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Tuan 10 English 8 Tiet 30 Unit 5 Read 2

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 10 Period: 30. Date of preparation: 29/10/ 2012 Date of teaching: 31/ 10/ 2012. UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 4: READ 2 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Educational aim: Students know how to study well. 2. Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to study well, do exercises, develop their reading skill. II. PREPARATIONS: book, extra - board III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 1. Warm – Up: (5’) - Have students play game: “Bingo” tongue language underline remember different highlight example stick meaning 2. Pre – Reading: (5’) - Have Ss read the text again, check their prediction. - Call some Ss to read the answers. - Check the answers. a. F  Some language learners write the meaning of the new words in their mother language. b. T c. F  Many learners do not try to learn all the new words they come across. d. T - Ask Ss to read the text silently to list the ways how a language learner can learn new words. * Ways language learners learn new words: a. make a list of new words put into it the meanings of new words in their mother tongue, and try to learn them by heart. b. write one or two example sentences with each new word in order to remember how to use the word in the right way. c. write each word and its use on a small piece of paper and stick everywhere in the house so as to learn it at any way. d. underline or highlight only the new words they want to learn. e. learn ten words in two days.. - Play game.. - Answer the questions. - Read the answer. - Listen.. - Pair works.. - Practice.. 3. While – Reading: (20’) - Let students work groups to answer the questions. - Group works. a. No. They learn words in different ways. b. Because this help them remember the use of new words. c. In order to remember new words, they write examples, put the words and their meanings on stickers, underline or highlight them. d. They may think they can’t do so. Instead, they learn only important words. e. Revision is necessary in learning words. f. Learners should try different ways of learning words to find out what is the best. - Have students practice asking and answering the questions in pairs. - Practice. 4. Post – Reading: (13’) - Ask Ss to work in individual to write some ways of learning English vocabulary that you think are the best.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> for you.. - Work in individual.. 5. Homework: (2’) - Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare next lesson: Unit 5 – Write/ p 50, 51. Take note. IV. COMMENTS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__________________________________________________________________.

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