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How to create a Microsoft SQL Server database for OPN System™ XT
The OPN System supports McKoi, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle databases. You
select the database during the installation the OPN System™ XT Server: either the embedded
database (McKoi), or an external database. If you chose the embedded database, you can change
to a different one by creating a new database and configuring it to be used with the OPN System™
XT Server.
This document describes the steps to create a new Microsoft SQL Server database to be used with
the OPN System™ XT Server. Here are the steps to create a new database:
1. Download database management tool (if you don’t have one).
2. Modify the sql script to point to the designated database.
3. Run the sql script on your database server.
4. Configure the database on the OPN System™ XT Server.
For instruction how to export data such as the Contact List from the embedded database to a new
database, see the How to export Contact list from McKoi database to Microsoft SQL Server?
Step 1: Download a shareware database management tool
You need a database management tool to create Microsoft SQL Server database and to
export/import the Contact List. You can download the Aqua Data Studio tool from the following link
(the Windows version).
Step 2: Modify the opn_mssql.sql
The sql script needed to create the database and the tables required by the OPN System™ XT
Server are provided with the OPN System installation.
1. On your desktop, navigate to <drive letter>:/Program Files/antepo/opnserverXT/data/download
How to create a Microsoft SQL Server database for the OPN System™ XT Server?
2. Open the opn_mssql.sql file in a text editor.
3. In the text editor, click Edit > Replace to change the $DATABASE_NAME$ to the designated
database name, e.g. opnMSSQL:
4. Save the file.
How to create a Microsoft SQL Server database for the OPN System™ XT Server?
Step 3: Run the opn_mssql.sql on Microsoft SQL Server
1. Start Aqua Data Studio, and connect to the Microsoft SQL Server.
Enter your Register Server information and click OK.
2. Right-click the Microsoft SQL Server icon and select Query Analyzer.
How to create a Microsoft SQL Server database for the OPN System™ XT Server?
The Query Analyzer window is displayed.
How to create a Microsoft SQL Server database for the OPN System™ XT Server?
3. Click the Open Script button, or press CRTL-O.
4. Navigate to <drive letter>:/Program Files/antepo/opnserverXT/data/download. The list of sql
scripts is displayed.
5. Select the opn_mssql.sql file and click Open. The sql file is displayed in the Query Analyzer