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Bài tập câu điều kiện tiếng Anh thi vào lớp 10

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Bài tập câu điều kiện tiếng Anh thi vào lớp 10
1. Cấu trúc câu điều kiện trong Tiếng Anh
Câu điều kiện loại 0
Cấu trúc: If + S + V/V(s/es), S + V/V(s/es)
Cách sử dụng: Dùng để diễn tả một sự việc ln đúng, một chân lý.
Ví dụ: - If you heat the ice, it melts. (Nếu bạn làm nóng băng, nó sẽ tan chảy.)
Đây là một sự thật hiển nhiên, luôn luôn đúng nên ta sẽ sử dụng câu điều kiện
loại 0 để nói.
Câu điều kiện loại 1
Cấu trúc: If + S + V/V(s/es), S + will + V(nguyên thể)
Trong câu điều kiện loại I, mệnh đề “If” ta chia thì HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN và mệnh
đề chính ta chia thì tương lai đơn.
Cách sử dụng: Dùng để giả định về một sự việc có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc
tương lai.
Ví dụ: - If she comes, I will go with her. (Nếu cô ấy đến, tôi sẽ đi với cô ấy)
Ta hiểu rằng “hiện tại cô ấy vẫn chưa đến”, và ta cũng khơng biết được rằng cơ
ấy có đến hay khơng (hồn tồn có thể xảy ra).
Vì vậy giả định “nếu cô ấy đến” là một giả định hồn tồn có thể xảy ra nên ta
sử dụng câu điều kiện loại 1.
Câu điều kiện loại 2
Cấu trúc: If + S + V-ed/cột 2, S + would/should + V(nguyên thể)
Trong câu điều kiện loại II, mệnh đề “IF” chia thì Q KHỨ ĐƠN và động từ
trong mệnh đề chính ta sử dụng cấu trúc: would/ should + động từ nguyên thể.
Cách sử dụng: Dùng để giả định về một sự việc không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại
hoặc tương lai.
Ví dụ: - If they had a lot of money now, they would travel around the world.
(Nếu bây giờ họ có nhiều tiền, họ sẽ đi du lịch vịng quanh thế giới.)

Ta thấy có thời gian ở hiện tại là “now” (bây giờ) và hiểu rằng “bây giờ họ
khơng có nhiều tiền” nên mới đưa ra câu giả định như vậy. Vì thế ta sử dụng

câu điều kiện loại II để diễn đạt một giả định về một sự việc không có thật ở
hiện tại.
CHÚ Ý: Trong câu điều kiện loại II, nếu mệnh đề “if” sử dụng động từ “to be”
ở thì quá khứ đơn thì ta chỉ sử dụng “to be” là “were” với tất cả các ngơi.
Ví dụ: - If I were you, I wouldn’t stay at home now. (Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ
không ở nhà bây giờ.)
Ta thấy chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề “If” là “I” nhưng ta vẫn sử dụng động từ “to
be” là “were” vì trong câu điều kiện loại II này “to be” chia quá khứ là “were”
với tất cả các chủ ngữ.
Câu điều kiện loại 3
Cấu trúc: If + S + had + VpII, S + would/should + have + vpII
Trong câu điều kiện loại III, mệnh đề “If” chia thì QUÁ KHỨ HỒN THÀNH,
và động từ trong mệnh đề chính sẽ sử dụng cấu trúc: would/ should + have +
Cách sử dụng: Dùng để giả định về một sự việc trái với sự thật trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ: - If she had told me the truth yesterday, I would have helped her. (Nếu
cơ ấy nói với tơi sự thật ngày hơm qua, tôi đã giúp cô ấy rồi.)
2. Bài tập luyện tập:
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
1. If I (find) ______ a cheap room, I will stay a fortnight
2. If I saw a tiger walking across the park, I ____ (climb) the tree
3. Why don’t you drive your car to work? If I ____ (have) a car, I would drive
4. He might get rid of his cough if he _____ (not smoke) so much
5. She was sent to the prison only because she refused to pay the fine; if she
had paid the fine, she _____ (not be) sent to prison
6. The job is much worse than I expected. If I ____ (realize) how awful it was
going to be I wouldn’t have accepted it

7. Provided you remember the password, you __ (be) in no danger.

8. I will lend you my radio as long as you _____ (bring) it back before Sunday
9. We would have gone to the talk if we _____ (know) about it
10. I ____ (buy) those shoes if I were you.
Exercise 2: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
1. If I had free time, I _____ some shopping with you
A. did
B. will do
C. would do
D. would have done
2. Unless she ____, she will be late for school
A. hurried
B. hurries
C. will hurry
D. is hurrying
3. I would have given him this present, if I ___ him
A. had meet
B. had met
C. meet
D. met
4. Will you be angry if I ___ your pocket dictionary?
A. stole
B. have stolen

C. were to steal
D. steal
5. If he ____ the truth, the police wouldn’t have arrest him
A. tells
B. told
C. had told

D. would tell
6. If you press that button, what ______?
A. would happen
B. would have happened
C. will happen
D. happen
7. If my mother ____ me up, I will catch the bus
A. doesn’t pick
B. didn’t take
C. not pick
D. hadn’t picked
8. If the weather is nice, I ____ for a walk
A. will go
B. go
C. would go
D. would have gone
9. ____________, the accident would not have happened yesterday

A. If Nam drives more carefully
B. If had Nam driven more carefully
C. Had Nam driven more carefully
D. Unless Nam had driven more carefully
10. I’d give up my job if I ____ a big prize in a lottery
A. win
B. won
C. had won
D. would won
Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning
stays the same

1. What would you do if you found some buried treasure?
If you were ______________
2. Working so much will make you tired
If you __________________
3. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time
We would ______________
4. Without you, I would have given up years ago
If it ___________________
5. We didn’t go by air only because we hadn’t enough money
If we __________________
6. If by any chance you find my wallet, could you let me know?
If you should ____________

7. I regret not studying hard last term
If only _________________
8. He didn’t work hard at school, so he didn’t get a good job when he left
If _____________________
9. People don’t do enough exercise, so there is a lot of heart disease
If people _______________
10. Children have bad teeth because they eat too many sweets
Children would have better teeth if ______________
3. Đáp án bài tập luyện tập:
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
1. If I (find) __find____ a cheap room, I will stay a fortnight
2. If I saw a tiger walking across the park, I _would climb___ (climb) the tree
3. Why don’t you drive your car to work? If I _had___ (have) a car, I would
4. He might get rid of his cough if he __didn’t smoke___ (not smoke) so

5. She was sent to the prison only because she refused to pay the fine; if she
had paid the fine, she __wouldn’t have been___ (not be) sent to prison
6. The job is much worse than I expected. If I _had realized___ (realize) how
awful it was going to be I wouldn’t have accepted it
7. Provided you remember the password, you _will be_ (be) in no danger.
8. I will lend you my radio as long as you __bring___ (bring) it back before
9. We would have gone to the talk if we __had known___ (know) about it

10. I _would buy___ (buy) those shoes if I were you.
Exercise 2: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. B
Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning
stays the same
1. If you were to find some buried treasure, what would you do?
2. If you didn’t work so much, you wouldn’t be tired
3. We would have visited the museum if we had had time
4. If it hadn’t been for you, I would have given up years ago
5. If we had had enough money, we would have gone by air
6. If you should find my wallet, could you let me know?

7. If only I had studied hard last tern
8. If he had worked hard at school, he would have got a good job when he left
9. If people did enough exercise, they wouldn’t have/ get heart disease

10. Children would have better teeth if they didn’t eat too many sweets

4. Bài tập tự luyện
I. Choose the best answer:
1) If the weather …..... good tomorrow, we .…….. swimming.
A. is – go

B. is – will go

C. will be - go

D. will be – will go

2) If Tom were late again, he ………………. his job.
A. loses
D. would lose

B. lose




3). If I had known that you were in hospital, I ……………you.
A. will visit

B. visit

C. would have visited

D. would visit

4) You‘ll ………….. yourself a lot of time if you take the car.
A. spend

B. make

C. save

D. spare

5) If he comes here, I ……….…….. it.
A. make him do
B. make him will do
will make him will do

C. will make him do

6) If I ……….……..….. you, I wouldn’t buy that coat.
A. am

B. was

C. were

D. would be

7) Tam ……………………. more if he ……………………… more time.
A. will read - had
B. would read - has
D. would read - had

C. read – had

8) If I didn’t want to go to the party, I ……….…….…………. go.
A. don’t

B. didn’t

C. won’t

D. wouldn’t

9). If she understands the lesson, she ………………….it
A. will do

B. do

C. won’t do

D. would do

10. Will you be angry if I _____ your pocket dictionary?



B. have stolen C.

were to steal



11. If the wall weren't so high, he _____ it up to take his ball down.


B. could climb C.

is climbingD.



12. If he ______ the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest him.


B. told


had told


would tell

13. If I ______ in London now, I could visit British Museum.


B. had been


have been



14. If you didn't wear shabby clothes, you _______ more good-looking.
A. will be
D. can be

B. would be


would have been

15. If I ________ an Angel, I would try to make happy all the children.


B. have been




had been

16. A doctor _________ if somebody falls ill.
A. will be cold for
B. will be called for

will call for

D. would be call for

17. I wish I ____ him, but I don’t
A. likeB. can like

C. liked

D. would like

18. She feels lonely because she doesn’t know many people there. She wishes
she ____ more people
A. will know

B. knew

C. knows

D. has known

19. “I’m not staying any longer.” “I wish you ____.”
A. can

B. will

C. are

D. were

20. “I’m sorry you failed the test.” “Frankly, I wish I ____ harder.”
A. could study B. had studied C. have studied D. would have studied
II. Put the verbs in the brackets in to corect tense:

1). If he does his homework, he (not worry)……………….. about it
2) If today (be)…………………. Sunday, the pupils can go swimming
3) I (take).......................... a walk if the weather were nice.
4) We would buy a house if we (have).................... enough money.
5) If I (be not) .................. tired, I would go to the movie with you.
6) If I (not have) ....................... class today, I would go shopping.

7. Bring him another if he (not/like)_____________ this one.
8. She (be)________ angry if she (hear)___________ this tomorrow.
9. Unless you are more careful, you (have)___________ an accident.
10. If you (like)_________, I (get)____________ you a job in this company.
11. If grandmother (be)___________ 5 years younger, she (play)__________
some games.
12. If he sun (stop)________shinning, there (be)___________ no light on earth.
13. If I (be)___________ a millionaire, I (live)___________ on Mars.
14. I wish I (be) ------------------------- an astronaut in the future.
15. I can’t swim. I wish I (can) --------------------- swim.
16. I wish I (meet) ---------------------- her yesterday.
17. She wishes she (be) ---------------------- there last year.
18. I wish you (not give) ----------------------- them my phone number yesterday.
19. Tom wishes someone (give) ---------------------------- him a job next month.
20. If they (invite)_______ yesterday, I (be)_______ is a good day tomorrow.
21. We (go)_______ swimming if it (be)_______ a good day tomorrow.
22. If the weather (be)_______ nice last day, I (go)_______ for a walk.
23. My dog always barks if he (hear)_______ anything unusual.
24. If he (not/ do)_______ come soon, I'm not going to wait.
25. If the phone (ring)_______, can you answer it?
III. Rewrite the following sentences with the same meaning:
1. I don’t have enough money. I can’t go on a long holiday this year.

 If ______________________________________________________
2. He is very slow, so we won’t wait for him.
 If ___________________________________________________________
3. You’ll ask the teacher. He’ll explain the lesson to you.
 If ___________________________________________________________
4. I don’t know his address. I can’t give it to you.
 If ____________________________________

She was ill. She didn’t go to work.

 If ______________________________________

6. Unless she studies hard, he will fail the exam.

If ___________________________________

7. Go away or I will call the police.
 If _____________________________________
8. You didn’t ask Alice. She didn’t tell you the truth.
 If ________________________________________
9. If you don’t finish your exercises, you can’t go to bed.
 Unless_____________________________________
10. I didn’t eat lunch, I feel hungry now.
–> If I………………………………….
11. If it hadn’t rained, we would have a better crop.
–> But for………………………………………
12. If you want my advice, I wouldn’t buy it.

–> If I ………………………………………
13. I only come if they invite me.
–> Unless……………………….
14. He didn’t revise all his lessons, he failed the exam.
–> If he………………………………………… ……
15. The park is over there, only 5 minutes’ walk.
–> If you walk……………………………….
16. In case it rains, we’ll stay at home
–> If it……………………………..
17. He works hard and he will pass his exam.
=> If………………………………………………………..
18. He didn’t pass the exam because he didn’t work hard.
=> If...................................................................................
19. She didn’t hurry so she missed the train.
=> If..................................................................................
20. They didn’y follow the map, so they got lost.
=> If they...........................................................................
21I haven’t enough money to buy that book.
=> I wish -------------------------------------------------------22. I’m sorry I didn’t help you yesterday.
=> I wish ------------------------------------------------------------23It’s a pity that you were not here last week.
=> We wish ---------------------------------------------------

24.You drive too fast. I’d like you to drive more slowly
=>I wish -------------------------------------------IV. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences:
1. Should anyone rang, could you take a message?
2. Were the customers not complained, nothing would have been done.
3. Was I a bird, I would fly.
4. Unless you don’t have a good command of English, you won't be able to
work for this company.

5. Were they live in Australia now, they would go swimming.
