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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>CHUYÊN ĐỀ 3: VERB FORM Students name: …………………………… Copyright: dinhluyen2704.violet.vn. Date: 18-10-2012. I. Put the verbs in the right form. 1. Dan enjoys __________ (read) science fiction. 2. Cheryl suggested __________ (see) a movie after work. 3. I miss __________ (work) in the travel industry. Maybe I can get my old job back. 4. Where did you learn __________ (speak) Spanish? Was it in Spain or in Latin America? 5. Do you mind __________ (help) me translate this letter? 6. He asked __________ (talk) to the store manager. 7. You’ve never mentioned __________ (live) in Japan before. How long did you live there? 8. If he keeps __________ (come) to work late, he’s going to get fired! 9. Debbie plans __________ (study) abroad next year. 10. I agreed __________ (help) Jack wash his car. 11. I hope __________ (graduate) from college next June. 12. The models practiced __________ (walk) with a book balanced on their heads. 13. Mandy has promised __________ (take) care of our dog while we are on vacation. 14. I don’t know what she wants __________ (do) tonight. Why don’t you ask her? 15. Frank offered __________ (help) us paint the house. 16. Sandra decided __________ (study) economics in London. 17. Stephanie dislikes __________ (work) in front of a computer all day. 18. Mrs. Naidoo appears __________ (be) the most qualified person for the job. 19. Eliza recommended __________ (eat) in a dim sum restaurant while we’re in Hong Kong. 20. I demand __________ (talk) to the manager of the hotel immediately. 21. My grandmother recalled __________ (see) a plane for the very first time when she was six. 22. She claims __________ (be) related to George Washington, but I don’t believe her. 23. This broken bicycle needs __________ (fix) before someone can ride it. 24. I can’t understand __________ (drive)such a big car when gas prices are so high. 25. She refused __________ (speak) to me after our fight. 26. Don’t hesitate __________ (ask) for help if you don’t understand the directions. 27. She managed __________ (communicate) with them, even though she didn’t speak their language. 28. She pretended __________ (be) a student in order to get a student discount. 29. She waited __________ (see) what would happen next. 30. The child denied __________ (steal) the piece of candy. 31. We fully intend __________ (pay) you for all the work you have done for us. 32. You seem __________ (be) a little distracted. Is everything alright? 33. She refused __________ (admit) that she had made a mistake. 34. After his accident last year, he would never consider __________ (buy) another motorcycle. 35. Margaret just happened __________ (find) the lost car keys while she was looking for something else. 36. He never admitted __________ (have) the wild party while his parents were out of town. 37. Jackie tends ______ (arrive) late on Mondays, but our boss doesn’t seem to care about that very much. 38. She imagined __________ (lie) on a tropical beach under a palm tree. 39. We don’t anticipate __________ (have) any more technical problems during the concert tour. 40. Debbie failed __________ (notice) her credit card lying on the ground. 41. The politician swore __________ (serve) the people honestly and with pride, but the scandal revealed that the promise was little more than a lie. 42. The medical team deserves __________ (receive) the award for their volunteer work in sub-Saharan Africa. 43. I really appreciate your__________ (help) me last week. 44. She delayed __________ (submit) her application until just one week before the deadline. 45. Everybody arranged __________ (meet) at the train station 30 minutes before the train departed. 46. Simona resisted __________ (speak) Italian during her English training program in London. She wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to improve her English..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 47. Do you care __________ (join) us later for dinner? We are meeting at Tony’s Italian Restaurant downtown. 48. We waited __________ (see) what would happen next, but nothing happened. 49. They expected __________ (arrive) much earlier, but their plane was delayed in Paris. 50. Michael postponed __________ (clean) the bathroom as long as possible. He hates cleaning! 51. Bill agreed __________ (meet) us at the restaurant at 8:30, but he never showed up. 52. Jennifer practiced __________ (pronounce) the word until she sounded just like a native speaker. 53. Our art teacher encouraged __________ (experiment) with different colors. 54. Dana hopes __________ (save) enough money to travel around Europe for three months. It’s her dream. 55. __________ (dance) is her life. That is why Susan moved to New York to study dancing professionally. 56. Constance plans __________ (take) part in the marathon next spring. 57. I can’t help __________ (wonder) how my grandmother’s life would have been different. 58. The doctor advised __________ (see) a specialist about the problem. 59. __________ (swim) helped me strengthen my injured leg. 60. After the tsunami, Bette chose __________ (stay) in Indonesia and work with a relief organization. 61. __________ (read) is a great way to relax. I love to sit back and enjoy a good book. 62. Why do you always get __________ (be) first? I want to go first this time! 63. When you’re in Prague, I recommend __________ (walk) from the Charles Bridge to the castle at night. 64. Eye specialists urge _______ (take) frequent breaks while using the computer for extended periods of time. 65. I thought you knew nothing about cars. Where did you learn __________ (change) a flat tire? 66. My favorite thing is __________ (float) on my back in the sea. 67. The nurse risked __________ (get) the disease from her patient. 68. He expects __________ (finish) his studies next summer. 69. National park officials do not permit __________ (enter) the park without an official guide. 70. He offered __________ (carry) her books on the way home. 71. Felix decided not __________ (accept) the position in Miami because he wanted to stay in New York. 72. __________ (exercise) and __________ (eat) right can help you live a long and healthy life. 73. The refugees risked __________ (be) captured as they tried to escape through the mountains. 74. Mr. Miller asked __________ (be) included in the meeting with the new clients. 75. After his insulting comments, I thought Jack deserved __________ (be) fired. 76. Max avoided __________ (use) his cell phone when other people were in the room. 77. We arranged __________ (have) a taxi pick us up and take us to the airport. 78. I resent __________ (be) treated like a servant in my own home! 79. Frank completed __________ (build) the new barn last week. Next, he is going to paint it red. 80. When do you wish __________ (begin), now or later? II. Choose the best answer (a; b; c or d) for each sentence below: 1. They should postpone _________ for another week or so. A. to leave B. leave C. leaving D. left 2. He noticed two thieves _________ out of a house. A. to come B. are coming C. in coming D. come 3. She couldn’t bear _________ tears when she saw the film “Romeo and Juliet”. A. shed B. to shed C. shedding D. sheds 4. Ann likes _________ but she hates _________ up. A. cook / washing B. to cook / wash C. cooking / washed D. cooking / washing 5. It’s no use _________ him. A. helping B. to help C. help D. helps 6. I enjoy _________ to classical music. A. listening B. to listen C. listens D. listen 7. I really regret _________ your feeling when I asked you such a silly question. A. hurt B. to hurt C. hurting D. hurts 8. He’ll try _________ the same mistake again. A. not make B. to not make C. not making D. not to make 9. Would you mind _________ me a newspaper? A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 10. Would you like _________ the next dance with me? A. to have B. having C. has D. had 11. I hate him _________ friends with those guys. A. make B. to make C. making D. made 12. Did you remember _________ Ann? – Oh, no. I completely forgot it. A. phone B. to phone C. phoning D. phoned 13. Does the city government intend _________ anything about pollution? A. do B. to do C. doing D. did 14. They finished _________ and then they wanted _________ out for pleasure. A. learn / to go B. to learn / go C. learnt / goes D. learning / to go 15. When you see Tom, remember _________ him my regards. A. give B. to give C. giving D. given 16. I hope _________ that tiring work again. A. not do B. not to do C. not doing D. to not do 17. They postpone _________ an Element School for the lack of finance. A. built B. to build C. building D. builds 18. It’s no use _________ him. He never allows anybody _________ advice. A. advise / give B. to advise / to give C. advising / giving D. advising / to give 19. Are his ideas worth _________ to? A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listened 20. He always avoids _________ me in the streets. A. meet B. to meet C. met D. meeting 21. My parents decided _________ a taxi because it was late. A. take B. to take C. taking D. took 22. Do you agree _________ me some money? A. lend B. to lend C. lending D. lent 23. Tom refuses _________ his address. A. give B. giving C. to give D. gave 24. The passengers asked her how _________ to the police station? A. to get B. getting C. got D. get 25. My friends arranged _________ to the airport in time. A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met 26. Do you plan _________ out or _________ at home at this weekend? A. go / stay B. to go / stay C. going / stay D. to go / staying 27. I dislike _____ in line. - So do I. That’s why I prefer ___ at night when there are fewer people. A. wait / shop B. to wait / shopping C. waiting / shopping D. waiting / to shop 28. He continued _________ after his illness. A. worked B. to work C. to working D. working 29. My watch’s hands keeps _________. A. stopping B. to stop C. stopped D. stop 30. Have you ever watched people _________ _________ fish? A. try / catch B. to try / catching C. trying / to catch D. tried / caught 31. My grandfather is used to _________ up early in the morning. A. getting B. to get C. get D. got 32. Don’t forget _________ her message when you see her. A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave 33. I can’t help _________ his opinions. A. consider B. to consider C. considering D. considered 34. You should try _________ any shirts you want to buy. A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. wears.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 35. He used to fall asleep without _________ his shoes off. A. take B. to take C. taking D. taken 36. I stopped ______ about her illness and went on _______ you about all her other problems. A. to talk / telling B. to talk / to tell C. talking / telling D. talk / tell 37. I’d love _________ coat like that. A. have B. to have C. having D. has 38. I intend _________ her what I think. A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. told 39. Every hour I stop ____________ a little rest. A. working / to have B. to work / to have C. working / having D. to work / having 40. You should give up _________ right now if you want _________ longer. A. smoke / lived B. to smoke / living C. smoking / to live D. smoked / live 41. Students stopped _________ noise when the teacher came in. A. make B. to make C. making D. made 42. When you see her, don’t forget _________ her my postcards. A. give B. to give C. giving D. given 43. Don’t forget _________ her the message when you see him. A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave 44. He spends hours _________ to repair his car. A. try B. to try C. trying D. tries 45. I remember _________ you somewhere last month. A. met B. to meet C. meet D. meeting 46. Mary agreed _________ to the circus with Ann. A. went B. to go C. going D. goes 47. Mike is considering _________ a new car. A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. buys 48. It’s no use _________ his opinion. A. asking B. to ask C. ask D. asks 49. Mrs. Green prefers _________ TV to _________ to the cinema. A. watching / go B. to watch / going C. watching / going D. watches / go 50. She expects _________ him tomorrow, but I look forward to _________ him right away. A. see / see B. to see / see C. see / seeing D. to see / seeing 51. She should avoid _________ other people’s feeling. A. hurting B. to hurt C. hurt D. hurts 52. The soil needs _________ immediately. A. fertilize B. to fertilize C. fertilizing D. fertilized 53. They advise me _________ a raincoat. A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. wore 54. You need _________ these plants as soon as possible. A. fertilize B. to fertilize C. fertilizing D. fertilizes 55. You’d better _________ what you think in front of the conference. A. say B. to say C. saying D. said 56. He always tries _________ _________ there _________ her. A. delaying / coming / meet B. to delay / to come / to meet C. delaying / come / meeting D. to delay / coming / to meet 57. There is nothing _________ this situation to her. A. hide B. to hide C. hiding D. hidden 58. I regret _________ able to attend your birthday party yesterday. A. not to be B. to not be C. not be D. not being 59. Thank you for _________ me such a warm message. A. send B. to send C. sending D. sent 60. She detests _________ all day with strangers. A. chatting B. to chat C. to chatting D. chat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 61. Can you _________ Chinese? A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. spoke 62. My parents decided _________ a taxi because it was late. A. take B. to take C. taking D. took 63. We enjoy _________ here and _________ all your news. A. be / hear B. to be / to hear C. being / hear D. is / hearing 64. Ask your friends about your homework. He would be able _________ you. A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help 65. Please try _________ quiet when you come home. A. be B. to be C. being D. been 66. I don’t like anybody _________ at me. A. shout B. to shout C. shouting D. shouted 67. Do you agree _________ me a hand? A. give B. to give C. giving D. given 68. Would you like _________ to the cinema with us tomorrow evening? A. to come B. come C. coming D. came 69. Pupils started _________ the lesson yesterday. A. write B. to write C. writing D. written 70. I like _________ school by bus, but I hate _________ in the rain and wait for it. A. go / to stand B. to go / stand C. going / standing D. went / stood 71. Does your sister like _________? A. cooks B. cooking C. to be cooked D. being cooked 72. This girl can’t bear _________ alone. A. am B. to be C. being D. been 73. My uncle has given up _________. A. to smoke B. smoke C. smokes D. smoking 74. Do you mind _________ to John ask him _________ us? A. speaking / to help B. to speak / help C. speak / help D. speaks / to help 75. I’ll begin _________ this novel later. A. read B. to reading C. reading D. to read 76. Please stop _________ me in the middle of the sentence. A. interrupt B. to interrupt C. interrupting D. interrupts 77. My brother gave up _________ two years ago. A. smokes B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoking 78. Did you miss _________ her yesterday? A. to see B. saw C. see D. seeing 79. We arranged _________ the scientists here. A. met B. to meet C. meeting D. meet 80. I wish _________ the principal at my school. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw 81. My girl friend is afraid of _________ out alone when it gets dark. A. goes B. to go C. going D. go 82. He continues _________ after his illness. But now, he is having stomachache. A. working B. to work C. worked D. works 83. I’d like _________ there _________ my girlfriend’s parents. A. go / see B. to go / to see C. going / seeing D. goes / seen 84. Would you like _________ to the party with us? A. come B. to come C. coming D. came 85. I was very tired. I tried _________ my eyes open, but I couldn’t. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep 86. I want _________ a pair of shoes in this shop, but I need to try _________ them. A. buy / to wear B. to buy / to wear C. buying / wearing D. to buy / wearing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 87. We have to go _________ this morning. A. shopping B. shopped C. being shopped D. to be shopped 88. He spent hours trying _________ the clock. A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repairs 89. It’s no use _________ for her arrival. A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waits 90. Is there anything worth _________ here? A. buy B. to buy C. buys D. buying 91. The biologist doesn’t allow us _________ in the laboratory. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked 92. Would you mind _________ your address on the back of this check? A. write B. to write C. writing D. written 93. I don’t enjoy _________ to the dentist’s. A. go B. to go C. going D. goes 94. I don’t regret _________ her what I thought even if it upset her. A. to tell B. told C. tell D. telling 95. Remember _________ Katie my greeting card when you see him. A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave 96. My friends has given up _________ and prefers _________ pork. A. drink / eat B. to drink / eating C. drinking / eating D. drank / eat 97. I had to ask the boys _________ _________ billiards all the day. A. to stop / playing B. to stop / to play C. stopping / playing D. stops / to play 98. My teacher promised _________ me _________ for my next examination. A. help / prepare B. to help / prepare C. helping / to prepare D. helped / preparing 99. I would like him _________ _________ more English lessons. A. to start / take B. to start / taking C. starting / take D. starting / taking 100. I hate _________ _________ aloud without _________ the new words. A. practise / reading / learn B. to practise / to read / to learn C. practising / reading / learning D. practises / reading / to learn III. Each sentences has a mistake find and correct it. 1. Would you mind to check the figures again? 2. When there are low sales, companies often decide developing new products. 3. To reduce pollution, we have to stop to use many things that make our lives comfortable. 4. We shall have a doctor to examine our lovely baby tomorrow. 5. I couldn’t help cried when I watched that film. 6. He liked collecting stamps but he didn’t like buy them. 7. It is very difficult for human beings fighting pollution. 8. Jill didn't repair the roof of herself. She had it repairing. 9. Let’s taking a walk. Walking is good for our health. 10. There's something wrong with my computer. It may need to repair. 11. The doctor advised doing exercise, drinking milk, and not to smoke. 12. A laser vaporizes the bone without touch any of the surrounding tissue. 13. I noticed the boy to creep into the house through a hole at the foot of the wall. 14. Have they planned on invest money in that project? 15. Remember locking all the doors before you leave. 16. The doctor has repeatedly advised him to stop to smoke. 17. Let’s go out for a drink. I suggest staying at home and watch television. 18. I always make the children to pick up their toys. 19. I don’t know why he always avoids to meet me. 20. The farmers need rotating their crops..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> IV. Sentence transformation. A. Let = allow = permit 1. Her father doesn't let her go out late in the evening. => She ................................................................................................................................... 2. They allowed her to enter the house. => They let ............................................................................................................................ 3. My parents allowed us to have a trip abroad with Daisy. => We ................................................................................................................................... 4. The police don't let anyone enter the room. => Noone............................................................................................................................... 5. She wasn’t allowed to go out => They didn’t let.................................................................................................................. B. Manage = succeed 1. At last he managed to open the door. => He succeeded.................................................................................................................... 2. She failed to find a job at this time. => She didn't ......................................................................................................................... 3. He succeeded in solving the prolem. => He managed ..................................................................................................................... 4. They manage to finish the project in time for the presentation. => They succeeded ............................................................................................................... C. TAKE = SPEND = IN ... TIME 1. We spent 2 hours watering the flowers. Þ It took................................................................................................................................ 2. It takes me 15 minutes to go to school by bike. => I spend ............................................................................................................................ 3. It took him a year to study English => He spent .......................................................................................................................... 4. It took her 2 hours to type this document. => She spent ......................................................................................................................... 5. We spent 5 hours getting to London. => It took.............................................................................................................................. 6. The astronauts orbited the earth in two hours. => It took.............................................................................................................................. 7. We finished this task in about two hours => We spent.......................................................................................................................... 8. She spends two hours a day practicing English. => It takes............................................................................................................................. 9. It took us five hours to get to Nha Trang. => We spent ......................................................................................................................... 10. I ride bicycle to school in twenty minutes. => It takes............................................................................................................................. D. unreal subject it 1. Learning English is difficult. =>It is .................................................................................................................................... 2. It’s good exercise to jog in the morning . => to jog................................................................................................................................. 3. Seeing our friends again was wonderful. => It's..................................................................................................................................... 4. Complaining about that matter now is useless. => It's......................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 5. Sitting in one place for so long was very uncomfortable. => It's..................................................................................................................................... 6. Going to that party next week will be a lot of fun. => It's..................................................................................................................................... 7. Finding example of that is almost impossible. => It's..................................................................................................................................... 8. Traveling to Bach Long Vi Island by boat will be very interesting. => It's..................................................................................................................................... 9. Understanding that book is very difficult for me. => It's..................................................................................................................................... 10. Writing good compositions in English is not easy. => It's..................................................................................................................................... E. Sussestions 1. Let’s go for a walk in the park. => I suggest.......................................................................................................... 2. Let’s tell her the truth. => I suggested...................................................................................................... 3. Shall we take a taxi to go home? => She suggests................................................................................................... 4. The doctor advised me to take a rest. => The doctor suggested...................................................................................... 5. Why don’t you complain to the company? => I suggested...................................................................................................... 6. Why don’t we meet to discuss the problem with her? => Let’s................................................................................................................ 7. Why don’t we go on a holiday?” => Shall we.......................................................................................................... 8. Why don’t we buy a food processor => Let’s................................................................................................................ 9. What about going to Dong Xoai town? => Why don’t we ................................................................................................ 10. Why don’t we travel by bus to save energy? => Let’s................................................................................................................ F. look forward to doing sth = S + be + excited at/about doing sth 1. We are very excited about meeting Lan => We are looking................................................................................................................. 2. The children are always excited about receiving her letter. => The children are looking .................................................................................................. 3. We are looking forward to going on a countryside trip to Lan's village. => We are excited about........................................................................................................ 4. We are looking forward to see her on the weekend. => We are excited...................................................................................................................

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