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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Phßng GD - §T Qu¶ng Tr¹ch Trêng THCS Qu¶ng phó. KẾ HOẠCH BỘ M¤N M¤N HỌC: TIẾNG ANH 9. Chỉ tiêu phấn đấu. a. Häc kú I:. Giái SL %. Kh¸ SL %. Trung b×nh YÕu SL % SL %. KÐm SL %. Trªn trung b×nh SL %. Giái SÜ sè SL %. Kh¸ SL %. Trung b×nh YÕu SL % SL %. KÐm SL %. Trªn trung b×nh SL %. Giái SL %. Kh¸ SL %. Trung b×nh YÕu SL % SL %. KÐm SL %. Trªn trung b×nh SL %. ChÊt lîng SÜ sè Líp 9D. b. Häc kú II: ChÊt lîng Líp 9D. c. C¶ n¨m: ChÊt lîng SÜ sè Líp 9D. BiÖn ph¸p thùc hiÖn kÕ ho¹ch bé m«n 1. §èi víi gi¸o viªn. Nhìn vào thực tế việc học và kết quả học tập của học sinh địa phơng, cũng nh qua nghiên cứu chỉ tiêu chất lợng bộ môn của phòng GD&ĐT, nhà trờng đặt ra, bản thân tôi cần phải có biện pháp thích hợp trong quá trình giảng dạy và giáo dục để có kết quả ngày càng cao. Trớc hết phải nghiên cứu phơng pháp, chơng trình soạn giảng chu đáo, bởi chơng trình là pháp lệnh..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> sinh. Dạy bám sát chuẩn kiến thức, chuẩn kĩ năng, trong quá trình dạy phải phân phân hóa đối tợng học. Tham gia bồi dỡng thay các chuyên đề đầy đủ. Tham gia hội thảo về thay sách do phòng, cụm chuyên m«n tæ chøc. Trong qu¸ tr×nh gi¶ng d¹y ph¶i biÕt kÕt hîp nhuÇn nhuyÔn 4 kü n¨ng trong 1 Unit, ph¶i t¹o ®iÒu kiện cho học sinh hoạt động tích cực, tự khám phá tìm tòi, phát hiện cái mới, đem lại kết quả cao trong học tËp. Lu«n kiÓm tra vë ghi, vë bµi tËp thêng xuyªn. KiÓm tra chÊm ch÷a kÞp thêi, chÝnh x¸c vµ kh¸ch quan. Luôn quan tâm đến từng đối tợng học sinh để có biện pháp giảng dạy thích hợp. Nhằm ngày càng n©ng cao chÊt lîng bé m«n. Thờng xuyên trò chuyện với học sinh về bộ môn tiếng Anh, về đất nớc con ngời Anh, về những điều mới mẻ, thú vị để giúp các em ngày cáng có ý thức, hứng thú với môn học. Lu«n c¶i tiÕn gi¶ng d¹y, kÕt hîp linh ho¹t c¸c thñ thuËt võa ®em l¹i hiÖu qu¶ cho tiÕt d¹y l¹i høng thó cho häc sinh. Híng dÉn häc sinh c¸ch häc tõ míi, c¸ch häc ng÷ ph¸p, c¸ch häc ph¸t ©m lµm cho dÔ nhí vµ nhí l©u vµ c¸ch tù häc bµi ë nhµ Luôn phải biết trau dồi, tích luỹ kiến thức để tự bồi dỡng, nâng cao trình độ chuyện môn nghiệp vụ. Cuối cùng là thờng xuyên kiến tập, dự giờ đồng nghiệp để trau dồi và học hỏi kinh nghiệp lẫn nhau. 2. §èi víi häc sinh. - Để học tập tiếng Anh có chất lợng và hiệu quả trớc hết phải có đầy đủ sách vở, SGK,SBT, vởi BT, vở nháp và sách tham khảo, băng, đĩa, đài catset - Phải làm bài tập đầy đủ, chuẩn bị bài củ, bài mới đầy đủ. - Trong giê häc ph¶i tËp trung chó ý vµo bµi gi¶ng, h¨ng say x©y dùng ph¸t biÓu ý kiÕn. - Lu«n tù gi¸c häc hái, rÌn luyÖn kh¶ n¨ng giao tiÕp víi b¹n bÌ. - Sö dông tiÕng Anh ë mäi lóc mäi n¬i. - Tích cực tự học tập, hoạt động cặp và nhóm. 3. §èi víi cha mÑ häc sinh. - Quan tâm đến con em, tạo mọi điều kiện cho các em có thời gian để học. - Chuẩn bị cho con em đầy đủ dụng cụ, sách vở học tập… - Theo dõi, nhắc nhở con em làm bài tập, học bài đầy đủ... 4. C¸c lùc lîng gi¸o dôc kh¸c. - Có sự quan tâm đến học sinh. - Tạo mọi điều kiện về cơ sở vật chất, đồ dùng dạy học cho cả thầy và trò..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> KẾ HOẠCH D¹Y häc HỌC KỲ I Tuần 1. Tên bài Review and Test. Unit 1: A VISIT FROM A. Tiết chương trình 1. 2. Chuẩn kiến thức Review all the grammar point in grade 8. Introducing people. Chuẩn kỹ năng. Thái độ. 4 skills (Elicit to remember and practice). Listen and read to find. ĐDDH Pictures, posters, and boards. The behaviors of the people. Laptop, pictures added.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> PENPAL(5t) L1:Getting startedListen& Read. information. board. 2. 3. Unit 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL 3 L2: SpeakListen. - Make & respond to introductions - Listen to the dialogue for detailed information. L3:Read. 4. -Read the passage for general Reading, information about the nation listening, - Words to describe the geography speaking, writing of a country: climates, population,religions, languages, social customs, habits. Laptop, Pictures, added board. Unit 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL L4: Write. 5. -Write an exposition from picture and word cues. - Reading, listening, Speaking, writing. Pictures, posters. 6. -Past simple: regular and irregular to talk about a past action or event that is finished - Past simple with “Wish” - Used to (review). Reading, listening, speaking, writing. L5: Language Focus. Speaking, listening, reading, writing Students’ attitude to the nation. Laptop, pictures added board. Pictures, posters.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 4. Unit2: CLOTHING (5t) L1:Getting StartedListen& Read. 7. L2: Speak and Listen 8. 5. Unit2: CLOTHING L3: Read. L4: Write. Unit2:. 9. 10. -Read the specific information about clothing “ Ao Dai” - Words about clothing - Ask & respond to questions on personal preferences - Ask for and give information + Listen to the monologue for detailed information - Words about clothing -Read the passage for detailed information about the clothing “ jeans” - Words about clothing. -Write an argument letter from outline A and outline B In my opinion/I think… Firstly,…….. Secondly…….. Finally,………. Therefore/ In conclusion. -Listen and read to find information. -Choose the suitable clothing. -Speaking and listening. - pictures, laptop. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. -Tape & stereo& pictures, poster, (laptop). Pictures, posters. -The choice of clothing when going to school. posters.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 6. CLOTHING L5: Language Focus1, 2, 3. 11. L6: Language Focus 4, 5 12 7. 8. Test 45m. 13. Test remark. 14. Unit3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRY15 SIDE (5t) L1: Getting StartedListen & Read L2: Speak and Listen. 16. -The present perfect to talk about 4 skills an action or a state which began in the past and continues to the present. + The passive (review): Be + past participle. Picture& subordi-nate board. 4 skills. Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Unit 1, 2 - Correction for the test and help Ss recognize their mistakes. 4 skills. Do the Test well Recognize and correct mistakes. -Describing the countryside. -Listen and read to find information. Students’ attitude about the countryside. -Ask for & give information about -Speaking, life & activities in the countryside listening, - talk about a picnic in the country reading, writing -Listen to the monologue for detailed information. Posters, cards laptop. - Stereo, picture, added board (laptop). - Stereo, picture, added board,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> (laptop) 9. 10. Unit3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRY-SIDE L3: Read. 17. -Read the passage for detailed - Reading, - learning information to complete summary. speaking, attitude listening, writing. Suborddinate board, posters. L4: Write. 18. - Write a picnic to the country. Pictures, posters. Unit3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRY SIDE L5: Language Focus. 19. +Modal:could , would with wish + The past simple with Wish (review) + Prepositions of time + Adverbial clauses of the result. Unit4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (6t) L1:Getting. 20. -Seeking information for learning a foreign language. - Writing, listening, speaking ,reading. - Writing, listening, speaking ,reading. - Pictures, suborddinate board. - Writing, The listening, importance of speaking reading learning - laptop, pictures, added boards.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Started – Listen & Read. 11. Unit4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE L2: Speak + LF1. L3: Listen + Read. 12. Unit4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE L4: Write. L5: Language Focus 2, 3. 21. 22. - Ask for and give information about language study/ language courses - give advice to someone - Express opinions/ preferences - If with Modal verbs: must,have to, should, might, ought to ( to talk about conditions and results) - Listening to the dialogue for general formation - Read passages for specific information. 23. -Write a letter of inquiry within 80- 100 words following a model and an outline given. 24. - Direct & reported speech + here & now words in reported speech. -Speaking, listening, reading, writing. -laptop, added boards. - Reading, speaking, listening, writing. - added board stereo, tape, (laptop). - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. - Show the formal letter. posters. Posters - 4 skills.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 13. Unit4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE L6: Language Focus 4. 25. Test 45m. 26. Test remark. 27. 14. 15. Unit5: THE MEDIA 28 L1:Getting Started – Listen & Read (5t) Unit5: THE MEDIA 29 L2: Speak + Listen. L3: Read. Reported questions. 4 skills. Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Unit 3, 4. 4 skills. - Correction for the test and help Ss recognize their mistakes. 30 -Read the passages for general information about the Internet. Do the Test well. Recognize and correct mistakes. Read the specific information 4 skills about the development and the use of the media. - Express agreement & disagreement + Ask for & give opinions -Listen to the dialogue for specific information about the development of the media. Posters, pictures. -Speaking, listening, reading , writing. -Reading, speaking, listening,. Need to have the right choice. Stereo, tape, board, pictures. Stereo, added board, tape. - recognize the advantages & Pictures,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> - talk about the development and the use of the media, especially The Internet. writing. disadvantages posters of the internet. 16. 17. 18. Unit5: THE MEDIA L4: Write. 31. -Write a passage about advantages -Writing, and disadvantages of the Internet speaking, listening, reading. Posters. L5: Language Focus. 32. -Tag questions - Gerunds after some verbs. - 4 skills. Posters, cards. Revision. 33. Vocabulary and grammar. 4 skills. Posters, cards. Revision. 34. Reading. 4 skills. Review. 35. Test the first term. 36. Writing. 4 skills. Posters, cards Posters, cards.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> HỌC KỲ II 19. 20. Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT (5t) L1:Getting Started – Listen & Read. 37. - Read the information about cleaning environment. -listening, speaking, reading, writing. -Keeping & protecting the environment. -stereo, tape (laptop), pictures, subordinate board. L2: Speak – Listen. 38. -speaking, - keeping & Laptop, posters, listening, protect color chalks reading, writing environmental air & sea. Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT L3: Read. 39. - Persuade, ask for & give reasons, talk about the problems of environment & solution -listen to monologue for detailed information - Read the poem about the environment. -reading, istening, speaking, writing. -keep & preserve the environment. - Pictures, posters, realia (laptop). L4: Write. 40. -Write a letter of complaint. Writing, listening, speaking, reading,. Show a complaint letter. Posters, (laptop).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 21. Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT. 41. -Adjectives & 4 skills adverbs +Adverbial clauses of reason : as, since, because + Adjective = that clause + Conditional sentences – type. Use new structures to do exercises. Posters, subordinate board, pictures, cards. Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY (5t) L1:Getting Started – Listen & Read. 42. -Read the dialogue about saving energy. -speaking, listening; reading, writing. saving water energy. Laptop, pictures -added board, pictures, (stereo,tape). Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY L2: Speak + LF3. 43. - Talk about the problems of energy waste and solutions to the problems -Make & respond to suggestions - Language focus: + Make suggestions * suggest + verbing * suggest + that + S + should……. - Reading, listening, speaking writing. Recognize the problems of energy& solutions to them. -pictures, added board, laptop. Lesson 5: Language Focus. 22.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 22. L3:Listen + LF 1,2. 44. 23. Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY L4: Read. 45. L5: Write. 46. -write a passage -Writing, based on frame and listening, idea cues speaking, reading. Writing test 45m. 47. Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Unit 6, 7. 24. Test Remark. 25. Unit 8:. 48. -Listen to monologue for detailed information Language focus: + Connectives :and. but, because, or, so, therefore, however + Phrasal verbs -Read passages for detailed information. - Correction for the test and help Ss recognize their mistakes. - Reading, Get general listening, knowledge speaking writing about one kind of alternative energy: solar energy - use new structures to do exercises Reading, Know about listening, ways to save speaking writing energy. -Writing, listening, speaking, reading. -Subordinate board, posters, laptop, pictures. Pictures, posters. Write a speech about energy saving and other schoolrelated topics Do the Test well. Subordinate board, pictures, posters. Recognize and correct mistakes. Papers. Know about. Laptop.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 26. 27. CELEBRATIONS (5t) L1: Getting Started – Listen & Read. 49. -Read a passage about celebrations. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. L2: Speak – Listen. 50. - Give & respond to compliments + Describe events +Express opinions -listen to the song for specific information. - Speaking, - learn to give listening; and respond reading, writing to a compliment for common situations - Sing an English song. Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS L3: Read. 51. L4: Write. 52. Unit 8:. famous celebrations around the world - show their love about celebrations. - Show - Read passages for - Reading, children’s general listening, opinions, information speaking writing feelings , memories about their fathers - Write a letter to a pen pal to share the idea on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day - Relative clauses. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. Show the letter to a friend to share their ideas about a particular issue. - Relative. Use new. - stereo, tape (laptop), pictures, added board. Stereo, subordinate board, (laptop), pictures, cards. Pictures, posters. Posters, (laptop).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 28. 29. CELEBRATIONS L5: Language Focus. 53. + Adverbial clauses of concession. clauses + Adverbial clauses of concession. Unit 9: NATURAL DISASTERS (5t) L1: Listen & Read. 54. -Read the dialogue about the weather. - speaking, Understand listening; the reading, writing informationin a weather forecast. -Make Predictions +Talk about the weather- forecast +Describe events +listen to monologue for specific information. - speaking, listening; reading, writing. Unit 9: NATURAL DISASTERS L2: Speak – Listen. 55. structures to do exercises. Pictures, posters, cards, (laptop). Laptop, pictures, posters. -help students understand - stereo, tape, how to live subordinate with disasters board, (laptop), posters. L3: Getting Started + Read. 56. - Read passages for general information: natural disaster. - Reading, Recognize the -subordinate listening, dangerous board, speaking,writing natural pictures,posters disasters. Unit 9: NATURAL DISASTERS L4: Write. 57. - write a story based on prompts. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. L5: Language Focus. 58. Relative pronouns: - Writing,. Recognize the - pictures, added dangerous board, posters natural (laptop) disasters Subordinate.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 30. Writing Test 45m. Test remark. 31. Unit 10: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS (5t) L1: Getting Started – Listen & Read. Unit 10: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS L2: Speak – Listen +LF 1. 59. 60. 61. 62. who, that, which + Relative clauses (continue). listening, speaking, reading. Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Unit 8, 9. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. - Correction for the test and help Ss recognize their mistakes. board, posters, cards. Do the Test well. Recognize and correct mistakes. Papers. - Read a passage about UFOS and other alien events on the Earth and other planets - Make Predictions about the existence of UFOS. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. Learn to talk about UFOS. - stereo, tape ,added board , pictures (laptop). - Talk about possibility +Seek informations + name & describe natural disaster +listen to monologue for general information. - Speaking, listening; reading, writing. - Speak with friends about things which might be on Mars - talk about the moon. - pictures, added board,(laptop), posters.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> Language focus: Modals: may, might 32. 33. Unit 10: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS L3: Read. 63. -Read a passage for -Reading, specific listening, information speaking, writing. Read and know about a space trip. L4: Write. 64. Write a story an exposition within 80 -100 words based on pictures/ words cues or prompts. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. Know how to Posters (laptop) write an argumentative exposition. + Conditional sentences: type1 + type2. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. - Use some pictures, color structures chalk, todo exercises subordinate board. Vocabulary and grammar Vocabulary and grammar. 4 skills. 68. Reading. 4 skills. 69. Writing. 4 skills. Unit 10: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS L5: Language Focus 2,3,4 65. 33. REVISION. 66. 34. REVISION. 67. 4 skills. REVISION REVISION 35. Pictures, posters, -added board. Posters, cards Review and prepare for the writing test. Posters, cards Posters, cards Posters, cards.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> TEST THE SECOND TERM. Duyệt của BGH. 70. Duyệt của tổ. Do the test well. Papers. Quảng phú , ngày 20 tháng 8 năm 2011 Giáo viên soạn Lê Thị Tùng Lộc.

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