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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>PASSIVE VOICE (Thể Bị Động) S: chủ ngữ V: Động từ O: Tân ngữ A1: Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn, thể cách A2: Trạng từ chỉ thời gian Vpp: quá khứ phân từ: Ved/ V3 So: Chủ ngữ được đổi từ tân ngữ trong câu chủ động Os: Tân ngữ được đổi từ chủ ngữ trong câu chủ động. 1. Simple present: 2. Simple past: (+) S + V-s/ es + O + A1+ A2 (+) S + V2/ V-ed + O+ A1 + A2 → So + am/ is/ are + Vpp + A1+ By Os + A2 → So + was/ were + Vpp +A1+ By Os + A2. (-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V.Bare + O +A1 +A2 (-) S + didn’t + V + O +A1 +A2 → So + am not/ isn’t/ aren’t + Vpp + A1 + By Os +A2 → So + wasn’t/ weren’t+ Vpp + A1+ By Os+ (?)Do/ Does + S + V.Bare + O + A1 + A2? A2. → Am/ is/ are + So + Vpp + A1+ By Os + A2? (?) Did + S + V.Bare + O +A1 +A2? → Was/ Were + So + Vpp + A1 +By Os + A2? 3. Present perfect: 4. Modal: ( Must, can/ could, may/ might, will/ (+) S + have/ has + (adv) + Vpp + O +A1 +A2. would, shall/ should, have to, used to, ought to, → So + have/ has + (adv) + been + Vpp + A1 +By Os + A2 had to/ has to/ be going to.) (-) S + haven’t/ hasn’t + (adv) + Vpp + O +A1 +A2. (+) S + Modal + V.Bare + O +A1+ A2. → So+ haven’t/ hasn’t + (adv)+ been+ Vpp+ A1+ByOs +A2 → So + Modal + Be + Vpp + A1 +By Os (?) Have/ Has + S + (adv) + Vpp + O +A1 +A2? +A2. → Have/ has + So + (adv) + been + Vpp + A1 +By Os +A2? (-) S + Modal + not + V.Bare + O +A1+ A2. → So+ Modal not+ Be+ Vpp + A1 +By Os +A2. (?)Modal + S + V.Bare + O +A1+ A2 ? → Modal + So + Be + Vpp + A1 +By Os +A2 ? 5. Present continuous: 6. Past continuous: (+) S + am/ is/ are + V- ing + O +A1 +A2. (+) S + were/ was + V- ing + O +A1 +A2. → So + am/ is/ are + Being + Vpp +A1+ By Os +A2. →So + were/was+ Being+ Vpp +A1+ By Os (-) S + am not/ isn’t/ aren’t + V- ing + O +A1 +A2 +A2. → So+ amnot/ isn’t/ aren’t + Being + Vpp +A1+ ByOs +A2. (-) S + weren’t/wasn’t + V- ing + O +A1 +A2 (?) Am/ is/ are + S + V- ing + O +A1 +A2 ? →So+weren’t/wasn’t+Being+Vpp+A1+ByOs +A2. → Am/ is/ are + So + Being + Vpp +A1+ By Os +A2? (?) Were/ was + S + V- ing + O +A1 +A2 ? → Were/ was+ So+ Being+ Vpp+A1+ ByOs +A2?. Chú ý: By Os có thể bỏ đi nếu So là : HE, SHE, YOU, THEY, I, WE, PEOPLE, SOMEONE, ANYONE, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY. WISH SENTENCES: CÂU ƯỚC. 1. Câu ước có thể thực hiện ở tương lai: next week, tomorrow, tonight S + WISH(ES) + (THAT) + S + WOULD/ COULD/ SHOULD + V.Bare +…….. 2. Câu ước không thể thực hiện ở hiện tại: now, at the moment…. S + WISH(ES)+ (THAT) + S + Ved/ V2/ WERE (cho taát caû caùc ngoâi) Nhưng nếu áp dụng bài tập viết lại câu với WISH ta áp dụng như sau: S+ WISH(ES) + (THAT)+ S + IS/AM/ARE → WEREN’T ISN’T/ AMNOT/ AREN’T → WERE V1/ Vs/ Ves → DIDN’T + V1 DON’T/ DOESN’T + V1 → Ved / V2 Can/ may/ will/ shall…→ Couldn’t/ mighten’t/ wouldn’t/ shouldn’t Can’t/ maynot/ won’t/ shall not….→ Could/ might/ would/ should. CONDITIONAL SENTENCE – CAÂU ÑIEÀU KIEÄN 1/loại 1: Có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai If + V(simple present tense)....... S+ V ( future simple tense) 2/ Loại 2: Không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai If + V( simple past tense) S+ V( Past subjuntive) Simple present tense: is/ am/ are/ V1/ Vs/ Ves/ Don't V1/ Doesn't V1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Simple future tense: will V1/ shall V1 Simple past tense: were/ Ved/ V2/ Didn't V1 Past subjuntive: Would V1/ could V1/ should V1/ Might V1. PREPOSITIONS IN: the morning, august, summer, 2006, uniform, hospital, bed, the world, debt, prison, English, the center of, the middle of, some ways, addition, Vietnam, London, ink, the past/ future, case ON: Monday, Saturday morning, holiday, radio, subject, foot, a farm, a chair, the beach, the phone, Christmas Day, the occasion, the south coast of, a picnic, the way to, time, a street, a floor, the right/ left, sale, the corner AT: 5 o’clock, first, last, present, the moment, 16 years old, the age of (15), home, school, the bus stop, the same time, a party, Mary’s house, the end of, the beginning of, night, least, once, times, work others: for a week/ fun/ reading/ a walk - from Paris to London, from nine to five- By Nguyen Du, by shooting, by then, by the way, by far, by accident by car/ bus/ taxi/ plane - with smoke, with hands, out of date/ work/ order. REPORT SPEECH Muốn chuyển một câu trực tiếp sang một câu gián tiếp ta phải chuyển 3 thành tố : Ngôi, động từ và Trạng từ thời gian và nơi chốn. 1/ NGÔI: S O Adj. Pro. Reflesive pronouns 1 I me my mine myself 2 you you your yours yourself/ yourselves 3 we us our ours ourselves 4 they them their theirs themselves 5 he him his his himself 6 she her her hers herself 7 it it its its itself Chú ý: Cột 1đổi thành cột 5 hoặc 6 Cột 3 đổi thành cột 4 cột 2 đổi phù hợp với tân ngữ trong câu có ngoặc kép Cột 4, 5, 6 không đổi 2/ THÌ CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ: Động từ Chuyển Động từ Chuyển V1/ Vs/ Ves Ved/ V2 Am/ is/ are Were/ was Am/ is/ are + V-ing Were/ Was + V-ing Has/ have + Vpp Had+ Vpp Was/ were + V-ing Chính nó/ had been V-ing Ved/ V2 Had + Vpp/ Chính nó Shall/ will + V1 Should/ would + V1 Should/ would + V1 Chính nó/ Should/ would + been + V1 Can/ may + V1 Could/ might + V1 Has to/ have to/must Had to + V1 + V1 3/ TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ THỜI GIAN VÀ NƠI CHỐN: Trạng từ Chuyển Trạng từ Chuyển Today/ tonight That day/ that night yesterday The day before/ the previous day Last month The month before/ the previous month Last week The week before/ the previous week Last night The night before/ the previous day Two days Ago Two days Before/ earlier tomorrow The next day/ the following day Next + time The following + time/ the next + time/ a + time + later now Then/ immediately Here There This that these those CÁC DẠNG TỪ TRỰC TIẾP SANG GIÁN TIẾP: 1/ AFFIRMATIVE/ NEGATIVE STATEMENTS : ( Câu phát biểu khẳng định/ phủ định) - Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề tường thuật ( ngoài ngoặc kép) là: hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, tương lai đơn ta chỉ chuyển 1 thành tố ngôi trong lời nói gián tiếp. Eg: he says: " I will go to Ha Noi tomorrow" → He says he will go to Hanoi tomorrow. - Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề tường thuật ( ngoài ngoặc kép) là: SAY TO → TELL SAID TO → TOLD SAID → SAID (THAT).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Eg: Nga said: " I have to help my mom this afternoon"→ Nga said that she had to help her mom that afternoon Lan said to Nam: " I can help you here" → Lan told Nam she could help him there. 2/ YES/ NO QUESTIONS. ( Câu hỏi phải / không) Trực S Asked/ said to Someone ( một ai đó) "Does/ do/ did S V1...?" tiếp Asked ( hỏi) Gián Wondered (tự hỏi) S Someone If/ whether S Ved/ V2... tiếp Inquired (hỏi) Wanted to know Trực "Can/ shall/ will/ S Asked/ said to S V1...?" Someone ( một ai đó) tiếp may/ must Asked ( hỏi) Gián Wondered (tự hỏi) Could/ should/ would/ S Someone If/ whether S tiếp Inquired (hỏi) might/ had to + V1 Wanted to know Trực S Asked/ said to S V-ing/ Vpp..?" Someone ( một ai đó) "Be / have/has tiếp Asked ( hỏi) Gián Wondered (tự hỏi) Were/ was+ v-ing/ S Someone If/ whether S tiếp Inquired (hỏi) Had + Vpp. Wanted to know Chú ý: Trong câu gián tiếp chúng ta phải dổi 3 thành tố như trên, công thức trên chỉ giải thích vị trí từng thành tố tro câu. Eg: Lan said to Nam: " Do you like birds?" → Lan asked Nam if/ whether he liked birds. Lan said to Nam: " Can you help me? → Lan asked Nam if/ whether he could help her. Lan said to Nam: " have you been to Hanoi? → Lan asked Nam If/ Whether he had been to HaNoi. 3/ WH- QUESTIONS: ( Câu hỏi Wh) Trực Someone Wh"Does/ do/ S Asked/ said to S V1...?" tiếp ( một ai đó) question did Asked ( hỏi) WhGián Wondered (tự hỏi) question S Someone S Ved/ V2... tiếp Inquired (hỏi) Wanted to know Wh"Can/ Someone Trực S Asked/ said to question shall/ will/ S V1...?" tiếp ( một ai đó) may/ must Asked ( hỏi) WhCould/ Gián Wondered (tự hỏi) question should/ S Someone S + V1 tiếp Inquired (hỏi) would/ Wanted to know might/ had to Someone WhTrực "Be / V-ing/ S Asked/ said to S question tiếp have/has Vpp..?" ( một ai đó) Asked ( hỏi) WhWere/ was+ Gián Wondered (tự hỏi) question S Someone S v-ing/ tiếp Inquired (hỏi) Had + Vpp. Wanted to know Chú ý: Trong câu gián tiếp chúng ta phải dổi 3 thành tố như trên, công thức trên chỉ giải thích vị trí từng thành tố tro câu. Eg: Lan said to Nam: " What do you like ?" → Lan asked Nam what he liked . Lan said to Nam: " How can you help me? → Lan asked Nam how he could help her. Lan said to Nam: " when have you been to Hanoi? → Lan asked Nam when he had been to HaNoi. 4/ Imperatives ( mệnh lệnh) 1 2 3 4 5 Trực tiếp S Asked/ said Someone ( một ai đó) "V/ Not V ......" Gián tiếp S Asked ( hỏi) Someone To/ not to + V .......

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Told/ order Eg: Nga said to Nam: " open your book" → Nga told Nam to open his book.. TAG- QUESTIONS ( CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI). Là câu hỏi " phải không", nhằm giúp người hỏi khẳng định lại hay chắc chắn thông tin. 1. Nếu câu đứng trước ở thể xác định, thì ở " phải không" ở thể phủ định và ngược lại. 2. Hình thức ở thể phủ định trong câu " phải không" phải ở thể tĩnh lược. 3. Trong câu " phải không " phải dùng đại từ nhân xưng. CỤ THỂ NHƯ SAU: CÂU ĐẦU CÂU PHẢI KHÔNG CÂU ĐẦU CÂU PHẢI KHÔNG Is/ are/ were/ was/ Isn't/ aren't/ weren't/ wsn't Ved/ V2 Didn't V1 V1/ Vs/ Ves Don't V1/ doesn't V1 Have Vpp/ Has Vpp Haven't Vpp/ Hasn't Vpp Had bểtt Hadn't Used to Usedn't / didn't Danh từ số nhiếu They Danh từ số ít She/ He Let's Shall we Let me Will you/ won't you Imperative ( v) Will you This/ that It there there Everything/ nothing It Everyone/ nobody They/ he I am Am i not/ aren't I All they Can/ could/ should Can't/ couldn't/ shouldn't Chú ý: nếu câu đầu có: never/ nowhere/ nothing/ nobody/ hardly/ scarcely/ rarely/ ever/ seldomlittle/ few/ thì trong câu phải không động từ phải dùng ở thể khẳng định.. Adverb clauses. 1. Adverb clauses with “so”: Là mệnh đề trạng ngữ bắt đầu liên SO (vì vậy) diễn tả một nguyên nhân dẫn đến một kết quả S + V +…, so + S + V…. -He didn’t work hard for the examination, so he failed ( He failed because he didn’t work hard for the examination) 2. Adverb clauses with “so/such….that”: là mệnh đề trạng ngữ nối một nguyên nhân với một kết. quả bằng cách sử dụng so/such…….that. S + V +…So + adjective/ adverb+ that + S + V….. Jim is so intelligent that he always understands what I say S + V +…such (a/an) + noun +that + S + V…. She is such a good student that all her teachers like her. Gerund Gerund : ( V+ ing ) : after some verbs.. 1) Mind, enjoy, finish, like, dislike, love, hate, avoid, admit (c«ng nhËn, thõa nhËn), deny, keep, suggest, feel like, practice, imagine, risk… Ex : Tom enjoyed watching TV. He disliked playing football 2) Phrasar verbs : Give up, go on, keep on, insist on Ex : My father gave up smoking many years ago. 3) Expressions + V-ing Can’t help Can’t stand + V-ing It’s worth It’s no use/ good 4) Preposition + V-ing..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Tenses Tenses Hieän taïi ñôn. CAÙCH CHIA. DAÁU HIEÄU. + Khaúng ñònh: Sn, I + V.bare SIMPLE PRESENT.  b, g, n, l, d, v, m, r + s    f, k, p, t, ay, uy,+ s    phu âm + y  ies   o, x, s, z, sh, ch + es   Si + V-s/ es  m  + Phuû ñònh: Sn + DO NOT + V.Bare. Si + DOES NOT + V.Bare. + Nghi vaán: DO / DOES + S + nV.Bare? + WH: WH + DO / DOES + S + V. Bare? (Be)  Am, is, are/ (Have)  Have, has Always: luôn luôn, often: thường hay, Usually: thường khi, Sometimes: thỉnh thoảng, Hardly: hiếm khi, Never: không bao giờ. Once a week: mỗi tuần một lần. In the morning/ afternoon/ evening: vaøo buoåi saùng/ chieàu/ toái - everyday On Mondays/ at weekends: vào các thứ hai, cuối tuần. In spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter: vaøo caùc muøa xuaân/ haï/ thu/ ñoâng.. Quá khứ đơn SIMPLE PAST. 1. (be): I, he, she, it + Was / You, they, we + Were 2. Modals: (can/ could, may/ might, will/ would, shall/ should, must/ have to/ had to) 3. + KÑ: S + V_ed/ V2 (Baát qui taéc) + PÑ: S + DID NOT + V.Bare. + NV: DID + S + V.Bare? + WH: WH + DID + S + V.Bare? Yesterday: hoâm qua/ Last night: ñeâm qua/ In 1979 < now/. Töông lai ñôn SIMPLE FUTURE. Hieän taïi hoàn thành PRESENR PERFECT. (3 days) ago: caùch ñaây……. + KÑ: S WILL + V.Bare + PÑ: S + WILL NOT (WON’T) + V.Bare + NV: SHALL/ WILL + S + V.Bare. + WH: WH + SHALL/ WILL + S + V. Bare? Tomorrow: ngaøy mai, Tonight: toái nay, Next (week): tuần tới In 2020 > now someday: ngày nào đó soon: chẳng bao lâu nữa.. + KÑ: Sn, I + HAVE + (ADV) + V3. Si + HAS + (ADV) + V3. + PÑ: Sn, I + HAVE NOT/ HAS NOT (ADV) + V3. + NV: HAVE/ HAS + S + V3? + WH: WH + HAVE/ HAS + S + V3? Since: từ khi / For: trong khoảng/ So far = up to now = up to present Just: vừa mới,. Ever: đã từng. Lately = Recently: gaàn ñaây,. Yet: chöa. once/ twice: moät/ hai laàn.. Before: trước đây. already: roài. (đến bây giờ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Hieän taïi tieáp dieãn PRESENT PROGRESSI VE. QK tieáp dieãn PAST PROGRESSIVE. PART II. + KÑ: S + AM/ IS/ ARE + V- ing. + PÑ: S + AM/ IS/ ARE + NOT + V- ing. + NV: AM/ IS/ ARE + S + V- ing? + WH: WH + AM/ IS/ ARE + S + V-ing? Look! Nhìn kìa! Listen! Hãy lắng nghe: Now = at present = at the moment: bây giờ;. Boû e: make  making / come  coming - Gaáp ñoâi phuï aâm: stop  stopping/ run running - Khoâng boû y: study studying/ enjoy enjoying. + KÑ: S + WAS/ WERE + V- ing. (I was) + PÑ: S + WASN’T/ WEREN’T + V- ing. + NV: WAS/ WERE + S + V-ing? + WH: WH + WAS/ WERE + S + V- ing? At this time yesterday: vào lúc này hôm qua At that time/ Then: Lúc đó. - Hai hay nhiều hành động song song: Kèm với When/ While. When I came home, Hoa was watching TV, my aunt was reading.. Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets: 1. Listen! Someone (knock) the door. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 2. Most rivers (flow) into the sea. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 3. My father (buy) four tickets 3 days ago. We (see) the film Dream City tomorrow. …………………………………………………….…………………….. 4. She (be) here when I (come) last night. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 5. I’m sorry you’re leaving. I hope you (come) back and (see) us soon. ………………………………………………………………….…………………….. 6. My aunt (enjoy) (listen) to country music ……………………………………………………………. …………………………. 7. Susan (make) a new dress while her (go) out. ………………………………………………………………. ……………………….. 8. Bad driving (cause) many accidents. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 9. The Moon (move) around the Earth. ………………………………………………………………….…………………….. 10. Yesterday I (be) busy, so I (not have) time to phone you. …………………………………………………………………. ……………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 11. I (not have) breakfast this morning, but I’m not hungry.. ………………………………………………………………. …………………………. 12. .Look out! She (fall) on the rail. …………………………………………………………. ……………………………. 13. Where we (spend) the night tonight? – I think we (come) to the festival. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 14. .My friend (get) married in August this year. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 15. The ambulance is coming. I (wave) to the driver. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 16. You (invite) the newcomers of our class to the party? …………………………………………………………………………………….. 17. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It (rain). …………………………………………………………………………………….. 18. Mozart (play) the piano when he (be) three years old. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 19. My family (watch) T.V every night. But now we (listen) to pop music. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 20. If we use much pesticide on vegetables, we (live) a happy life. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 21. I (buy) this picture along time ago, but you (not see) it for age. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 22. I have lost my key. I (find) it when I (look) for something else. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 23. What you (do), Tan? I (write) a letter. I (write) them every week. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 24. We (not see) him last year. He (leave) for Ho Chi Minh. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 25. I am glad that I (meet) my parents next week. ………………………………………………………………….…………………….. 26. What you (do) last night? – I (go) to my aunt’s house. …………………………………………………………………. ……………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 27. The ambulance is coming. I (wave) to the driver.. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 28. You (invite) the newcomers of our class to the party last night? …………………………………………………………………………………….. 29. She (go) on a camping trip if she (have) enough time. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 30. At 7:00 pm last night he (watch) TV with his wife, but now he (listen) to music………………………………………………………………………… 31. My friend (live) in HCM City since he (be) eleven. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 32. What you (do) last night? - I (stay) at home. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 33. How long they (learn) English? - They (learn) English for two years. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 34. I (be) at Tam’s house last night, but I (cook) dinner at home at the moment. ………………………………………….………………………………………… 35. We (visit) Nga tomorrow. Tomorrow (be) Sunday. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 36. If the weather (be) fine tomorrow, we (go) on a picnic. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 37. Daisy (cook) in the kitchen at present. She always (cook) in the morning. ………………………………………………….……………………………………… 38. The children (play) football when the mother (come) back yesterday. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 39. What she (do) tomorrow morning? – She (play) chess with her father. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 40. Children shouldn’t (drink) coffee. It (not be) good for your health. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 41. She (see) that film 10 years ago. It (be) very cold yesterday. I (cook) dinner at present ………………………………………………………….. 42. My father (read) newspaper every morning. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 43. I (not have) breakfast this morning, but I (be) not hungry now. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 44. I used to live when I (be) a young girl. ……………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 45. Where we (spend) the night tonight? – I think we (come) to the festival.. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 46. My friend (get) married in August next year. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 47. I have a broken leg. I (fall) over when I (play) soccer …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 48. .My brother (come) home last night. He (not get) up yet. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 49. We (not see) him since he ( go) to university. …………………………………………………………………. …………………….. 50. Green (teach) English in this school since he (graduate) from this university in 1986 .……………………………………………………………………….. 51. Yesterday, Hoa and her aunt (go) to the market. .……………………………………………………………………….. 52. Vegetables often ( have ) dirt from the farm on them .……………………………………………………………………….. 53. When ……………you ………. (buy) this dress? –Tow days ago .……………………………………………………………………….. 54. Why (be) you absent from school yesterday? .……………………………………………………………………….. 55. I (be) fourteen years old next week. .……………………………………………………………………….. 56. They ( perform) “Romeo and Juliet “ last Sunday .……………………………………………………………………….. 57. Lan’s family always(watch )TV in the evening .……………………………………………………………………….. 58. My father ( play ) roller-skating when he (be ) a child .……………………………………………………………………….. 59.Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets 60.The Pikes...............................................(move) to London since 2002. 61.She .........................................(eat) a lot of fruit yesterday. 62.People................................................(speak) English in India long time ago. 63.They..........................................(practice) their music lesson at 7 o’clock last night. 64.Thu.............................................(look) after her little brother next Sunday. 65.They..............................................(know) each other quite well for years. 66.It usually (rain) ……………………………………………………………………………in the summer. 67.She (win) ……………………………………………………………………………the gold medal in 1986 68.They (build) ……………………………………………………………………………a house by June next year..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 69.I wish I (can) ……………………………………………………………………………speak French. 70.They wish they (get) ……………………………………………………………………good grades. 71.The earth (circle) ………………………………………………………the sun once every 365 days. 72.Mai.................................................(buy) some new story books yesterday. 73.The students.......................................................(play) baseball at the moment. 74.The kids...............................................(sleep) when the bell rang. 75.Kim.......................................(tell) us some fairy tales last night. 76.Uyen.....................................(take) a bus to school everyday. 77.They...................................(leave) for Hanoi yesterday. 78.Lan.................................................(borrow) some books from the library since Monday. 79.My grandfather.............................................(live) in HCM city for ten years. 80.Their parents.................................(go) out for dinner last night. 81.Women...............................(have) to do the housework long ago. 82.The girls..........................................(sew) some clothes for their new dolls now. 83.I wish you (write) ……………………………………………………more carefully in the future. 84.Rivers usually (flow) ………………………………………………… to the sea. 85.Don’t worry. I (give) …………………………………………………him your message when I (see) ………………………… him. 86.I (meet) ………………………………………… Jane 3 weeks ago. I (not talk) …………………………………… to her last week. 87.How often………………………… she (go) ………………………… fishing? – She (go) ………………………………… once a year. 88.I (come) ………………………home, (open) ……………………the door, and (find) …………………… nothing in my house. 89.I last (see) ………………………………………………… him since last Sunday. 90.She (play) ……………………………………… the piano when our guest (arrive) ……………………………………… last night. 91.Look! The man (run) ……..........................…………………………………………… after the train. 92.Mr. Green (teach) ………..……… English here since he (graduate) ……………… from the university in 1986. 93.The light (go) ………………………………………………… out when we (have) ………………………………………………… dinner. 94.He (write) …………………………………… a novel for two years but he not (finish) …………………………………… it yet. 95.Listen! I (think) ……………………………………………… some one (knock) ………………………………………………… at the door. 96.What………………………………………………… you (do) ………………………………………………… at 7 PM last night? 97.Be quiet! The baby (cry) …………………………………………………. 98.They (prepare) ………………………………………………… the Christmas at the moment. 99.Hurry up! The train (come) …………………………………………………. 100. She (not take) ………………………………………………… them at the moment. 101. Daisy (just wash) ………………………………………………… the cup. Now they are very clean. 102. ………………………………………………… You (see) ………………………………………………… a good film lately? 103. I last saw her when she (live) ………………………………………………… in Hue. 104. A: You (ever see) ………………………………………………… the comedy “ Mr. Bean”?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 105. B: Yes, I……………………………………………… 106. A: When………………………………………………… you (see) ………………………………………………… it? 107. B: I (see) it a year ago. I. Change the following sentences into passive 1. We might find life on another planet. Life ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. We have to improve all the schools in the city. All the schools in the city…………………………………………………………………… 3. They grow rice in tropical countries. Rice .………………………………………………………………………………………..... 4. They will produce five million bottles of champagne in France next year. Five million bottles of champagne ………………………………………………………….. 5. They have just introduced a new style of jeans in the USA. A new style of jeans ...…………………………………………………………………….. 6. They have built two department stores this year. Two department stores. …………………………………………………………………… 7. You must do carefully. This exercise ………………………………………………………………………………… 8. They sell jeans all over the world. Jeans ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. They made jean cloth completely from cotton in the 18 th century. Jean cloth ……………………………………………………………………………………..... 10. We can solve the problem. The problem………………………………………………………………………………… 11.. People should stop experiments on animals. Experiments on animals ……………………………………………………………………. 12.. They are going to build a new bridge in the area.. A new bridge …………………………………………………………… II. Write sentences: Reported speech 1. Nam said “I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock.”  Nam said………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… 2. Lan said “I will be very busy tomorrow.”  Lan said……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… 3. Thu said “All the students will have a meeting next week.”  Thu said……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… 4. Phong said “My parents are very proud of my good marks.”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span>  Phong said………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… 5. Tam said “I can swim across the river.”  Tam said………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… 6. My teacher told me “You should read these books.”  My teacher said………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… 7. Hoa said “I may visit my parents next summer.”  Hoa said 8. The teacher said “All the homework must be done carefully.”  The teacher said 9. Her father said to her “You can go to the movies with your friend.”  Her father said III. Write sentences: Clause of result with SO: 1. Hoa she passed her exam because she worked hard, Hoa..………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Because Lan has to learn the story , she is going to be in a play, Lan ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Nga is sick today, She won't go to school. Nga ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Na woke up late because she didn't have time for breakfast. Na…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Mrs. Robinson is going to the market now. She has to cook dinner, Mrs. Robinson ……………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Because the camara doen’t work, Mr. Robinson took it back to the shop. The camara ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7. Because everyone felt tired, they sat down to rest. Everyone …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. I feel like a member of their family because they are very nice. I ………………………………………………………………………………………………… IV. Complete the passage: occasions – prefer - mentioned - consists - that - traditional - frequently - design - from – because. 1. For centuries poets, writers and musicians have ……………..the ao dai in poems, novels. and songs. The ao dai is the ……………..dress of Vietnamese women. It ……………of a long silk tunic ………….is slit on the sides and worn over loose pants. Traditionally, it was …………..worn by both men and women. The ………………and material used for men were different ………….those used for women. Nowadays, women usually wear it, especially on special ………………….. However, many Vietnamese women today often …………….to wear modern clothing at work, ……………it is more convenient. fashionable - printed - minorities - symbols – to – can - inspiration - designers - and. Now fashion ……………want to change the traditional ao dai. Some have ……………..lines of poetry on the ao dai, so they look modern and very ……………. Other designers have taken ………………..from Vietnam's ethnic ………………. They have visited villages and studied traditional.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> designs and …………………….such as suns, stars, crosses, and stripes. They have added these patterns ……….. the ao dai, so Vietnamese women …………continue to wear the unique dress, which is now both traditional ………..fashionable. of - lies - by - a - is -banyan - fields - between - before - invited - trip. 2. On Sunday, Ba ……….Liz to join his family on a day ……….. to his home village about 60 kilometers to the north …………Ha Noi. The village ……..near the foot of a mountain and ………. .a river. Many people go there on weekends to have some rest after …….. hard working week. The journey to the village ………… very interesting. People have the chance to travel …………………. the green paddy ……………. and cross a small bamboo forest …………… they reach a big old ……………. tree at the entrance to the village. lot - was - on- shrine - visit - and - after- walked - In - reached - under - for – there - going. Liz met Ba's family at his house early ……….. the morning; and ………….. two hours traveling by bus, they ……………the big old tree. Everyone felt tired ………… hungry, so they sat down …………. the tree and had a snack. After the meal, they started to walk into the village ………….. about thirty minutes to ……… Ba's uncle. Then, they ………… up the mountain to visit the …………. of a Vietnamese hero and enjoyed the fresh air ……… . In the afternoon, they went boating …………… the river and had a picnic on the river bank before …………… home late in the evening. It ………….. an enjoyable day. Liz took a ………. of photos to show the trip to her parents. IV. Answer the qestions: Unit 1: Malaysia is one of the countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). It is divided into two regions, known as West Malaysia and East Malaysia. They are separated by about 640 km of the sea and together comprise an area of 329,758 sq km. Malaysia enjoys tropical climate. The Malaysian unit of currency is the ringgit, consisting of 100 sen. The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur and it is also the largest city of the country. The population in 2001 was over 22 million. Islam is the country's official religion. In addition, there are other religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. The national language is Bahasa Malaysia (also known simply as Malay). English, Chinese, and Tamil are also widely spoken. The language of instruction for primary school children is Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese, or Tamil. Bahasa Malaysia is the primary language of instruction in all secondary schools, although some students may continue learning in Chinese and Tamil. And English is a compulsory second language. 1. Where is Malaysia? 2. Is Malysia’s climate tropical? 3. How many religions ae there in Malaysia. 4. Which language do people speak in Malaysia? 5. Which language do primary school children learn at school.? 6. Do all secondary school children learn in English? Unit 2:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe. The material, called jean, was named after sailors from Genoa in Italy, because they wore clothes made from it. In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton and workers at that time loved wearing it because the material was very strong and it did not wear out easily. In the 1960s, many university and college students wore jeans. Designers made different styles of jeans to match the 1960s' fashions: embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on. In the 1970s more and more people started wearing jeans because they became cheaper. In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing, when famous designers started making their own styles of jeans, with their own labels on them. Sales of jeans went up and up. But in the 1990s the worldwide economic situation got worse, and the sale of jeans stopped growing. However, jeans have never been out of fashion, and today young generation is still fond of wearing them. 7. Why did workers like to wear jean cloth in 18 th century? 8. Did a lot of university and college students wore jeans. In 1960s? 9. When did jeans become cheaper ? 10.. Where does the name jeans come from?. 11.. What were the 1960s' fashions?. 12.. Why did more and more people begin wearing jeans in the 1970s?. 13.. When did jeans at last become high fashion clothing?. 14.. Why did the sale of jeans stop growing?. Unit 3: Van, a student from Ho Chi Minh City, is an exchange student in the USA. He is now living with the Parker family on a farm 100 kilometers outside Columbus, Ohio. He will stay there till the beginning of October. Mr. Parker grows maize on his farm, while Mrs. Parker works part-time at a grocery store in a nearby town. They have two children. Peter is the same age as Van, and Sam is still in primary school. Since Van arrived, he has been learning a lot about life on a farm. In the afternoon; as soon as he completes his homework, he feeds the chickens and collects their eggs. On weekends, if Mr. Parker is busy, the three boys help him on the farm. On Saturday afternoon, Peter plays baseball. The Parker family and Van eat hamburgers or hot dogs while they watch Peter play. The Parkers are nice so Van feels like a member of their family. 15.. Who’ s Van?. 16.. Does Van live with the Pakers?. 17.. Where do the Pakers live in the U.S.A?. 18.. What is Mr. Paker’s job?. 19.. Where does Mrs. Parker work?. 20.. What canVan help the Pakers?. 21.. How does Van feel when he lives in that family?. Unit 5: the Internet is a very fast and convenient way for me to get information. I can also communicate with my friends and relatives by means of e-mail or chatting. However, I don't use the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Internet very often because I don't have much time. For me, the Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life. It makes our world a small village. Nobody can deny the benefits of the Internet in our life. However, the Internet is available only in cities. People use the Internet for many purposes: education, communication, entertainment and commerce. However, the Internet has limitations. On the one hand, it is not only time-consuming and costly but also dangerous because of virus and bad programs. On the other hand, internet users sometimes have to suffer various risks such as spam or electronic junk mail, and personal information leaking. So, while enjoying surfing, be alert! 22. Is the Internet a very fast and convenient way for me to get information and. communicate with others? 23. What do people use the Internet for? 24. Is it easy to get access to the Internet in the countryside? Why? 25. Make a list of benefits of the Internet according to the three responses. 26. Are there any disadvantages of the Internet? If so, what are they? 27. Why should we be alert when surfing the web?. FURTHER PRACTICE A 1. I was pleased 2. Although he has a very important job, 3. She wasn’t wearing a coat 4. I had never seen her before 5. No one laughed 6. Though I didn’t speak the language, 7. I didn’t recognize her 8. Although Emma was offered a job, 9. We’re not good friends 10. If I get a better job, 11. We will have no fresh water to use 12. Most students can’t do this test 13. Tuan sighed sadly 14. Lan broke the cup 15. He never goes to school late, 16. The road is very narrow,. B a. if we pollute the water. b. when he heard that he failed the test. c. so two cars can’t pass each other. d. that my father gave me a new bicycle on my birthday. e. because she was careless. f. I’ll earn more money. g. because it is very difficult. h. does he ? i. Although I’d met her twice before. j. Though we’ve known each other for a long time. k. Even although the joke was funny l. I managed to make myself understood. m. Even although it was quite cold. n. he isn’t well-paid. o. She turned it down.. 1.Every one was sad 2.I’m glad I am really happy 3.If we go on littering, 4.It rained yesterday 5.Auld Lang Syne is the song 6.We’re worried. a. the environment will be seriously polluted. b. although the weather is predicted to be fine. c. because I feel sick. d. Yes, I think so..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 7.We’re confident 8.I suggest 9.I want to go home 10.We’ll have cable TV soon, won’t we? 11.How about making posters around the school? 12.It’s annoying 13.He’s aware 14.I’m conscious 15.Alexander Bell was the man 16.Mai came home late last night 17.Nga is unlucky not to pass the exam 18.She was late for work 19.You can develop self-confidence in speaking English 20.I was pleased that 21.Tuan sighed sadly 22.If I get a better job,. e. Great! Let’s do that. f. that you are working hard. g. which is sung on New Year’s Ever. h. that we should take shower. i. that he has to work hard from now on. j. that we will able to persuade our friends to keep the school clean. k. that people don’t stop throwing trash along the streets. l. that you are feeling better. m. that I have to follow the school regulations. n. That she had to run to America. o. that tourists pollute the area around the resort. p. though he tried to studied hard. q. who invented the telephone. r. So she was punished by her parents. s. by practicing dialogues with partners. t. because she missed the bus. u. my father gave me a new bicycle on my last birthday. v. I’ll earn more money. w.when he heard that he failed the test.. Choose the best answer: 1. I would like ……………………cakes. Circle the letter of the best answer. A. some B. Any C. a D. an 2. Wearing ………………. Helps students feel equal in many ways. A. suits B. casual clothes. C. jeans D.uniforms 3. Your homework must ………………………………carefully . A. do B. done C. be done D. is done 4. Are you …………………your stay in Viet Nam ? A. enjoying B. waiting C. looking D. pleasing 5. Tom is living ………………….. the Parker family . A. on B. with C. to D. from 6. She wishes she …………………….. swim well. A. can B. can’t C. could D. couldn’t 7. How long did it take you ……………………………. There ? A. get B. getting C. got D. to get 8. He returned to the hotel ……………………. 10 p.m . A. at B. in C. on D. about 9. She was sad ………………………….. she failed in the exam . A. although B. because C. so D. so that 10. How far is your village ……………………… the city ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> A. to B. from C. for D. in 11. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. A. pray B. climate C. classmate D. fade 12. I ………………… in this house for six months . A. have lived B. lived C. live D. am living 13. Vietnamese people are very ……………………………. A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. frienship 14. What is your ……………………….. type of clothing ? A. like B. love C. color D. favorite 15. I used to ……………………………… to school on foot. A. go B. going C. went D. to go 16. I wish I ………. taller. A. am B. could C. had D. were 17. ………………………… to meet you, Lan . A. Please B. Pleasing C. Pleased D. To please 18. When ………………….. the last time you met her ? A. is B. was C. do D. did 19. ………………..you ………………. Japanese food yet? A. Do / eat B. Did /eat C. Were/eaten D. Have/ eaten 20. You can …………… The problem alone . A. solve B. do C. make D. think 21. Mai ……………… a lovely dog on her tenth birthday A. give B. gives C. was given D. has given 22. He’ll be here on the ………………………………………. A. week B. weekend C. weeks D. next week 23. We might find life on another ……………………………………… A. planet B. earth C. place D. way 24. My father …………………………… in this factory since 1990. A. works B. worked C. will work D. has worked 25. My sister gave me a ………………….. shirt. A. color B. colorful C. colored D. coloring 26. Pick out the work which has the same sound as in clothing. A. cloth B. convenient C. close D. color 27. She said she …………………………… going camping . A. likes B. liked C. like D. has liked 28. Their car …………………. last year. A. buy B. bought C. was bought D. has bought Choose and underline the best answers: 2. They (told - said - talked - asked) me if I could speak Chinese. 3. Rice (are grown – are grew – is grown – is growed) in tropical countries. 4. Jeans (is sold – are sold – sold – sell) all over the world..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 5. Her novel (translated – was translated – has been translated – will be translated) into Vietnamese recently. 6. The next Olympic Games (is held – will hold – will be held – have been held) in China. 7. Lan and Maryam are pen pals They (are writing– write– has written– wrote) each other twice a month. 8. I (have lived– lived– live– am living) in the house for six months. 9. When (do you – have you – did you –were you) start school? – When I was six. 10. We (have been – were – was – has been) friends for ten years. 11. The project (must be done – must be doing – must being done – must do) on time. 12. Have you (ever- for – just- already) seen our teacher? 13. I have not met her (in – since – for – during) 2003. 14. Nhan (has gone - used to go - goes - is going) to the sea since she lived in Hai Phong. 15. Mr. Bas (built - has been built - was built - was building) a house in 1995..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span>

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