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Phần 1: Giới thiệu về bản thân

Good morning/afternoon.
My full name is LE THI HAO
– I was born on 15/07/1988
I am the student of the class FVC113B - My student ID is 20C7150303445
Today is 27/6/2021

You now have ONE minute to read the task carefully and another ONE minute to do the task as
you are instructed to.

1/ If you could invest on one of the followings – planting forests, building zoos and
researching about biodiversity, which one might be your best choice? Why?

Nếu bạn có thể đầu tư vào một trong những
việc sau - trồng rừng, xây dựng vườn thú và
nghiên cứu về đa dạng sinh học, thì cái nào
có thể là sự lựa chọn tốt nhất của bạn? Tại

If I could invest on one thing, It would be planting forests. I think it is the best choice because
planting forests really helps the environment. Forests provides oxygen for people and animals. It
is a habitat for animals. It also helps to reduce global warming, to prevent natuaral disasters.

2/ You are going to recommend a university for your cousin to study. Among a
university in USA, a university in Japan and a university in Vietnam, which one do

you recommend? Why?

Bạn định giới thiệu một trường đại học cho
em họ của mình theo học. Trong số các
trường đại học ở Mỹ, một trường đại học ở
Nhật Bản và một trường đại học ở Việt Nam,
bạn giới thiệu trường nào? Tại sao?

Among university in USA, a university in Japan and a university in Vietnam I want to
recommend a university in Vietnam for my cousin to study. It is Hanoi national university. It is
one of the best university in Vietnam. This university provides really good training programmes
with reasonable tuition fee. A lot of scientists and researchers graduated from this university.

3/ You are going to buy a book for your little brother as a present. Among the following kinds of
book: a comic book, a fairy tale and a scientific book, which one might be your best choice? Why?

Bạn định mua một cuốn sách cho em trai
mình như một món q. Trong số các loại
sách sau: truyện tranh, truyện cổ tích và
sách khoa học, loại nào có thể là lựa chọn tốt
nhất của bạn? Tại sao?

I am going to buy a comic book for my little brother. Because this kind of book is really
interesting. It contains colourful pictures. It is really eye-catching to children.

4/ You are looking for a place to live in Hanoi. Among a small house in the city

centre, a flat near your university/ a company and a big house in the countryside,
which one would be your best choice? Why?

Bạn đang tìm nơi ở tại Hà Nội. Trong số một
ngôi nhà nhỏ ở trung tâm thành phố, một căn
hộ gần trường đại học / công ty của bạn và
một ngôi nhà lớn ở nông thôn, cái nào sẽ là
sự lựa chọn tốt nhất của bạn? Tại sao?


I really like living in a big house in the countryside for 3 reasons. It is really peaceful in rural
areas. It provides fresh air for people to live in. The best thing I like is local people who are very
friendly and reliable.

5/ You are going to take a foreign friend to a festival. Which one might be your best

choice: Mid-Autumn festival, Hung King temple festival or Lim festival? Why?

Bạn sắp đưa một người bạn nước ngoài đi dự
lễ hội. Bạn nên lựa chọn địa chỉ nào: Tết
Trung thu, lễ hội đền Hùng hay lễ hội Lim?
Tại sao?

I am going take my foreign friend to Mid-Autumn festival. It is celebrated on the 15th of August
by lunar calendar. I think it is an interesting festival that foreigners should participate in. During
this time the weather is ideal for outdoor activities. Moreover, people can join the lantern parade
on the streets.

7/ As a member of a Green organization, which one do you think is the most

practical to protect the environment: going to school by bike, using paper package
and planting more trees. Why?

Là thành viên của tổ chức Xanh, bạn nghĩ
hành động nào là thiết thực nhất để bảo vệ
môi trường: đi xe đạp đến trường, sử dụng
gói giấy và trồng nhiều cây hơn. Tại sao?

As a member of a Green organization, I think using paper package is the most practical to
protect environment. Because we can do it on a daily basic instead of using plastic bags. Plastic
waste is a main cause of environmental pollution.

8/ As a member of a Green organization, which one do you think is the most

practical to protect the environment: going to school by bike, using paper package
and planting more trees. Why?

Là thành viên của tổ chức Xanh, bạn nghĩ
hành động nào là thiết thực nhất để bảo vệ
môi trường: đi xe đạp đến trường, sử dụng
gói giấy và trồng nhiều cây hơn. Tại sao?

As a member of a Green organization, I think using paper package is the most practical to
protect environment. Because we can do it on a daily basic instead of using plastic bags. Plastic

waste is a main cause of environmental pollution.

You have 2 minutes to deliver a speech of the topic given. You are expected to include three parts
of a speech, namely Introduction, Development and Conclusion with the use of some linking
1/ “There are a lot of complaints about restaurants in Vietnam”

“Có rất nhiều lời phàn nàn về các nhà hàng ở
Việt Nam”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Which are most popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional ones?
2. Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than that in a cheap one –

would you agree?
In the past few years, more and more people have complainted about restaurants in Vietnam,
especially foreigners. I think that restaurants in Vietnam have some problems.
In many restaurant, customers sometimes suffer from di rty utensils or table. This is because of
carelessness of the restaurant. One more thing is dirty or ill-equipped restrooms. It probably
leaves bad impression on customers. Besides, impolite or condescending servers are heard, the
attitude of waters affects the eaters in the restaurants a lot. Last but not least, poor hygiene is a
big problem. Customers will not come back to the restaurant that serves dishes with poor

In short, restaurant in general need to ask customers’ feedbacks often to understand their
demands. If there are any complaints, listen to them and fix it.
1. Traditional restaurants are the most popular in your country.
2. I don’t agree that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than that in a cheap one.

Because many cheap restaurants serve many kinds of food with high quality.
2/ “There are many changes of shopping over the last decade”

"Có nhiều thay đổi về mua sắm trong thập kỷ
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What are your shopping habits?
2. Do you think online shopping will replace small shops in the future? Why?

In recent years, there has been a growing trend that people tend to buy things on the Internet. This
present both pros and cos, however, in my opinion, its benefits are much more significant than the
On the one hand, shopping online brings consumers some disadvatages. Initially, since people are
unable to touch or to see the products they want to buy in reality, it is always hard for them to examine
the quality of these products. As a result, they might purchase the items with poor quality. In addition to
that, as consumers do not feel happy with the items they had bought online, they tend to abandon these
products or don't use them at all. This is definitely a watse of money. Moreover, buyings thing on the
Internet often makes people confused since there are a great number of shops on the Internet.
On the other hand, I am of opinion that shopping online brings people a number of benefits. First,
shopping online allows consumers to browse for products and checking prices between these online
shops .
Second, buyings things on the Internet helps people save a great deal of time. That is to say, since
people nowadays are often so caught up with work and study, shopping online is a wise choice which
doesn't require them to go the the stores .
In conclusion, although buyings things on the Internet exerts some adverse aspects, the advantages can
justify these.
1. My shopping habits are shopping online.
2. I think online shopping will replace small shops in the future because it is really convenient.

3/ “There are a lot of complaints about restaurants in Vietnam”

“Có rất nhiều lời phàn nàn về các nhà hàng ở
Việt Nam”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Which are most popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional ones?
2. Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than that in a cheap one –

would you agree?
In the past few years, more and more people have complainted about restaurants in Vietnam, especially
foreigners. I think that restaurants in Vietnam have some problems.
In many restaurant, customers sometimes suffer from di rty utensils or table. This is because of
carelessness of the restaurant. One more thing is dirty or ill-equipped restrooms. It probably leaves bad
impression on customers. Besides, impolite or condescending servers are heard, the attitude of waters
affects the eaters in the restaurants a lot. Last but not least, poor hygiene is a big problem. Customers
will not come back to the restaurant that serves dishes with poor hygiene.
In short, restaurant in general need to ask customers’ feedbacks often to understand their demands. If
there are any complaints, listen to them and fix it.
1. Traditional restaurants are the most popular in your country.
2. I don’t agree that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than that in a cheap one.

Because many cheap restaurants serve many kinds of food with high quality.
4/ “There are many problems with education in Vietnam”

"Có rất nhiều vấn đề với giáo dục ở Việt
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.

After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What are the differences between the traditional and modern educational system in Vietnam?
2. What should be done to reduce educational problems in Vietnam?

It is clear that Vietnamese students frequently achieve successful results in academic life. However,
these students might not a supply for the potential workforce due to the educational issues. This
essay will discuss Vietnamese educational problems and the measures that governments and
individuals can take to address these problems.
There are some typical causes that lead to the fact that an increasing number of students focus on
academic performance and are not just focus on developing social skills. Firstly, traditional families
have an obsessional achievement in academic journey. Secondly, myriad Vietnamese schools focus
solely on theory and ignore social activities which dominate in gaining career prospect. If students
want to improve soft skills, they must study by themselves or go to another class or club after school.

To tackle this issue, adults should not judge children through by the results and pay attention on
balancing both skills. In addition, the school should run social clubs as well as combine social
activities with the lectures.
Another issue worth noting is that the education programs has not kept pace with job demanding and
has lacked of applicability. The lectures focus dominantly on the theory and lack of or no practice.
Supposed that, Vietnamese students calculate very well but do not know how to use it in reality. Or
numerous graduated students must take a training course before working due to the difference of
theory and practice. Educational programmers should gain the applicability of the lectures and
decrease those theories which are unrealistic.
In conclusion, Educational errors have ruined numerous youngsters as well as the development of
our country. Unless taking urgent action, Vietnamese people would be struggle with applying for job
in work market, especially when the world has gradually become globalized.
1. the differences between the traditional and modern educational system in Vietnam are that
In modern education system, the learners are able to learn in flexible timings, whereas in traditional
education there is a fixed timing.Traditional education is costly, the course books, tuition fees, the

classroom setup, etc. sum up to a huge amount of money compared to online education. The modern
education system doesn’t require any classroom setup, course books, etc. hence it is comparatively low
2.The government needs to find out educational problems so that causes can be solved step by step.

5/ “There are many changes in housing in your hometown”

“Có nhiều thay đổi về nhà ở ở quê bạn”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Are people more or less interested in attending the festival? Why?
2. What should be done to promote a regional festival?

Since I was a child the town has almost doubled in size and population. It used to consist of just one
main street, but now there are many new housing developments and apartments next to the water.
Houses are designed beautifully and have well- decorated facades. There are fences or trees around
the house. In the back of the house there is a big garden. In some of house garages can be seen. B
With all these new people moving in, it has changed the character of the town a little bit, people are
not as friendly as before.
People’s lives in my hometown are getting better. This is a good sign. It means that children can be
in better living condition.
1. People are less interested in attending the festival. Because they have other interests such as
sports, movies, video games and etc.
2. The authorities should do something to raise people’s awareness of traditional values.

6/ “There are many changes in traditional festivals”

“Lễ hội truyền thống có nhiều thay đổi”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Are people more or less interested in attending the festival? Why?
2. What should be done to promote a regional festival?

When we talk of festivals the one thing all of us enjoy is the festivities and celebrations linked to it.
Every festival has had a historical while some are linked to seasonal changes.
Because the advent of globalization and a booming economy has had an impact on the way of our
festivals celebrations, today people can afford to enjoy the luxury of buying new clothes, gadgets etc.
throughout the year rather than wait for the festivals to make such purchases. Festivals have today
become a time to flaunt your riches. Festivals celebrations have become more self centered and moving
away from its tradition. It is more of instant gratification now. Today you wouldn’t be surprised to find
people working on festivals and concentrating on their careers rather spend time with their families. It
is this change that is unwelcome because at some point in future we would even forget the reason
behind all these festivals. We would be celebrating all our traditional festivals similar to Valentine’s
day, Father’s Day, Mother’s day, etc. all commercially driven.
The good old ways of festivals celebrations were far better than the ugly show of wealth that our
festivals celebrations are getting transformed into.
1. People are less interested in attending the festival. Because they have other interests such as
sports, movies, video games and etc.
2. The authorities should do something to raise people’s awareness of traditional values.
7/ “Reading books brings many benefits”

“Đọc sách mang lại nhiều lợi ích”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Are children more or less interested in reading? Why?
2. What should be done to encourage children to read?
Nowadays, media development has many positive influences in human’s life. People have lots of sources to
get information and take entertainment such as television, radio, Internet, etc. but nobody can deny the

importance as well as the benefits of reading books.
First, reading books helps us widen our knowledge. Nowadays, not only does reading books costs less money
but it is also more comfortable than taking a trip. We just lie on the couch and comprehensive what is
happening in the books. Thanks to the wide range of books such as science, literature, astronomy, archeology,
biology, physics, etc. we can get information focus on our own fields as well as the others.
Secondly, reading books helps us improve our expression ability like writing and speaking. The writing style
of some our favorite writers will affect ours. Especially, when we read foreign literature, we will not only
know more about that country but also have chance to improve our reading skill, learn new words which can
be used to better our essays.

Last but not least, reading books helps us relax after a hard-working day. It is also an interest for everybody
who does not like to visit crowded places at the weekend. They like quiet atmosphere and do not want to
disturb anybody so they consider books as their close friend. They meet their stories, their lives in books and
they feel extremely sympathetic with the characters’ situations. Reading books makes them happy and relieve
In conclusion, reading books is so important and has many benefits. It not only help us become more clever
but also bring us happiness. Therefore, everyone should be encouraged to read books as much as possible.
1. I think children are less interested in reading. Because nowadays, most of them prefer playing

video games, watching films or going online.
2. Parents or teachers should encourage them to read books by buying them interesting comics with
colourful covers.
8/ “There are many effects of living in a noisy environment”

“Sống trong mơi trường ồn ào có nhiều tác
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What kinds of noises do you dislike the most?

2. Why do people still go to noisy places like big cities or cinemas even when they don’t like

Noise pollution is an invisible danger. It is considered to be any unwanted or disturbing sound that
affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms.
Noise pollution impacts millions of people on a daily basis. Exposure to loud noise can also cause high
blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disturbances, and stress. These health problems can affect all age
groups, especially children. Noise pollution also impacts the health and well-being of wildlife. Animals
use sound for a variety of reasons, including to navigate, find food, attract mates, and avoid predators.
Noise pollution makes it difficult for them to accomplish these tasks, which affects their ability survive.
Increasing noise is not only affecting animals on land, it is also a growing problem for those that live in
the ocean. Ships, oil drills, sonar devices, and seismic tests have made the once tranquil marine
environment loud and chaotic. The sound blasts can damage the ears of marine animals and cause
serious injury. Scientists believe this noise may also be contributing to the altered behavior of whales.
The noise affects humans and animals badly, we should raise our awareness of this.
1. I dislike the noise from vehicles the most, because it is ear-wrecking.
2. Because living in big cities gives them more opportunities to have a good job, to get a better

education, health care or entertainment.

9/ “There are many advantages of the internet”

“Có rất nhiều lợi thế của Internet”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Do you think the Internet is safe for children to use? Why (or Why not)?
2. How has the Internet changed the way we live and work?

The Internet plays an important role in our modern life. There are many advantages of the internet by

my following provement.
The Internet is a breakthrough in developing technology. It brings us wonderful advantages. First,
education is more and more improved due to appearance of the internet. Students can learn and look
for basic knowledge online without spending too much time in the libarary. This leads to the fact that
it is very convenient for both teachers and students to broaden their perception. Second, the internet
shorten the distance of people even though they are very far from each other. Skype or Yahoo are
good ways for them to contact and have fun. It is true to say that distance is not a big problem in
such a developing technology world. Third, the internet makes everything easier and faster. For
example, we can send or receive documentary through email for a short time wwhile 10 years ago,
we need to wait foe 3 or 4 days to send to a far distence.
In a word, the inetrnet is one of the most wonderful inventions in the world. However, it also causes
troubles in our life. Thus, we should use it in moderate.
1. I think the internet is not safe for children, because there are many apps, videos or information
that are not suitable for them.
2. The internet has changed the way we live and work, because we can work online at home, search
for information, go shopping online, pay online bills and so on.
10/ “There are many causes of pollution in cities”

"Có nhiều nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm ở các
thành phố"
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What is the biggest environmental problem in your hometown?
2. Are there any measures you would like to take about this problem?

There are many causes of pollution in big cities. The pollution is mostly from people’s daily activities.
In big cities, every day with millions of people participating in traffic continuously from early morning
to late at night, millions of motorbikes, buses and cars are emitting countless emissions into the
environment. The construction of houses, buildings, apartments or roads and infrastructure requires an

extremely large amount of soil, sand and cement. This construction process also causes a large amount
of dust that pollutes the air.
In the suburbs and the provinces adjacent to the big cities, people using pesticides spray a large amount
of toxic chemicals into the environment. Especially in Vietnam, people often burn rice straw, which is
also one of the factors causing heavy air pollution. In the daily life of each family, we use air
conditioners, air conditioners, gas stoves or even use coal and firewood, which also contribute to
environmental pollution.
If we know the causes of pollution, we need to fight those. People should do somethings personally to
reduce pollution in big cities
1. Air pollution is the biggest environmental problem in my hometown.
2. There any measures I would like to take about this problem. The government should fine heavily

individuals or organizations if they throw rubbish on the street or into rivers; encourage people
to use less fossil fuels.
11/ “There are many drawbacks of working overtime”

"Có rất nhiều hạn chế của việc làm thêm giờ"
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What should people do to avoid working overtime?
2. Will people work more or less in the future? Why?

Whether you're eager to increase your work hours or are just following your boss's instructions,
there are some risks to taking on overtime. Here are five disadvantages to take into consideration.
Researchers discovered that just a couple more hours of sedentary work a day is hard on your heart
and is as dangerous to your health as smoking. If you must stay late, try to avoid sitting still the
whole time, glued to your computer. Take a couple of breaks to go for a quick walk around the
office and get your blood pumping. On the other hand, lengthening hours at more physical jobs can
be increasingly dangerous to your wellbeing, with fatigue and overworked muscles potentially

leading to accidents and injury. Intense stress at work can lead to insomnia, overeating, drinking too
much alcohol, depression and other mental health concerns.
In conclusion, we should balance the time between working and entertainment.
1. People should spend more time playing sports, watching TV and try to finish work in time.
2. People will work less in the future because the development of technology. There will be
machines or robots doing the same jobs as people.
12/ “There are many problems with food in Vietnam”

"Có rất nhiều vấn đề với thực phẩm ở Việt
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What is a balanced diet?
2. What is a typical diet of people in your country?

What is a typical diet of people in your country? Foods in Vietnam are not always safe as they look,
especially in street small shops and vendors’ load
Foods in Vietnam are not always safe as they look, especially in street small shops and vendors’ load.
Since the price of materials rose up in recent years, many shops must reduce cost to maintain their
profit. This leads to the decrease of safety rate in street foods.
It is quite adventurous to consume street foods in Vietnam nowadays. A bowl of “Pho” or “Bun
Rieu” (vermicelli with crab soup) can make you down quite easily. With “Pho”, it is not too easy to
have problem except for the half-done beef, but vermicelli is not too safe to eat, especially the raw
vegetables served with the bowl. In small shops along the street, they rarely clean the vegetables well
due to the lack of time, thus far can cause serious problem since vegetables in Vietnam are full of
insecticide, sometimes more than the allowed ratio. Many people believe that vermicelli is not perfect
without raw vegetables, but it is not a wise choice to have it in small shops or from vendors. Better to
have it in restaurant or at home, with well-clean vegetables. Another thread is fried and roasted food
along some markets, like pork, bird, chicken and duck. The coal they use for roasting produces too

much smoke for the meat, can cause cancer in the future, and the seasons for those meats sometimes
contains chemical colors which are banned. Moreover, Vietnamese people love to eat pig’s and duck’s
blood, and this is another thread of stomach problem.
In general, if you are afraid of having problem with your belly, you really should go to big restaurants,
or trusted address to have a meal. Otherwise, you should take some medicine before or after enjoying
Vietnamese street foods to your heart’s content.
1. A balanced diet contains foods from the following groups: fruits, vegetables, dairy , grains, and
2. There is no concept of 'courses' in Vietnamese meals. A typical meal consists of various dishes
serving at once on the table. There is one main dish which is usually meat, fish or egg, together
with other dishes that are fresh vegetables, soup and rice. Rice is the staple of the Vietnamese
diet. A small bowl of soy sauce or fish sauce is also a must-have for Vietnamese people.
13. “There are many reasons for protecting the nature world”

"Có nhiều lý do để bảo vệ thế giới tự nhiên"
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:

1. What should be done to protect the nature and environment? Why?
2. Is it the responsibility of school to teach children to protect the nature and environment? Why?

(or Why not?)
When it comes to protecting the nature world. there are many things that we can do to help. There are tons of
ways that you can live a sustainable life and help to protect the environment.

Our environment is what houses and helps our ecosystem grow and thrive. Without protecting and
taking care of our environment we’re putting so many lives at danger such as animals, plants and crops,
and even our own. One of the major reasons why we need to work towards protecting the environment
is because it helps to protect humanity. If we didn’t have our environment, then we wouldn’t have a

place to live or resources to live off of. Right now our air, food, and even water is being polluted
because of many different factors. Luckily, natural gas in the US is on the rise and a great resource to
use to help fuel our homes, businesses, schools, factories, and so much more. This is a change that we
should be pushing for if we want to create a better environment. When you live a more sustainable life
then you’re helping the forests that we use to live. Our forests can help give us timber, wood, rubber,
and even essential oils. When you work to protect the environment, then you’re doing something to
give back to your generation. After all, your generation is the one who is currently using it and living in
Overall, when it comes to answering the questions why should we protect the environment, there are
many reasons! This is the only place we have to live and we should want to treat it with care and
1. People should protect the environment by not throwing rubbish, using less fossil fuels, planting more
trees and save energy.
2. It is the responsibility of school to teach children to protect the nature and environment because

students spend most of their youth time at school. They have been taught a lot of things since
they were small. So it really affects their mind set about protecting the envỉronment.
14/ “There are many benefits of studying music or learning to play a musical instrument”

“Có rất nhiều lợi ích của việc học nhạc hoặc
học chơi một nhạc cụ”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Do you think that pop/ rock stars can have bad influence on the young people?
2. How much does the internet influence how you listen to music?

Learning how to play a musical instrument is more than just a hobby. The benefits of playing music can
be physical, mental and spiritual.

Several studies have shown strong correlations between playing music and increased brain function.
For example, learning to play music can enhance spatial reasoning, a cognitive skill that helps improve
mathematical and geometrical ability. It helps develop self-confidence, the ability to play an instrument
helps your children get comfortable with self-expression, which in turn helps to increase their selfworth and self-confidence. Playing a musical instrument can help your children become more sociable.
Joining a band or an orchestra can help foster relationships with like-minded people, and it can
encourage teamwork and leadership.
These are just some of the many benefits that your children can get from learning how to play a musical
instrument. If your children have expressed their interest in playing a musical instrument, show them
your support and encourage them to pursue their instrument of choice.
1. I dont think pop/ rock stars can have bad influence on the young people.
2. While the Internet has made music more accessible to the public (and made it more difficult for

artists to make money), it also happens to be an incredible tool that enables independent
musicians to find a global audience without the help and backing of a major label.
15/ “There are many effects of weather on people’s lives”

"Có nhiều tác động của thời tiết đối với cuộc
sống của con người"
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Have there been any changes in weather over the past few years? What are they?
2. What should be done in bad weather?

Weather, is the day to day change in conditions including the changes in the atmosphere. Changes of
weather affect a lot of things, especially people.
The weather conditions can effect the day-to-day lives of and have an impact on them. Farming is
always affected by the weather no matter what sort of farming it is the weather will affect it crops
without rainwater will perish and die as they would without enough sunlight. Peoples leisure activities
are effected by the weather and mixing a little with health, Sunbathers on beaches all over the world

must be careful, an example is British people with the varied weather we have we tent to at the first
sign of sun peel off layers to get a tan as quickly as possible (on the understanding that if they don't the
weather could be miserable again the next day).
In conclusion, people should do something to stop weather changing by not throwing rubbish, using
less fossil fuels or recycling things. People’s small activities will the planet.
1. Yes, there have been a lot of changes in weather over the past few years. They are global
warming, flooding, draught or typhoons.
2. In a bad weather, it's always a good idea to stay at home. If you really have to go out, be sure to
check the weather forecast before leaving. Remember to stay away from the river in case of a
heavy rain and keep away from trees when the wind is strong
16/ “Many things should be changed about education in Vietnam.”

“Nhiều điều nên được thay đổi về giáo dục ở
Việt Nam.”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Is it a good practice for students to wear uniform at schools? Why/ why not?
2. Which do you prefer: a single-sex school or a co-educational school? Why?

Education is the root of development of every country all over the world and VietNam is not an
exception. I'd like to focus on the idea of changing method which I personally think is the best key to
these weaknesses.
Numerous lecturers nowadays complain that their students are passive during lessons. Also, most.
examinations only require students to remember what they take notes in class. This encourages
learners to learn by heart like parrots not students. And then leaving rooms, these "parrots" remember
nothing. The solution to these problems is new teaching methods which help developing practical
skills and make students more active. First of all,there should be more classes in which teachers ask
questions and students are expected to answer all the questions. This will force students think for
themselves, which will reveal the weaknesses in the students's way of thinking,and lead them to

stronger,better ideas. These classes will improve thinking skill and may be communication skill as
In addition to these classes, extracirrcular activities should be encouraged to help students more
being active, building some esential skills such as teamwork, the ability of management, and social
communication skill,etc. they should be given chances to join hands in community activities such as
Earth Hours,as well as social campaign to assist the community,give charity to the poor...
In conclusion,"teaching" should be correctly understood. Teaching should mean instilling in students
a thirst for knowledge and the methodology for them to discover things by themselves.
1. It is a good practice for students to wear uniform at schools because this create equality at
2. I prefer co-educational school, because students have opportunities to help each other in study or
to learn from each other.
