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tong hop kien thuc unit 89 rat chi tiet good

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. Name:…………………………………………… REVIEW FOR THE TEST OF 45 MINUTES Class:………………….. UNIT 7,8,9 Exercise 1. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER 1. Auld Lang Syne is a song _______is sung on New Year’s eve. ( whose / who / which / whom ) 2. They must gather the crop before it rains ________September. ( in/ on/ the/at ) 3. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all _______ people. ( Jewish/ English/Vietnamese /Japanese ) 4. Auld Lang Syne is a song _______ is sung on New Year's Eve . ( which/whom/whom/ when ) 5. Peter, _______, can compose many pieces of music, sings very well. ( who/which/whom/whose ) 6_______he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it. ( Though/ As/ Since /Despite ) 7. Do you know the man _______ you met yesterday? ( whom/ who/ which/Whose ) 8.Many tourists enjoy festivals in Viet Nam _______ they don’t speak Vietnamese.( though / when / if /because ) 9.They have to go to school _______ it is raining. ( though / because /and / when ) 10.We are very hungry _______ we can not eat anything. ( although/ and / but / so ) 11. _______ we don’t have a special day to celebrate our Mother and Father, we give them presents on their birthday.( Because / when / So / But ) 12.John received a postcard this morning _______ really upset him. ( what / and / which/when ) 13.Tom, a boy _______I went to school with, is ill in hospital. ( who / that / whose / him ) 14.Finally, my friend Lan suggested ______ to the beach instead of going camping.( go/ to go / going/ having gone ) 15. Nam suggested _______ showers instead of baths to save water ( takes /taking /to take /take ) 16. Let’s _______ to the cinema. ( going/to go/go/goes ) 17. The people_______live in Greece speak Greek. ( which/whom/who/when ) 18. Do you know the man_______you met yesterday? ( when/whom/which/whose) 19. She studies well_______she is busy. ( because/since/although/and ) 20. Is he an actor_______a singer? An actor. ( and/ or/ but/ so ) 21. She won’t take all these suitcases _______she likes to travel light. ( so/but/because/therefore ) 22. Can you turn_______the light? It is too dark. ( on/off /down /up ) 23. Who looks _______your children when you are away from home? ( for /at/after/to) 24. He got wet _______he forgot his umbrella.( because of/because /but /and ) 25. He is going to the post office_______he wants to send a letter.( because/but /and/moreover ) 26. They decided to go out _______ it rained heavily. ( but /and /although/so ) 27. they stayed up late for a new television movie _______ they had to go to school in the morning the next day. ( even though / but /and /so ) 28. ________ Lan practices speaking English everyday , she felt shy and timid when meeting the foreigners. ( And / But/Although/ therefore ) 29 . ____. The teacher remind her not to talk so much in class , she kept on doing that . ( Although/But /and/so ) 30. _______ the weather was so bad , they set off for their trip. ( Although / But /And / however ) 31. Her father enjoys films _______ her mother fond of plays. ( although /but / and /also ) 32. Lan wanted to watch the parade in Hanoi on the Independence Day___ she wasn’t there then. ( but /therefore/though / So ) 33. The students wanted to continue their work _______ it got darker and darker . ( although/but /and / therefore ) 34. His mother is short .. his sister is tall . ( although /but /and / therefore ) 35. _____their parents allowed them to go on a camping trip , they don’t want to join it. ( Even though / But /And/ however ) 36. It‘s very nice _______ you to say so. ( in /on / of / to ) 37. Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15th of the eighth month.( moon/ Sun/Solar/ lunar ) 38. Passover is ___________ in Israel and by all Jewish people.( celebrate/ celebrated/ celebrating/ celebration ) 39. It is a time ____________ families to clean and decorate their homes.( for/ to/ by/ in ) 40. You were standing there while I was walking my groom.( forward/ throughout/ towards/ until ) 41. – Well done Paul! .( You are welcome/ Thanks /I’m sorry/ You are very nice ) 42. I don’t like people _______ are never on time.( who/ which/Where/ whom ) 43.Tet is a festival which _______ in late January or early February.( celebrates/ occurs/ calls/ crowds) 44. According to the weather ______ it will rain, tonight.( forecast/ forecaster/ forecasted/ forecasting ) 45. Many people become ______because of the natural disasters every year,( homeless/ homesick/ homeland/homework ) 46. Mount Pinatubo, ______ is a volcano erupted in 1991.( which/ who/whom / that ) 47. We ______ since we left school. ( haven't met /didn't meet/ won't meet/ don't meet ) 48. I'll bring some raincoats just in case. I hope my friends ______ laugh at me.( won't/ didn't/ don't/ haven't ) 49. In 1995 a huge earthquake ______ the city of Kobe in Jape. ( struck/ striking /striked /strike ). Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 50. Tidal waves _____ the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth.( are/ were/ is/was ) 51. I can't hear what you are saying. Can you ______ the radio?( turn down/ turn on/ turn up/ turn off ) 52. Neil. Armstrong, ______ walked on the moon, lived in the U S A.( who/ whom/ which/whose ) 53. Marie Curie, ______ is one of the greatest women discovered radium.( who/ whose /whom/which ) 54. According to the weather ________,it will be raining tonight. ( prediction/information/announcement/ forecast ) 55. You shouldn’t laugh ________ old people . ( at /on/ with / for ) 56. Turn the radio ________It’s too loud. ( down/ up/ on / off ) 57. Please turn _______ the volume on TV . I want to listen to the news. ( down/ up/ on/ off ) 58. The word “typhoon” comes ______ the Chinese, doesn’t it ?( from/ for/ about/ with ) 59. She was having a rest when the volcano _______ .( erupted/ flew / flowed/ broke ) 60.________are funnel-shaped storms passing overland below a thunderstorm. ( Earthquakes / Tropical storms/ Hurricanes/ Tornadoes ) 61. A tropical storm which reaches 120 kilometers an hour is called a _______ in North and South America. ( typhoon/ cyclone/ hurricane/tornado ) 62. Ninety percent of earthquakes occur _______ the Pacific Rim.( around/at/ in/ about ) 63. A _______ is a tropical storm with strong winds. ( typhoon/ Tornado/ Volcano/ tsunami ) 64. A tropical storm is called a hurricane in North and South America when it _____ 120 kilometers per hour. ( reaches/ goes / gets / comes ) 65.A ________ is a very strong wind that goes quickly around in a circle.( typhoon/ Tornado/ Volcano/ tsunami ) 66.The ________ of the volcano was predicted in advance, so no one was injured.( eruption/ erupted/ erupts / erupt ) 67. The _______can know when a volcano will erupt nowadays. ( science /scientific /scientists / scientifically ) 68. A tropical storm which reaches 120 km per hour is called a ___ in North and South America. ( typhoon /cyclone/hurricane/ tornado ) 69. Nam suggested (play/ to play/ playing/ should play) chess this afternoon. 70. Would you like tea (and/ or/ but/ so) coffee? 71.That’s very kind……………..you. ( to / of / for / about) 72. Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important…………….for Vietnamese people. ( party / celebration / anniversary / leisure time) 73.She likes the full- moon festival………………….happens in mid- Fall. ( who / which / it / when) 74.She works late ……………Mondays and gets home ……….seven……….the evening. ( in – at – on / in - on – at / on – at – in / on – at – on ) 75.She couldn’t go to work………………she is tired. ( but / and / or / as) 76.…………………I have no money, I can’t buy my mother a present. ( though / if / even though / because) 77.……………..Liz has an exam tomorrow, she is watching TV now. ( Even though / Even if / Because / Unless) 78.Nga, ……………is standing over there, is my best friend. ( that / she / whom / who) 79.In Australia, Christmas season is in……………………….(spring / summer / winter / autumn) 80.Family members ………….lives apart try to be together. ( who / whose / whom / which) 81.Neil Armstrong, ………………….walked on the moon, in the USA. ( who / se / that / which) 82.I love this bike……………is a present from my uncle. ( who / whose / which / it) 83.My grandfather can work very hard……………….he is very old now. ( though / however / but / because) 84.…………………the weather was not good, we decided to stay at home. (If / Though / Therefore / Since) 85.Hung tried to go to school today………………he was very tired. ( but/ because / although / or ) 86.It’s nice……………………..you to say so. ( of / to / for / at) 87.Thuy’s grandma turned the television………..to see the weather forecast. ( on / off / up / down) 88.A funnel – shaped storm passing over land below a thunderstorm is called a………….( typhoon / tidal wave / tornado / hurricane) 89.The word………………means “ big wind” in Chinese. ( hurricane / tornado / typhoon / tsunami) 90.Mr. Green’s…………………….of humor distinguishes him from others. ( feeling / temper / hobby / sense) 91.Let me………….you on your success in the examination. ( encourage / distinguish / celebrate / congratulate) 92. ………….Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are not very popular in Viet Nam, we give our parents on their birthdays. ( Because / So / However / Although) 93. Auld Lang Syne is a song……………..is sung on New Year’s Eve in Scotland. ( whose / who / whom / which) 94. I am so………………of my father and love him very much. ( alike / proud / keen / interested). Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 95. We are very hungry……………………..we cannot eat anything. ( and / although / so / but) 96. Tidal wave are the result of an abrupt………………in the underwater movement of the Earth. ( exchange / difference / shift / turn) 97. Sometimes we can …………………. An earthquake, so we can save a lot of lives. ( cause / warn / predict / show) 98. It may rain this afternoon, so don’t forget to bring……………….an umbrella. ( on / with / up / along) 99. Here is the weather…………. Hanoi will have temperatures between 25C.( forecast / prediction / guess / trial ) 100.When a tropical ……………reaches 120kph, it is called typhoon in Asia. ( rain / wind / cloud / storm) 101.Tornadoes are……………storms, which pass overland below a thunderstorm. ( egg- shaped / funnel – shaped / disc – shaped / L- shaped) 102.Most earthquakes in the world………….in the Ring of Fire. ( succeed / get / occur / come) 103.Mark Twain, …….is a famous American writer, wrote “ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. ( he / whom / who / that) 104. The cyclone of November 1970 in Bangladesh, which killed about 500.000 people, was one of the worst natural……………..of the 20th century. ( collapses / hazards / disasters / deaths) 105.Vietnam is a tropical country…………….has a lot of beautiful scenery there. ( it / which / that / what) 106. On Passover, people celebrate……………..from slavery. ( dependence / power / boredom / freedom) 107.Tet is time for Vietnamese families to clean and…………their houses. ( hang / enjoy / decorate / prepare) 108. Our neighbor…………..name is Nam will move to England next week. ( whose / whose his / his / which) 109.My brother has to go work……………….it is raining very hard. ( even though / but / however / so) 120. Nguyen Du was the writer…………………….wrote “ Kieu”. ( who / whom / where / who did) Exercise 2. Use “ALTHOUGH” to combine each pair of these sentences. 1. He often tells lies. Many people believe him. 2. She didn’t each much. She was hungry. 3. He is over 60. He doesn’t wear glasses. 4. It got dark. They continued to work. 5. She kept on studying. It was noisy. 6. He ate all the fruits. They were green. 7. We could do the test. It was very difficult. 8. He is very strong. I’m not afraid of him. 9. The plane took off. The weather was bad. 10. He didn’t stop his car. The traffic lights turned red. Exercise 3: Combine these sentences using : which , who , whom or whose 1. A woman answered the phone . She told me you was busy .  ………………………………………………………  ……………………………………………………… 2. The bus is always crowded . I take it to school every morning .  ……………………………………………………… 3. They are singing a song. I don’t know the song .  ……………………………………………………… 4. A man spoke to me . He was very helpful .  ……………………………………………………… 5. A midwife is a woman. She assists other women in childbirth .  ………………………………………………………. 9. They are the postcards . I sent them from Australia .  ……………………………………………………… 10. The house has been built in the forest . It doesn’t have electricity  ……………………………………………………… 11. The girl chatted with him yesterday . She arrived here at 6 : 30 .  ……………………………………………………… 12. I’m reading the book . I bought it in London in 1996 .  ………………………………………………………. 6. They are the children . Their team won the match .  ………………………………………………………. 13. Do you know the girl ? Tom is talking to the girl .  ………………………………………………………. 7. The house is for sale . It has the green shutters .  ………………………………………………………. 14. Tuan speaks English very well . He comes from Vietnam.  ………………………………………………………. 8. My farther bought a motor bike . The motorbike costs 2 thousand dollars. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. 15. The man invited me to his party . He was really polite .  ………………………………………………………. 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. 16. A lion is an animal . This animal lives in Africa .  ………………………………………………………. Grade 9. 17. I have a class . It begins at 8 am .  ……………………………………………………… 18. A globe is a ball . This ball has a map of the world on it .  ……………………………………………………… 19. The soup was too salty . I had it for lunch .  ……………………………………………………… 20.We are visiting Ha Long . Ha Long is in the north of Vietnam.  ……………………………………………………… 21. My father is an doctor . He has gone to abroad .  ……………………………………………………… 22. Ms Kim Anh will be our History teacher next semester . You talked with her yesterday .  ……………………………………………………… 23. The watch belongs to Lam . It is in the bathroom .  ……………………………………………………… 24. Mary is a bit deaf . She didn’t hear the phone.  ……………………………………………………… 25. This is the newspaper. I want you to buy it.  ………………………………………………………. School Year: 2012-2013. 26. Have you ever spoken to the people? They live next door.  ……………………………………………………… 27. It’s the book. It will interest children of all ages.  ……………………………………………………… 28. Where are the eggs? They are in the fridge.  ……………………………………………………… 29.I bought a new typewriter. It cost me a lot of money.  ……………………………………………………… 30.Do you know a man ? His son is a student of my class.  ……………………………………………………… 31. I read about the child .his life was saved by his pet dog  ……………………………………………………… 32. look at the girl .she is wearing a white dress  ……………………………………………………… 33. That is the picture of his town . He grew up at that town  ……………………………………………………… 34. That woman over there is a singer. She is talking with my brother.  ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercise 4: Fill in each gap with suitable relative pronoun : which , that , whose , whom or who : 1. Stop him . He’s the man _______ stole my wallet . 2. There are many people ______ are living in very poor condition . 3. I’ve ever read the book _______ Huong gave me yesterday . 4. The man _____ I saw last weekend said something totally different. 5. They have invented a television set ______ is small as a watch . 6. This is the building ______ was destroyed badly in the fire last night . 7. I’m talking about Tom, ______ is really friendly. 8. The boy ______ sister is in my class can speak Japanese and Korean languages . 9. The dictionary ________ is on the table belongs to Long . 10. He wore a hat _______ made him look like a cowboy . 11. The gentleman ______ gave him the picture was his old teacher . 12. Mr David , _______ comes from England , has never been to Vietnam Exercise 5. Use AND, SO , BUT, HOWEVER, OR, SO, THEREFORE to complete the sentences. 1. Polly’s watch was broken …………….. she borrowed mine. 2. My family went to Africa…………………..she wanted to study the wild animals. 3. Melissa tried to read the book. ……………………………… , she couldn’t understand it. 4. They went to town …………… bought a lot of things. 5. She isn’t English. ………………………… , she speaks English perfectly. 6. The air polluted……………………… there too much traffic. 7. Does she a teacher ……………………………… doctor? 8. I haven’t got a car…………………… I’ve got a motorbike. 9. They are pretty ……………………………….. intelligent. 10. Do you live in the city …………………….. in the country? 11. She was poor ……………………….. she was honest. Exercise 6. A. Fill in the blank with the correct word : “ although , go on , because , whom, who” ( 1 mark) 1. If we………………………wasting water, there will be a shortage of fresh water in the few decades.. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 2. My sister…………………….wasn’t feeling very hungry didn’t want to go to the restaurant. 3. He ate all the fruits……………..they were green. 4. She went to bed early……………………..she was sick. Exercise 6.B. Complete the sentences using “ and, so , or, because , although , but”: ( 1 mark) 1. I like Mary very much………………………..I don’t like her brother. 2. We enjoyed learning English………….we find it very difficult. 3. He did the test well…………I did, too. 4. Would you like to play soccer……………volleyball? Exercise 6. C. Complete the sentences using “who , whom , whose , which”: ( 1 mark) 1. This is the man…………..daughter is my girl friend. 2. The exercise………….I am doing now is very interesting. 3. The girl…………has curly blonde hair is my pen pal. 4. He is the person………….everyone can trust. Exercise 6. D. Complete the sentences using “ and, so , or, because , although , but”: ( 1 mark) 1. She kept on studying………….it was very noisy. 2. Ba likes reading……………drawing. 3. He is tired…………….he stayed up late watching TV. 4. Tom is sick……………………he must go to school today. EXERCISE 7. Use the words given in brackets to combine each pair of sentences into one ( 3 ms) 1.Tet is a festival. Tet occurs in late January or early February. ( Which)  ……………………………………………………… 2. I’d love to play volleyball. I have to complete an assignment. ( But)  ………………………………………………………. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. 5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 6.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 7.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 8.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 9.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School. Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013. 18. It rained very hard. We didn’t want to go out. ( Since)  ……………………………………………………… 19. Do you want to have coffee? Do you want to have tea? ( Or)  ………………………………………………………. 20. The man is a secretary. You saw him at the desk. ( Whom)  ……………………………………………………… 21. The house is very beautiful. We want to buy it. ( Which)  ……………………………………………………… 22. The test was very difficult. We could do it. ( Even though)  ……………………………………………………… 23. I want to help this boy because he is very poor. ( Who)  ……………………………………………………… 24. Romeo and Juliet were lover. Their parents hated each other. ( Whose)  ……………………………………………………… 25. This is Mr. Green. His son won the championship last year. ( Whose)  ……………………………………………………… 26. She is poor. She is always happy. ( Though)  ……………………………………………………… 27. He is very rich. He never helps the poor. ( Although)  ……………………………………………………… 28. The man was injured in the accident. He is now in the hospital. ( Who)  ……………………………………………………… 29. John is absent from school. His mother is in hospital. ( Whose)  ……………………………………………………… 30. Simon couldn’t come to the meeting. He was busy. ( Therefore)  ……………………………………………………… 31. He is very tired. He has to finish his homework. (but)  ……………………………………………………… 32. They went for a walk. The weather was bad . (but)  ……………………………………………………… 33. I like watching TV. I like going to see a movie .( and)  ………………………………………………………. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School 34. She wears glasses. She wants to see better. (because)  ……………………………………………………… 35. He passed all the examination. He studied hard. ( therefore)  ……………………………………………………… 36. We are saving money. We want to buy a new house. (so)  ……………………………………………………… 37. A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen (who). Grade 9. School Year: 2012-2013.  ……………………………………………………… 38. A building has now been rebuilt. It was destroyed in the fire (which)  ……………………………………………………… 39. He didn’t notice the sign. It was right in front of him. ( although)  ……………………………………………………… 40. Simon didn’t come to the meeting. He was busy. ( therefore)  ………………………………………………………. Exercise 8. Match the word in column A to its definition or meaning in column B. A B 1. snowstorm a) a very large wave 2. earthquake b) a storm with a lot of rain, thunder and lighting 3. volcano c) a sudden strong shaking of the ground 4. typhoon d) a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds 5. thunderstorm e) a tropical storm with strong winds 6. tidal wave f) a very strong wind that goes quickly around in a circle 7. tornado g) a mountain with a hole in the top where fire, gas and hot liquid rock (called lava) sometimes come out Exercise: Find the word has different pronunciation with others 1. A. lazy. B. sticky. C. supply. D. baggy. 2. A. answer. B. always. C. wrong. D. write. 3. A. stopped. B. matched. C. worked. D. provided. 4. A. why 5. A. minority 6. A. almost 7. A. garbage 8. A. cried 9. A. experience 10. A. celebrate 11. A. hard 12. A. teach 13. A. disappointed 14. A. information 15. A. therefore 16. A. watch 17. A. guess 18. A. head 19. A. light 20. A. matter. II.. B. where C. whose D. when B. costly C. deny D. widely B. gold C. post D. hot B. mass C. trash D. flat B. published C. ordered D. sprayed B. excellent C. exchange D. except B. considerate C. congratulate D. decorate B. car C. late D. garbage B. heart C. leave D. read B. received C. polluted D. celebrated B. violent C. opinion D. informative B. through C. weather D. this B. channel C. chat D. chemistry B. stage C. teenager D. disadvantage B. beach C. leaf D. clean B. fine C. lit D. high B. back C. bag D. talk. Read the text carefully, then answer the questions below ( 2,5 ms) 1. Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes destroyed as a result of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when habitants of Tokyo were cooking their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the earth began to shake. As a result, small fires broke out everywhere and quickly spread. The fire engines were prevented from going to help because many of the roads had cracked open. It was impossible to use fire fighting equipment as most of the water pipes had burst. Consequently, over ninety percent of the damage was caused by fire rather than by the collapse of buildings.. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School Grade 9 School Year: 2012-2013 1. What happened when there was an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923? 2. When did the earthquake begin? 3. What were habitants of Tokyo doing when the earthquake began? 4. What caused over ninety percent of the damage? 5. What should you do if there is an earthquake? 2. If you live in an earthquake zone, you should take some time to look around your house. Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of your bookshelves. Block the rollers on your fridge and washing machine to prevent them from moving. Put hanging potted plants in plastic containers. Check the mirrors in your bathroom and bedroom. Make sure they can’t move. Don’t put your bed next to a window. Planning where you are going to be during an earthquake is very important. The first thing to remember is to stay inside. Then you should sit under a strong table or doorway, or stand in the corner of a room. 1. What should we do if we live in an earthquake zone? 2. Where should we place the heavy books? 3. Why we must block the rollers on the fridge and washing machine? 4. Where should we stay during the earthquake? 5. Is it important to plan where we are going to be during the earthquake? 3. Yesterday afternoon a 35- year – old house narrowly escaped death when a tree blew over and fell onto her house, completely destroying it. “ I was working in the garden at that time”. She explained “It was quite windy. I heard a strange noise coming from our tree. The earth round the bottom of the tree was moving. Suddenly the wind blew a little stronger, and I watched it crash onto the roof” The Bowles family are staying with friends while their house is rebuilt. 1. How old was the housewife? 2. How was her house destroyed? 3. What did she hear? 4. Was she injured? Why? 5. Where were the Bowles family then? 4. Earthquake: Ninety percent of earthquake occur around the Pacific Rim, which is known as the “ Ring of Fire” . In 1995, a huge earthquake struck the city of Kobe in Japan. A large number of people were killed when home, office blocks and highways collapsed. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> School: Phuoc Binh Secondary School Grade 9 School Year: 2012-2013 Tidal waves: Tidal waves are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth. In the 1960s, a huge tidal wave hit Anchorage, Alaska. The tidal wave traveled from Alaska to California! Typhoons: When a tropical storm reaches 120 kilometers per hour, it is called a hurricane in North and South America, a cyclone in Australia, and typhoon in Asia. The word “ typhoon” come from Chinese: “tai” means “ big” and “ feng” means “ wind”, so the word “ typhoon” means “ big wind”. Volcanoes: We can usually predict when a volcano will erupt. Mount Pinatubo, which is a volcano in the Philippines, erupted in 1991. It was the world’s largest volcanic eruption in more than 50 years. Hundreds of people died, but thousands were saved because scientists had warned the about the eruption. 1. Where do most of earthquakes occur? 2. When can a tidal wave occur? 3. What does the word “ typhoon” mean? 4. Can we predict a volcano? 5. Was the Mount Pinatubo the world’s largest volcanic eruption in more than 50 years?. Teacher: Dao Thi Hong. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span>
