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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week 1 Period 1: INTRODUCTION THE SUBJECT   Introduction oneself (about the teacher)  Introduce the subject (about)  Show the students how to prepare a lesson, the notebooks for this subject, and the way how to learn English well.  Present some greetings, past words. (How to greet the teacher, do as the teacher requires….)  Good afternoon, Mr. Tam  How are you? We are fine, thank you.  Listen to me, please._ repeat, Please. (Again, please)  Look at me. (this)  Go to the board and write, please.  Ask _ answer  Right or wrong?  stand up  Sit down.. Week 1. Unit 1: GREETINGS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Period 2: A1, 2, 3, & 4  I. Objectives: Help students to practice how to greet people, to identify oneself, to ask how people are. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: name, hello, hi, I am = I’m * Structures: _ Hello / Hi _ I’m Lan. _ My name is Lan. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures IV. Procedures: STEP Teaching A1:. METHOD A1. Listen and repeat:. Presentation:. -T can use the picture.. CONTENT. - Teacher asks ”What do they say when they meet first?” Activity 1:. - Teacher asks:+ What are they saying - Students answer “ They greet the others then introduce their names”. -Teacher plays the tape.. Activity 2:. -Teacher. asks. students. to. repeat. (individual). - Teacher asks - Students s answer: Activity 3:. + They are greeting. - asks students to work in pairs. A2 Practice: - Sing a song “Hello teacher” - Students listen to the tape with book. Warm – up A 2:. closed (twice).. * New words: - Hello: xin chào - Hi: xin chào - Classmate:(n) bạn học cùng lớp.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Presentation:. - Students listen to the tape with book opened (once). - Students repeat.. Controlled. - Students works in pairs.. practice:. - Depend on the greeting of teacher, - I am …….. = I’m ………. students say “ Hello” or “Hi” to their - My name is …= My name‘s … classmates. - Students work in pair.  Remember: A3. Listen and repeat: - Students listen to teacher. I am An = I’m An. - Students listen to the tape with book My name is Lan = My name's closed and then book opened. Lan. -Students introduce themselves with the structures: I am ….; My name is ….. -Teacher asks students to introduce. Free practice:. Warm – up A 3: Presentation: Activity 1:. New words - My name: tên tôi là …. their names. Activity 2:. A4 Practice with a group: -Teacher. introduces. A4.-Teacher. Warm – up A 4:. makes an example before class.. Presentation:. -Teacher invites some students to play role before class. Exercise: * Complete the sentences. Controlled practice:. 1. I ______ Tom. 2. ______, My name is Hoa.. Free practice:. 3. Hello, ______ name is Nga. 4. I am ______. V. Homework:. . Learn by heart new words and structures. -Practice with you classmates.. . Prepare A 5.6.7( New words). Week 1. -Do exercise 1, 2 (Introduce yourself (page 4)). Unit 1: GREETINGS Period 3: A5, 6, 7, & 8 . I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> -. Continue to help Sts to practice how to greet people, to ask how people are, to say thank you.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Structures:. How, fines, thanks, are - How are you? - I’m fine, thanks.. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm – up A5:. METHOD Exercise:*Completethe sentences 1. I ______ Tom.. CONTENT Answer: 1. am. 2. Hi. 3. my. 2.______, My name is Hoa. 3. Hello, ______ name is Nga. Presentation:. Activity 1:. A5 : Listen and repeat: - Teacher introduces the new lesson. - Students listen to the tape with book closed and then book opened. - Students listen and repeat after teacher. - Students answer.. New words . How are you?. . Fine (adj). . I’m fine, thanks. And you?. . Fine, thanks.. . Hello, Mai. How are you?. Teacher says greeting students and Activity 2:. asks about their health. - Teacher asks students to work in. Presentation:. pairs.. A6. -Teacher invites students to play role. Controlled. before class.. practice:. A6 Practice with a partner:. * New words: - Miss: cô. - Mr: ông.. - One student plays Miss Hoa and Free practice:. other plays Mr. Hung.. Miss Hoa: Hello, Miss Hoa.. - Teacher invites two pairs play before Mr. Hung: Hi, Mr. Hung. How are class you? Miss Hoa: I’m fine, thanks. And you? - Students work in pair..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Teaching A7. A7 Write in your exercise book:. Pre – writing. -Teacher. requires. Mr. Hung: Fine, thanks.. students. to  Remember:. complete the dialogue orally .. - How are you? - I am fine, thank you. And. While - writing. - Students write it in their notebooks.. you? - I’m fine, thanks.. Post -writing. -Teacher corrects mistakes on the. - Fine, thanks.. board - Students play role. - Students complete the dialogue. * Exercise : Complete the dialogue Ba: ______________. Miss Thu. Miss Thu: ___________, Ba. How ________? Ba:. I’m. ______,. ______.. And. __________? Miss Thu: ____________ , ________ V. Homework: . Learn by heart the structures, vocabulary, and then practice with your classmates.. . Do exercises A 3 ,4 (Complete the dialogue.). . Prepare B ( NEW WORDS AND STRUCTURES.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Week 2. Unit 1: GREETINGS Period 4: B- GOOD MORNING . I. Objectives: Students will learn how to greet people, to say goodbye, to count from 1 to 10 II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good night, Goodbye = bye, Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms, Children, Mom. * Structure: We are …… III. Teaching aid: cassette, pictures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD CONTENT * Teacher asks students to make a * Exercise : short dialogue .. Complete the dialogue:. Presentation b1.. B1 Listen and repeat:. Ba: ______________. Miss Thu.. Activity 1:. -Teacher introduces the new lesson.. Miss. Thu:. _____,. Ba.. How. -Greet the other, introduce name, and ________? ask how the other is. Activity 2:. Ba: I’m ______, ______. And. -The other way of greeting people __________? ,We have ;. Miss Thu: ________ , ________. - Good morning, afternoon, evening. (picture of B1). -Teacher play the tape (3 times - Some pairs of students make a short * New words b3: Activity 3:. Presentation B2. dialogue.. . children (n).  Miss - Uses pictures to introduce.  mom (n) - Students listen to the tape. - Students look at the pictures and  We are = we ‘re repeat. (choral and individuals). Dialogue: Miss Hoa and children. B 2 Practice with a partner:. Controlled. - Teacher gives others pictures and let. practice:. students. identify. between the pictures.. the. differences. Dialogue: Lan and her Mom. Lan: good afternoon ,Nga.. - Students identify the differences Nga: ____________ . between the pictures..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Free practice:. B3 Listen and repeat: - Teacher asks students to play bingo.. Lan : How are you?. Presentation B3. - Teacher teaches vocabulary.. Lan : Fine ,thanks.. Activity 1:. -Miss Hoa meets her students in the Nga :goodbye school yard. They greet and ask about Lan: _________________. their health.. Remember. It‘s bedtime, before going to bed Lan and her mother says greeting. -Teacher Activity 2:. plays. Nga : ______________________?. the. tape:. (Books. closed/ books opened).. Good morning Afternoon Evening Night Bye. - Teacher has them write new words in their notebooks. Activity 3:. - Teacher asks them to practice in pair and in group. - Students repeat after the tape - Students write new words in their notebooks. B4 Write: - Teacher asks students to complete the dialogue orally, then correct on the. Teaching B4 Pre – writing While – writing Post - writing. board. - Students practice in pair and in group. -Teacher has students read couples. - Students complete the dialogue orally, then correct on the board.. V. Homework: . Learn by heart the greeting at different times.-Practice with your classmates.. . Do exercises 1( Match the words in the box with the picture,2 Write the dialoge in the correct order.). . Prepare C1,2,5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Week 2. Unit 1: GREETINGS Period 5: C (1,2,5): HOW OLD ARE YOU? . I. Objectives: Students will able to know how to ask about age and count from 1 to 20. II. Language Contends: * Vocabulary: numbers (1- 20) * Structures: How old are you? - I’m twelve. - This is Phong. III. Teaching aids: cassette, pictures, number IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Choose the best answer: 1.My name…….. … Hoa. a. am b. is c. are 2.I…….. … Hoa. a. am b. is c. are 3.We…….. … Fine, thanks. a. am b. is c. are. Presentation C1.. C1 Listen and repeat:. Activity 1:. -Teacher introduces the new lesson.. CONTENT NEW WORD Cardinal numbers One three Five Seven Nine Eleven Thirteen fifteen Seventeen Nineteen. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19. two Four Six eight ten Twelve Fourteen Sixteen Eighteen Twenty. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20. - Students listen and repeat after the five, ten, thirteen, fourteen, four, tape. Activity 2:. -Teacher asks students to repeat after teacher from 1 to 10 / then 11 – 20. Activity 3:. - Students repeat after teacher from 1 to 10 / then 11 – 20. - Students listen and repeat.. Presentation C2 Controlled practice:. oh.. C2 Practice: - Students count by themselves. -Teacher reads any numbers - Students listen, read, then write the. 5, 10, 13, 14, 4, 0. two–four–nine/seven–eight–six. 249. /. 786. ifve. otw. ofur. ixs. five. two. four. six.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> number. Free practice: Presentation C3. C3Play bingo: -Teacher teaches students how to. Activity 1: Activity 2:. * Remember:. play bingo.. Cardinal numbers:. - Students rewrite the number.. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,. - Students match.. fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,. - Students play bingo.. eighteen, nineteen, twenty.. V. Homework: . Learn by heart the numbers (1- 20). . Count from one to twenty and version. . Prepare C3, 4 ( NEW WORDS). . Do exercise 1 : (Write the words under the numbers.). Week 2. Unit 1: GREETINGS Period 6: C3, 4 HOW OLD ARE YOU? . I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Let students know how to introduce oneself & others, to say how old one is & to ask how old others are. II. Language Contends: * Vocabulary: This is….; How old are you? * Structures: How old are you? - I’m twelve. - This is Phong. III. Teaching aids: cassette, pictures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Write the numbers:. CONTENT. - Teacher divides class into two groups: Group A and Group B.  Group A count 10 – 1  Group B count 20 – 11 Presentation C3.. C3Listen and repeat: -Teacher introduces the new lesson. Nga meets Miss Lan in the street. She greets her teacher and introduces Lan. Activity 1:. NEW WORD . How old are you?. . I am eleven (years old). . This is Mai, this is Hoa.. to her. Miss Lan asks Lan how old she is. - Teacher plays the tape (books closed/. Activity 2:. books opened).. Nam : Hi, Ba .This is Phong. Ba. : Hi, Phong .How old are. - Teacher teaches these structures. you? Activity 3: - Students listen to the tape (books Phong: I am twelve. closed/book opened). - Students write the structures in their How old are you? notebooks. Prese I’m (twelve, twenty , eighteen) ntation C4 C4 Practice with your classmates: Controlled. - Teacher invites a three-person group. practice:. to practice before class. - Teacher contracts “How old are you?” with How are you?”.. Free practice:. -Teacher asks and writes the questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> How old are you?. - Students play role.. I am eleven. - Students answer the questions.. I am eleven years old. This is Lan.. - Students practice in pairs. - Students introduce their friend. - A three-person group practices before class. Write the number : 2…………….. 3……………. 5……….. 1……………. 10……………..18……………… 15………….16…………….. V. Homework: . Learn by heart the structures then practice them.. . Do exercise C2,3,4 (Page 8,9,10). . Prepare Unit 2 (A). . Do exercise C1 (page 7 on exercises book). Week 3. Unit 2: AT SCHOOL Period 7 A: COME IN (1,2,3) . I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to give and obey orders.. II. Language Contends:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> * Vocabulary: come in, sit down, stand up, open your book, close your book. * structure: - Imperative sentences III. Teaching aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD WRITE THE NUMBER:. CONTENT NEW WORD. 2……………... 5………...  Come in (v). 3……………. 1…………….  Sit down (v)# stand up. 10……………..18………………. Presentation A1..  Open (v). # close.  Book (n) 15………….16……………. A1Listen and repeat. Then practice  Your (Possessive Adj) with a partner.  Stand up (v) -Teacher introduce the new lesson and write on the board, students listen to the tape . - How teacher says to her students? - T says some examples. - Students read and find out the new. Activity 1:. words. Teacher teaches the new word in chorally and individually, Teacher plays the tape (books closed/ opened). Students listen again. Complete the sentences:. Activity 2:. 1. Open _____ book. 2. How _____ you? I’m five. 3. How ______ you? I am fine ,thanks. Activity 3:. A2 Match and write : -Teacher introduce the new lesson and write on the board, -Teacher explains how to do this. Answer:. exercise. - Students work in pair - Students answer the questions..  Open your book  Stand up.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span>  (open your book).  Sit down.  (Stand up).  Close your book.  (sit down)  (close your book) - Students listen to the tape with books closed, and then with books opened. -Students listen and repeat after teacher - Students obey orders. Play Simon says: - Teacher guides students to play game.. * Remember:  Come in  Sit down # stand up  Close your book # open your book  Good bye. - Students listen to the teacher. - Students do exercises on books. - Students listen to the teacher and play game. Complete the sentences: 1.Open _____ book. 2.How _____ you? I’m five. 3.How ______ you? I am fine ,thanks. 4. Stand _____ 5. close _____ book. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the orders - Practice giving and obeying orders. - Prepare B1,2 - Do exercise 1( match the words in the column page 11 in exercises-book.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Week 3. Unit 2: AT SCHOOL Period 8 B1,3 WHERE DO YOU LIVE? . I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to ask for and give personal information.. II. Language Contends: * Vocabulary: Where, live, on. * Structure: Where do you live?. - I live on Tran Phu Street.. What’s your name?. - My name is Nam.. III. Teaching aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Complete the sentences. CONTENT. 1.Open _____ book. 2.How _____ you? I’m five. 3.How ______ you? I am fine ,thanks 4._________,. Miss. Hoa. .This. is. ______. 5.My name _________ Tuan 6.Please, come_____. Presentation B1.. B1 Listen and repeat: Teacher introduces the lesson:”Mai. New word -Where do you live?  I live on ……  What’s your name?  My name is …….  My name is…. = my name’s ……. meets Nam on the street. She wants. Activity 1:. to know where he lives. She asks him.  I live on Ba Trieu Street.. “Where do you live? And “What‘s your.  I live in the city.. name?” “..  I live in Vietnam.. - Students listen to teacher’s introduce. - Students listen to the tape with books closed, and then books opened. - Students listen to teacher and take note the structures.. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> - Students answer. Activity 2:. * Remember:. - Students practice in pair..  What’s name?  My name is Lan.. - Some pairs ask - answer before the class. B2 Listen and repeat: Activity 3:.  Where do you live?  I live on LeLoi Street.. -Teacher plays the ABC song. - Teacher asks students to sing the song again. - Students listen to the ABC song. Exercise: Answer the questions: 1. What’s your name? 2. How are you? 3. How old are you?. V. Homework:  Learn by heart the structures and new words and practices them  Prepare B,4,5 (. NEW WORD)..  Do exercises 3 on page 12( COMPLETE THE DIALOGES .)  Do exercises 4 on page 13( COMPLETE THE SENTENCES.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Week 3. Unit 2: AT SCHOOL Period 9:B 4, 5, WHERE DO YOU LIVE? . I. Objectives: -. Students learn how to spell the alphabets and their names.. II. Language Contends: * Vocabulary: spell . * Structure: How do you spell it? - L-A-N III. Teaching aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. Presentation B4.. METHOD Choose the best answer: 1.My name…….. … Hoa. a. am b. is c. are 2.I…….. … Hoa. a. am b. is c. are 3.We…….. … Fine, thanks. a. am b. is c. are 4…. Do you live? In My Xuan. a. What b, Where c. How B4 Listen and repeat: -Teacher introduce the new lesson and write on the board, -Teacher plays the tape twice (book closed, and then book opened). - Teacher explains the structure. - Students listen and repeat. Activity 1:. - Teacher asks some students - Teacher asks students to work in pair - Students listen and repeat. - Students listen and read. - Students write. - Students spell. - Students listen to teacher.. CONTENT ANSWER: 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b NEW WORD:  “How. do. you. spell. name?”  How do you spell it?  L _ A _ N, Lan. - What’s your name?  My name is Lan. your.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> Activity 2:. - Students listen and repeat. - Students listen to teacher and take note the structure. - Students answer. - Students work in pair.. Activity 3:. - Some pairs ask and answer before class.. Teaching B5: Pre- writing: While – writing:. B5 Write the answers: - Teacher asks every question. - Teacher asks students to work in pair - Students answer. - One asks, one answers then write on the board. - Write the correct answer... Post-writing:. Exercise: Complete the sentences 1.______ do you live? On LHP street. 2.______ do you spell your name? H–O–A 3.______‘s your name? Mai. 4._______ old are you? 12 5._______are you? Fine , thanks.. V. Homework:  Learn by heart how to read the English alphabet  Practice spelling words  Prepare C1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Week 4. Unit 2: AT SCHOOL Period 10: C1. MY SCHOOL . I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to identify oneself and others and identify people, objects and place.. II. Language Contends: * Vocabulary: Student, desk, class, classroom, school, yes, no, this, that. * Grammar: - I’m a student. - This is my school - That’s my class. - Is that your teacher? - Yes, that’s my teacher. - Is this your desk? - No, that’s my desk. III. Teaching aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Exercise: Complete the sentences 1.______ do you live? On LHP street. 2.______ do you spell your name? H–O–A 3.______‘s your name? Mai. 4._______ old are you? 12 5._______are you? Fine , thanks. Presentation C1.. C1Listen and repeat: -Teacher introduce the new lesson and write on the board,  I’m a teacher. This is my school.. Activity 1:.  You are students. This is your school. - Students listen to teacher.  Look at the picture. This is Ba’s. CONTENT. NEW WORD: --Student (n)  I’m a student.  School (n)  This is my school.  class.(n)  That’s my class.  Is that your teacher?  Yes, that‘s my teacher.  Is this your desk?  Yes, that is my desk. - Is that your book? Yes, this is my book.  Is this your desk?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> school.. No, that is my desk..  Play the tape (books closed, then  Is that your teacher? Yes, books opened). Activity 2: - I’m a student.  Students find out the new word.  Teacher teaches the new word and. structures. - This is my school. identify - Is that your class?Teacher asks students to themselves then introduce their school, - Yes, that is my class. their class, classroom, their desk - No, this is my class. - Students look at the pictures. Exercises: Complete the sentences Activity 3: 1. I / fine,/thanks. 2. I am / years /. 3. That / my desk. 4. This / my box. V. Homework:  Learn by heart new words + structures.  Prepare C2,3,  Do exercise 1 ( What is this in English? ). that is my teacher. * Remember:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Week 4. Unit 2: AT SCHOOL Period 11: C2, 3 . I. Objectives: -. Sudentts will be able to identify objects, ask – answer what something is.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. door, window, board, clock, waste- basket, school–bag, pencil ,. pen, ruler, eraser. * Grammar:. What is this?.  It is a book.. What is that?.  It is an eraser.. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. Presentation C1.. Activity 1:. METHOD Choose the best answer: 1.She…….. … Hoa. a. am b. is c. are 2.I…….. … Hoa. a. am b. is c. are 3.We…….. … Fine, thanks. a. am b. is c. are 4….are you ? I’m fine, thanks. a. What b, Where c. How C2 Listen and repeat: -Teacher uses real objects, introduces the new lesson and asks-answer. - Students answer the questions. -Teacher asks students to look at the. door (n). pictures. board (n) books closed. NEW WORD window (n) clock (n) waste – basket (n). - Play tape books opened Activity 2:. CONTENT. - Teacher asks students to listen and repeat after the tape. - Students look at the pictures.. school – bag (n) pencil (n) pen (n) ruler (n) eraser (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> Activity 3:. - Students listen to the tape (books closed, then books opened)..  What is this? o It’s a ruler.. - Students listen and repeat after the  What is that? tape 3 times individually. o It’s an eraser. -Students listen to teacher.. Note: Standing before 5 vowels a ,e, i, o, u _ an. TeachingC3:. * C3 Practice with a parter.. Controlled. -Teacher teaches structures. practice:. -Teacher tells students a bit difference. Ex: An orange, an umbrella … * Remember:. between this and that - Student listen to teacher.. Free practice:. -Students ask and answer in pair.  What is this?  It is a waste – basket.  What is that?  It is an eraser.. V. Homework:  Learn by heart these structures.  Practice with your classmates.  Do exercise 2( Write the questions.). DATE: 01/09/2008 - Week 4 Unit 3: AT HOME Period 12 A1,2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span>  I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to identify places and objects.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. house, living room, telephone, lamp, bookshelf, chair, table,. armchair, couch, television, stereo, stool, these, those. * Grammar: - What are these? - What are those? - They are …………. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Exercises: Complete the sentences. CONTENT. 1.I / fine,/thanks. 2. you / years /. 3. That / desk. Presentation A1.. 4. It/ box.. New words. A1 Listen and repeat:. Chair (n). -Teacher uses pictures to introduce armchair (n) objects in the house and in the living table (n) room. Activity 1: Activity 2:. Activity 3: TeachingA2: Controlled practice:. stool (n) -Teacher plays the tape (books closed o This is a chair o These are chairs. / books opened) o That is a stool - Students listen to the tape with o Those are stools. books closed and then books opened. o It is an arm chair o They are chairs. - Students find out the new word. -Teacher reads the new word. What‘s this? It’s a book. - Students listen and repeat. What are these? They are - Students practice group, Individual. books. What are these? They are A2 Practice with a partner: rulers. - Teacher holds one book and asks: What are those? They are pens. Two or three What‘s this? - Teacher explains how to use these What is that? What are these? and those What are those?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> Free practice:. -Teacher asks students work in group. -Students work in group.. This. _. These. -Teacher asks students work in pair.. That. _. Those. -Teacher asks some pairs to play. Is. _. Are. before class.. It is. _. They are. A pen. _. Pens. - Teacher invites some students write them on the board.. * Remember: Exercise: Write these sentences in plural  What‘s this? noun:  What’s that? 1. This is my pencil.  It’s a…… / an 2. It is your pen.  What are these? 3. That is a couch.  What are those? 4. This is a stereo.  They are …….. 5. That is a bookshelf  Voc about the things of 6. This is a desk. living –room 7. Is this your stool? V. Homework:  Learn by heart Vocabularies and structures  Practice them with your friends  Do exercise 1 (Put in this , that , these , those, and the name of the object.)  Prepare A3,4, ( new word, the structure.). Week 5 Unit 3: AT HOME Period 13 A3, 4,5  I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> -. Help students to ask & answer about person & family.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: student, teacher, mother, sister, brother. * Grammar: - How many people are there …? - There are … people … - Who is this/that? - This/That is … III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD *Matching the object and word.. CONTENT Vocabulary:  Family (n)  People (n) (plural)  Father (n)  Mother (n). stereo stool Presentation A3.. bookshelf lamp. telephone television. A3 Listen and repeat: - Teacher asks students match by.  Sister (n)  Too (adv) Pronoun. Possessive. I. Adjective My. - Teacher introduces himself and him. You. Your. family.. He. His. themselves. Activity 1:.  Brother (n). Activity 2:. She Her - Students listen to the tape with * How many people are there in books closed and then books opened. your family? - Students listen and repeat.. Activity 3:. - Some students reread. - Students introduce by themselves - How many people are there in and their family.. your family? - There are four people in my. - Students work in pair.. family. How many + plural noun + are. - Two pairs play their own dialogue before class.. there …..? There are ………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> TeachingA4: Controlled practice:. A4 Answer the questions: - Teacher asks each question Teacher introduces Ba’s family.. There is ……….. She’s a teacher, too.. -Teacher shows the pictures, asks. -Teacher writes them on the board. -Teacher asks questions a, b, c, d. Free practice:. - Teacher asks students to work in group.  Some pairs practice before class. Exercise: Make the questions: 1 Her name is Hoa. 2 His name is Nam. 3 He is 40. 4 She is 35. 5 It‘s Mr. Lam 6 It’s Miss White. 7 I live on LeLoi .. V. Homework:  Learn by heart Vocabularies and structures  Practice them with your friends  Do exercise 3 ( complete the dialogues.)  Prepare. B1,2 ( new word , structure.). DATE: 08/09/2008 - Week 5 Unit 3: AT HOME Period 14 B1,2  I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to count numbers. II. Language content:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> * Vocabulary:. numbers (1-100); Bench. * Grammar: - How many + plural noun + are there ……..? - There is ………… - There are ……… III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD WRITE THE NUMBER:. CONTENT. 12……………... 8………... 13……………. 1……………. fifteen, twelve, one, four, twenty.. 10……………... 20……………. NEW WORD 20. 30. 40. twenty 50. thirty 60. forty 70.  Teacher introduces the new lesson. fifty. sixty. and says any numbers in Vietnamese. 80. 90. Seventy 100. eighty. ninety. 15…………. 4……………. - Students say in English (1-20) Presentation B3.. B1 Listen And Repeat:. . Activity 1:.  Today we continuous learning numbers ( 21 – 100 ). Activity 2:.  Teacher plays the tape twice .. the. one hundred. 21 = twenty – one 56 = fifty – six.  Teacher teaches how to write and 14 = fourteen read the numbers. 40 = forty Activity 3:.  Teacher gives number. 99 = ninety – nine.  Teacher asks students to work in 200 = two hundred pair (one gives the numbers, other 376 = three hundred reads). seventy- six.  Teacher reads. - Students listen and repeat. - Students read.. Note:. - Students work in pair (one gives the  Two benches numbers, other reads).  Three books - Two students write the numbers on Plural nouns : N + s/es the board. * Remember: TeachingA4:. and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Controlled. B2 Practice:. practice:.  Teacher asks students to count the. Numbers Plural noun: benches,. items in the classroom. bench _ benches. - Students work in pair. Free practice:. - Students count the items in the classroom. - Studens use school things to count.. V. Homework:  Learn by heart the numbers  Do exercise 1 (Write the answer in words.)  Do exercise 2(Write the plural of the words.)  Prepare B3,4, 5 ( New word, the structure.). DATE: 08/09/2008 - Week 5 Unit 3: AT HOME Period 15: B3, 4, 5,  I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to count numbers. II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. numbers (1-100); Bench. * Grammar: - How many + plural noun + are there ……..?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> - There is ………… - There are ……… III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD WRITE THE NUMBER: 2……………... 4 8………... 13……………. 1……………. 10……………... 21……………. 19…………. 94……………. -Students say in English (1-100) Presentation B3.. CONTENT. B3 Listen and repeat:. - How many books are there?  There is one.  There are two.. Formation of plural nouns:. -Teacher introduces the new lesson and A / Noun + s write the title on the board. Books , rulers , pencils Activity 1: Activity 2:. - Teacher reviews the structure.. B / Noun + es ( _s, ss, sh, ch,. - Teacher presents.. x). - Students. EX:. work in pair with the. structure: “How many …… are there?”. Dish. - dishes. -Teacher. Bus. - buses. teaches how to pronounce. final sounds “s” Activity 3:. Watch - watches.  potato - potatoes. / s /: / f ,p , t , k / EX: books, students, lamps, months / iz / : / _ses, sses, shes, ches, xes / EX: nurses , benches , buses. - pianos. stereo. - stereos. C / y → ies EX:. / z /: the rest of the sound EX: pens, fiends ………... piano. City. → cities. Country → countries D / _F/ Fe → _Ves EX:. Knife → knives. TeachingB4:. B4 Practice with a partner:. Controlled. -Teacher asks students to work in pair. practice:. with the structure: “How many …… are. _ man. _ men. there?”. _ woman. _ women. _ child. _ children. _ tooth. _ teeth. Free practice:. - Students work in pair to ask and answer.. Shelf → shelves Some irregular plural noun:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> _ goose. _ geese. TeachingB5:. B5 Practice:. _ mouse. _ mice. Controlled.  Teacher asks students to count the. _ louse. _ lice. _ ox. _ oxen. terms in the living – room (bookcase =. practice:. bookshelf ). * Remember:.  Teacher invites some students to write the questions and answers on Free practice:. the board.. - How many + plural noun are there?  There is. - Students listen to teacher. - Students count the terms in the living – room (bookcase = bookshelf )..  There are - Plural nouns and its pronunciation. - Some students write the questions and answers on the board. V. Homework:  Learn how to write and read plural nouns.  Do exercise 3 ( complete the sentences.)  Prepare C ( new word, structure.). DATE: 14/09/2008 - Week 6 Unit 3: AT HOME Period 16: C. FAMILIES  I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to describe the family members.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. me (pro), engineer, doctor, nurse. * Grammar: - What does he do? He‘s an engineer.  Possessive case: Song’s family.  Where are they? They are in the living room. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. Presentation C1.. Activity 1: Activity 2:. Activity 3:. METHOD CONTENT Write these sentences in plural noun: 1.She is a teacher. NEW WORDS. 2.It is your pen. 3.you are a boy. o Engineer (n) 4.This is a stereo. o Our (possessive ) 5.That is a bookshelf. 6. I am a student. o Me (pro) C1 Listen and read:  About her mother and  Teacher uses the picture to introduce brother. Nga’s family. . - What does he do? = What is  Teacher asks them some questions he? then writes them on the board.  He’s an engineer.  Teacher plays the tape (books closed/ - What do you do? = what are opened) you?  Teacher teaches Vocabulary and ANSWER structures 1.There are four people. - Student find out the new word. 2.He is forty. - Teacher reads. 3.He is an engineer. - Students listen and repeat after 4. She is thirty – five. teacher. 5. She is a teacher. - Students read and answer the questions in groups.  Students answer and write the answer on the board. Then read in silence. Nga’s family. without answering.. How old. - Teacher corrects or the students.  Students listen to the tape and write down the main ideas. - Students read the dialogue. -Students. answer. without. Father Mother Brother Nga. opening. books.  Students work in pair or group to * Remember: read and answer the questions.  Teacher corrects and students copy. Teaching C2:. C2 Practice with a partner:. What ….?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Sts look at the plan of Song’s family –. _ engineer, doctor, nurse.. Controlled. then read it in silence.. _ Possessive adj; my, your,. practice:. Sts ask – answer about Song’s family.. his, her, our, their.. -Work in pair .. _ What does he do? _ He’s an. -Two students talk about Nga’ family. engineer.. Free practice:. again. -Students look at the plan of Song’s family -Students ask – answer about Song’s family to work in pair. - Some pair practice before class. - Students retell about Song’s family.. V. Homework:  Learn by heart Voc and structure  Practice by yourselves about your family, and then write on your book.  Do exercise 1 ( Write the sentences.)  Prepare Grammar Practice.. DATE: 15/09/2008 - Week 6 Period 17 GRAMMAR PRACTICE  I. Objectives: -. Helping Sts to consolidate grammar points which they have learnt from unit 1  3.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: Grammar review. III. Teaching Aids: pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: : STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Choose the best answer: 1.My name…….. … Hoa. a. am b. is c. are 2.I…….. … Hoa.. CONTENT ANSWER: * TOBE. 1.am, am, are, is, are. 2.am, is, is, are, are..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> Presentation . Activity 1: Activity 2:. a. am b. is c. are 3.We…….. … Fine, thanks. a. am b. is c. are 4…. Do you live? In My Xuan. a. What b, Where c. How *Teacher titroduces the new lesson and write down on the board. -Teacher asks students to pay. b/ is, is.. c/ Is, isn’t.. d/ Are, aren’t. IMPERATIVE( COMMANDS) 4.a/ in. b/ down. c/ your. d/ your.. e/ up.. HOW MANY ? 5. a/ There is one desk.. attention to the contraction of “is not/. b/ There are six books.. are not”.Work in pair.. c / There are two students.. -Teacher reminds forms of “to be” in. d/There is one teacher.. the simple present tense & exercises. Activity 3:. 3.a/ are, am.. QUESTION WORDS. -Students remind “Yes - No” question 6.a/ What, is. c/ Who, is. & make sentences. Work in pair.. b/ Where, live d/ What, is. NUMBERS. - Students listen to teacher. Activity 4:. -Teacher asks students to remind 7. a. one, five, eight, ten……. b. 4. 7. 9. 11………. commands which are used in class. Activity 5:. everyday. Work in pair.. GREETING. -Teacher asks students to fill in the 8. Hi/ Hello, How, fine, you, thanks. blanks. Activity 6:. Activity 7:. --Students. pay. attention. to. that, Is, Yes, isn’t.. the. contraction of “is not/ are not”.. THIS AND THAT. -Teacher asks students to look at the. 9. Ba. That ? Is , Thu. yes.. picture & answer the questions.. Ba. This ? Is ,. - Students listen to teacher. Activity 8:. -Students remind commands which are used in class everyday.. Activity 9:. -Students fill in the blanks. Work in. Thu. Isn’t.  Yes - No questions: . Yes, he is / No, he isn’t.. pair. -Students look at the picture & answer the questions. -Students to remind question words & do gap - fill. Work in pair. - Students to read number again. Teacher asks students to remind. Is he a teacher?. . Are they students? Yes, they are / No, they aren’t. Isn’t = is not Aren’t = are not.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> question words & do gap - fill. -Teacher. asks. students. to. read. number again. -Teacher asks students to complete the dialogue. Work in pair. - Students complete the dialogue.  Students remind the differences between this & that.  Students play a picture quiz. 5. Homework: -. Learn the lesson, revise patterns & vocabulary.. -. Prepare for test( 45’). DATE: 15/09/2008 - Week 6 Period 18 + 19: TEST AND CORRECT A 45 MINUTE – ENGLISH TEST I. Objectives: - T can check up and appreciate the knowledge, ability of the Sts, so t should help Sts know how to learn and get the knoledge well. They must find the best way to if they are also weak. Examine what Sts have learnt to consolidate their knowledge & to know how well to study. - Training pupils four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. - Students can ask and answer about the wh- questions, talk about their schedule. II. Language contents: * Grammar: T introduce grammar practice: to be, imperative, question words, this, that. * Vocabulary:. -. From unit one to unit three.. III. Contents:. I/ Khoanh tròn câu trả lời đúng nhất: (2,5 đ) Ví dụ:. 0. I …………………… a student. a- is b- are 1. Good morning, Lan. _ Good ……………………………….., Ba. a- afternoon; b- morning. c. am. c- evening.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> 2. Where do you live? _ I ……………… on Tran Hung Dao Street. a- live b- am c- do 3. .............. is your name? - My name’s Lam. a- How b- What c- Where 4. How many people are there in your family? _ There are three people in ……………………….. family. a- my b- your c- his 5. …………………… is that? _ That’s my father. a- How b- Where c- Who 6. ................ old are you? _ I’m eleven years old. a- How b- Who c- What 7. They ……… students. a- am b- are c- is 8. This ……… an eraser. a- am b- are c- is 9. How old ……… you? – I am twelve years old. a- is b- are c- am 10. My father and mother ……… teachers. a- are b- is c- am. II/ Hãy trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây về bản thân các em: (2,5 đ) 1. What is your name?  ................................................................................................................................... 2. How old are you?  ................................................................................................................................... 3. Where do you live?  ................................................................................................................................... 4. How many people are there in your family?  ................................................................................................................................... 5. What do you do?  .................................................................................................................................... III/ Đọc kỷ đoạn văn dưới đây và trả lời câu hỏi: (3 đ). There are four people in Lan’s family. Lan’s father is Mr Liem, he is forty years old, and he is a teacher. Lan’s mother is a nurse, she is thirty – three, and her name is Nga. Lan is thirteen. Her brother is ten. Lan and her brother are students. They live on Tran Phu Street. * Khoanh tròn câu trả lời đúng nhất: 1. There are ......... people in her family. a- five b- four c- two 2. Lan’s father is a ......... a- teacher b- doctor c- engineer 3. Her father is …… years old. a- 40 b- 35 c- 14 4. Her mother is a ……… a- teacher b- nurse c- doctor 5. Lan’s mother is ……… years old. a- 30 b- 40 c- 35.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> 6. Lan’s brother is a …… a- teacher b- student c- nurse 7. Lan is a …… a- student b- engineer c- nurse 8. Lan is ...... a- 10 b- 15 c- 12 9. Lan lives on ...... Street. a- Tran Hung Dao b- Ly Thuong Kiet c- Tran Phu IV: Lắng nghe hoàn thành bài đàm thoại dưới đây: (2 đ) Lan: Hello, Tam. Tam: ..............., Lan. Lan: How ............... you? Tam: ……… ……… fine, thank you. .............. .................. ? Lan: Fine, ....................... Tam: Good bye. Lan: ............................. ANSWER KEY. I/ Khoanh tròn câu trả lời đúng nhất: (2.5 đ) (mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm) 1. b (morning); 5. c (Who); 9. b (are);. 2. a (live); 6. a (How); 10. a (are). 3. b (What); 7. b (are);. 4. a (my); 8. c (is);. II/ Hãy trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây về bản thân các em: (2,5 đ) (mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 0.5 đ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. My name is ………… I am ……………….. I live ……………………………. There are …………………… I am a/an ……. III/ Đọc kỷ đoạn văn dưới đây và trả lời câu hỏi: (3 đ) (cứ 3 câu đúng được 1 điểm, lẻ 2 câu được 0,75 điểm; lẻ 1 câu được 0,25 điểm) 1- b (four); 2- a (teacher); 3- a (40); 4- b (nurse); 5- a (33); 6- b (student); 7- a (student) 8- c (13); 9- c (Tran phu) IV: Lắng nghe hoàn thành bài đàm thoại dưới đây: (2 đ) (mỗi từ điền đúng được 0.25 điểm) Lan: Hello, Tam. Tam: Hello , Lan. Lan: How are you? Tam: I am fine, thank you. And you ? Lan: Fine, thanks . Tam: Good bye. Lan: Bye .. THIẾT LẬP MA TRẬN KIỂM TRA.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Chủ đề I/ Listening II/ Reading III/ Language Focus IV/ Writing Tổng. Nhận biết TN TL. Thông hiểu TN TL. Vận dụng TN TL. Tổng.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> DATE: 22/09/2008 - Week 7 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? Period 20 A1,2  I. Objectives: Sts will be able to describe location and size of school. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Big (a) # small (a) Country (n) City (n) * Grammar: Review the structure “How many …………” III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. Presentation .. METHOD Choose the best answer: 1.My name…….. … Hoa. a. am b. is c. are 2.I…….. … Hoa. a. am b. is c. are 3.We…….. … Fine, thanks. a. am b. is c. are 4…. Do you live? In My Xuan. a. What b, Where c. How A1 Listen and repeat: -Teacher introduces Phong’s school and. CONTENT NEW WORDS - Big (a). # small (a). - Country (n). in the country. - City (n). in the city. Note Phong’s school is small Phong’s school. Thu’s. school Small. big. Country. city. Thu’s school with picture of Phong and Thu’s school. -Teacher play the tape (books closed/ Activity 1:. opened. - Students listen to The tape, read and fine out the new words. - Teacher reads.. Activity 2:. -Students practice reading in chorally and individually.. Yes – No question. - Students listen to the tape with books Are you a student? Is it big?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Yes, I am. closed and then books opened. - Students listen carefully and try to Activity 3:. No, it isn’t.. remember the main ideas. - Studentss read by themselves and individual. - Students describe Phong and Thu ‘s school. - Two students play before class. - Students answer orally. Teacher asks students to Teacher asks students to work in pair. - Students work in pair.. Activity 4:. A2 Answer:. Remember:. - Teacher teaches.. Yes – No questions. - Teacher asks every question.. Possessive case:. - Two pairs practices before class. Phong‘s school is small.. -Teacher asks students describe their school. - Students describe their school. Activity 5:. Exercise: Write sentences 1. My house / big. 2. Lan‘s room / small. 3. Her school / city 4. Nam‘s house / country. 5. Hoa’s school / city.. V. Homework:  Describe your school, and then write in your books.  Learn by heart Voc.  Do exercise 1 ( complete the sentences.). DATE: 22/09/2008 - Week 7.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? Period 21: A3, 4,  I. Objectives: Sts will be able to describe location and size of school. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Big (a) # small (a) Country (n) City (n) * Grammar: Review the structure “How many …………” III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. *Teacher. METHOD invites students. CONTENT to Phong’s school Thu’s school. describe their house or school.. Small. big. - Students. Country. city. describe their house or. school. Presentation A3 .. A3. Read.. Then. answer. the ANSWER A3. questions:. a. How many classrooms are. Teacher introduces Phong’s school and Thu’s school. with picture of *There are eight classrooms.. Phong and Thu’s school. Pre- reading. there in Phong’s school? b. How many Sts are there in. -Teacher play the tape (books closed/ opened.. Phong’s school? *There. are. four. hundred. - Students listen to The tape, read and students. fine out the new words. - Teacher reads.. c.. How many classrooms are there in Thu’s school?. -Students practice reading in chorally *There are twenty. and individually. while- reading. d. How many Sts are there in. Thu’s school? - Students listen to the tape with are nine books closed and then books opened. *There - Students listen carefully and try to students. remember the main ideas. Or - question. hundred. - Studentss read by themselves and - Is she a doctor or a worker? individual..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> - Students describe Phong and Thu ‘s.  She is a worker.. school..  ANSWER. - Two students play before class. - Students answer orally.. A. Is your school in the country or in the city?. -Teacher asks students to Teacher B. How many classrooms are Post- reading. asks students to work in pair. - Students work in pair. - Students write down the main ideas while they are listening.. there? C. How. many. students. are. there? On , in. - Students describe Phong’s school Remember:. Presentation A4. and Thu’s school.. Or question. A4 Answer:. - Is your school big or small?. - Teacher asks questions. - Teacher asks students to work in. - Preposition: on in. pair.. - Yes – No question: Is your. - Teacher asks some pairs practice Activity 1:.  It is big.. before class with their own questions. - Students work in pair.. school in the city? - Wh – question: How many Sts are there?. - Some pairs practice before class with their own questions. Activity 2:. - Students listen and repeat. -Teacher corrects and student s can copy.. V. Homework:  Learn by heart the structure.  Write about your school.  Do exercise 3 ( Write the sentences. )  Prepare B1 ,2 ,3 ( New words.). Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? Period 22 B1, 2, 3. .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> I. Objectives: Sts will be able to describe location of objects (school / class) II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: Which grade are you in?. _I’m in grade six.. Which class are you in?. _ I’m in class 6A.. What about you? It’s a small school.. = The school is small.. My school has four floors. Where is your classroom?. _ It’s on the first floor.. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD. CONTENT. Exercise: Make the questions: 1. There are 40 Sts in my class. 2. There are 25 classrooms in my school..  Grade (n) →Which grade are. 3. Yes, my school is big.. you in? Grade 6.. 4. No, my school is small. Presentation B1 ..  class. B1 Listen and repeat:. -Teacher introduces Phong and Thu.  First floor (AE): trệt Phong’s in grade six, class 6A.  Ground floor (BE): trệt Phong’s school is small .It has two  Second floor:. 6A.. tầng. 1. floors.. First floor : tầng 1. - Thu‘s in grade 7, class 7C. Thu’s. - What about you?. school is big. It has four floors.. - How many floors does your. opened. - Students listen to The tape, read. reading. grade. is. Thu. in?. B. Which class is Phong in?. - Teacher plays the tape twice. practice. A. Which (Phong). - Teacher reads vocabularies -Students. school have?  It has three floors.. and fine out the new words.. Activity 2:. ?.  Have / has. Teacher play the tape (books closed/ Activity 1:. NEW WORDS.. (Thu) in. C. How. many. floors. does.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> chorally and individually.. Phong’s school have?. - Students listen to the tape with B2 Complete this table. books. closed. and. then. books. Class Grade. opened. - Some pairs play the roles. - Students answer. - Students read the dialogue again complete. this. table. by. themselves. - Students work in pairs. - Some pairs practice before class. Teaching B3 :. B3 Write.. Pre- writing:. - Teacher explains how to write. -Ask Student write three sentences. while- writing :. Thu. 7. 7C. 4. Phong. 6. 6A. 2. 6 6C 1st Exercise: Answer the questions: You. B2 Complete this table. then. room’s floor. - Students listen and repeat.. Activity 3:. Class. about them.. a.Which grade are you in? b.Which class are you in? c.Is your school big? d.How many floors does your school have? Remember:  Which grade are you in?  Which class are you in?  My school has four floors.. - Students write . - Teacher corrects or students..  It is a small school = The. Students copy.. school is small.. Post- writing V. Homework:  Learn by heart all the structures and Voc.  Do exercise1 ( complete the dialogue.)  Do exercise 2 ( Write the sentences.)  Prepare B4,5, ( NEW WORDS AND STRUCTURE.). DATE: 28/09/2008 - Week 8 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? Period 23: B4, 5, 6.  I. Objectives: Sts will be able to describe location of objects (school / class).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: Which grade are you in?. _I’m in grade six.. Which class are you in?. _ I’m in class 6A.. What about you? It’s a small school.. = The school is small.. My school has four floors. Where is your classroom?. _ It’s on the first floor.. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. Presentation B4 .. METHOD Exercise: Answer the questions:. CONTENT NEW WORDS:. A.Which grade are you in?. -It is on the first floor. B.Which class are you in?.  First. : 1st. C.Is your school big?.  Second. : 2nd. D.How many floors does your school.  Third. : 3rd. have?.  Fourth. : 4th.  Students answer..  Fifth. : 5th. B4 Listen and repeat:.  Sixth. : 6th.  Seventh. : 7th. numbers..  Eighth. : 8th.  T presents them..  Ninth. : 9th.  T tells the difference between cardinal.  Tenth. : 10th. -. Activity 1:. Today. you. learn. about. ordinal. and ordinal (numbers).. Thu: Is your school big?. -Teacher reads and asks students to Ph : No, It‘s …….. practice Activity 2:. reading. in. chorally. , Thu: How many floors______ it. individually.. have?.  Play the tape twice. Ph : It _______ two floors.. - Students listen to teacher.. Thu: Which class _________.  Students read by themselves.. you in?.  Students match the words and the Ph numbers.. Remember:. B5 Complete the dialogue: Activity 3:.  T asks Sts to read the. : I _______ in class 6A.. dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> before completing it - Students. read the.  Ordinal numbers (1st dialogue before. ____ 10th ). completing it ..  Which grade ………..?.. - Two students complete the dialogue..  Which class …………?. -Teacher asks some pairs to play the.  How many floors does it. roles.. have?. - Some pairs play the roles..  It has……….. - Two pairs practice their own dialogue before class. Exercise: Complete the sentences: Activity 4:. a.This room _____ big. b.________ class are you in? c.How many floors _____ your school _____? d.__________ are you in? Grade 6.. V. Homework:  Learn by heart ordinal numbers.  Write a dialogue about your class.Do exercise 3 (Write the number in words.)  Prepare C1,2,3 ( NEW WORS, STRUCTURE. ). DATE: 28/09/2008 - Week 8 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? Period 24: C1, 2, 3.  I. Objectives: Students will be able to describe everyday activities. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: get up, get dressed, brush one’s teeth, wash one’s face, have breakfast, go to school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> * Grammar: c Simple present III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Exercise: Complete the sentences:. CONTENT. 1.This room _____ big. 2.________ class are you in?. NEW WORDS. 3.How many floors _____ your school - What do you do every _____? morning? 4._______ are you in? Grade 6.  I get up. *Students complete the sentences:.  I get dress.. Presentation. C1 Listen and repeat:.  I brush my teeth.. C1,2 .. -Teacher uses these pictures to introduce.  I wash my face.. what Ba do every day..  I have breakfast.. -Ask Sts to find out the new words..  I go to school.. Teacher reads and asks students to.  I. Activity 1:. practice. reading. in. chorally. ,. get. up. .Then. I. get. dressed. individually. -Students listen to the tape twice. .-Students practice reading in group or Activity 2:. pair. Ask Sts to read individually Ask some Stds to read.. - What does Ba do every morning?  Every morning He gets up / He gets dressed / He brushes. C2 Practice with a partner: - Teacher his teeth / He washes his face asks students to work in pair. / Activity 3:.  Students answer or Teacher helps He has breakfast / He goes to them. school. - Students work in pair.. Activity 4:. - One asks, others answer her questions. - Some sudents tell about their actions Remember: everyday.. Teaching C3 :. C3 Write:. Pre- writing:.  Teacher asks “what does Ba do every day?”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> while- writing :.  Teacher helps if they meet difficulties..  Get up, get dressed, and brush one’s teeth.  Students answer, then write them on. Post- writing. the board..  Wash one’s face, have breakfast, go to school.  Simple present tense.. V. Homework:  Learn by heart Voc and the structures.  Do exercise 1 (Matching in the column A and B.)  Do exercise 2 (Put the verbs in the correct form.)  Prepare part. C4, 5, 6, 7.. ( NEW WORDS, STRUCTURE.). DATE: 05/10/2008 - Week 9 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? Period 25 C4, 5, 6, 7.  I. Objectives: Students will be able to describe everyday activities. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: Simple present III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Choose the best answer.. CONTENT. 1.Ba ……….up.. New words. a. get b. gets c. getes. To be late for .. 2. He ……..his teeth.. We’re late for school.. a. brush. What time is it?. b. brushes c. brushs. 3. I ………breakfast.. It ‘s ten o’clock .. a. has b. have c. haves. It is ten past ten.. 4. He ……..to school.. It ‘s half past six. a. go b. goes. c. gos. Read:. PresentationC4 C4 Listen and repeat:  Teacher gives some examples .. It‘s six thirty. Ba has breakfast at six thirty.. -Nga meets Ba on the street. She asks Answer: him “What time is it, Ba?” He answers.  He gets up at six o’clock. “It is eight o’clock’ Activity 1:. -Ask Sts to find out the new words.. - What. -Teacher reads and asks students to practice. reading. in. chorally. ,. individually. Activity 2:. -Students listen to the tape twice. .-Students practice reading in group or pair. Ask some Sts to read.  Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles. own dialogue before class. C5 Listen and repeat: -Teacher asks students to work in pair. invites some pairs practice. before class  One asks – one answer Activity 4:. C6 Read:. does. he. have. breakfast?  He has breakfast at six o’clock. - What time does he go to school?  He goes to school at seven thirty.  I get up at 6. Remember:  What time do you get up?  I get up at 6..  Teacher asks two pairs to make their. -Teacher. time. - What time do you get up?. Ask Sts to read individually. Activity 3:. - What time does Ba get up?.  What time does he get up?  He gets up at 6.  What time is it? It is one o’clock..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> -Teacher uses the pictures to introduce: Teaching C6 :. It is six – thirty. Pre-reading:. -T asks Sts to read in silence. -Teacher asks students to work in pair.. while- reading : -Teacher asks some pairs practice before class. C7 Answer: Post- reading.  T asks each question. Teacher asks students to write the answer on the board. -Some pairs practice before class.  Students answer .  Students. write the answer on the. board. V. Homework:  Learn by heart all the structures and Vocabulary. Do C 3,4,5,6  Prepare Unit 5 part A1, 2. ( NEW WORDS, STRUCTURE.) Exercise: Write 4 sentences about you.. DATE: 05/10/2008 - Week 9 Unit 5: THINGS I DO Period 26 A1, 2.  I. Objectives: Students will be able to describe everyday routines. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: every afternoon, every evening, after, play, game, do, homework, housework. * Grammar: Everyday, Nga gets up at six. Every afternoon I play game. Every evening, she does her homework..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> What does Nga do everyday? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Choose the best answer.. CONTENT New words. 1.Ba ……….up.. after( prep). a. get b. gets c. getes. play game. 2. He ……..his teeth.. do (v). a. brush. do homework. b. brushes c. brushs. 3. I ………breakfast.. do housework.. a. has b. have c. haves. -Everyday I go to school.. 4. He ……..to school.. -Everyday She. a. go b. goes. school.. c. gos. goes. to. PresentationC4. A1 Listen and repeat:. ANSWER :. .. -Teacher introduces the new lesson and. 1. Nga gets up at six everyday.. write down on the board.. 2. She does her homework.. -Ask Sts to find out the new words.. 3.She. plays. -Teacher reads and asks students to afternoon. practice reading in chorally , 4.She does Activity 1:. individually.. games her. every. homework. every evening.. -Students listen to the tape twice. .-Students practice reading in group or pair. Activity 2:. Ask Sts to read individually Ask some Sts to read.  Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.  Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class.. Activity 3:. A2 Ask and answer with a partner: -Teacher uses these pictures and asks -Teacher asks students to work in group. -Teacher asks students to work in pair.. Remember:  Every day, morning, afternoon, evening  What does she do everyday?  She gets up  She does the housework..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span>  One says:  Everyday ,I get up at six  Other says:  Everyday , Nga gets up at six - Students: She gets up at six. - Students: She goes to school. - Students work in group or pair. -Two pairs to practice before class. Activity 4:. Exercise: Write some sentences about you.  Everyday I…………………………….  Every morning I………………………  Every afternoon I…………………. V. Homework:  Learn by heart Voc and the structures  Do exercise 1 (Put the verbs in the correct form.) -Prepare part. A3, 4.. ( NEW WORDS, STRUCTURE.). Week 9 Unit 5: THINGS I DO Period 27 A3, 4.  I. Objectives: Students will be able to describe everyday routines. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: watch (v). television (n) listen to(v). music (n) read (v). * Grammar: present simple tense. II. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Complete the sentences.. CONTENT NEW WORDS. 1.Everyday I ………... watch (v). 2. Every morning I ………... television (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> Presentation A3. 3. Every afternoon I…….. Listen to(v). 4. Nam listens …………... music (n). A3 Listen and repeat:. read (v). -. Teacher uses these. pictures. to -What do you do after school?”. introduce..  I watch TV..  I watch TV after school. - What do you do after school?.  I do the housework after school Activity 1:.  I read.. Ask Sts to find out the new words.. - What. -Teacher reads and asks students to practice. Activity 2:. reading. in. chorally. ,. does. Lan. do. after. school?  She does the house work.. individually.. ANSWER:. -Students listen to the tape twice.. 1.Lan does the housework after. .-Students practice reading in group or school.. Activity 3:. pair.. 2. Ba watches televition after. Ask Sts to read individually. school.. Ask some Sts to read.. 3. Thu reads after school..  Teacher asks Some pairs to play 4. Nam listen to music after roles.. school..  Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class. Activity 4:. Remember:. A4 Answer:. o I watch television. / He. -Teacher shows the picture and asks. -Teacher asks students to work in pair. -Some pairs practice before class. -Teacher. asks. students. write. the. - Teacher corrects and students copy. Activity 5:. 1.What time does she…………? a. get b. gets c. getes 2. He ……..his teeth. a. brush. b. brushes c. brushs. 3. I ………breakfast. a. has b. have c. haves 4. What do you ….. after school?. o I do the housework. / She does the housework.. answers on the board. Choose the best answer.. watches television.. o I. listen. to. music.. listens to music. o I read. /She reads. /He.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> a. do b. does. c. dos. V. Homework:  Learn by heart structures and voc.  Do exercise 3 (Write the sentences.)  Prepare Ạ 5,6 ( NEW WORDS, STRUCTURE.). Week 10 Unit 5: THINGS I DO Period 28: A5, 6.  I. Objectives: Students will be able to describe everyday routines. II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. volleyball (n) girls (n) soccer (n) = football. * Grammar: present simple tense. ? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm _ up:. METHOD Exercise : Answer the questions. CONTENT. 1. What do you do everyday?. NEW WORDS. 2. What does Tom do after school?. volleyball (n). 3. What do you do after school?. girls (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Presentation A5. 4. What does Lan do after school?. soccer (n) = football(n). 5. What do you do every morning?. 1.What. does. Nga. 6. What does Bad do after school. school ?. A5 Listen and repeat:. She plays volleyball.. do. after. - Teacher uses these pictures to 2.Do girls play soccer? introduce.. Yes , they do..  I watch TV after school  I do the housework after school Activity 1:. Do. Ask Sts to find out the new words. -Teacher reads and asks students to practice. reading. in. chorally. ,. individually. Activity 2:. Does Yes ,. -Students listen to the tape twice. .-Students practice reading in group. No,. or pair. Activity 3:. you / they he / she I / we /. play volleyball?. they she / he I / we /. do does don’t. they she / he. doesn’t. volleyball. soccer. Ask Sts to read individually Ask some Sts to read.  Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.  Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class.. Activity 4:.  Students make the sentences .. Nga. v. Lan. v. Thu. v. Vui. v. - Students listen and repeat after. Girls. (v). teacher?. you. v. v. A6 Listen and answer: Activity 5:.  Teacher asks each question .  Teacher asks students to work in group.  Teacher asks students to work in pair.  Students answer.  They play volleyball.  Yes, they do.  No, I don’t. Remember: - Do you play volleyball?  Yes, I do / No, I don’t - Does he do soccer?  Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> -Students work in group or pair. V. Homework:  Learn by heart structures and voc.  Do exercise 5 page 46 ( complete the sentences.)  Prepare B 1, 2, 3. ( NEW WORDS, STRUCTURE.). . Week 10 Unit 5: THINGS I DO Period 29 B1, 2, 3.  I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to ask for and say the time.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: take (v), shower (n), eat (v), lunch (n), home (n), bed (n) * Grammar: It’s ten o’clock. It’s a quarter to ten It’s a quarter past ten.It’s half past ten. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm – up:. METHOD Choose the best answer.. CONTENT. 1.What time does she…………? a. get b. gets c. getes. NEW WORDS. 2. He ……..his teeth.. - take (v). a. brush. - shower (n) / take a shower. b. brushes c. brushs. 3. I ………breakfast.. - eat(v) = have(v).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> Pre –reading:. a. has b. have c. haves. - home (n) / go home. 4. What do you ….. after school?. - bed(n) / go to bed. a. do b. does.  It’s a quarter past ten.. c. dos. A1 Read:.  It’s a quarter to eleven.. Teacher uses these pictures to introduce.. o Quarter = fifteen.. -Ask Sts to find out the new words.. a. What time does Ba get up?. -Teacher reads and asks students to. b. What time does he go to. practice. reading. in. chorally. ,. individually. While –reading. school? c. What time does Ba have. -Students listen to the tape twice.. classes?. .-Students practice reading in group or. d. What time do you get up?. pair. Ask Sts to read individually Ask some Sts to read. Post- listening:..  Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.. o Take a shower.  Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class. Presentation A5. Students. listen. and. repeat. after. teacher? Activity 1:. B2 Complete the table:  T asks Sts to complete the table. B3 Practice .Use your table:  T asks some questions  Teacher asks students to work in group.  Teacher asks students to work in pair.. Activity 2:.  Sts answer “It’s ten o’clock. It’s ten forty-five. It’s half past ten.  Sts answer “ It’s ten fifteen It’s ten forty – five”  Sts listen and repeat after teacher.. o Go home / go to bed o Ten o’clock. -Students make the sentences. -. Remember:. o A quarter to ten = nine forty- five. o A quarter past ten = ten fifteen. o Half past ten = ten thirty. o I / we / you / they + V inf o He / she /it. + V(s/es).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span>  Sts read individually  Students work in pair.  Some Sts tell their teacher about their routine. V. Homework:.  . Learn by heart voc and structures.. . Prepare part C1 (. Do exercise 2 ( write the questions and answer.) new words , structure.). Week 10 Unit 5: THINGS I DO Period 30: C1.  I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to describe school timetable.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: timetable (n), English (n), math(n), literature (n),history(n), geography(n), Monday, today. * Grammar: S + don’t / doesn’t + Vinf III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Brainstorming:. CONTENT. -Draw the cicle with an example . -Divide the class in to two groups. Write the job what they know. Presentation C1. C1 Listen and repeat: Teacher. uses. these. Teacher . JOB Student. . engineer. NEW WORDS : pictures. to  English (n). . today (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> Activity 1:. introduce..  Math (n). -Ask Sts to find out the new words..  Literature(n) . -Teacher reads and asks students to practice. reading. in. chorally. ,. individually. -Students listen to the tape twice. .-Students practice reading in group or pair. Activity 2:. Ask Sts to read individually Ask some Sts to read.. Activity 3:.  Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.  Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class.. Activity 4:. Exercise: Answer the questions a. What do you have today? b.What time do you have English? c.What time do you go to school? d.What time do your classes start? e.What time do your classes finish?. V. Homework:  Learn by heart voc and structures  Practice by yourselves.  Do exercise 2 page 51, (Match.)  Do exercise 3 page 51, ( Write the sentences.)  Prepare C2,3 NEW WORDS, STRUCTURE.). . timetable(n) Monday(n).  History(n)  Geography(n) - I don’t have my timetable. What do we have today?  It’s. Monday.. We. have. English. - What do we have today?  We. have. math,. English,. history and geography  We have it at 7 0’clock. Remember:  I don’t have my time table.  What do we have today?  We have English.  (school vocabulary). subject.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> Week 11. Period 31. Unit 5: THINGS I DO. C2, 3.  I. Objectives: -. Students will be able to describe school timetable.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,. Sunday, today. * Grammar: S + don’t / doesn’t + Vinf III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Brainstorming:. CONTENT. -Draw the cicle with an example .. Math. Divide the class into two groups.. . SUBJECT English. . History. Write the job what they know. C2 Listen and repeat: Presentation C2:. NEW WORDS :. -Teacher uses calendar to introduce this lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words.. Activity 1:. -Teacher reads and asks students to practice. reading. in. chorally. ,. individually. -Students listen to the tape twice. .-Students practice reading in group or pair.. Monday , Tuesday Wednesday ,Thursday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Activity 2:. Ask Sts to read individually. Friday , Saturday. Ask some Sts to read.. Sunday.  Teacher asks Some pairs to play - When do we have history? Activity 3:. roles.  Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class. C3 Listen and repeat:. Activity 4:. -Teacher introduces the new lesson . - Ask Sts to read the dialogue and. Activity 5:.  We have it on Tuesday and Thursday. - Does. Lan. have. math. Friday?  No, She doesn’t. / Yes, She does.. fine out the new words , structure.. - What do you have today?.  Play tape twice.. - What time does Math start?.  T teaches Vocabulary, structures.. - When do you have Literature?.  Play tape twice.. - Does Mai have English today?.  Teacher asks students to work in * Remember: group.  Teacher asks students to work in Activity 4:. on. pair..  Days of week,  School subject.  Question Word: When - When do we have math?  Do not = don’t  Does not = doesn’t. V. Homework:  Learn by heart voc and structures  Practice by yourselves.  Do exercise 4 page 52. ( Fill in your school timetable.)  Prepare grammar practice..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Week 11. GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Period 32.  I. Objectives: -. Helping Sts to consolidate the simple present tense, questions about the time, question words.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Choose the best answer.. 1.Simple. 1.What time does she…………?. ordinary verbs:. a. get b. gets c. getes. A. get, get, get, gets. 2. He ……..his teeth. a. brush. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. of. B.do, have , have, does, have ,. b. brushes c. brushs. has, do, have, have.. 3. I ………breakfast. Presentation :. CONTENT present tense. C. do, go ,go , do, go, go, does, go. a. has b. have c. haves 4. What do you ….. after school?. ,goes.. a. do b. does. D. do, wash ,wash , does ,. c. dos. *Teacher titroduces the new lesson and wash , washes. write down on the board. S + Vs/ es) - T asks Sts to remind the simple present Do/ Does + S + V? tense. S + do/ does + not + V. -Teacher reminds forms of “ordinary verb” in the simple present tense & exercises 1.Time: Work in pair.. a. IT’s seven o’clock.. -Students remind “Yes - No” question &. b. IT’s a quarter past nine. c. IT’s half past four.. make sentences. Work in pair.. 4. Question words:. - Students listen to teacher. -Teacher. asks. students. to. remind. a.Where b.How c.What d.How.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> Activity 3:. commands which are used in class e.which f. Which everyday. Work in pair.. Part 5, 6: ( St’s answer.). -Teacher asks students to fill in the blanks. Activity 4:. --Students pay attention to the contraction of the simple present tense Work in pair.. Activity 5:. 7.Simple present tense:. -Teacher asks students to look at the. a. gets. picture & answer the questions.. brushes. - Students listen to teacher.. d. has. -Students remind the wh- questions are used . -Students fill in the blanks. Work in pair. Activity 6:. -Students look at the picture & answer the questions. -Students to remind question words & do gap - fill. Work in pair.. Activity 7:. -Teacher asks students to complete the dialogue. Work in pair. - Students complete the dialogue. -Sts look at the clock, ask & answer in pairs.. V. Homework:. -Teacher corrects . Students copy. -Learn the lesson. -Do exercise page 57. ( test your self.) - Prepare Unit 6, PA1.2 ( New words, structure.). b.takes. e. goes. c..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Week 11. Period 33. Unit 6: PLACES. A1, 2  I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students can understand the content of the lesson, and use some words about country. II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. lake, river, hotel, park, tree, flowers, rice paddy, near, beautiful,. yard. * Grammar: Revision old structures. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Fill in the correct preposition.. CONTENT. 1.She lives…..My Xuan commune. 2. We have Math ….. Monday. 3. Theh get up ….six every day. 4. I live ….Tran Phu Treet. Presentation A1:. A1 Listen and repeat: -Teacher. uses. the. picture. to. introduce this lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find * New words. near (pre).. new words. Activity 1:. -Teacher reads and asks students to lake (n). practice. reading. in. chorally. , river(n). individually.. yard(n). -Students listen to the tape twice.. rice paddy(n). .-Students practice reading in group hotel(n) Activity 2:. or pair.. park(n). -Ask Sts to read individually. flowers(n). -Ask some Sts to read.. beautiful(n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span>  Teacher asks Some pairs to play here(adv) roles.. * Structures..  Teacher asks two pairs to make - There is + a/an + noun their own dialogue before class.. - There are + noun s/es.. - Listen to the teacher ,s explaination * Answer and copy in the note books.. a. She is twelve.. - Look at the board and check the b. She is a student. answers.. c. His name is Minh.. -Practice in pair to ask and answer d. He is twenty. Activity 3:. the questions.. e. She lives in a house.. - Complete the sentences.. f. There is a lake near the house.. - Go to the board and write. - Look at the board and copy in the Ex:. Activity 4:. books after teacher corrects.. P1: What are those:. A2 Practice with a partner.. P2: They are trees.. - Request them to practice in pair P3: What is that/ It is a rice paddy. (one asks and one answers the questions about the picture in the * Remember. exercise A1.) - There is a lake near my -Practice in pair to ask and answer house.. Activity 5:. the questions.. - There are trees and flowers.. - Complete the sentences.. - My house has a yard. - Go to the board and write. - Look at the board and copy in the books after teacher corrects. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words. - Write five sentences about your house. - Do exercise 1page 60 ( Write the questions and answer .) - Prepare A3- 4-5 ( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> Week 12. Period 34. Unit 6: PLACES. A3,4, 5,  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can describe simply what is near their house. - Using some vocabularies about country. II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. village, town.. * Grammar: Revision old structures. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up.. Pre- writing.. METHOD JUMBLE WORDS. Teacher gives an example.. 1. aydr -> yard. Divite the class in to four groups To. 2. ekla -> lake. take part in game.. 3. telho -> hotel. A3 Write :. 4. krap -> park. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce. 5. rveri -> river. this lesson . While -writing.. CONTENT + Play game.. + A3Write.. Ask them to look at 8 pictures in A3 Our house has a yard. It is near a (page. 63). to. complete. sentences in groups or pairs.. these rice paddy. There is a hotel near the lake.. - Call two students to go to the board There is a river and a park. and write their . Post writing.. There are trees and flowers.. - Teacher corrects and asks them to * New words. copy the right sentences in their note Village(n). Pre- Listening.. books.. Town(n). A4 Listen. +. Things in the city.. Teacher says old structures. Hotel, park, lake, …. - Teacher requests them to talk things + .Things in the country. in the country and in the city.. River, rice paddy,….. - - Teacher requests them to make Ex: While -Listening. sentences using structures :there is - There are hotels in the city..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> …/ there are….. Post- Listening.. - There is a river near my house.. - Teacher corrects their mistakes and. House. ask them to do. village Town country city yard Rice paddy river lake. - Listen and remember.. hotel. school. - Talk about the things in the country Ex: and in the city.. P1: There is a park near my house.. - Look at the board and correct their There are trees and flowers in the. Presentation A5: Activity 1:. sentences.. park.. - Listen to the tape and write the word.. P2: There is a lake near my. - Stand up and read.. house…. - Practice in pair.. *Remember.. A5 Which of these are near your. There are flowers and trees in. house.Write the sentencse.. the park.. -Teacher plays the tape (3 times) and. There is a hotel near our. ask them to write the word they listen. house.. - Teacher calls two or three students Activity 2:. to stand up and read. - Teacher requests them to practice in pair : tell where they live base on A5. - Call students to stand up and talk then go to the board and write.. V. Homework: - Rewrite A5 in their note books. - Do exercise 2 in page 61 ( Write sentences with there is/ are.). - Prepare: B1( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> Week 12. Period 35. Unit 6: PLACES. B1,  I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students can describe simply about things in the city, in the country. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Store , restaurant, bookstore , temple , neighbourhood museum ,stadium ,next to * Grammar: Where does he work? He works ….. Where does he live? He lives … III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Brainstorming: -Draw the cicle with an example . -Divide the class into two groups.. Presentation B1:. Activity 1:. CONTENT river Things in the. country Write the things what they know in  rice paddy the country.  lake B1.Listen and read. Teacher uses the picture to introduce * New words store (n) this lesson . restaurant (n) -Ask Sts to find out the new words or bookstore (n) ask them some questions to find new temple (n) words. neighborhood (n) -Teacher reads and asks students to museum (n) practice reading in chorally , stadium (n) next to (pre) individually. -Students listen to the tape twice.. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. .-Students practice reading in group or * Answer true or false pair. a. Minh lives in the country. b. There are four people in his -Ask Sts to read individually family. -Ask some Sts to read..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> Activity 4:.  Teacher asks Some pairs to play c. Their house is next to a bookstore. roles.  Teacher asks two pairs to make their d. There is a museum near their house. own dialogue before class. e. Minh,s mother works in a -Teacher asksSts to complete the hospital. sentences in groups or pairs true or f. Minh, s father works in a hospital. false. *. Keys: a. F b. T c. T d. T e. T f. F - Complete the sentences. * Structures: - Go to the board and write. + What do/ does + S+ do? - Look at the board and copy in the S+ be + a/an + job books after teacher corrects. + Where do/ does + S + work? Building sentences. Ex:- What does he do? 1. Her mother/ work/ restaurant He is a doctor 2. She / live/ in the house. - Where does he work? 3. He/ live/ a house/park He works in a hospital.. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the vocabulary. - Do exercise 1 page 62 in work book ( Fill in the correct verb form.) -Prepare: B2-3.( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> Week 12. Period 36. Unit 6: PLACES. B 2, 3  I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students can describe simply about things in the city, in the country. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Brainstorming:. CONTENT. -Draw the cicle with an example . HOTEL. Divide the class into two groups.. Presentation B2:. Write the things what they know in the city. B2.Listen and read. Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or. Activity 1:. ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads and asks students to practice. reading. in. chorally. ,. individually. -Students listen to the tape twice. Activity 2:. .-Students practice reading in group or pair. -Ask Sts to read individually. Activity 3:. -Ask some Sts to read.  Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.  Teacher asks two pairs to make. Things in the city  restaurant . factory. Answer B2 : a.city b.restaurant, boohstore, temple. c.hospital d. house, store. e. factory. Answer B3; a. museum( There are three museums in the city.) b. bookstore( The bookstore is on the other side of the treet.) c. river( She walks along the river every morning.) d. street ( Children can’t play soccer on the street.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> their own dialogue before class. - Listen to the teacher ,s explaination and copy in the note books. - Look at the board and check the answers. -Practice in pair to ask and answer the questions. - Complete the sentences. - Go to the board and write. - Look at the board and copy in the books after teacher corrects.. Pre- Listening B3:. While– Listening.. Post – Listening.. B3 LISTEN - Teacher uses the pictures to introduce new lesson and write them on the board. - Teacher reads firstly then call students to read. - Teacher plays the tape ( book closed) 3 times and asks them to do exercise: - Call students to stand up and read their answers. Then ask them to open their books & listen to the tape again to check their answers. - Teacher gives students the structures of wh- questions and reexplains the meanings of the prepositions of places” near, in, next to , on”. - Teacher takes some examples. - Call students to stand up and read their answers (correct their mistakes).. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the vocabulary. - Do exercise 2 page 63 in work book ( Write the questions.) -Prepare: C1,2.( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> Week 13. Unit 6: PLACES. Period 37 C1, 2 . I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can describe the surrounding of thief house. - Ask and answer about beauty pot. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: In front behind the left of the right of well mountain tall short * Grammar: - Where is the yard? - Where are the tall trees? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. Presentation C1:. METHOD. CONTENT MATCHING : Matching: -Let students to play game” Matching”. House cua ra vao - Call two or three students to stand up Yard cay and read. Tree san C1.Listen and read. Flower nha Teacher uses the picture to introduce this Door hoa lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask. Activity 1:. them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads and asks students to practice. reading. individually.. Activity 2:. in. chorally. ,. * New words: -Students listen to the tape twice. In front of .-Students practice reading in group or Behind The left of pair. The right of -Ask Sts to read individually Well (n) -Ask some Sts to read. Mountain(n)  Teacher asks Some pairs to play * Wh- question. roles. - Where is the yard?  Teacher asks two pairs to make their - Where the tall trees? Ex: own dialogue before class. Where is the book?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> Activity 3:. - Listen to the teacher ,s explaination and It is behind the pen Where are the flowers? copy in the note books. - Look at the board and check the. They are to the left of the house. -Practice in pair to ask and answer the * Keys. questions. a. Which is Ba,s house? - Complete the sentences. A b. Which is Lan,s house? - Go to the board and write. A - Look at the board and copy in the books c. Which is Tuan ,s house? after teacher corrects. B C2 Listen and find out the right answers.. Pre- Listening C2:. picture.. While– Listening.. Post – Listening.. -Teacher requests them to open the book and listen to the tape again to answer the questions (work in pair). - Teacher calls students to stand up and answer the questions. - Teacher writes the answers on the board and lets them copy in their books. * Consolidation: P1: Where is the flowers? P2: They are in front of the house. - Write then practice in groups. -Request them to write about three houses (5 minutes) and practice in pair ( one asks and one answers) -Stand up and practice in pairs.. * Practice: P1: Where is the flowers? P2: They are in front of the house. …….. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare C3-4. ( New words, structure.) - Do exercise 1 page 63 in work book.( Where is the cat?). Week 13. Period 38. Unit 6: PLACES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> C3, 4  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Students can describe the beauty port in the city. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Drugstore, toystore , movie theater , police station, bakery , between , opposite. * Grammar:. Revision old structures.. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Brainstorming:. CONTENT HOTEL Things in the. -Draw the cicle with an example .. Presentation C1:. -Divite the class into two groups.. city  restaurant. -Write the things what they know in. . factory. the city and write the about the city .. . bookstore, museum….. C1.Listen and read. Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or. Activity 1:. ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads and asks students to practice. reading. in. chorally. ,. individually. -Students listen to the tape twice. .-Students practice reading in group or Activity 2:. pair. -Ask Sts to read individually -Ask some Sts to read.  Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.  Teacher asks two pairs to make their. * New words. Drug store (n) Toy store (n) movie theater (n) police station (n) bakery (n) between(prep) opposite(prep). park. ,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> own dialogue before class.. photocopy store(n). - Listen to the teacher ,s explaination Activity 3:. and copy in the note books.. + Practice:. - Look at the board and check the P1:It is opposite the bakery. What answers.. is this?. -Practice in pair to ask and answer the P2: It is the toy store. questions.. P3: It is between the bakery and. - Complete the sentences.. the drug store.. - Go to the board and write.. What is it?. - Look at the board and copy in the P4: It is the movie theater. books after teacher corrects. Teaching C4). Activity 1:. Matching. C4 Practice with a parter:. A. B. -Teacher explains how to complete C4.. Book store. rạp chiếu phim. -Let sts to practice in groups or pairs.. Drug store. Cửa hàng đồ chơi. -Teacher calls 5 pairs to stand up and Police station. nhà sách. do C4b.. hiệu thuốc. Movie theater. - Teacher requests them to practice in Toy store. Đồn công an. pair (ask and answer position of things * Remember:. Activity 2:. in the class then stand up .. + Where is….. practice.. + Where are…... - Request them to write a short. - It is opposite….. paragraph (about 4 or 5 sentences ) to. - They are between… and…. describe about their city. - Teachers calls students to stand up and read their writing. Activity 3:. Consolidation:Matching. - Teacher asks them to play game” Matching”.. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words. - Do exercise 2, 3 page 64,65 in work book.( Write the answer.) - Review unit 4 to unit 6 to prepare doing test (45’). Week 13. Period 39.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> TEST ENGLISH : 2. TIME : 45’. I. Objectives: - T can check up and appreciate the knowledge, ability of the Sts, so t should help Sts know how to learn and get the knowledge well. They must find the best way to if they are also weak. Examine what Sts have learnt to consolidate their knowledge & to know how well to study. - Training pupils four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. - Students can ask and answer about the wh- questions, talk about their schedule. II. Language contents: * Grammar: T introduce grammar practice: to be and ordaniry verb, imperative, question words, preposition, adv, adj. * Vocabulary:. -. From unit Four to unit Six..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> Week 14. Period 40. Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE. A1  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can understand the content of the dialogue and they can write some sentences about their houses. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Old # new ( a) any * Grammar: Revision “ Yes”, “No” questions III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Matching A. Presentation A1:. B. Book store. rạp chiếu phim. Drug store. Cửa hàng đồ chơi. Police station. nhà sách. Movie theater. hiệu thuốc. Toy store. Đồn công an. A1.Listen .Then practice with your partner. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or. Activity 1:. CONTENT. ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads one or two times and asks students to practice reading in. * New words. Old # new (a) Any * Structures. + How to use “any” - It is used in negative and interrogative forms. (-) There are not any flowers. (?) Are there any flowers? Yes, there are. No, there are not * Answer True(T) or False(f). 1. Hoa ,s is big. 2. There is a well. 3. There is a yard. 4. There are flowers. 5 . There are trees. 6. Hoa, s house is old - Hoa, s house is small and old. There is a yard… .. chorally , individually. - Practice: P1: Is your house big? .-Students practice reading in group P2: Yes , it is P1: It there a well? or pair. P2: No, there is not -Ask Sts to read individually …… -Students listen to the tape twice. Activity 2:. -Ask some Sts to read.  Teacher asks Some pairs to play.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> roles.  Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class. Activity 3:. - Look at the board and check the answers. -Practice in pair to ask and answer True or False. - Complete the sentences. - Go to the board and write. - Look at the board and copy in the books after teacher corrects.. V. Homework: - Write about your house ( from 5 to 6 sentences) - Read the letter( page 73) and match the questions and answers. - Do exercise 1 page 66 in the exercise book.( Complete the conversations.) - Prepare A3, 5 ( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> Week 14. Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE. Period 41 A3,. 5.  I. Objectives: - After finishing the lesson, students can describe things around the house, ask and answer about things around the house. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: Revision “ Yes”, “No” questions III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Choose the best answer.. CONTENT. 1.What time does she…………? a. get b. gets c. getes 2. He ……..his teeth. a. brush. b. brushes c. brushs. 3.There ...a tree behind the house. a. is b. are c. am 4. What ….. she do after school? a. do b. does Presentation A3:. c. dos. A3. Practice with your partner. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or. Activity 1:. ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads one or two times and asks students to practice reading in chorally , individually.. Activity 2:. -Students listen to the tape twice. .-Students practice reading in group or pair. -Ask Sts to read individually -Ask some Sts to read.. New words. * Is there a yard? Yes, there is No, there is not. * Are there trees? Yes, there are No, there are not Ex: T: Is there a yard in your house? P1: Yes, there is T: Are there any trees? P1: Yes, there are * Practice: P1: is there a flower garden in front of the house? P2: Yes, there is P3: Is there a lake to the right of the house? P4: No, there is not. Answer A5 + There are some mountains behind the house. There are some trees to the right of the house.There a lake to the left.  Picture A..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span>  Teacher asks Some pairs to play * Ex: P1: Is there a yard?  Teacher asks two pairs to make their P2: Yes, there is P3: Are there ay flowers? own dialogue before class. . P1: Yes, there are P4: Are there any trees? P1: Yes, there are. A5. Listen to this description. Which ………………. house is it? -Teacher introduces A5 by asking sts  Remember: some questions. . + Is there a yard? Yes, there is/ No, there is -Teacher requests them to open the not. book and listen to the tape again to + Are there ay trees? Yes, there are/ No, there answer the questions (work in pair). - Teacher calls students to stand up and are not. roles.. Activity 3:. Pre- Listening A5:. While– Listening.. answer . Post – Listening.. - Sts write the answers on the board. -Teacher corrects and lets them copy in their books.. V. Homework: - Do exercise 3,4 page 67 in work book ( Make conversations using these words.). - Prepare B1 p 76. ( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> Week 14. Period 42. Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE. B1  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can use some words to describe where they live and other people live. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Apartment , supermarket , post office , bank , clinic ,zoo ,country village , noisy , quiet * Grammar: Revision “ Yes”, “No” questions III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Choose the best answer.. CONTENT. * New words. Apartment(n) a. get b. gets c. getes supermarket(n) post office (n) 2. ….there any lakes in your village? bank (n) a. Am b. Is c.Are clinic (n) zoo(n) 3.There ...a tree behind the house. Country (n) a. is b. are c. am village(n) noisy (a) 4. What ….. she do after school? quiet(a) a. do b. does c. dos * “Yes”, “No” questions. + Do you live in the city? b1. Practice with your partner. Yes, I do/ No, I do not + Does he live in the country? -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this Yes, he does/ No, he does not lesson . + Is it big? Yes, it is/ No, is it not -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask + Are there any trees? them some questions to find new words. Yes, there are/ No, there are not 1.What time does she…………?. Presentation b1:. Activity 1:. -Teacher reads one or two times and asks students to practice reading in chorally , individually. -Students listen to the tape twice. Activity 2:. .-Students practice reading in group or pair. -Ask Sts to read individually -Ask some Sts to read.. - Listen to the tape and read..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span>  Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles. Activity 3:. * Keys. a. Yes, he does.  Teacher asks two pairs to make their b. No, he does not. c. Yes, it is. own dialogue before class. d. No, she does not. - Sts practice in pair to ask and answer the e. No, there are not. f. Yes, it is. yes, no questions. - Complete the sentences.. Activity 4:. Activity 5:. * In the city * In the country. - We live in - We live in - Go to the board and write. Apartments houses  - Look at the board and copy in the books - It is noisy - It is quiet - There are - There are trees after teacher corrects . shops,banks rivers, lakes.. Consolidation. zoos… - Teacher talks about the differences - There are not - There are not between the country and the city. paddy fields zoos, stores Ex: “ Hello, my name is Lan. I live in an apartment in Hanoi. It is very noisy. There are stores…”. V. Homework: - Write about where you live. - Learn by heart the vocabulary. -Do exercise 1 page 68 in work book. ( look at the picture. Complete the sentences with there is/ isn’t , there are, aren’t.) - Prepare B2-3.( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> Week 15. Period 43. Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE. B2, 3  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can use some words to describe where they live and other people live. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Revision old vocabulary. * Grammar: Do you live in town? No. I live in the country. Does he live in town? No. He lives in the country III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. Teaching B2: Pre- Reading.. While- Reading.. Post - Reading.. METHOD *Talking about the differences between the country and the city. -Teacher divides class in to two groups and asks them to play game.. CONTENT In the city * In the country. - We live in - We live in Apartments houses - It is noisy - It is quiet - There are - There are trees shops,banks rivers, lakes.. -Students talks about the differences zoos… between the country and the city. - There are not - There are not paddy fields zoos, stores B2 Read and write. -Teacher introduces the lesson by Ex: asking the sts to talk about the “ Hello, my name is Lan. I live in an differences between the country and the apartment in Hanoi. It is very noisy. city. There are stores…” Teacher requests them to look at the 1.effcoi = office questions and the answers a, d in B1 (p 2. rasutpemrke = supermarket 76). 3. selwfor = flower - Teacher writes on the board. 4. ccnlii = clinic -Teacher gives some more words and 5. sydfaidpedl =paddy fields asks them to make sentences with the * Questions new words. a. Does Ba live in town? -Teacher introduces the questions about Yes, he does position of living. => Ba lives in town -Teacher asks students some questions. d. Does Chi live in town? -Teacher asks them to practice in pair No, she does not then stand up to practice in front of the => Chi does not live in town class. More words: he, they ,the country. - Teacher requests them to do B2 in their + Does he live in the country? note books and then to stand up and read Yes, he does. + Do they live in the country?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> Teaching B3:. .B3. Listen and check:. No, they do not.. Teacher introduces B3 by asking sts Do you live in the city? Pre-Listening: some questions. . Ex: Yes, I do/ No, I do not. -Teacher plays the tape and asks them to T: Do you live in town? Does he live in town? P1: Yes, I do listen fill in the table. Yes, he does/ No, hetodoes ……. - Teacher says the right answers. not + Practice in pair. While-Listening. -Teacher requests them to open the book P1: Do you live in the city? P2: Yes, I do and listen to the tape again to answer the P3: Do they live in the city? questions (work in pair). P4: No, they do not. -Sts listen to the tape twice. -Chi lives in a house in the country. Near her house, there is a lake. It Post -Listening - Teacher calls students to stand up and is very quiet. ANSWER B3. answer . a. Minh lives in the partment in the - Sts write the answers on the board. city. -Teacher corrects and lets them copy in b.Tuan lives in ahouse in a town. their books. c. Nga lives in ahouse in the city. - Teacher says the questions about place again. Do exercise: Answer the questions 1. Where do you live? 2. What is there near your house? 3. Is it noisy? V. Homework: - Write a short paragraph about your place (5-6 sentences) - Do exercise 3 in work book(Complete the dialogue between Ba and Chi , using the words in the box. - Prepare: C1-2( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> Week 15. Period 44. Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE. C1, 2.  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can talk about means of transport. They can ask and answer about mean of transport of other person. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: bike , motorbike, car ,bus, train, plane , travel. * Grammar: - How do you go/ travel …? I go/ travel by ….. - How does he go/ travel …? He goes/ travels by … III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm- up. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1.What time does she…………? a. get b. gets c. getes 2. ….there any lakes in your village? a. Am. b. Is c.Are. 3.There ...a tree behind the house. a. is b. are c. am 4. How …you? I’m fine , thanks. a. do b. are Teaching C1: Pre-Listening:. While-Listening.. c.is. C1Listen. -Teacher introduces the lesson today. -Request students to tell about means of transport which people use every day and their purposes. -Teacher uses pictures to introduce means of transport. -Teacher teaches new words structures. - Listen to the teacher and repeat. - Teacher reads and let them read in chorally and individually. -Teacher plays the tape (book closed/ opened) and asks them to repeat after the tape then stand up and read. - Teacher asks them to practice in. CONTENT  New words bike (n) motorbike (n) car (n) bus (n) train(n) plane (n) travel (v) walk(v) * Structures. + How do you go/ travel to school? I go/ travel (to school) by bike. + How does he (she, Ba) go/ travel to school? + He (she/ Ba) goes/ travel by car. + Note: Question “ How” Answer “by” + Ex: by car/ bus/ train/ plane Walk without by in front of +Ex: P1: How do you go to school? P2: I go to school by bike P3: How does Lien go to school? P4 She goes to school by bile …………. P1 I go to school by bike P2. I walk to school P3. My friend and I walk to school..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> Post –Listening. pair (one asks and one answers base on the structures). - Tell about means of transport. - Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher. Teacher asks them to practice in pair base on pictures in C2 (p 79). -Teacher calls three pairs to stand up and practice. -Teacher calls two students to go to the board and write C3(p 80) and asks all students do C3 in their note books. -Teacher corrects than calls students to stand up and read. -Teacher requests students write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) about means of transport of members in their families. - Teacher asks them to practice in pair then stand up and talk. + Answer the questions. 1How do you go to school? 2,How does your mother travel to work? 3.How does your father travel to work? 4.How does your sister go to school?. * Practice C2: P1 How does Mr Ba travel to work? P2: He travels by motorbike P1: How does Miss Hoa travel to work? P2: She walks to school * Write. I walk to school. My father travels to work by motorbike. My mother walks to work and my father goes to school by bike.. *Remember. How do you go to school? I go to school by bike How does he travel to work? He travels by car. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words. - Do exercise 1 in work book.(Give the correct form of the verbs.) - Pre pare C4,5.( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> Week 15. Period 45. Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE. C3,4.  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can talk about their daily works. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Revision vocabulary. * Grammar: Revision all questions III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm- up. METHOD Choose the best answer.. CONTENT. 1.How does she… to Hue? a. travel b.travels c.traveles 2. ….there any lakes in your village? a. Am. b. Is c.Are. 3.She goes to school…. Bike. a. by b. on c. in 4. How …you? I’m fine , thanks. a. do b. are Teaching C3: Pre-Listening:. While-Listening.. Post –Listening. c.is. C3 Listen. -Teacher introduces the lesson today. -Request students to tell about means of transport which people use every day and their purposes. - Listen to the teacher and repeat. - Teacher reads and let them read in chorally and individually. -Teacher plays the tape (book closed/ opened) and asks them to repeat after the tape then stand up and read. - Teacher asks them to practice in pair (one asks and one answers base on the structures). - Tell about means of transport. - Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher. Teacher asks them to practice in pair. Seven o, clock. Twelve o, clock Five thirty eleven thirty Six thirty. + Leaves the house + Has lunch + School ends + Gets up * Keys + Gets up at five thirty + Leaves the house at six thirty + School starts at seven + School ends at eleven thirty + Has lunch at twelve..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> Presentation C4:. base on pictures in C4 (p 80). -Teacher calls three pairs to stand up and practice in pair . C4.Listen and read.Then ask and * Answer the questions C4: a. He gets up at half past five. answer the questions. Teacher uses the picture to introduce this b. He goes to school at six thirty. c. No, he does not. lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask. * Practice in pair. P1: What time so you get up? -Teacher reads. P2: I get up at six. -Teacher asks students to practice P1: What time do you have breakfast? reading in chorally , individually. P2: At six thirty. -Students listen to the tape twice. Ex: -Students practice reading in group or Every day, I get up at six, I brush pair. my teeth and have breakfast. I go -Ask Sts to read individually to school by bike…… -Ask some Sts to read. them some questions to find new words.. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles. Activity 3:. -Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class. -Listen to the teacher ,s explaination and copy in the note books. -Look at the board and check the answers. -Practice in pair to ask and answer the questions.Complete the sentences. - Go to the board and write. - Look at the board and copy in the books after teacher corrects.. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words. -Teacher requests them to write about their daily work. - Do exercise 3 in work book.(Complete the passage.) - Pre pare A1,2 unit 8 out and about.( New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> Week 16. Period 46. Unit 8: OUT AND. ABOUT Part A1,2  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can express what is happening at the moment of speaking. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: video games , ride , drive * Grammar: I am playing video games He is playing video games III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. Presentation A1:. METHOD CONTENT *Answer the questions. 1.What time do you get up? * New words. 2.What time do you go to school? video games(n) 3.What time does your class start and end? ride (v) drive(v) 4.Do go to school by car? 5.How do you go to school? * Structures. A1.Listen and read. Ex:He is traveling by car I am playing soccer. Teacher uses the picture to introduce this She is playing video game. lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask. Activity 1:. + S + to be + Ving + …. them some questions to find new words.. * Practice. P1: I am playing video games -Teacher asks students to practice reading P2: I am listening to music P3: He is doing his homework. in chorally , individually. * Answer the questions A2: -Students listen to the tape twice. -Teacher reads.. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. -Students practice reading in group or T: What is he ding? P: He is playing games. pair. -Ask Sts to read individually. T: What is she doing?. -Ask some Sts to read.. P: She is riding her bike.. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.. What are they doing?. -Teacher asks two pairs to make their own P: They are walking to school?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> dialogue before class. -Listen to the teacher ,s explaination and Teaching A2.. . Structures.. copy in the note books.. What + to be + S + Ving?. A2 Ask and answer the questions about. S + to be + Ving +…. all the peaple in the picture and about you. Activity 1:. -Look at the board and check the answers.. Ex:T: What are you doing? P: I am writing.. -Practice in pair to ask and answer the * Practice: P1: What is he ding? questions.Complete the sentences. - Go to the board and write the answer. Activity 2: Teaching A3.. Activity 1:. P2: He is playing video games.. - Look at the board and copy in the books Answer A 3: after teacher corrects. P1: What are you doing? Answer . Then write the answer in your P2: I am writing. exercise book: Look at the picture and check the answers. P1: What is she doing? -Practice in pair to ask and answer the P2: She is riding her bike. questions.Complete the sentences. - Go to the board and write the answer.. Activity 2: Activity 3:. - Look at the board and copy in the books after teacher corrects. *Building sentences base on some cues. a. I / go / school I am going to school b. She / walk / work She is walking to work. c. He/ live / an apartment He is living in an apartment.. V. Homework: - Learn by heart voc and structures. - Do exercise 1 page 72 in work book.(Complete the sentences.) - Prepare A 3,4 (New words, structure.). ………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> Week 16. Period 47. Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT. Part 4,6 (cont)  I. Objectives: - After finishing the lesson, students can describe actions are happening at present time with Subjects We / They. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: wait for * Grammar:. We / They are + Ving +…. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm- up. Teaching A4: Pre-Listening:. While-Listening.. METHOD CONTENT Make sentences using progressive tense. a. I /work b. She / have / breakfast * New words. c. He / go / school now. wait ( v) d. Ha / brush / teeth e. I / go / school every day. wait for sthing / some boby f.She / walk / work at the moment. Ex: We are waiting for a bus. A4 Listen and number the picture as He waits for her. you hear.. * Structure: -Teacher introduces the lesson today. -Request students to tell about means of We /They /You are +Ving... transport which people use every day and Ex: their purposes. - Listen to the teacher and repeat. We are listening to our teacher. - Teacher reads and let them read in You are reading. chorally and individually. -Teacher plays the tape * Keys A4. (book closed/ opened) and asks them to 1- b, 2-f, 3-d, 4-a, 5-c, 6-e. repeat after the tape then stand up and read. Ex: - Teacher asks them to practice in pair 1-b. Mr Tam is a businessman. (one asks and one answers base on the structures). He is driving home from work. - Tell about means of transport. 2-F. Mrs Thanh is waiting at.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> Post –Listening. Presentation A6:. - Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher. Teacher asks them to practice in pair base on pictures in C4 (p 80). -Teacher calls three pairs to stand up and practice in pair . A6 Read.Then ask and answer the questions with:who , what , where , how. Teacher uses the picture to introduce this. the station. The train is late and she is very angry. 3-d. Nam and Quang are going around the city by motorbike. 4-a. Viet is a student. He is riding his bike to school. 5-c. Mai lives near her school.. lesson . Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. She’s walking home from -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask school. them some questions to find new words. 6-e. The boy is waiting for the -Teacher reads. bus downtown. -Teacher asks students to practice reading. A 6.. in chorally , individually.. P1: Who is that?. -Students listen to the tape twice.. P2: That is Miss Hoa.. -Students practice reading in group or P1: What does she do? pair. P2: She is a teacher. -Ask Sts to read individually. P1: Where is she going?. -Ask some Sts to read.. P2: She is going to school.. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.. P1: How is she traveling? -Teacher asks two pairs to make their own P2: She is walking. ……….. dialogue before class. -Look at the board and check the answers. -Practice in pair to ask and answer the questions.Complete the sentences. - Go to the board and write. - Look at the board and copy in the books after teacher corrects.. V. Homework: Make five sentences about all members , actions in your families. - Learn by heart the structures.- Prepare: B1 (New words, structure.) - Do exercise 3 in workbooks page 73.( Read the answer.). ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> Week 16. Period 48. Unit 8: OUT AND. ABOUT Part B1,  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can ask and answer about actions are happening at present. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: truck, driver, farmer, foodstall, load, arrive, farm, unload * Grammar:. + What are you doing? + What is he doing? + What is she doing?. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. Presentation b1:. METHOD “ Matching” Driver thuong gia Travel cho Businessman tai xe Wait di lai Market an Vegetables cho Eat rau *Listen and read:. * New words Truck(n) driver(n) farmer(n) foodstall(n) load(v) arrive(v) farm(n) Teacher uses the picture to introduce unload(v) this lesson . -Ask Sts to find. Activity 1:. ask them some words. -Teacher reads. -Teacher asks. + Quang, s actions. out the new words or 1.Going to Ha noi questions to find new 2. Meeting the farm. 3. Eating breakfast 4. Loading the vegetables 5. Going to a farm. students to practice 6. Unloading vegetables.. reading in chorally , individually. Activity 2:. CONTENT. -Students listen to the tape twice..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> -Students practice reading in group or pair. -Ask Sts to read individually -Ask some Sts to read. Activity 3:. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles. -Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class. -Look at the board and check the answers. -Practice in pair to ask and answer the. Activity 4:. questions.Complete the sentences. - Go to the board and write. - Look at the board and copy in the books after teacher corrects.. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the structures and the New words. - Do exercise 173,74.( Ask the questions. Read the answer to the questions first.) in work book. - Prepare : B -2 (New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> Week 17. Period 49. Unit 8: OUT AND. ABOUT Part B 2,  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can talk about an action is happening, they can ask and answer about other, s action. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: correct(v,adj) copy (v). * Grammar:. Revision the present progressive tense. Is he working? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1.How does she… to Hue? a. travel b.travels c.traveles. CONTENT NEW WORDS correct(v,adj) copy (v).. 2.I am…… for you now. a.waiting. b.wait c.waits. 3.She goes to school…. Bike. a. by b. on c. in 4.What is she….right now? a. do b. doing. c.does. * Structures. + What is he/ she doing? He/ she is + Ving… Are you + Ving…? Yes, I am/ No, I am not. Is he/ she + Ving…? Yes, he( she) is/ No, he ( she) is not.. Presentation B2:. B2 Listen and read:. Activity 1:. Teacher uses the picture to introduce * Answer B2. a. He is doing his home work. this lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or b. Yes, he is. c. No, he is not. ask them some questions to find new d. He is playing soccer. e. No, they are. words. -Teacher reads. -Teacher asks students to practice. Activity 2:. reading in chorally , individually..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> -Students listen to the tape twice. -Students practice reading in group or pair. -Ask Sts to read individually Activity 3:. -Ask some Sts to read. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles. -Teacher asks two pairs to make their. Activity 4:. own dialogue before class. -Look at the board and check the answers. -Practice in pair to ask and answer the questions.Complete the sentences. - Go to the board and write.. Activity 5:. - Look at the board and copy the correct answers in the books after teacher corrects. + Answer the question. 1. What are you doing? 2. Where are you going? 3. What is your mother doing?. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words and structures. - Do exercise 4 page 74 in work book.( Write the sentences telling what you and your friends are doingnow.) - Prepare: C 1-2.(New words, structure.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> Week 17. Period 50 Unit 8: OUT AND. ABOUT Part C1, 2  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students know the road signs and talk about these signs as well as get information from these on the roads. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: can, can not, policeman, difficult, job, man, sign, park, turn left, turn right, go ahead, * Grammar:. You can park here. You can not go ahead.. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Brainstorming:. CONTENT TEACHER. -Draw the cicle with an example . -Divide the class into four groups.. Presentation C2:. -Write the job what they know . C1. Listen and read: Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 1:. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads. -Teacher. Activity 2:. asks. students. to. reading in chorally , individually.. practice. . Job driver. . farmer. * New words. can (v) can not =can’t policeman (n) difficult(adj) job (n) man (n) sign(n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> Activity 3:. -Students listen to the tape twice.. park(n). -Students practice reading in group or. turn left (v) # turn right (v). pair.. go ahead (v). -Ask Sts to read individually -Ask some Sts to read.. +. S + can + V…. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.. +. S + can not + V… Ex:1. You can turn left.. -Teacher asks two pairs to make their Activity 4: Teaching C2:. own dialogue before class.. 2. She can turn right.. C2 What do the road sign mean? Add. 3.They can sing.. can or can’t.. 4. I can ride a motorbike.. -Look at the road sign answers. Activity 1:. * Structures.. and check the * Practice: P1: What does the sign say?. -Practice in pair to ask and complete the P2: It says “ you can turn left” sentences. - Go to the board and write.. Activity 2:. - Look at the board and copy the correct answers in the books after teacher corrects. + Fill in the blank.. Activity 3:. a. You can ……. left. b. You can not turn …… c. You can go ….. head d. You can ….. ride a motorbike. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words and the structures. - Write five sentences about things you can do. - Do exercise 1 page 75. ( Tellyour partner if she or he can do these things.) - Prepare: C 3-4.(the new words and the structures.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> Week 17. Period 51. Unit 8: OUT AND. ABOUT Part C3, 4,  I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students know the road signs and talk about these signs as well as get information from these on the roads. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: slow down , fast ,dangerous , accidents , discipline, help warn , intersection . must , must not , stop. * Grammar:. Revision old structures.. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. Presentation C3:. METHOD + Answer the question. 1.Can you do your homework? 2. Can she swim? 3.What are you doing? 4.Where are you going? 5.What is she doing now?. CONTENT * New words.. C3. Listen and read:. help (v,n). slow (adj) slow down # fast dangerous(adj) accident (n) discipline (n). -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this warn (v) Activity 1:. Activity 2:. lesson .. intersection (n). -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them. must (v) must not. some questions to find new words.. stop(v). -Teacher reads.. * Structures.. -Teacher asks students to practice reading in S + must + V…..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> Activity 3:. chorally , individually.. S + must not + V….. -Students listen to the tape twice.. Ex:. -Students practice reading in group or pair.. You must obey your parents. -Ask Sts to read individually. You must not be late for school.. -Ask some Sts to read. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles. Activity 4:. -Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class.. Teaching C4:. C4 Listen . Which sign? Number the sign as * Keys C4.. Pre- listening.. you hear.. 1-c. You can turn right here.. -Teacher introduces the new lesson by using 2-d. There is a stop sign. I must the picture. .. stop.. - Teacher hangs road signs in C4 (p 91) on the 3-h. You can not park your car board and calls students to go to the board and here. fill. While- listening.. 4-a. You must slow down. There. - Teacher requests them to listen to the tape to is an intersection ahead. check .. 5-g. You can enter that road.. - Teacher plays the tape again and says the Look at the sign. right answers. Post-listening.. 6-b. We can turn left here.. - Teacher asks them to copare the answer in 7-f. You can not ride motorbike pair.. on this street.. - Ask sts to give the answer .. + S + must + V…. - Teacher or st corrects.. + S + must not + V…. - Sts copy the correct answers. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words and the structures . - Write five sentences the things you must do or must not do on Sunday. -Do exercise 2 page 75( Complete the following sentences. Use can ,can’t. must.mustn’t) - Prepare: Grammar Practice..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> Week 18. Period 52. GRAMMAR. PRACTICE  I. Objectives: -. Helping Sts to consolidate the simple present tense, present progressive tense, prepositions, question words, must and mustn’t, can and can’t.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. Presentation :. METHOD Choose the best answer: 1. This is ……… armchair A. an B. on C .a 2. . name is Nam. I…a student in class 6A . A. Her –is B.My – am C. His – is. 3. My mother does not …. T.V every night A. watch B. watchs C . watches 4. ……… are you in? I am in grade 6 A. What B. Which C. Who 5.She has Math . Monday and Tuesday. A. on B. at C. in NEW LESSON: -T asks Sts to remind the simple present tense and present progressive.. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. CONTENT 1.Simple present tense of ordinary verbs: S + Vs/ es) Do/ Does + S + V? S + do/ does + not + V. a. go / go b. travel / travels. c. walk / don’t walk / Does /walk/ walks. 2. Present progressive. -Sts do part 1 in pairs or group.. a. is riding. b. is waiting.. -The whole class remark and correct.. c. is watching. d. is playing. -T helps Sts review questions words & their e. is listening f. is walking uses. g. is travelling. -T asks Sts to read the answer before class. 3. Preposition: - T corrects the mistakes in / in front of / behind / opposite / to -Sts look at the exercises, ask & answer in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> pairs.. the right of / to the left of.. -Sts copy the correct answer. -Sts use the given words to fill in the blanks. -T asks Sts to remind the prepositions of Activity 3:. place.. 4. Question words: a. What b. Who. -The whole class remark and correct.. -T helps Sts review prepositions of place and c. What their uses. Activity 4:. d. What.. -In part 2 Sts answer and free practice. -T asks Sts to remind question words.. b. rides / is riding. -The whole class remark and correct. Activity 5:. -T helps Sts review questions words & their c. go / are going uses.. d. walk / walking. -Sts do part 3 in pairs or group... e. drives / is driving.. -Sts look at the picture, fill in blanks.Sts use the given words to fill in the blanks. Activity 6:. 6. must and must not / mustn’t: a. must / must not.. Sts copy the correct answer. -T asks Sts to remind question words.. b. must / must not / must not.. -The whole class remark and correct.. c. must / must not.. -Sts do part 4 in pairs or group... 7. can and cannot / can’t. -Sts look at the exercises, fill in blanks. -Sts use the question words to fill in the Activity 7:. 5. Contrast:. can’t / can / can’t.. blanks. -Sts do part 5, 6, 7 in pairs or group. -T asks Sts to remind question words. -The. whole. class. remark. and. correct. mistakes. -Sts copy the correct answer. V. Homework: -. Learn the lesson.. -. Do exercises, review for the first semester test.. Week 18. Period 53. REVISION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span>  Objectives: Helping Sts to consolidate the simple present tense, present progressive tense, prepositions, question words, must and mustn’t, can and can’t. I. Choose the best answer: (2.5ms) 1. This is ……… armchair A. an B. on C .a 2. ……… name is Nam. I….. a student in class 6A A. Her –is B.My – am C. His – is. 3. My mother does not …. T.V every night A. watch B. watchs C . watches 4. ……… are you in? I am in grade 6 A. What B. Which C. Who 5. She has Math ……… Monday and Tuesday. A. on B. at C. in 6. I ……. to school everyday. A. goes B go C. going 7. He……… his teeth every morning A. brush B. brushes C. brushs 8. My father … in the factory A. work B. works C working 9. We ….. English on Thursday and Friday A. has B have C. having 10. …….. is your school? It is in the city A. Where B. What C. Who II.M atch the column A with B(1.5MS) A B 1. Who is this? a. It is ten fifteen. 2. Are there any trees here? b. In the hospital. 3. What time is it? c. 6A 4. Where does he work? d. It is my mother. 5. When do we have history? e. On Monday 6. Which class are you in? f. Yes, there are 1+ 2 + 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ III.Supply the correct form(2ms) 1.Every morning, Nga (get) …………up at six. 3. They do not (play)……… soccer after school. 2.He (have) ………Math on Monday and Tuesday 4. His father (work)………..in the factory. IV.Read then answer the questions.(2ms) Lan is a student. She is twelve years old. She lives in a house with her father, mother, two brothers. Her house is next to a bookstore. Everyday, she gets up at six, she has breakfast and she goes to school at six thirty. She goes to school by bike. Her class starts at seven and end at eleven. She goes home at half past eleven. She has lunch at twelve. a. How old is Lan? …………………………………………………… b. c. What time does she go to school?............................................ c. b. What is next to her house? ………………………………….. d. d. How does she go to school?................................................. V. Answer about you. (2ms) 1. What is your name? ……………………………….. 2. What time do you go to school…………………………………. 3. How many people are there in your family? ……………………………………………….. 4. How do you go to school? ......................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> Week 18. Period 54. THE FIRST TERM OF ENGLISH .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> Week 20 UNIT 9 THE BODY. Period 55. Part A1, 2  I. Objectives: -. Help Sts know how to identify parts of the body & make physical descriptions of people.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: body, head, shoulder, hand, finger, foot, toe, leg, chest, arm * Grammar: - Simple present tense. - Adjective. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. Presentation A1:. METHOD * Choose the best answer. 1.. I ……. to school everyday. A. goes B go C. going 2. He……… his teeth every morning A. brush B. brushes C. brushs 3. My father … in the factory A. work B. works C working 4. We … English on Thursday and Friday. A. has B have C. having 5…is your school?It’s in the city.. CONTENT  New words:. A. Where B. Who. -foot (n). C. What. A1. Listen and read:. -body (n): → parts of the body -head (n): -shoulder (n): -arm (n) -hand (n): -finger (n) -toe (n). -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this -leg (n) -chest (n) lesson . -T asks Sts to look at the picture of the body. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask Activity 1:. them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads. -Teacher asks students to practice reading.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> in chorally , individually. -Students listen to the tape twice. -Students practice reading in group or Activity 2:. pair. -Ask Sts to read individually -Ask some Sts to read. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.. Activity 3:. -Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class. A2. Practice with a partner.. Teaching A2:. -Sts show parts of the body & speak in English. -Students practice reading in group or. Controlled. pair.. practice.. -Ask Sts to read individually -Ask some Sts to read. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles. -Teacher asks two pairs to make their own dialogue before class. -One shows - one asks - one answers.. Free practice.. -(What is that? → That is …) -(What are those? →Those are …). IV. Consolidation: - Sts look at the picture & say part of the body. V. Homework: -. Learn by heart new words and structure.. -. Do exercise 1 page 83 .( Look at the picture .Write the name of each part of the body.). -. Do exercise 2 page 83 ,( Read. Then continue the list of parts of the body.). -. Prepare A3, 4, 5.(new words and structure). Week 19 Period 56. UNIT 9 THE BODY.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> Part A3, 4, 5  I. Objectives: -. They will know some parts of their body.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Tall, light, short, fat, heavy * Grammar: - He is fat - She is thin III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Brainstorming:. CONTENT. -Draw the cicle with an example .. HAND. -Divide the class into two groups. -Write the things Presentation A3:. what they know the. part the of the body . A3. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson . -T asks Sts to look at the picture of the body.. Activity 1:. The part of the body . arm. . head. *New words -tall (adj) -short (adj). -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask -thin (adj) them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads. -Teacher asks students to practice reading in chorally , individually.. -fat (adj) -heavy (adj) -light (adj). -Students listen to the tape twice. Activity 2:. -Students practice reading in group or pair. -Ask Sts to read individually -Ask some Sts to read. -Teacher asks Some pairs to play roles.. Answer A4:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> Activity 3:. -Teacher asks two pairs to make their own 1.She’s a short girl. She’s dialogue before class.. fat.. Teaching A4:. A4 Which picture? Listen and choose. Pre- listening.. the right picture. -Teacher. introduces. the new lesson by. 2. He is a fat man. He’s tall. 3. He’s a short man. He’s fat.. using the picture. .. -Teacher requests them to listen to the tape 4. She’s a thin woman. She While- listening.. to check .. is tall.. -Teacher plays the tape again and says the right answers. Post-listening.. Remember. -Teacher asks them to copare the answer. Some parts of the body.. in pair.. Adjective. Structures: What is that?. - Teacher or st corrects.. What’re those?. - Sts copy the correct answers. Teaching A5:. A5. Listen and read:. Activity 1:. -T asks Sts to look at the picture of the body. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads.. Activity 2:. -Teacher asks students to practice reading in chorally , individually. -Students listen to the tape twice. -Students practice reading in group or pair.. Consolidation:. - Sts look at the picture & say part of the body of the other.. V. Homework:-Do the exercise 3 page 84.( Look at the pictures and say what each person look like.) -Learn some parts by heart . - Prepare B1. .(new words and structure.). Week 19 Period 57. UNIT 9 THE BODY.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> Part B1  I. Objectives: - Sts learn how to describe a face. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: (n) hair, eye, nose, mouth, ear, lips, teeth. (adj) round, oval, full, thin, long, short * Grammar: Adjective III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Brainstorming:. CONTENT HAND. -Draw the cicle with an example -Divide the class into two groups. -Write the things what they know the part the of the body . B1. Listen and read: Presentation b1:. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. The part of the body . chest. . foot. . toe. . leg. NEW WORDS: -T asks Sts to look at the picture of the - hair (n) - lips(n) body. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask - teeth(n) - mouth(n) them some questions to find new words. - nose(n) -Teacher reads -eye(n) - Look at the picture drawn on the board. round (adj) - Pay attention to each part of the face as oval(adj) the teacher introduces. full(adj) - Repeat the new words and look at the thin(adj) points the teacher shows in long(adj) chorraly.individually short(adj) - Go to the board point to the details on the face and say the names of the details. - Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the adjective. - Practice in groups. Look at the partner’s face and describe..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> - Write 5 complete sentences to describe their friends. V. Consolidation: Sts describe their friends.- Write 5 complete sentences to describe their friends. VI. Homework: - Do the exercise 1 page 85 .( label the part of the pace.) - Do the exercise 2 page 85 .( look at the picture.Then fill in each blank with a suitable word.) - Learn by heart the new words, structure. - Prepare B2,3 ( the new words, structure.). Week 20 Period 58. UNIT 9 THE BODY.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> Part B2, 3  I. Objectives: - Sts learn to know a form and the main colors of hair or skin. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: black, white, gray, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, purple. * Grammar: What color is her hair? It’s black. What color are her eyes? They’re brown III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Brainstorming:. CONTENT. -Draw the cicle with an example -Divide the class into two groups.. HAND. -Write the things what they know the part the of the body .. Presentation B2:. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. The part of the body. B2. Listen and read:. . chest. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce. . foot. this lesson .. . heard. -T asks Sts to look at the picture of the name of each color. - Ask them to repeat. - Have them retell. - Show things around and ask students to say the names of the color. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask. . hair. New words: - black ( adj) - white ( adj) - gray ( adj) - red ( adj) - orange ( adj) - yellow ( adj) them some questions to find new words. - green ( adj) -Teacher reads - blue ( adj) - Look at the picture drawn on the board. - Pay attention to each part of the face as - brown ( adj) - purple ( adj) the teacher introduces. - Repeat the new words and look at the points the teacher shows in chorraly.individually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> Activity 3:. Teaching B3: Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. - Go to the board point to the details on the face and say the names of the details. - Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the adjective. -Try to say the color as your teacher asks. Say as many colors as possible. * B3. Practice with a partner. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce. Remember:. this lesson . -T asks Sts to look at the picture of the name of each color. -Listen and notice the new structures. -Practice with your partner. Try to ask as many questions as possible. Introduce new structures to ask about colors. - “What color + is + S (singular)?” - “What color + are + S (plural)?” - Let them practice in pairs.. “What color + is + S (singular)?” “What color + are + S (plural)?”. V. Consolidation: Sts ask and answer about the color of their school things. VI. Homework: - Learn by heart New words and structure. - Do exercise 3 page 86 .(Draw the boy and the girl.). - Prepare B4, 5 . (New words and structure.). Week 20 Period 59. UNIT 9 THE BODY.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> Part B4, 5  I. Objectives: -. Sts know how to describe a face, a form and the main colors of hair or skin.. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: She has long black hair. He’s tall and thin. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD * Choose the best answer. 1.. I ……. to school everyday. A. goes B go C. going 2. He……… his teeth every morning A. brush B. brushes C. brushs 3. My father … an oval face. A. has B. have C haves 4. We … English on Thursday and Friday. A. has B have C. having 5……… color is your hair? It’s black. A. Where B. Who. Presentation B2:. C. What. lesson .. Activity 2:. Answer B4: A .Is Miss Chi’s hair long or short? - She has long hair. B. Her hair is black. C. Her eyes are brown. D. She has a small nose E. She has full lips.. B4. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this. Activity 1:. CONTENT. Answer B5:. -T asks Sts to look at the picture of the name of each color. - Ask them to repeat. - Have them retell. - Show things around and ask students to say the names of the color. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask. -1+C. He has short hair. He has a. them some questions to find new words.. has thin lips.. round face. He has a big nose. He has full lips. -2+a.He has short hair. He has an oval face. He has a small nose. He. -Teacher reads -3+ d.She has long hair. She has - Look at the picture drawn on the board. -Repeat the new words and look at the points an oval face. She has a big nose. the teacher shows in chorraly.individually She has thin lips. -Look at the pictures and listen to the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> Activity 3:. Teaching B5: Pre- listening.. teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings -4+b.She has long hair. She has a of the adjective. round face. She has a small nose. -Let them practice in pair. She has full lips. -Try to say the color as your teacher asks. Say as many colors as possible. - Listen to the teacher and try to remember Notes: the details describing Chi. What color + is / are + S ? -B5 .Listen. S + is / are + color. -Have them write the text, the questions and answers. -Let them listen to the cassette and write the. While- listening.. number of the picture. -Retell the new structures to ask about. What color is her hair? o It’s black. What color are her eyes?. colors.. o They’re brown.. -Practice in pairs. - Write the text, the questions and answers in Post-listening.. EX:. Do exercises as requireted. the notebook. - Learn by heart the text. - Listen to the cassette and write the number of the picture in the notebook.. V. Homework: -Learn the old lesson. -Do exercise 4 page 86. (Read.) -Do exercise 5 page 86. (Write about you in your exercise book. Begin with ; I have…..) -Prepare U10 A1, 2, 3. (New words and structure.). Week 20 Period 60. UNIT10: STAYING HEALTHY Part A1, 2, 3 .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> I. Objectives: - They will know how to ask and answer some one’s health. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: feel, tired, hungry, would, thirsty, hot, full, cold. * Grammar: How do you feel? What would you like? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES METHOD CONTENT Warm –up: * Choose the best answer. * New words 1.. I ……. to school everyday. A. goes B go C. going -feel (v) 2. He……… his teeth every morning -How do you feel? A. brush B. brushes C. brushs - hungry (adj) 3. My father … an oval face. - thirsty (adj) A. has B. have C haves. Presentation A1:. 4. ….are you today? I’m fine , thank you. -full (adj) A. How B What C. How old - cold (adj) 5……… color is your hair? It’s black. - tired (adj) A. Where B. Who C. What -What would you like? A1. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the adjective. Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any A2. Work with apartner . Descibe the people in the picture. -Teacher introduces A2 . -Teacher explains the main point of A2. - Teacher reads the questions.. Activity 3:. -Ps : answer the teacher’s questions 1. How does Lan feel? 2. What would she like? 3. How does Ba feel? 4. What would he like?. * Remember How do you feel? I feel ………… How does he feel? He feels …………. What would you like? I’d like…..= I would like…...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> Activity 4:. Activity 5:. -Ps: ask and answer in pair -Ps listen and write some sentences on the board Ps: ask and answer about the pictures. -Asks pupils to ask and answer about their friends’ health A3. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 6:. Activity 3:. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the adjective. Sts listen to the tape twice. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any.. V. Consolidation: Teacher divides the class into two groups ( one asks and one answers about the pupil’s health.) VI. Homework: + Do the exercise 2 page 87.( Write . Answer these questions.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare A4, A5, A6, (the new words, structure ). Week 21 Period 61. UNIT10: STAYING HEALTHY. Part A4, 5, 6, .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> I. Objectives: - They will know how to ask and answer some one’s health. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: feel, tired, hungry, would, thirsty, hot, full, cold. * Grammar: How do you feel? What would you like? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES METHOD Warm –up: * Choose the best answer. 1.. I ……. to school everyday. A. goes B go C. going 2. He……… his teeth every morning A. brush B. brushes C. brushs 3. My father … an oval face. A. has B. have C haves 4. ….are you today? I’m fine , thank you. A. How B What C. How old 5……would you like? I ‘d like orange juice. A. Where B. Who Presentation A4:. C. What. A4. Ask and answer about Nam ,Lan, Ba. -Teacher introduces A4 . -Teacher explains the main point of A4.. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3: Presentation A5: Pre- listening.. CONTENT. - Teacher reads the questions. -Ps : answer the teacher’s questions 1.How does Lan feel? 2.What would she like? 3.How does Ba feel? 4.What would he like? -Ps: ask and answer in pair -Ps listen and write some sentences on the board Ps: ask and answer about the pictures. -Asks pupils to ask and answer about their friends’ health. A5 .Listen and match the names with the right picture.. ANSWER A4: lan: She is hot and thirsty. She would like some orange juice. Nam : He is hungry. He ‘d like some noodles. Ba. He is tired. He’d like to sit down. ANSWER A5: Phuong:b. Nhan; a. Ba: f. Huong: d. Tape transcript. Nhan is hungry. He’d like noodle. Phuong is thirsty. She’d like a drink.. -Have them write the text, the questions Ba is full. While- listening.. and answers.. Huong is cold.. -Let them listen to the cassette and write the number of the picture. -Retell the new structures to ask about * New words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> Post-listening.. colors.. -What’s the matter?. -Practice in pairs.. -drink (n). - Write the text, the questions and answers -cold drink in the notebook.. Presentation A6:. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. -hot drink. -Listen to the cassette and write the * Remember number of the picture in the notebook. How do you feel? I feel ………… How does he feel? A6. Listen and read: He feels …………. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this What would you like? I’d like…..= I would like… lesson . I’d like to….= I would like to… -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask What do/does want? them some questions to find new words. I want………. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in She/ He wants .. chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the adjective. Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any. V. Consolidation: Teacher divides the class into two groups ( one asks and one answers about the pupil’s health.) VI. Homework: + Do the exercise 4 page 88.( Write .What do you want?.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare B 1,2,3.(the new words, structure ). Week 21 Period 62. UNIT 10: STAYING HEALTHY Part B1, 2, 3 .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> I. Objectives: They will know the names of some food and drink. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: apple, orange, banana, water, rice, milk, meat, vegetables * Grammar: What would you like? - Is there any ………..? - Are there any …………..?. Yes. There is some/ There isn’t any. ………. No. There are some …. There aren’t any… III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD * Choose the best answer. 1.. I ……. to school everyday. A. goes B go C. going 2. He……… his teeth every morning A. brush B. brushes C. brushs 3. My father … an oval face. A. has B. have C haves 4. …do you feel today? I’m fine , thank you. A. How B What C. How old 5……would you like? I ‘d like orange juice. A. Where B. Who. Presentation b1:. C. What. B1. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. CONTENT New words: apple (n) orange (n) banana (n) water (n) rice (n) meat (n) vegetables (n) fruit (n). -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them what’s for lunch? some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the food. Sts listen to the tape twice. Consolidation: -Let them practice in pair. Make question sentences:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> Presentation B2:. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any, B2. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. Presentation B3:. B3 Ask and answer: -Teacher explains the main point of B3. - Teacher reads the questions.. No, There isn’t any…… - Are there any...?Yes, Thre are some….. No, There aren’t any……. Activity 3:. 3. Yes. There are some apples. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them Remember some questions to find new words. - What would you like? -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in - I’d like ………… chorraly,individually - Is/Are there any...? -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the - No/yes there……. adjective. Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any.. - Is there any...? Yes, Thre is some….. Activity 2:. 2. I’d like two oranges. 4. No, there isn’t any water. lesson .. -Teacher introduces B3 . Activity 1:. 1. Lan would like some bananas. -Ps : answer the teacher’s questions -Ps: ask and answer in pair -Ps listen and write some sentences on the board Ps: ask and answer about the pictures. -Asks pupils to ask and answer about their friends’ health.. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 1 page 89.( Label the following items.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare B 4,5.(the new words, structure ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> Week 21 Period 63 UNIT 10: STAYING HEALTHY Part B4, 5,  I. Objectives: They will know the names of some food and drink. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: menu, fish, chicken, bread, * Grammar: Review : What would you like? Is there any ………..? Are there any …………..? Yes. There is some/ There isn’t any ………. No. There are some …. There aren’t any ………….. What is there to drink? There is some ………… III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Make question sentences: 1. Lan would like some bananas. New words:. 2. I’d like two oranges. chicken (n). 3. Yes. There are some apples 4. No, there isn’t any water - Ps “I see a menu.” Presentation B4:. B4. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. CONTENT. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in. fish (n) menu (n) bread (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> Activity 3:. Presentation B5: Pre- listening.. chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the food. Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any, B5 .Listen and match the names of the people with what they would like . -Have them write the text, the questions. While- listening.. and answers. -Let them listen to the cassette and write the number of the picture. -Retell the new structures to ask about colors.. Post-listening.. -Practice in pairs. - Write the text, the questions and answers in the notebook. -Listen to the cassette and write the number of the picture in the notebook. T asks some questions: o What would Ba like? o How does Thu feel? o How does Ba feel? o What would Thu like?. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 3 page 90.( What is true for you? Check.) + Do the exercise 4 page 90.( Write.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare C1,2.(the new words, structure ). Remember What would.  you like ?. I’d. . like. ………… . The names of some foods and drink.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> Week 22 Period 64 UNIT 10: STAYING HEALTHY Part C1, 2,  I. Objectives: They will know the names of some food and drink that they like best. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Carrot, favorite, potato, tomato, iced tea, bean, lettuce, iced coffee, onion, pea, lemonade, apple juice, cabbage * Grammar: I like …………….. I don’t like……….. He likes ………. He doesn’t like Do you like ………….? No/ Yes ……………….. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD * Choose the best answer. 1.. I ……. to school everyday. A. goes B go C. going 2. He……… his teeth every morning A. brush B. brushes C. brushs 3. My father … an oval face. A. has B. have C haves 4. …do you feel today? I’m fine , thank you. A. How B What C. How old 5……would you like? I ‘d like orange juice. A. Where B. Who. Presentation C1:. C. What. C1. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings. CONTENT New words: carrot (n) tomato (n) lettuce (n) potato (n) bean (n) pea (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> Activity 3:. Activity 4:. of the food. Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any,. * Remember - I like…. I don’t like…… - He likes. He doesn’t like.. T “Today we know what Ba’s and Nam’s. - Do you like …………?. favorite food is.”. - No/ Yes ………………. C2. Listen and repeat: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 5:. Activity 6:. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the food. Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair -T corrects their mistake if any T asks some questions : - What would Nhan like? - What would Mai like? - Do you like carrots?. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 2 page 91.(Answer. Write the answer.) + Do the exercise 3 page 91.( Make questions.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare C4,5.(the new words, structure ). Week 22 Period 65. UNIT 10: STAYING HEALTHY.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> Part C3,4,  I. Objectives: They will know the names of some food and drink that they like best. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: iced coffee, onion, pea, lemonade, apple juice, * Grammar: I like …………….. I don’t like……….. He likes ………. He doesn’t like Do you like ………….? No/ Yes ……………….. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD * Choose the best answer. 1.. I ……. to school everyday. A. goes B go C. going 2. He……… his teeth every morning A. brush B. brushes C. brushs 3. My father … an oval face. A. has B. have C haves 4. …do you feel today? I’m fine , thank you. A. How B What C. How old 5……would you like? I ‘d like orange juice. A. Where B. Who. Presentation C1:. C. What. C4. Listen and repeat: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. CONTENT New words: -lemonade (n) -iced tea ( n) -iced coffee (n) -soda (n) Make question sentences:: 1.Lan / fish ? 2.Her father/ not/ like/ chickens. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask 3.I/ not like/ some onions them some questions to find new words. 4.You / like/ milk? -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Notice the meanings of the food. Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> T “which foods do you like best?” -T “We call favorite food.”. Activity 4:. Teaching C4.. * Remember. -T “Today we know what Ba’s and Nam’s. - I like…. I don’t like……. favorite food is.”. - He likes. He doesn’t like.. -T corrects their mistake if any. - Do you like …………?. C4 .Practice in pair. - No/ Yes ………………. -Ps:Basing on some pictures they will use the structures in C4 to practice in pair ( 4 Controlled practice. pairs) -Do you like ………..? -Yes/ No…………... Free practice:. -Ps will tell what they like and what they don’t like -I like …… I don’t like …. Further practice:. -Then they will tell their friend’s favorite food. -He likes ………… -He doesn’t like ……………. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 4 page 92.( Fill in the blank with a suitable word from the box.) + Do the exercise 5 page 92.( Write the questions and answers the dialogue exercise 4.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 11 ( A1) .(the new words, structure ). Week 22 Period 66 UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> Part A1  I. Objectives: They will know some polite request in a store. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Can I help you? cooking oil (n) a bottle of cooking oil ,a packet of tea, chocolate (n) a box of chocolate , a kilo of rice….. * Grammar: Can I help you? I’d like ……………. a …………………….of ……………………. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD * Choose the best answer. 1……you like carrots? A. Do B do C. Does 2. He……… his teeth every morning A. brush B. brushes C. brushs 3. My father … an oval face. A. has B. have C haves 4. …do you feel today? I’m fine , thank you. A. How B What C. How old 5……would you like? I‘d like orange juice. A. Where B. Who. Presentation A1:. C. What. A1. Listen and read:. CONTENT New words: Can I help you? cooking oil (n) a bottle of cooking oil a packet of tea chocolate (n) a box of chocolate a kilo of rice. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce half a kilo of beef beef (n). this lesson . Activity 1:. Activity 2:. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask 200 grams of beef them some questions to find new words. dozen(n) -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in a dozen of eggs chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the a can of peas teacher’s. explanation.. meanings of the food.. Notice. the a bar of soap toothpaste (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> -When you go to a store, how does the a tube of toothpaste Activity 3:. store keeper say to you? Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any,. * Remember. Can I help you? I’d like ………………. Activity 4:. -Practice base on the cues Storekeeper: Can I help you? Vui: Yes. …………………, please Storekeeper: Here you are. Vui: Thank you. - Ps make a dialogue in free ways. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 1 page 93.( What is true for you? Check?) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 11 ( A2,3) .(the new words, structure ). Week 23 Period 67 UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT? Part A2,3 .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> I. Objectives: They will know some polite request in a store. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: How much …? Is there anything else? Cookies, coca * Grammar: I need ………. / He needs …….. I want ………/He wants …………… How much ………………………….? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Complete the dialogue. Storekeeper: Can I …….. you?. New words:. Vui: Yes. …………………, please. cookies (n). Storekeeper: Here you ….... Is there anything else?. Vui: Thank …….. Presentation A2:. A2. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. -Notice the meanings of the food.. Activity 3:. -When you go to a store, how does the store keeper say to you?. Activity 4:. CONTENT. Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any,. How much Coca (n) ANSWER A2: 1. Ba is at the store. 2. He wants some beef. 3. He wants two hundred grams of beef. 4. He wants a dozon of eggs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> Presentation A3:. A3 .Listen.Match the names of the ANSWER A3:. Pre- listening.. people with the things they want . -Have them write the text, the questions. While- listening.. and answers.. Phuong ( d) - Ly wants a bar of soapand abox of chocolates.. -Let them listen to the cassette and write. Ly (e, a). the number of the picture.. - Mai wants a can of soda.. -Retell the new structures to ask about. Mai ( b) - Nam wants a packet of cookies.. colors. Post-listening.. - Phuong wants a tube of toothpaste.. -Practice in pairs to check the answers.. Nam ( c) Make question sentences. - Write the text, the questions and 1.I need some eggs answers in the notebook.. 2.He wants some beef. -Listen to the cassette and write the 3.Lan needs some bananas 4.I want some water number of the picture in the notebook. Remember. How much ………do you want? 200 grams of …………………... How much …….do you want? 200 grams of……. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 2 page 93.( Put these words in the right column.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 11 ( A4) .(the new words, structure ). Week 23 Period 68 UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT? Part A4,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span>  I. Objectives: They will know some polite request in a store. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Can you ……? How much …? How many …? * Grammar: How much ……………………………………..? How many …………………………………? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD Answer the questions A2 : 1. Where is Ba? 2. What does he want? 3. How much beef does he want? 4. How many eggs does he want?. Presentation A4:. A4. Read:. Pre- reading.. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce. CONTENT New words: - How much………? -How many ……….? Orange (n). this lesson . -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. While- reading.. -Notice the meanings of the food. -When you go to a store, how does the store keeper say to you? Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any,. * Remember * How much rice do you want?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> Post-reading.. T: ask pupils to answer some questions :. - Half a dozen, please.. a. What does his mother want?. * How many oranges do you. b. How many oranges does she need?. want?. c. How much rice does she need?. - Two kilos.. T: correct their mistakes if any.. How much ……do you want? How many oranges ……….. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 4 page 94.( Complete the dialogue.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 11 ( B1,2) .(the new words, structure ). Week 23 Period 69 UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT? Part B1,2 .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> I. Objectives: They will know some food at the canteen such as: the name, the price, menu ……. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: sandwich , a glass of * Grammar: How much is it? What would you like for …………………….? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD. CONTENT. Brainstorming: -Draw the cicle with an example. BEEF. -Divide the class into two groups. -Write the things of the food. or. drink. what they remember . Presentation B1:. B1. Do you remember these? Write the. The food or drink.. letter of each picture and the word in your exercise book. Activity 1:. -Have them write the tword, --Practice in pairs to check the answers.. Activity 2:. - Write the correct word after teacher correct or students in the notebook.. Presentation B2:. B2. Listen and read: -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .. Activity 1:. - milk. - meat. -orange juice. -Ask some pairs to ask and answers . -Ask sts to write the answers on the board.. Activity 3:. -fish. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in. New words: sandwich (n) a glass of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> Activity 2:. chorraly,individually -Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher’s explanation. -Notice the meanings of the food. -When you go to a store, how does the store keeper say to you?. Activity 3:. -Sts listen to the tape twice. -Let them practice in pair. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pair - Correct their mistakes if any, -Sts will use some polite request in order to. Activity 4:. sell some things. *Arrange the sentences a.glass/ like/ milk/of/you/would/a? b.want / beef/ a kilo/ I. c.I/ need/chickens/any/don’t D.Nam/ two/ of/ packets/ tea/ need.. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 1 page 95.( What can you buy at the canteen at your school? Check.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 11 ( B3,4,5.) .(the new words, structure ). Week 24 Period 70 UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> Part B3,4,5  I. Objectives: They will know some food at the canteen such as: the name, the price, menu ……. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: a fried rice, a bowl of, an ice - cream * Grammar: How much is it? It’s ………………… III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. METHOD. CONTENT. Brainstorming: -Draw the cicle with an example . -Divide the class into two groups.. BEEF. -Write the things of the food , drink what they remember . Presentation B3:. B3 . Ask and answer.. The food or drink.. -Teacher introduces the new lesson by asking sts what food they have for breakfast, lunch. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Dinner.. - milk. - meat. -orange juice. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them New words: some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads a fried rice -Sts practice reading the new words in a bowl of noodle chorraly,individually -Teacher makes questions with the structure in an ice – cream B3.-What would you like for…..? - I’d like …. Activity 3:. -fish. -Students practice in pairs or groups. -Ask and answer about what they eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner. thousand ANSWER B4 e. fish. b. noodles.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> Presentation B4:. B4 .Listen .. Pre- listening.. -Have them write the text of b1, the questions f. vegetable. j. milk. and answers.. l . water. While- listening.. i. orange juice c. beef. h. bananas. -Let them listen to the cassette and write the number of the picture. -Practice in pairs to. T asks pupils to answer some. check the answers. - Write the text, the questions and answers in. In a canteen what can you see?. the notebook. Post-listening.. Presentation B3:. questions b5. -Listen to the cassette and write the number of How much is a fried – rice? the picture in the notebook. How much is a sandwich?. B5. Listen and read:. How much is a cake?. -Teacher uses the picture to introduce this lesson .-Ask Sts to find out the new words.. Activity 1:. -Teacher reads. -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually . -Notice the meanings of the food.. Activity 2:. -When you go to a store, how does the store keeper say to you?-Sts listen to the tape twice.. Remember. - How much is it? - It is one thousand. One thousand & eight. -Let them practice in pair. Activity 3:. . -Make questions with the structure “How much. hundred.. is ……..? V. Homework: + Do the exercise 2page 95.( Look at the pictures. Then complete the dialogue.) + Do the exercise 4 page 46.( Match the column A and B.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 11 ( B3,4,5.) .(the new words, structure ). Week 24 Period 71  I. Objectives:. GRAMMAR PRACTICE.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> They will know and practice all the structures that they have been learnt in this lesson. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1……you like carrots? A. Do B do C. Does 2. He……… his teeth every morning A. brush B. brushes C. brushs 3. My father has ….. oval face. A. a B. an C some 4. …do you feel today? I’m fine , thank you. A. How B What C. How old 5……would you like? I‘d like orange juice.. CONTENT 1Present simple tense:. A. Where B. Who. 3. adjectives.. C. What. a. like; like; do/like; I don’t like b. does /like; likes; does/like; doesn’t like. 2. a ,an ,some, any a. any; any; some;an. b. any ;some. c. any; some; a. a. short. b. thin. c. light. Presentation. -Sts remind the simple present tense and do d. strong e. full g. thin h. long exercises.. Activity 1:. -T asks Sts to tell the difference between “a” and 4. Questions words. a. who; b What; c.How “an”, “some” and “any”.. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. -Sts fill in the blank.. d. What;. -T: ask pupils to answer some questions :. 5. contrast. Present simple. e. Where. a. In a canteen what can you see?. and progressive tenses.. b. How much is a fried – rice?. a. is eating. b. are drinking. c. How much is a sandwich?. c. is riding. d.is going. d. How much is a cake?. e. is getting. f. is traveling. Activity 4:. Activity 5:. f.cold. . Remember. -T hangs the menu picture on the board. -. How much is it?. -Ps: make questions with the structure “ How. -. It is one thousand. much is ……..? -Ps: ask and answer about the price of some food. One thousand and eight hundred..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> and some drinks. Activity 6:. -Ps: make a new conversation to ask something’s price in the classroom. Then they go to the blackboard and make a new menu. -. How much is it?. -. It is one thousand One thousand and eight hundred.. : V. Homework: + Do the test yourself 3 page 101.( Make the sentences.) + Do the test yourself 5 page 102.( Complete.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare. TEST AN HOUR. Week 24 Period 72 TEST ENGLISH : 3. TIME : 45’. I. Objectives: - T can check up and appreciate the knowledge, ability of the Sts, so t should help Sts know how to learn and get the knowledge well. They must find the best way to if they are also.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> weak. Examine what Sts have learnt to consolidate their knowledge & to know how well to study. - Training pupils four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. - Students can ask and answer about the wh- questions, talk about their schedule. II. Language contents: * Grammar: T introduce grammar practice: to be and ordaniry verb, a , an , some , any, question words, preposition, adv, adj. * Vocabulary:. -. From unit Nine to unit Eleven.. Week 25 Period 73 UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> A1, 2  I. Objectives: They will know some activities in the pastime and the teacher will remind them to do their exercises at home. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: play badminton, play soccer, skip, play volleyball, do aerobics, play tennis, jog, play table tennis. * Grammar: What is he/she doing? He/she’s……………… What are they doing? They’re ……………….. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Matching column A with column B: 1.A bottle of. A. rice. * New words:. 2.A packet of. B. cooking oil. play badminton. 3.A bowl of. C. noodles. play soccer. 4.A kilo of Presentation A1: Activity 1:. D. tea. skip (v). A1. Listen andread.. play volleyball. -Teacher introduces the new lesson by. do aerobics. asking the questons. Activity 2:. CONTENT. -Ask Sts to find out the new words or ask them some questions to find new words. -Teacher reads -Sts practice reading the new words in chorraly,individually -T “look at the pictures & what can you see. play tennis jog (v) play table tennis. in the pictures?” Activity 3:. -Ps: some activities. Activity 4:. -T “we will see which activities you play in the pastimes?”. . Remember.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> -Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. -T corrects their mistakes if any -T: explains the structure: He is playing… -Ps: listen and take notes Teaching A2. What is he/she doing? -. He/ She is…………... What are they doing? -. They are…………….. A2 Ask and answer. -T ask pupils to answer some questions :. Practice:.  What’s he doing?  What are they doing. Controlled.  What is she doing?. practice:.  What is Lan doing? - T hangs the menu picture on the board - Ps practice basing on the structure. Free Practice:. - Ps A: what is he doing? B: He is ………….. A: what are they doing? B: They are ……………… - Ps go to the blackboard and make some activities such as: play volleyball, play soccer, do exercises … - Ps two other pupils will ask and answer about his activities.. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 1 page 103.( Write sentences with the present progressve tense.) + Do the exercise 2 page 103.( Look at the pictures and write what they are doing.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare A 3,4,5.(the new words, structure ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span> Week 25 Period 74. UNIT 12: SPORTS AND. PASTIMES A 3, 4, 5  I. Objectives: They will know some activities in the pastime and the teacher will remind them to do their exercises at home. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: Sports, too, which * Grammar: Which sports do you play?. I play …. Which sports does he/she play? He/she plays … III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1……you like carrots? A. Do B do C. Does 2. He is……… his teeth now. A. brushing B. brushes C. brush 3. My father has ….. oval face. A. a B. an C some 4. …do you feel today? I’m fine , thank you. A. How B What C. How old 5 ……………..are you doing at the moment?. A. Where B. Who. C. What. Presentation A3:. A3 Listen and repeat. Which sports do. Activity 1:. you play? -Teacher introduces the new lesson by asking some questions.. Activity 2:. -T: “in many sports which one do you like. CONTENT NEW WORDS: sport (n) too (adv) which sports do you play? I play … Which sports does he/she play? He/she plays . Structure. - Which sports do you play?  I play …………… - Which sports does he/she play?  He/ She plays …….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span> best?” -Ps:. “soccer, volleyball, swimming, table. tennis” -T: “today let’s see which sports does Ba like?” Activity 3:. -Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. -Ps find out new words. -Ps repeat new words after the teacher in chorally and individually.. Activity 4:. -T asks them to read each sentence -Ps read -Ps read the text . -T corrects their mistakes if any A4. Read .Then answer the questions.. Teaching A4:. -T explains the structures with “ which”. Practice:. Sts practice asking and answering in pairs or groups.. Controlled practice:. -T asks pairs to ask and answer.  Does Lan play tennis?  Which sports does Nam play?. Free Practice:.  Does Nam play table tennis? A5 Write. Teaching A5:. -T hangs the menu picture on the board. Pre- writing.. -Ps practice basing on the structure -Ps do exercises in A5 on the board -Ps go to the blackboard and make some. While-writing.. activities such as: play volleyball, play soccer, do exercises … -Ps two other pupils will ask and answer. Post-writing.. about his activities.. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 3 page 104.(Answer the questions about you.) +Do the exercise 4 page 104.(Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 12 ( B1, 2).(the new words, structure ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span> Week 25 Period 75. UNIT 12: SPORTS AND. PASTIMES B 1, 2  I. Objectives: They will know some activities in the pastime and the teacher will remind them to do their exercises at home. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: go to the movies, go fishing, play video games. * Grammar: What do you do in your free time? I ……………………………… III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Make wh- question with which?. CONTENT NEW WORDS:. 1.He plays soccer. go to the movies. 2.Nam plays table tennis. go fishing. 3.They do aerobics.. play video games. 4.I go jogging.. What do you do in your free. Presentation B1:. B1 Listen and repeat.. time?. Activity 1:. -Teacher introduces the new lesson by asking I play tennis.,…… some questions. -T:“in many sports which one do you like. Activity 2:. . STRUCTURE. best?”. -What do you do in your free. -Ps:soccer, volleyball, swimming, table tennis. time?. -T:“today let’s see which sports does Phuong. -I ………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span> play in his free time?” -Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. -Ps find out new words. Activity 3:. -Ps repeat new words after the teacher in chorally and individually.. -T asks them to read each sentence in B1. Activity 4:. -Ps read -T corrects their mistakes if any -T explains the structures with “ which” -T asks pupils to read each sentence in B 1 again. Teaching B2.. B2.Practice with a partner . Ask and answer. Practice:. the questions. -T hangs the menu picture on the board -Ps practice basing on the structure -Ps do exercises in B2 on the board. Controlled. -Ps go to the blackboard and make the. practice:. questions and the answers  A: What do you do in your free time?  B: I …………………………… -Ps:two other pupils will ask and answer about his. Free Practice:. activities. - What do you do in your free time? -I ………………………….... V. Homework: + Do the exercise 1 page 104, 105.(What is true for you? Check.) + Do the exercise 2 page 105.( Write what do you do with your friend(s) in your free time.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 12 ( B3,4,5).(the new words, structure ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span> Week 26 Period 76 UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES B 3, 4, 5,  I. Objectives: They will know some activities in the pastime and the teacher will remind them to do their exercises at home. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: What does he do in his free time? What do they do in their free time? What does she do in her free time? How often………………………….? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. Presentation B3: Activity 1:. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1……you like carrots? A. Do B do C. Does 2. He is……… his teeth now. A. brushing B. brushes C. brush 3. My father doesn’t have ……books. A. any B. an C some 4 …do you do in your free time?. A. Where B. Who. C. What. B3 Listen and repeat. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. CONTENT * New words: -Once a week -twice a week -Once or twice a week -three times a week.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span> -T “Today let’s see what someone does in Activity 2:. his free time?” -Ps listen to the cassette & repeat.. Activity 3:. -Ps find out new words. -Practice reading new words in chorally. Activity 4:. and individually. -T asks them to read each sentence in B1.. ANSWER B4:. Teaching B4:. -T corrects their mistakes if any.. Tan .f. Pre-listening.. B4 LISTEN:. Minh and Nam .e. lien .a. -T introduces B4 and asks pupils to answer Lan and Mai. While-listening.. b. some teacher’s questions.. -Tan reads.. -What do they do in her free time?. - Lien watches TV.. -Sts practice asking and answering in pairs -Minh and Nam play video games. to base on the structure. Post-listening. -Lan and Mailisten to music.. -Listen to the tape twice and match the names with the right picture. Work in pairs to check up the answers. -Listen again and check up the answers.. Remember:. -Ask sts to give the answers. Teaching B5:. - Teacher corrects and sts copy .. - What does he do in his free. B5 Listen and repeat. How often..? Activity 1:. -Ps read the dialogue in B5 in pairs.. time? - What do they do in their free. -T corrects their mistakes if any. -T asks pupils to answer some teacher’s. time? - What does she do in her free. questions. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. Sts practice asking and answering in pairs.. time? - How often...........?. What does Mai do in her free time?. -Once a week. How often does she listen to music?. -twice a week. Ps practice with “How often”. -Once or twice a week. Ps do exercises in B2 on the board. -three( two, four ) times a week. - Ps ask and answer about their activities: A: How often do you …………..?. -. B: I …………………… a week. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 3 page 105.(Write these questions with Yes, Ido or No, I don’t.) + Do the exercise 4 page 105.( Answer the questions about you.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span> + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 12 ( B3,4,5).(the new words, structure ). Week 26 Period 77 UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES C1, 2,3  I. Objectives: They will know some activities in the pastime and how often do they do in a week? II. Language content: * Vocabulary: - go to the zoo, have a picnic, fly their kites, go camping, have a tent - always, sometimes, usually, often, never * Grammar: How often …………………………………? They sometimes …………………………. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD ASK AND ASWER:. CONTENT NEW WORDS:. 1.What do you do in your free time?. Always (adv). 2.What do they do in their free time?. I always go to the zoo on Sunday.. 3.What does she do in her free time?. sometimes(adv). 4.What does she do in her free time?. usually(adv). 5.What does Huy do in his free time?. often (adv). Presentation C1:. C1 Listen and repeat.. never (adv). Activity 1:. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. go to the zoo. -T “Today let’s see what someone does in have a picnic Activity 2:. his free time?”. fly their kites. -Ps listen to the cassette and repeat.. go camping,. -Ps find out new words.. have a tent.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span> -Practice reading new words in chorally Activity 3:. and individually. -T asks them to read each sentence in C1.. Activity 4:. -T corrects their mistakes if any. -T explains the structures with “which”. Remember:. Teaching C2:. C2 Listen and repeat.. Some adverbs of frequancy.. Activity 1:. -Teacher introduces the new lesson .. Always. -Ps find out new words.. sometimes. -Practice reading new words in chorally. usually. and individually.. often. Ps listen to the cassette and repeat.. never. - T corrects their mistakes if any. How often ………………….?. -Ps read the dialogue in pairs.. I always go to the zoo.. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. -T corrects their mistakes if any. Teaching C3: Activity 1:. C3 ASK AND ANSWER. -Teacher introduces the new lesson . -T asks pupils to answer some teacher’s questions.. Activity 2:. -How often do Ba and Lan go to the zoo? -How often do Ba and Lan have a picnic? -Work in pairs to ask and answer the. Activity 3:. questions. Request some pairs to write the correct answers.. Activity 4:. Put the adverbs in the right place. -I play soccer on Sunday morning. (always) -Is he late? ( never) -He doesn’t go to the zoo on Monday (often). V. Homework: + Do the exercise 1 page 106.(How often do you do these things? Check.) + Do the exercise 2 page 106.( Read .Then answer the questions .) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 12 ( C,4,5,6).(the new words, structure ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span> Week 26 Period 78 UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES C4, 5, 6  I. Objectives: They will know some activities in the pastime and the teacher will remind them to do their exercises at home. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: - Adverbs: usually, often, always, sometimes ……… - How often ………………………………….? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1…… do you go to the zoo? A. How B How old C. How often 2. He …….brushes his teeth . A. often B. now C. every day 3. My father doesn’t have ……books. A. any B. an C some 4 …do you do in your free time?. A. Where B. Who. Presentation C4: Activity 1: Activity 2:. C. What. C4.Wrire sentences about you in your ecercise book. -Teacher introduces the new lesson . -T asks pupils to read the adverbs in individually. Sts ask and answer questions in pairs.. Activity 3:. - Practice asking and answering the questions. CONTENT . Remember:. - What does he do in his free time? - What do they do in their free time? - What does she do in her free time? - How often…….?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span> in pairs.. Activity 4:. - Ps write the answers on the board. - T corrects their mistakes if any. Teaching C5:. C5.Listen:. Pre-listening.. -T introduces C5 and asks pupils to answer some teacher’s questions. -How oftendo they do in their free time?. While-listening.. -Sts practice asking and answering in pairs to base on the structure. -Listen to the tape twice and match the names. Post-listening. with the right picture. Work in pairs to check up the answers. -Listen again and check up the answers. -Ask sts to give the answers. - Teacher corrects and sts copy .. Teaching C6:. C6 .Read . Then answer the questions.. Pre-reading.. -T introduces C6 and asks pupils to give the new words. Practice reading new words in chorally and individually. Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. -T corrects when they read the dialogue.. While-reading.. -Ask some sts to read thd dialogue -Work in pairs to ask and. answer the. questions. Post-reading. -Write the answers on the board and check up the answers. -Ask sts to give the correct answers. -Teacher corrects. the mistakes and student. copy. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 3 page 107.(Answer the questions about you .) + Do the exercise 4 page 107.( Make questions to fit theanswers, using the informations.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 13 ( A,1,2).(the new words, structure ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span> Week 27. Period 79. UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND SEASONS A1  I. Objectives: They will know four seasons in a year and the way to ask and answer about the weather. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: hot, summer, cold, winter, warm, spring, cool, fall * Grammar: III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STEPS Warm up:. Presentation A1:. Activity 1:. METHOD ASK AND ASWER: 1.What do you do in your free time?. * New words:. 2.How often do you go to the zoo?. hot (adj). 3.What does she do in her free time?. Summer (n) in the summer. 4.How oftendoes she watch TV?. cold (adj). 5.What does Huy do in his free time?. winter (n) in the winter. A1 Listen and repeat.. warm (adj). -Teacher introduces the new lesson. spring (n) in the spring. T: “How many seasons are there in a year?”. cool (adj). -Ps: There are four. fall = autumn (n) in the fall, in. -T:“Today we will know the weather in the autumn England. And the weather in each season” T Explains the way to ask about the weather in each season.. Activity 2:. CONTENT. -Tasks them to ask and answer about the weather in each picture..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span> -Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. Activity 3:. -Ps find out new words. -Practice reading new words in chorally and individually. -T asks them to read each sentence in A1.. Activity 4:. -T corrects their mistakes if any. -T explains the structures with “IT is…..”. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 1 page 108.( Matching the adjectives with the seasons.Then make up sentences about the weather. Example: IT’s cool in the fall) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 13 ( A3,4).(the new words, structure ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span> Week 27. Period 80. UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND SEASONS A2,3  I. Objectives: They will know four seasons in a year and the way to ask and answer about the weather. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: hot, summer, cold, winter, warm, spring, cool, fall * Grammar: What’s the weather like in the ………………………..? It is ………………………… III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STEPS Warm up:. METHOD ASK AND ASWER:. CONTENT. 1.What do you do in your free time? 2.How often do you go to the zoo? 3.What does she do in her free time? * New words: - hot weather 5.What does Huy do in his free time? - warm weather A2.Practice with a partner. Ask and - cool weather - cold weather answer questions about the weather. 4.How oftendoes she watch TV?. Presentation A2:. Activity 1:. -Tasks them to ask and answer about the weather in each picture.. Activity 2:. - Look at the picture on the book to ask and answer.. Activity 3:. - Ps: practice basing on the structure.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span> - Ps write the answers in A2 on the board Activity 4:. Ps: go to the blackboard and make the Remember: questions and the answers.. Presentation A3:. Activity 1:. A3. Listen. and. -What’s the weather like in the. repeat.Then. ask. and. answer the questins.. -It is …………………….. -Teacher introduces the new lesson.. What weather do you like? I like ……………….. T: “How many seasons are there in a year?” -Ps: There are four Activity 2:. -T:“Today we will know the weather in each season well”. Activity 3:. …?. T: what weather do you like best? -Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. -Ps find out new words. -Practice reading new words in chorally and individually. -T asks them to read each sentence in A1. -T corrects their mistakes if any. -T explains the structures with “IT is…..”. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 2 page 108.(Read . Then write.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 13 ( A3,4).(the new words, structure ). Week 27. Period 81.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span> UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND SEASONS A4  I. Objectives: They will know four seasons in a year and the way to ask and answer about the weather. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: - hot weather, cold weather, warm weather, cool weather * Grammar: What weather do you like?I like ………………………………. When It’s ………………… what do you do? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1…… do you go to the zoo? A. How B How old C. How often 2. He …….brushes his teeth . A. often B. now C. every day 3. IT is hot ……the summer. A. in B. on C at 4 …do you do in your free time?. A. Where B. Who. CONTENT * New words: - hot weather - warm weather - cool weather - cold weather. C. What. Teaching A4:. A4. Read.. Pre-reading.. -T introduces A4 and asks pupils to give the new words. Practice reading new words in chorally and individually. Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. -T corrects when they read the dialogue.. While-reading.. -Ask some sts to read thd dialogue. ANSWER:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span> -Work in pairs to answer the sentences. -T asks pupils to read A4 -Sts read each sentence in pair -Write the answers on the board and check. What does Ba do when It’s hot? When It’s hot ,he goes swimming What do you do when It’s hot? When It’s hot, I ………... up the answers. -Teacher corrects the mistakes and student Remember: Post-reading. copy. *T asks them to ask and answer about the weather in the book ( A4) Sts do the exercises in pairs. What does Ba do when It’s ………? When It’s ………….he ……………. What do you do when It’s ……………..? When It’s …………………, I ………... V. Homework: + Do the exercise 4 page 110.(Answer.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 13 ( B1).(the new words, structure ). Week 28 Period 82. When It’s … what do you do? When It’s … I …………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span> UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND SEASONS B1  I. Objectives: They will know some activities in seasons. II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. - go sailing - play basketball. * Grammar: I sometimes ……………. We often ………………….. She usually ………………………….. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1…… do you go to the zoo? A. How B How old C. How often 2. He …….brushes his teeth . A. often B. now C. every day 3. IT is hot ……the summer. A. in B. on C at 4 …do you do in your free time?. A. Where B. Who. CONTENT * New words: - go sailing - play basketball. C. What. B1 Listen and repeat. Presentation B1:. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. T: “How many seasons are there in a year?” -Ps: There are four. Activity 1:. -T:” What do you oten do in the summer?” T: what weather do you like best? -Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. -Ps find out new words.. Activity 2:. -Practice reading new words in chorally. Remember.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span> and individually. -T asks them to read each sentence in A1. -T corrects their mistakes if any.. I sometimes …………… He never………………… Lan always ……………. -T explains the structures with “IT is…..” Activity 3:. T: Today we will know some activities in a seasons. Ex : in the winter we never go swimming Give the correct verbs. 1.she often (go) …………….to the zoo. 2. IT (be)…………..cool in the autumn.. Activity 4:. 3. You (be) …………a good student. 4. I( live)……….in My Xuan commune. 5. They (learn)…………..English at present.. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 1 page 110.(Complete the sentences.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 13 ( B2).(the new words, structure ). Period 83. UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND SEASONS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span> B2,  I. Objectives: They will know some activities in seasons and ask & answer about their friends’ activities in each seasons II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: What do you do in the ……………….? I always ……………………………………….. I never …………………………………………… III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1…… do you go to the zoo? A. How B How old C. How often 2. He …….brushes his teeth . A. often B. now C. every day 3. IT is hot ……the summer. A. in B. on C at 4 …do you do in your free time?. A. Where B. Who. Presentation B2:. C. What. B2.Write lists of things you do in different seasons. -T introduces the new lesson. T:Today we will know some activities in a. Activity 1:. seasons. Ex : in the winter we never go swimming. CONTENT ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS B2 – A: What do you do in the winter? B: I always play badminton -What do you do in theSpring? I never go jogging -Do the exercises in B2. Begin with:In the spring, I ……… In the summer, I always … In the fall, sometimes …… In the winter, I often ………... -T sks pupils to give the new words. Practice reading new words in chorally and individually. Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. -T corrects when they read the dialogue. Activity 2:. -Ask some sts to read thd dialogue. Remember In the winter, I …………… What do you do in the winter?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span> -Work in pairs to answer the sentences. -T asks pupils to read A4 -Sts read each sentence in pair -Write the answers on the board and check up Activity 3:. the answers. T:Today we will know some activities in a seasons. In the winter we never go swimming -Teacher explains the way to write about the activities that they like in seasons and asks sts to practice in pairs to make the dialogue.. Activity 4:. A.What do you do in the winter? B. I often watch television in the winter. -Ask some pairs to practice before the class. -T asks them to do the exercises in B2. Begin with:In the spring, I ………………….. Ps: do the exercises in pairs or groups. Ask some pairs to write the answers on the board. - Teacher correctsand sts copy.. Activity 5:. Asking them to make a new conversation basing on the cues:. Activity 6:. A: What do you do in the …………….? B: I always ……………………? And you? A: I ………………………………….. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 3 page 113.( Make lists of things you do in different seasons.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 14 ( A1,2,3).(the new words, structure ). Period 84. UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS A1, 2, 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span>  I. Objectives: They will know how to make a plan for some vacations such as: summer vacation, weekend, Sunday. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: vacation, visit, aunt, uncle, How long, citadel, be going to * Grammar: be going to: I am going to ……………. He is going to …………….. They are going to ………………. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1…… do you go to the zoo? A. How B How old C. How often 2. He …….brushes his teeth . A. often B. now C. every day 3. IT is hot ……the summer. A. in B. on C at 4 …do you do in your free time?. A. Where B. Who. Presentation B2:. C. What. A1. Listen and repeat.Then practice the dialogue. If next week is a holiday, What are we going. Activity 1:. to do? Ps: go somewhere. T: If we want to go, we have to make a plan. ( this action hasn’t been happened yet) Ps find out new words.. Activity 2:. Sts practice reading the new words in chorally, individually. -Sts listen to the cassette and repeat. -T asks them to read the dialogue in A1 Ps read in pairs. Activity 3:. CONTENT New words: vacation(n) summer vacation (n) visit (v) aunt (n) uncle (n) How long…………..? citadel (n) Ha long bay (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span> Teacher corrects their mistakes if any. Answer A2:. A2. Answer.Then write the answers in 1.Lan is going to visit Hue. your exercise book.. 2. She is going ti stay with her aunt. Teacher explains the way to write the plans and uncle. Activity 4:. with be going to. -Ask them to complete. 3.She is going to stay for a week. the exercises in 4.She is going to visit the citadel.. pairs. -Ask some pairs to practice asking and answering before the class, write the correct Activity 5:. answers on the board.. Teaching A3:. A3.Write:. Pre-writing.. T: ask pupils to write the exercises in A3 on the board using “ be going to” EX: What are you going to do this summer Remember:. While-writing.. vacation? I’m going to visit HaLong Bay Ps: do the exrcises on the board then to read in pair.. What are you going to do ? I’m going to ……………… Where are you going to stay? I’m going to tay. -Ask them to make a new conversation Post-writing.. basing on the cues: A: What are you going to to on Sunday? B: I’m going to ……………..on Sunday. V. Homework: + Do the exercise 1 page 114.( Complete the dialogue.) + Do the exercise 2 page 114.( Match the answer to the questions.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 14 ( A1,2,3).(the new words, structure ). Period 85. UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span> A4, 5  I. Objectives: They will know how to make a plan for some vacations such as: summer vacation, weekend, Sunday II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. - grandmother, grandfather, grandparents.. * Grammar: Which place are…………………..going to visit? Where are they going to stay? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. Presentation A4:. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. METHOD Ask and answer: 1, What is Lan going to do? 2. Where is she going to stay? 3. How long is she going to stay? 4. What is she going to do? A4.Listen and read. -T introduces the new lesson. Phuong and Mai are going on vacation this summer, they are going to visit many places such as: HaLong Bay, NgocSon temple, Hue, NhaTrang and HCM city. T gives an example and asks students to guess what meaning of the underlined words. Ex: I am going to visit many places on my summer vacation. First, I am going to SamSon. Then I am going to visit Hue and finally I am going to visit DaLat. T:I have four places. Which one do you choose? T: this is one of the most beautiful places in our country Ps find out new words. Sts practice reading the new words in chorally, individually. Ps listen to the cassette and repeat.. Activity 4:. -Ask them to read the dialogue . T: correct their mistakes if any. CONTENT. New words: - first đầu tiên - then: kế đó - next - after that - finally: cuối cùng - Ngoc Son temple (n) Making plans: Places. Where to stay. How long. Activities. HaLong. Uncle’s house. 2 days. Visit the bay. HaNoi. Hotel. 3 days. See NgocSon temple. Hue. Friend’s house. 2 days. See the citadel. Nha Trang. Friend’s house. 3 days. Visit friends. HCM. Grand’s house. 1 week. Visit grands.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span> Activity 5:. Teaching A5: Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Activity 3:. T: Explain the way to write the plans with be going to. T: ask them to compare the differences Grammar: between 5 places about the name, the Thì tương lai gần time…….. S + be going to + infinitive Ps: five pupils go to the board and Ex: I am going to visit HaLong Bay. compare. A5.Practice: -Teacher introduces A5. Remember -Ask them to do the exercises. 1. Which place are Phuong and Mai Which place are you going to ….? I’m going to ……………… going to visit first? Where are you going to stay? 2. Where are they going to stay? I’m going to stay ………….. -Ask sts to work in pairs to answer the question . -Ask some pair to ask and answer, write the correct answers on the board. T: ask them to make a new conversation basing on the cues: A: What are you going to to on Sunday? B: I’m going to ……………..on Sunday A: Where are you going to stay? B: I’m going to ………………….. V. Homework: +Do the exercise 3 page 114-115.(Write your own plan for this summer vacation, Answer the questions.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 14 ( B1,2,3).(the new words, structure ). Period 86. UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS B1, 2, 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span>  I. Objectives: They will know how to make a plan for weekends such as Sunday, Saturday ….. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: tonight, tomorrow , see a movie, match, help my mom - go walking, weekend ,movie theater, I don’t know * Grammar: What are you going to do on the weekend? I’m going to ………… I don’t know. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. Presentation B1:. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. METHOD CONTENT Make sentence from the words given: 1.What / you / going / do / your / vacation 2.Hoa / going / visit / HCM / father 3.How / Mr.John / going / stay / VN New words 4.I / going / watch / football / television - tonight 5.How / they / going / travel / Huong pagoda - tomorrow B1.Listen and repeat.Then practice with -see a movie a partner. -match T: In Viet Nam, How many weekends? -help my mom Ps: only Sunday.( Sater day,Sun day.) -go walking T: In England there are two :(Sunday and -weekend Saturday) -movie theater T: this is one of the beautiful days? - I don’t know Sts practice reading the new words in chorally, individually.. Activity 3:. Ps listen to the cassette and repeat. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pairs.. Teaching B2:. - Teacher corrects their mistakes if any B2. Prepare two dialogue with a partner.. Activity 1:. Teacher explains the way to write the plans with be going to -Sts read the given words in pairs and prepare two dialogue.. Activity 2:. Ask some pairs to read the dialogue... Remember What are you going to do on the weekend? I’m going to ……………. I don’t know ………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span> -Ask them to go to the blackboard and do the exercises in B2 Activity 3:. Ex: I’m going to see a movie tonight. Tomorrow, I’m going to go walking. B3.Listen and read.Then practice with a. Teaching A5: Activity 1:. partner. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. -Ask sts to give the new words. -Sts practice reading the new words in chorally, individually.. Activity 2:. -Sts listen to the cassette and repeat. -Ask them to read the dialogue in pairs. - Teacher corrects their mistakes if any T: ask them to make a new conversation basing on the cues:. Activity 3:. A: What are you going to on Sunday? B: I’m going to ……………..on Sunday A: what are you going to do on Saturday? B: I’m going to …………….on Saturday?. V. Homework: +Do the exercise 1 page 115.(Complete the dialogue.) +Do the exercise 2 page 115-116.(Write sentences about Hoa’s tomorrow plan. Use be going to.) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 14 ( B4,5,6).(the new words, structure ). Period 87. UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS B4, 5, 6 .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span> I. Objectives: They will know how to make a plan for weekends such as Sunday, Saturday … II. Language content: * Vocabulary:. bring his camera, take some photos. * Grammar: What are you going to do on the weekend? I’m going to …………I don’t know. III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. Presentation B4:. METHOD Choose the best answer. 1…… do you go to the zoo? A. How B How old C. How often 2. He …….brushes his teeth . A. often B. now C. every day 3. IT is hot ……the summer. A. in B. on C at 4 …do you do in your free time?. A. Where B. Who. C. What. B4.Answer.Then write the answers on your exercise book.. Activity 1:. Activity 3: Teaching B5: Activity 1:. -Teacher reads the questions and asks sts. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. -Ask sts to give the new words. chorally, individually. -Sts listen to the cassette. Activity 3:. -bring his camera -take some photos ANSWER B6. -Vui; c,e Ly; b Lan;a Nga;d. Tape transcips: Vui and her friends are going to -Ask some pairs to practice asking and camp for three days in Sapa. Vui is going to bring a tent and answering , writing the answers on the some food. Ly is going to bring board. her camera to take some Ps: On Saturday morning, I’m going to …. photos. Nga and Mai are going On Saturday afternoon, I’m going to …… to bring some. B5. Listen and read.. -Sts practice reading the new words in Activity 2:. New words:. Mai; d. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. to answer the questions in pairs.. Activity 2:. CONTENT. -Ask them to read the dialogue pairs.. B5 in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span> -Teacher corrects their mistakes if any Teaching B6:. B6.Listen:. Pre-listening.. -T introduces B6 and asks pupils to answer some teacher’s questions.. Remember:. -What are they going to do tomorrow? -Sts practice asking and answering in pairs While-listening.. to base on the structure. -Listen to the tape twice and match the. What are you going to do on the weekend? I’m going to ……………. I don’t know ………………. names with the right picture. -Work in pairs to check up the answers. -Listen again and check up the answers. -Ask sts to give the answers. - Teacher corrects and sts copy . Post-listening. -Ask them to make a new conversation basing on the cues: A; What are you going to do tonight? B: I’m going to ………………….. A: What are you going to do tomorrow? B: I’m going to ……………………. A: What are you going to to on Sunday? B: I’m going to ……………..on Sunday A: what are you going to do on Saturday? B: I’m going to …………….on Saturday?. V. Homework: +Do the exercise 3 page 116.(Write what are you going to do at the weekend?) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 14 ( B4,5,6).(the new words, structure ). Period 88. UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span>  I. Objectives: They will know how to make a plan for weekends such as Sunday, Saturday ….. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: suggestions, Let’s ,tent ,pagoda ,That’s a good idea - far , minibus * Grammar: Let’s ………………… What’s about ………………?= How about….? Why don’t ……………………? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Making the conversation basing on the. CONTENT. cues:. Presentation C1:. A; What are you going to do tonight?. New words:. B: I’m going to …………………... - suggestion. A: What are you going to do tomorrow?. - Let’s. B: I’m going to …………………….. - tent. A: What are you going to to on Sunday?. - Why don’t. B: I’m going to ……………..on Sunday. - pagoda. A: what are you going to do on Saturday?. - That’s a good idea. B: I’m going to …………….on Saturday?. - minibus. C1. Listen and read.. - far. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. -Ask sts to give the new words. Activity 1:. -Sts practice reading the new words in chorally, individually. -Sts listen to the cassette. Activity 2:. -Ask them to read the dialogue C1 in pairs. -Teacher corrects their mistakes if any. Activity 3:. -Ask them to go to read and translate the a.Nam wants to …….. dialogue into Vietnames. Teaching C2:. ANSWER C2: b.She wants to …………….. C2.Answer.Then write the answers on c.She wants to ……………. your exercise book.. d.Because It’s ……………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span> -Teacher introduces the new lesson. Activity 1:. e.He wants to travel ………. -Teacher reads the questions and asks f.Because she wants …… sts to answer the questions in pairs.. g.Ba wants to travel ………. -Ask some pairs to practice asking and ANSWER C3: Activity 2:. Activity 3:. answering , writing the answers on the a.-Let’s go to the beach. board.. - How about going to the beach.. -What does Lan want to do?. -Why don’t we go to the beach.. - She wants to go camping. C3. Look at the picture. Work with a. Teaching C3:. partner and make suggestions about Remember them.. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Teacher introduces the structure;Let’s … What about ……..? Why don’t ………..? -Teacher explains how to use them ask sts to practice making the suggestions in pairs. Sts make suggestions in three ways. Let’s …………………. What about ……………..? Why don’t ………………..?. ( Using let’s.., What about..? Why don’t ……..? Activity 3:. -Ask sts to write the answers on the board. -Teacher corrects their mistakes if any.. V. Homework: +Do the exercise 1 page 116.(Match the suggestions to the right situations.) +Do the exercise 2 page 117.( Complete the dialogue.Use Let’s..What about..? Why don’t we…..?) +Do the exercise 3 page 117.( Make suggestions. Use Let’s..What about..? Why don’t we/you...?) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 14 ( B4,5,6).(the new words, structure ). Week. Period 89. GRAMMAR PRACTICE . I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span> They will know and practice all the structures that they have been learnt in this lesson. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: * Grammar: III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm –up:. Presentatio n:. METHOD Choose the best answer: 1. It is hot ….the summer. A. in B. on C .at 2. . name is Nam. I…a student in class 6A . A. Her –is B.My – am C. His – is. 3. My mother does is ….T.V now. A. watch B. watchs C . watching 4. …do you play? I play tennis. A. What B. Why C. Who 5. …..do you play sports? Once a day. A.How often B.How long C.How much NEW LESSON: -T asks Sts to remind the simple present tense and present progressive. -Sts do part 1 in pairs or group. -The whole class remark and correct. -T helps Sts review questions words & their. Activity 1:. uses. -T asks Sts to read the answer before class. - T corrects the mistakes. CONTENT 1.Simple present tense : S + Vs/ es) Do/ Does + S + V? S + do/ does + not + V. Answer a. Do/ like; do/ play;Do/don’t. Answer b. Does/ does/like; does /plays; does /doean’t; Do/do;do/; don’t. 2. Adverbs of frequency. -Once/twice + a + week/month -three/four/five times a week/year -always, often, usually, sometimes, never.. 3.Present Progressive tense a.am watching/ playing/ is winning b.is cooking/ aren’t/ is c.am doing/ am reading. -Sts look at the exercises, ask & answer in 4.Future : “ be going to”. -What are they going to do? a.They are going to play soccer -Sts copy the correct answer. b.They are going to go camping c.They are going to watch TV -Sts use the given words to fill in the blanks. d.They are going to play tennis -T asks Sts to remind the Adverbs of eThey are going to go swimming f.They are going to cook a meal frequency.. Activity 2:. pairs.. Activity 3:. -The whole class remark and correct.. 5.what’s the weather like in..?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span> -T helps Sts review the adverbs of frequency Answer the questions and their uses. -In part 2 Sts answer and free practice. Activity 4:. -T asks Sts to remind question words.. 6.Future plans. -The whole class remark and correct. -T helps Sts review questions words & their Activity 5:. a.It’s warm in the spring b.It’s cool in the fall c.It’s hot in the summer d.It’s cold in the winter I’m going to + V ( bare inf). uses. -Sts do part 3 in pairs or group.. -Sts look at the picture, fill in blanks.Sts use the words to fill in the blanks. Sts copy the correct answer.. Activity 6:. -T asks Sts to remind question words. -The whole class remark and correct. -Sts do part 4 in pairs or group.. -Sts look at the exercises, fill in blanks. -Sts use the question words to fill in the blanks.. Activity 7:. -Sts do part 5, 6, in pairs or group. -T asks Sts to remind question words. -The. whole. class. remark. and. correct. mistakes. -Sts copy the correct answer. V. Homework: -. Learn the lesson.. -. Do exercises, review for the first semester test.. Period 89. UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS. 1. Present simple tense.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span> a. a. b. c.. Em hãy sắp xếp các từ xáo trộn thành câu hoàn chỉnh do/ like/ do/ play/ do/ don’t does/ does/ likes/ does/ plays/ does/ doesn’t do/do/do/don’t. 2. Adverbs of frequency How often ………………..?. -. Once/twice + a + week/month three/four/five times a week/year always, often, usually, sometimes, never. 3. Present Progressive tense Em hãy dựa vào những từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. a. am watching/ playing/ is winning b. is cooking/ aren’t/ is c. am doing/ am reading. 4. Future : “ be going to” What are they going to do? a. They are going to play soccer b. They are going to go camping c. They are going to watch TV d. They are going to play tennis e. They are going to go swimming f. They are going to cook a meal. 5. what’s the weather like in …………………..? Answer the questions a. It’s warm in the spring b. It’s cool in the fall c. It’s hot in the summer d. It’s cold in the winter. 6. Future plans I’m going to + V ( bare inf) 7. Homework - They will learn all the knowledge from Unit 12 – Unit 14 - Prepare the test .. Period 90 I.. TEST AN HOUR. CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORDS TO FILL IN THE BLANKS (2M) 1. Bill has breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . six fifteen ( in / on / at ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span> II.. 2. This is her brother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . name’s Linh ( her / his / hers ) 3. What time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . their father go to work ? ( do / does / is ) 4. We go to school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bikes ( in / on / by ) 5. Mr Nam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in this school ( teach / teachs / teaches ) 6. Do you have music on Monday ? No , we . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( doesn’t / do / don’t ) 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is the post office ? It’s opposite our house ( When / where / What ) 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . there thirty pupils in your class ? ( Is / are / do ) COMPLETE THE DIALOGUE , USING THE WORDS IN THE BOX ( 2M ). Past. after. what time. in. does. his. has. to Nam : What does Vinh do . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) school ?. III.. Lan : He . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) lunch at home Nam : . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) he play soccer ? Lan : No , he doesn’t . He listens . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) music Nam : What does he do . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) the evening ? Lan : He does . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) homeworks Nam : . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) does he go to bed ? Lan : He goes to bed at half . . . . . . . . . . . . (8) nine . MATCH THE SENTENCES IN COLUM A WITH THE ANSWERS IN COLUM B (2M). A. B. 1. Is your school small ?. a. It’s next to the school. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2. What time do you get up ?. b. She is twelve. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3. How old is Mai ?. c. No , it isn’t . It’s big. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4. Where is your house ?. d. At 5.30. 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . IV.. READ AND ANSWER TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F) TO EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES (2M). My friend is Vinh . He’s twelve years old . He lives in the country with his father , mother and two sisters . His house is big and beautiful . There is a small yard in front of it . Behind the house , there is a vegetable garden . Near his house , there is a small river . He likes to go to school on foot . 1. There are four people in his family . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. He walks to school . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. There is a big yard in font of his house . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. His house isn’t small . . . . . . . . . . . . V. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES , USING SOME CUES GIVEN (2M) 1. How / Mr Minh / travel / HaNoi / ? / train /. ........................................................................ 2. How many / rooms / there / your house / ? /. Period. UNIT 15: COUNTRIES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span> A  I. Objectives: -They will know the name of some countries and the capitals. - How to use the nationality, language. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: country, nationality, language, * Grammar; Where are you from? Iam from Viet Nam. What ‘s her/ his nationality? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Making the conversation basing on the. CONTENT. cues:. Presentation C1:. A; What are you going to do tonight?. New words:. B: I’m going to …………………... - suggestion. A: What are you going to do tomorrow?. - Let’s. B: I’m going to …………………….. - tent. A: What are you going to to on Sunday?. - Why don’t. B: I’m going to ……………..on Sunday. - pagoda. A: what are you going to do on Saturday?. - That’s a good idea. B: I’m going to …………….on Saturday?. - minibus. C1. Listen and read.. - far. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. -Ask sts to give the new words. Activity 1:. -Sts practice reading the new words in chorally, individually. -Sts listen to the cassette. Activity 2:. -Ask them to read the dialogue C1 in pairs. -Teacher corrects their mistakes if any. Activity 3:. -Ask them to go to read and translate the a.Nam wants to …….. dialogue into Vietnames. Teaching C2:. ANSWER C2: b.She wants to …………….. C2.Answer.Then write the answers on c.She wants to ……………. your exercise book.. d.Because It’s ……………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span> -Teacher introduces the new lesson. Activity 1:. e.He wants to travel ………. -Teacher reads the questions and asks f.Because she wants …… sts to answer the questions in pairs.. g.Ba wants to travel ………. -Ask some pairs to practice asking and ANSWER C3: Activity 2:. Activity 3:. answering , writing the answers on the a.-Let’s go to the beach. board.. - How about going to the beach.. -What does Lan want to do?. -Why don’t we go to the beach.. - She wants to go camping. C3. Look at the picture. Work with a. Teaching C3:. partner and make suggestions about Remember them.. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Teacher introduces the structure;Let’s … What about ……..? Why don’t ………..? -Teacher explains how to use them ask sts to practice making the suggestions in pairs. Sts make suggestions in three ways. Let’s …………………. What about ……………..? Why don’t ………………..?. ( Using let’s.., What about..? Why don’t ……..? Activity 3:. -Ask sts to write the answers on the board. -Teacher corrects their mistakes if any.. V. Homework: +Do the exercise 1 page 116.(Match the suggestions to the right situations.) +Do the exercise 2 page 117.( Complete the dialogue.Use Let’s..What about..? Why don’t we…..?) +Do the exercise 3 page 117.( Make suggestions. Use Let’s..What about..? Why don’t we/you...?) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 14 ( B4,5,6).(the new words, structure ). Period. UNIT 15: COUNTRIES A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(176)</span>  I. Objectives: -They will know the name of some countries and the capitals. - How to use the nationality, language. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: country, nationality, language, * Grammar; Where are you from? Iam from Viet Nam. What ‘s her/ his nationality? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Making the conversation basing on the. CONTENT. cues:. Presentation C1:. A; What are you going to do tonight?. New words:. B: I’m going to …………………... - suggestion. A: What are you going to do tomorrow?. - Let’s. B: I’m going to …………………….. - tent. A: What are you going to to on Sunday?. - Why don’t. B: I’m going to ……………..on Sunday. - pagoda. A: what are you going to do on Saturday?. - That’s a good idea. B: I’m going to …………….on Saturday?. - minibus. C1. Listen and read.. - far. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. -Ask sts to give the new words. Activity 1:. -Sts practice reading the new words in chorally, individually. -Sts listen to the cassette. Activity 2:. -Ask them to read the dialogue C1 in pairs. -Teacher corrects their mistakes if any. Activity 3:. -Ask them to go to read and translate the a.Nam wants to …….. dialogue into Vietnames. Teaching C2: Activity 1:. ANSWER C2: b.She wants to …………….. C2.Answer.Then write the answers on c.She wants to ……………. your exercise book.. d.Because It’s ……………... -Teacher introduces the new lesson.. e.He wants to travel ………. -Teacher reads the questions and asks f.Because she wants …….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(177)</span> sts to answer the questions in pairs. Activity 2:. g.Ba wants to travel ………. -Ask some pairs to practice asking and ANSWER C3: answering , writing the answers on the a.-Let’s go to the beach.. Activity 3:. board.. - How about going to the beach.. -What does Lan want to do?. -Why don’t we go to the beach.. - She wants to go camping. Teaching C3:. C3. Look at the picture. Work with a partner and make suggestions about Remember. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. them. Teacher introduces the structure;Let’s … What about ……..? Why don’t ………..? -Teacher explains how to use them ask sts to practice making the suggestions in pairs. Sts make suggestions in three ways. Let’s …………………. What about ……………..? Why don’t ………………..?. ( Using let’s.., What about..? Why don’t ……..? Activity 3:. -Ask sts to write the answers on the board. -Teacher corrects their mistakes if any.. V. Homework: +Do the exercise 1 page 116.(Match the suggestions to the right situations.) +Do the exercise 2 page 117.( Complete the dialogue.Use Let’s..What about..? Why don’t we…..?) +Do the exercise 3 page 117.( Make suggestions. Use Let’s..What about..? Why don’t we/you...?) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 14 ( B4,5,6).(the new words, structure ). Period. UNIT 15: COUNTRIES A .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(178)</span> I. Objectives: -They will know the name of some countries and the capitals. - How to use the nationality, language. II. Language content: * Vocabulary: country, nationality, language, * Grammar; Where are you from? Iam from Viet Nam. What ‘s her/ his nationality? III. Teaching Aids: cassette, pictures, gestures. IV. Procedures: STAGES Warm up:. METHOD Making the conversation basing on the. CONTENT. cues:. Presentation C1:. A; What are you going to do tonight?. New words:. B: I’m going to …………………... - suggestion. A: What are you going to do tomorrow?. - Let’s. B: I’m going to …………………….. - tent. A: What are you going to to on Sunday?. - Why don’t. B: I’m going to ……………..on Sunday. - pagoda. A: what are you going to do on Saturday?. - That’s a good idea. B: I’m going to …………….on Saturday?. - minibus. C1. Listen and read.. - far. -Teacher introduces the new lesson. -Ask sts to give the new words. Activity 1:. -Sts practice reading the new words in chorally, individually. -Sts listen to the cassette. Activity 2:. -Ask them to read the dialogue C1 in pairs. -Teacher corrects their mistakes if any. Activity 3:. -Ask them to go to read and translate the a.Nam wants to …….. dialogue into Vietnames. Teaching C2: Activity 1:. ANSWER C2: b.She wants to …………….. C2.Answer.Then write the answers on c.She wants to ……………. your exercise book.. d.Because It’s ……………... -Teacher introduces the new lesson.. e.He wants to travel ………. -Teacher reads the questions and asks f.Because she wants …… sts to answer the questions in pairs.. g.Ba wants to travel ……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(179)</span> -Ask some pairs to practice asking and ANSWER C3: Activity 2:. Activity 3:. answering , writing the answers on the a.-Let’s go to the beach. board.. - How about going to the beach.. -What does Lan want to do?. -Why don’t we go to the beach.. - She wants to go camping. C3. Look at the picture. Work with a. Teaching C3:. partner and make suggestions about Remember them.. Activity 1:. Activity 2:. Teacher introduces the structure;Let’s … What about ……..? Why don’t ………..? -Teacher explains how to use them ask sts to practice making the suggestions in pairs. Sts make suggestions in three ways. Let’s …………………. What about ……………..? Why don’t ………………..?. ( Using let’s.., What about..? Why don’t ……..? Activity 3:. -Ask sts to write the answers on the board. -Teacher corrects their mistakes if any.. V. Homework: +Do the exercise 1 page 116.(Match the suggestions to the right situations.) +Do the exercise 2 page 117.( Complete the dialogue.Use Let’s..What about..? Why don’t we…..?) +Do the exercise 3 page 117.( Make suggestions. Use Let’s..What about..? Why don’t we/you...?) + Learn the remember , the new words, structure by heart. + Prepare Unit 14 ( B4,5,6).(the new words, structure ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(180)</span>

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