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Bài tập chia động từ tiếng Anh thi vào lớp 10

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Bài tập chia động từ tiếng Anh thi vào lớp 10
A. Lý thuyết chia dạng đúng của động từ
1. To-infinitive
- Sau các động từ: Agre , appear, afford, ask, demand, expect, hesitate, intend,
invite, want, wish, hope, promise, decide, tell, refuse, learn, fail (thất bại), plan,
manage, pretend (giả vờ), remind, persuade, encourage, force, order, urge (thúc
giục), seem, tend, threaten,…
- Trong các cấu trúc:

It takes / took + O + thời gian + to-inf
Chỉ mục đích (để)
Sau các từ hỏi: what, where, when, how, …
It + be + adj + to-inf: thật … để ..

Ex: It is interesting to study English
+ S + be + adj + to-inf
Ex: I’m happy to receive your latter.

S + V + too + adj / adv + to-inf
S + V + adj / adv + enough + to-inf
S + find / think / believe + it + adj + to-inf

Ex: I find it difficult to learn English vocabulary.
- Sau các từ nghi vấn: what, who, which, when, where, how ,… (nhưng thường

không dùng sau why)
Ex: I don’t know what to say.
* Note:

allow / permit/ advise / recommend + O + to-inf She allowed me to use
her pen.
allow / permit / advise / recommend + V-ing She didn’t allow smoking
in her room.

2. Bare infinitive (V1)
Động từ nguyên mẫu không to được dùng:

Sau động từ khiếm khuyết: can, will, shall, could, would,…
Sau các động từ: let, make, would rather, had better

Ex: They made him repeat the whole story.
- Help + to-inf / V1 / with Noun
Ex: He usually helps his sister to do her homework.
He usually helps his sister do her homework.
He usually helps his sister with her homework.
II. GERUND (V-ing)
- Sau các động từ: enjoy, avoid, admit, appreciate (đánh giá cao), mind (quan
tâm, ngại), finish, practice, suggest, postpone (hoãn lại), consider (xem xét),
hate, admit (thừa nhận), like, love, deny (phủ nhận), detest (ghét), keep (tiếp

tục), miss (bỏ lỡ), imagine (tưởng tượng), mention, risk, delay (trì hỗn), ….
- Sau các cụm động từ: cant’ help (không thể không), can’t bear / can’t stand
(không thể chịu được), be used to, get used to, look forward to, it’s no use / it’s
no good (không có ích lợi gì), be busy, be worth (đáng giá)
- Sau giới từ: in, on, at, from, to, about …
- Sau các liên từ: after, before, when, while, since,…
Ex: You should lock the door when leaving your room.
- S + spend / waste + time / money + V-ing
Ex: I spent thirty minutes doing this exercise.
1. Không thay đổi nghĩa:
- begin / start / continue/ like / love + To-inf / V-ing
Ex: It started to rain / raining.
2. Thay đổi nghĩa:

remember / forget / regret + V-ing: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc đã xảy ra
rồi (trong quá khứ)

remember / forget / regret + to-inf: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc chưa, sắp
xảy ra (trong tương lai)

Ex: Don’t forget to turn off the light when you go to bed.
I remember meeting you some where but I can’t know your name.
Remember to send her some flowers because today is her birthday.
+ stop + V-ing: dừng hẳn việc gì
+ stop + to-inf: dừng ….. để …

Ex: He stopped smoking because it is harmful for his health.
On the way home, I stopped at the post office to buy a newspaper.

try + V-ing: thử
try + to-inf: cố gắng
need + V-ing = need + to be + V3: cần được (bị động)
need + to-inf: cần (chủ động)

Ex: I need to wash my car.
My car is very dirty. It needs washing / to be washed.
+ Cấu trúc nhờ vả:

S + have + O người + V1 + O vật ...
S + have + O vật + V3 + (by + O người) ...
S + get + O người + to-inf + O vật
S + get + O vật + V3 + (by + O người)

Câu 1: Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
1. In all the world, there (be) __________ only 14 mountains that (reach)
__________above 8,000 meters.
2. He sometimes (come) __________ to see his parents.

3. When I (come) __________, she (leave) __________for Dalat ten minutes ago.

4. My grandfather never (fly) __________ in an airplane, and he has no intention of
ever doing so.
5. We just (decide) __________ that we would undertake the job.
6. He told me that he (take) ____________ a trip to California the following week.
7. I knew that this road (be) __________ too narrow.
8. Right now I (attend) __________ class. Yesterday at this time I (attend)
9. Tomorrow I (leave) _____________________ for home.
10. Margaret was born in 1950. By last year, she (live) _______________on this earth
for 55 years .
11. The traffic was very heavy. By the time I (get) _____________to Mary’s party,
everyone already (arrive) __________________
12. I (graduate) __________________ next month.
13. I (visit) __________ my uncle’s home regularly when I (be) __________ a child.
14. That book (be) __________ on the table for weeks. _________ you (not read)
__________ it yet ?
15. David just (repair) __________ the TV set.
16. _________ you (be) __________here before? Yes, I (spend) __________ my
holidays here last year.
17. We never (meet) __________ him. We don’t know what he (look) __________
18. I think he (come) ____________ tomorrow.

19. On arriving at home I (find) __________that she just (leave) __________a few
minutes before.
20. When we arrive in London tonight, it probably (rain) __________.

21. It (rain) ___________ hard now. We can’t do anything until it (stop) ________
22. Last night we (watch) __________TV when the power (fail) __________.
23. That evening we (stay) __________up to talk about the town where he (live)
__________for some years.
24. I (sit) __________down for a rest while the shoes (repair) ______________.
25. Half way to the office Paul turned round and (go) __________back home because
he (forget) __________to turn the gas off.
26. London (change) __________a lot since we first came to live here.
27. While we (talk) _____________on the phone the children (start)
__________fighting and (break) __________a window
28. He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he (do) __________
in his life.
29. You know she (stand) ____________looking at that picture for twenty minutes.
30. I (spend) __________ a lot of time travelling since I (get) __________this new
31. When we were at school we all (study) __________Latin.
32. When I (meet) __________ him , he (graduate) _____________________.
33. After he (finish) _____________ breakfast he (sit) __________down to write
some letters.
34. She (have) __________a hard life, but she’s always smiling.

35. I think Jim (be) __________ out of town.
Use the correct tense or form of the verb in parentheses :
Câu 2:

I hate …………………………. at by another people. (laugh)


This truck is used ……………………… high metals. (carry)


Malaysia ……………………… into 2 regions. (divide)


Are you afraid of ………………………. ? (follow)


This knife is used ………………… fruit. (cut)


She wishes she …………………… English as fluently as his sister. (speak)


My sister …………………… these shoes since her 18th birthday. (own)


It’s time for the children …………………… to their grandma’s house. (go)


Today, young generation are fond of ……………………. jeans. (wear)

10. My nephew is looking forward ……………………… a new job in the company.
11. I will show you the machine ……………… yesterday. (buy)
12. The man …………………… next to me is very nervous. (sit)
13. I wish they ……………………… here tomorrow. (come)
14. She is used ……………………… up early. (get)
15. Her sister often ………………… the floor when she was a housekeeper. (sweep)
16. Water can’t …………………. here. (find)
17. Saigon is believed ………………………… in the early 18th century. (discover)
18. If only I ………………… more time to visit your beautiful country. (have)
19. Are you used to ………………… on the floor ? (lie)
20. I would rather you …………….. well on your test. (do)
21. It’s high time you ……………… the bus. (catch)
22. Haven’t the key ………………………. yet ? (find)
23. ……….you ………. all the housework yet ? The floor isn’t very clean now. (do)

He ……………….. a novel for many years (write), but he …………… it yet.


Mr. Quang ……………… Math at this school (teach) since he ………………
(graduate) in this university in 1989.

26. My brother …………… my house 10 years ago (leave) . I ……………… (never
/ meet)

him again since then.

27. She wore a skirt ……………… with cotton. (make)
28. The bags ………………. on the wall are our team’s. (hang)
29. The story ……………… by my teacher is very interesting. (tell)
30. The students discussed the problems ………………. the pollution. (cause)

Originally, the book ……………… (write) in English, and a few years later
is …………………….


(translate) into several languages.

Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom ……………… in Cambodia several centuries
ago. (construct)


The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco …………………… in 1973.


When ……………………………………… smoking ? (your father / give up)


The Greens …………………… in this city for 10 years. (live)


Our teacher …………………….. to us how to use the printer already. (explain)


Mai ………………………… the homework yet. (finish)

38. The match ………………………… . Our team are playing well. (just start)
39. Her cousin used to ……………… stamp when he was a boy. (collect)
40. Children enjoy ………………….. picture books. (read)
41. History …………………… in my school by Miss Lan last year. (teach)
42. She used a pencil ……………… this letter. (write)
43. Maria …………………… studying English for 5 years, now
she …………………… it yet. (study / master)
44. This book ………………… to me yesterday. (send)
45. If you come here in Spring, you ……………… a chance to go to the village fair.
46. The books in the library ……………………… into sections. (arrange)
47. The card catalogue is helpful in ………………… the books you find. (find)
48. Nam ………………. a gold medal in the chess tournament last week. (win)
49. The tree in our garden should ……………………. every day. (water)
50. If I finish my work soon, I …………………… for a drink with you. (come)
51. The rocket ……………………… around the Earth for 30 minutes. (fly)
52. The weather …………………. terrible since yesterday. (be)
53. You must take the baby to the doctor’s if his temperature ………… up again.

54. If Jack ……………… a video recorder, he ………………. many programs.
(have / record)
55. All the students are looking forward ………………………… summer vacation.
56. Justin said he …………………. the following day. (return)
57. The teacher ordered Tom …………… to the blackboard. (go)

Tam’s mother advises her ……………… (not spend) too much time
on …………………. computer games. (play)


Minh said that he …………………… English in London then. (learn)

60. He said that he ……………… (not drive) fast when the accident ………………
61. When we …………… (go) down the hill, a strange object ………………
(appear) in the sky.
62. The floor isn’t very clean now. Jane …………………… it for 2 hours. (clean)
63. It doesn’t stop raining. It ……………………….. the whole day. (rain)
64. What ………………………….. at this time yesterday ? (you / do)
65. It is ……………… that he …………………… here now. (suggest / be)
66. This car …………………….. if it is cheap. (buy)
67. The robber climbed into the windows without ……………………… (see)
68. Do you suggest ………………… on the grass enjoying sunshine ? (lie)
69. Those environmentalists are happy ……………… the battle against dynamite
fishing. (win)
70. In order to save electricity, an ordinary 100-watt bulb can ………………… by
an energy-saving bulb. (replace)

71. Ha ……………………. herself for quite a long time. (enjoy)
72. On the way home, Long often stops ………………… a newspaper. (buy)
73. Energy-saving bulbs are used ……………… electricity in the USA. (save)
74. It is very possible ………………… solar energy for a number of days. (store)
75. The best way to reduce garbage is ……………… and recycling things. (reuse)
76. Poisonous gases …………………. into the atmosphere every day. (pump)
77. Solar panels ……………………. on the roof of a house. (place)
78. How about …………………… used paper, bottles and cans every day ?

79. I’m not used to ………………. so far, so I must stop ……………… for a while.
(walk / stop)
80. His joke made me ………………. a lot. (laugh)
81. If we use energy-saving bulbs, we ………………… a lot of money. (save)
82. In the last ten years, life in our city ……………………….. dramatically.(change)
83. She will tell him about the news when he …………………..

her tomorrow

morning. (phone)
84. They …………………….

roses in the garden when I came to see them. (plant)

85. Thank you for ……………………….. after my grandpa while I was away last
week. (look)
86. Young people are keen on …………………… fashionable clothes. (wear)
87. They ……………………. TV all evening yesterday. (watch)
88. I …………………….. table tennis for three years now. (play)

89. If you ……………….. the lesson, I’ll explain it again to you. (not understand)
90. If the rice paddies …………………., the rice plants ………………… (pollute /
91. John ………………… the first prize in the English speaking contest. (just / win)
92. Uncle Ho devoted his life …………………. the independence for Vietnam.
93. I think we …………………… some canned food before typhoon. (buy)
94. I suggest …………………… solar energy instead of coal, gas and oil. (use)
95. Why not ………………… another products ? (choose)
96. Let her ……………… her best to finish her work in time. (try)
97. Unfortunately, he ………………….. three accidents recently. (have)
98. A new photocopier …………………. in last week. (put)
99. He would be healthier, if he ……………… so much. (not, smoke)
100. Road users …………………… by law to wear quality safety helmets. (force)
101. Please wait right here until Katie …………………… back. (come)
102. His daughter is interested in ………………… with Barbie dolls. (play)
103. Mrs. Linda is busy ………………….. Christmas tree. (decorate)
104. They are the first customers ………………… and ………… things in the shop.
(come / buy)
105. Do you have difficulty ………………….. a job after …………………. ? (find /

106. It was impossible to use fire-fighting equipment because most of the water
pipes ……………….…… before. (burst)
107. They wish they …………… the displays of fireworks near the city tonight, but I
can’t. (see)
108. I like reading books ………………… about different people and their cultures.
109. I saw an accident while I …………………… for a bus at a bus stop. (wait)

110. Tuan ………………… as the most effective activist in the charity program. (just
/ nominate)
111. Ninety percent of earthquakes ………………. around the Pacific Rim. (occur)
112. When he reached our house, mother …………………… (leave)
113. Thousands of people ………………….. in the tsunami in 2004. (die)
114. We’ll bring along raincoats in case it ……………………… (rain)
115. The boy who …………………. outside is my neighbor. (wait)
116. I remember ……………………… to the circus by my grandmother when I was 6.
117. He is the last student ………………….. the classroom. (leave)
118. By the time the police reached the station, the robber …………………. away.
119. Where is the magazine I gave you ? What ………………………. with it ? (you /
120. I think I hear someone ……………………. to open the back window. (try)
121. Nam wishes he ………………………. a lot of time last year. (not waste)
122. She couldn’t go with them because she was busy ………….. on the exam next
time. (work)
123. Children hate …………………… (make) ……………… (do) a lot of
Câu 3

The teacher as well as his students ………………… reading books.


The boys …………………… the play for the school anniversary celebration.


He wishes he ………………. a doctor.



I’ll come and see you before I ……………… for Ho Chi Minh city.


It’s time you …………………… for the party tonight.


He used to ………………… to school by his mother when he was young.


He started …………………. the guitar when he was five.


I’s rather you ………………….. that mess again.


Mary hates ………………………… by her friends.


10. This shirt is too tight for him …………………..


11. This knife is only used ……………………. the fruit.


12. Stop playing ! You …………………… for 4 hours.


13. Kieu’s story …………………… by Nguyen Du a long time ago.


14. The audience was made …………………… by the funny clown.


15. Not until 1995 ………………………………… on Tien River.


16. After the recess, our teacher went on ……………………… the lesson.
17. Do you have any difficulty ……………………. English ?


18. If Ben …………… up early, he can catch a bus.


19. When I am living in Paris for my new job, I ………………………. you.
20. George is going to buy a new computer unless it ………………… too expensive.
21. Our teacher said that she ……………………… us the following day.
22. He wishes he ……………………… able to speak French well.


23. These children …………………………… tennis for four hours now.


24. Your Russian is very good. How long ………………………. it ?

(you /

25. Come on. It’s time you ……………………… the new job.
26. Now musical instruments …………………………… already.


27. Town criers shouted the latest news as they …………………… through the city.
28. I would rather you ……………………… your written test well.
29. One of the boys wanted to know what ………………… to that man the previous


30. Though being unsuccessful, they ……………………… a good match.
31. He wishes he ………………… wings to fly around the world.
32. Would you like …………………… that famous scientist ?


33. He doesn’t like being ……………………… like that.


34. The large number of people attending the course …………………… every day.
35. That boy is looking forward ……………………… ………………………
(go / picnic)
36. Uncle Ho devoted his life ……………………… the way to rescue Vietnam.
37. Think carefully, I am sure you ……………………… her name.
38. The books in the library ………………………… into sections.
39. Look ! That nice-looking girl ……………………… an elephant.


40. Television first ………………………. fifty years ago in the 1950s.
41. I ……………………… for her for over 30 minutes, but she ……………… yet.
(wait / arrive)
42. Would you mind ……………………. quiet in a moment ?


43. Do you think English is quite easy ……………………… ?


44. The headmaster ……………………… the result of the contest next week.
45. Hurry up or the train ………………… before you catch it.

46. By the time the police arrived, the robbers …………………… away.


47. They ……………… in Scotland for ten years. But now she lives in Liverpool.
48. This coast must ……………………… in England ten years ago. Look at the


49. Some trees ………………………… on the pavement at the moment.
50. This is the student who ……………………… by the teacher this morning.
Câu 4:

At this time, they ………………… hide and seek on the school yard. (play)


Carol ……………. a visit to Hanoi last week. (pay)


English as well as Math and Literature ……………. very difficult for us to study.


I went climbing with him after he ………………… his homework. (finish)


Up to now, we …………………. many books about Ngo Bao Chau’s works.


We ……………………. this place again someday. (visit)


The number of the unemployed ……………………… every day. (increase)


She …………………… to the radio cassettes then. (listen)


He ………………. and he feels exhausted now. (swim)

10. Yesterday the police reported that they ………………… the thief. (capture)
11. The owner of that house ………………………. abroad. (just go)
12. It was the third time I …………………… late for school last week. (arrive)
13. Paper ………………… in China many years ago. (make)

14. The robber ………………… away by the time the police ……………… (run /
15. The floor is ………………… every day. (clean)
16. While they …………………. soundly last night, a stranger entered. (sleep)
17. Many doctors believe treatments for many forms of career ………………… soon.
18. Nam rarely walks to school, but today he ………………… to school. (walk)
19. Anyone who …………………. the work yet won’t …………………… to leave
now. (not finish / allow)
20. The bridge over the river ……………………… at the moment. (paint)

21. What a shame! I’d rather you (not/dismiss)………………………………. like
22. When I noticed the blank stare he (give)…………………… me, I
(realize) …………… that he didn’t understand me.
23. Would you be so kind as (switch off)……………………………. the lights when
24. It’s imperative that the wildlife program
25. The President (deliver)………….... a speech, but in the end he
(change)……………..his mind.
26. I’m sorry I wasn’t in when you came round. I would like
(see)…………………………… you.
27. I can’t understand why he (be)…………………………… so selfish. He isn’t
usually like that.
28. Just inside the outer later of the earth's atmosphere (be)...........................the
elements necessary to protect it from ultraviolet rays, extreme temperatures, and
threatening foreign substances.
29. I hope you don’t mind my mentioning this but some rumors

(circulate) ……………………… about your engagement to banker.
30. I didn’t see anyone but I (watch)……………………………….………
31. He has worked hard all the week, but today he (have)……………………. a good
time at home.
32. There

(be)…………………………………... a lot of changes since computers

were invented
33. Nam (watch)………….................. TV while his friends were making cakes
yesterday morning.

If we (not protect)………………………… the environment, our planet will be
badly polluted.

35. When I came to school, everybody
(be)…………………………………………….. there.
36. She gets used to (take)………………………………………….. to the zoo on

I suggest (use)…………………………………………………… public buses.

38. You always (complain) ………………………………………… about my
39. He wishes that he (work)………………………………… harder but it’s too late
40. Nobody would listen to the stories (tell)……………………………... by him so

many times.
41. Don’t worry! She (be) …………………………………………..in a few minutes.

She (sleep)…………………………………….. for hours ! You must wake her

43. Tom (wash)…………………………… his hands. He has just repaired the T.V
44. Don’t forget to bring my dictionary when you (come)………………………...
back tomorrow.
45. We would rather (stay)………………………………….. at home than go out on
rainy days.
46. I’m sorry. I (not finish) ……………………………………….this work yet.
47. I (invite)…………………………………….. to her party last weekend.
48. I’d rather we (have)………………………………………… more time together.
49. Is Lan used to (write)………………………………………………………. to
50. It took Mary two hours (travel) …………………………………..to the
countryside last week.
51. His greatest ambition is (choose)……… (take part) ………..….in the Olympics
London 2012.
52. None of the people (invite)……………………………………………..to the
party can come.
53. I really don’t know why she (not/enter)………………………………the last
contest. She (win)……………………………….the first prize easily.
54. She (leave)………………………………..school last year. Since then she
(work) ...................................... as a waitress at a local pub.
55. They felt tired and hungry, so they (sit) ................................. down under a tree
and (rest)

............................................... for lunch.


Let’s (get) ............................. the house (clear) ............................... up before he

57. Last year we (install) ................................... ordinary light bulbs in our house, but
now we (use) ................................................... energy-saving ones.
58. A: In your places, I (a. go) .......................................... by air.

B: If I (b. have) ...........................................enough money, I (c.
take) ............................... your advice.


I'm sorry. I (not finish) ..........................................this work yet.

61. Poems as well as play (write) ..................................... by William Shakespeare.

How many times you (be) .................................... to Van Mieu?

63. They like (chat) ............................................. . They use the Internet very often.
64. I (have) .................................. a phone call while I (surf) .............................. the
web yesterday.
65. If he saves up, he soon (be able) ............................................ to afford a new car.
66. What a mess! Duc’ toys (not put) .......................................... away.

67. If you feel like (stay) ........................................... with us, just send us a fax.

My sister and I (stay) ...................................... at our grandparents when we
(meet) .......................................

our great grand aunt for the first time.

69. Listen to these students! What language they
(speak) ................................................?
70. What you (do) ......................................... If you had a lot of money?
71. Did you advise Jane (join) ................................... in the Vietnamese speaking

Who (carry) ........................................ your bag when you climb Mount

73. In Viet Nam, it (not snow) ................................... in winter except for Sa Pa and
Lang Son.

We (always/ make) ..................................... to work hard by our parents.

75. Their grandparents prefer (watch)...........................basketball to
76. My friends (wait) ................................................ for me when I got to the
77. Nothing (do) ............................................ since he moved here.

78. To avoid (attack) ...................................... again, the millionaire hired some
