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kien thuc co ban ki 2lop 7ca unit 16

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>¤n tËp K× 2 * Structure: 1. What about + V-ing ....? = Let’s + V.......? How about Why don’t we 2. Would you like + to V......? = Why don’t you + V......? 3. Must + V...................... = have / has to + V..... Mustn’t + V ................ = don’t / doesn’t have to + V............................ 4. Should ( not ) + V.................. = had better ( not ) + V : nªn ( kh«ng nªn lµm g×) ought ( not) to + V................... 5. Hate + V-ing ..................... = dislike + V-ing >< like + V-ing 6. Like + N better than + N = prefer N to N V-ing V-ing V-ing V-ing 7. Take part in = participate in = join in : tham gia vµo 8. Take care of = look after : tr«ng nom 9. Don’t forget + to V = Remember + to V : nhớ / đừng quên làm gì 10. How tall are you / is he? = What is your height / his height? 11. How heavy are you? = What is your weight? = How much do you weigh? 12. What’s the matter with you? = What’s wrong with you? 13. It takes + O + time + to V = S + spends + time + V-ing 14. We have a break that lasts thirty minutes = We have a thirty-minute break. 15. S + to spend + time /money + on N / V-ing = It + to take + O + time/ money + to V 16. Talk to sbd about smt = Tell sbd about smt 19. make smt for sbd 17. buy smt for sbd = buy + O + smt 20. Tobe / to get used to + N/ V-ing 18. make + O + adj / V 21. to invite + O + to V/ place * Giíi tõ: - to look after: tr«ng nom - tobe good at: giái vÒ - tobe scared / afraid of: sî g× - to look for: t×m kiÕm - tobe good for: tèt cho - to receive a letter from ...nhËn th tõ ai... - to look at: nh×n, ng¾m - tobe famous for: næi tiÕng - to send a postcard to sbd from sw: göi cho ai tõ... - to smile at: cêi víi ai - to take care of: ch¨m sãc - to be worried about: lo l¾ng vÒ c¸i g× - to grow up: lín lªn - to take part in : tham gia - to pay for: tr¶ tiÒn cho - to share …. with: - to socialize with…… - leave ….for…..: rời (đâu) đến (đâu) - Vegetables have dirt from the farm on them: - There was a wide selection of meat on the stall. - It was a blue skirt with white flowers on it. - She sliced the beef into the trips - You should add a little salt to the spinach. - You should eat plenty of fruit. - I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better. - They will come for dinner. - There is a play on at the New age theater. - They watch T.V through the window. - Hoa sets the table with plates, bowls and chopsticks. – Take your temperature *Vị trí của trạng từ tần suất: đứng sau Tobe, sau trợ động từ và trớc động từ thờng * VÞ trÝ vµ c¸ch sö dông Neither, either, So , too. ®Çu cuèi khẳng định So + tobe / modal V / TĐT + S S + tobe / modal V / T§T , too phủ định Neither + tobe / modal / T§T + S S + toben’t / modaln’t / T§Tn’t ,either * ADJ. ADV. a) Adj + ly adv : beautiful - beautifully ; quick – quickly ; safe - safely ; bad- badly b) Adj 2 âm tiết kết thúc bằng “ y” chuyển sang trạng từ phải đổi “ y” “ ily”: easy- easily, happy-happily c) adj kÕt thóc = “ le” chuyÓn thµnh “ ly” :sensible - sensibly; simple- simply, comfortable - comfortably d) Một số adj chuyển sang adv không đổi: fast- fast; hard – hard; late –late; early – early, far-far, e) §Æc biÖt: good – well *V N chØ ngêi: teach ___ teacher collect ____ collector cycle ____ cyclist participate ___ play ___ player invent ____ inventor type ____ typist participant. ____ visitor cook _____ cook. swim ___ swimmer visit study _______ student. * C¸ch chuyÓn c©u: S + is/ am / are + a / an + adj + N chØ ngêi S + V/ Vs / Ves + adv.. S + are + adj + N chØ ngêi(s) S + V + adv..  Tobe ( a/an) + adj + N(s)  V + adv ( trừ một số động từ :. seem, sound, feel, find, look, stay, become, get, smell, taste, keep/. make + O,...........+ adj ). * Pronunciation : a) Cách đọc - ed /id/ V kÕt thóc b»ng: t, te, d, de. wait -> waited add -> added. / t/ V kÕt thóc b»ng: p, pe, k, ke, f, gh/f/, ce,se/s/, ch, sh, th/θ/ Jump -> Jumped cough -> coughed practise -> practised /'præktist/ notice -> noticed /'nəutist/. /d/ V kÕt thóc b»ng:b, g, v, n, m, n, l, r, ng, z, ce,se / z/ free -> freed weigh -> weighed advise -> advised /əd'vaizd/ close -> closed /klouzd/. drag -> dragged jog -> jogged.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> slice -> sliced. b) Cách đọc N khi chuyển sang số nhiều: /s/ V kÕt thóc b»ng: t, te, p, pe, f, th/θ/, gh/f/... map -> maps ; hat -> hats; book -> books. /z/. /iz/. V kÕt thóc b»ng: n, m, v, l, ... pen -> pens; cave -> caves. * Form of verbs: To V would like(‘d like) + to V need+ to V want+ to V want + O + to V want + O + not to V learn+ to V learn how + to V have / has + to V hope to V prefer + to V It takes + O + time + to V tell / ask + O + to V Don’t forget + ) + to V = Remember + to V S + tobe + adj + to V. V kÕt thóc b»ng: ce,se/s/, sh, ch, ge, x... watch -> watches ; box -> boxes. V-ing enjoy+ V-ing like + V-ing hate + V-ing dislike + V-ing love + V-ing practise + V-ing what about + V-ing How about + V-ing tobe interested in + V-ing prefer V-ing to V-ing tobe/ get used to + V-ing S + spend + time + V-ing. V can + V will + V must + V should + V ought to + V make + O + V (make + O + adj) keep + O + V help + O + V see/ watch + O + V had better + V. Let’s + V Why don’t we + V….? Why don’t you + V…..?. * Verbs in the past Regular Verbs * try -> tried study -> studied fry -> fried worry -> worried play -> played stay -> stayed * fit –> fitted prefer -> preferred stop -> stopped stir -> stirred shower -> showered visit -> visited invite -> invited open -> opened iron -> ironed borrow -> borrowed sew -> sewed *arrive - > arrived decide -> decided hate ->hated,taste->tasted hope -> hoped like -> liked live -> lived measure -> measured move -> moved use -> used receive -> received slice -> sliced. ask -> asked add -> added brush -> brushed call -> called comb -> combed clean ->cleaned check -> checked cook -> cooked collect -> collected fill -> filled finish -> finished look -> looked learn -> learned/ learnt listen -> listened need -> needed prevent -> prevented talk -> talked return -> returned rent -> rented work -> worked help -> helped join -> joined remember -> emembered start -> started want -> wanted watch -> watched wash -> washed weigh -> weighed walk -> walked invent -> invented. Irregular Verbs *cost -> cost be -> was/ were cut -> cut begin -> began put -> put build -> built hurt -> hurt do -> did read -> read drink -> drank set -> set eat -> ate feel -> felt *lend -> lent give -> gave send -> sent go -> went spend -> spent have -> had *buy -> bought hear -> heard bring -> brought keep -> kept think -> thought leave -> left teach -> taught lead -> led catch -> caught make -> made *come -> came run -> ran become -> became see -> saw sit -> sat *forget -> forgot sing -> sang get -> got swim -> swam *understand -> understood take -> took stand -> stood tell -> told wake -> woke *fly -> flew wear -> wore know -> knew win -> won grow -> grew worry -> worried throw -> threw write -> wrote *say -> said pay -> paid, lay -> laid. II. Circle the best options: * Exercise 1: 1. I hate carrots. And I don’t like peas, ___________ . A. also B. either C. too D. neither 2. “ I like spinach .”-“.___________ .” A. Neither do I B. Neither am I C. So do I D. So am I 3. The number of participants ___________ every week. A. increase B. increases C. is increase D. are increase 4. They take a walk instead___________ bicycle trips. A. take B. to take C. of take D. of taking 5. ___________ is a person who rides a bike. A. Scientist B. Cyclist C. Member D. Participant 6. He is a ___________ player. A. good B. well C. cheaply D. skillfully 7. What kinds ___________ programs do you like? A. of B. from C. for D. to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 8. Some people watched T.V ___________ the windows. A. in B. on C. through D. by * Exercise 2: 1. Liz went to the supermarket ________ . A. now B. yesterday C. tomorrow D. tonight 2. Her mother ________ a new dress for her 2 days ago. A. buy B. buys C. will buy D. bought 3. What time ________ you go to bed last night? A. were B. do C. did D. will 4. What was wrong ________ her? A. to B. of C. for D. with 5. We went to a foodstall ________ dinner. A. to B. for C. at D. in 6. ________ does Minh’s tooth hurt? -Because he has a cavity. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Where 7. Nam was scared ________ seeing the dentist. A. of B. to C. for D. in 8. Hoa should go to the dentist. She has a ________ . A. cavity B. cold C. headache D. stomachache 9. What’s his ________? -He is 41 kilos. A. height B. tall C. heavy D. weight 10. Lan has two books. Hoa has three books. Lan has ________ books than Hoa. A. few B. less C. more D. fewer * Exercise 3: 1. Video games can be _________. A. interesting B. addictive C. wonderful D. good 2. Nam can only play games _______ a short time. A. in B. at C. for D. with 3. Life in the city is different ____________ life in the country. A. with B. from C. on D. off 4. Mr. Tuan flies all________the region. A. on B. through C. over D. in 5. She has both postcards and stamps _________ all Asian countries. A. in B. at C. from D. for 6. Lan is very interested_________ history. A. on B. in C. at D. with A. with B. for C. at D. in 7. He has plenty of homework _________ tonight. A. to do B. do C. doing D. will do 8. I am going to the __________ center. A. amuse B. amusing C. amusement D. both A and B * Exercise 4: 1. I know how to take care _________ myself. A. off B. about C. of D. on 2. Lan and her parents _________ Da lat last summer. A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit 3. They ________ a lot of gifts for their friends yesterday. A. bought B. buy C. buys D. buying 4. Did your aunt make this dress for you? – No, she _____ A. don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t D. didn’t 5. Mrs Anh takes care of people’s hair. She is a ________ A. dressmaker B. hairdresser C. hairmaker D. head 6. Hoa learned how _________ a sewing machine. A. use B. using C. used D. to use 7. Ba ________ to school yesterday because he felt tired. A. doesn’t go B. wasn’t go C. didn’t go D. not went 8. What is his ____________ ? – 60 kg A. heavy B. weighed C. weight D. height 9. Minh’s tooth hurt _________ he has a cavity. A. but B. and C. or D. because 10.It is an ___________book . A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly 11.How _________does the T.V cost ? A. far B. long C. often D. much.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 12.What ________you doing now ? _ I am washing my clothes A. are B. do C. does D. were 13.I’m not a teacher and _________ is he . A. so B. neither C. either D. too 14. Nam is a ________ student. He always gets good marks A. good B. well C. bad D. badly 15. You can’t eat these bananas because they aren’t _______ A. green B. ripe C. fresh D. blue 16. She was sick so she _________ to school. A. doesn’t go B. went C. didn’t go D. goes 17. I like oranges. ____________ A. I do so B. So am I C. So I do D. So do I 18. How ________your vacation in Nha Trang last year ? A. be B. was C. were D. did 19. Would you like __________to the movies this week? A. going B. went C. to go D. goes. III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English : 1. Would you like go to the movies this week? A. B C. D. 2. We should eating a moderate amount of fatty food. A. B. C. D. 3. They usually go for a walk in Sunday mornings. A. B C. D. 4. You should take part on sports instead of watching it. A. B. C. D. 5. She invited her friends have dinner last night. A. B. C. D. 6. After dinner, their neighbors gathered both inside and outdoor their houses. A. B. C. D. 7. She likes listen to the radio or reading a book. A. B. C. D. 8. No one goes home until the T.V programs finished. A. B. C. D. IV. Read and answer the questions: In the summer holidays, Mr. Hung, Mrs. Lan and their children, Lan and Ba often go to the beach for two or three days. They always go to Vung Tau in the south of Viet Nam. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel. Last summer they went to Nha Trang. They stayed at the Sunshine Hotel for three days. In the morning, Ba played soccer with his father on the beach. Lan and her mother walked long the beach and built sand castles. They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium and saw different kinds of fish there. They also bought a lot of souvenirs for friends. 1. Where does Lan's family often go for their summer vacation  ________________________________________________ 2. How long do they often stay there . ________________________________________________ 3. Where do they usually stay . ________________________________________________ 4. Where did they go last summer . _______________________________________________ 5. What did Lan and her mother do in the morning . ________________________________________________ 6. Did they visit Tri Nguyen Aquarium .. I.Choose one word whose the underlined part is pronounced differently.Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D. 1.A.dirt B.dish C.stir D.hurt 2.A.character B.chopstick C.catch D.change 3.A.gather B.athletics C.author D.birthday 4.A.cartoon B.food C.stood D.good II.Choose the best word to completre these sentences. 1: He went swimming …………. the weekend. A: in B: off C: at D: for 2: He started his new job …………… Monday 5 May. A: in B: for C: at D: on 3: I love orange ./……… do I.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> A: So B: Neither C: Either D: Too 4: What … you do last night? A: do B: will C: does D: did 5: Did you … any souvenirs? A: buys B: buy C: bought D: buying 6: ..... do you travel to school? A: How long B: How tall C: How D: How far 7: Lan is sitting………….. me and Hoa A: in B: at C: between D: near by 8: What is your ..........? A: height B: high C: tall D: measure III.Writing: *Do as direct: 1.Nga went to the supermarket yesterday(Đổi sang thể phủ định) ...…………………………………………………………………………………….. 2.How hight are you?(Viết lại câu với từ gợi ý). What…………………………………………………………………………..? 3.Nam often smiles…………………Hoa(Điền giới từ thích hợp) 4.We ( not have) …………………….… a TV at our place.(cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc) IV.Read the passage again and answer the questions. Mai was born in Hue , but now she lives in Ha Noi with her aunt and uncle. She went to Ha Noi two years ago. Now she studies at Quang Trung school. In her new school, she has a lot of friends. Yesterday was her thirteenth birthday. She had a small party with her friends. They ate a lot of sweets and fruit. In the evening Mai had stomachache, so her aunt was very worried. She took Mai to the hospital. The doctor said that Mai ate too much candy and fruit. Today Hoa has to stay at home. 1. Where was Mai born ? ...................................................................................................................................... 2. Did Mai go to Ha Noi three years ago ? .................................................................................................................................... .. 3. Which school does she go to now ? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. What did Mai and her friends eat yesterday ? .......................................................................................................................... ............ 5. Did she have a toothache ? ................................................................................................................................. V: Put the words given in correct order to complete the sentences below: 1: What/ you / did / lunch / eat and drink / for / yesterday? ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. programs / What / TV / want / do / to / you / see? ……………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 3. you / Would / to / the movie / this week / like / go / to? ……………………………………………………………………………… 4. ought / I / finish / to / this question / Math tomorrow / for. ……………………………………………………………………………… 5. doesn’t / He / mangoes / like /, either. ………………………………………………………………………………..

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