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Lesson Plan 5 week 25 period 51

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Cai Be Service of Education and Training Doan Thi Nghiep Primary School Teacher: Do Van Hung. LESSON PLAN – GRADE 5 UNIT 5. MY DREAM HOUSE LESSON 3 - Preparing date: 23/02/2014 - Teaching date: 25-27/02/2014 - Week: 25 &Period: 51 I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer questions about facilities in a dream house, read and write about a dream house. II/ Teaching aids: worksheet, tape recording III/ Procedures: Time 5’. 8’. Contents I. Warmer: Display homelink work. II. Presentation - Teach vocabulary 1.Look, listen and repeat. - Teach sentence patterns 15’. III. Practice 2. Point, ask and answer What will there be in your ____? There will be _____. I’ll use it to _____.. 3. Read the passage and do the tasks a. Draw a line to match the words that make a meaningful phrase Answers: 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b.. b. Complete the table. T’s activities. Ss’ activities. - Gets students to join into the activity - Introduces the new lesson.. - Join into the activity - Listen. - Teaches vocabulary. - Listen and repeat. Take note - Look at the picture - Listen and repeat. - Asks students to look at the picture - Plays the tape and asks students repeat - Teaches sentence patterns - Asks students to point to the picture - Asks students to work in pairs - Calls some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class - Asks students to read a passage about the facilities in Quan’s dream house and do the task - Asks students to check their answers in pairs - Asks students to. - Take note - Point to the picture - Work in pairs. - Some pairs to demonstrate the task - Read a passage about the facilities in Quan’s dream house and do the task - Check answers in pairs - Read the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Answers: (1) In front of the house (2) In the study (3) , (4)In the bedroom. c. Answer the question Answers: a. It will be a modern and comfortable house. b. It will be in the countryside. c. There will be twelve rooms.. 4. Write Answer: b. Let’s have a race c. Ready, steady, go d. I will win the race. 5’ 2’. IV. Production 5. Fun time (sing a song) VI. Home work - Review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson. Duyệt của Ban Giám hiệu. read the information in the left column, then scan the passage quickly to find out the appropriate information to complete the chart - Asks students to report the answer to the class - Asks students to read the questions carefully and scan the story quickly to find the appropriate information to answer the questions. information in the left column, then scan the passage quickly to find out the appropriate information to complete the chart - Listen and check answers. - Asks students to sing a song. - Sing a song. - Asks students to review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson. - Review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson. - Read the questions and scan the story quickly to find the appropriate information to answer the questions - Asks students to ask - Ask and answer and answer the the questions questions orally orally - Asks students to - Read the guide read the guide and and write about write about your your dream house dream house - Ask students to - Draft their draft their writing writing before before copying into copying into their their copy-books copy-books - Checks - Take note. Duyệt của Tổ chuyên môn. Người soạn. Đỗ Văn Hùng.

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