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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date : Monday ,August 15th 2011 Period 1 Introduction and Revision A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will: Review all of the knowledge of grade 11 Know how to study and learn English 12 B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape C: Methods: communicative D : Skills practised: speaking, talking E. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Greeting, introduce, get acquaintance with the students A.Revision -elicit all of the knowledge and language skills of grade 11 1.Verbs tenses ( present simple, past simple, past progressive, past perfect……….) I. HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN (Simple Present) Cách dùng 1. Diễn tả một thói quen hoặc một việc thường xuyên xảy ra ở hiện tại. Ex: - We come to school on time everyday. - My mother always gets up early. ■ Dấu hiệu thì: a. Cách dùng này thường có các trạng từ chỉ sự thường xuyên: • rarely: ít khi • usually: thường thường • sometimes: đôi khi • seldom: hiếm khi • never: không bao giờ • always: luôn luôn • often: thường • occasionally: thỉnh thoảng • hardly ever: hiếm khi • everyday: hàng ngày b. Các kết cấu đi với every như: • every week: hàng tuần • every month: hàng tháng 2. Diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lý Ex: - The Sun rises in the East. - The Earth moves around the sun. 3. Diễn tả sự thật tương đối bền vững Ex: - Your sister speaks English well. - Dick writes novel. - Children need love and affection. II. HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN (Present Continuous) Hình thức Subject + am / is / are + V-ing Cách dùng 1. Chỉ một sự việc đang xảy ra ở hiện tại, lúc ta đang nói Ex: - The farmers are working in the fields now. - My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment. ■ Dấu hiệu thì: a. Trong câu thường có các phó từ: • now: bây giờ • at the moment: vào lúc này • at present: vào lúc này b. Trong câu bắt đầu bằng những từ gợi sự chú ý như: • Look! • Listen! • Hurry up! Ex: - Look! The boys are fighting - Listen! They are speaking English. - Hurry up! The bus is coming. c. Trong câu có cụm chủ vị có từ WHILE (Trong lúc) Ex: - I’ll think it over while I’m having my lunch.. Students’ activities. Say the forms and usages. Take notes. Say the forms and usages. Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. Diễn tả một việc được xếp đặt xảy ra trong tương lai. Ex: - What are you doing this evening - We are going to Paris on Friday. III. HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH (Present Perfect) Hình thức : Subject + Has / Have + Past Participle Cách dùng 1. Để diễn tả một việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ mà thời gian không xác định rõ. Ex: - He has lived in England before. - We have gone to Dalat several times. ■ Dấu hiệu thì: Trong câu thường có • already: rồi, đã rồi • several times: vài lần • never: chưa bao giờ • never ... before: trước đây chưa bao giờ • yet: chưa • ever: đã bao giờ • ever ... before: trước đây đã bao giờ 2. Để chỉ một việc đã bắt đầu xảy ra trong quá khứ và hiện đang còn xảyra. Ex: - So far he has had no trouble. - He has lived here for five years - His father has been ill during the last two week ■ Dấu hiệu thì: Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian: • so far: cho đến nay • up to now: cho đến nay • up to the present: cho đến lúc này • since then: kể từ lúc đó • since: kể từ khi • for: trong (khoảng thời gian) • in / during the last + 1 khoảng thời gian 3. Để diễn tả một hành động mà thời gian nó chưa kết thúc. Ex: - He has smoked ten cigarettes today. - I haven’t seen her this week. ■ Dấu hiệu thì: Trong câu thường có các phó từ như: • today: hôm nay • this week: tuần này • this month: tháng này • this term: học kỳ này • this year: năm nay 4. Để chỉ một sự việc vừa mới xảy ra so với hiện tại Ex: - I have seen him lately. - She’s just gone out. ■ Dấu hiệu thì: Cách dùng này thường có các từ như: • just: vừa mới• recently: gần đây IV. simple past The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. Duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as : for two years , for five minutes, all day, all year, etc . E.g: I live in Brazil for years 10. The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as “used to ”. To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add expressions such as: always , often, usually, never, when I was a chid, when I was youger etc. E.g : They never went to school . They always skipped their classes 11 . The Simple Past can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no longer true . As in USE 4 above , this use of the Simple Past is quite similar to the expression “used to ” E .g : She was shy as a child , but now she is very outgoing + If I had found her address last week , I would have sent her an invitation . B. Introduce the English 12 to students. + Introduce the English 12 to students.: - Guide students about the new book. - Giude them: + How to learn each lesson. Say the forms and usages. Take notes. Say the forms and usages Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> + How to learn each section of the lesson. + How to study at the class + How to prepare the lesson at home… Demand students to master: 1. The grammar of the test. 2. The main content of the English 12. 3. Master the learning methods.. Date : Tuesday,August 16th 2011 Period 2 Introduction and Revision A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will: Review all of the knowledge of grade 11 Know how to study and learn English 12 B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape C: Methods: communicative D : Skills practised: speaking, talking E. PROCEDURE: Greeting, introduce, get acquaintance with the students A.Revision -elicit all of the knowledge and language skills of grade 11 V.Past continuous : + Form : Was / were + V-ing + Meaning : Past time + Use : * Use the past Continuous to indicate that a longer actoin in the past was interrupted . The interrupted is a shorter action in the Simple Past or a specific time . Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time . E. g : I was watching TV when she called . Last at 6 PM , I was eating dinner * When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening in the same time. The actions are parallel. E.g: I was studying while he was making dinner. VI.Past perfect Use: * The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action expressed in the Past Simple. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past. e.g :had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Hanoi. 2.infinitive and gerund T reviews the verbs that are followed by an infinitive, a gerund and both. (in handouts Infinitive only Agree Arrange Ask Choose Decide Demand Deserve expect Fail Hesitate Hope Intend Learn Manage Offer Plan Refuse Seem Wait Gerund only Admit Avoid Deny Enjoy Keep Verbs that are followed by prepositions Both Begin Start Continue Stop Love Like Hate Remember Forget Try Regret 3.reported speech reviews reported speech with infinitives: + Form: Verb + O + bare-infinitive + meaning and use: We usually use an infinitive structure to report orders, requests, advice, suggestions, threats, warning, promises, (dis)agreements, and so on. We don’t use “say” in this structure.. Say the forms and usages. Take notes. Say the forms and usages. Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> E.g: I told the kids to be quite. The policeman told me not to park here. Note: T might want to remind Ss that time and place references often have to change in reported speech. E.g: 4.conditional T elicits the from and use of coditional sentences (type 1, 2 and 3 ) from Ss . If necessary T may give Ss the following handout Type 1.If + simple present will future In these sentences , the times is the present or future and the situation is real . They refer to a possible condition and its probable result Example : + If find her address , I’ll send her an invitation Type2 If + simple past , would + infinitive Like type 1 , type 2 refers to the present of future , and the past tense in the if – clause is not a true past but a subjuntive , which indicates unreality or improbability . Example : + If I were 18 again I would go on a round – the –world – tour . (I’m not 18 , in fact I’m 45 ) + If I studied , I would pass the exams Type 3 If +pat prefect , would have + P2 The time is past , and the condition cannot be fulfilled because the action in the if – clause didn’t happen . Exmple : + If I had found her address last week , I would have sent her an invitation . + If I had studied , I would have passed the exams 5.Relative clauses Relative Pronouns Who whom which that whose -Ask ss to retell Relative clause + Defining clause + Now- defining clause -Ask ss to give examples then retell their functions Eg:- I met Jane’s father, who works at the U.. - I met the man who helpead me yesterday + she is the woman about whom I told you * Relative pronouns with prepositions To With Of + whom/ which ( + S + V) About ( prohibit) (prep) Reduce relative clauses 6.Cleft sentences -Give 3 examples of 3ex 1,2,3 to introduce ss the new grammar points ( Left sentences) Ex1: The man gave her the book S ->It was the man who gave him the book ( focusing on subject) Ex2: The boy hit the dog in the grander ->It was the dog that the boy hit in the ( focusing on subject) granden Ex3:She bought him a present at the shop -> It was at the shop that she bought him ( focusing on subject) a present. Say the forms and usages. Take notes. Say the forms and usages. Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> -Through the examples, ask ss to give the way to use ceft sentences them selves It is + S + ( who) Was o that…….. Adv -Give other examples then ask ss to practise Home work -give exercise by handouts B. Introduce the English 12 to students. + Introduce the English 12 to students.: - Guide students about the new book. - Giude them: + How to learn each lesson + How to learn each section of the lesson. + How to study at the class + How to prepare the lesson at home… Demand students to master: 1. The grammar of the test. 2. The main content of the English 12. 3. Master the learning methods. Date Wednesday,August 17th 2011. Unit 1 : HOME LIFE Period 3 Lesson 1: Reading part 1 A.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will: -understand more about home life.-use vocabulary related to the topic of the lesson . B: teaching aids : textbook, pictures, , handouts and real objects C: Method: mainly communicative D: Skills practised: reading for information C. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.warm up -Ask Ss to work in groups and tell about their family -suggestions 1.how many people are their in your family? 2.what is your father’s job? 3.what’s your mother’s job? -go round the class and control -call on some Ss to present -feedback Group work -short introduction the types of family (show the pictures) Nuclear family Discuss Nuclear family consists of the father, the mother, and the children Present Extended family Extended family consists of the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and in- laws, (relatives through marriage). SINGLE PARENT FAMILY A single parent family consists of the children and one parent either the father and the mother + In US, single parent families are popular + In Viet Nam , there are more and more the type of single families BLENDED FAMILIES OR STEPFAMILIES -A family in which both parents have been divorced, each with their own children they remarry and bring both sets chilren into the marriage + It consists of stepparents, stepsister, stepbrother, halfbrother and half sister. II.Before you read Pairs work Answer. -have SS to look at the pictures in the textbook and answer questions ( In English or Vietnamese ) 1.Who do you think they are? - Work in pairs. 2.Where is the family? 3.What is each member doing? * Suggestion: 4.Is the family happy? Why/why not? - Parents and children. 5.Are there any pets? What are they? - At home. 6.What are they doing? - The mother is helping the daughter 7.do you like having pets in your house? with her study, the father is playing 8.What pets do you want to have? with the son. Call some pairs to answer and give feedbacks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> - Introduce the text. Explain some new words: Introduce and explain the meaning of the new words 1. Caring(a): paying attention to the others 2. to run the household. 3. to be willing to do st. 4. household chores 5. responsibility(n): [ri,spɔnsə'biləti ]  responsible to sb. For st. 6. mischievous(a) ['mist∫ivəs] 7. obidient(a) 8. close-knit(a) 9. supportive(a) ~ of : [sə'pɔ:tiv] 10. frankly(adv) ['fræηkli ] 11. secure(a) [si'kjuə] 12. confident(a) ['kɔnfidənt]  confidence(n) -read aloud and ask Ss to repeat -explain new words in Vietnamese if necessary III.While-reading: - Ask Ss to listen to the tape. - Ask Ss to read the passage silently to understand about it a. Task 1 : Choose the best answer - Get Ss to read the requirement of task1. - ask Ss to read through 5 sentences and help them if necessary. - Ask Ss to work in pairs and choose the answer. - get Ss to share the answers with their groups. - Call 2 Ss of 2 groups to write down the answers. - check and give feedbacks: - Let Ss explain some sentences if necessary b. Task 2 : Answer the questions: - Checks if Ss can answer the comprehension Qs without reading the text again. If Ss cannot, get them to read the Qs carefully and underline the key words to do task. - Get S to check theirs answers and explain their choices. - call some Ss to read theirs answers and explain their choices. - comment and gives feedbacks. Homework: - Learn the new words by heart, read and translate the text, do the tasks again. - Depend on Ss. - Answer.. Listen to the tape. - Read the passage silently. - Find out new words.. Read the passages - Listen to teacher’s reading. - Read the text by self. - Read the task. - Read through 5 sentences. - Work in pairs. - Share the answer. 1-B; 2-C; 3-A; 4-B ; A;. 5-. - Work in pairs Write down the homework requirements.. Unit 1 : HOME LIFE Period 4 Lesson 1: Reading part 2 I.Objectives: Students learn about home life, the relationship and responsibilities of family's members. - New words: words related to home life such as: share, responsibility, household chores, …. II. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Student’s book and pictures showing household chores, subboard…. IV: Skills practised: reading for information V. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Check up Checking the old lesson. Choose the correct option A ,B ,C or D. 1. My father is very busy with his work at the office. He usually comes home - Call on 1 S to go the board to very _______at night. do the exercise. A. late B. early C. on time D. past - Expected answers: 2. My mother _______very early in the morning to prepare our breakfast. 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B A. cries B. sleeps C. gets up D. stays up 3. My mother is a _______woman. She does all the household chores to make 6.D us more comfortable. A. caring B. careless C. harmful D. boring 4. In my free-time, I often help mom with ____the house. A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleans 5. Whenever problems come up, we discuss frankly and find _______quickly. A. solve B. solution C. solved D. to solve 6. My family is the base from which we can go into the world with _______..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> A. confide B. confiding C. confident D. confidence *. Warm – up ( 5 min.): Network - Ask Ss to find out as many as possible words related to household chores.. Household chores - Aks SS to work in groups of 4. - Call some Ss to write on the board. - Give comments. –Answer these questions • Who often does these things in your family? • Do you have any duty to your family? • What are they? NEW LESON IV.After you read - Give some Ss handouts and asks them to fill in the table the missing information from the reading text (work in groups of 4). ?what is your mother/father/you responsibility in your family? Work father mother children -washing dishes * -cooking ……….. - check and gives feedbacks. - Let Ss compare the family described in the text with your own family (basing on the handouts). - tell each group to choose a secretary to note down all of others’ ideas. - ask the secretary to report their ideas. - comment and corrects Ss’ mistakes. * Summary completion: ‘I come from a family of (1)……….people: my parents, my two younger brothers and I. My mother works as a (2)……..in a big hospital. She is a very caring woman (3)……..takes the responsibility for running the household. My father is a (4)………. He is always willing to give hand with cleaning the house. He enjoys (5)…….too. At weekends, he sometimes cooks us some special dishes. My parents are very busy at work but they always try to spend as much time for us as possible. Both of my parents join (6)……….to give us a nice house and a happy home. We are a very (7)……….family. We often share our (8) ……with one another. We always feel safe and secure in our family’. - Ask Ss to work in groups of 6 to complete the summary. - Tell the Ss to read the passage again and then close all their books. - Give Ss handouts with the summary of the passage and ask them to find a suitable words to fill in each gap in the passage. - Invite Ss to give the answers. - Check the answer with the class.. -. Group work. 4 SS go to the board and write the answers. *Expected words: - cleaning the floor - cooking - doing the washing up - washing clothes - tidying the kitchen - ironing clothes - hanging dry the clothes - repairing/ mending things - taking care of the baby - taking out the garbage - Work in pairs * Expected answers: - My mother, father and me. - Yes, I do. - They are cleaning the floor, cooking, washing the dishes… Answer. ( In English or Vietnamese ) - Work in pairs. * Suggestion: - Parents and children. - At home. - The mother is helping the daughter with her study, the father is playing with the son. - Depend on Ss. - Answer.. Read the passages - Listen to teacher’s reading. - Read the text by self. - Read the task. Expected answers: 1. five 2. nurse 4. biologist 5. cooking 6. hands 8. feelings - Work in pairs. - Share the answer.. - comment and correct Ss’ mistakes. Homework: - Learn the new words by heart, read and translate the text, do the tasks again. - Work in pairs. Work in groups. - Check.. 3. who 7. close-knit.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Date Wednesday,August 17th 2011. Unit 1 : HOME LIFE Period 5 Lesson 2: Speaking A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will: -- understand more about home life, the relationship and responsibilities of family's members. - develop speaking skills: discuss home life, the relationship and responsibilities of B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C. METHODS : mainly communicative D: Skills practised: speaking, asking for specific information E. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm up ( 5 min.): Network Expected words: - Ask Ss to find out as many as possible words related to - cleaning the floor household chores. - cooking - doing the washing up - Call some Ss to write on the board. - washing clothes - Give comments. - tidying the kitchen - ironing clothes II: New lesson : Pre speaking: - hanging dry the clothes Task 1: Read the following statements and tick the - repairing/ mending things - taking care of the baby ones that apply to you and your family. - taking out the garbage - Ask Ss to work in pairs, exchange the ideas.. - Work in pairs. -Walk around and help them. - Present in front of the class Feedback: In my family both my father and mother go to work. Almost all members of my family share the household chores. Washing the dishes and cleaning the house are what I often do help my parents. We all like watching films on TV when we have free time at weekends. The person I often share my secrets with is my sister. I always ask my parents for advice before making an important decision. - Work in pairs . Expected questions : 1. Could you tell me who works in your family? 2. By the way who in your family does the washing up? 3. What about your brother ? Does he share the household chores? 4. What’s your responsibility in the family? 5. What exactly do you have to do? 6. How do you share the household chores? 7. What interests do your family members share together? 8. What do your family members often do together in your free time? 9. Who do you often share your secrets with? 10. Who do you often talk to before making an important decision? Sample dialogue : A: - Hi,Could you tell me a bit about your family life ? B: - Sure, no problem. A: - Who works in your family? B: - Both my parents. My father is an engineer and my mother is a teacher. They work 8 hours a day. A: Do you help them with the household chores? B:- Of course. I help my mother in the kitchen and wash the dishes. A: -What about your father? B: -He cleans the floor and sometimes when my mom is out of on business he cooks for us. A: - What interests do your family members share closely? B: - Watching films. We often watch films on TV on Saturday evening when everybody is free. A: - Who do you often share your secret with? B: - Mother. I think she understand me well. A: - So she is the person you often talk to before making an important decision?. - Call some Ss to talk about their families in front of the class, using the information in task 1. - Give feedback While speaking Task 2: - Guide students how to practise. - Ask students to work in pairs. - Help the students with new structures. Give some special expressions * Could you tell me who.. ? * By the way who in your family ... ? * What about your ... ? - Walk around and help them. - Call some pairs of student to stand up and report before the class. - Correct their mistakes.. Task 3 : Ask about your partner’s family. - Ask Ss to study the table carefully. - Have the Ss to work in pairs, asking about the partner family life, noting down the answers in the table. -Call some pair to act out in front of the class. - Give comments..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> .Post speaking :Report the information - Have Ss to work in pair. - Call some Ss to report in front of the class. - Correct and give comments.. B:- No, in fact both my parents help a lot when I have problems. A: - You must be very happy in such a family .Thanks for giving me time. Bye. B: - Bye. Expected answer: I’ ve just talked with B about her family life. She told me that both her parents go to work, so they are very busy. So she has to shares the household chores .She often helps her mother in the kitchen and washes the dishes after meals. His father is also willing to help with the housework. He cleans the house and sometimes when B’s mom is out on the business. All the members of her family enjoy watching films together on Saturday evening. She shares her secret with her mother because she thinks that her mother understand her well. ;however, both parents help her make important decisions. III. Consolidation : - More practice the main toppics at home. -IV. Homework : Prepare the section C (The Listening part of Unit one).. Date Wednesday,August 17th 2011 Unit 1 : HOME LIFE Period 6 Lesson 3: Listening A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will understand more about home life B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects c. Method: mainly communicative D. Skills practised : listening for main ideas and specific information E . PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities I: Warm up: ask SS for the weather II.Check up: . Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. How long ago................. Susan? A. have you been seeing B. you saw C. did you see D. would you see 2. On the first of next month, he …………… in prison for five years. A. will have B. will be being C. will have been D. has had 3. "Did Susan have a chance to get in touch with you?" "Oh, yes, she .......... me up last night." A. has called B. called C. had called D. calls 4. Every evening since last Christmas, I ....... my dog out for a walk in the park. A. take B. took C. have taken D. had taken 5. He .............. for a job for some weeks before he found one. A. is lookingB. looks C. would have been looking D. had been looking 6. This is the first time I............. the experiment on plant breeding. A. have done B. do C. would do D. did 7. Listen! The telephone ...................... A. ring B. rings C. is ringing D. ring III New lesson . While you listen * Describing the picture- Ask students to work in pairs, look at and describe. Students’ activities. 1.C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C. Look at the pictures. - Answer the teacher’s questions. + They are having a big….. + many people...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> the picture (p16), using the cues:. + Very happy. 1. What is happening in the picture? 2. How many pictures are there?/ who are they? 3. How are they feeling? / How do they look? - Call some students to answers - Give feedback and introduce the topic of the lesson: Lead- in: In today’s listening section, you’ll hear the conversation between Paul and Andrea talking about their family.. Students repeat individually and in chorus o. - introduce some new words to students by using pictures or by using definitions in English. Students listen to the tape carefully.  ask students to repeat the words on the black board.  Teacher has students pay much attention to the words and how they’re pronounced and tells students that they’re given cues helping them to listen to the text well.. * Vocabulary: Listen and repeat - Play the tape and ask Ss to read after the tape twice. - Explain new words : - leftovers / `left әu vәz/ thức ăn thừa. - Read through the questions. - spread ( v) out /spred/ trải ra 1.. to reserve: = to book sth in advance: đặt trước. - Work individually to do the task. 2.. coach (n): xe chở khách đường dài. - Compare the answers. 3.. to spread out: to cover a large area. 4.. leftovers: food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal. family, they rarely get together as a. 5.. flight(n): a journey made by air, especially in a plane: chuyeán bay. family any more.). 1. T 2. F ( They not a very close – nit. III.While you listen. 3. F ( It is about 180 kilometers ..). Task 1: Listen to the conversation between Paul and Andrea and decide whether the statements are T or F and then correct the false statements. 4. T ( There are 4 children in Paul’s. Ask students to read through the questions. family) 5. T ( There are too many people to. - Play the tape two times. cook for, they end up going out to. - Ask Ss to do individually then compare the answer with a partner.. dinner a lot.). - Play the tape again, have students listen and check the answers. - Read through the questions.. - Call some Ss to give the answers. - Work individually to do the task. - Checks and gives feedback.. - Try to do the task without listening again. - Compare the answers - Listen again and check the answers. Task 2: Note down two things that are different about Paul’s and Andrea’s families.. - Work in groups, discuss the questions. - Ask students to read through the questions.. - Report their discussion. - Let them do the task without listening again..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> - Play the tape twice . - Ask students to do Task 2 then compare the answer with a partner. - Play the tape again, have students listen and check the answers - Ask some students to read the answers - Checks and gives feedback. after you listen : Discussing - Ask Ss to work in groups, discuss the questions: The importance of family in a person’s life - Ask some students to present their discussion in front of the class. - Give feedback IV: Consolidation: Ask some students to present The importance of family in a person’s life V. Homework: - Summarise main points. - Write about family reunion. - Prepare Part D. Date Wednesday,September 14th 2011. Unit 1: HOME LIFE Period 7 Lesson 4: Writing A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will understand more about home life B:Skills practised: write a letter to a pen pal about your family rules C. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects D Method: mainly communicative E. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm up: Ask about the health How are you today? II.Check up Pairs work -Ask Ss to work in pairs and answers some questions 1. My parents don’t let me come home late. 1. Do your parents often let you go out in the evening ? 2. My father permits me to use the family motorbike. 2. Are you allowed to use your family motorbike? 3. I have to do the household chores. 3.Are you allowed to do the household chores? -call on some pairs to present their answer in front of the class -feedback Lead in : In today’s lesson, you’re going to write a letter about your family rules - Ss work in groups III New lesson .Pre-writing: groups work Task 1: What rules do you have in your family? +Have students revise the verbs * let sb + V *allow sb + to V *have to + V (obligation) *permit sb + to V deliver Sshandouts(Task1Complete the following sentences).. 1.During the school year, I am not allowed to come home late / watch TV … 2. I have to clean my house / do the washing 3. My parents allow me to watch TV / go out with my friends on Saturday or Sunday… 4. My parents want me not to stay up late / chat with my friends on the phone.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 1. During the school year, I am not allowed ________ 2. I have to.... 3. My parents allow me…... 4. My parents want me not……. - ask some Ss to go to the BB to write down their sentences - help Ss finds out the mistakes and corrects them while writing Task 2: Write a letter to a pen pal about your family rules. - ask Ss to work in groups and use the ideas they have written above to write a letter about their family rules. - go around to offer help - call four representatives of four groups to go to the BB to write down their letters - help Ss finds out the mistakes and corrects them give feedback on Ss’ work _point out some common mistakes made by Ss when doing this writing task. Post-writing ask Ss to make a conversation about the content of their letter call some Ss to practice the conversation in the front of class IV: Consolidation : remark generally Ss’ written work V: Homework: - Rewrite at home. - Prepare the section E (The Language focus part of Unit one).. - Ss work in groups Dear Mary, Today, I have something interesting to tell you. It’s my family’s rules. Every family has its own rules. Mine has a few. First, during the school year I’m allowed to watch TV until I have finished my homework. Sometimes my parents let me go out with my friends on Saturday or Sunday, but I must come home early. Second, in my family everybody has to do their share of the household chores. And mine are doing the washing and preparing meals. Third, my parents want me not to chat on the phone more than ten minutes. How about your family rules? I am very happy with my family. My parents really love me and take good care of me. Love, Daisy Work in pairs A. Do your parents let you go out in the evening? B. Sometimes on Saturday or Sunday. A. Are you allowed to watch TV? B. ………….. Date Wednesday,September 14th 2011 Period 8. Unit 1 : HOME LIFE Lesson 5: language focus. A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will: - distinguish and pronounce correctly the ending sounds / s, z / . - use correctly the Simple past, past continuous and present perfect B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C.Method: mainly communicative D: Skills practised : speaking correctly the ending sounds / s, z / . PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Read the tongue twisters I. Warm up : tongue twisters. - Hang a poster on the B.B, Ask Ss to read the tongue twisters as quickly as possible. If one read 3 times he wins. She sees Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits. - Ask Ss to pick out the word containing the s, z / and put in the correct column. .. ending sounds /. /s/ sits. / z/ sees shines.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> - Write on the B.B II: Check up: Write /t/ , /d/ or /id/ to show how the – ed ending is pronounced: 1. defined 2. hoped 3. sacked 4. relaxed 5. prepared 6. watched 7. helped 8. asked 9. looked 10. tolerated 11. needed 12. collected 13. stoppe 14. laughed 15. talked 16. wanted 17. demanded. 18. rented. 19. agreed. 20.. determined II.. Pronuciation: + Listen and repeat: - Read and ask students to listen and compare the difference betweet / z / and / s /. - Let students listen again and to repeat. - Write some words on board and ask students to read them aloud. + Pratise these sentences: - Read one before then read again and ask students to repeat. - Askk students to practise themselves. - Walk around and help them. + Listen and repeat: - Listen and practise. + Pratise these sentences: - Listen and repeat. - Preactise in pairs.. Do exercise individually -> 1. did….buy ; bought 2. were playing 3. were visiting 4. was having ; called 5. have already seen. III. Grammar : Tense revision 1. Tense revision : - Hang a poster, Ask Ss to do the exercise . Poster : Use the correct tenses: simple past, past continuous or present perfect. 1. When you (buy) that car? - I (buy) it 2 year ago. 2. At this time yesterday we (play) football. 3. At 7 p.m last Sunday we (visit) the zoo. 4. When I (have ) dinner, my friend (call).. Take note Remarks. 5. I (already/see )Titanic - Call a student to do on the B.B while the other practice individually. - Correct and give feedback. - Ask Ss to remark the uses of these tenses, give comment. remarks * Simple past is used to denote an action happening at a specific time in the past with no relating to the present. * Past continuous is used to express action that was in progress at a specific time in the past; it is also used to express action that was in progress when something else happened. 2, Practice: Exercises 1 (p.18) ; Ex 2( p.19) - Ask Ss to do exercises provided in the books. - Have them do individually, and then compare the answers. Do exercises Exercises 1 : Underline the most suitable 1. Have you seen 2. have you enjoyed 3. has been married 4. Did you give ; saw 5. didn’t listen 6. Have you two met 7. Did you meet Exercises 2 Which answer best fit each 1. B 8. C 2. C 9. B 3. A 10. C 4. A 11. B 5. B 12. C 6. B 13. C 7. B 14. A 15. B. with the partners. - Call Ss to give the answers. - Correct and give feedback * Additional exercise: Choose the best answers 1. The man got out the car,….. round to the back and opened the boot.. 1. B 2. D 3.A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> A. walking B. walked C. walks D. walk 2. I saw Maggie at the party. She …. in several films. A. wears B. wore C. was wearing. D. has worn. 3. After I had had lunch, I…. for my bag. A. looked. B. had looked. C. have looked. Homework: - Redo the exercises at home. - Prepare Unit 2 (The reading part of Unit 2).. D. look.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Date Saturday,September 17th 2011 Period 9. Unit 2 : Cultural diversity Lesson 1: reading. A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will: - understand some more about the senses and personal experiences directly related to the sense. - improve their reading skills B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C, Skills Practised: listening, reading for information to answer the questions. D. Method: mainly communicative. Teacher’s activities I: Check up: Write /t/ , /d/ or /id/ to show how the – ed ending is pronounced: 1. defined 2. hoped 3. sacked 4. relaxed 5. prepared 6. watched 7. helped 8. asked 9. looked 10. tolerated 11. needed 12. collected 13. stoppe 14. laughed 15. talked 16. wanted. Students’ activities answer. 17. demanded 18. rented 19. agreed 20. determined II. Warm – up ( 5 min.) :Network Competition game – network. - Prepares a hand out with a network of the word’ a Marriage” and asks Ss the Question - What things make a marriage happy? - divides the class into 8 groups and gives each group a hand out. asks Ss to complete the network.. Group work Expected words: -romantic love - understanding - sharing - partnership of equals. -. The winner will be the group completing the network in the shortest period of time. - Ask students to look at the pictures and work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. ?what can you see in the pictures? What are the differences between them? Call students to answer before the class Feedback Lead to the lesson New lesson : Pre- reading * Pair works:- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the question:. Pairs works. +Which of the following factors is the most important for a happy life?. Answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Why?. - Love a nice house / flat. - Money, a good job. - Parents, approval good health.. Free answers. - asks Ss to talk before the class and give the reason why. The other can asks Questions.. *Vocabulary: Give some main words to present using vocabulary technique to teach. 1.Phycical attractiveness. [ə'træktivnis]. Pair work/ group work. 2. Confiding. 3. Partnership of equals 4. Trust built on love 5.diversity (n) [dai'vә:siti] : tính đa dạng 6.diversify (v) [dai'və:sifai] đa dạng hóa 7.diverse (adj) 8.approval (n) 9.marriage (n) -read aloud and ask Ss to repeat -correct mistake While reading:-Ask Ss to read the text silently to do the tasks. Focus. Read the passage silently. on the phrases physical attractiveness; confiding; partnership of equals and trust built on love…. - Open the tape. T can ask 1 or 2 good student to read the text aloud. *Task 1 Explain the meaning of the word/ phrases: Ask Ss to read the sentences silently to understand what to do. If Ss have any problems, T might be able to help them by giving the instruction. - Give handouts Matching 1.Precede. a. happen or exist before. Individual work/ group work and pair work answers 1 – a; 2 – d; 3- b; 4 – e; 5- c. 2. Determine b. tell some – one about something Very Private or secret 3.Confide 4. Sacrifice 5. Obliged. c. having a duty to do something. d. find out e. willingly stop having somethingyou want. -Goes around for help - Calls Ss to read aloud what they do. - Give feedback and correct answers.Get Ss to read the sentences in task loud what they do the other can translate them into Vietnamese pairs by pairs. Pair work/ group work and whole class. * Task 2 Answer the following questions:. - Get Ss to read the whole text silently to answers the question - Ask them to work in pairs or groups asks and answers the questions - Call on some Ss to answer in front of the class.. answers 1. They are Physical attractiveness; Confiding ; Partnership of equals; trust built on love..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> - Give feedback IV.After you read: - divides class into small groups of 6 or 8 and asks them to discuss the question: what are the differences between a tradition Vietnamese family?. * Number of children. *The house they like to have. * The head of the family. *Who works? *Who takes care of the housework and children? * The income….. goes around to help Ss if they have any problem.. 2. The young Americans are much concerned than the young Indians and the Chinese with physical attractiveness When choosing a wife or a husband. 3. The Indian students agree that a woman has to sacrifice more in a marriage than a man. 4. The American wife trusts her husband to do the right thing because he loves her not because he has to do. 5. The main finding of the survey is that young Asians are not as romantic as their American counterparts Pairs work * Number of children: more *The house they like to have : big * The head of the family: fathers ... - asks to talk before the class some pairs groups Consolidation:What is the most important value ? Homework: - Learn the new words by heart, read and translate the text, do the tasks again. - Prepare the section B (The Speaking part of Unit two).. Date Saturday,September 17th 2011 Period 9. Unit 2 : Cultural diversity Lesson 2 : speaking. A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will: - understand more about differences among cultures.. - discuss information that relates to the differences between Vietnamese and American cultures - to improve the students’ speaking skills B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C. Method: mainly communicative D. Skills practised: speaking , free talking C. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Do exercises I: Warm up :Choose the best answer:. 1). Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? A). ants B). hands C). trousers D). eggs 2)In my family, my mother is the one who always does the household _____. A). chores B). waste C). chorus D). appliance 3). She telephoned me while I ______________ dinner. A). have had B). had had C). had D). was having 4) Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? A) bags B) days C) kids D) kits II. Warm - up ( 5 min.) Gives two tables and asks Ss to work in group of three or four to complete the table Give a picture. 1. 2. 3. 4.. They are kissing In the public / In the street No, they don’t. It’s impolite. It is very common.. Ss open the book and look at the sentences in the box on page 22. - Ss listen to the teacher and write down the new expression in their notebooks. - Ss read after the teacher.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> -Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer questions 1. What are they doing? 2. Can you guess where they are? 3. In Viet Nam, do people often kiss in public? Why or Why not? 4. What about in America? -lead to the new lesson. Today we will learn about the differences between Vietnamese and American cultures New lesson I.pre-speaking Task 1:ask Ss to open the book on page 22 - ask Ss to read the sentences in the box in Task 1 on page 22. - explain some special expressions if necessary. - read aloud and instructs Ss how to use these expressions. Some special expressions I think / feel / believe….. I don’t agree…… In my opinion …… It’s not true…….. For me….. That’s true / wrong /…. - ask Ss to express their point of view on the following ideas, using the words or expressions in the box. ● In Vietnam, there are three or vevn more generation may live in a nhome. ● A happy marriage should be based on love. ● In some Asian countries, love is supposed to follow marriage not precede it. ● In some countries, a man and a woman may hold hands and kiss each other in public. - make a sample conversation with a student Sample : T: I think a happy marriage should be based on love. S: I quite agree with you. Life will be terrible if there is not true love between a husband and a wife. T: But in some Asian countries love is supposed to follow marriage, not precede it. S: For me, I don’t think it’s true (What will happen if there is no true love even after marriage). How can two people who don’t love each other live happily in the same house? - go round the class and helps Ss if necessary. - divide the class into the suitable groups II.While-speaking Task 2 - ask Ss to look at task 2 on page 23 and tells them to read the typical features of the American culture in pairs, and then discuss and find out the corresponding features of the Vietnamese culture. - help Ss with the new words and the pronunciation. - give Ss some expressions to help them practice the conversation easily. Some expressions Do you know that………? It is said that…….. It is said that in the newspaper / on TV / radio that…. -Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task -Call on some pairs to give their ideas - Correct and gives feedback III: Post speaking Task 3: Talk about the similarities and differences between Vietnamese and American in cultures - Explain how to do the task 3 - Ask Ss to read the answer of task 2 again before doing the task 3 - Ask Ss to work in group of four - Call on some pairs to give their ideas - Correct and give feedback Consolidation : the differences and similarities in celebrating a wedding ceremony in Vietnam and American Home work -Ask Ss to work the tasks again - Ask Ss to write a short passage about the differences and similarities in. - Students choose some of these ideas and then use the expressions in the box to express their points of view.. - Ss work in pairs.. Ss read task 2 - Ss write down some expressions in their notebooks. Answers - three or sometime four generations live under one roof - Elders live with children and are taken care of by their sons - Asking about age, marriage and income is acceptable. - A Vietnamese greets the head of the family or an older person first, then the younger ones - Groceries are bought everyday - Tet(Lunar New Year) is the most important - Children often sleep with their parents Take note There are differences and similarities between Vietnamese and American cultures. In America, there are two generations live in the same house. In Vietnam, two, three or even four generations live under on roof. It’s tradiotional for children to live near.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> celebrating a wedding ceremony in Vietnam and American - Prepare part C. and take care of their parents so old people in Vietnam don’t live in nursing home as Americans do. Americans don’t want to be asked about age, marriage and income while it is acceptable in Vietnam.. Date Thursday,September 23rd 2011. Unit 2 : Cultural diversity Lesson 3: listening A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will:- Listen and understand the conversation about the wedding ceremony in Vietnam - Know some more new words about wedding ceremony. B. Method: mainly communicative C. Skills practised : .- Listen and fill the missing information in the gaps Period 10. - Listen and answer the questions about the wedding ceremony in Vietnam D. TEACHING AIDS:. textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects. E. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities I: Check up : 1. London is home to people of many _______ cultures. a. diverse b. diversity c. diversify d. diversification 2. John cannot make a _______ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car. a. decide b. decision c. decisive d. decisively 3. My mother used to be a woman of great _______, but now she gets old and looks pale. a. beauty b. beautiful c. beautifully d. beautify 4. My father phoned me to say that he would come _______ home late. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 5. At last they divorced after ten years of _______ marriage. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 6. A curriculum that ignores ethnic tensions, racial antagonisms, cultural _______ and religious differences is pot relevant. a. diversity b. contacts c. barriers d. levels 7. Some researchers have just _______ a survey of young people's points of view on contractual marriage. a. sent b. directed c. managed d. conducted 8. It is not easy to ________ our beauty when we get older and older. a. develop b. maintain c. gain d. collect 9. Many young people have objected to _______ marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and groom. a. agreed b. shared c. contractual d. sacrificed 10. The young are _______ more concerned with physical attractiveness than elderly people . a. much b. as c. many d. as much as II. Warm-up ( 5 MIN.): cross words -Give the cross words on the additional board. - Read aloud each clue, gets students say aloud the answers. *cross word: *clues: 1. the woman that a man is married to is……. 2. every marriages should be based on this : 3. what do we call a woman on her wedding day? 4. the man that a woman is married to is……. Students’ activities Do exercises. Class work Each student with a correct answer will be given a present. suggested answers: 1: wife 2: love 3: bride : 4: husband 5: spring : 6: wedding ring 7: groom.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 5. people often choose this season to hold wedding ceremonies. 6. to show that you are married, what do you often wear? 7. what do we call a man on his wedding day? -checks and correct. -Ask Ss to guess the topic of the lesson today -lead to the new lesson. III. New lesson : I.. Before you listen. - ask Ss to open the book. - ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 24 and discuss what is happening in each one. - gives some guide questions: 1. What do you see in the pictures? 2. Who are they? 3. What are they doing? -check correct answers Ask students to discuss the two questions: 1.Have you ever attended a wedding ceremony? 2.what do the bridge and the groom usually do at the wedding ceremony? T. introduces the new lesson: You will hear two people talking about a wedding ceremony in Vietnam. Listen and do some listening tasks. Vocabulary: Listen and Repeat Teach some new words first and then plays the tape for students to listen and repeat. Altar: ['ɔ:ltә] : bệ thờ,bàn thờ Master of Ceremony: chủ hôn Banquet: ['bæηkwit] bữa tiệc quan trọng ( wedding banquet : tiệc cưới) : Ancestor: ['ænsistә] ông bà tổ tiên Tray: [trei] khay Schedule: 'skedʒul] liệt kê ra .. Blessing: II.While you listen 1.TASK 1- explain Task 1 to the Ss You will hear two people talking about a wedding ceremony in Vietnam. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks the missing information. Get Ss to read carefully five sentences before listening the tape to do the task. - Play the tapes twice (T. can play the tape one more time if students have difficulty.) - Ask Ss to work individually, then compare their answers with the other student. - Call on some Ss to give their answers, correct and give feedback. 2. Task 2: Answering -Ask Ss to read carefully the five questions first, then let them try to answer before listening again to do the task. -Play the tape twice, one for doing the task, one for giving feedbacks. Call on some Ss to give their answers, correct and give feedback. IV.After you listen -explains the task and asks Ss to work in groups to discuss the question: What do families often to do to prepare for a wedding ceremony? Suggestions - the preparation for the wedding - what groom and bride do on their wedding day - banquet ( place, food, drink.) guests ( gifts, blessing, ...) -call on some groups to present their answers Consolidation : the importantance of wedding ceremony to Vietnamese people Homework Write a short paragraph to introduces about the wedding ceremonies in Vietnam. Ss look at the pictures on page 24, work in groups and then discuss what is happening in each one. - Ss answer the teacher’s questions 1. I see a wedding ceremony 2. a bride and a groom 3. They are bringing a lot of gifts. Answers 1.yes, I have 2. they usually …………... Ss write down the new words in the notebook.. - Ss repeat - Read - Listen - Compare - Listen and check - Expected answer: 1. groom’s parents 2. red paper 3. altar 4. at the wedding banquet 5. wedding cards/ money Ss read the questions in Task 2 carefully, listen to the tape for three times and answer the question 1. The most important thing the groom’s family has to do on the wedding day is to go to the bride’s house bringing gifts wrapped in red paper. 2. They would pray, asking their ancestors’ permission to get married. 3. After they pray and ask their ancestors’ permission to get married. 4. The wedding banquet is usually held at the groom’s and bride’s home or at a hotel or a restaurant. 5. They stop by each table to thank their guests.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> - Ss read the question carefully and then discuss in groups. Unit 2 : Cultural diversity Lesson 5: language focus A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will: - Pronounce correctly the – ed endings sound of verb in the simple past tense. - Review the usage of tenses. B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C: Method: mainly communicative D: SKILLS practised : reading, speaking ,lisening, writing Period 11. E. PROCEDURE:. Teacher’s activities I: Check up : put verbs into the correct form : Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 11. a. naked b. looked c. booked d. hooked 12. a. concerned b. raised c. developed d. maintained 13. a. appeared b. agreed c. coughed d. loved 14. a. sacrificed b. trusted c. recorded d. acted 15. a. laughed b. weighed c. helped d. missed II.Warm up Hang a chart with 12 verbs (both regular verb and irregular verb) with the form: infinitive without “To”. For example see, need, go, laugh, teach , eat, miss, paint, close, run , play, help Divide class into 4 groups. - Read loudly 12 verbs 2 times. -Ask Ss to rewrite all verbs which they hear. -Call leader of each group to go to BB and write down. -Check and choose the winner. -Call some students read all verbs when adding “ed” at the end of each verb. - Ask Ss to give comment and note how to read “ed”. - leads-in new lesson NEW LESSON : I. pronunciation Activity 1:- give Ss the rules of pronouncing the verbs ending in -ed There are three ways 1. ed → /d/ after voiced consonants and vowels. 2. ed → /t/ after [ k , p , s , ∫ , t∫ , f ) 3. ed → /id/ after / t, d/ - ask Ss to look at the verbs on the board and then write them into the right column - read aloud and asks Ss to repeat - ask Ss to open the book and look at the words on page 27 - ask Ss to practice Activity 2: -Ask Ss to practise reading sentences in textbook in pairs and then arrange the verbs into 3 kinds: /t/ - /d/ - /id/. -Check and gives feedback. -Play the tape (or read) and ask Ss repeat. (note sentence stress II.grammar: tense revision -asksss to look back the examples above and review the tense I have learned English for 7 years - I visited my friends. - check and give feedback Exercise1: Use the correct form of the verbs… -Ask Ss to work individually carefully and then work in pairs. -Explains how to use tense if necessary. - Call some Ss to answer and ask class to give comment. - Give feedback.. Students’ activities - look and read. - listen - answer Ss change these verbs into past simple saw, needed, went, laughed, taught, ate, missed, painted, closed, ran, played, helped Ss write down the rules in the notebook.. / t/ laughed missed helped. Suggestion /d/ / id / closed needed played painted. - Ss repeat - Read - Arrange - work in pairs - remind. (groupwork) answers: 1. Have you seen ; saw ; am going to see 2. drank ; haven’t drunk ; drank 3. has written ; Did she write ; wrote 4. have been cooking ; cooked ; cooked - Practise the conversation Answers : 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A. 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> - calls some pairs read the conversation. * Exercise 2: Multiple choices - Ask Ss to read exercise carefully. -Explain the meaning of the difficult words - Explain how to use tense of necessary. -Ask Ss work in pairs -Call on some Ss answer and asks class to give comment. -give feedback. Exercise 3: Complete the letter with the correct form of the verbs in brackets Giude students how to do - Do the first as an example. - Ask students to to the exercise. - Call the to to on board. - Correct Consolidation : homework ( 5 min.): - Review tenses - / ? / Give handouts: EX 1: Choose the best answer: 1. The wedding party ... at the Rex Hotel. A. is B. is being C. will be D. are 2. By the end of next year Gorge …...English for 2 years. A. will have learned B. will learn C. has learned D. would learn 3. We ... English this time last week. A. learned B. were learning C. have learned D. had learned 4. The child ... before the doctor arrived. A. died B. had died C. has died D. was dying EX 2 : Rewrite this sentences : 1. He has been teaching for 20 years.( He started...) 2. How long have you studied English ? ( When) 3. They finished their work, then they drank in the pub.( After...) - Prepare Unit 3 Date Monday,September 26th 20111 Period 12. answer: 1. moved 2. moved 3. have asked 4. have not stopped 5. study 6. will fail 7. could talk. -> A -> A. ->B -> B -> He started teaching 20 years ago. -> When did you start to study English ? -> After they had finished their work, they drank in the pub.. Unit 3 : Ways of socializing Lesson 1: Reading. By the end of the lesson, students will: be able to talk some back ground information of The ways of socialising. Give the Vietnamese equivalents to the following words and phrases. Decide which of the three options below is the best title for the passage and answer the questions of the lesson.. A.OBJECTIVES:. -. B. TEACHING AIDS:. textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C. Method: mainly communicative D: SKILLS PRACTISED : read for specific information about The ways of socialising. C. PROCEDURE. I.Check up : Supply the correct verb form 1. Be quiet! The baby (sleep). => 2. We seldom (eat) before 6:30. => 3. Look! The man (run) the train. He (want) to catch it. => 4. The sun (set) in the West. => 5. It (be) often hot in summer. => 6. I (do) an exercise on the present tense at the moment and I (think) that I (know) how to use it now. 7. It (rain) much in summer. It (rain) now. => 8. Daisy (cook) some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook) in the morning. => 9. I (see) her last year. => 10. What (do) you do yesterday? =>. II.Warm-up: Jumbled words - Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board. - Divide the class into two teams. Ss from two teams go to the board and. Whole class go to the board and write the correct.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> write the correct words. - The team which writes correct words first will be the winner. 1. osiacsilgin 2. fo 3. sawy Answer : 1  socialising , 2  of , 3  ways - Have Ss guess the phrase of words above Ways of socialising - Lead in: T asks Ss to open the textbook on page 31. T: Today we are going to learn Unit 3- Ways of socialising- A: Reading NEW LESON : Before reading: - Ask students to look at the pictures, work in pairs to ask and answer the questions 1. What are the people in the picture doing? 2. Can you guess what they say to each other? 3. What will you do / say if: + you want to get your teacher’s attention in class? + you need to ask someone a question, but they are busy talking to someone else? -Go around to offer help. -Call on some Ss to present their answers and elicits comments from other Ss. Give feedback if necessary * Teaching Vocabulary: - ask Ss to skim the passage and underline the new words. - explain the new words. 1. attract (v) 2. assistance (n) [ə'sistəns] sự giúp đỡ 3. whistle (v) ['wisl] huýt sáo 4. clap (v) 5. attention (n) 6. acceptable (a) [ək'septəbl] sự chấp nhận 7.Compliment: (n): (synonym) ['kɔmplimənt] sự khen ngợi 8.Decent: ( adj) (situation) ['di:snt] lịch lãm 9.Appropriate: ( adj) ( translation) [ə'proupriət] 10.Kidding(n) ( situation) 11.Signal (n): ( example) ['signəl]. words.. 12.Marvellous: ( adj): ( synonym) ['mɑ:vәlәs] tuyệt vời. read the passage more carefully & choose the best title for it.. - Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese equivalent (if necessary). - Read a new word three times. Ss listen and repeat after the teacher. while reading Task 2 -Ask students to read the questions carefully. - Ask students to read through the passage again. - Devide the class into pairs to do . - Call some students to give the answers. - Ask others students to correct.. - Give the true answers.. Task 3 Questions and answers Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions in the book basing on the information in the reading passage. - Ask Ss to read the text again and write down the answers to the following questions. - move around class to give help. -call on some pairs to present their answers in front of the class -give correct answers IV.After you read: * Discussion - Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the meaning of whisling and handclapping in Vietnamese culture. - Move around to help Ss.. - The team which writes correct words first will be the winner. Pairs work Discuss Answers 1.In the pictures, people are shaking hands and waving with each other. 2.they may be greeting each other 3. - If we want to get our teacher’s attention in class, we can raise our hands slightly. - If we need to ask someone a question, but they are busy talking to someone else, we can… skim the passage and underline the new words. give the Vietnamese equivalent listen and repeat after the teacher. Copy down. Answers A. ( Attracting Attention: Nonverbal Cues) work in pairs and ask and answer the questions in the book basing on the information in the reading passage. Answers 1. We can use either verbal or non- verbal communication. 2. Because they are strong actions that can easily be seen 3. We can wait until he passes near us, catch his eye, nod slightly to let him know we would like him to come to our table. Or we may raise our hand slightly to show that we need assistance. 4.You can use a small friendly wave to attract his or her attention. 5. Because it’s considered rude..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> - Ask some pairs to act out their conversation. - give feedback. Consolidation : retell the meaning of whisling and hand- clapping in Vietnamese culture. Homework: -asks Ss to learnt by heart the lesson - Review the points that have been covered in the lesson and do the exercise in the exercise book.. work in pairs to discuss the meaning of whisling and hand- clapping in Vietnamese culture.. Unit 3 : Ways of socialising. Period 13. A.OBJECTIVES:. -. Lesson 2 : Speaking By the end of the lesson, students will:. practise speaking exactly and appropriately about the ways of socialising, based on the vocabulary and structures that they have learnt in the lesson.. - Make dialogues to practise giving and responding to compliments, based on the given information. B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C.Method: mainly communicative D: SKILLS PRACTISED: speaking, listening ,writing ,reading E. PROCEDURE. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. CHECK UP : Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one. 1. This is the first time I attend such an enjoyable wedding party. a. The first wedding party I attended was enjoyable. b. I had the first enjoyable wedding party. c. My attendance at the first wedding party was enjoyable. d. I have never attended such an enjoyable wedding party before. 2. I have not met her for three years. a. The last time I met her was three years ago. b. It is three years when I will meet her. c. I did not meet her three years ago. d. During three years, I met her once. 3.This pasta is a new experience for me. a. I used to eat a lot of pasta. b. I am used to eating pasta. c. It is the first time I have eaten pasta. d. I have ever eaten pasta many times before. 4.I have not seen Tom for ages. a. It has been a long time .since I last saw Tom. b. Tom and I do not look the same age. c. Tom and I are friends for a long time. d. I often met Tom ages ago.. II.Warm-up: Guessing word: T: What is it? Divide the class into two groups. say that he has a word in his mind and he going to give some information about the word. Members of each group will listen and may stop at any information they hear to guess what the word is. Each group has only two chances to gues the word. The first group to tell exactly what the word is wins the game. give information about the word. 1. It’s a noun. 2. It has got ten letters. 3. It is an expression by word or action, or admiration. 4. It shows one respect, give and respond your feeling about things which are beautiful, good, or interesting, etc. What is the word? give the correct answer. I. Pre- speaking: Task 1: - Introduce the task: You are going to work in your group to practise reading these dialogues, paying attention to how people give and respond to compliments in each situation. Ask Ps to take notes and practise reading vocabulary. Ask Ps to work in pairs, practise reading these dialogues, paying attention to. Listen to the teacher. Work in groups. Listen and find out the answers. Answer key: COMPLIMENT.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> how people give and respond to compliments in each situation. read once. Ask Ps to listen. Hang the table on the board. Ask Ps to look at the information about compliment in the table.  Useful language: Give compliments Respond to compliments - beautiful - perfect - I’ve never seen… - terrific - better I think -What a/an…you have/ have got! -How + adj/adv… -You really have… -Your …is/are…. - Thank you/ Thanks - That’s a nice compliment I think I’m glad you like it. Thank you. I think/ thought… Thank you. That’s a nice compliment. You must have got to be kidding.. -Ask Ss to use the information in the table to suitable information and play the roles in the dialogues to practise the dialogues. -Move around to give help III.While- speaking: Task 2: -Read the cues once. Ask Ss to listen and look at the information in the task. -Explain the situations of each dialogues. -Guide Ss to use suitable compliments in each dialogues, using the cues. -Ask Ss to work in pairs, practise giving compliments to suit the responses. Move around to give help. -Call on some pairs to act out their conversation in front of the class. -Give comments on their conversations. Task 3 -Read the cues once. Ask Ss to listen and look at the information in the task. -Explain the situations of each dialogues. -Guide Ss to use suitable compliments in each dialogues, using the cues. Ask Ss to work in pairs, practise responding compliments to suit the responses. Move around to give help. -Call on some pairs to act out their conversation in front of the class. -Give comments on their conversations.. Work in pairs. -. Look at the table on the board.. -. Listen to the teacher.. - Take notes. use the information in the table to suitable information and play the roles in the dialogues to practise the dialogues. - Work in pairs. listen and look at information in the task.. the. - Some pairs perform. Others listen to. David: You really have a beautiful Post speaking Task 4: dress. It is the most beautiful dress I -Before getting Ss to discuss, remind them of some useful expressions for have seen. giving and responding compliments in Task 1. Hung: Your motorbike is really -Divide the class into small groups of 3 or 4 & gets them to discuss the task. terrific. Then -Go around to check and offer help. -After checking that all the groups have finished, call on the representative of Michel: I Though your badminton was a lot better . each group to report their peer’ ideas. check if other groups would have the same or different ideas. - Work in groups. - Listen & take note of their errors. provide corrective feedback after that . - Listen to the teacher. Consolidation : the ways of socialising - Listen to the teacher. Home work Work with your friends: Make compliments and responses about something or act out their conversation in performances of your friends in class. front of the class. - study - Thank you, Phil. I think you can - speaking English do it as well as I do. - singing - Thank you, Peter. That’s a nice compliment. - briefcase/ a new pen/ a nice hat/ You must be kidding. I think it is -Prepare the next part. acceptable Work in pairs Share with the other pairs.. Unit 3 : Ways of socialising.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Period 14 Lesson 3 : Listening PART 1 A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will: Develop extensive listening skills.. - Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks.. B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C. SKILLS PRACTISED: listen and decide which the statement are true or false. D: Method: mainly communicative E: PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities I. WARM UP: Jumbled words: Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board. - Divide the class into two teams. Ss from two teams go to the board and write the correct words. - The team which writes correct words first will be the winner. aniotuergl  regulation oenetlehp  telephone lacl  call acidev  advice. New lesson ; Before you listen: Work with a partner : Look ats these pictures and anwer the question : 1: What are they doing? 2: What do you think each of them would say to greet each other ? set the scene: You are going to listen to Linda Cupple, a social worker, advises young people on how to use the telephone in her family. Listen to her talk and decide whether the statements are true(T) or false (F). Elicit the new words by asking questions, using the techniques suggested above. Vocabulary: argument(n) ['ɑ:gjumənt] cuộc cãi vã regulation(n) [,regju'lei∫n] quy tắc absolute(a) ['æbsəlu:t] hoàn toàn maximum(n,a) ['mæksiməm] tuyệt đối install(v) - chitchat(n) ['t∫itt∫æt] chuyện phiếm - starling(a) ['stɑ:liη] (động vật học) chim sáo đá ,trụ bảo vê Listen and repeat: -Help Ss to pronounce the words in their book correctly. -Play the tape and then ask Ss to repeat after the tape in chorus and individually. - corrects errors, if any. -Check that Ss know the meaning of these words. While you listen: Task 1: -Get Ss to read through the statements to understand them and underline the key words. -Guide students the requests of the task. - Let students listen twice time. - Write on board from 1 to 6 and call some students to come and write their answers. - Let them listen on again and correct. - Correct. Consolidation :. Students’ activities Pairs work Rearrange. Whole class Listen to the teacher look at the pictures and answer the questions. + They are greeting. + They are saying goodbye. listen. Take notes. Listen to the tape and read in chorus & individually Individual work, pair work & whole class. read through all the questions, identify the information they need to look for in each question ( question word: what, where, when, how…) listen and answer the questions answers 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6 T Individual work, pair work & whole class.. .Homework: - Learn the new words by heart. - Review the points that have been covered in the lesson and do the exercise in the exercise book - Prepare the next part.. read through all the questions, identify the information they need to look for in each question.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Unit 3 : Ways of socialising Period 15 Lesson 3 : Listening PART 2 A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will: Develop extensive listening skills.. - Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks.. B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C. SKILLS PRACTISED: listen and write the missing words. D: Method: mainly communicative E: PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities I: Check up : 1. You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains. a. make b. get c. set d. pay 2. Body language is a potent form of _______ communication. a. verbal b. non-verbal c. tongue d. oral 3. Our teacher often said, "Who knows the answer? _______ your hand." a. Rise b. Lift c. Raise d. Heighten 4. This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate. a. situation. B. attention c. place d. matter 5. They started, as _______ gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years. a. informal b. informally c. informalize d. informalit 6.Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ______. a. communicate b. communication c. communicative d. communicator 7. The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _______ in response to questions. a. attention b. attentive c. attentively d. attentiveness 8: Pay more attention _______ picture and you can find out who is the robber. a. to b. for c. at d. on 9.She looked _______ me, smiling happily and confidently. a. on b. over c. forward d. at 10.- What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - ___ a. Thank you very much. I am afraid b. You are telling a lie c. Thank you for your compliment d. I don't like your sayings II. WARM UP: Jumbled words:. Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board. - Divide the class into two teams. Ss from two teams go to the board and write the correct words. - The team which writes correct words first will be the winner. aniotuergl  regulation oenetlehp  telephone lacl  call acidev  advice. III. New lesson ; While you listen: Task 2: Gap- fill T: Now listen to the rest of the listening text again and work in pairs to write the missing words. You will listen to the tape twice. Check if Ps can answer the questions in task 2 without listening again. Play the tape for them to listen again but before doing this, T should encourage Ps to read through all the questions, identify the information they need to look for in each question Play the tape again for Ps to listen & answer the questions Get Ps to check their answers with a partner. Then T checks with the whole class. Play the tape twice. Call on some pairs to give the answers.. Students’ activities Pairs work. Rearrange. Whole class Listen to the teacher. listen Individual work, pair work & whole class.. check their answers with a partner give the answers.. Answer:. 1. agreed 5. waking 2. to avoid 6. heart 3. particular 7. kindness 4. adults 8. to stick Individual work, pair work & whole class.. summarize Ms Linda Cupple’s talk.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> Go over the answers with the class. IV.After you listen: -Before getting Ss to summarize Ms Linda Cupple’s talk, T reminds them of some useful languages Task 1,2. Suggested ideas: - Length of time for each call - Time for calling - Calling late at night - Calling at weekend -Divide the class into small groups of 3 or 4 & gets them to summarise the listening passage. -Go around to check and offer help. -After checking that all the groups have finished, call on the representative of each group to report their peer’ ideas. T check if other groups would have the same or different ideas. -Listen & take note of their errors. provide corrective feedback after that. Consolidation : Review the points that have been covered in the lesson and do the exercise in the exercise book .Homework: - Learn the new words by heart. - Prepare the next part. Unit 3 : Ways of socialising Period 16 Lesson 4 : Writing A.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will:. -can use the words to build complete sentences in Task 1, -put the jumbled sentences in their correct order and then rearrange them to write the complete paragraphs in Task 2. B. TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects C. Skills practised : reading ,writing , D: Method: mainly communicative E: PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Sts think what T asks , give their I. Warm –up MATCHING key. -give the table on the board and asks sts to match them in correct orders. Sts correct . a.pointing at someone 1. saying goodbye Key: a+4; b+3; c+2 ; d+ 1 b.being late for class 2.admitting one’swrongdoing c.making mistakes 3.saying“I’m sorry I’m late ” d.being into the farewell 4. being rule and impolite -check mistakes Pre-teach : Vocabulary - abruptly - (to) apologize - discourtesy - Gosh - sorrow - pleasant and thoughtful - Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese equivalent (if necessary). - Read a new word three times. Ps listen and repeat after the T. 1. "How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary. a. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.. Look at the board, listen to the teacher and take notes give the Vietnamese equivalent (if necessary). - Read a new word three times, listen and repeat after the T. Sts listen, repeat and copy them. Sts rewrite some words..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> b. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress. c. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress. d. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress. 2. She raised her hand high so that she could attract her teacher's attention. a. Because her teacher attracted her, she raised her hand high. b. To attract her teacher's attention, she raised her hand high. c. Though she raised her hand high, she could not attract her teacher's attention. d. She had such a high raising of hand that she failed to attract her teacher's attention. 3. "Hello, Mary!" Peter said. 'a. Peter said hello Mary. b. Peter said Mary hello. c. Peter told Mary hello d. Peter greeted Mary. 4. Julie and Anne had not met each other before he party. a. Julie and Anne got acquainted when they were at the party. b. The party prevented Julie and Anne from meeting each other. c. The party was the place where Julie and Anne could not meet each other. d. Julie and Anne used to meet each other for the party.. Checking - correct with Ps. - give feedback on Ps’ work. - point out some common mistakes made by Ps. - Ask Ps to give comments on the others’ writing.. Paragraph 2:. 1. C 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. D 1. The simplest way to apologize is to say: I’m sorry. 2. Let’s take a common situation. Tom is late for class and enters the classroom. 3. What does he do? The most polite actionis usually to take a seat as quitely as possible and apologize later. 4. But if the teacher stops and waits for him to say something, he could apologize simply : I’m sorry I’m late, ask permission to take his seat and sit down. 5. Naturally, more than this is needed, but it is not the time for it because it has already caused some interruption and doesn’t need to make it any longer. IV.Post-writing:Dicussion:Ask Ps to work in pair to discuss the question: - In what ways people tell someone goodbye? - Go around giving help. - Ask some Ps to give their answers. - Listen to Ps and collect their mistakes for indirect correction. Homework: - Aks Ps to learnt by heart the lessson - Review the points that have been covered in the lesson and do the exercise in the exercise book. - Prepare for the next part.. Sts know what they are going to learn. Sts work in pairs and dis -cuss how to make senten -ces with re -quired words. Sts compare their key and show them. Sts correct . work in pairs or in group to read and discuss about the re-ordered paragraphs. compare their answers in pairs and read aloud in front of the class give comments on the others’ writing Paragraph 1: 1. C. 2. E. 3. A. 4. B. 5. D. 1. It is difficult to write rules that tell exactly when you should apologize, but it is not difficult to learn how. 2. If we have done something to hurt someone’s feeling, we apologize. 3. An apology indicates that we realize we’ve made a mistake, and we’re sorry for it. 4. It’s a way of expressing our regret or sorrow for something. 5. When we apologize, we admit our wrongdoing or discourtesy, usually a reason for it, and express regret..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Date Monday October 3rd 2011 Period 17. Unit 3 : Ways of socialising Lesson 5 : Language focus. I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -Put the right stress on the two-syllable words -Report the speech II. Teaching aids: BB, handouts, textbooks … III. Skills practised: reading,speaking, listening, writing IV: Methods:main communication V . Procedure: Content Ss’ activity check up : 1.What----------- beautiful dress you are wearing! - Thank you. That is _______ nice compliment. a. a / a b. the / Ø c. Ø / Ø d. the / the 2______ you wanted to ask your teacher a question during his lecture, what would you do? a. As b. As if c. Even of d. suppose 3. John asked me _______ in English. a. what does this word mean b. what that word means c. what did this word mean d. what that word meant 4. The mother told her son _______ so impolitely. a. not behave b. not to behave c. not behaving d. did not behave 5. Pay more attention _______ picture and you can find out who is the robber. a. to b. for c. at d. on 6. She looked _______ me, smiling happily and confidently. a. on b. over c. forward d. at 7. - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _______ a. Thank you very much. I am afraid b. You are telling a lie c. Thank you for your compliment d. I don't like your sayings. Look at and listen to the T Do the given task. Listen and copy then check. Warm-up: Discuss-signal-report-instance-between-polite-student-across-language-waitingfamous List out a set of words and ask ss to put these words in correct column First syllable. Second syllable Listen and copy then check. NEW LESSON I/ Stress in two-syllable words: *PRESENT Principles for putting stress on two-syllable words: Stress may fall on the first or second syllable -For verbs, adjectives, adverbs or even prepositions that consist of long vowel or dipthong (except /əu/) in the second syllable, stress falls on the second syllable. E.g. arrive, attract, correct, perfect, alone, inside… -But, if the second syllable consists of short vowel or dipthong /əu/ or ending with a consonant, stress falls on the first syllable. E.g. open, borrow, lovely, sorry, rather... -For nouns consisting of short vowel in the second syllable, stress is put on the first syllable E.g. money, product, larynx… -But, nouns consisting of long vowel or dipthong in the second syllable, stress is put on the second syllable E.g. balloon, design, state… Some special cases Abstract, conduct, contract, contrast, desert, escort, export, import, insult, object, perfect, permit, present, produce, protest, rebel, record, subject. -For verbs, stress is put on the second syllable -For nouns or adjs, stress is put on the first. *PRACTISE :. Listen and copy then check. Listen and repeat. Make out the given task Read out Look at the handout and read.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Ask ss to make out sentences (with the given words) Have ss read their sentences out and check 1.Linda Cupple is a social worker in my village 2.Shakespeare was a famous English writer 3.David Warren is Linda’s teacher’s doctor 4.Janet is having a number of problems 5.Michael is sailing across the river 6. Jenny is waiting for Michael to return. *PRODUCTION. 1.discuss 2.language 3. between 4.instance 5. report II/Reported speech review: *PRESENT: Handouts Ask ss to work in pair-group. Check *PRACTISE Exercise 1: 2.he worked for a big company 3.he was their marketing manager 4.the company had opened an office in HCMC 5.it had been very successful 6.he had been chosen to run an office in dictrict 5 7. how long I had been studying E. 8. he didn’t have much time to enjoy himself. 9. I would come and visit him in HCMC. 10.he would be successful in HCMC. Exercise 2: Ask ss to work in a group of two then three 2.was upset 3.was not interested 4.had promised to go to the cinema 5.had not turned up 6.did not want to see you 7.did not believe you had done 8.would talk to you later 9. had to be going then otherwise she would be late for school. *PRODUCTION: Report what your friend(s) said -Pairwork -Groupwork Give comment Homework: -Learn the principles to stress and steps to report speech -Prepare the next part. Work individually-in pairgroup. Work in pair-group Listen. Work in a group of two then three Listen.

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