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Moreover, The cheongsam has a long history. It has appeared in China for more than two
hundred years. The name heongsam?simply meaning ong dress?is known as ipao?
It originated from a Chinese minority whose women normally wore a type of dress
which, likewise, came to be called ipao? With the improvement, the cheongsam has
become the traditional dress for Chinese women.
Today, the cheongsam shows its charm in many markets. For instance, when wives of
China`s politicians, movie stars attend important social gatherings, a piece of cheongsam
is their first choice among dresses. Now, the cheongsam is so much loved by women not
only of China but also of foreign countries. If you are touring in China, I will strongly
suggest you to purchase a piece of cheongsam for your wife, which must to be the best
I will sent a piece of cheongsam to the international exhibition in respect that as a
Chinese woman, in my heart the cheongsam represents beauty, and it is a vibrant part of
Chinese culture.
Essay 506 Topic 99 Would you rather choose your own roommate?
Regarding the question of choosing your own or having a roommate assigned, students
have differing(different) opinions. Some claim that choosing their own roommate is
better because they can share the room with their favorite friends, whereas having the
university allocate their roommate would cause many problems such as continuous
conflicts and arguments. However, those who think this way do no realize the beneficial
merits of having a roommate they do not know well. In my opinion, it is better for
students to be assigned roommates because of the following reasons.
First, by living together, the two people who have never met and have different
personalities would not only have to communicate with one another but cope with
problems that might come up. There may be many disputes when they live together. If
either roommate insists that their point of view is correct one, they may then require their
roommates to follow certain rules. Through discussing the problems with each other,
however, they might not only discover that they were wrong but learn to listen to others.
Furthermore, they would be learning how to respect the other`s opinion. Today`s students
will become specialists working in a team. These communication skill will show at that
Another obvious advantage can be seen from a particular example. There is a student
who is inactive and sometimes tend to be ignored because he/she is not popular. For
her/him selecting a roommate is a really difficult task and a stressful burden. In addition
her/his options would be unavoidably limited. I think at least universities should be
committed to giving students equal opportunities and be ready to jump in to help students
who cannot find their own roommates.
For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at
Thirdly, it is impossible to predict how two strangers are going to get along and this
sometimes turns to be a special and unique surprise. Choosing people I already know as
my roommate would be really boring, although it would be comfortable. To me, meeting
new people is interesting. New people always expose me to new surroundings, besides, it
helps me gather new information. When I entered the university of Korea, I met two
roommates; one came from Japan and the other from China. Even thought we had a
difficult time communicating with each other, it was a really fine moment to get to know
and to introduce each other. Even I got a fresh point of view about other culture and
thoughts thanks to them. It gave me a chance to think my owns as well as others. I will
never forget the first impression and that moment.
In conclusion, it seems to me that having the university allocate students to their
roommates is quite an excellent idea for the following reasons. First, It would give the
students a chance to adjust to unfamiliar situation and to develop their social skills.
Secondly, it would be really helpful to a student who has a hard time finding someone.
Last, expecting a new roommate will be a peculiar experience and surprise. For that
reasons, I advocate the idea that accepting the university determined roommates is better
for students.
Essay 507 Topic 99 Would you rather choose your own roommate?
If my university had us share our dormitories with another person, I would rather choose
my own roommate than allow the university to choose those with whom I have to live. In
fact, if I can choose my roommate, I will have the possibility to look for somebody whom
I know very well in order to get along. Additionally, I could choose a person studying the
same as I am in order to cooperate each other in our studies.
If we can choose a person who has the same values as we have, we will have better
chances to have a good time living together, and as time goes the roommate will become
not only our friend but also our family at university. I have lived with a close friend when
I attended university. I keep the best records of that experience. During my university`s
years I learned to share all my living experiences with him. Because my friend and I were
far away from home, we needed support suddenly. We found that support in our
roommate most of the time.
The possibility to choose a person who is studying the same as we are is also very
important. We will have somebody going through the same problems near us. If we have
to pass some exam, we will have the chance of studying together, which will lead to save
a lot of time since we will not need to join with our classmates in other dorms or in the
In conclusion, I prefer choosing my own roommates to allowing the university to select
them randomly. In this way, I can choose people whom I know their personality. Thus, I
will avoid future problems in relation to live together. Further, I would try to choose
people who are taking the same courses as I am such that we can help each other daily
For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at
because we live in the same place.
Essay 508 Topic 100 Should governments spend money on computer technology or
more basic needs?
Many people believe that governments should spend as much money as possible on
developing or buying computer technologies, while others think that governments should
spend money on more basic needs. While spending both on computer technologies and
on basic needs of society are important, I think that government should concentrate on
the latter. Computer technologies are not very good investment from point of view of
society as a whole, while investment in essentials has a much higher rate of return.
Investment in areas related to computer software, networks and hardware are not very
profitable and will not improve life of ordinary citizens. Several years ago many thought
that by investing in computer-related fields we can improve performance across the
board, but reality proved to be much more complex. Most of Internet companies, dot-
coms, went bankrupt. Although huge money was poured in those companies, they even
were not able to support themselves. The promise of improved performance also has
never come true.
But we have more than 20 million people who live below poverty line in the United
States, the most powerful and prosperous country in the world. More than third of the
earth population live on less than one dollar a day - official threshold of poverty declared
by United Nations. We can greatly improve life of those people by investing in public
education, organizing small business loan agency or other project that can help to
alleviate poverty. What`s more, computers can actually make this problem worse,
because they make inefficient to produce anything by bare hands - so making most of
world`s uneducated population obsolete and without means to sustain themselves.
Analysts expect that in several decades more than third of population will not have access
to clean water. This can leave famine, bad public health and other disasters. Some argue
that we will have wars for access to clean water. To prevent this scenario we need to
invest large amount of money in projects that will help to save clean water on our planet.
In conclusion I want to say, that investment in computers will not solve a single problem
of our society. Computer will not prevent famines, which are so usual today, or help poor
people. On the contrary computers can leave poor blue-collar workers without work and
money to support their families. So governments around the world should spend all
available money on basic necessities of our society, not on some dream projects.
Essay 509 Topic 100 Should governments spend money on computer technology or
more basic needs?
Should governments spend as much money as possible on developing or buying
computer technology? Some people think that government should spend as much money
For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at
as possible on developing or buying computer technology. Other people disagree and
think this money should be spent on more basic needs. Personally, I agree that
government should spend as much money as possible on developing or buying computer
technology. Because the computer technology we develop or buy will use not only in
computer industries but also in other fields, we all will benefit from it. Moreover, our
society needs to get progress in which computer technology will play a leading role.
Furthermore, our daily activities will be more convenient with computers.
First of all, not only the computer industry will take advantage of the computer
technology but it will benefit our whole society. For example, scientists can do more
researches on their projects, obtaining more useful results and helping more people to
achieve better lives. Moreover, doctors can use computer technology to examine their
patients more thoroughly; therefore, save more lives.
Secondly, our world needs to get progress. By using computer technology, we can
simulate a lot of different kind of situations that people can never imagine. For instance,
exploring the outer space, our space shuttles need the most advanced computer
technologies to support their journeys. Furthermore, without computer technologies, there
is no Internet today, which is a big revolution for human beings.
Thirdly, our daily activities can be more convenient with computer technologies. For
instance, managing personal expenses, we can use computer software to analyze all the
details. Moreover, students can do their homework using computers, by which they can
save more time, and therefore, learn more.
In summary, computer technology will help people in every field, and we all will benefit
from it. Moreover, our society needs to get progress in which computer technology will
be an important matter. Furthermore, our daily activities will be more convenient with
computers. With these reasons, I personally agree the statement that governments should
spend as much money as possible on developing or buying computer technology.
Essay 510 Topic 100 Should governments spend money on computer technology or
more basic needs?
Nowadays, we are entering into a supplicated science era that more and more funds are
put into exploring the space. However, some would argue that the government should
render the main funds to people`s basic needs. I think it depends on the economical
situation of the country. Governments of developing and developed countries should in
turn adopt different strategies for investment according to their specific cases
First, a developing country will be best served if it spends money mostly on meeting
people`s basic needs, such as food, shelter etc. For instance, China has more than over 3
For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at
billion people living under poverty, suffering poor health insurance and is deprived of the
right of education due to the lack of money. In Africa, there are people die of various
diseases like AIDs everyday, and the government are compelled to invest their money in
medicine and correlated research. Only by ensuring people`s basic needs met, the country
would gain the overall national strength and develop further.
On the other hand, developed country will be better off by investing in exploring outpace.
They have enough money and resources to do it. Moreover, they are leaders of the world.
The discovery of space will only speed up their own growth, but also would be beneficial
to all human beings on the earth. Admittedly, there is poverty in every country, but
poverty is not the main problem for developed countries.
To put all into a nutshell, whether the government should invest as much as money on
exploring out space is not a simple question. Developed countries will accelerate their
development on exploring the space while the developing countries would be better off
taking care of the basic needs of its citizens.
Essay 511 Topic 100 Should governments spend money on computer technology or
more basic needs?
It is not wrong at all for a government to spend money on developing and buying
computer technology, but it should take care of its people`s basic needs first.
Undoubtedly, the development of technology would help a country to become more
prosperous and would raise its international position. Take Japan as an example. She has
a very high level of technology that brings a great deal of income to her via the sales of
hi-tech appliances such as cellular telephones and audio equipment. Besides, it makes
Japan so famous for her advanced technology.
However, it is my opinion that every government of a city should have a balance on how
it spends its money. Only when the basic needs of the citizens are taken care of should
the government think about developing its computer technology. Otherwise, the
government is simply neglecting its people`s cry and pursuing its own pride and fame. A
good and responsible government should be one that take cares of its people`s needs like
food and health, living, recreational equipment and so on. It should make its people feel
security and satisfy before it goes for other higher pursuit like computer technology.
To conclude, spending money on computer technology is wise only when the people are
fed and do not complain.
Essay 512 Topic 100
Should governments spend as much money as possible on developing or buying