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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Wednesday, October 20th 2010 Period 26. Unit five: work & play Lesson 1: A1,3 - In class. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to revise the simple present to talk about school subjects. + teaching aids: poster + Ways of working: Individual, pairs, B. Procedures: 1. Warm up: chatting How many days a week do you go to school? What time do you go to school ? How many subjects do you study ? What are they? How many classes do you have today ? 2. Pre – teach vob (to) learn: (translation) (to) use: dïng, sö dông -> how to use: c¸ch sö dông (translation) (to) be interesting in: quan t©m, thÝch thó (vÒ ®iÒu g×) (explanation) a map: bản đồ (visual) an experiment: thÝ nghiÖm (picture) last (adj) cuèi cïng (example: first table, second table....and the last table) I. Presentation technique: Presentation text T reads Ss listen SS read the text aloud SS fill in th grid ( with answers ) The Grid with answer key: Classes Computer science Geography Physics. What to do To learn how to use a computer To study maps and learn about different countries To do some experiments. II. Practice 2. Wordcues drill Students use the grids to make questions and answer about what Mai does in her class T models Ss practise in pairs Example Exchange S1: What does Mai do in (her computer Science class )? S2: She learns how to (use a computer) III. Production: Lucky number -T hangs a poster with the questions on the board - Ss work in 2 groups to ask and answer the questions ( Ss choose numbers ) Key 1a., 2 LN, 3f, 4b, 5 LN, 6LN, 7e, 8c, 9d 10LN - T and Ss corect.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> a. What time do your classes begin ? b. What do you learn at school ? c. What do you do in your computer Science class ? d. What do you study in your geography class ? e. What do you do in your last lesson ? f. What time do you classes end ? IV. Homework -Learn by heart vocabulary + Read and translate A3 (t give some more new words) - Do exercise 1, page 27 - work book - Prepare A2. Thursday, October 27th 2010 Period 27. Unit five: work & play Lesson two: A2. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details about Ba’s activities at school and at home + teaching aids: + Ways of working: B. Procedures: 1. Warm up: Chating What is your favorite subject ? How does this subject help you ?+ What class are you in ? How many subject do you have a week ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 2. Pre – teach vob an art club (n):c©u l¹c bé héi ho¹ ( picture ) a drawing: Tranh vÏ ( picture ) a household appliance: Thiết bị gia đình ( example ) electronics (n):m«n ®iÖn d©n dông, ®iÖn tö ( trans ) (to) enjoy: thÝch = like ( synonym ) (to) repair: s÷a ch÷a ( visual ) (to) fix:v¸, s÷a ch÷a = repair ( synonym ) (to) be good at: giái (vÒ ®iÒu g×) ( trans ) Ex: He is good at eletronics Fixing things + Checking R.O.R I. Listen: T introduces the text ( T points at Ba in two pictures on page 52 ) T : Who is this ? Ss: Ba What is he doing?( points at picture 1 ) he is repairing…. What is he doing? ( points at picture 2 ) He is playing the guitar - C¸c em cã mièn biÕt vÒ BA kh«ng ? - T reads the text Ss listen - Ss read silently about 4 minutes - Ss read out loud ( about 3 Ss) - T can correct some SS/ pronunciation mistakes II. Speaking Comprehension questions: Matching - T hangs 2 posters with the questions and answers on the board - Ss run through them - Ss read the text silently again - SS match individually - T and Ss correct * Questions; 1. What is Ba/ s favorite subject? 2. Does BA like other subject at school/ 3. What does he learn to do in eletronics? 4. How does this subject help Ba? 5. Is Ba good at drawing ? Answers: a. He learn to repair household appliacces b. Yes, he is `c. His favorite subject is eletronics d. yes, he does e. He can fix things Keys: 1c 2d 3a 4e 5b - Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about the above questions - Ta nd SS correct - What do you know Ba ? Ss: - What about you? 2. Intervier ( inpairs ) Ss ask and answer to fill in th grid Name Favorite subject Good at Freetime activities Hoa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - T models ( T - a good Student ) - Ss work in pairs - T get information from SS Questions: What is your favorite subject ? What are you good at > What do you do in your free time? IV. Homework - do exercise 2 page 28 - Prepare A4 - 6. Saturday, October 28th 2010 Period 28. Unit five: Work and play Lesson 3: A4 - 6. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know whay they will study in some subjects and listen a passage to get information + Teaching aids: + Ways of works + Ways of working: B. Procedure 1. Warm up: Matching Ask students match each subject to the correct items (A6 – P55) SS work individually T and SS correct Run through them * Keys: a 3 b4 c1 d5 e2 2. Pre teach vob: an essay (n): Bµi tiÓu luËn, bµi v¨n (explannation) a present event (adj): HiÖn t¹i ¹ a past event (anto) Literature (n ): V¨n häc ( picture ) technology(n):khoa häc kü thuËt, c«ng nghÖ (picture ) around the world:vßng quanh thÕ giíi ( trans ) + checking: Back to board I. Read:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> T introduces: In before classes, we know what we study in some subjects such as geography, physics…today we know what we will study in some subject more. Do you want more ? Now open your books and listen to me T reads Ss listen Ss read the text silently about 3 minutes Ss read loud T and Ss can correct SS/ pronunciation mistakes The Grid with answer key: Classes What we do To learn about books and write essays To study past and present events in Vietnam and around the world To study different countries and their Geography people To learn about how things work Physics To study English Lauguage SS work in pairs to ask and answer (T models ) Eg: - What do we do in literature class? + In literature claas, we learn about books and write essays * Who can tell what you do in each subject ? SS: II. Listen - T hangs all pictures of A4 on page 54 on the board - T points each pictyre and asks: "Which subject ? " SS answer Keys: a geography b. physical education c. computer science d. technology e. class activities - T guides the listening: Listen and choose what subjects Ba and hoa have on saturday - T reads three times Ss listen - Ss give out the answers T and Ss correct Keys: Ba: d technology a. geography e. class activities Hoa: c. computer science b. physical education e. class activities *Noughts crosses ( depend on the time ) History Language Art Physics Computer science Math Literature Electronics Geography Example exchange S1: What do you do in History S2: We study past and present events Literature History.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> III. Homework: - learn vob by heart; Do Ex a5; Prepare B 1-2.

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