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Describe the lung.

2 lungs - cone - in thoracic cavity/ near the heart.
air → primary bronchi (2 branches) → bronchus (cartilage
decrease when extend) → secondary bronchi → lobes (3
right, 2 left) → tertiary bronchi → bronchioles (regulate air,
constrict v.s dilate) → alveoli (gas exchange, elastin fibers
transport air - gas exchange
-----------------------------------The lung is one of the respiratory organ that plays a
significant role in our body.
There are two lungs, left and right, which are shaped like
a cone, locating in the thoracic cavity, near the heart.
When the air has passed down the trachea to the lungs, it
enters two branches, which are called as primary bronchi.
In addition to this, there is another name for each of the
branch which is known as a bronchus.
A bronchus itself consists of a lot of cartilage around it,
though the amount of them can be decreasing as the
bronchus extends into the lungs.
As it reaches further, it keeps branching repeatedly until
it becomes the secondary bronchi.
The secondary bronchi would enter one of the lobes of
the lungs, including 3 lobes on the right and 2 lobes on
the left.
In here, the secondary bronchi branch into tertiary
bronchi, which stretch into smaller tubes, the bronchioles.
The bronchioles play a tremendous role in regulating the

amount of air entering the lung, by constricting their

muscle when less air is needed and dilating when more
air is required.
The air would then be carried from the bronchioles to
clusters of alveoli, where gas exchange takes place
thanks to the help of elastin fibers that help the wall of
each alvelous to stretch when inhaling and return to its
original size when exhaling.
As a respiratory organ, the lung functions itself as a place
to exchange gas, eliminating carbon dioxide and
absorbing more oxygen for the body.
In conclusion, because of the above function that the lung
has given to us, we should lead a healthy lifestyle to
prevent it from diseases.


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Ngữ pháp:
+ Các câu đơn giản - các câu phức tạp (nghiêng gạch đít).
+ Sử dụng passive voice nhiều một chút.
+ Sử dụng các mệnh đề quan hệ (xanh) để làm câu dài ra.
+ Một số từ vựng/ cấu trúc câu thấy hay - dùng được thì
cứ thoải mái dùng, miễn dùng đúng là được (nâu).

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