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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>KIM DONG PRIMARY SCHOOL. THE FIRST SEMESTER TEST. Class:…………………………………. Grade 4. Name:……………………………….. Date:. Marks. Remarks. I. Read and match. (Đọc và Nối) (2 points). 1.. Are these paper clips? ●. a, Yes, he can.. 2.. Can he sing a song? ●. b, She has a comic book. 3.. Is this a calculator? ●. c, Yes, they are.. 4.. What does she have? ●. d, No, it isn’t.. 1. ………..; 2. ………..; 3. …………..; 4. …………... II. Unscramble and write. (Sắp xếp và viết lại câu đúng) (2 points) 1.. This/round/clock/is.. ………………………………………………. 3.. I/my/umbrella/a/have/hand/in. 2.. She/teeth/brushes/her.. ………………………….………………………. 4.. He/key/has/a/hand/his/in..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> …………….………………………………….. …………………..………………………………. III. Answer the questions.(Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây) (4 points) 1. What does she have? She ………………..……… 3. What do you have? I …………….……………. 2. What does he have? He……………………………… 4. Does she have an umbrella? No, ………………………………. IV. Read and circle. (Đọc và khoanh tròn câu trả lời đúng) (2 points) 1. What are those ?. 2. Do you have a pencil in your bag?. A. They are clocks. A. No, I don’t.. B. It’s a clock. B. Yes, I do. 3. What’s this?. 4 What does she have in her hand?. A. It’s a door. A. She has a key in her hand.. B. They are doors.. B. She has a key in his hand..

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