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Giáo án bồi dưỡng học sinh giởi tiếng anh 8

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1. Thì hiện tại đơn (Present Simple)
a. Cấu trúc (form)
Động từ thường
(+) I/ you/ we/ they + V
He/ she/ it + V(s/es)
(-) I /we /you/ they + don’t + V
He /she / it + doesn’t + V
(?) Do + I/ you/ we/ they + V?
Does + he/ she/ it + V?

 Chú ý:

are not = aren’t

To be
(+) I + am ...
You/ we/ they + are ...
He/ she/ it + is ...
(-) I + am not ...
You/ we/ they + aren’t ...
He/ she/ it + isn’t...
(?) Am I ...?
Are we/you/they ... ?
Is he/ she/ it ...?
is not = isn’t

do not = don’t
does not = doesn’t
b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Diễn đạt một hành động mang tính thường xun, một thói quen, hoặc hành động lặp đi lặp lại có

tính quy luật.
Ví dụ: Linda goes to school every day.
My mother usually has breakfast at 7 a.m.
- Diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên
Ví dụ: The earth goes around the sun.
Water boils at 100 degrees C.
- Diễn tả một thời gian biểu hoặc một lịch
trình Ví dụ: The plane arrives at 8 p.m. tonight.
The news programme starts at 7 p.m.
c. Các trạng ngữ thường dùng
Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ tần suất như:
always (luôn luôn)
sometimes (thi thoảng)
often (thường xuyên)
seldom (hiếm khi)
usually (thường xuyên)
never (không bao giờ)
Every: every day/ week/ month/ year (hàng ngày/ hàng tuần/ hàng tháng/ hàng
năm) In the morning/ afternoon/ evening (Vào buổi sáng/ chiều/ tối)
d. Cách thêm đuôi s/es
Sau ngơi thứ 3 số ít, động từ được thêm đuôi “s” hoặc “es”
- Thông thường, ta thêm đuôi s vào sau hầu hết các động từ.
- Khi động từ có tận cùng bằng các âm: o, ch, sh, ss, x thì ta thêm đi es
Ví dụ: goes, watches, finishes, misses

 Chú ý: Những động từ có tận cùng bằng “y” và trước đó là 1 phụ âm, ta phải đổi “y” thành “i” trước
khi thêm “es’
Ví dụ: fly - flies; carry – carries
2. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (Present Continuous)

a. Cấu trúc (form)
Khẳng định
I + am + V-ing
You/ we/ they + are + V-ing
He/ she/ it + is + V-ing

Phủ định
I + am not + V-ing
You/ we/ they + aren’t + V-ing
He/she/it + isn’t + V-ing

Nghi vấn
Am + I + V-ing?
Are + you/ we/ they + V-ing?
Is + he/ she/ it + V-ing?

b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói (ví dụ a, b) hoặc hành động xảy ra xung quanh thời
điểm nói (ví dụ c).
Ví dụ: a. Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying.
b. Look at the sun, it is shining brightly.
c. We learn maths every Monday afternoon, but this afternoon we are learning English.
c. Các trạng ngữ thường dùng
- Now, at present, at the moment, right now etc.
- Hoặc một số động từ như: look!, listen! Watch out! etc.
d. Các động từ thường không được dùng ở thời tiếp diễn
Các động từ trạng thái ở bảng sau không được chia ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn khi chúng là những động từ
tĩnh diễn đạt trạng thái, giác quan hoặc tình cảm.
know (biết)
understand (hiểu)

have (có)
believe (tin tưởng)
hate (ghét)
need (cần)
hear (nghe)
love (u)
appear (xuất hiện)
see (nhìn)
like (thích)
seem (dường như)
smell (ngửi)
want (muốn)
taste (nếm)
wish (ước)
sound (nghe có vẻ)
own (sở hữu)
Nhưng khi chúng là động từ hành động thì chúng lại được phép dùng ở thể tiếp diễn.
Ví dụ: He has a lot of books. (KHÔNG DÙNG: He is having a lot of
books) Tuy nhiên, có thể:
Ví dụ: He is having his dinner. (Anh ay ĐANG ăn tối - hành động ăn đang diễn ra)
e. Cách thêm “ing” vào sau động từ
- Thông thường ta thêm “ing” trực tiếp vào ngay sau động từ:
Ví dụ: learn - learning; play - playing; study - studying.
- Khi động từ có tận cùng là “e”, ta bỏ “e” ở cuối từ và thêm “ing”
Ví dụ: shine - shining; live - living;
Ngoại lệ: see - seeing; agree - agreeing; dye - dyeing.

- Nếu động từ có một âm tiết hoặc động từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 và kết thúc
bằng một phụ âm nhưng đằng trước nó là một nguyên âm (e, o, i, u, a) thì phải nhân đơi phụ âm trước khi

thêm “ing”
Ví dụ: run - running; sit - sitting; admit - admitting,
f. Chú ý: Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn đạt ý nghĩa trong tương lai
Khi chúng ta đang nói về những gì chúng ta đã thu xếp rồi, hãy sử dụng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.
Ví dụ:
A: Ann is coming tomorrow
morning? B: What time is she
A: At 10.30
B: Are you meeting her at the station?
B: I can’t. I’m working tomorrow morning.
3. Thì hiện tai hồn thành (Present Perfect)
a. Cấu trúc (form)
Khẳng định
Phủ định

I/ you/ we/ they + have + PII
He/ she/ it + has + PII
I/ you/ we/ they + haven’t + PII
He/ she/ it + hasn’t + PII

Nghi vấn

Have + I/ you/ we/ they + PII?
Has + he/ she/ it + + PII?

b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Diễn tả hành động bắt đầu từ quá khứ, đã hoàn thành và có kết quả ở hiện tại (ví dụ a, b) hoặc cịn tiếp
diễn ở hiện tại (ví dụ c, d).
Ví dụ:

a. The teacher has just cleaned the board. (He started cleaning it some minutes ago and now the board
is clean.)
b. We have already corrected all the homework. (We started correcting the homework some minutes
ago and now it is all corrected.)
c. We have learned English for a year. (We started learning English a year ago and now we are still
learning it.)
d. I have lived in Ha Noi since 1990. (I started living in Hanoi and now we are still living in Ha Noi.)
c. Các trạng ngữ của thì hiện tại hoàn thành.
- just (vừa mới): thường được đặt giữa have/has và PII.
- already (đã): thường được đặt giữa have/has và PII và thường dùng trong câu phủ định

- recently = lately (gần đây): thường đặt cuối câu.
- yet (chưa, vẫn chưa): thường được dùng trong câu phủ định
- yet (đã, từng): đặt ở cuối câu
- never (chưa bao giờ): thường được đặt giữa have/has và PII.
- for + khoảng thời gian: for 2 years, for a month
- since + mốc thời gian: since 2 o’clock, since yesterday, since last week, since 1990, etc
d. Quá khứ phân từ
Đối với động từ có quy tắc, ta chỉ cần thêm “ed” vào sau động từ (nếu động từ kết thúc với “e”, chỉ cần
thêm “d” là đủ.)
Ví dụ: learn - learned; work - worked; live - lived.
Đối với động từ bất quy tắc: ta xem trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc.
Ví dụ: go - gone; see - seen; cut - cut; meet - met.
4. Thì hiện tại hồn thành tiếp diễn (Present Perfect Progressive)
a. Cấu trúc (form)
Khẳng định
Phủ định
Nghi vấn

I/ you/ we/ they + have + been + V-ing
He/ she/ it + has +been +V-ing
I/ you/ we/ they + haven’t + been + V-ing
He/ she/ it + hasn't + been + V-ing
Have + I/ you/ we/ they + been + V-ing?
Has + he/ she/ it + been + V-ing?

b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Diễn tả hành động kéo dài bắt đầu từ quá khứ, đã hoàn thành ở hiện tại hoặc cịn tiếp diễn ở hiện tại.
Ví dụ:
a. The ground is wet. It has been raining.
b. My friend has been teaching English since 1980.
c. My hands are dirty. I have been working in the garage.
d. You’re out of breath. Have you been running?
e. George hasn’t been feeling well recently.
c. So sánh hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn và hiện tại hoàn thành
Present Perfect
I am tired. I have written 10 letters.
(Nhấn mạnh đến kết quả của hành động.)
5. Thì quá khứ đơn (Past simple)

Present Perfect Progressive
I am tired. I have been writing letters for 5 hours.
(Nhấn mạnh đến tính kéo dài của hành động.)

a. Cấu trúc (form)
Động từ thường
(+) S + Ved/ V2.
(-) S + didn’t + V.

(?) Did + S + V?

To be
(+) You/ We/ they + were.
I/ he/ she/ it + was.
(-) We/you/they + weren't.
I/ he/ she/ it + wasn’t.
(?) Were + you/ we/ they?
Was + I/ he/ she/ it?

 Chú ý:
- Đa số động từ ở thì quá khứ tận cùng bằng -ed, nhưng một số động từ quan trọng lại là động từ bất quy
tắc. (Ta xem trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc đế hiểu rõ hơn)
- Dạng viết tắt: Was not = wasn’t; were not = weren’t; did not = didn’t.
b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Diễn tả hành động xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ:
a. My brother learned English 10 years ago.
b. I lived and worked in Hanoi in 1990.
c. Their parents went to Ho Chi Minh city last summer.
- Diễn tả một loạt các hoạt động liên tiếp trong quá khứ.
When she went home, she ate a cake, drank a glass of water then she went to bed.
c. Các trạng ngữ thường gặp trong thì quá khứ đơn
- ago (trước đây)
- yesterday (hôm qua)
- last month, last week, last year (tháng trước, tuần trước, năm trước)
- in + thời gian: in 1980, in 2000
d. Cách thêm đuôi ed
- Thêm -d vào sau các động từ tận cùng bằng -ee hoặc
-e Ví dụ: live  lived; love  loved; agree  agreed.

- Đối với các động từ một âm tiết, tận cùng bằng một nguyên âm + một phụ âm (trừ h, w, x) chúng ta
phải gấp đôi phụ âm trước khi thêm -ed:
Ví dụ: fit  fitted; stop  stopped; fix  fixed.
- Động từ tận cùng bằng -y, ta chia ra làm 2 trường hợp:
Trước y là một phụ âm, ta biến y thành i trước khi thêm -ed: study  studied
Trước y là một nguyên âm, ta thêm -ed bình thường: play  played

Với các động từ cịn lại, ta thêm -ed
Ví dụ: work  worked; learn  learned
e. Đối với các động từ bất quy tắc. Ta xem thêm phụ lục bảng động từ bất quy tắc ở cuối sách.

Quá khứ đơn







Was/ were

tạo ra
đưa cho

mang theo
được, lấy
thì, là, được

6. Thì q khứ tiếp diễn (Past Progressive)
a. Cấu trúc (form)
Khẳng định

I/ he/ she/ it + was + V-ing
You/ we/ they + were + V-ing

Phủ định

I/ he/ she/ it + wasn't + V-ing

You/ we/ they + weren’t + V-ing

Nghi vấn

Was + I/ he/ she/ it + V-ing?
Were + we/ you/ they + V-ing?

b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ
Ví dụ:
At 12 o’clock yesterday, we were having lunch.
At this time 2 days ago, I was travelling in America.
- Dùng để diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra thì một hành động khác xen vào. (Hành động đang xảy ra
chia thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, hành động xen vào chia thì q khứ đơn.)
Ví dụ:
He was chatting with his friend when his mother came into the
room. They were working when we got there.
- Diễn tả hai hành động đồng thời xảy ra tại cùng một thời điểm trong q khứ, trong câu thường có từ
Ví dụ:
My mother was cooking lunch while my father was cleaning the floor at 10 am
yesterday. I was studying English while my brother was listening to music last night.
7. Thì q khứ hồn thành (Past Perfect)
a. Cấu trúc (form)

Khẳng định

S + had + PII

Phủ định

S + hadn’t + PII

Nghi vấn

Had + S + PII

 Chú ý: had not = hadn’t
b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra và kết thúc trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ:
a. Before I moved here in 1990, I had lived in Hanoi.
b. After they had seen the film, they went home.
c. When we arrived at the station, the train had left.
 Chú ý:
Thì q khứ hồn thành thường dùng kèm với thì quá khứ đơn để diễn tả hành động xảy ra và kết thúc
trước khi hành động khác bắt đầu.
9. Thì tương lai đơn (Future Simple)
a. Cấu trúc (form)
Khẳng định

S + will + V

Phủ định

S + won’t + V

Nghi vấn

Will + S + V?

 Chú ý: will not = won’t
b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Diễn tả hành động sẽ được thực hiện trong tương lai.
Ví dụ: I will go to work by bus tomorrow.
- Để diễn tả một quyết định ngay tại thời điểm
nói. A: It’s hot.
B: Yes. I will turn on the air-conditioner.
- Diễn tả một lời hứa.
Thank you for lending me the money. I’ll pay you back on Friday.
c. Các trạng ngữ thường gặp
- tomorrow (ngày mai)
- next week, next month, next year (tuần tới, tháng tới, năm tới)
- later (sau này)
- in + mốc thời gian trong tương lai: in 2020

- Sau một vài cụm từ quen thuộc
như I’m sure ...
I think ...
I hope ...
I believe ...
Ví dụ: I think he will come next week I believe she will pass the exam.
10. Thì tương lai tiếp diễn (Future Progressive)
a. Cấu trúc
Khẳng định
Phủ định
Nghi vấn
b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)

S + will + be + V-ing.
S + won’t + be + V-ing.
Will + S + be + V-ing?

- Diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong tương lai.
Ví dụ: I will be working hard at 10 a.m tomorrow.
He will be reading a book this time tomorrow.
- Diễn tả một hành động đang diễn ra thì có một hành động khác xen vào trong tương lai.
Ví dụ: When I get back at eleven, they will be sleeping.
c. Các trạng ngữ thường gặp
- this time + thời gian trong tương lai
- at + giờ + danh từ chỉ thời gian trong tương lai: at 5 p.m tomorrow....
11. Thì tương lai hoàn thành (Future Perfect)
a. Cấu trúc
Khẳng định

S + will + have + PII.

Phủ định

S + won't + have + PII.

Nghi vấn

Will + S + have + PII.

b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Diễn tả một hành động sẽ kết thúc trước một thời điểm hoặc một hành động khác ở tương lai.
Ví dụ: He will have finished his work by 9 o’clock.

Taxi will have arrived by the time you finish dressing.
By next Sunday, you will have stayed with us for 3 weeks.
12. Thì tương lai hồn thành tiếp diễn (Future Perfect Continuous)
a. Cấu trúc
Khẳng định

S + will + have been + V-ing.

Phủ định

S + won’t + have been + V-ing.

Nghi vấn

Will + S + have been + V-ing.

b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
Dùng để diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ tiếp diễn liên tục đến một thời điểm cho trước trong
tương lai.
Ví dụ: I will have been studying English for 10 year by the end of next month.
13. Thì tương lai gần (near future)
a. Cấu trúc
Khẳng định

I + am going to + V.
You/ we/ they + are going to + V.
He/ she/ it + is going to + V.

Phủ định

I + am not going to + V.
You/ we/ they + are not going to + V.
He/ she/ it + is not going to + V.

Nghi vấn

Am + I going to + V?
Are + you/ we/ they going to + V?
Is + he/ she/ it + going to + V?

b. Cách sử dụng (Usage)
- Dùng để diễn tả một dự định, kế hoạch trong tương lai.
Ví dụ: He is going to get married this year.
We are going to take a trip to HCM city this weekend.
- Dùng để diễn đạt một dự đốn có căn cứ, có dẫn chứng cụ thể.
Ví dụ: Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain.
Are you going to cook dinner? I have seen a lot of vegetables on the table.

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets: simple present or present continuous.
Where's John? He (listen)
to a new CD in his room.
Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always (rain) in England.
Jean (work) hard all day but she (not work)
at the moment.

Look! That boy (run) after the bus. He (want)
to catch it.
He (speak)
German so well because he (come) from Germany.
Shh! The boss (come) ________
We (meet) _______ him in an hour and nothing is ready!
Oh no! Look! It (snow) _______
again. It always (snow) _______
in this country.
Mary (swim) ________
very well, but she (not run) ________
very fast.
Sorry I can't help you. I (not know) _______ where she keeps her files.
I (think) ________ your new hat (look) _______ nice on you.
11.I (live)………….with my parents but right now I (stay) with some friends for a few days.
12.I can't talk on the phone now. I (drive) home.
13.Where are the children? They (lie)
on the beach over there.
14.He (not understand)
what you (talk)
about. He's foreign.

15.How much your suitcase (weigh) ? It (look)
really heavy.
16.Normally I (start) work at eight o'clock but I (start) at 7 this week. We are busy just now.
17.What's that smell? Something (burn)
in the kitchen.
18.I (work) overtime this month because I (save up)
to buy a car.
19.He (smoke)
thirty cigarettes a day but at the moment he (try) very hard to cut down.
We usually (read)
books, (listen) to music or (watch) TV.
Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets: past simple or present perfect.
I (receive) __________
a letter just a few minutes ago.
They (live) __________
in London since 1980.
Linda is working in this department. She (work) ___________
here for two years.
Up to present, John (do) ______________ good work in the class.
(they/ put) ________________
their book on my desk last night?
He (study) _____________ English at this school for six weeks up to now.

Nobody lives in those houses. They (be) _________________
empty for many years.
Cindy is in her office. She (be) ____________
there since 7 o’clock.
My sister (not come) _______________to see me last night.
My friend George is learning Japanese. He (learn) ___________-- it for six months.
11.I (not/learn)
very much when I was at school.
12.I (have)
this bike since I was a teenager and I still use it.
13.John, I’m furious with you. I (wait)
in this rain for half an hour.
14.They (not eat)
meat since they (see) that film about farm animals.
15.Up to now, we (write)
almost every lesson in the book.
16.Last year we (go) to Finland for a holiday.
17.I (play)
tennis yesterday afternoon.
18.(you/ ever/ be)
to United State?
19.When I (be)
a child, I (not like)
Kathy loves travelling. She (visit) many countries in Europe and Asia.
Exercise 3: Put the verbs in brackets.

I (go) ___________- down the street when it began to rain.
At this time last year, I (attend) _________----an English course.
Jim (stand) ____________ under the tree when he heard an explosion.
The boy fell and hurt himself while he (ride) ______________a bicycle.
When we met them last year, they (live) _______________in Santiago.
The tourist lost his camera while he (walk) _______________around the city.
The lorry (go) _____________very fast when it hit our car.
While I (study) ____________in my room, my roommate (have)_______---a party in the other


We (sit) -____________
in the café when they saw us.
I (call) ______________-Mr. Wilson at 9 last night, but he (not be) __________ at home. He (study)
at the library.
11. I was tired when I got home. I (work) ______________________________ all day.
12. I want to get married, but I (not meet) ________________________________ the right person yet.
13. Why John (not/ want) _____________________________ to play soccer last Sunday?
14. The astronaut's clothes (make) ______________________________ from special materials.

Exercise 4. Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành những câu hỏi dưới đây
1. _____you like chocolate?
2. When ________ you begin studying here? 2 years ago.
3. Which movie_________ you watch last night?
4. How far __________it from here to the town center?
5. How long ___________Ann and James been friends with each other?
6. What________ you do tomorrow? I will just lie in my bed and read books.
7. Who _________ you pick up yesterday?
8. How old__________ they?
9. How many rooms __________ there in your house?
10. Who___________ sleeping in your room?
11. ___________you found your keys? No, I haven’t found them yet.
12. _________you travel to a mountainous area last summer?
13. How often ___________Ann visit her grandmother?
14. What _________you use to do before your retirement?
15. Where________Jim going to? He is going to the library?
Exercise 5. Dựa vào từ cho sẵn, viết câu hỏi hoàn chỉnh
1. How many/ groups of people/ there/ in your country?
2. How/ your/ party/ last week? ………………………………………………………………………..
3. How/ you/go/ school/ yesterday?
4. Whose/ cat/ it?
5. Jim/ learn/ Geography/ at the moment? ………………………………………………………..
6. You/ ever/ see/ terraced fields?
7. What/ kind of animal/ the farmers/ raise/ in your country?
8. What time/ the concert/ start?

9. How far/ it/ from/ your house/ to the local school?
10. You/ come/ my birthday party/ tomorrow?
11. Where/ you/go/ last summer?…………………………………………………………..
12. How much/ money/ you/spend/on clothes/ last month?
13. How/ ethnic people/ dress/ in special occasions?
14. Who/ swim/ in the swimming pool/ now?……………………………………………………………..
Exercise 6: Write sentences with the cues given.

1. Mai/ usually/ listen/ K-pop music/ free time.
2. when/ I/ be/ a child/ I/ enjoy/ play/ computer games.
3. my father/ spend/ most/ spare time/ look after/ the garden.
4. watching TV/ most/ popular/ leisure activity/ Britain?
5. many teenagers/ addicted/ the Internet/ computer games.
6. she/ get/ hooked/ the medical drama/ after/ watch/ the first episode.
7. most/ my friends/ prefer/ play sports/ to/ surf the net.
8. today’s world/ teenagers/ rely/ technology/ more/ the past
1. When/ bank/ open/ every day?…………………………………………………………………….?
2. You/ have/ bread/ and/ boiled egg/ for/ breakfast?

3. Everyone/ enjoy/ concert/ last night?

4. When/ you/ start/ working/ as/ officer/ in/ this company?

5. How much/ money/ you/ spend/ on/ your/ last/ holiday?
6. What time/ sun/ often/ rise/ in/ summer?………………………………………………………….?
7. You/ like/ cup/ of/ tea?…………………………………………………………………….?
8. Train/ leave/ early/ this morning?
9. Who/ play/ guitar/ upstairs? …………………………………………………………….?
10. Who/ tallest/ person/ in/ your/ class?.?

Exercise 7. Đặt câu hỏi cho phần gạch chân :
1.Nga failed her English exam because she didn’t study hard.⇒
2.Nam and Vinh are going to play tennis this weekend.⇒
3.He’s downstairs.⇒............................................................................................
4.They used to live on a farm.⇒.......................................................................................
5.I’m going to go to Ha Noi by plane.⇒.......................................................................................
6.Sally’s parents gave her a bicycle for her birthday.>.....................................................................................................

7. He drives very carefully..........................................................................................................
8.We invited more than 100 guests to the party......................................................................................

Theo quy tắc ngữ pháp, khi là câu hỏi thì chúng ta cần đảo trợ động từ (auxiliray verbs) lên trước chủ ngữ
1. Câu hỏi Yes/No (Yes/No Questions)
Câu hỏi dạng Yes/No Questions là dạng câu hỏi địi hỏi câu trả lời là Yes (có) hoặc No (khơng).
Cấu trúc
Ví dụ
Trợ động từ (be/ do/ does) + chủ ngữ (S) + Isn’t Lan going to school today?
động từ + ….?

Hôm nay Lan đi học phải không?
Yes, S + trợ động từ / tobe.
Yes, she is. (đúng vậy)
Was Hung sick yesterday?
No, S + trợ động từ / tobe + not
No, he wasn’t. (không, anh ấy không bệnh)
2. Wh-question

Trong tiếng Anh, khi chúng ta cần hỏi rõ ràng và cần có câu trả lời cụ thể, ta dùng câu hỏi với các từ để hỏi.
Loại câu hỏi này được gọi là câu hỏi trực tiếp (direct questions)
a. Các từ dùng để hỏi trong tiếng Anh
Who (Ai) (chức Whom (Ai) (chức What (Cái gì)
Whose (Của ai)
năng chủ ngữ)
năng tân ngữ
Where (Ở đâu)
Which (cái nào) (để When (Khi nào)
Why (Tại sao)
hỏi về sự lựa chọn)
How (như thế nào)
How much (Bao How many (Bao How long (Bao lâu)
nhiêu, số lượng)
How far(Bao xa)
How old (Bao nhiêu How often (Bao nhiêu What time (Mấy giờ)
Các cấu trúc câu hỏi WH thường gặp
• Nguyên tắc đặt câu hỏi

- Nếu chưa có trợ động từ thì phải mượn trợ động từ :do/ does/ did
- Nếu trợ động từ có sẵn (am/is/are/can /will/shall/would/could) thì đảo chúng ra trước chủ ngữ, khơng
mượn do/does/did nữa.
• Cấu trúc thơng thường của loại câu hỏi Wh-questions
Từ để hỏi thường được viết ở đầu câu hỏi.Từ để hỏi có thể làm chủ ngữ (subject) hay tân ngữ (object) và
bổ ngữ.
Dạng 1:
Câu hỏi
tân ngữ

Cấu trúc
Wh-word + auxiliary + S + V + object?
Từ để hỏi + trợ động từ + chủ ngữ + động từ chính + (tân ngữ)
Ví dụ:
Where do you live? (Anh sống ở đâu?)
What are you doing? (Ạnh đang làm gì thế?)
Whom do you meet this morning? (Anh gặp lại ai sáng nay?)
(Whom là tân ngữ của động từ “meet”)
Who are you going with? (Bạn sẽ đi với ai?)

Chú ý
Object là danh từ,
đại từ đứng sau động
từ hoặc giới từ.

Dạng 2:
Wh-word + tobe + S + complement?
Câu hỏi (Từ để hỏi + động từ tobe + chủ ngữ + bổ ngữ)

bổ ngữ
Ví dụ.
Where is John? (John ở đâu?)
Who are you? (Bạn là ai?)
Whose is this umbrella? (Cái ô này của ai?)
Who is the head of your school? (Hiệu trưởng của trường anh là

Bổ ngữ là danh từ
hoặc tính từ
Động từ tobe chia
theo chủ ngữ

Dạng 3:
Wh-word + V + object?
Động từ chính ln
Câu hỏi (Từ để hỏi + động từ chính + tân ngữ)
được chia theo ngơi
chủ ngữ
Ví dụ.
thứ 3 số ít.
Who lives in London with Daisy? (Ai sống ở London cùng với
Daisy vậy?)
Who is opening the door? (Ai đang mở cửa đấy?)
Who teaches you English? (Ai dạy bạn Tiếng Anh?)
Which is better? (Cái/loại nào tốt hơn?)
What caused the accident? (Nguyên nhân gì đã gây ra tai nạn?)
C.Trường hợp câu hỏi đặc biệt với WHICH
Cách dùng
“Which’ được sử dụng thay thế cho What và Who khi

ta muốn hỏi ai đó chính xác về người hay vật trong một
số lượng nhất định. Người nghe phải chọn trong giới
hạn ấy để trả lời.

Ví dụ
Which of you can’t do this exercise? (Em
nào (trong số các em) không làm được bài
tập này?)
Which way to the station, please? (Cho hỏi
đường nào đi đến ga ạ?)


1: Khoanh tròn vào đápán đúng.
1. _________ is your cat? It is two months old.
A. How old
B. When
C. How much
2. ______ did you begin working part-time here?
A. How long
B. When
C. How much
3. ______ people are there in the conference room?
A. How
B. Howmany
C. How much
4. ______time will you spend on your new carpet?
A. How long
B. Howmany
C. How much

5. _______do these shoes cost?
A. How long
B. Howmany
C. How much
6. _______do you go to the gym?

A. How
B. How often
C. How long
7. _____ did you get to work yesterday? I took a taxi because my car was broken.
A. How
B. Why
C. When
8. ______were you late for work yesterday? - Because of the traffic jam
A. How
B. Why
C. When
9. _____does this laptop belong to? It belongs to Jim.
A. Who
B. Whose
C. Which
10. ______ bag was stolen yesterday?
A. Who
B. Whose
C. Which
11. ______will you travel to this summer? I haven’t decided yet.
A. Where
B. What
C. Who

12. _____did you sell yesterday? - Bread and cupcakes.
A. What
C. Which
13. ______dress did she buy? -The red or the blue one?
A. What
C. Which
14. ______is playing the piano upstairs?
A. Who
B. Whose
C. Whom
15. To ______should I address the letter?
A. Who
B. Whose
C. Whom
Bài 2: Điền từ thích hợp để hồn thành các câu sau.
1. ________have you give up smoking? For about two years.
2. _________place is more densely populated – Ha noi or Ho Chi Minh City?
3. _________broken Jane’s favorite vase? Her brother did it.
4. _________ does Mr. Brown do? He’s a reseacher.
5. _________ethnic groups are there in your country?
6. _________ is your grandmother? She’s ninety years old.
7. _________ does your English teacher look like? She’s young and pretty.
8. _________water should we drink every day?
9. _________did you use to go to school? I used to go on foot.
10. _________is it from here to the nearest police station?
11. ________songs is this singer performing? He is performing Trinh Cong Son’s songs.
`12. ________ was Ms Ann born? She was born in a small village.
13. ________did you have for breakfast? - Bread and eggs.

14. ________didn’t you invite Jim to the senior prom?
15. ________do they meet each other? - Almost every day.
Bài3. Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho thích hợp.
1. How much did you pay for that radio?
a. For 6 years
2. How long have you worked as an engineer?
b. About 6 kilomiters
3. When did you start your career as a singer?
c. It’s near the local park.
4. How far is it from here to Tom’s mansion?
d. I prefer tea.
5. Where isthe vet’s located?
e. 10 dollars
6. How often do you go travelling?
f. It’s mine
7. Which do you prefer: tea or coffee?
g. 6 years ago
8. Whose luggage is it?
h. Once or twice a year.
1. _____


2. ____
3. _____
4. ____

6. ______
7. ______
8. ______

Bài4. Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hồn thành những câu hỏi dưới đây
1. _____you like chocolate?
2. When ________ you begin studying here? 2 years ago.
3. Which movie_________ you watch last night?
4. How far __________it from here to the town center?
5. How long ___________Ann and James been friends with each other?
6. What________ you do tomorrow? I will just lie in my bed and read books.
7. Who _________ you pick up yesterday?
8. How old__________ they?
9. How many rooms __________ there in your house?
10. Who___________ sleeping in your room?
11. ___________you found your keys? No, I haven’t found them yet.
12. _________you travel to a mountainous area last summer?
13. How often ___________Ann visit her grandmother?
14. What _________you use to do before your retirement?
15. Where________Jim going to? He is going to the library?
Bài5. Dựa vào từ cho sẵn, viết câu hỏi hoàn chỉnh
1. How many/ groups of people/ there/ in your country?
2. How/ your/ party/ last week?
3. How/ you/go/ school/ yesterday?
4. Whose/ cat/ it?

5. Jim/ learn/ Geography/ at the moment?
6. You/ ever/ see/ terraced fields?
7. What/ kind of animal/ the farmers/ raise/ in your country?
8. What time/ the concert/ start?
9. How far/ it/ from/ your house/ to the local school?
10. You/ come/ my birthday party/ tomorrow?
11. Where/ you/go/ last summer?
12. How much/ money/ you/spend/on clothes/ last month?
13. How/ ethnic people/ dress/ in special occasions?

14. Who/ swim/ in the swimming pool/ now?
15. How often/ Mr. Smith/ now/ the lawn?
Bài 12: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết câu hoàn chỉnh.
11. When/ bank/ open/ every day?
12. You/ have/ bread/ and/ boiled egg/ for/ breakfast?
13. Everyone/ enjoy/ concert/ last night?

14. When/ you/ start/ working/ as/ officer/ in/ this company?
15. How much/ money/ you/ spend/ on/ your/ last/ holiday?
16. What time/ sun/ often/ rise/ in/ summer?
17. You/ like/ cup/ of/ tea?
18. Train/ leave/ early/ this morning?
19. Who/ play/ guitar/ upstairs?
20. Who/ tallest/ person/ in/ your/ class?


I. There is a

mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes :
1. My friends………………..to the museum last week.
A. go
B. goes
C. went
D. gone
2. John wishes he……………see that film.
A. can
C. will

3. They always………….close friends.
A. are
B. were
C. was
D. will be
4. The flowers…………..yesterday.
A. watered B. water
C.are watered D. were watered
5. She …………..there alone for a long time.

A. stays
B. stayed C. stay
D. has stayed
6. We……….Singapore next week.
A. will visit B. visited
C. visites
D. visit
7. His parents ……………..TV at 6 o’clock yesterday.
A. watched B. watch
C. watching D. were watching
8. Her mother…………there many times.
A. has gone B. go
C. went
D. will go
9. He………………homework when I came.
A. did
B. was doing C. is doing
D. does
10. My house ………………everyday.

A. cleans
B. cleaned C. is cleaned D. are cleaned
11. He wishes he…………..a famous soccer player.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
12. The sun…………………in the East.
A. rise
B. rose
C. rises
D. will rise
II. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes :
1.It has been a long time since I have visited Kuala Lumpur.
2. I read this novel many times.
3. When did he saw this play ?
4. Do you ever known this beautiful woman ?

5. He have just met his friends at the movie theatre.
6.Sometimes, his parents returns home late in the evening.
10. He tells me about his trip around Thailand last year.
11. Tom often walk to school every morning.
12. Kenny and I visit Singapore twice.
III. Write these sentences, using the given words:
0.English / speak / all / the world.
1. The streets / clean / workers / everyday.
2. A bus / take / Mary / yesterday.
3. New lessons / will study / students.

4. letter / write / last week.
5.They / wish / they / not have / a lot / exercises / home.

6.The boys / see / by Tom / school / 2 days ago.
7.A lot / trees / plant / in front / house.
8.I / sometimes / make / new dress / by my mother.
9.Soccer / play / students / every Saturday
10.Tom / write / that letter / recently?
11.The chidren / meet / parents / supermarket / last night.
12.We / go / picnic / mountain / yesterday.
13. boy / not play / soccer / since / he / leave / school.
14.What / they / do / last weekend?
15.My sisters / make / same mistakes / many times.
Using the givens words to write a passage. (2pts)
Dung/ go/ Nha Trang/ family/ vacation/ last month//. She/ stay/ hotel/ side/ beach//. In the early morning/ she/

go/ sea/ swim/an hour//. Then/ she/ breakfast/ food stall/ beach/ enjoy/ fresh air/ morning//. Afternoon/ she/
take/ photos/ sights//. She/ stay/ Nha Trang/ four days/ took/ nice photos//. She/ also/ buy/ postcards/
souvenirs/ friends//. It/ be/ great vacation/ because/ she/ have/fun.
Câu miêu tả

PRACTICE 4: Suggestions


1. a) S+ suggest + V-ing +....
b) S + suggest + that + S + should + V(bare)+....
Ex: I suggest collecting some money.

He suggested that we should buy this car.
2. I think we should + V ( bare inf )
Ex: I think we should go on a travel.
3. Let's + V ( bare inf )
Ex: Let's go swimming.
4. Shall we /I+ V ( bare inf ) ………?
Ex: Shall we have some lunch?
5. Why don't we / you + V ( bare inf ) ………….?
Ex: Why don't we go now?
6. Why not + V ( bare inf ) ……………?
Ex: Why not stay for lunch ?
7. How about / What about + V-ing ?
Ex: How about going out to dinner tonight ?

8. Would you like to + V( bare inf )/ N?
Ex: Would you like to drink some coffee?
9. Do you like + V-ing/ N?
Ex: Do you like drinking?
10. If I were you, I …..

I. Choose one of word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. Christmas
B. character
C. school
D. church
2. A. traveled
B. surprised
C. worked
D. climbed
3. A. tour
B. pour
C. your
D. course
4. A. towel
B. down
C. window
D. flower
5. A. cook
B. food
C. too
D. pool
II. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

1. His handwriting is terrible. It’s not easy at all ….........what he writes.
A. to see
B. to read
C. reading
D. seeing
2. The city is ……………….on the shore of Lake Michigan.
A. visited
B. lied
C. laying
D. located
3. Kim TEA HEE is………………..more succesful.
A. becoming
B. doing
C. making
D. having
4. The Smiths never go out in the evening, ……………….?
A. do they
B. don’t they
C. doesn’t he
D. does he
5. Ba is strong enough…………….. his father with the work on the farm.
A. helping
B. help
C. helps
D. to help
6. Last week my child …………… to the biggest zoo in town by my wife.
A. took
B. were taken
C. went
D. has gone

7. I tried my. ……………not to laugh, but I couldn’t.
A. good
B. well
C. best
D. better
8. Are you proud…………….your country and its tradition ?
A. about
B. on
C. of
D. for
9. I want to ask my parents ................... some money.

A. from
B. for
C. with
D. about
10. You are very different ........................ your brother.
A. to
B. for
C. with
D. from
11. I am better ........................ English than Nam.
A. than
B. with
C. at
D. for
12. He seldom goes fishing, ...................?
A. doesn't he
B. is he

C. does he
D. isn't he
13. Heavy rains …….the plane for several hours
A. stopped
B. prevented
C. delayed
D. kept
14. You must go to school ……the ages of 5 and 16. it is compulsory.
A. from
B. over
C. during
D. between
15. Sorry to keep you…………
A. wait
B. waiting
C. to wait
D. waited
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
1. I‘ve decided (stop) ……………...smoking.
2. I (visit) .........................Singapore two years ago.
3. Look at those black clouds. It (rain).
4. We are tired of (work)…………… for low salary.
5. This is the second time you (break)……my bike.
6. (you/do) …………… the homework yet?
7. Mai is in her room. She (play) the guitar.
8. The teacher said that we should ( not make ) …………… noise in class.
9. Water …………( cover) most of the Earth’s surface.
10. The gate ……………...( lock) at 6.30 p.m everyday.
IV Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you needn’t use(10 pts)
A. How I began

D. My most frightening experience

B. The worst aspect of my hobby
E. Why I like my hobby
C. My hopes for the future
F. When and where I do it
1. __________ For me, every weekday begins the same: I get up at 7.00. I have breakfast, I take the bus to school, I
go to lessons ... I don’t hate this daily routine, but it isn’t very thrilling. In the evenings, however, I drive Formula 1 cars,
build enormous cities and defend my planet against aliens. In short, I play computer games. It’s like entering a different
world. That’s why I love playing them so much.
2. __________My interest in computer games has taught me a lot about computer graphics. I want to study
computing at college, and learn how to design and program games. Eventually, I’d like to start my own software
company, creating and testing new games. That way, I could spend all day doing what I love most.
3. ____________Computer games are interesting because they often contain stories and characters. The games are
getting better all the time, but they are also getting more expensive. The only thing I don’t like about my hobby is the
cost! New games are often about $50.
4. ____________ Some of my friends from school are interested in computer games too. We normally meet at my
house in the evenings and play for a few hours. We sometimes play at weekends, but if the weather’s good I prefer to go
cycling or play basketball instead.
5. ____________ I first became interested in computer games about four years ago. I was staying with my cousin for
the weekend. He had some games and he taught me how to play them. I became hooked immediately! When I got home,
I decided to save all my money for buying games. Now I’ve got about twenty different games.
V. Write the correct form of the words given in capital letters to complete the following sentences.
1. Their children have quite ………………characters.
2. My brother bought a new…………..rod yesterday.
3. Mr. Jane runs his business very …………..

4.I like the city life because there are many kinds of ……….

5. These organizations do lót of……………..work.
6. Is there anything……………… on TV tonight?
7. What is the correct……………..of this word?
8. My uncle often spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local............. ORPHAN
9. Relax for some minutes and you’ll feel more…………..
10. In electronics, we learn to repair ...................appliances.
VI. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find out and correct it.
1. He has waited there for a quarter past six.
2. Surface mail is many cheaper than air mail.
3. They do their best to keeping the family happy.
4. The armchair is in the living room, among the television and sofa. (4)…………….
5. Tourists usually have a bus to the countryside.
VII. Fill in the blanks with one suitable word. The first letter has been provided:
Every December millions of Christmas cards go through the post. There are pictures of stars and snow or
Christmas (1) t......................... . In these days it is hard to think of Christmas (2) w......................... Christmas cards.
Yet little over a hundred and fifty years ago there were (3) n.......................... at all. Here is just one story of the way in
which they started.

Some boys of those days who were at boarding schools had to write a special piece of English at Christmas (4)
t......................... . This was sent to their (5) p......................... so that they could see how the boys' work was during the
Young people like to make little (6) d......................... on the paper when they write letters or poems. These boys
were the (7) s.......................... .They used to draw little pictures all (8) r.............................. the writing. Sometimes
they coloured them, and after a time the pictures became more (9) i......................... than the writing. These were the
(10) f......................... Christmas cards.
VIII. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition.
1. It’s 2.5 km…………my school………..the movie theater.
2. I live ………..Xuan Dieu street……….my grandparents
3. She is talking…………her students in the school yard.
4. My new house is different……….my old house.
5. My father is a farmer. He works………..a farm.
6. Does your aunt work ……….the central hospital? – Yes, she is a nurse there.
7. I’m always busy. I must work ………..early morning until night.
8. Mr. Minh is a journalist. He writes ………..Tuoi Tre newspaper.
9. This apartment is suitable………….my family.
10. I often help my parents ………….the housework after school.
IX. Rewrite the following sentences so that the meanings stay the same.
1. She eats more chocolate than I.
I …………………………………………………………….
2. Vinh keeps forgetting his homework.
Vinh is …………………………………………………………….
3. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
4. No one helped Lan to do the homework.
Lan ………………………………………………………………
5. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.
I haven’t……………………………………………………………
6. Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to.

Tam used ………………………………………………………….

7. How long is it since you used the car?
When ……………………………………………………………..
8. We started living here 15 years ago.
We have…………………………………………………………...
9. Let’s meet inside the center ,at the cafe corner?
10. Nam is very strong, he can do heavy work.
Nam is strong ………………………………………………………………..
11. William said to Mary “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?”
William suggested..........................................................................................................................
12. “It’s time we went to bed” they said. (Rewrite, using reported speech)
13. The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money.
The bank manager ........................................................................................................................
14. She hasn’t been to Ho Chi Minh City for three years.
The last..........................................................................................................................................
15. I cleaned the floor then I went to bed.
16. “Don’t forget to send your parents my regards”, she said to me.
She told.........................................................................................................................................
17. “Would you like to dance with me?” she said to John.

Question I : ( 1,25 marks )
1. D
2. C

Question II : ( 3,75 marks )
1. B
2. D
6. B
7. C 8. C
11. C
12. C
Question III : ( 2,5 marks )
1. to stop
2. visited
6. Have you done
7. is playing
Question IV :
( 1,25 marks )

3. A

4. C
3. A
9. B

13. C

5. A
4. A

5. D

10. D
14. D

15. B

3. is going to rain
4. working
8. not make
9. covers
10. is locked

5. have broken

Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you needn’t use(10 pts)
1E/ 2C/3B /4F /5A
Question V : ( 2,5 marks )
1. different
6. interesting
2. fishing
7. pronunciation
3. successfully
8. orphanage
4. entertainment
9. comfortable
5. voluntary
10. household
Question VI : ( 1,25 marks )
1. for-since
2 .many-much

3. keeping-keep

4. among - between
5. have - take
Question VII :
( 2,5 marks )
1. trees 2. without
3. nothing/ none4. time 5. parents
6. drawings
7. same 8. round
9. important/ interesting 10. first
Question VIII: ( 2,5 marks )
1. from - to.
2. on - with
3. to
4. from
5. on
6. in
7. from
8. for
9. for
10. with
Question IX : ( 2,5 marks )
1. I don’t eat as much chocolate as she does.
2.Vinh is always forgetting his homework.
3.It’s very important to keep the inviroment clean.
4.Lan did the homework herself.
5.I haven’t spoken to her for three years.
6.Tam used to type fast.
7.When did you use the car?
8.We have lived here for 15 years.
9.How about meeting inside the center,at the cafe corner.

10. Nam is strong enought to do heavy work.


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. school
b. skull
c. scenery
d. sky

2. a. visited
b. recommended
c. wanted
d. hoped
3. a. important
b. boring
c. minor
d. northern
4. a. community
b. custom
c. costume
d. museum
5. a. ethnic
b. gather
c. though
d. clothing
II. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. We ___________(play) football this afternoon. Do you want to play too?

2. Could you meet me at the airport tomorrow? My flight___________(arrive) at six.
3. Last summer, my friends and I ___________(spend) our holiday on a farm.
4. Nick ___________(not ride) a buffalo drawn cart before.
5. The cattle ___________(graze) on the green pastures right now.
6. Millions of Mongolians ___________(be) semi-nomadic herders for thousands of years.
7. My family ___________(live) in a small town for ten years before moving to Boston.
8. Country life ___________(not excite) me at all. It’s so boring.
9. Nick would like ___________(visit) the countryside at the harvest time.
10. I don’t mind ___________(drive) for 1.5 hours on the weekend to get out to the countryside.
11. The majority of people in Vietnam _______________(belong) to the Kinh ethnic group.
12. Hoa Ban festival ____________(start) on March 17thand ____________(end) on March 19th.
13. Listen! _______________ those ethnic girls _______________(speak) the Ede language?
15. So far Nick _______________(learn) a lot about the ethnic minorities in Vietnam.
16. We ___________(be) to Buon Me Thuot city twice, but we __________(never/ visit) Don Village.
17. In the future, the local government _______________(organize) more activities to promote the culture of
ethnic groups.
18. These stilt houses _______________(build) over 50 years ago by the Tay people.
19. Tourists to Don Village enjoy __________(ride) elephants around the hamletor to the forest.
20. The elephants help local people _______________(work) in the fields, and carry goodsor construction
III. Choose the best answer:
1. It rained hard; (Therefore / Because / However / So), my father went out to work.
2. We (go / have gone / went / will go) to the countryside two months ago.
3/ He is not enough tall to reach the top shelf. He wishes he were taller.
4/ He speaks French so I couldn’t understand. I wish I could understand him.

5/ Who wrote the story “ Romeo and Juliet ”? - It____
by Shakespeare, an English writer.
a. is written
b. was written
c. have been written d. wrote
6/ My father_____for the national bank from 1990 to 2003
a. works
b .working
c. has worked
d. worked
7/ We couldn’t start our journey. All flights _____because of fog.
a. are delayed
b. delayed
c. has been delayed
d. were delayed
8/ Jill came to the meeting but Charles______
a. isn’t
b. hasn’t
c. didn’t
d. wasn’t
9. He said he............. fix the faucet.
A. can
B. may
C. must
D. could
10. I wish the weather ...............not so hot now.
A. is

B. was
C. were
D. will be
11.Yesterday Lan ___________ Maryam to the History Museum in Ha noi.
A. takes
B. is taking
C. took
D. has taken
