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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week : 9 Period: 26. Date of preparing: 17/10/2012 Date of teaching: 20/10/2012. UNIT 4: OUR PAST LESSON 5:. LANGUAGE FOCUS. I. OBJECTIVES: - By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to practice “Past simple, Preposition of time, used to” II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, sub-board. III. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. 1/ Warm-up: (7’) - Remind Ss how to change these verbs into past - Listen, write the past form of the verbs. form. ( individual work ) 1. Write the simple past form of each verb :. a. run  ran b. fly  flew c. take  took d. go  went e. have  had f. do  did g. be  was/were h. ride  rode i. eat  ate j. sit  sat k. come  came - Review the use of the simple past tense.. Simple past tense  Affirmative form : S + V2/ V-ed + O.  Negative form : S + didn’t + V1 + O.  Interrogative form : Did + S + V1 + O ?. - Listen and copy down.. 2/ Exercises: (28’)  Exercise 2: (p. 44) - Introduce the request and ask Ss to do. a. Lan : … you (eat) …. bread for breakfast? Nga : No, I ate noodles. b. Ba : How did you get to school? Nam : I (get) …… to school by bike. c. Minh : Where … you (be) last night? Hoa : I was at home. d. Chi : Which subject did you have yesterday ? Ba : I (have) … Math, physics, and English.. - Correct and give keys..  Exercise 3: (p. 44) - Remind the use of the prepositions of time. 2. Preposition of time: In + month / year / season / session On + day. - Work in pairs. a. Lan : Did you eat bread for breakfast? Nga : No, I ate noodles. b. Ba : How did you get to school? Nam : I got to school by bike. c. Minh : Where were you last night? Hoa : I was at home. d.Chi:Which subject did you have yesterday Ba : I had Math, physics, and English.. - Practice before class. - Listen and take note..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> At / after / before + time Between … and - Ask Ss to do exercises. a. I’ll see you on Wednesday. b. I’m going to Laos in January. c. We must be there between 8.30 and 9.15. d. The bank closes at 3pm. If you arrive after 3pm, the bank will be closed. e. I’ll be home before seven because I want to see the seven o’clock news.. - Call Ss to correct..  Exercise 4: (p. 45) - retell how to ues “ used to + vinf” (+) used to + V (bare inf). - Do their task.. - Correct. - Listen and take note.. (?) Did + S + use to + V (-) S + did not use to + V - Do the exercise in pairs, complete the dialogue.. - Give the answer.. Nga : Where is this ? It isn’t Ha Noi. Hoa : No, it’s in Hue. I used to stay there. Nga : Is that you Hoa ? Hoa : Yes. I used to have long hair. Nga : Who is in this photo? Hoa : That is Loan. She used to be my next door. Nga : Are they your parents? Hoa : No, they’re my aunt and uncle. They used to live in Hue, too.. 3/ Consolidation: (7’) - Ask Ss to review the structures they have learnt, then choose the correct option. 1. We must be there …….. 7.30 and 10.30. a.between b.before c.after d.at 2. My father used …….. us to the zoo when he was alive. a.to take b.took c.taking d.take 3. I …….. in Hue 3 years ago. a.live b.lived c.living d.lives. 4/ Homework: (3’) - Have Ss: + Redo these exercises. + Prepare unit 5: Start + Listen and read.. - Remind, and do task. 1. a 2. a 3. b. - Write assignments.. IV. COMMENT: ................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................

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