Michael Alexander and
Geoffrey Clark
with Office 2007
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Michael Alexander and
Geoffrey Clark
with Office 2007
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& Access™ Integration with Office 2007
Published by
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Mike Alexander
For Mary, Ethan and Emma
Geoffrey Clark
For FairBear and LittlestBear,
the fairest and littlest of all bears in the land...
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Mike Alexander is a Microsoft Certified Applications Developer (MCAD)
with over 14 years experience developing Office solutions for a wide array of
Companies and industries. He currently lives in Frisco, Texas, where he works
as a Senior Program Manager for a top technology firm. He is the author of
several books on data analysis using Excel and Access, and he is the principal
behind DataPigTechnologies.com, a site that offers free tutorials on Excel
and Access.
Geoff Clark holds an MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business
where he graduated as a Fuqua Scholar in 2000. After business school, Geoff
joined McKinsey & Company in Charlotte, NC, as an associate management
consultant. It was at McKinsey & Company where Geoff began applying
advanced Microsoft Excel and Access techniques to aid clients in analytical
problem solving and fact-based decision making. After his stint in manage-
ment consulting, Geoff served as director of marketing analytics with a $700
million environmental services firm. Currently, he is a manager at a major
technology outsourcing company and develops office applications to enable
enterprise-wide metrics and change initiatives. Geoff lives in Plano, TX, with
his wife and son.
About the Authors
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About the Authors v
Acknowledgments xvi
Introduction xvii
Part I: Basic Integration Techniques 1
Chapter 1: Getting Excel Data into Access 3
Differences Between Access and Excel 4
Different Types of Excel Spreadsheets 4
The Excel Worksheet in Report Format 4
The Excel Worksheet in Flat File Format 5
The Excel Worksheet in Indexed List Format 6
The Access Table 8
The Table in the Datasheet View 8
The Table in the Design View 8
Different Types of Data 9
Table and Field Naming Conventions 11
Bringing Your Excel Data into Access 11
Importing a Worksheet into a New Table 11
Linking an Excel Worksheet to Access 18
Appending an Excel Worksheet to an Existing Table 22
Potential Errors When Using the Append Import Wizard 23
Summary 25
Chapter 2: Analyzing Excel Data with Access Queries 27
Introduction to Access Queries 27
Creating Your First Select Query 28
Sorting Query Results 31
Filtering Query Results 32
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