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Lets Learn Book 3 U8

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period: 39th Prepration date: February 25th 2012. UNIT 8: LESSON 1:. FAMILY WEEKEND ACTIVITIES A.1, 2, 3. I. Objectives: A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, S.s will be able to talk about the family activities in the past. B. Knowledge: - Grammar: Talking about the family activities in the past. S.1: What did you do last [Sunday]? S.2: I [read Harry Potter]. C. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Preparations: A. Teacher: B. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen. III. Procedures: A. Warm up: B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Look, listen and repeat: A.1- P.74 - T.B -Whole class. - Encourage S.s to describe the content of picture on P.74(T.B) carefully. -Work in pairs. - Ask S.s to look at the picture and listen to the tape carefully. -Work individually. - Ask S.s to listen to the tape carefully and then repeating the dialogue in chorus (3 times). -Listen to the tape carefully. - Ask S.s to read the dialogue in silently. - Call on some S.s to play the roles of Li Li and -Repeat the dialogue in chorus. Mai to read the dialogue aloud in front of the class. -Work in silently. - Correct and give feedback. - Give out the new structures on the board and -Work in pairs to read the dialogue aloud then explaining the meaning and usage of them in front of the class. carefully. * Model Sentences: -Listen carefully. Talking about the family activities in the past: S.1: What did you do last [Sunday]? -Repeat the M.S in chorus. S.2: I [read Harry Potter]. - Read the M.S as a model. -Work in pairs. - Ask S.s to repeat the M.S in chorus..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Ask S.s to read the M.S in silently. -Take notes. - Call on some S.s to read the M.S aloud in front of the class. -Comment on their classmates. - Correct and give feedback. 2. Look and say: A.2 - P.75 - TB - Encourage S.s to ask for and answer about the weekend activities according to the hints in the -Whole class. pictures on P.75(TB). - Ask S.s to look at the pictures and repeat the -Work in pairs. words below them in chorus. -Listen and repeat the words in chorus. - Ask S.s to work in pairs to ask for and answer -Work in pairs. about the weekend activities according to the -Talk aloud in front of the class. hints of pictures on P.75. -Comment on their classmates. - Call on some S.s to play the roles to ask for and * S.1: What did you do last weekend? answer about the weekend activities aloud in S.2: I went to the cinema/ wrote a letter/ front of the class. listened to music/ played football. - Correct and give feedback. -Whole class. 3. Let's talk: A.3 - P.75 - TB -Work in pairs. - Encourage S.s to discuss about aims and tasks -Listen carefully. which they need to do in this exercise. -Work in pairs. - Bring out the request of exercise on P.75 (T.B) -Play the roles to talk aloud in front of the carefully. class. - Ask S.s to work in pairs to ask for and answer -Comment on their classmates. about the weekend activities. * S.1: What did you do last weekend? - Call on some S.s to play the roles to talk aloud S.2: I played football. in front of the class. -Whole class. - Correct and give feedback. -Listen carefully. 4. Consolidation: - T consolidates the content of the lesson. IV. Homework assignment: - To learn the vocab, M.S and lesson by heart. - To do the exercice 1, 2, 3 on P.57, 58 - Workbook. - To prepare " Unit 8. Lesson 2. A.4, 5, 6 on P.76, 77 - TB" for next period. V. Textbook adaptation: .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................... --------------------=   =-------------------th. Period: 40. Prepration date: February 27th 2012. UNIT 8: LESSON 2:. FAMILY WEEKEND ACTIVITIES A. 4, 5, 6. I. Objectives: A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, S.s will be able to talk about the activities in the past and pronounce some words exactly. B. Knowledge: - Grammar: Talking about the activities in the past . - Pronunciation: 1. Last Sunday we had great fun with lunch in the sun. 2. My father played the guitar in the garden. C. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Preparations: A. Teacher: B. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen. III. Procedures: A. Warm up: B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Listen and number: A.4 - P.76 - TB -Whole class. - Ask S.s to look at the pictures of A.4 on P.76 (T.B) carefully and encourage S.s to talk about -Work in pairs. the content of pictures. - Introduce the situation and bring out the request -Listen carefully. of exercise on P.76(T.B) carefully. - Ask S.s to look at the pictures on P.76 -Listen to the tape carefully. (T.B), listen to the tape (3 times) carefully and -Work individually. then numbering the correct order of pictures. - Call on some S.s to give out their answers in -Give out the answers in front of the class. front of the class. - Ask S.s to listen to the tape again and then -Listen to the tape again. checking the answers. - Correct and give feedback. -Comment on the answers. * Answer key: 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 2. Say it right: A.5 - P.76 - TB -Whole class. - Ask S.s to look at the sentences on P.76 (T.B) carefully. -Work individually. 1. Last Sunday we had great fun with lunch in -Listen carefully. the sun. 2. My father played the guitar in the garden. -Listen to the tape carefully. - Bring out the request of exercise carefully. -Repeat the sentences in - Ask S.s to listen to the tape carefully and then chorus. repeating the sentences in chorus. -Work in pairs. - Ask S.s to read the sentences in silently. - Call on some S.s to read the sentences aloud in -Read the sentences aloud in front of the front of the class. class. - Correct and give feedback. -Comment on. 3. Writing: A.6 - P.77 - TB - Bring out the request of exercise on P.77 (TB) -Whole class. carefully. -Listen carefully. - Ask S.s to discuss about the missing words -Work in pairs. which they need to fill into the blanks. -Work individually. - Ask S.s to write the missing information into -Write the answers on the board. the blanks of sentences on P.77(TB). -Work individually. - Call on some S.s to write their answers on the -Comment on . board. * A: What did you do last weekend? - Ask other S.s to read their answers aloud in B: I went to supermarket with my sister. front of the class. - Correct and give feedback. -Whole class. 4. Consolidation: -Listen carefully. - T consolidates the content of the lesson. IV. Homework assignment: - To learn the lesson by heart. - To do the exercice 4, 5, 6 on P.59, 60 - Workbook. - To prepare "Unit 8. Lesson 3. B.1, 2, 3 on P.78, 79 - TB" for next period V. Textbook adaptation: .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................... --------------------=   =--------------------. Period: 41st Prepration date: March 3rd 2012 UNIT 8: LESSON 3:. FAMILY WEEKEND ACTIVITIES B. 1, 2, 3. I. Objectives: A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, S.s will be able to ask for and answer about the activities which happened. B. Knowledge: - Grammar: Asking for and answering about the activities which happened. S.1: Did you [visit Tuan Chau Island]? S.2: Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. C. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Preparations: A. Teacher: B. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen. III. Procedures: A. Warm up: B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Listen and repeat: B.1 - P.78 - TB -Whole class. - Encourage S.s to discuss about the situation in the picture on P.78(TB) carefully. -Work in pairs. - Ask S.s to look at the picture on P.78(T.B) and -Listen to the tape carefully. listen to the tape carefully, notice the phonetics and intonation. -Listen to the dialogue carefully. - Ask S.s to listen to the tape carefully and then -Repeat the dialogue in chorus. repeating the dialogue in chorus. - Ask S.s to read the dialogue in pairs in silently. -Work in pairs. - Call on some S.s to play the roles of Nam and -Work in pairs to play the roles of Nam.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Alan to read the dialogue aloud in front of the class. - Correct and give feedback. - Introduce the new structure on the board and explain the meaning and usage of them carefully. * Model sentences: Asking for and answering about the activities which happened: S.1: Did you visit [Tuan Chau Island]? S.2: Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. - Read the M.S as a model. - Ask S.s to repeat the M.S in chorus. - Ask S.s to read the M.S in silently. - Call on some S.s to read the M.S aloud in front of the class. - Correct and give feedback. 2. Let's talk: B.2 - P.79 - TB - Encourage S.s to talk about the content of pictures on P.79(TB). - Ask S.s to talk about the aims and task which they need to do in the exercise on P.79(TB). - Explain the request of exercise carefully. - Ask S.s to repeat the words below the pictures on P.79(T.B) in chorus. - Ask S.s to work in pairs to talk about the pictures on P.79(TB). - Call on some S.s to talk aloud in front of the class. - Correct and give feedback. 3. Listen and check: B.3 - P.79 - TB - Encourage S.s to discuss and predict the sentences which are true or false. - Explain the request of exercise on P.79 (T.B) carefully. - Ask S.s to look at the sentences of B.3 on P.79 (T.B) and read them carefully. - Ask S.s to listen to the tape carefully and then checking the sentences which are true or false. - Call on some S.s to give out the answers in front of the class. - Correct and give feedback. * Answer key: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F - Ask S.s to listen to the tape again and then. and Alan to read the dialogue aloud in front of the class. -Comment on their classmates. -Listen carefully. -Repeat the M.S in chorus. -Work in pairs. -Read the M.S aloud in front of the class. -Comment on their classmates. -Take notes. -Whole class. -Work in pairs. -Listen carefully. -Repeat the words in chorus. -Work in pairs. -Talk aloud in front of the class. -Comment on their classmates. * S.1: Did you clean the floor/ watch TV/ cook dinner/ listen to music? S.2: Yes, I did. -Whole class. -Work in pairs. -Listen carefully. -Work individually. -Listen to the tape carefully. -Check the sentences. -Give out the answers in front of the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> checking the answers. 4. Consolidation: - T consolidates the content of the lesson.. -Comment on their classmates. -Work individually. -Whole class. -Listen carefully.. IV. Homework assignment: - To learn the vocab, M.S and lesson by heart. - To do the exercice 7, 8, 9 on P.60, 61, 62 - Workbook. - To prepare "Unit 8. Lesson 4. B.4, 5, 6, 7 on P.80, 81- TB" for next period. V. Textbook adaptation: .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................... --------------------=   =-------------------nd. Period: 42. Prepration date: March 5th 2012 UNIT 8: LESSON 4:. FAMILY WEEKEND ACTIVITIES B. 4, 5, 6, 7. I. Objectives: A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, S.s will be able to read understanding the passage and answer some questions and write about your last weekend. B. Knowledge: - Reading the passage and answering some questions. - Writing about your last weekend. C. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Preparations: A. Teacher: B. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen. III. Procedures: A. Warm up: B. New lesson: Teacher's activities Students' activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 1. Reading and answering: B.4- P.80 - TB - Ask S.s to look at the picture and discuss about the situation of the passage on P.80 (TB) and task which they need to do. - Ask S.s to look at the passage carefully and skim through the passage on P.80(T.B). - Explain the meaning of some new words. + souvenir (N) : đồ lưu niệm. + colourful T-shirts (N) : áo phông sặc sỡ. + took a lot of photos : chụp nhiều ảnh. + great (Adj) : tuyệt vời. - Ask S.s to repeat the words in chorus. - Ask S.s to read the pasage on P.80(TB) carefully and find out the answers for the questions on P.80 (TB). - Ask S.s to work in pairs to ask for and answer about the questions on P.80(TB). - Call on some S.s to read their answers aloud in front of the class. - Correct the answers if necessary. - Give feedback. 2. Let's write: B.5 - P.80 - TB - Ask S.s to talk about the request and task which they need to do in the exercise on P.80(TB). - Explain the request of the exercise on P.80 (T.B) carefully. - Ask S.s discuss about the information which they need to write. - Ask S.s to write about their last weekend by using the vocab and M.S which they've learnt. - Call on some S.s to write their answers on the board. - Correct and give feedback. - Ask other S.s to read their answers aloud in front of the class. 3. Let's play: B.6 - P.81 - TB - Explain the request of game on P.81 (TB) carefully. - Ask S.s to play the game in groups of 4. - Ask S.s to discuss about the 3rd column in the table to find out the answers for "what, who, where". - Encourage one S to speak one sentence. - The groups which speak many correct. -Whole class. -Work in pairs. -Work individually. -Listen carefully. -Take notes if necessary. -Repeat the words in chorus. -Work individually. -Work in pairs. -Give out the answers in front of the class. -Comment on the answers. * Answer: 1. He went to Sam Son. 2. They sat in the sun and talked. 3. He went swimming. 4. She went to some souvenir shops. -Whole class. -Work in pairs. -Listen carefully. -Work in pairs. -Work individually. -Write the answers on the board. -Comment on the answers. * Last weekend I went to the supermarket with my sister. I went to some toy shops. I bought a lot of beautiful toys. -Work individually. -Whole class. -Listen carefully. -Work in groups of 4. -Work in pairs. -Play the game. -Comment on their classmates..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> sentences is winner. -Whole class. 4. Consolidation: -Listen carefully. - T consolidates the content of lesson. IV. Homework assignment: - To learn the vocab, M.S and lessons of Unit 8 by heart. - To do the exercice 10, 11, 12 on P.62, 63 - Workbook. - To prepare "Unit 9. Lesson 1. A.1, 2, 3 on P.82, 83 - TB" for next period. V. Textbook adaptation: .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................... --------------------=   =--------------------.

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