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Lesson Plan 4 week5 period 10 moi

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Cai Be Service of Education and Training Doan Thi Nghiep Primary School Teacher: Do Van Hung. LESSON PLAN – GRADE 4 UNIT 4. THINGS I CAN DO LESSON 1 - Preparing date:08/09/2013 - Teaching date: 10-14/09/2013 - Week: 5 &Period: 10 I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answers questions about what someone can do II/ Teaching aids: worksheet, tape recording III/ Procedures: Time 5’. 8’. Contents I. Warmer: Chant. II. Presentation - Teach vocabulary about the activities 1.Listen and repeat - Teach sentence patterns. 15’. III. Practice 2. Look and say. 4. Listen and number Answers: a. 3, b. 1, c. 2, d. 4. T’s activities. Ss’ activities. - Gets students to chant - Introduces the new lesson.. - Chant. - Teaches vocabulary about the activities - Plays the tape and asks students repeat - Teaches sentence patterns. - Listen and repeat. Take note - Listen and repeat. - Asks students to look at the pictures - Asks students to work in pairs - Calls some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class - Asks students to look at the pictures - Plays the tape for students to listen and do the task. - Look at the pictures - Work in pairs.. - Listen. - Take note. - Some pairs to demonstrate the task - Look at the pictures - Listen and write the number for correct pictures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 5’. 2’. IV. Production 3. Talk. VI. Home work - Review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson. Duyệt của Ban Giám hiệu. - Asks students to exchange their answers with their partners - Provides the answers and explanations. - Exchange and compare their answers with their partners - Listen and check answers. - Asks students to work in pairs to do the task - Calls some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class. - Work in pairs to do the task. - Asks students to review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson. - Review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson. Duyệt của Tổ chuyên môn. - Some pairs to demonstrate the task. Người soạn. Đỗ Văn Hùng.

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