ( point to the number 8 and student 2).
Eight(Nga) is eight years old.

*Puppets modeling

PA:( point to the S1) How old are you?
PB: ( Stand next to the S1)I m seven ’
<i>years old.</i>

PA: (Point to the S2) How old are you?
PB: (Stand next to the S2) I m eight ’
<i>years old </i>

*Role play: T divices class into two
groups, gives each group one puppet.

b, Present the second part of the dialogue
*Model T calls 2 Ss (handing up) (S3

and S4) to model how to congratulate in
a birthday party

T stands opposite the S3 with the gift in
the hand:

T: Happy birthday (Mai)
S3: Thank you.

T (gives the gift to S3) This is for you
S3: (gets the gift) Thank you

(Do the same way with the S4)

*Role play

-T introduces how to wrap thw gift, then
divides the class into two groups to play
role. The whole group practice the
dialogue again using the real names
-T asks Ss to hand up highly when
saying. This is for you.

Half – half
Closed pairs
Open pairs

<b>c, Present the complete dialogue</b>
-Using the puppet to model the D
T introduces to the PB how to express

the supprise, then open the gift and take
the picture number 83 ( or a robot) out.
<b>B. Practice</b>

<i><b>Conversation lines.</b></i>

-Ss uses their real names to practice the

The group repeat the dialogue 3 times
GA: asking question – GB: answer
Grammar tip: When talk about age

<i>the Bristish usually say: I m (seven)</i>’
<i>years old or I m (seven)</i>’

<i>The answer: I m seven years is </i>“ ’ ”

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-T goes round to helf Ss if necessary:
Half - half

Closed pairs
Open pairs

<b>V Homework</b>
<b>VI. Evaluation</b>

<b>Week 2 Date of the planning: 23/8/2009</b>

<b>I. Aims and Ojectives</b>

<b>1. Aims: Helping Ss to know how to congratulation their friends on the birthday ? number 1- 10, </b>
Asking and telling about age.

<b>2. Ojectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know the English letters of What they’ve </b>
learnt in Lesson 3

<b>Teaching aids:Book, cassette, pictures</b>
<b>II. Organisation:</b>

Class Date of teaching Absent student

3A 25/08/2009
3B 25/08/2009
IV. Procedures

<i><b>Time</b></i> <i><b>T's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>




<b>1. Warm up/ Review</b>
Teacher greet Ss

T asks Ss about their ages.
T: How old are you?

Ss: I m <i>’ …. years old</i> (3 Ss answer the
question in turn, T gives mark)

*Lead in: Last lesson you knew the first
part of Let’s talk

<b>2. New lesson</b>

<b>A. Open your book</b>
<b>* Presentation</b>

-T asks Ss to open their books p 38 and

<i>T:How many pictures are there?</i>
<i>T: How many people are there in the </i>
<i>first picture?</i>

T introduces the names of the Ss in the
picture :Kate, John, Jenny….

T asks Ss to discribe the pictures, and

Ss greet Teacher

Ss answer the T’s question

Ss listen to the teacher

Ss open their books p 38
<i>Ss:(There are three)</i>
<i>Ss: (There are three)</i>

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each person in it.
*T plays the tape,

<i><b>Kate:Happy birthday, Jenny!</b></i>
<i><b>John: How old are you?</b></i>
<i><b>Jenny: I m seven years old.</b></i>’
<i><b>John: This is for you</b></i>

<i><b>Jenny: Wow! A robot! Thank you!</b></i>
T plays the tape again,

*Present the paradigm and constraction
on the page 38

-T writes the paradigm on the board,
pointing to the letter when playing the

<i>How old are you?</i>
<i>I m (seven) years old.’</i>

T write the constraction on the board:
<i>I am= I m’</i>

-T points to the letter on the board when
Ss talking.


-T asks Ss to work in group of three
practicing the D, using their real names
-T calls some groups to present in the
front of the class.

-Closed pairs

-T goes round the class to check and
correct if necessary.

<b>C. Extension(Games)</b>
1. Bingo

2.Tic- Tac- Toe(nought and cross)
3. Living dialogue.

Ss discribe the pictures, and each
person in it.

Ss look, listen and point to the student
in the picture when they hear the name

of that student.

The whole class repeat chorally,
sentence by sentence

Ss repeat.

Ss practice in both ways

<i>I am (seven) years old and I m (seven ) ’</i>
<i>years old.</i>

Ss work in group of three

Some groups to present in the front of
the class

<b>V Homework(2 )</b>’

T guides Ss how to do the homework at home.
<b>VI. Evaluation</b>

<b>Week 3 Date of the planning: 30/8/2009</b>
UNIT 5 LET'S sing

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<b>I. Aims and Ojectives</b>

<b>1. Aims: Helping Ss to know the way how to talk about their birthday, their ages using structures: </b>
“It’s my/ your /birthday;I’m/ you’re/ seven years old”

<b>2. Ojectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the pronoun “my/your” and the </b>
subject pronoun “I’m/ you’re” correctly.

<b>Teaching aids: picture, relias, cassette, 2 puppets</b>
<b>II. Organisation:</b>

Class Date of teaching Absent student

3A 07/09/2009
3B 07/09/2009
IV. Procedures

<i><b>Time</b></i> <i><b>T's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>





<b>1. Warm up/ Review</b>
Teacher greet Ss
*Role play

T asks Ss to play in group of 3, gives
each student one school oject( a book, a
pencil, an eraser..)

*Lead in: Last lesson you knew about
the Let’s talk . Now I will help you to
practice with Let’s Sing.

<b>2. New lesson</b>
<b>A. Presentation</b>

<b>a. Introduce the vocabulary</b>
- Today: H«m nay (a calendar)
- Now: B©y giê (a clock)

(Do all steps of teaching vocabs as

<b>b.Present the prossessive pronoun </b>
<b>pattern using my and your</b>

<b>*Puppets modeling</b>

PA: (pointing to her chest) my then
points to other puppet or a student says:

PA: (gives PB a small cake): It s your <i>’</i>
<i>birthday today.</i>

PB: Yes, It s my birthday today<i>’</i> .

*PA looks at the whole class and says:
<i>It s your birthday today.’</i>

T calls one voluntee on the board, gives
him/her a birthday hat to express today
is her/ his birthday.

T: (pointing to S1): It s your birthday <i>’</i>

Ss greet Teacher

Ss listen to the teacher

Ss give the gift to each other as if they
give their friend’s gift when they take
part in his or her birthday party to
practice the dialogue in Let’s Talk using
their real names.

S1:Happy birthday (Mai)
S2: How old are you?
S3: I m (eight) years old.<i>’</i>

S1&S2 (give the gift to S3): This is for

S3(look at the gift):Wow! A book.
<i>Thank you!</i>

-Ss repeat chorally several times

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<b>c.Present the subject pronoun pattern </b>
<b>using I m</b>’ <b> and you re</b>’

T draws a cake with 7 candles on the
board using the puppet to model.
<i>PA: (pointing to the cake): I m seven ’</i>
<i>years old.</i>

<i>PB: You re seven years old’</i>

T draws another cake without candle,
calls two voluntees to go on th board, S1
draws the candles equal with his/her age
the says:

Ss:( pointing to S1): It s your birthday <i>’</i>

S1:( pointing to the chest) It s my <i>’</i>
<i>birthday today.</i>

Ss repeat chorally 3 times

<i>S1: I m (nine) years old.’</i>
<i>S2: You re (nine) years old.’</i>
The whole class repeat chorally.
<b>V Homework</b>

T asks Ss to do the homework p39.
<b>VI. Evaluation</b>

<b>Week 3 Date of the planning: 30/8/2009</b>
UNIT 5 LET'S sing

<b>I. Aims and Ojectives</b>

<b>1. Aims: Helping Ss to sing “The happy birthday song”</b>

<b>2. Ojectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to sing the song.</b>
<b>Teaching aids: Books, radio, cassette, picture.</b>

<b>II. Organisation:</b>

Class Date of teaching Absent student

3A 08/09/2009
3B 08/09/2009
IV. Procedures

<i><b>Time</b></i> <i><b>T's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>



<b>1. Warm up/ Review</b>

Teacher greet Ss

T asks Ss about their ages.
T: How old are you?

Ss: I m <i>’ …. years old</i> (3 Ss answer the
question in turn, T gives mark)

*Lead in: Last lesson you knew the first
part of Let’s sing. Now I will help you to
sing “the Happy birthday song” in Let’s

<b>2. New lesson</b>

Ss greet Teacher

Ss answer the T’s question

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<b>A. Open your book</b>
<b>* Presentation</b>

-T asks Ss to open their books p 39,
*T plays the tape, .

<i><b>It s my birthday today.</b></i>’
<i><b> It s your birthday today.</b></i>’
<i><b>It s my birthday today.</b></i>’
<i><b> Happy birthday, Jenny!</b></i>
<i><b>One, two, three, four, five, six,</b></i>
<i><b> Seven years old!</b></i>

<i><b>Now, you re seven years old.</b></i>’
<i><b> Now, I m seven years old.</b></i>’
<i><b>Happy birthday, Jenny!</b></i>
T plays the tape again,

-T asks Ss to sing in two groups . Each
group sing one sentence.

GA; Sing and use the gesture to say : my
GB: Sing and use the gesture to say:

<b>C. Extension(Games)</b>

T hangs the calendar on the board, let Ss
to write their birthday on the piece of


Then T collects these papers then puts

them in order from Jan to Dec.

T circles the birthdays in the calendar on
the board.

T points to any birthday in the calendar,

Then continue with other birthday.

Ss open their books p 39,Ss look and

Ss listen and point to the words in the

The whole class repeat chorally,
sentence by sentence

Ss write their birthday on the piece of

Student whose birthday has to stand up
and says:It s my birthday’ .

The whole class reply: Happy
<i><b>birthday! </b></i>

<b>V Homework(2 )</b>’

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