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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Places. Unit 6:. Period: 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 Division of lesson: 1.. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.. Our house. A1. Our house. In the city. In the city. Around the house. Around the house.. A2-A3 A4 + A5 B1- B3 C1 + C2 C3 – C 5. Week : 11 Date: 05 / 11 / 08 Period 33:. Lesson 1:. OUR HOUSE A1. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe places where they live. Skills speaking and writing. - Ss. Love their home and keep their home clean and green. II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: - There is/ are . . . . . Ex: There are some oranges on the table. Ex: There is a ruler on the table. 2. Vocabulary: - Lake (n), yard (n), flower (n), rice paddy (n). III. Techniques: - Slap the board. - Asking and answering. Gaps filling. IV. Teaching aids: - Student Palmtop, Teacher’s cards. Pictures about neighbour V. Procedures: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 1. Warm up: -Ss answer T’s questions. -What time do you get up ? (2,5 ms) -T. corrects and gives them marks. -Do you go to school at 7.00 ? (2,5 ms) -Ss. Consult and copy the keys. -Does your father watch TV at 8.30 ? (2,5 ms) -What time do have breakfast? (2,5 ms) Marks (10 ms). 2. Presentation:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> -T uses the picture of A1 and word cards Vocabulary: to present new words. -a lake (n) -a yard (n) -T reads each word. -beautiful (a) -Ss. Practice after the T and the laptop. -a river (n) -T. explains how to pronounce the voc. -a hotel (n) -T. lets Ss play the game to check their -a tree (n) voc. -a flower (n) -Ss. Play the game. -a rice paddy (n) -Ss listen and repeat. -near (prep) Slap the board a hotel -Ss look at the picture of page 62/ A1 and a river guess where Thuy’s house is. beautiful -T plays the tape (twice). a a tree -Ss read the text. lake near -T asks. a yard -T presents the new model sentences to describe surroundings. -Ss. Listen and copy the model. -T explains the model sentences. -T. lets Ss. Base on the model make sentences about their neighbors. -T. says the changing part of the lesson. -Ss. Listen and follow their teacher guiding. -T. lets Ss listen to the text and practice the text in pairs and close pair and open pairs. -Ss read the text. -Ss answer the questions (in pairs). -Ss write the answers on the board. -T corrects them. -Ss write and read the correct answers. -Ss work in pairs about the picture of A1/ P.62. -T corrects if necessary. -T. lets Ss ask and answer the questions in the text part A1. -Ss. Ask and answer in pair. -T. lets Ss. Go to the board and write their. Where does Thuy live? Is that a yard? Model sentences: There is a rice paddy are trees flowers Our house has. near the house in the park. a big yard. 3. Practice: -Now all of you look at the text A1 / P.62: Listen to the record then imitate the native speakers then play the role. After that you guess the meaning then answer the questions in pairs.. Answer keys: a) She’s 12. b) She’s a student. c) His name is Minh. d) He is twenty. e) She lives in a house near a lake. f) There is a river, a lake, a hotel, a park.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> answers on the board. -T. lets Ss. Crossing check and correct their friend’s mistakes. -T. gives correct answers. -Ss. Consult and copy the keys. - T. say the changing part of the lesson -Ss look at the pictures of A1/ P.62 and base on the text write the sentences about your house or your neighbor. -Ss work in groups. -Ss. Go to the board and write them on. -Ss. Play the role after their have correct answers. -T corrects if they make mistakes then gives marks. *T. educates Ss how to keep their home town and their neighbors clean and green. -T. asks Ss. Some questions. -Ss. Answer. -T. corrects and gives them marks. -Ss. Crossing check, consult and copy the keys.. -T. recommends Ss some things -T gives homework. -Ss write down. -T. reminds Ss the structures and voc. - Ss. Listen and copy the structures. -T. explains how to do the exercises -Ss. Listen and copy. and rice paddy.. 4. Production: Write. Complete the sentences: -Our house has a yard. -It is near a -------. -There is a -------- near the …………. -There is a --------- and a ---------. -There are -------- and flowers in the……….. Marks(10 ms) -Our school is near the ______.(2ms) There are ………………… in the school yard. (2ms) The house is in the ______ .(2ms) It is near the…………. (2ms). There is ……………… near my house(2ms) => Now you think about your house or your home town is it beautiful as the picture in the lesson? What will you do to keep your home/ house / neighbor clean and beautiful? => Ss’ answers (10 ms) 5. Homework: -Learn by heart the new words and the model sentences. - There is/ are . . . . . Ex: There are some oranges on the table. Ex: There is a ruler on the table. -Do exercises A1-2/ P.60-62 in WB. -Prepare: Unit 6: A2-3 Find the pictures: hotel, school, rice paddy,.  Comments: *Advantages:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> *Disadvantages:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Solutions:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week: 11. Period 33: Lesson 2 Unit 6: A2+ A3 Date: 5/011/08 I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe places where they live. Skills speaking and writing. - Ss. Love their home and keep their home clean and green. I. Language contents: 1. Grammar: Revision - There is/ are . . . . . Ex: There are some oranges on the table. Ex: There is a ruler on the table. 2. Vocabulary: - Revision III. Techniques: - Gaps filling. - Asking and Answering. IV. Teaching aids: - Student Palmtop, Teacher’s cards. V. Procedures: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 1. Warm up: -Ss answer T’s questions. -What do you live? (2,5 ms) -T. corrects and gives them marks. -I live in the country? -Ss. Consult and copy the keys. -What are there near your house? (2,5 ms) -There are trees , flats….(2,5 ms) -What do you do to keep your house clean and more beautiful? (2,5 ms) Marks (10 ms). 2. Presentation: -T uses the picture of A2 and word cards Vocabulary: to present new words. Revision: Where does Thuy live? -T reads each word. Is that a yard? -Ss. Practice after the T and the laptop. Model sentences: There is a rice paddy. near the house.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> -T. explains how to pronounce the voc. -Ss listen and repeat. -Ss look at the picture of page 63/ A2 and guess where Thuy’s house is. -T plays the tape (twice). -Ss read the text. -T asks. -T presents the new model sentences to describe surroundings. -Ss. Listen and copy the model. -T explains the model sentences. -T. lets Ss. Base on the model make sentences about their neighbors. -T. says the changing part of the lesson. -Ss. Listen and follow their teacher guiding. -T. lets Ss listen to the text and practice the text in pairs and close pair and open pairs. -Ss read the text. -Ss answer the questions (in pairs). -Ss write the answers on the board. -T corrects them. -Ss write and read the correct answers. -Ss work in pairs about the picture of A2/ P.63. -T corrects if necessary. -T. lets Ss ask and answer the questions in the text part A1. -Ss. Ask and answer in pair. -T. lets Ss. Go to the board and write their answers on the board. -T. lets Ss. Crossing check and correct their friend’s mistakes. -T. gives correct answers. -Ss. Consult and copy the keys. -Ss look at the pictures of A3/ P.63 and write the sentences.. Ex: Our house has a big flower garden. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden……... 3. Practice: -Now all of you look at the text A2 / P.63: Listen to the record then imitate the native speakers then play the role. After that you guess the meaning then answer the questions in pairs. A2: Practice with a partner: -What are those ? They are _____ -What is that ? It’s a _____ Answer keys: A3: Write. Complete the sentences: Keys: -Our house has a yard. -It is near a rice paddy. -There is a hotel near the lake. -There is a river and a park. -There are trees and flowers in the park. 4. Production: Lake River Hotel. Rice paddy Yard Park. House Trees Flowers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> -Ss play “Noughts and crosses”. Group 1: Write 5 sentences about your house Group 2: Draw the picture about your -T gives exercises to 4 groups. house -Ss work in groups. Group 3: Matching (P & cards) -T corrects if they make mistakes then Group 4: Fill in the blanks gives marks. 1) Our school is near the ______. 2) The house is in the ______ . A ______ has many trees and flowers. - T. say the changing part of the lesson Write. Complete the sentences: -Ss look at the pictures of A1/ P.62 and -Our house has a yard. base on the text write the sentences about -It is near a -------. your house or your neighbor. -There is a -------- near the …………. -There is a --------- and a ---------. -Ss work in groups. -There are -------- and flowers in the……….. -Ss. Go to the board and write them on. Marks(10 ms) -Ss. Play the role after their have correct -Our school is near the ______.(2ms) answers. There are ………………… in the school yard. -T corrects if they make mistakes then (2ms) gives marks. The house is in the ______ .(2ms) *T. educates Ss how to keep their home It is near the…………. (2ms). town and their neighbors clean and green. There is ……………… near my house(2ms) -T. asks Ss. Some questions. => Now you think about your house or -Ss. Answer. your home town is it beautiful as the -T. corrects and gives them marks. picture in the lesson? What will you do to -Ss. Crossing check, consult and copy the keep your home/ house / neighbor clean keys. and beautiful? => Ss’ answers (10 ms) -T. recommends Ss some things 5. Homework: -T gives homework. -Learn by heart the new words and the -Ss write down. model sentences. -T. reminds Ss the structures and voc. - There is/ are . . . . . Ex: There are some - Ss. Listen and copy the structures. oranges on the table. -T. explains how to do the exercises Ex: There is a ruler on the table. -Ss. Listen and copy -Do exercises A4-5/ P.60-64 in WB. -Prepare: Unit 6: A2-3 Find the pictures: hotel, school, rice paddy, and describe which is near your house?  Comments:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> *Advantages:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Disadvantages:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Solutions:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span>

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