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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>PRACTICE 3.1-02 Find the word that is pronounced differently from the other three in each question. 1. a. comrade b. invade c. pervade d. evade 2. a. latter b. latitude c. ladder d. ladle 3. a. bread b. dread c. bead d. thread 4. a. medicine b. melody c. meditate d. medium Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words 5. a. tolerant b. ignorant c. descendant d. immigrant 6. a. laborious b. ambiguous c. meticulous d. instantaneous 7. a. permanent b. coherent c. continent d. sentiment 8. a. dismal b. decent c. contents d. presented Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be corrected 9. Since it lives in the desert, the collared lizard depends from insects for water as well as for food. A B C D 10. The extraordinary beautiful of orchids makes them the basis of a multimillion-dollar floral industry. A B C D 11. Some snakes have hollow teeth are called fangs that they use to poison their victims. A B C D 12. One inventor that Thomas Edison can take credit for is the light bulb. A B C D 13. Electric motors range in size from the tiny mechanisms that operate sewing machine to the great engines A B C in heavy locomotives. D 14. The nitrogen makes up over 78 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere, the gaseous mass surrounding the planet. A B C D 15. When I last saw Janet, she hurried to her next class on the other side of the campus and did not have A B C D time to talk. 16. Each of the nurses report to the operating room when his or her name is called. A B C D 17. What happened in New York were a reaction from city workers, including firemen and policemen who A B C had been laid off from their jobs. D 18. Venomous snakes with modified teeth connected to poison glands in which the venom is secreted and stored. A B C D From the four words or phrase (a), (b), (c) or (d), choose the one that best completes the sentence. 19. The fact that ………..was discovered in 1923 by the astronomer Edwin Hubble. a. the expansion b. the universe, which is expanding c. the universe is expanding d. when the universe expands 20. In the early twentieth century, the “Model T” automobile was mass-produced and sold at a price ……….. could afford. a. the average person who b. that the average person who c. and the average person d. the average person 21. Fossil records indicate …………existing in the past have become extinct. a. many species of organisms that b. many species of organisms are c. that many species of organisms d. there are many organisms 22. ………….the best car to buy is a Mercedes Benz. a. Because it lasts a long time, and it is very economical b. Because of its durability and it is economical c. Because durably and economywise it is better than all the others d. Because of its durability and economy 23. The smoke from burning fuels causes pollution if ………….into the atmosphere. a. it is released b. it releases c. it will be released d. it released 24. She lost her job because she was………… She made far too many mistakes. a. rash b. incautious c. inefficient d. implusive 25. When I enquired about the times of trains, I was given a ……………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> a. schedule b. timetable c. itinerary d. programme 26. Your participation is …………..of the way we seek to involve everybody in our plans. a. indicative b. dependent c. desirous d. integral 27. The taxi ………….arrive at nine, but it didn’t turn up. a. ought to b. was to c. should d. might 28. Julie bought herself a complete new ……………for winter. a. wear b. cloth c. clothing d. outfit 29. I was so tired I ………………had to take a nap. a. quite b. utterly c. simply d. by no means 30.He always did well at school…………….having his early education disrupted by illness. a. on account of b. in addition to c. in spite of d. even though 31. Don’t you think it was rather …………..of you not to let us know that you weren’t coming? a. mean b. unkind c. unsympathetic d. thoughtless 32. My music teacher suggested ……………for an hour before breakfast. a. practicing b. to practice c. having practiced d. to practicing 33. “The reservations weren’t made on time” “Sorry, the computers were down: it ………………” a. couldn’t help b. didn’t help c. couldn’t be helped d. wasn’t helped 34. I ………………to have to inform you that your ticket is not valid. a. apologise b. regret c. sorry d. resent 35. Since the introduction of a single …………., doing business in Europe has been much simpler. a. coin b. dollar c. money d. currency 36. I feel like going out tonight. Let’s go to a(n) …………… a. dancing b. night c. club d. entertainment 37. What the boy really ………….was to go to the cinema with his father. a. wanted b. enjoyed c. appreciated d. adored 38. He’s very ………….., for example he thinks that all unemployed people are lazy and should be made to join the army. a. intolerant b. small-minded c. petty d. bigoted 39. No one can visit her because she has a very ……………disease. a. intoxicating b. contagious c. corporal d. exasperating 40. What do you think was the most important ……………ever? Maybe the combustion engine, the internet, the wheel ? a. invention b. inventment c. inventor d. inventing 41. “Why isn’t Tim here yet?” “It ……………..be because his mother is ill again” a. must b. can c. may d. should 42. Thanks for the great weekend! We really had a(n) ………………….. a. fun b. enjoyment c. hospitality d. good time 43. How very young children acquire their linguistic skills never ……………..to amaze me. a. stops b. ceases c. finishes d. ends 44. He bought a …………..blue shirt and a new pair of jeans. a. dark b. light c. pale d. any of the above answers 45. The police are…………….the town for the missing vehicle. a. seeking b. looking c. combing d. investigating 46. That popular magazine has many ……………………. a. subscribers b. prescriptions c. readership d. spectators 47. The incoming administration …………..to clean up corruption in the city. a. contemplated b. pledged c. suggested d. resumed 48. What a sweet little ……… I love the flowers around the door-it looks like a picture on a box of chocolates! a. cottage b. caravan c. camper van d. semi-detached 49. I’ll take this tie. It’s the …………..thing I’m looking for. a. just b. very c. sheer d. quite 50. Worried about the future of the family business, he …………..for his sons to follow in his footsteps. a. desired b. considered c. yearned d. anticipated 51. What do we call someone who writes news stories for a newspaper? a. a reported b. a journalist c. a hack d. all of the above answers. 52. The Sears Tower in Chicago is a ………………443 metres high. a. staggering b. surprising c. speechless d. shattering 53. The Pyramids are perhaps the most famous of the seven …………….of the ancient world. a. structures b. spectacles c. wonders d. constructions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 54. In order to prove Smith is guilty, we must find some ………………….. a. information b. means c. knowledge d. evidence 55. We rarely see …………..on most matters of business policy. a. face to face b. at loggerheads c. eye to eye d. on tenterhooks Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. 56. ………….., I think students should have some previous knowledge of computers. a. Whatever other requirements the organizing committee of the course may demand. b. If is were an essential requirement for the participants c. In case the director had approved the new computer project d. Since the problem related to the computer virus was to be discussed 57. Could that be the girl …………………? a. as her essays were published in several magazines b. that she had carried out experiments in physics c. whether her father wanted to stop her from becoming a pop singer d. who represented our school at the International Violin Competition. 58. The balance of nature cannot be possibly be maintained…………………. a. before forest lands were managed efficiently b. unless every individual and every organization realizes how important it is to protect our environment c. so long as there had been groups of people making quick profits through practices harmful to the environment d. since the majority of the world population was worrying about the future. 59. Having tasted the pleasures of modern city life…………………… a. they found life in their village hard and unattractive b. some of them would have been reluctant to return c. they had worked hard to improve their living standerds d. people don’t realize how lonely they are Read the text below and decide which answer (a, b, c or d) best fits each space. For nearly 17 years David Cope has worked as one of the Tower of London’s Yeoman Warders, (60) …………known to tourists as Beefeaters. David, 64, lives in a three-bedroomed flat right at (61) ………. of the Byward Tower, one of the gatehouses. “(62) ………….our bedroom we have a marvelous view of Tower Bridge and the Thames”, says David. The Tower of London is famous (63) …………..its ravens, large black birds which have lived there for over three centuries. David was immediately fascinated by the birds and when he was (64) …………..the post of Raven Master eight years ago he had no (65) …………..in accepting it. “The birds have now become my life and I’m always (66) ………….of the fact that I am (67) ……………a tradition. The legend says that if the ravens leave the Tower, England will fall to enemies and it’s my job to (68) ……………sure this doesn’t happen!” David (69) ………….about four hour a day to the care of the ravens. He has grown to love them and the (70) ……………that he lives right next to them is ideal. “I can (71) ………….a close eye on them all the time, and not just when I’m working”. (72) ……………..David’s wife Mo was not (73) …………..on the idea of life in the Tower, but she too will be sad to leave when he retires next year. “When we look out of our windows we see history (74) …………..around us, and we are taking it in and storing it up for our future memoies”. 60. a. more b. better c. sooner d. very 61. a. top b. summit c. peak d. height 62. a. since b. out c. though d. from 63. a. for b. because c. of d. by 64. a. award b. applied c. offered d. presented 65. a. regret b. hesitation c. delay d. choice 66. a. delighted b. knowing c. pleased d. aware 67. holding b. maintaining c. surviving d. lasting 68. a. make b. have c. take d. keep 69. a. passes b. spends c. devotes d. provide 70. a. reason b. chance c. opportunity d. fact 71. a. hold b. keep c. put d. have 72. a. firstly b. first of all c. at first d. first 73. a. keen b. interested c. fond d. happy 74. a. much b. every c. all d. so. - THE END -.

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