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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>SỞ GD&ĐT VĨNH PHÚC. HỘI THI CHỌN GIÁO VIÊN GIỎI CẤP THCS NĂM HỌC 2010-2011. ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC. Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề. ĐỀ THI NĂNG LỰC MÔN: TIẾNG ANH. (Lưu ý: Đề thi có 04 trang) I. NHẬN THỨC CHUNG (2,0 điểm) Một trong các nhiệm vụ trọng tâm của Giáo dục trung học năm học 2010- 2011 được xác định là: "Tiếp tục tập trung chỉ đạo và thực hiện đổi mới phương pháp dạy học, đổi mới kiểm tra đánh giá, dạy học phân hóa trên cơ sở chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng của Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông". Đồng chí hãy nêu nhận thức của bản thân về nhiệm vụ trên. Qua việc nghiên cứu các văn bản hướng dẫn nhiệm vụ giáo dục bậc trung học năm học 20102011 và thực tế giảng dạy, đồng chí hãy nêu một số cần làm tốt để thực hiện nhiệm vụ trên. II. KIẾN THỨC CHUYÊN MÔN (8 điểm) PART 1: LISTENING I. You are going to hear a travel agent discussing a holiday booking with two customers. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will listen to the conversation TWICE. 1. When will both customers be free to travel? A. The first week of July B. The whole months except for the last five days C. From the first to the twenty-third of July D. from the seven to the twenty-third of July 2. Which country did the customers visit last year? A. Italy B. Sweden C. France D. Portugal 3. How long did the customers want for their holiday? A. A week B. Ten days C. Two weeks D. Four weeks 4. Why don’t the customers want to go Italy? A. Because there are too many people. B. Because it would be too hot. C. Because they’ve been there D. Because the dates don’t suit them 5. How much it would be to visit Portugal? A. 500 pounds B. 385 pounds C. 585 pounds D. 340 pounds II. You will hear a conversation. As you listen, fill in an accident report form with the information you hear. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS in each blank. You will listen to the conversation TWICE. ACCIDENT REPORT FORM Witness’s name: (1)____________________________ Witness’s address: (2)________________Road, Watford Name of injured person: (3)____________________________ Sex: (4)____________________________ Address: (5)____________________________ Occupation: (6)____________________________ Details of accident: Date: (7)_______________________March Time: (8)____________________________ Injured sustained: cuts, bruises (9)____________________________ Action: Police notified (10)_____________________notified Employer notified.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> PART 2: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY III. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the following sentences. 1. _________I realized the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved. A. If B. Had C. Unless D. When You must try not to _________so many mistakes. A. make B. do C. tell D. perform 3. Let’s go out for a walk, _________? A. do we B. don’t we C. let not us D. shall we 4. Everybody enjoyed _________at the wedding party. A. oneself B. themselves C. ourselves D. oneselves 5. His face looks_________, but I cannot remember his name. A. similar B. alike C. familiar D. memorial 6. To tell the_________, I forgot all about our appointment. A. true B. truth C. real D. reality 7. Next month, I _________Derek for 20 years. A. will have known B. know C. am knowing D. have known 8. “Somebody forgot his hat. I wonder_________”. A. whose is this hat B. whose hat this is C. whose is hat D. is this whose hat 9. I don’t think he will ever _________the shock of his father’s death. A. get over B. get through C. get by D. get off 10. “_________bad weather we are having this summer!” said the woman. A. What a B. How C. What D. How this 11. _________more help, I could call my neighbor. A. Needed B. Should I need C. I should need D. I have needed 12. She stopped him _________home by hiding the car key. A. not drive B. not to drive C. to drive D. from driving 13. Five percent of the household shopping _________by British men. A. does B. is done C. are done D. were done 14.I have just been told some _________news. A. astonishing B. astonished C. surprised D. surprisingly 15. He _________in persuading his boss to buy a computer. A. succeeded B. managed C. was able D. convinced 16. I’m really sleepy today. I wish I _________Bob to the airport late last night. A. didn’t have to take B. weren’t taking C. hadn’t had to take D. didn’t take 17. The children _________to the zoo. A. were enjoyed taken B. enjoyed being taken C. were enjoyed taking D. enjoyed taking 18. They _________haven’t replied to the letter we sent two months ago. A. yet B. already C. ever D. still 19. Please do not talk _________the orchestra is playing. A. during B. while C. otherwise D. that 20. I congratulated him _________winning the first prize. A. on B. at C. in D. for PART 3: READING IV. Complete the following passage by choosing A, B, C or D to fill in each blank. Visions of the future in modern fiction are seldom optimistic. What (1)_________makes them so depressing: Are most creative artists pessimists (2)_________heart or is it simply that they see (3)_________in technical process? I (4)_________to favor do the second alternative if it were not for the fact that earlier writers like Jules Verne and H.G. Wells do not seem (5)_________ their misgivings. The (6)_________book of this kind in English are Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and 1982, by George Orwell. Although there are superficial resemblances between them, they are not very much (7)_________. Huxley’s Britain in 2500 is a well-organized sensual paradise but it offers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> (8)_________. Human beings are conditioned from their artificial birth to fulfill a social role. Only on an Indian reservation in New Mexico (9)_________unchanged. They thought it was not worth (10)_________the trouble to educate the Indians in the new methods. Orwell’s book carries the message that once the world becomes divided between dictatorships, human beings can be made (11)_________they are told to. Children are instructed (12)_________their parents. Adults like the hero, Winston Smith are employed to rewrite history (13)_________that the dictatorship was right. There is no escape. Any attempt to express (14)_________an individual is discovered and a person is brainwashed. At (15)_________time when Orwell wrote 1984, it was fashionable (16)_________Stalinist Russia. They thought (17)_________the opposite of Nazi Germany. Not long before his death, Orwell published this warning to (18)_________realize that all dictatorships are basically the same. The (19)_________ crime in the world of 1984 is to think for oneself, instead of accepting what (20)_________by the state. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. A. it is B. is that A. at B. by A. little to improve B. a little to improve A. will incline B. will be inclined A. to have shared B. be shared A. better-known B. best-known A. alike B. like A. very little scope to the individual C. a very little scope to the individual 9. A. life remains B. the life remains 10. A. took B. take 11. A. do however B. do whatever 12. A. to spy at B. to spy on 13. A. for to show always C. so that it always will show 14. A. one as B. one like 15. A. a B. the 16. A. for intellectuals to admire C. for intellectuals to marvel 17. A. it as B. it being 18. A. let people to B. make people to 19. A. most dreadful B. more dreadful 20. A. you are told B. one is told. C. is it that D. it is that C. in D. with C. little to improve of D. a little to improve of C. would incline D. would be inclined C. sharing D. that they shared C. more known D. most known C. same D. different B. to the individual very little scope D. to the individual a very little scope C. does life remains D. does the life remains C. to take D. taking C. to do however D. to do whatever C. spying at D. spying on B. for showing always D. so that it will always show C. oneself as D. oneself like C. that D. this B. for intellectuals admiring D. for intellectuals to marveling C. of it as D. of it to be C. let people D. make people C. dreadfulness D. dreadfully C. you are said D. one is said. V. Read the passage carefully then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to the question below. In an effort to produce the largest, fastest and most luxurious ship afloat, the British built the Titanic. It was so superior to anything else on the seas that it was dubbed “unsinkable”. So sure of this were the owners that they provided lifeboats for only 950 of its possible 3,500 passengers. Many passengers were abroad the night it rammed an iceberg, only two days at the sea and more than half way between England and the New York destination. Because the luxury liner was traveling so fast, it was impossible to avoid the ghostly looking iceberg. An unextinguished fire also contributed to the ship submersion. Panic increased the number of causalities as people jumped into the icy-water or fought to be among the few to board the lifeboats. Four hours after mishap, another ship, the Carpathia, rescued the survivors-less than a third of those originally aboard. The infamous Titanic enjoyed only two days of sailing glory on its maiden voyage in 1912 before plunging into 12.000 feet of water near the coast of Newfoundland, where it lies today. 1. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Only a third of those abroad perished. B. The Carpathia rescued the survivors. C. The Titanic sank near Newfoundland. D. The Titanic was the fastest ship afloat in 1912. 2. Which of the following did not contribute the large dead toll?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> A. panic B. fire C. speed D. Carpathia 3. How many days was the Titanic at sea before sinking? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 4. The word “unextinguished” means most nearly the same as__________. A. indestructible B. unrecognizable C. undiscovered D. unquenched 5. In general “Titanic” means__________. A. gigantic B. small C. poetic D. sweet PART 4: WRITING VI. Write an essay (250-300 words) about the following topic: Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? _____THE END_____ Họ và tên thí sinh:_____________________________________SBD____________________.

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