Exploring the Northwind Database
A database may have many tables, some of which are related to each other. For example,
the North-wind database contains many tables, four of which are named Customers,
Orders, Order Details, and Products. Figure 2.11
is a repeat of the diagram shown earlier
that illustrates how these tables are related.
Figure 2.11: Relationships between the Customers, Orders, Order Details, and Products
The columns for each table are shown within each box. For example, the Customers table
contains 11 columns:
In the next few sections, you'll learn some database theory, and then you'll learn how
each of the previous columns is defined in the Customers table. You'll also explore the
Orders, Order Details, and Products tables.
Primary Keys
Typically, each table in a database has one or more columns that uniquely identify each
row in the table. This column is known as the primary key for the table. A primary key
can be composed of more than one column. In such cases, it is known as a composite key.
Note The value for the primary key in each row of a table must be unique.
In the case of the Customers table, the primary key is the CustomerID column. The key
icon shown to the left of the CustomerID column in Figure 2.11
indicates that this
column is the primary key for the Customers table. Similarly, the primary key for the
Orders table is OrderID. The primary key for the Order Details table is composed of two
columns: OrderID and ProductID. The primary key for the Products table is ProductID.
Table Relationships and Foreign Keys
The lines that connect the tables in Figure 2.11
, shown earlier, display the relationships
between the tables. The infinity sign (∞) at the end of each line indicates a one-to-many
relationship between two tables, meaning that a row in one table can be related to one or
more rows in the other table.
For example, the Customers table has a one-to-many relationship with the Orders table.
Each customer can place many orders. Similarly, the one-to-many relationship between
the Orders and Order Details table means that each order can be made up of many order
details (you can think of an order detail as a line in a purchase order list, with each line
referring to a specific product that is ordered). Finally, the one-to-many relationship
between the Products and Order Details table means that each product can appear in
many order details.
One-to-many relationships are modeled using foreign keys. For example, the Orders table
has a column named CustomerID. This column is related to the CustomerID column in
the Customers table through a foreign key. This means that every row in the Orders table
must have a corresponding row in the Customers table with a matching value for the
CustomerID column. For example, if a row in the Orders table has a CustomerID of
ALFKI, then there must also be a row in the Customers table with a CustomerID of
ALFKI. Since the relationship between the Customers and Orders table is one-to-many,
this means that there can be many rows in the Orders table with the same CustomerID
column. Conceptually, you can think of the foreign key as a pointer from the Orders table
to the Customers table.
Often, the table containing the foreign key is known as the child table, and the table with
the column referenced by the foreign key is known as the parent table. For example, the
Orders table is the child table, and the Customers table is the parent table. Foreign key
relationships are often known as parent-child relationships.
Note The relational term from "relational database" comes from the fact that tables can be
related to each other through foreign keys.
You can manage the relationships for a table from Enterprise Manager by selecting the
table from the Tables node, clicking the right mouse button, and selecting Design Table.
You then click the Manage Relationships button on the toolbar of the table designer. For
example, Figure 2.12
shows the relationship between the Customers and Orders tables.
Figure 2.12: Relationship between the Customers and Orders table
The Customers and Orders tables are related through the CustomerID column. The
CustomerID column in the Orders table is the foreign key. The relationship between the
two tables is named FK_Orders_Customers.
Null Values
Databases must also provide the ability to handle values that are not set, or are otherwise
unknown. Unknown values are called null values, and a column is defined as allowing or
disallowing null values. When a column allows null values, that column is defined as
null; otherwise it is defined as not-null. A not-null column in a row must always have
value stored in it. If you tried to add a row but didn't supply a value to a not-null column,
then the database would display an error and wouldn't add your new row.
When looking for a particular topic in a book, you can either scan the whole book
looking for your topic, or you can use the book's index to find the exact location of the
topic directly. An index for a database table is similar in concept to a book index, except
that database indexes are used to find specific rows in a table. The downside of indexes is
that when a row is added to the table, additional time is required to update the index for
the new row.
Generally, you should only create an index on a column when you find that you are
retrieving a small number of rows from a table containing many rows. A good rule of
thumb is that an index is useful when you expect any single query to retrieve 10 percent
or less of the total rows in a table. This means that the candidate column for an index
should be used to store a wide range of values. A good candidate for indexing would be a
column containing a unique number for each record, while a poor candidate for indexing
would be a column that contains only a small range of numeric codes such as 1, 2, 3, or 4.
This consideration applies to all database types, not just numbers.
Note SQL Server automatically creates an index for the primary key column of a table.
Normally, the DBA is responsible for creating indexes, but as an application developer,
you probably know more about your application than the DBA and will be able to
recommend which columns are good candidates for indexing.
You can manage the indexes for a table from Enterprise Manager by selecting the table
from the Tables node, clicking the right mouse button, and selecting All Tasks ➣
Manage Indexes. For example, Figure 2.13
shows the indexes for the Customers table.
You can also manage indexes from the table designer by clicking the Manage
Indexes/Keys button.
Figure 2.13: Indexes for the Customers table
The Customers table has five indexes: one each on the CustomerID, City,
CompanyName, PostalCode, and Region columns.
You'll learn how to add an index to a table in the "Creating an Index" section later.
Column Types
Each column in a table has a specific database type. This type is similar to the type of a
variable in C#, except that a database type applies to the kind of value you can store in a
table column. Table 2.3
lists the SQL Server database types.
bigint Integer value from -2
(-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 2
int Integer value from -2
(-2,147,483,648) to 2
-1 (2,147,483,647).
smallint Integer value from 2
(-32,768) to 2
-1 (32,767).
tinyint Integer value from 0 to 255.
bit Integer value with either a 1 or 0 value.
decimal Fixed precision and scale numeric value from -10
+1 to 10
numeric Same as decimal.
money Monetary data value from -2
(-922,337,203,685,477.5808) to 2
(922,337,203,685,477.5807), with an accuracy to one ten-thousandth of
a monetary unit.
smallmoney Monetary data value from -214,748.3648 to 214,748.3647, with an
accuracy to one ten-thousandth of a monetary unit.
float Floating-point value from -1.79E+308 to 1.79E+308.
real Floating-point value from -3.40E + 38 to 3.40E + 38.
datetime Date and time value from January 1, 1753, to December 31, 9999, with
an accuracy of three-hundredths of a second (3.33 milliseconds).
smalldatetime Date and time value from January 1, 1900 to June 6, 2079 with an
accuracy of one minute.
char Fixed-length non-Unicode characters with a maximum length of 8,000
varchar Variable-length non-Unicode characters with a maximum of 8,000
text Variable-length non-Unicode characters with a maximum length of 2
(2,147,483,647) characters.
nchar Fixed-length Unicode characters with a maximum length of 4,000