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systemically organized. I believed that all the books are well organized in a systematical
way in which people who want to learn can easily understand. Moreover, before the
books are published, they must have been carefully corrected by some professional
people. Thus, books can provide the knowledge not only systematically, but also
correctly. Given this, I strongly recommend that people should learn by reading about

Another reason why I choose reading to learn is that books, magazines or newspapers are
all publications, which are formal and scientific. With innumerous researches and
experiments by lots of experts can a book be made out. As far as I am convinced, the
knowledge from a book is believable than something just told by somebody. Naturally,
reading books is the desirable choice to learn.

Last but not the least, learning by reading enable an individual to save a lot of money. On
the one hand, you can find almost all kinds of books or references in the libraries of your
city, and you can read all of them if you want, and the most important thing is that that is
for free! On the other hand, compared with learning by doing all the things by oneself,
the cost of a book is much cheaper. Thinking about traveling around the world, the air
plane tickets, the bills for hotels and other fee, a book which can tell you all the
interesting places of the world is much more practical. Obviously, reading about
something is superior to other ways to learn.

In conclusion, learning by reading about things is beneficial and practical. Based on the
three reasons I presented above, I really think reading is the best way to learn.

Essay 584 Topic 116 Methods of learning

All of us have different learning styles. Some people are more visually oriented, and they
are better able to absorb information if they read about it or see it presented in some way.

Many people find that even if they are instructed about a given topic, they will not absorb
the information unless they put it to use themselves. Still others need to process the
information by analyzing it and discussing with others. I believe that we benefit most by
receiving a variety of types of informational input.

I like to read about a topic and consult other visual learning tools such as video
presentations, diagrams or charts. This is the type of informational input that is most
important to me. I also like to keep notes on a topic so that I can refer to them later.
While this form of learning works best for me, I find that it helps if the information is
presented in a number of other ways as well.

Information can be absorbed better if we not only read about it, but also hear someone
speak about the topic. This can personalize a topic and also help to clear up confusing
points. Being able to ask someone questions when something is not easily understandable
can really help make the meaning clear.

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Some people find that they do no absorb information until they are actually able to put it
to use. While I find that this is helpful, it is not the most important learning tool for me in
most cases. In some instances, though, it can really make general concepts and ideas
more understandable. For example, when reading about how to surf the Internet, it is
difficult to grasp some of the ideas and instructions that are offered. Once you actually try
it a few times, it becomes easier.

I learn best if I am able to hear a teacher or speaker discuss an issue, follow along by
viewing diagrams and charts and also reading supporting material, and then, in some
cases, putting that information to use by actually doing activities or exercises related to
the material

Essay 585 Topic 116

Living in this developing world, people should keep learning. Some people learn by
doing all the things themselves, others like to learn by listening to other people talk about
things. In terms of my experience and perception, I am convinced that reading about
things from books, magazines or newspapers is the best way to learn. The detailed
reasons why I think so go as follow. The most important reason for my view is that the
knowledge in the books is always systemically organized. I believed that all the books are
well organized in a systematical way in which people who want to learn can easily
understand. Moreover, before the books are published, they must have been carefully
corrected by some professional people. Thus, books can provide the knowledge not only
systematically, but also correctly. Given this, I strongly recommend that people should
learn by reading about things. Another reason why I choose reading to learn is that books,
magazines or newspapers are all publications, which are formal and scientific. With
innumerous researches and experiments by lots of experts can a book be made out. As far
as I am convinced, the knowledge from a book is believable than something just told by
somebody. Naturally, reading books is the desirable choice to learn. Last but not the least,
learning by reading enable an individual to save a lot of money. On the one hand, you can
find almost all kinds of books or references in the libraries of your city, and you can read
all of them if you want, and the most important thing is that that is for free! On the other
hand, compared with learning by doing all the things by oneself, the cost of a book is
much cheaper. Thinking about traveling around the world, the air plane tickets, the bills
for hotels and other fee, a book which can tell you all the interesting places of the world
is much more practical. Obviously, reading about something is superior to other ways to
learn. In conclusion, learning by reading about things is beneficial and practical. Based
on the three reasons I presented above, I really think reading is the best way to learn.

Essay 586 Topic 116

Living in this developing world, people should keep learning. Some people learn by

doing all the things themselves, others like to learn by listening to other people talk about
things. In terms of my experience and perception, I am convinced that reading about
things from books, magazines or newspapers is the best way to learn. The detailed
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reasons why I think so go as follow. The most important reason for my view is that the
knowledge in the books is always systemically organized. I believed that all the books are
well organized in a systematical way in which people who want to learn can easily
understand. Moreover, before the books are published, they must have been carefully
corrected by some professional people. Thus, books can provide the knowledge not only
systematically, but also correctly. Given this, I strongly recommend that people should
learn by reading about things. Another reason why I choose reading to learn is that books,
magazines or newspapers are all publications, which are formal and scientific. With
innumerous researches and experiments by lots of experts can a book be made out. As far
as I am convinced, the knowledge from a book is believable than something just told by
somebody. Naturally, reading books is the desirable choice to learn. Last but not the least,
learning by reading enable an individual to save a lot of money. On the one hand, you can
find almost all kinds of books or references in the libraries of your city, and you can read
all of them if you want, and the most important thing is that that is for free! On the other
hand, compared with learning by doing all the things by oneself, the cost of a book is
much cheaper. Thinking about traveling around the world, the air plane tickets, the bills
for hotels and other fee, a book which can tell you all the interesting places of the world
is much more practical. Obviously, reading about something is superior to other ways to
learn. In conclusion, learning by reading about things is beneficial and practical. Based
on the three reasons I presented above, I really think reading is the best way to learn.

Essay 587 Topic 116 Learning Methods

Most people adopt the method of environment around them. People usually look for the
benefit in every aspect of life. Learning also is one of the beneficial aspect in people's

life. Some people are used to their surroundings, if their community practices learning by
doing things and experiences then they also do the same. Others have different choices by
listening to people's talk about things or learn by reading about things from different
sources. I would prefer to learn by doing things. Learning with one's own experience and
doing things can have several benefits such as, one can understand better the situation of
work through personal experiences, handling the work effectively, making good
decisions is one of the most powerful tool in learning process. To learn by doing things
could make one understand the situations of life and works. Personal experience is a best
way to learn and understand difficult circumstances which might not be achieved through
reading books or listening from other peoples. One's own feelings and by doing things
can make him better understand the situations he will be going to face in life because
learning through experience can make him learn how to find the solutions to such
problems. Through experiences could also make one learn how to tackle difficult
problems and this could only be done unless he has been through such situations.
Therefore, to learn by doing things could also make him skilful in handling the work
effectively. One of the most strong point to learn by doing things is that one can make
good decisions in solving hard and difficult problems. Learning through personal
experiences can only make one learn what necessary steps should be taken in different
situations of life. An additional advantage to learn by doing things is that one can be self-
confident in himself when making decisions whereas this advantage cannot be gained
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through listening to other people's talk or just by reading books. In conclusion, the best
way to learn is by doing things. People should learn by themselves and must not depend
on others when being encountered by different situations and phases of life. Therefore,
having mentioned the above benefits I would certainly choose to learn by doing things.
One must always take his account into consideration first during learning process.

Essay 588 Topic 116 Ways to Learn, Ways to Success

People learn solely by doing, reading, or listening things, and they try to persuade other
people to follow their ways. However, numerous educators have advanced that learning is
a very complex process, and it cannot be summarized to only one way. Thus, I think
learning should be a combination of all cited above: doing, reading, and listerning. I
major in chemistry, and I prefer to use the learning of chemistry to support my point. For
example, specific heat is the subject that the professor would introduce today. Firstly, you
should read all the contents about this subject in your text book before the class, in order
to get some superficial knowledge and your elementary thoughts about the specific heat.
Secondly, you should listen carefully to the professor in the class, to get the main points
about this subject and to compare the professor's theory and your elementary thoughts.
This correction of your elementary thoughts would improve your understanding of this
subject effectively. Thirdly, you should do some experiment about the specific heat, and
then you can acquire the phenomena about this subject and make a progress in your
sensitive understanding of it. Fourthly, you should do some homework about this subject,
to deepen your understanding. Finally, you should read all reference books to learn the
backgrounds and the latest development of this subject. If you finish all of these, I will be
sure that you have grasped the specific heat thoroughly. This process covers reading,
listening, and doing, and any one of them cannot make you fully understand the subject.
In my opinion, all these ways are not only useful in learning, but also useful in the
achievement of success. If you listen to the senior, read experiences, and do work hard,
you will achieve your success more easily, compared with the ones who do just one of
them. Therefore, we can regard all these three the ways to learn, and the ways to success.

Essay 589 Topic 117 Different friends or similar friends?

It`s widely accepted that friendship plays an important role in so many aspects
throughout one`s lifetime. However, people always apply different standard on this issue.
Some people, of more liberal mind, prefer to making friends with different background,
interests and personality. One will gain lot from this kind of friendship, since when very
different people meet, more topics on various issue will be discussed and shared, more

different opinions will be exchanged, both of which, thus will certainly help one another
to know more about those beyond his knowledge, to find interest in a new field and to
gain additional interpersonal skills.

Kate, my sister, once an athlete of track and field, may be a case in point. After being
trained as an athlete of track and field for three years, one day, when she met a
counterpart of diving, Alice, the two became friends soon. From several later chat, Alice
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knew that, Kate had great command of balance but was not experienced adequately in
controlling her speed, which was the fatal bottleneck for her performance. Alice, as a
professional athlete of diving, suggested Kate transfer to diving, a game requiring
excellent balance command but not so good speed sense as do the track and field.
Following Alice`s advice, Kate soon found she was on the right track and now, she is an
outstanding athlete of diving, wining a few medals in several national diving contests.
Kate might have been never found her gift in diving had she not met Alice, from a very
different background from her. and I myself belong to this category, I love to meet people
of very different background and to share my life experience with them.

Still, there are a number of people more willing to make friends of their own kinds. It is
easier to make friends with those of similar background, interest and personality.
Common interests are useful to build more solid and lasting friendship. people of similar
personality are tend to understand on another deeply and smoothly. It is always the case
that the more similar in many aspects of two people, the more likelihood they will
become close friends.

Essay 590 Topic 117 Different friends or similar friends?

When it comes to choosing friends, people`s behavior differ a lot. It depends on one`s
personality, experience and lifestyle. Some people like to choose friends that are similar

to them, while others prefer those who are different. In my opinion, choosing similar
friends is a better choice because we are more likely to get along well with them and have

It can be seen by everyone that people with the same background or experiences have a
lot in common, they always got something to talk about, and as they talk, they might find
more and more in common. This can make the conversation easy and enjoyable. Things
can be very different when you are talking to a person from a different culture. You tell
him a joke but he doesn`t laugh at all because he doesn`t understand what is funny. Will
not you feel embarrassed and stupid?

Another reason is that we can have more fun when having activities with those sharing
the same interests. For example, I am a outgoing person, and I like traveling very much.
It`s natural that most of my friends enjoy traveling, too. I cannot imagine going mountain
climbing or skating with someone who just want to sit in the room and watch TV all day.

Like a coin has two sides, choosing similar friends also has some disadvantages. You
may have little opportunity to know about different people and different cultures.

From all discussed above, I prefer choosing similar friends because it has more advantage
over choosing different ones.

Essay 591 Topic 117 Different friends or similar friends?
