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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>School: Nguyen Ngoc Binh Teacher:Do Thi Mong Hien. 20th,March , 2013. Week: 27 UNIT 16 : AT HOME Period: 108,109 LESSON 2- PART1,2 3&4( page 44,45) I/ Aims: By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to identify the wearther II/ Language focus:  Vocabulary: weather, sunny,windy, rainy, cloudy  Sentence Patterns: - What’s the weather like? It’s sunny. III/ Resources: - Teacher’s aids: pictures, extra board, tape, cassette. - Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook. IV/ PROCEDURE Stages. Content. I.Warm-up : -Help Ss listen and sing the song I love My Mummy on page 33. II .New - Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture lesson. on page 42 and what they are saying. 1. Look, - Set the scene “you are going to hear Linda and listen and Mai talk about the weather. repeat : - Explain the new language What’s the weather like? – It’s sunny. - Ss to listen as they read the lines. Mime the dialogue - Ss to listen and repeat each line of the text - Allocate the parts of Linda and Mai. Have one group repeat Linda’s part and the other Mai’s part. - Have whole class repeat each line of the dialogue in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation. Note: yeah = yes.. Work arangement Whole class. Whole class Listen and repeat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. Look and say. 3. Talk. - Have Ss look at the pictures a, b, c and d on page42 and identify the weather icons in the pictures. - Introduce some new words:  Rainy:  Cloudy Use flashcards  windy - Point to P.a and ask Ss What’s the weather like? And fill the bubble with the phrase prompted by Ss then have Ss repeat the question and answer a few times before going on with other pictures - Have Ss repeat all the questions and answers a few times. - Ask Ss to practise asking and answering, using the pictures in their books - Monitor the activity and offer help. Correct pronunciation error(s) (street, assimilation of sounds and intonation) when necessary. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate at the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 43 and identify the weaqthe icons in each picture. - Set the scene: “You are going to talk about the weather in the pictures.” - Have Ss guess and say the lines in the bubbles a few times before letting them practice/ role play freely. - Have Ss to work in pairs to practice. - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors. - Call on some volunteers to perform the task at the front of the class. The rest of the class observe and comment. - Ask Ss a few questions to check Ss’. T – whole class Individually Pair- work Listen - Listen and point to the appropriate line in the book - Listen and repeat - Listen and take note - Listen and repeat Work in pairs. T – whole class Individually. Pairwork/ Groupwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> comprehension of the language. - Have the whole class repeat all the questions and answers to reinforce their pronunciation. 4. Let’s sing The weather song Home link: - Ss have learnt to identify the weather, using What’s the weather like?- It’s sunny. Encourage Ss to listen and try to recite The weather song on P. 43 at home. COMMENTS. Whole class Whole class Individually. Teacher(s).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> School: Nguyen Ngoc Binh Teacher:Do Thi Mong Hien Week: 28. 5th,March , 2013. UNIT 16 : The Weather. Period: 110,111 LESSON 3- PART1,2 3&4( page 46,47) I/ Aims: By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer about the wearther II/ Language focus:  Vocabulary: weather, sunny,windy, rainy, cloudy, hot, cold, fine  Sentence Patterns: - What’s the weather like in Hanoi today? It’s rainy. III/ Resources: - Teacher’s aids: pictures, extra board, tape, cassette. - Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook. IV/ PROCEDURE Work Stage Content arangement Warm-up : - Have Ss sing “I Love My Mummy” Whole class - Listen and gives comment - Have Ss to look at the book at page 46 and Part 1- Listen identify the photo and the weather icons. Whole class and repeat. - Recall the question and the answer related to the weather T – whole - Set the scene: “we are going to hear two class speakers talk about the weather in Hanoi” - Play the recording all the way through for Ss Whole class to listen as they read the dialogue. - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each line of the dialogue Groups - Divide the class into two groups. One repeats individually the question and the other repeat the answer. - Play the recording again for the whole class to repeat each line in the text a few times. Ensure their correct pronunciation (sentence stress, the assimilation of sound and intonation)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Part 2 : Look and say .. Part 3:Write.. - Have Ss identify the weather icons and photos on page 46. T – whole - Set the scene: “we are going to practice class asking and answering about the current weather in P. a, b, c and d. - Have Ss say the names of the cities aloud. - T models the dialogue  Call on one pair of Ss to the front of the class. Have one point to P. a and ask What’s the weather like in Hai Phong today? And the other answer It’s sunny  Repeat the step with the other pictures Pairwork - Have Ss to practice in pairs asking and answering T – whole - Monitor the activity, check the pronunciation class (sound, assimilation of sound and intonation) and offer help when necessary. - Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. Others observe and comment. Have the whole class repeat the question and answer in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation - Get Ss to look at the grid and the weather icons on page 47. - Set the scene: “We are going to going to Individually march each weather icon to the appropriate Pairwork/ city name and write the correct word in the Groupwork frame containing the icon” class - Ss read silently and complete the sentences. - Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups for correction - Ask Ss to give answer by making the Whole class sentences with the information in the grid: It’s rainy in Hai Phong today. The others listen and give comments. Answers: 2. Hue – cloudy 3. Da Nang – windy 4. Ho Chi Minh - sunny.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Part 3:let’s play Homelink:. Let’s chant:The Weather.. Whole class. - Ss have learnt how to ask and answer about the current weather in a specific location, using What’s the weather like in (Ha Noi) today? – It’s rainy. - Ss recite the chant on page 47 and say the current weather in their hometown.. COMMENTS. School: Nguyen Ngoc Binh. Individually. Teacher(s). 12th,March , 2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Teacher:Do Thi Mong Hien Week: 26 Period: 103,104. REVIEW 3. I/ Aims: By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to perform their abilities to listen, speak and write related to the topics they have learnt from units 11- 15 using the phonics, the vocabulary and the sentence patterns. II/ Language focus: - New words: review - Sentence patterns: review - Skills: Listening and speaking III/ Resources: - Teacher’s aids: pictures, extra board, tape, cassette. - Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook. IV/ PROCEDURE. Work Stage Content arangement Warm-up : - Sing a song Newlesson: 1. Unit 11: My Family Sing - Vocabulary: Ss playing a Family, father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, game: pass the brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, who. word - Phonics: father, mother - Identifying - Sentence patterns: family members + who is this? – It’s my father - Asking who + What’s his name? – His name’s Peter someone is 2. Unit 12: How Old Are You? - Asking and - Vocabulary: answering about Year, old, how, both, numbers 1 - 20 namess of family - Phonics: how, ten members - Sentence patterns: + How old are you? Ss playing a I’m nine years old game: slap the + How old is he? board He’s eight years old. - Asking and 3. Unit 13: My House answering about - Vocabulary: ages House, living room, kitchen, dining room, - Counting 1 - 20 bathroom, bedroom, garden. - Asking and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Phonics: kitchen, bedroom - Sentence patterns: + This is my house + There is a living room + There are two bedroom 4.Unit 14: Our Room - Vocabulary: Table, bed, desk, picture, ball, lamp, large, tidy, untidy, nice, on, above, under, behind, near. - Phonics: chairs, bed - Sentence patterns: + Where is it? It’s in your bedroom + Where are the chairs? They’re behind the desk + It’s nice and tidy. 5. Unit 15: At Home - Vocabulary: Robot, children, read, do, cook, sing, skate, jump, run. - Phonics: sky, skipping - Sentence patterns: + What’s Mai doing? She’s skipping + What are they doing? They are reading. Homework: Prepare the review 3. School: Nguyen Ngoc Binh. answering about ages of family members. Ss playing a game: crossword puzzle. - Identifying rooms in the house - Talking about rooms in the house (singular) - Talking about rooms in the house (plural) - Identifying things in the room - Specifying location of things in the room - Describing a bedroom - Identifying family activities at leisure - Describing ongoing activities - Askin. 17th, March , 2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Teacher:Do Thi Mong Hien Week: 27 ME AND THE WORLD AROUND UNIT16: The Weather Period: 106,107 LESSON 1- PART1,2 3&4( page 42,43) I/ Aims: By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer about the weather in seasons. II/ Language focus: - Communicative method. - Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss. + Ask and answer. III/ Resources: - Teacher’s aids: pictures, extra board, tape, cassette. - Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook. IV/ PROCEDURE Stages. Content. I.Warm-up : Reading II .New lesson. 1. Look, listen and repeat :. ,speaking,. running,. Work arangement cooking Whole class. jumping,skating. * Listening 1. Pre – listening: - Have Ss turn your book to page 42 and asks Ss to identify the characters of the picture and what they are doing? - Using a poster and two puppets to set up the situation 2. While – listening: - Play the recording one time - Play the recording sentence by sentence 3 times. - Present the new words and sentence patterns Vocabulary: - weather - sunny - rainny. Whole class Listen and repeat There are some people.. They are Mai, Linda ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> - windy - hometown - warm : - cool. :. - They are. - T models (twice or three times).. talking .. - Ss repeat in individuals.. - I don’t know.. - T writes the words on the board. - T checks the Vietnamese meaning - Help Ss to read the new words, model sentences - Ask Ss to act out and read the dialogue - Go around and help Ss to practice 3. Post – listening: Check : “ What and Where ”. - Ss do as requirements.. - T gives a picture and asks Ss look at the picture: ? How many people are there in the picture? ? Who are they?. - Read. - Yes. ? What are they doing? ? What are they talking about? - Now, open your books at the page 42. - T reads the dialogue, Ss look at the picture and listen. - T reads the dialogue again, Ss listen and repeat (2 times). ( exchange).. - Look at the pictures and read in E.. - T – W class. - Half- Half. - Some pairs read the dialogue, the class listen and give the comment.. - Read after the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> - Ss find out the new structure and read it aloud.. T.. - T writes it on the board and reads, Ss read after the T. * What’s the weather like ?. Role- play. It’s sunny. 2. Look and 1. Pre – speaking: say - T gives some pictures, Ss look at the pictures and practice.. T – whole class Individually. - T runs through the Ps. - T models :. Pair- work Listen. * What’s the weather like in Ha noi? It’s sunny. 2. While – speaking: - T – W class. ( exchange) - H- H.. - Listen and point to the appropriate line in the book - Listen and repeat. - Ss work in pairs. ( N1- N2) - N1 hands up, N2 hands up. Which number are you?. - Listen and take note. You ask or answer?. 3. Talk. - Listen and - Some Ss volunteer to come to the class, the repeat others listen and give the comments. 3. Post – speaking: - Call on 8 pairs to perform the task , standing and practice - Calls 4 pairs to perform the task at the front of the class - Listen and give comment Work in pairs - Have the class repeat all the sentence patterns - Have Ss to play “rub out and remember” - Listen and give comment *Speaking.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 4. Let’s sing. Home link:. COMMENTS. 1 Pre –talking: - Have Ss look at the picture, identify the characters and the names of the pictures - Have Ss repeat the name of Ss and the sentence patterns 2 While - talking - Have Ss act out and practice with the pictures - Give an example in picture a - Asks Ss to act out and practice - Go around and help Ss to practice - Notes: Pronunciation - Call 5 pairs standing and practice - Listen and help Ss to practice fluently 3. Post – talking: - Ss practice about the real things. - Listen and give comment S1: What’s ………… ? S2: …… ……………. - Have whole class repeat the sentence patterns - Asks Ss that they are going to sing. - Play the tape again for Ss to listen and repeat each line - Listen and give comment - Asks Ss to practice the model sentences more and more - Do the exercises - Prepare for the next parts. T – whole class Individually Pairwork/ Groupwork Whole class. Whole class. Individually. Teacher(s).

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