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Course Number: 1932A

Released: 07/2000

Delivery Guide
Building Data-Driven Web
Sites Using Microsoft

Part Number: X05-99482

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Development Lead: Sonia Pande (NIIT)
Instructional Designers: Sangeeta Nair, Vijayalakshmi Narayanaswamy; Shruti Jain, Geetnjali
Arora, (NIIT)
Technical Contributors: Scott Swigart (3 Leaf Solutions, LLC); Gary Gumbiner (Great Barrier
Technologies, Inc.)
Program Managers: Steve Merrill
Graphic Artist: Scott Serna (Creative Assets)
Editing Manager: Lynette Skinner
Editor: Reid Bannecker (S&T Onsite)
Copy Editor: Reid Bannecker (S&T Onsite)
Production Manager: Miracle Davis
Production Coordinator: Jenny Boe
Production Tools Specialist: Julie Challenger
Production Support: Susie Bayers (Online Training Solutions, Inc.)
Test Manager: Sid Benavente
Courseware Testing: Eric Myers

Creative Director, Media/Sim Services: David Mahlmann
Web Development Lead: Lisa Pease
CD Build Specialist: Jenny Boe
Online Support: Debbi Conger
Manufacturing Manager: Rick Terek
Operations Coordinator: John Williams
Manufacturing Support: Laura King; Kathy Hershey
Lead Product Manager, Release Management: Bo Galford
Lead Product Manager, Internet Services: Hilary Vandal
General Manager: Robert Stewart

Course Number: 1932A
Part Number: X05-99482
Released: 07/2000
Building Data-Driven Web Sites Using Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000 iii

Course Materials ......................................................................................................2


Course Outline .........................................................................................................4

Setup ........................................................................................................................5

Microsoft Certified Professional Program ...............................................................6


Module 1: Displaying Data from a Database

Introducing Data-Driven Web Sites.........................................................................2

Demonstration: Tour of the Sample Web Site .........................................................8

Retrieving Data from a Database ...........................................................................10

Lab 1.1: Retrieving Data from a Database.............................................................22

Demonstration: Creating a Detail Results Page.....................................................28

Lab 1.2: Creating a Detail Results Page.................................................................31

Review ...................................................................................................................35

Module 2: Updating Data in a Database

Creating a Form .......................................................................................................2

Saving Form Results ..............................................................................................10

Modifying Data in a Database ...............................................................................24

Review ...................................................................................................................36

Module 3: Building Sample Sites

Lab 3.1: Creating a Web Site for an Art Institute ....................................................2

Lab 3.2: Creating a Web Site for a Publishing House .............................................6

Building Data-Driven Web Sites Using Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000 v

About This Course
This section provides you with a brief description of the course, audience,
suggested prerequisites, and course objectives.
This course provides students with the skills necessary to build dynamic Web
sites for small and medium-sized businesses in the Internet or workgroups in a
corporate intranet site.
This course is intended for power users and entry-level web designers and
Student Prerequisites
This course requires that students meet the following prerequisites:
Familiarity with the use of Windows applications and Internet browsers.
Experience creating simple Web pages using Microsoft

Familiarity with fundamentals in the design and creation of database tables
in Access 2000.
Knowledge of using SQL statements.

Course Objectives
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
Identify the need for a data driven Web site.
Identify the components of Web site architecture.
Identify the database architecture.
Retrieve records from a database.
Specify the data to be displayed.
Create a detail results page.
Create a form.
Save form results.
Update the data in a database.
