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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 1 PERIOD 1 Date: REVISION I.Objective: Help Ss to review: the simple present, present progressive tense, WH-questions, … II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: - the simple present - present progressive tense - WH-questions, prepositions… 2.Voc: vocs the S have learnt. III.Teaching aids: sub-boards IV.Techquines: V.Procedures: Teacher and students’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Jumbled words -the simple present Neeringe = engineer - present progressive tense ralitutere = literature - WH-questions, prepositions… pitashol = hospital 1. Chọn từ đúng nhất trong ngoặc để hoàn Gedasnous = dangerous thành câu: heyva = heavy a. I ( am, is, are) a student. montindab = badminton b. He ( go, goes, gone) to school at 2.Presentation + Practice: 6.30 -Have Ss review some grammar points in c. We ( has, haves, have) breakfast at English 6 seven. -T remarks and corrects. d. ( What, Where, When) are you -Ask Ss to do the exercises. going to stay? -Ss give the answers. -I am going to stay in a hotel. -T corrects. e. Open ( you, your, yours) book. f. How ( many, much, long) people are Keys: there in your family? 1.a/am b/goes c/have g. I’m ( at, on, in) grade 6. d/Where e/your f/many h. Mrs Lan (travel, travels, traveled) to g/in h/travels i/are playing Ha Noi by plane today. j/do i. They ( are playing, is playing, play) soccer now. j. Do you like fish? -Yes, I ( does, do, don’t) 2.a/jogging c/watches. b/does d/playing. 3.a/What does he do? b/What does she do every Saturday afternoon?. 2. Chia động từ trong ngoặc: a. They are _________ . (jog) b. She _______ aerobics every day. (do) c. Nga ________ TV every evening. (watch) d. He is _________ a video game. (play) e. 3. Viết câu hỏi cho các câu trả lời sau: a.He’s a doctor. b.She plays badminton every Saturday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> c/Which sports do you play?. afternoon. c.I play tennis.. 3.Homework: Prepare Unit 1: A 1,3 (Explain voc) Week: 1 Date:. Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL Period 2: A 1,3 _Friends. I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - greet people and respond to the greeting. - introduce new friends. II.Language contents: a. Grammar: - Revision: *The structures: “So am I” ,“Nice to meet you”,”Nice to see you”, “This is…..” *Present simple tense. a.Vocabulary: classmate, also, meet. III.Techniques: Picture drills, pair- work, role- plays IV.Teaching aids: a cassette, pictures V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up - T. introduces the name. Then asking Ss about their names. - Asking something about their new school year: (?) Do you have any new friends this school year? (?) What do you say to your new friends on the first school day? (Introducing “nice to meet you”) (?) What do you say to your friends when you first meet after the summer holiday? (Introducing “nice to meet you again”) (?)Are you happy to be back again? 2.Presentation + Practice: +Activity 1:A1aListen. Then practice with a partner: *- Introducing the lesson (T.gives the A1. Listen. Then practice with a partner Nice to see you again. picture of three pupils) Ba and Nga are old friends. They meet Nice to meet you ,too. Nice to meet you..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> each other after the summer holiday. There is a new friend in their class. Her name is Hoa. They are very happy. *- Now listen to their dialogue. (Listen 1A) - The first time of listening: books closed - The second time: Ss repeat after the cassette * - Pupils work in groups: Making the dialogue with book and then without book. - T. checks some groups before the class. +Activity 2: A1b Listen. Then practice with a partner: *- Teacher gives the second picture. (?) Who is she? (?) Is Hoa the new classmate? “Yes, Hoa is a new classmate. After talking to Nga and Ba, she comes to her class. She meets Nam. She wants to make friends with Nam, so she says greeting to Nam” (Listen to the dialogue) - Ss.listen two times the same 1a. - T.introduces the structures. - Ss work in groups: Making the dialogue with books and then without books. - T. checks some groups before the class. - T. asks Ss to look at the second picture and asks some questions: a) What is the new girl’s name? b) What class is she in? c) Who is also in class 7A? +Activity 3: A3 Listen. Then practice with a partner: *(?) How do you say greeting to your friends when you meet him? (?) How do you say greeting to your teacher or an older person when you meet him or her? Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening… *- Introducing the lesson (T.gives the picture of two persons) Mr. Tan is Nga’s teacher. *- Now listen to their dialogue between. This is ................ New words : - classmate(n) - So am I. - also - meet (v). Keys to the questions a. Her name is Hoa b. She is in class 7 A c. Nam is also in class 7A A3Listen. Then practice with a partner: -I’m very well. -See you later..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Nga and Mr. Tan. - The first time of listening: books closed - The second time: Ss repeat after the cassette * - Ss work in pairs: Making the dialogue with book and then without book. - T. checks some pairs before the class. 3.Production:T helps Ss to practice greeting to each other due to the dialogue they’ve learnt. 4 Homework: - Learn the new words and the structures by heart. -Write the words and the answers on your notebooks. - Prepare period 3 : A 2. Week: 1 Date:. Period 3:. Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL Part A2. I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - read and understand a short message about Hoa. - ask and answer some questions about Hoa. - learn some more new words. II.Language contents: a.Vocabulary: Different from(adj), unhappy (adj), miss (v), why-because b.Grammar: - a lot of (lots of) = many - Comparetive - Wh-questions III.Techniques: pair-work IV.Teaching aids: a cassette, pictures, sub-board VI.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: - T. asks Ss to say some information about Hoa (She is a new classmate. She’s in class 7A. Nga, Ba and Nam are in her class, too.) Listen to more some.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> information about Hoa. 2.Pre-reading: - Ss listen to the tape one time. Then Ss read in silence to find out the new words and to understand the reading. - T.helps Ss understand the meanings of the words and how to pronounce them. 3.While-reading: - Ss read in groups . - T checks Ss’ pronunciation. - T. gives the third picture, compares Hoa’s old school and Hoa’s new one so that Ss can remember the information. - Ss work in groups: ask and answer the questions. - Checking some Ss’ answers before the class. 4.Post-reading: *Free practice: (?) Are you happy on the first day of new school year? (?) Why are you happy? 5.Homework: Learn the new words by heart. - Write the words and the answers on your notebooks. - Prepare period 4 : A4,5. A2- Read. Then answer the questions New words -miss (v) -still (adv) -lots of = a lot of = many -unhappy (a) -different from (a) - why - because *Her new school is bigger than her old school a. She is from Hue. b. She is staying with her uncle and aunt. c. No. She doesn’t have any friends in Hanoi. d. Her new school is bigger than her old school. e. Because she misses her parents and her friends.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Week: 2 Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL Date: Period 4: Part A 4, 5 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - greet people and respond to the greeting. - introduce new friends. II.Language contents: a.Vocabulary: will begin , hurry (listen A5) b.Grammar: Just fine, Pretty good, Mee, too., How is everything ? III.Techniques: Picture cues, pair- work, role -play IV.Teaching aids: a cassette, pictures, sub-board. VI.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1. Warm up: - Brainstorming (write down the words relating to the greetings) - T. asks Ss to give some greetings to some kinds of people and how to respond. 2.Presentation + Practice: A4-: Listen. Complete these dialogue +Activity 1: A4 Listen. Complete these *Structure: - Just fine. dialog *-T. gives the sub-board (in the box of - Pretty good. the textbook):teacher helps Ss understand - Me, too. - How is everything ? their meanings. The keys *- Ss listen to each dialogue and a) How are you? complete it by choosing the suitable Pretty good, How about you? sentence or phrase to fill in the blank. (Ss not bad complete on the papers) given by the Me, too teacher. b) How is everything ? -Correcting them on the second subOK, thanks. How are you today? board. Just fine. *- Some pairs of Ss practice the dialogues Yes, so am I. before the class. +Activity 2: A5 Listen. Write the letters of … *- T. gives the whole class four pictures and reminds them about the situation of A5-: Listen. Write the letters of the each picture. dialogue in the order you hear For example: - will begin 1. Who are they in the picture? - hurry (v) 2. Where are they? 3. What are they doing? -T explains how to do this kind of The keys: C, B , D , A exercise. *- T lets Ss listen the dialogue once without writing anything..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - T asks Ss to look at the pictures again and to listen one more time, and then write the numbers on the pictures after listening. - Asking some Ss to give the answers under the pictures on the board. - T. asks Ss the right answers. 3.Production: -Ss play roles one of these dialogues. 4. Homework: - Copy dialogue A4 - Prepare B 1,2 (Explain voc).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Week: 2 Date of preparation: 24 / 8/ 2013 Period: 4 Date of teaching: 26 / 8/ 2013 Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL B 1,2 Names and addresses I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - ask and answer about personal information - introduce a new friend in the class. II/ Language Contents : Grammar :Wh-words: Who, What, Where, How Vocabulary : Family name, middle name, (v) talk to III/ Techniques : Picture drills, pair/group work IV/ Teaching aids : Textbook, picture, cassette, sub-board V/ Teaching procedures : Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: -T asks Ss some questions about Hoa 2.Presentation + Practice: +Activity 1: B1 Listen. Then practice B1- Listen. Then practice with a partner with a … *-T introduces the lesson by giving the picture of page 15 to the students and elicit New words family name(n) the situation of the scene . middle name(n) - Listen and answer teacher’s questions Answer before listening to the tape. a. She is talking to Miss. Lien 1. What’s her name? Hoa b. Her family name is Pham 2. How old is she? 13 c. Her middle name is Thi 3. Where does she live? d. She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street. -Explain voc. *- The first time of listening: books closed - The second time: Ss repeat after the cassette - Ss work in pairs: Making the dialogue with book and then without book. -T. checks some pairs before the class. * - T helps Ss to practice greeting to each other due to the dialogue they’ve learnt. +Activity 2: B2 Write. Complete this dialogue. - T uses the picture again and asks: 1. Who’s that? 2. Which class is she in? B2- Write. Complete this dialogue 3. Where does she live? The keys 4. How old is she?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Ss listen to the teacher and answer. Who, Who, What . Where , Where, - T asks students to complete the dialogue How written on a sub-board. - S do as suggested. - T asks some pairs of students to read the dialogue before the class. - T corrects if necessary. 3.Production: S practice the dia. 4. Homework: - Copy the anwsers. - Write about personal information. - Prepare B 4,5,6.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Week: 2 Date of preparation: 25 / 8/ 2013 Period: 5 Date of teaching:. 27 / 8/ 2013 Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL B 4,5. I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - ask and answer about a distance from one place to another place with “How far”. - talk about the distances and means of transport from their home to some places. - listen to some distances from one place to another place with “How far”. II/ Language Contents : Grammar : Wh-question: How far is it from … to … ? – It is (about) … kilometer … Vocabulary : far , meter , kilometer III/ Techniques : Picture drills, pair/group work IV/ Teaching aids : Textbook, picture, cassette, sub-board, information form V/ Teaching procedures : Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up - T teaches check the old lesson. 2.Presentation + Practice: + Activity1:B4 Listen. Then practice with a partner: *-Ask students simple questions to elicit their attention to the main purpose of this part of the unit. 1. Where does Hoa live? 2. How does she go to school? 3. How far is it from her house to school? -Explain the structure: “How far is it….?” *-Let them listen to the cassette, and then repeat after the cassette. -Let them play the role of Nam/Hoa, then take turn. -Ask students to practice in pair. + Activity 2:B5 Ask and answer with a partner.. - Let students look at the pictures. - Explain the task and give a model. - Have students practice asking and. Contents. B4- Listen. Then practice with a partner How far: ask about the distance between two places How far is it from...to………? It’s (not) far. About.... B5- Ask and answer with a partner (Students’answers).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> answering in pairs, then change the roles. + Activity 3:B6 -Ss look at the picture. T helps Ss to recognize the places in the map: Lan’s house, school, post office, market, theater.  The first time of listening: T. asks Ss to listen and find out four distances in the dialogues (for the best Ss) -T. gives the sub-board with some suggestions : + From school to Lan’s house + From Lan’s house to the post office + From Lan’s school to the movie theater + From the movie theater to the post office ‚ Asking Ss to listen the second time and fill in the measurements of distances. ƒ The third time: Ss listen and check again. -Checking Ss by asking them to write the results they’ve heard. -Asking Ss to ask and answer about these distances again (in pairs) 3.Production: S practice in pairs ( ask and answer) 4.Homework: -T asks Ss to write these sentences on their notebooks. -Prepare A 1,2,5.. B6-Listen and write: + School to Lan’s house: 300 meters + Lan’s house to the post office: 700 meters + Lan’s school to the movie theater: 3 kilometers +The movie theater to the post office: 2 kilometers. Week: 3 Date of preparation: 31 / 8/ 2013 Period: 7 Date of teaching: 2 / 9 / 2013 Unit 2:. PERSONAL INFORMATION A 1,2 Telephone numbers. I.Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -say their telephone numbers. -listen and identify the telephone numbers of their friends. -listen and write some information through the dialogue..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: *Simple future tense , *Numbers 2.Vocabulary: telephone directory, telephone number III.Techniques: Picture drills, pair- work, role -play IV.Teaching aids: a cassette, pictures V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up  Write the answers to the questions about yourself:  What is your name?  How old are you?  Where do you live?  How far is it from your house to school?  How do you go to school?  Ask some questions:  Does your family have a telephone?  What’s your phone number? 2.Presentation +Practice: + Activity 1: A1.Read A1-Read:  Introduce how to read the telephone - telephone directory (n) numbers. - telephone number (n)  Ask students to look at the page and guess what it comes from.  Elicit how to read telephone number.  Explain how to read the numbers with a focus on combinations.  Let students read aloud the numbers.  Have Ss practice in pairs. + Activity 2: A2. Listen and write the telephone numbers. A2. Listen and write the telephone numbers.  Play the cassette and let students a. 8 251 654 write down the numbers. b. 8 250 514  Check students’ answers. c. 8 521 9 36  Let them listen again. d. 8 351 793  Have students cross-check the e. 8 237 041 answers. f. 8 821 652  Have students write in the notebooks. 3.Production: - Ss say their telephone numbers. 4.Homework: -Let them copy the form to their notebooks. -Prepare A 3..

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Week: 3 Date of preparation: Period: 8 Date of teaching:. 1 / 9/ 2013 4 / 9/ 2013. Unit 2:. PERSONAL INFORMATION A 3,4 Telephone numbers. I.. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for and give the phone numbers. II. Language contents: Grammar: Future simple tense; The future simple with “Where will we….?”,”We’ll…” - The structures : “Would you like to…?” – Sure , Let’s … , “Don’t be late!” Vocabulary: call, soon III. Techniques: Picture cues, pair- work, role- play IV.Teaching aids: a cassette, pictures, sub-board V. Teaching procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up: - T. asks two pupils to stand at the board, make a conversation (Ask and answer some private information according to the teacher’s suggestions). Ex :  Greetings  Asking address 2.Pre-listening: -Ask some questions: .Do you often talk to someone on the phone? .Do you know the question asking for telephone numbers?What is it? .Do you know how to give your telephone number to others? 3.While-listening: - Have students close their book and listen to the recording. - Let them retell Hoa’s phone number and questions in the conversation. - Let them listen to the questions again while reading the conversation. -Introduce the question. - Have them practice in pairs. - Get some pairs to play roles the. Contents A3. Listen *New words: - call (v) - soon - address (n) - What is your telephone number? A4.Listen and read. Then answer the questions. Vocabulary: - free (a) - sure (a) - great (a) - tomorrow Structure: - Will you be free tomorrow evening? - I’ll see you tomorrow. - Would you like to see a movie? – Sure. - Let’s ….. - Don’t be late. - What will they do? Who are they in the picture?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> conversation  What are they doing? 4.Post-listening:  What is Phong’s telephone number? -Have Ss ask their classmates and complete - T. introduces more about the simple future the list. tense: - Get feedback.  Ex1: Will you be free tomorrow Act 2:. 1.Presentation: - T. asks Ss to evening? look at the picture in the book and answer  Yes, I will. some questions:  Ex2:What time will it start?  It’ll start at seven o’clock. 2.Practice: - Introducing the structure: - Ss. listen the first time (books closed) “Would you like + to-inf…?” a polite - Listen the second time (books open). Ss invitation. listen each sentence and repeat after the  Ex: Would you like to see a movie? cassette-player  Yes, I’d like to / Sure - Ss listen to the last one. Introducing the sentence “Don’t be late!” - T. asks students to practice in pairs. - T. checks some pairs for reading before the class. - T. gives the questions on the sub-board Answer: and Ss discuss in groups. 1. Phong and Tam will meet tomorrow. 4. Production: 2. They will see a movie. - Ps answer the questions. 3. They will meet at 6:45 - T corrects 4. They will meet in front of the movie 5. Homework: theater. - Learn voc + gram - Prepare B 1,2,3. Week: 4 Date: 3 / 09 / 2011. Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION Period 10: B 1,2,3 My birthday. I.Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and write ordinal numbers and months in a year. II. Language contents: - Vocabulary: Ordinal numbers, Months in a year. III. Techniques: Picture cues, pair -work, role- play IV. Teaching aids: a cassette, pictures, sub-board V. Teaching procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Teacher and sts’ activities 1. Warm up: T. asks Ss to count from on to thirty_one or more. - T asks: “How many days are there usually in a month? 2.Presentation +Practice: +Activity 1:B1 Listen and repeat *- T introduces the ordinal numbers. - Mention the different ending sounds of first 1 st, second 2nd, third 3rd in the ordinal number. *- Let them listen to the tape the first time. - Let them listen to the tape the second and ask them to repeat the tape chorally. -Let some students read aloud. *- T. asks students to practice in pairs. - T. checks some pairs for reading before the class. +Activity 2:B2 Listen and write the dates.. - T sticks a calendar on the board and introduces the whole class about the months, the dates in a year. - Ss. listen the first time (books closed) - Listen the second time (books open). Ss listen each sentence and repeat after the cassette-player. -Have students cross-check their answers with one another. -Let students write the correct answers on the board. -Have them copy in their notebooks. -T. gives Ss some dates and guides Ss to practice with your partner by themselves. +Activity 3: B3 Write the months in order from first … -T reminds twelve months in a year by giving a calendar and guides them how to remember. -T helps Ss to read the months from first to twelfth and some students are asked to repeat. -T lets students write the months in the required order. -T lets them do cross-checking of the answers. -T asks some students to write the sentences on the board and give the correct order. 3.Production: - Have Ss retell 12 months 4.Homework: - Learn by heart 12 months. Write some. Contents. B1.Listen and repeat *Ordinal numbers: Note: -first -second -third -fifth -ninth -twelfth -twentieth + number – th -> ordinal number B2.Listen and write the dates.. -The first of July - The nineteenth - The sixth - The fourteenth - The seventeenth - The thirty –first B3.Write the months in order from first to twelfth.. January February March April May June July August September October November December.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> holidays. - Prapere B4. Week: 4 Date: 4 / 09 / 2011. Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION Period 11: B 4 My birthday. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask and answer some questions about personal information. - Understand and answer the questions through the dialogue. II. Language contents: Grammar: What’s your date of birth? = When’s your birthday? - What’s your address ? = Where do you live? - How old will you be on your next birthday? Vocabulary: - nervous, worry, worried, date of birth, Don’t worry, I’m sure. III. Techniques: pair-work, role- play IV.Teaching aids: a cassette, pictures V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1. Warm up: - Two teams write 12 months in a year. 2. Presentation: -T introduces the the new lesson “Today you are going to know something about Hoa. She is new in Mr Tan’s class and now she has an interview with her teacher. What does Mr.Tan ask her?” -Maybesomequestionsare: How old are your? Where do you live? What’s your telephone number -T explains new vocabulary. 3. Practice: - Let them listen to the tape the first time. (books closed) - Let them listen to the tape the second and ask them to repeat the tape chorally. - Let them find out the sentences in which the simple future are used. - Let some students read the dialouge aloud and then roleplay it. - T. asks students to practice in pairs. - T. checks some pairs for reading before the class. - S ask and answer the questions - S give the answers. Contents * Vocabulary: -date of birth -next -nervous (a) -worry (v) -worried (a) -on + date * Structure: -What’s your date of birth? = When is your birthday? -What’s your address? = Where do you live? - How old will you be on your next birthday? a. Hoa is 13 years old. b.She will be 14 on her next birthday c.Her birthday is on June eighth d.Hoa lives with her uncle and aunt. e.Hoa is worried because she does not have any friends..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> - T corrects f, g, h: Student’s answer 4. Production: - Ss ask and answer about themselves. 5.Homework: - Copy the answers - Learn voc. - Prepare B 6,7. Week: 4 Unit 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION Date: 5 / 09 / 2011 Period 12: B 6,7 My birthday I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask and answer questions about birthday. - use the simple future tense. II. Language contents: Grammar: Revision three forms and how to use the simple future tense. Vocabulary: invite, join, party, hope III.Techniques: asking and answering, gap filling IV.Teaching aids: pictures, sub-board V.Teaching procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities. Contents. 1. Warm up: You are going to read about Lan. What’s she thinking about? (a party) What is she doing now? (write invitation cards) - Read and find out the answers to these questions. (given on the sub-board) How old is she? Where does she live? When is her birthday? 2.Presentation +Practice: +Activity 1: C1 Read .Then complete the card. - T introduces some vocabularies - Ask students some pre-reading questions. - Let students read the passage to themselves. - Ask students questions about Lan and her party. - Have them practice in pairs ask and answer about Lan. - Let them do more free practice about themselves. *Complete this invitation card to Lan’s party. - Explain how to fill out an invitation card. - Have them read through the passage again. - Let them complete the card. - Have them cross-check their answer in pairs. - Ss ask and answer the questions in exercise 7 - Ss ask and answer before the class.. B6 Then complete the card. New words: - invite (v) - join (v) - party (n) - hope (n) - a party for - some of *Structure: - She will be 13 on her next birthday. - I hope you will come … Key: Dear (student’s name) I am having a birthday party on Sunday, May 25. The party will be at my house at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street from 5:00 to 9:00. I hope you will come and join the fun..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> - Let them do more free practice about themselves. +Activity 2: Think and write .Imagine you will be a guest at Lan’s birthdat party. * T : Now, think and write. Imagine you will be a guesst Lan’s birthday party. * Students make questions and answers in pairs (page 27) for 5’. 3.Production: - Write an invitation card to invite one of your friends to your birthday party. - List things in your house or in your room. 4.Homework: - Write the answers. - Prepare Unit 3: A 1(Explain voc). Love, Lan Tel.8 674 758 B7 Think and write .Imagine you will be a guest at Lan’s birthdat party. Ss’ answers.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Week: 5 Date of preparation: 14 / 9/ 2013 Period: 13 Date of teaching: 16 / 9/ 2013 Unit 3: AT HOME Period 13: A 1 What a lovely home! I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Describe rooms and homes. - Know some exclamative sentences and their meanings. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Simple present Exclamative sentence Vocabulary: sink, tub, washing machine, dryer, refrigerator, dish washer, electric stove, lovely, bright, modern, amazing, awful, terrible, convenient III. Techniques: Picture cues, pair- work, role- play, extra exercise IV. Teaching aids: a cassette, a tape, pictures, sub-board, pictures. V. Teaching procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: - T writes a network on the board and puts network some words below it. - Have S put the given words in the appropriate circles. kitchen. house bathroom. Living room. bedroom. television, sofa, rice, shower, bed, armchair, table, get dressed. 2. Presentation: -Set the situation, showing a picture of a house with different rooms, then have them point out the furniture in the room. -Have them listen to the dialogue twice. -Ask students to repeat the dialogue. -Highlight the structures: For complaint: “What an awful day!” For compliment: “What a lovely living. Vocabulary: - awful (a) - comfortable (a) - lovely (n) - to be at work - to be shopping - bright (a) - favorite (a) - bathroom (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> room!” -Explain voc. 3. Practice: -Have students practice the dialogue in pairs, change the roles. -Some pairs play roles before the class. -Mention the different spelling of AmE and BE between the two words: favorite/favourite, color/colour. -Let them read the dialogue silently. -Have them answer the questions. -Let them check their answers in pairs. -Provide the correct answers.. 4.Production: - Play a game (Slap the board) 5.Homework: - Ask them to rewrite their answers, learn voc and prepare A 2,3. - Do Exercise A2, A3 in exercise book page 13.. - kitchen (n) - bedroom (n) - sink (n) - tub (n) - shower (n) - modern (a) - amazing (a) - washing machine (n) - dryer (n) - refrigerator (n) - dishwasher (n) - electric stove (n) - convenient (a) - have a seat - I’d love some. * Structure: - What an awful day! - What a bright room! - What nice color! a.The living room, Hoa’s room, the bathroom and the kitchen. b.Because it is bright and it has nice colors: pink and white c.A sink, a tub and a shower. d.A washing machine, a dryer, a refrigerator, a dishwasher, and an electric stove. e, f: Student’s answers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> Week: 5 Date of preparation: 15 / 9/ 2013 Period: 14 Date of teaching: 17 / 9/ 2013 UNIT 3 : AT HOME Period 14: A 2,3 What a lovely home ! I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Make complaints and compliments by using exclamations. - Describe some objects in a room. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Simple present Exclamatory sentence - Vocabulary: boring, delicious, wet, expensive, closet III. Techniques: Picture cues, pair -work, role- play, extra exercise IV. Teaching aids: A cassette, a tape, pictures, sub-board, pictures. V. Teaching procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities. Contents. 1.Warm up:  Correct the exercise 1 in workbook page 13 2.Presentation +Practice: +Activity 1:  Say some exclamatory sentence.  Use the examples in the dialogue.  Explain the structure to express complaints..       . * Vocabulary: -complaint (n) -compliment (n) -expensive (a) -wet (a) = dry (a) -boring (a) = interesting (a) -delicious (a) -closet (n) Exclamations: Để biểu lộ sự ngạc nhiên, sự đau Let them write the complaints by themselves, using đớn, sự tán thưởng, sự phàn nàn... vê the cues in A. một người nào, một vật gì hoặc sự Ask students to check their exercises in pairs. vật gì, ta dùng: Provide correct answers. Let them write the compliments by themselves, What + (a/an) + adj + noun + using the cues in B. (S + V)! Ask students to check their exercises in pairs. Provide correct answers Ex: Ask students to give the structures from the two What a beautiful picture! examples..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> What nice weather (it is)! What beautiful eyes (she has)! Notes: Đối với danh từ số nhiêu hoặc danh từ không đếm được thì ta không dùng mạo từ a/an trước chúng. KEY: a.What an awful restaurant! What a wet day! What a boring party! What a bad movie! b.What a great party! + Activity 2: Questions and answer: What a bright room!  Ask students about the position of the objects in the What an interesting movie! picture. What a lovely house!  Let them work in pairs, point and say the position of What a delicious dinner! each object. What a beautiful day!  Have them change the role. A3 . Questions and answer:  Let them ask and answer about the position of the  “Is there ...?” objects in the picture (in pairs)  Yes, there is / No, there isn’t.  Let them note the prepositions.  “Are there...?” 4.Consolidation:  Yes, there are / No, there aren’t. - Repeat the structure - Exlamation : What +(a/an) + adj + N ! - The structure for describing the position of objects somewhere. 5.Homework: - Learn the structures and vocabulary by heart. - Do Exercise A2 in workbook page 13. - Prepare period 15 : B1,3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Week: 5 Date of preparation: 16 / 9/ 2013 Period: 15 Date of teaching: 18 / 9/ 2013 UNIT 3 : AT HOME Period 15: B 1,3 Hoa’s family I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about some works. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Simple present Wh_questions - Vocabulary: journalist, take care of, grow,newspaper, sick,raise cattles III. Techniques: pair- work, role -play, ask/answer IV. Teaching aids: a cassette, a tape, pictures, sub-board V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up :  Play a game “bingo” 2.Presentation + Practice: + Activity 1: Listen.Then…. B1.Listen.Then….  T asks the students some following Vocabulary: questions: -farmer (n) How are you? -work (v) Who do you live with? -countryside (n) What are you? / What’s your job? -grow (v) What is your father’s job? / What’s your -raise (v) father? -cattle (n) Where does he do? -love + V_ing (v)  Set the situation, by telling students * Structure: about the job and place of work. - What do you do? = What is your job?  Ask the students about their parents’ - Where do you work? -What’s your date of jobs birth?  Let them listen to the dialogue twice. -What’s your address?  Ask them to repeat the dialogue.  Have students practice the dialogue in *Answer: pairs, change the roles. a.He’s a farmer.  Highlight the structures for asking about b.He works on his farm. job and place of work. c.She is a housewife. “What does your father do?” d.She does the gousework and she helps on the “Where does he work?” farm.  Have some pairs read the dialogue e.Yes, they are. (Because they love working on aloud. their farm)  Have them answer the questions. f.She is 8.  Let them check their answers in pairs. - Provide the correct answers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> + Activity 2: Match these half-sentences: Have Ss match these half-sentences. - Ask them to check their answer. - Provide the correct answers 4.Production: - Repeat what students have been introduced and practised. 5.Homework: - Copy the answers. - Do exercise 1 in the workbook. - Prepare B 2,4.. A3. Match these half-sentences: A farmer - works on a farm. A doctor - takes care of sick people. A journalist - writes for a newspaper. A teacher - teaches in a school..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> Week: 6 Date of preparation: 21 / 9/ 2013 Period: 16 Date of teaching: 23 / 9/ 2013 UNIT 3 : AT HOME B 2,4 Hoa’s family I.Objectives: by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Talk about occupations. - Get some information about occupations by listening. II.Language contents: - Grammar: Simple present tense - Vocabulary: (v) take care of, teach,(adj) sick (n) Primary school, elder brother, journalist, high school, magazine III.Techniques: Picture cues, pair -work, group- work, extra exercise. IV.Teaching aids: a cassette, a tape, pictures, sub-board. V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up : - Brainstorming: write down the verbs relating to jobs. 2.Presentation + Practice: +Activity 1: B2. Read B.2 - Have Ss look at the pictures and guess the jobs of Vocabulary: these people. -take care of (v) = look after (v) - Tell students about Lan’s family: Lan’s father, -sick (adj) Lan’s mother and her brother. -teach (v) - Have students read the passage. -primary school (n) - Ask students about each person’s job and place of -elder brother (n) work, and what he / she does in his / her job. -journalist (n) - Ask some questions about Lan’s family and let -newspaper (n) them answer. -write for - Have them practice asking and answering in pairs. - Have them copy the passage and write down the B4. Listen. Complete these forms of answers. three people on the tape: - Have Ss talk about their families. Name: Tom +Activity 2: B4.Listen.Complete these forms….. Age: 26 Job: Teacher - Explain how the task will be done. Place of work: at a high school - Let students read the form. - Ask students some questions that are concerning to A4 such as “What’s your name?” “What’s your age? = How old are you?” “What’s your job?” Name: Susan “Where do you work?” Age: 19 Job: Journalist - Have them listen to the recording once without Place of work: for a magazine writing anything..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> - Ask them to listen to the cassette and fill in the form with the information they hear. - Let them listen again and check the answers. - T checks some students. - Let them check their answers in pairs. - Provide the correct answers. 3.Production: Have Ss talk about Tom, Susan and Bill. 4.Homework: -Ask them to rewrite their answers in the exercise books as homework. -Prepare B5.. Name: Bill Age: 20 Job: nurse Place of work: in a hospital.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Week: 6 Date of preparation: 21 / 9/ 2013 Period: 17 Date of teaching: 24 / 9/ 2013 UNIT 3 : AT HOME Period 17: B 5 Hoa’s family I.Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use comparatives to describe apartments. II. Language contents: - Grammar:- Simple present ; - Comparison - Vocabulary: apartment, empty, furnish, suitable, III. Techniques: pair -work, role -play, ask/answer, true/ false IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up : T asks Ss some questions about where they live( a house or an apartment and whether it’s comfortable). 2.Presentation: - Set the situation by showing a picture of two people, then have them point out the furniture in the room. - Play the tape. - Explain voc. - Remind students the use of comparatives and superlatives. 3.Practice: - Have them repeat the recording twice. - Ask students to repeat the dialogue. - Have students practice the dialogue in pairs, change the roles. - Let them read the dialogue silently. - Have them answer the questions. - Let them check their answers in pairs. - Provide the correct answers. (Teacher’s note) 4.Production: Ss answer T /F 5.Homework: -. Week: 6 Date of preparation: 24 / 9/ 2013. Contents. Vocabulary: -apartment (n) -empty (a) -bedroom (n) -good / well = better (n). a.The one at number 27. b.The one at number 79 c.The one at number 79 d.The one at number 27. The most suitable apartment is the smallest but it is the newest of the three apartments. It has two bedroom, a large, modern bathroom and a kitchen. Learn voc. Rewrite their answers in the exercise books as homework. - Prepare “Language Focus 1”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Period: 18 Date of teaching:. 26 / 9/ 2013 LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. I.Objectives: Help the students revise all the structures and vocabulary they have already learnt. II.Language contents: - Grammar: Simple present, present continuous, simple future Comparison (comparative, superlative) - Vocabulary: In the text book III.Techniques: Picture cues, pair -work IV.Teaching aids: pictures, sub-board. V.Teaching procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Ss play a wordsquare (find out the words Ss have learnt) 1.Present simple tense: 2.Presentation + Practice: a. is / lives / are / goes. +Activity 1: b. are / eat / rides / catches. T reviews the present simple tense. Ss complete the passage. - Provide the correct answers. 2. Future simple tense: +Activity 2: He will do his homework, but he T reviews the future simple tense. won’t tidy the yard. - Explain the model sentence and voc. He will see a movie, but he won’t - Every student says a sentence. Another student watch TV. says it again. He will write to his grandmother, - Go to the board. but he won’t meet Minh. +Activity 3: 3.Ordinal numbers: 3.Ordinal numbers: - Explain the request. First(1); fourth(4); fifth(5); sixth(6); Ss say numbers. third(3); second(2); seventh(7) - Correct. +Activity 4: 4.Preposition T reviews prepositions. a.It’s under the table. - Practice in pairs (ask/answer) b.It’s in front of the chair. - Some pairs ask / answer before the class. c.It’s behind the TV. d.It’s next to the bookcase. e.It’s on the couch. +Activity 5: T reviews comparatives and superlatives. - Every S says a sentence. - Correct. 5.Adjectives a.- A is a cheap toy; -And B is cheaper; -But C is the cheapest. b. – A is an expensive dress; -And B is more expensive; But C is the most.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> expensive. c.- A is a good student; - And B is better; - but C is the best. d. – A is strong; - And B is stronger; - But C is the strongest. 6.Occupations +Activity 6: a.He is a fireman. 6.Occupations: b.She is a doctor. - Explain the request and example. c.She is a teacher. With each sentence, T reads the information. d.He is a farmer. Ss guess. +Activity 7: 7.Is there a….?/Are there …..? - Explain the request. Pair- work. +Activity 8: 8.Question words: - S practice in pairs. - some pairs practice before the class. 4.Consolidation: - T repeat what they have learnt. 5.Homework: - Prepare to do the 45-min test. 7.Is there a….?/Are there …..? a.Are there any books?Yes, there are. b.Are there any armchairs?No, there aren’t. c.Is there a telephone?No, there isn’t. d.Are there any flowers? Yes, there are. 8.Question words: What is his name? How old is he? What is his address? What is his job?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> Week: 7 Period: 19 Date of teaching:. Date of preparation: 26 / 9 / 2013 30 / 9 / 2013. TEST 45 MINUTES Kiến thức ngơn ngữ: cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc, nối cột ,chọn từ đúng. Đọc hiểu: Viết: Hoàn thành câu thứ hai, dùng từ gợi ý viết, đặt câu ho cho cụm từ gạch dưới. I. Khoanh. tròn đáp án đúng nhất (3điểm) 1…………………. beautiful weather! A. What B. What a C. How are. D. How. 2. My sister studies ……………. than me. A. best. B. the best. C. better. D. the better. 3. He writes for a newspaper. He is a………….……… A. teacher. B .worker. C. doctor. D. journalist. 4. I live…......................................24 B Le Loi Street. A .at B. on C. in D. to 5. How……………………...is it from your house to the market? - About 2 km A. long. B. much. C. far. D .many. 6. She……………….….care of sick children. A. to take. B. take. C. taking. D. takes. II/ Chia động từ trong ngoặc ( 2 điểm ) Lan and Nga (be)………….in class 7A. They ( live )………..in village 1B, Cu Ewi commune, Cu Kuin District , Daklak province. Everyday Lan and Nga( ride )…………their bike go to school but Nga (walk )…………………….to school tomorrow. III. Nối cột A cho phù hợp với cột B (2 điểm) A A doctor A teacher 8- 3 20 - 11. B Teaches students The twentieth of November The eighth of March Takes care of sick people. IV/ Viết lại các câu sau nghĩa không thay đổi ( 1điểm) 1 She is very intelligent student. What…………………………………! 2. What’s his job?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> What does………………………………….? V. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi ( 2 điểm ) Tuan is a student in class 7A. His full name is Nguyen van Tuan. He is 13 years old now. Tuan lives with his parents in Cu Kuin district. Tuan house‘s is very large and comfortable. It has a bright living room, four lovely bedrooms, a beautiful bathroom and a convenient kitchen. There is a nice yard in front of his house. 1. How old will Tuan be on his next birthday? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Who does he live with? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. How many rooms are there in his house? What are they? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Week: 7 Date of preparation: 29 / 9 / 2013 Period: 20 Date of teaching: 1 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 4: AT SCHOOL A1,2,3 Schedules I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - ask and answer about the time and talk about their schedule. - listen and fill in the information about the time and some subjects. - review the present simple tense. II. Language contents: - Just review some words and the other structures: + What time is it? = What’s the time? + What time do / does + S + bare_inf..? - Vocabulary: schedule, physical education. III.Techniques: Picture cues, pair work, role plays, extra exercise. IV.Teaching aids: a cassette, pictures, sub-board V.Teaching procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Play the game: LUCKY NUMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1, 6: lucky numbers 2: What time do you go to school? 3: What time is it? 4: Please tell me the months which has thirty days? 5: How many subjects do A1. Listen and repeat: Vocabulary: you have today? -schedule (n) 2.Presentation + Practice: *Cách hỏi giờ: +Activity 1: A1 Listen and repeat - What time is it? *- T. introduces A1 by reminding how to - What’s the time? ask and answer about the time which they *Cách trả lời: have already learnt in grade 6. - Giờ chẳn: It’s + giờ + o’clock. * - T turns on the cassette recorder the first - Giờ hơn: It’s + phút + past + giờ time and the whole class listen (books - Giờ kém: It’s + phút + to + giờ closed) - T. turns on a cassette again and the whole class repeats each sentence. (T can ask some students to repeat) and then T gives the right.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> answer. * - T gives them 3 clocks and asks them to practice in pairs. Some students are asked to A2. Answer about you: practice in front of the class about 3 clocks presenting on the screen. - 07:15 - 10:40 - 06:00 +Avtivity 2: A2 Answer about you. - T gives a picture and asks: 1) What is he doing? 2) What time is it ? - Ask the students to make questions with “What time...?” 1. What time do you get up? 2. What time do classes start? 3. What time do they finish? 4. What time do you have lunch? 5. What time do you go to bed? *- T asks the students to practice in pairs or groups. - T corrects if necessary or helps them to practice. *- Students practice saying the time of one’s action with their classmates freely. - Some pairs of students go to the board and write what they have just praticed with your friends. - T asks students to give the remarks and structures. + Activity 3: A3 Listen and write. Complete A3.Listen and write: the schedule. Physical education (n) *- Set up the situation and explain the task Friday to the students “There are some small 7.00 7.50 8.40 9.40 10.30 changes to the schedule on Friday and English Geogra Music Physics History Saturday. And now you listen and fill in the phy blanks with subjects and times” Saturday - T gives the new vocabulary: physical 2.40 3.40 4.30 education (some explanation about this 1.00.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> word) *- Have students listen to the tape the first time. - Let them listen sentence by sentence the second time. (Students can write the answers on their books by pencil) - Listen again and check the result. *- Have students take a piece of paper and stick on the board and then T corrects their mistakes. - Have them copy in their notebooks. 3.Production: - Have Ss talk about their subjects.(the time) 4.Homework: - Learn voc Prepare A 4,5 -. Physical Math English Physics Education.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Week: 7 Date of preparation: 1 / 10 / 2013 Period: 21 Date of teaching: 3 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 4: AT SCHOOL A4,5 Schedules I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Talk about timetalbe. - Talk about school subjects. II.Language contents: - Grammar: Present continuous tense When / What time …? What is your favorite subject? – I like math. Vocabulary: favorite, subject, important, difficult, fun II.Techniques: Picture cues, pair work, role -play IV.Teaching aids: A cassette, a tape, pictures, sub-board V.Teaching procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up: Ask Ss about the time. Have Ss arrange the mixed alphabet into correct words (relating to subjects) 2.Presentation + Practice: + Activity 1: A4.Look at the pictures.Ask and answer questions. * - Have Ss look at the pictures and elicit the activities of the people in the pictures. - Let them study the models given. *- Have them ask and answer before the class. *- S ask / answer about themselves. +Activity 2: 5 .Listen and read * - Present the situation. Let them listen to the dialog twice. - Have them listen and repeat after the tape. * Let them practice in pairs, change the roles. Have some pairs play roles the dialogue before the class. * - Have Ss say the subjects, the time of these subjects.(about Thu / Hoa) T asks Ss which subjects Thu / Hoa likes. -. Contents. A4.Look at the pictures.Ask and answer questions. - What is Lan studying? Lan is studying Physics. - What time does Lan have her Physics class? She has her Physics class at 8.40 A5 .Listen and read *Vocabulary: - interesting (a) - important (a) - subject (n) - favorite subject (n) - difficult (a) easy (a) - fun (n) *Structure: - What is your favorite subject? I like math..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> *Note: Preposition of time - On + thứ, ngày - At + giờ. 3.Production: - Ss ask one another about the schedule of the class. 4.Homework: Have Ss write their schedule of the class. - Do exercises. Prepare A 6 -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> Week: 8 Date of preparation: 5 / 10 / 2013 Period: 22 Date of teaching: 7 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 4: AT SCHOOL A6 Schedules I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to : - know about some schools in the USA - point out the differen between schools in the USA schools in VietNam II. Language contents: - Grammar: Present continuous tense What time …? - Vocabulary: uniform, break, cafeteria, snack, unpopular, baseball, wear, sell,football III. Techniques: pair work, true / false IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, sub-board. V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Play a game: “slap the board” with subjects. 2.Presentation - Ask S some questions about activities at school. - Introduce the new lesson. - Explain new words. - Have S read through the passage. *Vocabulary: 3.Practice: -school uniform (n) - Ask S to find the difference between schools in - break (n)  take a break the USA and schools in VietNam while reading - 20 – minute break the passage. - cafeteria (n) - Let them read the passage before the class. - snack (n) (individually) - unpopular (a) - Let them do the “True/False” exercise. - baseball (n) - S check with their classmates. - activity (n) - S give the answers. - wear (v) - Provide the keys. - sell (v) - football (n) a.T b.F (There are no lessons on Saturday) c.F (One break is in the morning, the other is in the afternoon) d.T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> e.F (The school cafeteria is open at lunch time and also at break) f.F (Basketball is one of the most popular after school activities) 4.Production: Have Ss talk about their activities at school. 5.Homework: - Copy the “true / false” exercise “Remember” into their notebooks. Do exercises and prepare “B1,2 ” -. and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> Week: 8 Date of preparation: 6 / 10 / 2013 Period: 23 Date of teaching: 8 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 4: AT SCHOOL B1,2 The library I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to - know some books in the library. - use prepositions to talk about the position of some books in the library. II. Language contents : - Grammar : Present continuous tense, What time …? Vocabulary : racks, science books, chemistry, biology, dictionary, at the back of, reader, novels, reference book, follow, library, librarian. III. Techniques : Picture cues, pair work, role play, extra exercise. IV. Teaching aids : Pictures, sub-board. V. Teaching procedures : Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up :  Ask students some questions about the schedule. 2.Presentation + Practice: + Activity 1: T introduces new words and guides Ss read. . . . . Vocabulary:. * New words : - Science (n) Have two students read the dialogue before the - Chemistry (n) - Physic (n) class. - Biology (n) Provide the key and check students’ - dictionary (n) - reader (n) comprehension. - novel (n) Let some pairs of students practice in front of the - reference book (n) class, and then ask them to write some sentences. - rack (n) T guides the students to read in chorus and then a.The magazines are on the racks (near practice with their partners. T encourages them to the science books) learn by heart. b.The newspapers are on the rack (near the history books) c.The math and science books are on the shelves on the left. d.The history and geography books,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> dictionaries and literature in Vnamese are on the shelves on the right. e.The books in English are at the back of the library. f.The library opens at 7am. g.The library closes at 4.30pm B2. Listen.Then practice with a + Activity 2: Listen .Then practice with a partner - Practice asking and answering the places of books and magazines in the library. - Introduce the situation to sts. - Turn on the tape. - Explain some structures. - Work in pair. - Ask sts to practice in pair. - Ask sts to make new similar dialogue themselves. 3.Production: -Ask Ss to repeat the names of the books - Some structures used in the library 5.Homework : - Learn vocabulary by heart. -. Do Exercise A4 in workbook page 23.. -. Prepare period 25 : B3, B4. partner Explain the structures : + Where can I find . . . ? + Do you have . . . ? + You’re welcome.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Week: 8 Date of preparation: 8 / 10 / 2013 Period: 24 Date of teaching: 10 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 4: AT SCHOOL B3,4 The library I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to: - listen and fill in the information about the library. - know one of the world’s largest libraries II. Language content : Vocabulary : Congress, Washington D.C, receive, contain, million, employee Grammar : Review the question word: Why - Where - How long III. Teaching aids : Pictures, a cassette, a tape, stick papers, a sub-board, IV. Procedures : Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up:. Contents. - T asks some questions relating to the library. - Introduce the new lesson. (Ask Ss if they know any public libraries in VN or any famous libraries in the world. Have them look at the photo and guess what it is) 2.Presentation + Practice: + Activity 1: B3 Listen * -Today, Nga goes to the library. She meets the librarian. What can she want to borrow? We will listen to the tape. - give them some new words - ss copy them down and repeat the new words after the teacher - read the new words again * - Ss listen and do the exercise - Ss give the answers - T corrects. Vocabulary : 1. in the middle 2. welcome (adj) B3-Listen: 1.Study area. 2.Science + math 3.Geography 4+5.Newspapers ang Magazines 6+7.English 8.Librarian’s desk..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> +Activity 2: B4: Read. Then answer *- have Ss look at the picture and ask if they know that building, or which library is the largest in the world. - T encourages Students’ guess. - T introduces the content of the reader. (T can also has Ss read the questions and find information for the answers) - T explains or has Ss guess the meaning of the new words *-T read aloud the reading to the class. -T divides the class into groups of four - have Ss read the reading in silence. -Ss discuss the questions to find the answers -have Ss tell their answers in front of the class. -T gives the correct answers. B4- Read. Then answer Vocabulary The United States’ Library of Congress Capital (n) Washington D.C Receive (v) Copy Contain (v) Over (pre) Employee (n) Answers : a. It’s in Washington D.C, the capital of the USA. b. It has over 100 million books. c. It has about 1000 km of shelves. d. Over 500 people work there. e. Because it receives of all American books. 3.Production: Ss choose “T” or “F” sentence. - Ask / answer about the school library. 4.Homework : - Prepare Unit 5 - Period 26 : A1 - Do exercises in workbook.. Week: 9 Date of preparation: 10 / 10 / 2013 Period: 25 Date of teaching: 14 / 10 / 2013 TEST CORRECTION. I.Objectives: Help S to know the mistakes in their test in order to study better..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> II.Language Contents: 1. Voc: Words relating to units 1, 2 and 3 2. Gram: - Present simple - Future simple - Ordinal numbers - Prepositions - Adjs - Question words III) Techniques: pair work , IV) Teaching aids: textbook. V) Procedures: 1.Pre-correcting: - T comments on the test Ss did. - T praises Ss who have good tests. 2.While-correcting: - T reviews some grammar points and vocabularies in the test. - Aks Ss to do the test again sentence by sentence through teacher’s explanation. - Correct the mistakes: Have Ss who had the correct sentences go to the board. 3.Post-correcting: - Note again what Ss have to remember. - Give the tests to the Ss. - Remark the tests.(the tests got good / fair / poor grades) IV.Homework: - Copy the corrected test. Prepare Unit 4 : A 1, 2, 3 (Explain voc) I . Chọn dáp án đúng nhất (3điểm) 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 a 5 c 6 d II/ Chia động từ trong ngoặc(2 điểm ) Are / live / ride / will walk III/ Nối cột A cho phù hợp với cột B (2điểm) A doctor - Takes care of sick people A teacher - Teaches students 8- 3 - The eighth of March 20 - 11 - The twentieth of November.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> IV/ Viết lại các câu sau nghĩa không thay đổi (1 điểm ) 1.What an intelligent student ! 2. What does he do? V. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi ( 2 đ ) 1. He will be 14 on next birthday. 2. He lives with his parents 3. There are 7 rooms. There are one living room, four bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> Week: 9 Date of preparation: 13 / 10 / 2013 Period: 26 Date of teaching: 15 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY A1 In class I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - talk about school subjects and know what they study in these subjects. - ask and answer about activities in some subjects. II. Language contents: -Grammar: Wh-questions with the present simple tense -Vocabulary: use, think, Computer Science, be interested in, map, experiment III. Techniques: true / false, ask - answer IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, sub-board, cassette V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: *Vocabulary: - Play a game (Slap the board) - Subject(n) - Learn(v) 2.Presentation: - Use(v) Ask Ss some questions: - Computer(n) . How many days a week do you go to - Computer Science(n) school? - be interested in (v) . What time do you go to school? - map(n) . How many subjects do you study? - experiment(n) - Review names of the school subjects. - how to use Elicit what Ss learn in each subject. - do some experiments - Explain voc. A: What does Mai study in her 3.Practice: Geogrphy class? - Some Ss read. She studies maps and learns about Practice in pairs.(Ask - answer) different countries. - Some pairs practice before the class. B: What is Mai’s favorite class? 4.Production: Her favorite class is Computer Have Ss talk about their subjects. Science. - Compare with Mai. 5.Homework: - Do exercises and prepare A2 (Explain voc and answer the questions) Week: 9 Date of preparation: 15 / 10 / 2013 Period: 27 Date of teaching: 17 / 10 / 2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY A2 In class I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - read and answer the questions about Ba. - practise the present simple tense by asking and answering about everyday activities. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Present simple tense - Vocabulary:enjoy, Electronics, repair, household appliance, fix, guitar, be good at, art club, drawing, draw, artist. III. Techniques: true / false, ask - answer IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about Mai (exercise 1) . What does Mai learn? . What’s her favorite subject?……… Ask Ss some questions about themselves. 2.Presentation: Have Ss look at the pictures. - Ask them some questions (Teacher’s note) - Introduce the text. - Let them read the text carefully to find out where Ba studies and what subject he likes best. - Read the text (individually) 3.Practice: - Silent reading. Practice in pairs (ask - answer) Some pairs ask - answer before the class. - Correct. 4. Production: - Ask - answer about themselves. 5.Homework: - Copy the answers. Prepare A 4,5 (Explain voc) -. Contents Vocabulary : - household appliance (n) - fix (v) - artist (n) - enjoy (v) - Electronics (n) - repair (v) - guitar (n) - drawing (n) - draw (v) - art club (n) - be good at: Keys : a. Ba likes Electronics best. b. Yes, he does. He enjoys school very much. c. He learns to repair household appliances. d. He will be able to fix his own appliances. e. Yes, he is. His drawings are very good. f. (student’s answer) g. (student’s answer). Week: 10 Date of preparation: 18 / 10 / 2013 Period: 28 Date of teaching: 21 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY A4,5 In class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - review some school subjects. - know about studying in Viet Nam. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Present simple tense - Vocabulary: Technology, class activity, essay, event, period, instead, the same, as well III. Techniques: matching, ask/answer IV. Teaching aids: ² Pictures, a cassette, stick papers, a sub-board, V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Play a game - T gives some words (subjects and other words). - Devide the class into 2 groups. Have them arrange these words into 2 groups (3mins) 2.Presentation + Practice: + Activity 1: A4.Listen.. * - Ask Ss some questions. - Introduce subjects which Ba and Hoa have on Saturday. Stick the picture on the board and a list of words. Have Ss paste these subjects into the correct pictures. * - Play the tape. Ss listen and match the letter of the subjects with the approriate the names in the correct order. Have Ss cross-check their answers with a partner. - Let them listen to the cassette again and check the answers. * Write it up. (Ex: At seven o’clock, Ba has Technology And Hoa has Computer Science). +Activity 2: A5. Read * - Ask Ss some questions (Teacher’s note) * - Have Ss read through the passage and pick out the subjects mentioned in the passage. (2-3 times). Ask some questions and Ss answer. Have them practice in pairs (ask - answer -. A4-Listen…. Keys : Ba : d, a, e Hoa : c, b, e Vocabulary : 1. technology (n) 2. class activities (n) 3. instead : 4. essay (n) 5. present (a) 6. event (n) 7. Language class (n) 8. such as: 9. author (n) 10.temperature (n) 11.songbook (n) 12.graphs (n) 13.equation (n) 14.calculator (n) 15.running shoes (n) 16.globe (n) 17.atlas (n) A5 – Read Keys : - literature - paintings - History – basketball games. - science - preposition.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> about the subjects mentioned in the passage) - English - England * - Ask - answer about their subjects. - Discuss . Explain the request and voc. . Ss do the exercise. .Ss give the answers. T corrects 3.Production: - S do the network (river, atlas, guitar, mountain,…..). Math. music. subjects. geography. 4.Homework: - Learn voc. - Copy the answers. - Prepare B 1,2(Explain voc and answer the questions) Week: 10 Date of preparation: 20 / 10 / 2013 Period: 29 Date of teaching: 22 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY B1,2 It’s time for recess I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - know some words of recess activities. - describe recess activities in the picture or at school. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Present simple tense - Vocabulary: bell, recess, chat, blindman’s bluff, play catch, marble, skip rope III. Techniques: Matching, ask - answer IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, a cassette, a tape, stick papers, a sub-board,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about their activities. Have Ss look at the picture and ask some questions about the picture. - Introduce the new lesson. 2.Presentation + Practice: + Activity 1: A4.Listen and read - Play the tape. - Explain voc. - Practice the text.(Chorally and individually) (a)- Have Ss look at the picture and read model sentences. Ss practice in pairs (ask - answer) before the class. (b)- Have Ss look at the questions and prepare the answers for these questions. - T asks and a student answers.(model) Pair - work. -. Contents. B1-Listen and read Vocabulary : - bell (n) - recess (n) - chat (v) - blind man’s bluff (n) - catch (n) - play marbles (v) - skip rope (v) - go into / indoors (v). * Present continuous tense : What are you doing? - I am playing soccer. What is he doing? - He is playing soccer. Answer the question: 1. What do you usually do at recess? 2. Do you usually talk with their friends? 3. What do you usually do after school? B2-Listen. Match each name to an activity. + Activity 2: B 2 Listen. - Mai is playing catch. - Explain the request. - Kien is playing blindman’s bluff with - Review the activities in the column some friends. on the right. - Lan is skipping rope. - Play the tape. - Ba is playing marbles. - Let them listen again to check the answers. - Let them cross-check their answers. - Give the correct answers. 4.Production: Ss ask - answer about their recess activities. 5.Homework: - Learn voc. - Do exercises. Prepare B 3(Explain voc) -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Week: 10 Date of preparation: 22 / 10 / 2013 Period: 30 Date of teaching: 24 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY B3 It’s time for recess I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - know some activities of American pupils. - say the differences of recess activities between Viet Nam and America. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Present simple tense - Vocabulary: energetic, portable CD player, swap, junior high school, senior high school, take part in, score goals, earphone, worldwide, whole, mainly, mostly, relax, common, practice III. Techniques: Ask - answer, gap-filling, ….. IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, a cassette, a tape, stick papers, a sub-board, V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about their activities at recess. . What do you do at recess? . What activities do you like?…. - Introduce the new lesson. B3- Read. Then answer the questions 2.Presentation:  Vocabulary Ask Ss some questions about activities - Pen pal (n) at recess in VN and another country. - Junior high school (n) - Let them scan the passage for the gist. - take part in (v) - Explain voc. - energetic (adj) 3.Practice: - score goals (v) Ss read the passage again and find out - shooting some hoops (n) -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> activities at recess of American students. Have Ss answer the questions. Have them cross-check the answers with a parner. Ask Ss some questions. - Give correct answers. Ask Ss some more questions (about the passage and their activities) 4.Production: * Structure : - What do you say to invite someone to do something (e.g go to the party). + Would you like to go to the party with me? - Students accept/refuse + Would you like to + bare inf. - I’d love you to + I’d like love to, but ... - I’m sorry. I can’t 5.Homework: - Copy the full sentences. - Learn voc. Prepare Unit 6: A 1 -. - portable (adj) - CD player (n) - earphone (n) - at the same time - swap (v) - baseball card (n) - packets of candy - relaxing (n) - common way (n) Keys a. Hoa’s pen pal Tim goes to an American school b. “……….they never have time to play a whole game”. This means recess is short c. Baseball card are popular with mostly boys d. Eating and talking with friends are popular activities worldwide.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> Week: 11 Date of preparation: 27 / 10 / 2013 Period: 31 Date of teaching: 29 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL Period 31: A1 What do you do ? I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - talk about the popular after-school activities. - make and respond to an suggestion. - answer some wh – questions. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Present progessive tense Let’s + V - Vocabulary: together, come along, maybe III. Techniques: ask/answer, roleplay,pairwork, ….. IV. Teaching aids: Picture, a cassette, a tape, V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Ask Ss what they often do after school. - Introduce new lesson. Listen. Then practice with a partner *New words 2.Presentation: Have Ss look at the pictures and ask - together (adv) them about each of the activities - come along (v) - may be illustrated. *Suggestion: - Play the tape.(twice) - Explain voc. 3.Practice: - Practice in pairs. (Play roles) Call on some pairs to play roles the dialogue before the class. - Silent reading. - Ss anser the questions . - Cross-check the answers with their friends. - Give the correct answers.. Let’s + V (bare-inf) + Let’s go to the cafeteria! – Good idea. / OK. Why don’t you + V …? + Why don’t you come along? – Yes, maybe I will. + What should we do?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> 4.Production: - Ask Ss to make some suggestions. - Get feedback. 5.Homework: Read the dialogue. - Copy the answers. - Learn voc. - Prepare A 2,4 (Review advs of frequence + Explain voc). Answers a. She’s doing her Math homework b. They are going to get a cold drink in the cafeteria. c. He’s in the music rooms. d. He’s learning to play the guitar. e. He usually meets his friends. f. She likes playing volleyball..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> Week: 11 Date of preparation: 28/ 10 / 2013 Period: 32 Date of teaching: 30 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL A2,4 What do you do ? I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - practice asking and answering about the after- school activities, using the adverbs of frequency - listen and get the information about the after-school activities. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Present simple tense - Vocabulary: circus, tidy, rehearse a play, swimming pool III. Techniques: ask/answer, ,pairwork,matching ….. V. Teaching aids: Pictures, a cassette, a tape, sub-board VI.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about their activities after school and at recess. - Introduce the new lesson. 2.Presentation + Practice: + Activity 1: A2.Pracice with a partner A2- Practice with a partner Have Ss look at the pictures and - swimming pool (n) write a label for each activity. a) Label the pictures - Check the answers in pairs. 1. reading / studying in the library - Give the correct answers. 2. swimming in the pool Have Ss name some other activities. 3. playing computer games +Ask Ss : “What do you do after school?” 4. going to a movie Have Ss answer (use the adverbs of 5. playing soccer frequency from the box) 6. watching TV Practice in pairs ( ask and answer). b) Ask and answer Alternating roles. Now ask and answer questions using “How +Do the same with “how often…?” often…?” Ex: Ss close their books to ask and - On Mondays, I usually do my homework answer in pairs. with Hoa and Ba after school. - On Tuesdays, I sometimes go swimming with my friends after school. - On Wednesdays, after school, I often play computer games with my friends..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> - I never go to the movies on Thursdays. - I always watch TV on Friday evening. + Activity2: A 4.Listen. Match each name A4-Listen. Match each name…. to an activity. - circus (n) Have Ss listen to their friends’ - tidy (v) activities attentively. - rehearse a play - Have them listen again and match each name to an activity. - Give the correct answers. - T corrects. Mai – go to the school cafeteria. Nam – rehearse a play. Ba – go to the circus. Lan – watch movie. Kien – tidy the classroom. 3.Production: * Pair - work (making similar conversations to those in A2 using Ss real activities = making suggestions). + Ex : What do you do after school? + I play soccer/ read/ ... + How often do you do it? + I usually do it. 4.Homework: Copy A4 into their notebooks. - Make questions and answer them. Prepare “A3” ( Explain voc and translate the reading into Vietnamese). Week: 11 Date of preparation: 29/ 10 / 2013 Period: 33 Date of teaching: 31 / 10 / 2013 UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL A3 What do you do? I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - practise speaking some after – school activities. - read and answer the questions about the activities of some students: Nga, Ba, Nam II. Language contents:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> - Grammar: Present simple tense - Vocabulary: acting, anniversary celebration, president, stamp collector’s club III. Techniques: ask/answer, ,pairwork, ….. IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, a cassette, a tape, V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about their activities after school.. Contents. 2.Presentation Let Ss look at the art-works and A3- Read. Then answer guess the activities in the picture. Vocabulary: Ask Ss what activities they like - Acting (n) doing after school. - Stamp collector (n) - Have them read the passage. - Stamp collector’s club (n) - Elicit new words . - president - Ask them to check whether their - anniversary celebration(n) guess is correct or not. a.Her group is rehearsing a play for the 3. Practice: school anniversary celebration. - Let them read the questions and b.He gets American stamps from Liz, his find the answers in the passage. American friend. - Practice in pairs. c.The stamp collector’s club meets on Call on some pairs to give their Wednesday afternoon. answers before the class. d. Nam never plays games. - Correct.. 4. Production: Ak Ss some more questions (Teacher’s note) 5.Homework: - Copy the answers. - Learn voc. Prepare B 1 (Explain voc + answer the questions).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Week: 12 Date of preparation: 1/ 11 / 2013 Period: 34 Date of teaching: 4 / 11 / 2013 UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL B1 Let’s go! I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - give some suggestions or invitations. - agree or refuse to the invitations. II. Language contents: - Grammar:  Review suggestions: Let’s … Why don’t …? What about …? New grammar: Should / Shouldn’t + bare_inf - Vocabulary: Assignment, It’ll be fun, come on. III. Techniques: ask/answer, ,pairwork, ….. IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, a cassette, a tape, IV.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: -Ask Ss some questions about their afterschool activities. -Introduce the situation. 2.Presentation: -T hangs the picture. T asks Ss: New words:  What’s Nam going to do - assignment (n) this evening? - It’ll be fun.  What is Ba going to do? come on (v)  What is Lan going to do? - There aren’t any good movies on at  What is Hoa going to do? the moment.  How about Ba? *Make suggestions or invitations  What about Lan? What should we do? -T asks Ss to listen to the tape What about going ….? +The first time (books closed) Let’s go to…. +The second time (books open) Why don’t you relax? +The third time. Ss listen and repeat each sentence. -T introduces some new words. I’m sorry. I can’t. -Review and explain the grammar. OK. I’ll come. Thanks. 3.Practice: -T asks Ss to practice reading in groups of 4 (in 5 minutes) ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> -Checking some of groups before class Enjoy + V-(ing) -Ss practice asking and answering in pairs. Answers: 4.Production: a. She’s doing her Math Call on some Ss to give the homework answers. b. They are going to get a cold - Correct (Teacher’s note) drink in the cafeteria. 5.Homework: c. He’s in the music rooms. - Copy the answers. d. He’s learning to play the guitar. - Learn voc and gram. e. He usually meets his friends. Do exercises and prepare B 2 f. She likes playing volleyball. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Week: 12 Date of preparation: 2/ 11 / 2013 Period: 35 Date of teaching: 5 / 11 / 2013 UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL B2 Let’s go! I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be to:  talk about some activities after school.  practice reading.  know some activities or some organizations in the USA. II. Language contents: - Grammar: how to name favorite activities (the first – the tenth) - Vocabulary: teenager, top ten, attend, youth organization, survey, show, fast food, musical instrument, coin, make model III. Techniques: ask/answer, ,pair work, ….. IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, a cassette, a tape, V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Play a game (2 teams make invitations. The team that makes more will win) Vocabulary: 2.Presentation: - survey (n) Ask Ss to name some activities and - teenager (n) organizations for teenagers that they - top ten (a) know. - fast food (n) - Elicit the meaning of words - organization(n) - scouts(n) 3. Practice: Have Ss read the passage and check - guides (n) the activities or organizations that - musical instrument(n) they know. - coin(n) - Let them read the passage again and answer the questions about the - make model (n) - attend (v) passage. - show (v) 4. Production: - Let them work in groups of four. - Ask them to brainstorm the activities that teenagers often do after school hours. - Let them discuss and make a list of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> their top ten most favorite leisure activities. - Ask the representatives of the groups to report their list to the class. 5.Homework: - Make their list. Prepare B 3 -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> Week: 12 Date of preparation: 3 / 11 / 2013 Period: 36 Date of teaching: 6/ 11 / 2013 UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL B3. Let’s go! I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be to: - make suggestions and invitations and accept or refuse to the invitations. - make arrangements. - listen and practice the dialogue. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Future simple tense Vocabulary: wedding, you are welcome. III. Techniques:  Pair work, role plays. IV. Teaching aids: a cassette, a tape, V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Have Ss make some suggestions. B3- Read. Then practice with a partner. - Introduce the new words. Make 2.Presentation: New words: Have Ss listen to the dialogue (v): join (twice) (n): wedding, comic - Elicit the structure of invitation. (exp): you are welcome (WOULD YOU LIKE TO…..?) Invitation: Would you like +to _ V(inf) 3. Practice: - Have them practice in pairs, alternating the roles. - Some pairs roleplay the dialogue Would you like to come to my house for lunch? before the class. Responses: Yes, I’d love to. I’d love to, but I can’t come. Sorry, I can’t come. Thanks anyway A. We’re going to the beach. ..................? 4. Production: - Some pairs of students make the B. Yes. ...................... What time? A. At 4.30 pm other dialogues by themselves. B.......................................? A. In front of the Blue Ocean Hotel. B...........................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> A.........................come to my home for dinner? 5.Homework: B.......................... I’ll call you later. Ask Ss to use “Remember” to A. OK practice. B.......................................... - Do exercises A............................................ - Prepare “Language Focus 2” (Explain voc +Copy these A. Should we play chess? exercises) B.......................................... A.........................................play table tennis? B............................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> Week: 13 Date of preparation: 09/ 11 / 2013 Period: 37 Date of teaching: 11 / 11 / 2013 LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will review the grammar they’ve learnt from unit 4 to unit 6. II.Language Contents: - Voc: put…away, sock, throw away, kick - Gram:  present progressive tense.  This / that – these / those  Time  Adverbs of frequency  Making suggestion III.Techniques: ask / answer, gapfill IV.Teaching aids: pictures, sub-boards, clock… V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up: Ss play a square (find out some subjects) 2.Presentation + Practice: +Activity 1: 1.Present progressive tense: Ss review this tense (how to use and the structure) Ss complete the passage. Ss give the answers. - Correct +Activity 2: 2. This and that, these and those: - S review the meaning of these words. Ss practice in pairs. - Call on some pairs practice before the class. - Correct (this, those, these, those, those, these). +Activity 3:. Contents 1/ The present progressive tense S + is / am / are + V(ing) Use: at the moment, at present, now, Look! ... Answer: is writing, is reading, are playing, is kicking, is running *Answer: doing, is writing, is reading, is cooking, are playing, is kicking, running. 2/ this and that ; these and those a. This room is very untidy Sorry, Mom b. Put this bag away. That isn’t my bag. Mom this is my bag. c. Put those dirty socks in the washing basket These socks? No, those socks on the bed. d. Throw away those comics. But I like these comics, Mom. 3/ Time.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> 3.Time: Ss practice the model dia. Ss practice in pairs. - Some pairs practice before the class. - Correct. +Activity 4: 4.Vocabulary: subjects. Ask Ss to paste the subjects into the correct pictures.. - Correct. b.a quarter past seven / seven fifteen c. half past ten / ten thirty. d. six forty five / a quarter to seven 4/ Vocabulary a. physics education c. math e. English. b. chemistry d. geography f. history. 5/ Adverbs of frequency a.Ba seldom rides a bike to school b.Ba always practices the guitar after school. c.Ba usually does his homework in the evening d.Ba sometimes plays computer games.. +Activity 5: 5.Adverbs of frequency: Ss review these advs. - Some Ss say some sentences before the class. 6/ Making suggestions - Go to the boeard. +Activity 6: 6.Making suggestions: Ss practice the model dia. Let’s go Ss practice in pairs. Should we play - Some pairs practice before the Would you watch class. like to come. 3.Production: - Have Ss consolidate what they’ve learnt. 4.Homework: - Write the exercises and prepare to do the 45-minute test.. swimming table tennis basketball volleyball movies soccer my house. OK. I’m sorry I can’t. I’d love to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> Week: 13 Date of preparation: 6/ 11 / 2013 Period: 38 Date of teaching: 12/ 11 / 2013 TEST 45 MINUTES I) Objectives: A. Language focus: Kiểm tra kiến thức cuả hs và các điểm ngữ pháp và từ vựng hs đã học trong bài 4,5,6. B. Reading: Kiểm tra kỹ năng đọc hiểu lấy thông tin và trả lời câu hỏi dựa vào đoạn văn. C. Writing: Kiểm tra kỹ năng viết lại câu của hs. II) Test I . Chọn đáp án đúng nhất ( 4 đ ) 1. After 2 periods, we often have a………………. A. 15 – minute break. B.15 – minutes break. C. 15 – minute breaks. D. 15 – minutes breaks. 2. The USA’s Library of Congress is ……………………..in the world. A. largest B. the largest C. a large D. larger 3. I always …………………the housework in my free time. A. make. B. take. C. play. D. do. 4. Chu Ewi students take part ……………..many different after school activities. A. at. B. of. C. in. D. on. 5. In ………………………class, we write essays and study poems. A. Literature. B. Math. C. History. D. Music. 6. Students learn how…………………..a computer at school. A. use. B. to use. C. using. D. uses. 7. The boys ………………………volleyball in the school yard now. A. play. B. is playing. C. are playing. D. plays. 8………………..do you study in the library? – Twice a week. A. How often. B. How. C. How much. D. How many. II. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ( 2 đ ) 1. She enjoys (watch) ………………………………TV in her free time. 2. Let’s (go ) ………………………………..fishing on Sunday tomorrow. 3. Would you like (come) ………………………..to my house for dinner?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> 4. What about (play) ………………….soccer after school hours? III. Đọc đoạn văn sau va trả lời câu hỏi ( 2 đ ) At twenty five past three, the drum echo and all the students go into the yard. It’s time for recess. They are all happy and excited. The yard is very noisy. Chu Ewi students take part in different activities at recess. The boys usually play marbles or catch. The girls often talk with their friends. Some students read or study at the same time. Eating and talking with friends are popular activities at recess. These activities are the same all over the world. 1. What time do the students go into the yard? …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What do often the boys do at recess? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. What these activities are the same all over the world? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Are they happy at recess? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. IV Trả lời câu hỏi (2 đ) 1. What is your favorite subject? …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. What do usually you do after school? …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> Week: 13 Date of preparation: 10/ 11 / 2013 Period: 39 Date of teaching: 13 / 11 / 2013 UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK A1 A student’s work I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about Hoa’s work. - Talk about a student’s work. II. Language contents: - Grammar: + Simple present tense – Future simple tense + Take time to do + For how many hours a day … ? - Vocabulary: last, almost, during, school year III. Techniques:  Pair work, role play, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , a cassette , a tape , a sub-board V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about the activities of some jobs and their jobs. Introduce the dialog. -. Contents Students’ work. Possible answer To school To church Do homework Do housework Help parents on farms or rice paddly Look after young sister/brother 2.Presentation: Feed animal such as chicken, pig, buffalo….. - Present the situation of the A1- Listen and practice with a partner dialogue. Vocabulary - Play the tape. - last (v) - Explain voc. - almost (adv) 3.Practice: - during Have them practice (Chorally and - school year (n) group work) Grammar: - Let them practice in pairs, + Take time to do alternating the roles. Ex: That takes about 2 hours each day - Some pairs roleplay before the + For how many hours a day … ? class. Ex: For how many hours a day does Hoa do her Have Ss read and answer the homwork? questions in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> - Give the answers. - T corrects. (teacher’s note). 4.Production: T asks Ss some questions about themselves. Pairwork. -. 5.Homework: - Copy the answers. - Learn voc. Read the dialog. - Prepare A 2,3 (Explain voc, translate the reading, answer the questions). Keys a. b. c. d.. at 7 o’clock. at a quarter past eleven. For 2 hours a day. She’ll go and see Mom and Dad on the farm. Possible answer:. e. I’ll visit my grandparents. My classes start earlier. f. It starts in September. g. It finishes in June..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> Week: 14 Date of preparation: 19/ 11 / 2013 Period: 40 Date of teaching: 21 / 11 / 2013 UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK A2,3 A student’s work I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - read and write a letter in English. - Talk about vacations in the USA. - making comparisons. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Simple present tense Comparative adjectives. - Vocabulary: celebrate, new year, public holiday, turkey, firework, indepdence day , Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, III. Techniques:  Pairwork, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : projector, a cassette , a tape , lesson plan V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about their work. 2.Presentation + Practice: + Activity 1: pre – read . - T introduces the situation “This is a letter which Tim wrote to Hoa, a friend in VN. He tells her some more about the students’ life in America and he also wants to know the students’ life in VN.” - Have them read quickly and find out whose letter it is and to whom it is sent. - Explain voc. + Activity 2 : while reading T ask Ss read the letter before class and answer the statements. A2- Read. Then answer the questions Vocabulary - Celebrate (v): - New year ( n): - Public holiday (n): - Turkey (n) : - Firework ( n): Easter :(n) - Independence day. - Thanksgiving (n) - Christmas (n) True or false with these statements : 1. Vietnamese students have more vacations than American students 2. In Vietnam , the longest vaction is in the summer 3. American people don’t have a Tet holiday. 4. American people celebrate the New.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> T give feedbacks + Activity 3: post - reading *- Have some Ss read the letter before the class - Have them read the letter silently. - Let them read and answer the questions. - Ss give the answers.. Year on December 24th Possible answer 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F Reading comprehension a.Summer vacation is the longest in America. b.During his vacation, Tim spends time with his family. c.Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American students.. + Activity 4: A3.Listen. - Have Ss look at the pictures and guess what the American holiday is in each picture. - Have them listen to the tape twice A3- Listen: and write the names of the Key holidays. a. Thanksgiving - Listen again and check the b. New Year answers. c. Independence Day - Give the correct answers d. Christmas 3.Production: - Ask Ss to give the date of the holidays in the year. - Ss talk about their holidays in the year. 4.Homework: Copy the answers and “remember”;Prepare A 4 (Explain voc).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> Week: 15 Date of preparation: 23/ 11 / 2013 Period: 41 Date of teaching: 25 / 11 / 2013 UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK A4 A student’s work I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - read the text about Hoa and answer the questions. - compare a student’s work between Ss and Hoa. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Simple present tense Comparative adjectives. - Vocabulary: easy life, hard, typical, keen, review, definitely, lazy, take a look at III. Techniques:  Pairwork, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , a cassette , a tape , a sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Net work - T asks Ss some questions about the Vocabulary students’ work - typical (a) 2. Presentation: - keen (a) - T introduces Hoa’s work. - easy life T reads model. Ss listen to. - hard (a) - Teach new words. - take a look at - Have Ss read new words in chorus, - review (v) then individually. - definitely (adv) 3. Practice: - lazy (a) Ss read over the text. - Some Ss read before the class. a.People think students have an easy life Ss read by themselves. because they only work a few hours a day and have long vacations. 4. Production: b.Hoa works 20 hours a week. It is fewer than Ss read and answer the questions in most workers work. pairs. c. (student’s answer) - Some pairs ask / answer before the d.No, the writer doesn’t think students are lazy. class. - Give the correct answers. Ss ask / answer about themselves. 6.Homework: -Copy the answers and learn the lesson. - Prepare B1,4(Explain voc) Week: 15 Date of preparation: 24/ 11 / 2013 Period: 42 Date of teaching: 26 / 11 / 2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK B1 The worker I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about a typical working day. - Tell about the differences between a typical American working day and Vietnamese working day. - Listen and fill in the information. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Simple present tense Comparative adjectives. - Vocabulary: shift work, part-time, homeless, mechanic, prefer, golf, day off III. Techniques:  Pairwork, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : projector, board, chalk, lesson plan V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Name of the public holiday in each of these picture T gives some picture and Ss give 1. Thanksgiving the name of the public holiday. 2. Independence day 3. Chirstmas 4. Summer 5. New year 2.Presentation + Activity 1: B1- Listen and read. Then answer the questions Introduce the situation 1.New words and have Ss look at and shift (n) skim the text. - part-time ( n) - Play the tape (once) - homeless people (a) Ss read the letter mechanic (n) (Chorally) - prefer …to (v) - Elicit voc. - ex: I prefer coffee to ice - cream - day off (n) - ex: Sunday is a day off. I never go to school - golf (n) 2. Grammar +Activity 2 : Grammar Cấu tạo bức thư ( các phần ) - T introduce the outline tháng….ngày .... letter Mở đầu lá thư Dear ….., Nội dung lá thư I am pleased that…… Kết thúc lá thư Best friend, Best wishes, Best regard,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> …………….. Kí tên +Activity 3 : while - reading Ss read the letter (individually) - Silent reading and find the answers from the letter. Ss ask / answer in pairs. - Have some Ss give the answers. - Correct (Teacher’s note). 3. Answer the questions a.Mrs. Jones works at home. But three mornings a week she works part-time at a local supermarket. b.She cooks lunch for homeless people once a week. c.Mr.Jones is a mechanic. He repairs machines in a factory. d.He works about 40 hours a week. e.The Jones family always goes to Florida on vacation. They have a great time there.. 4.Production: - t gives excersice - Ss answer T gives feedback. Filling the blank 1. Mrs. Jones work …………at a local super market 2. Mr . Jones is a……………………………. 3. Mr. Jones works about ………..hours a week. 4. Mr . Jones has a ……….summer vacation. 5. The Jones family always go to ……….on vacation. 1. Part- time 2. Mechanic 3. 40 4. Three – week 5. Florida. 5.Homework: - Learn voc. - Copy the answers. - Prepare B 2,3. Week: 15 Date of preparation: 25/ 11 / 2013 Period: 43 Date of teaching: 27 / 11 / 2013 UNIT 7 : THE WORLD OF WORK B2,3,4 The worker I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: learn more new words about a Vietnamese farmer’s work. - Read and fill the information in the table. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Simple present tense Comparative adjectives..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> - Vocabulary: feed, buffalo shed, collect eggs, main crop, rest, real, chicken coop, tobe on duty, shop assistant, annual III. Techniques:  Pair work, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , a cassette , a tape , a sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Have Ss brainstorm the work or daily activities of a typical farmer. - Introduce the new lesson. 2.Presentation + Practice: B2- Read + Activity 1: B2..Read Vocabulary Ss listen to the text. - feed (v) - Elicit the meaning of the key - buffalo shed (n) vocabularies in the text. - main crop (n) Ss read the text (chorally and - rest (v) individually). - chicken coop (n) - Silent reading. - real (a) - Ask Ss some questions and Ss - collect eggs answer. - to be on duty +Activity 2: B3.Compare - shop assistant (n) - Explain the request of the - annual (a) exercise. Ask Ss some questions about B3-Compare: Mr.Tuan and Mr.Jones. Have Ss read Tim’s letter and Hours the passage about Mr.Tuan per and fill in the table the week information needed. Mr.Jones - Call on some Ss to give the answers. 40 - Give the key. (teacher’s note) Mrs.Jones 84. + Activity 3: - Have Ss look at the table. - Explain how to do the task. - Have Ss listen to the tape. - Ask Ss to take notes.. Days off. Vacation time. A threeweek Two summer vacation OneNo real four or vacations. five times a year. B1- Listen and take notes. Name. Job. Peter Doctor. Hours per Amount of week vacation 70 4 weeks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> - Get Ss to give the answers. - Correct the answers.. 3.Production: T asks Ss some questions. 4.Homework: - Copy the exercise. - Learn voc. Prepare Unit 8 : A 1,2 (Explain voc, Read the dia). Susan Nurse Jane Shop assistant Phong Factory worker. 50 35. 3 weeks 1 week. 48. 2 weeks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> Week: 15 Date of preparation: 25/ 11 / 2013 Period: 44 Date of teaching: 28 / 11 / 2013. Test correction I.Objectives: Help S to know the mistakes in their test in order to study better. II.Language Contents: 1.Voc: Words relating to units 4, 5 and 6 2.Gram: - Present progressive tense; Time Prepositions of position; Adverbs of frequences - Suggestions and invitations III. Techniques:  Pair work IV. Teaching aids: : papers, a sub-board V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Pre - correcting: I . Chọn dáp án đúng nhất (4đ) - T comments on the test Ss did. 1A 2B 3D 4C 5A 6B 7C - T praises Ss who have good tests. 8A 2.While - correcting: II. - T reviews some grammar points and 1. watching vocabularies in the test. 2. go - Aks Ss to do the test again sentence by sentence 3. to come through teacher’s explanation. 4. playing - Correct the mistakes: Have Ss who had the III. At twenty five past three correct sentences go to the board. 3.Post - correcting: 1. The boys usually play marbles or - Note again what Ss have to remember. catch - Give the tests to the Ss. 2. Eating and talking with friends are - Remark the tests.(the tests got good / fair / popular activities at recess poor grades) 3. Yes. they are IV. trả lời câu hỏi (2 đ) 4.Homework: 1. Ss answer. - Copy the corrected test. - Prepare Unit 7 : A 1, (Explain voc) 2. Ss answer..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> Week: 16 Date of preparation: 30/ 11 / 2013 Period: 45 Date of teaching: 2 / 12 / 2013 UNIT 8: PLACES A1,2 Asking the way I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask for and give directions. - Ask for and give distances. II. Language contents: Grammar: Modal: Could Prepositions of position and directions Expression for asking and giving directions - Vocabulary: souvenir shop III. Techniques:  Pairwork, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , a cassette , a tape , a lesson V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Have Ss tell some famous places in the local. Let Ss look at the pictures and identify the places. Ss give the names of these places. 2.Presentation + Practice: A1.Name the places: +Activity 1: Name the places: a) National Bank of Vietnam (in Hanoi) - Have Ss tell some famous places in the b) Saint Paul Hospital. (in Hanoi) local. c) Hotel. (in Hanoi) Let Ss look at the pictures and d) The Central Post Office. (in Hanoi) identify the places. e) Hanoi railway station. Ss give the names of these f) Dong Xuan Market. (in Hanoi) places. A2.Listen and repeat Vocabulary: -Tourist (n) + Activity 2: Listen and repeat -Souvenir shop (n) Ask Ss some questions (Who ASKING FOR DIRECTION are they? What does the tourist Khi muốn hỏi đường, ta có thể dùng: want?…) Could you show me the way to the - Introduce the situation. post office? Play the tape. Ss listen to. Could you tell me how to get to the - Explain voc and gram. post office? Ss practice in pairs. GIVING DIRECTIONS -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> - Play the roles before the class. *Do the same steps for dialogue b. Ss ask for and give directions. -. 3.Production: Ss ask for and give directions. 4.Homework: - Learn voc and gram. - Do exercises. - Prepare A 3,4,5 (Explain voc). Khi muốn hướng dẫn , ta thường dùng cấu trúc mệnh lệnh.  Go straight ahead.  Take the second street on the left.  Take the first street on the right..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> Week: 16 Date of preparation: 1/ 12 / 2013 Period: 46 Date of teaching: 3 / 12 / 2013 UNIT 8: PLACES A3,4,5 Asking the way I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask for and give directions. - Use some prepositions of place. - Ask for and give distances. II. Language contents: Grammar: Modal: Could Prepositions of position and directions Expression for asking and giving directions - Vocabulary: shoe store, a long way, coach, have a guess III. Techniques:  Pair work, ask and answer, roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Have S retell the places in A1. A3 - Look at the map….. 2.Presentation + Practice: a. souvenir shop +Activity 1: b. shoe store A3.Look at this street map.Practice the c. hotel dia with a partner. d. drugstore Have Ss identify different e. hospital places in the map. Ask Ss to listen and repeat the dia. T gives model dials with 2 students. Ss practice in pairs (ask /answer) - Call on some pairs to roleplay their dialogues. Listen and write the places Have Ss look at the map again. - Explain the request. Ss listen to the tape and find A4 – Listen and repeat……. out the places. Vocabulary: - Call on some Ss to give the - coach (n) answers. - have a guess - Correct. - a long way +Activity 2: A4.Listen and repeat.Then - It takes 18 hours ....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> practice.. - Introduce the situation. - Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat. - Explain voc and question with “How far…?” Ss practice in pairs. - Some pairs roleplay the dia. 3.Production: (A5.Ask and answer questions) - Explain the request. Ss practice in pairs. - Some pairs practice before the class. 4.Homework: - Do exercises; Copy the answers; Prepare B1. A5 – Ask and answer (Students’questions and answers).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> Week: 16 Date of preparation: 2/ 12 / 2013 Period: 47 Date of teaching: 4 / 12 / 2013 UNIT 8: PLACES B1 At the post office I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask for information at the post office. - Ask about prices. - Make polite requests. II. Language contents: a. Grammar: - Would you like + to_inf - Need + to_inf ; - How much … b. Vocabulary: envelope, altogether, cost, change, pay III. Techniques:  Pair work, ask and answer, roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : pictures, a cassette , a tape V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1. Warm up: - Let Ss look at the picture and ask them about the services people can have there (Sending letter, postcards – sending and receiving parcel, money – making long / short distance telephone calls – buying B1 – Listen and read… envelope and stamps…) Vocabulary 2.Presentation: - envelope (n) “This is the dialogue between Liz - cost (v) and Clerk. Liz wants to send the - change (n) letter to her friend in USA.” - pay (v) - Elicit and explain new structures - altogether and vocabulary. Ask about prices - Ask students to listen the first How much + be + S? time and guess the Vietnamese It is / They are + number of money. meaning of the dialogue. 3.Practice - Ask students to listen and repeat How much do / does + S + cost? It costs / They cost + number of money the dialogue. - Let students practice the dialouge in pairs, change the roles. - Let them read the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> silently.. 4.Production: - Tell students to ask and answer the questions in pairs. - T corrects their mistakes if necessary. 5.Homework: - Learn voc and gram. - Copy the answers. - Prepare B2. a. Liz will mail the letter to the USA. b. She pays 11,500 dong altogether. c. She receives 3,500 dong in change. d.e. (student’s answers).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> Week: 17 Date of preparation: 06/ 12 / 2013 Period: 48 Date of teaching: 09 / 12 / 2013 UNIT 8: PLACES B2 At the post office I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask for information at the post office. - Use the question with “why” II. Language contents: Grammar: .Would you like + to_inf .Need / want + to_inf . need / want + noun .How much … - Vocabulary: local stamp, overseas mail, regularly III. Techniques:  Pairwork, ask and answer, roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : picture , a cassette , a tape V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Brainstorming (write down the words relating to the post office) Post 2.Presentation: office T introduces the situation of the dialogues. Let Ss guess what they need. - Play the tape. - Explain voc and structures. B2 – Listen and read. 3.Practice Vocab: Ss read chorally. - local (a) - Silent reading. - oversea mail (n) Ask Ss to find the answers to the - regularly(adv) questions in the text. - phone card (n) - Practice in pairs. R.O.R - Call on some pairs to give the a. Hoa needs some local stamps and some answers. stamps for overseas mail and a phone card. - Correct. b. She needs stamps for overseas mail because 4. Production: she has a pen pal in America. Ss ask / answer some questions. c.She needs a phone card to call her parents(once 5.Homework: Learn voc. a week) - Do exercises and prepare B 3,4,5 Week: 17 Date of preparation: 08/ 12 / 2013 Period: 49 Date of teaching: 10 / 12 / 2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> UNIT 8: PLACES B3,4,5 At the post office I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask for information at the post office. - Ask about prices. - Make polite requests. - Help students pratice listening skill to get the information from it. II. Language contents: Grammar: .Would you like + to_inf .Need + to_inf .How much … - Vocabulary: postcard, writing pad, sell III. Techniques:  Pairwork, ask and answer, roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , a cassette , a tape V. Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Have Ss retell about the services people can have at the post office. 2.Presentation + Practice: +Activity 1: B3– Complete the dialogue…. B3 – Complete the dialogue…. - Review voc in the box. Hoa: I would like five…… - Introduce the situation. Clerk: Here you are…….. - Let them read and complete the Hoa: ……..How much is that altogether? dia to themselves. Clerk: That is………… - Compare with their partners. Hoa: Here is………. - Have some pairs read their dias. Clerk: ……….Here’s your change. - T corrects. +Activity 2: B4 – Listen and write…. B4 – Listen and write…. - Let Ss look at the pictures and - The total cost is 59,000 dong. introduce the situation. - She will have 1,000 dong in change. - Play the tape (once) Play the tape again for Ss to find the price of each item. - Check their answers. Have Ss calculate the total cost and the change. - Call on some Ss to give the answers and correct. +Activity 3: B5– Answer the questions…. B5 – Answer the questions…. 3.Production: Ss ask / answer in pairs (B5) (student’s answers) 4.Homework: - Copy B3 and the answers. - Review units: 1, 2. (Voc and gram).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> ************************************************************************** Week: 17 Date of preparation: 09 / 12 / 2013 Period: 50 Date of teaching: 11 / 12 / 2013 REVISION. I.Objective: Help Ss to review: - the simple future tense - ordinal numbers - comparatives - indefinite quantifier: a lot of, many - The question with “How far…?” II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: The grammar points in units: 1,2 2.Voc: vocs in units:1,2 III.Teaching aids: sub-boards, textbook IV.Techquines: V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Have Ss find out the word that doesn’t belong to the group - Good morning Thank you Hello Good afternoon - See meet live *The content of the exercises: busy 1.Put the verbs in the brackets into the - Parent uncle simple present / furure tense: friend aunt a. My father (jog) ________ every - Nice miss morning pretty different b. We (visit) ______ Huong Pagoda next 2.Presentation + Practice: week. Have Ss review these grammar c. She (be)_____ 14 on her next birhday. points. d. Mai (brush) ______ her teeth after - T remarks and corrects. meals. - Let Ss do the exercises. e. She (have) ______ a meeting tonight. - Ss give the answers. 2.Write the sentences: - T corrects a.My house / small / her house Keys: b.Lan / tall / Hoa 1.a.jogs b.will visit c.will be d.brushes c.She / beautiful / her sister. e.will have 3.Complete the sentences with ‘ much,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> 2.a.My house is smaller tha her house. b.Lan is taller than Hoa. c.She is more beautiful than her sister. 3.a.much b.a lot of c.many 4.a.How far is it from youe house to the bus stop? - It’s about one kilometer. b.How far is it from the bookstore to the restaurant? - It’s about 500 meters. 5.- first – twelfth - twenty first – third thirty second 3.Consolidation: - Have Ss review these grammar points and words again. 4.Homework: - Review units: 3,4 (Voc and gram). many, a lot of” a.My father never drinks _______ coffee for breakfast. b.Her new school has ______ students. c.This hotel doesn’t have _______ rooms. 4.Make questions with “How far…?” a.your house / bus stop / one kilometer b.bookstore / restaurant / 500 meters 5.Write the ordinal numbers: 1st= 12th= 21st= 3rd= 32nd=.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> Week: 18 Date of preparation: 14/ 12 / 2013 Period: 51 Date of teaching: 16/ 12 / 2013 REVISION I.Objective: Help S to review: - Exclamations - Present progressive tense - Time - Preposition of time - Comparatives and superlatives - There is… / There are… II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: The grammar points in units: 3,4 2.Voc: vocs in units:3,4 III.Teaching aids: sub-boards, textbook IV.Techquines: V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: Have Ss review voc (T speaks in Vietnamese and S speak in English.Ex: T: Ngon – S: *The content of the exercises: delicous) 1. Rewrite the sentences, using the 2.Presentation + Practice: exclamation: Have Ss review these grammar a. He is an intelligent boy. points. b. They are naughty students. - T remarks and corrects. c. It is a lovely view. - Let Ss do the exercises. d. They are bright rooms. - Ss give the answers. 2. Make question with”Is there… ? Are - T corrects there…?” Keys: a. dog / under / table //Yes. 1.a.What an intelligent boy! b.What b. Armchairs / in front of / TV //Yes naughty students! c. Stools / in / living room // No c.What a lovely view. d.What bright 3. Complete the sentences rooms! a. Motorbikes are (fast) ______ than bicycles. 2.a.Is there a dog under the table? b. Nam is the (young) ______ in his class. - Yes, thetre is. c. These houses are the (beatiful) _____ in the b. Are there armchairs in front of the TV? village. -Yes, there are. d. A new house is (expensive) _____ than an c. Are there stools in the living room? old house. - No, there aren’t 4. Write the time 3.a. faster b. youngest a. 8.25 b. 10.05 c.7.50.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> c. most beautiful d. more expensive 4.a.It’s twenty five past eight. b.It’s five past ten c. It’s ten to eight d. It’s twelve o’clock e. It’s half past five. 5.a. I am reading a newspaper now. b. My father is watching TV at the moment c. They are studying Geography at this time. d. The girls are eating breakfast at the canteen at present.. d.12.00 e.5.30 5. Write the sentences, using the present progressive tense: a.I / read / a newspaper / now. b. My father / watch / TV / at the moment. c.They / study / Geography / at this time. d. The girls / eat / breakfast / the canteen / at present.. 3.Consolidation: - Have Ss review these grammar points and words again 4.Homework: - Review units: 5,6( Voc and gram) **************************************************************** Week: 18 Date of preparation: 15/ 12 / 2013 Period: 52 Date of teaching: 17 / 12 / 2013 REVISION I.Objective: Help Ss to review: - present progressive tense. - Adverbs of frequency. - Making suggestions and invitations. II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: The grammar points in units: 5,6 2.Voc: vocs in units: 5,6 III.Teaching aids: sub-boards, textbook IV.Techquines: V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up: Matching the verbs in column A to the words in column B A B 1. play a. anessay. 2. use b. the. Contents. *The content of the exercises:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> refrigerator. 3. do c. a picture 4. repair d. experiments. 5. draw e. a computer 6. write f. Geography classes 7. enjoy g. the guitar 2.Presentation + Practice: Have Ss review the grammar points in the objective. - T remarks and corrects. - Let Ss do the exercises. - Ss give the answers. - T corrects Keys: 1.a.I often go to the English club . b. They usually play catch at recess. c. The schoolyard is always noisy at recess d. Nam is never late for school. e.You can sometimes drink a little coffee. 2.a. Nga is practicing the piano. b. Are you playing soccer? c. Nam and Ba are talking with their friends. d. Your brother is doing his homework. 3.a. Let’s go to the school cafeteria. b. What about eating in fast food restaurant? c. Let’s do homework together. d. Why don’r we play table tennis? e. Let’s go shopping. 3.Consolidation: - Have Ss review these grammar points and words again. 4.Homework: - Review units: 7,8 (Voc and gram) Week: 18 Date of preparation: 16/ 12 / 2013 Period: 53 Date of teaching: 18 / 12 / 2013. 1. Put the adverb into the correct place in the sentence: a.I go to the English club . (often) b.They play catch at recess. (usually) c.The schoolyard is noisy at recess. (always) d.Nam is late for school. (never) e.You can drink a little coffee. (sometimes) 2.Write the sentences, using the present progressive tense: a. Nga / practice the piano. b. You / play soccer? c. Nam and Ba / talk with theirfriends. d. Your brother / do his homework. 3. Write the sentences, using Let’s…, What about…?, Why don’t we…? a. go to the school cafeteria. b. eat in fast food restaurant. c. do homework together. d. play table tennis. e. go shopping. 4.Combine the sentences in column A with the ones in column B (Exercise 3 / page 49 / English workbook7). REVISION I.Objective: Help S to review: comparatives, prepositions of position, How far, How much, compound adjs, directions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: The grammar points in units: 7,8 2.Voc: vocs in units: 7,8 III.Teaching aids: sub-boards, textbook IV.Techquines: V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Warm up: Ask Ss to complete the words 1. s_uv_n_r st_r_ 5. _os_it_l 2. st_d_ m 6. f _c_ or_ 3. r_st_ rnt 7. s_p_rm_ k _t 4. m_s_ _m 2.Presentation + Practice: Have Ss review the grammar points in the objective. - T remarks and corrects. - Let Ss do the exercises. - Ss give the answers. - T corrects Keys: 1.a. most expensive b. fewer c. more d. longer / longest e. less 2. a. on b. between c. in d. at e. from / to 3. a. How much is this book? - It’s 10,000 dong b. How much are these envelopes? - They are 5,000 dong 4. a. Could you show me the way to Ben Thanh market? b. Could you show me the way to the shoestore? 5. a. Where is the hotel? b. How far is it from your house to the market? c. How much are these envelopes? a. Where is the hotel? b. How far is it from your house to the market? c. How much are these envelopes? 3.Consolidation: - Have S review these grammar points and words again. 4.Homework:. Contents *The content of the exercises: 1.Complete the sentences with superlative and comparative a.This dress is the (expensive) _________ of three dresses. b.Vietnamese students work (few) _______ hours than American ones. c.He has (much) _______ money than his wife. d.Summer holiday is (long) _______ than Tet holiday. It’s the (long) ____ holiday. e.My father drinks (little) ________ beer than his friends. 2.Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions: a.There is a supermarket ______ Nguyen Trai street. b.My house is _________ the bookstore and the school. c.There is a market _____ front of my school. d.I will ________ home all day. e.It takes 20 minutes _______ my house ________ school. 3.Make questions with “How much…?” a.this book / 10,000 dong b.these envelopes / 5,000 dong 4.Ask the ways to these places a.Ben Thanh market. b.the shoestore. 5.Make questions for the words underlined a.The hotel is opposite the museum. b.It’s about two kilometers from my.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> - Review from unit 1 to uint 8 to do the semester test.. house to the market. c.These envelopes are 5,000 dong..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> Week: 19 Date of preparation: 18/ 12 / 2013 Period: 54 Date of teaching: 26 / 12 / 2013 Period 54 THE FIRST SEMESTER TEST I.Objective: Test S about the grammar and voc they’ve learnt in the first semester. II.The content of the test: I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences ( 2ms) 1. She ………………14 on her next birthday. A. be. B. being. C. will be. D. is. 2. I always …………………English subject in the library after school. A. study. B. studies. C. read. D. A & C are correct. 3. We learn how to use a computer in…………..class. A. Computer Science. B. English. C. Literature. D. Math. 4. We…………………………New Year on January 1st . A. make. B. celebrate. C. get. D. take. 5. We enjoy …………………..part in after – school activities. A. having. B. to have. C. to take. D. taking. C. works. D. does. C. It. D. A & C correct. 6. A farmer ………………on a farm. A. buys. B. repairs. 7. ………………..a lovely doll! A. What. B. How. 8. I have English …………..Tuesday …………………1.00 p.m A. on/ on. B. on / at. C. in / at. II. Use the correct verb form ( 3ms) 1. My brother (jog)……………every morning. 2. Could you (show)……………… me the way to the hospital? 3. Would you like (listen) …………… to music? 4. We (visit)………………. ……..Huong pagoda next week. 5. Listen! The girl (practice) ………………………..the piano. 6. My father (watch)………………….TV at the moment.. D. at / at.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> III. Choose the suitable response (2ms) A 1. How far is it from house to school ? 2. What time is it? 3. How much is it to mail to Ha Noi? 4. How many hours a day does your father do? Your answer: 1……. /2………. B a. It’s about two kilometers b. It’s about eight hours a day c. It’s fourteen thirty d. It’s 2,500 dong. /3…………. /4………. IV. Read the passage , and then answer the questions ( 2ms) Long and Phu are brothers but they are different, Long likes studying English. He always goes to school on time and does his homework. He usually helps his friends with their exercises. At home he sometimes helps his mother cook meals. Unlike Long, Phu is very lazy. He usually goes to school late and never does his homework. After school, he often watches TV or listens to music. Questions: 1. Are Long and Phu different from each other? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What does Long like doing? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. How often does Long help his mother cook meals? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Does Phu like studying? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… V. Rewrite as directed ( 1m ) 1. When is your birthday? What’s ……………………………………………………………………… 2. Minh likes Cartoon films better than detective films? Minh prefers………………………………………………………………… Date : 3/ 1 / 2014 Week : 19. 1ST SEMESTER TEST CORRECTION. I.Objectives: Help SS to know the mistakes in their test in order to study better. II.Language Contents: - Vocabulary and grammar from unit 1 to unit 8 III. Techniques:  Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> IV. Teaching aids: : papers, a sub-board V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities. Contents I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences ( 2ms). 1.Pre - correcting: - T comments on the test Ss did. - T praises Ss who have good tests.. 1 2 3 4 5 2.While - correcting: 6 - T reviews some grammar points and 7 vocabularies in the test. 8 - Aks Ss to do the test again sentence by sentence. C D A B D C A B. through teacher’s explanation. - Correct the mistakes: Have Ss who had the II. Use the correct verb form ( 3ms) correct sentences go to the board. 1. jogs 2. show 3.Post - correcting: 3.to listen - Note again what Ss have to remember. 4. will visit - Give the tests to the Ss. 5. is practicing - Remark the tests.(the tests got good / fair / 6. is watching poor grades) III. Choose the suitable response (2ms) 1a 2c 4.Homework: 3d - Copy the corrected test. 4b - Prepare Unit 9 : A 1, (Explain voc) IV. Read the passage , and then answer the questions ( 2ms) 1. Yes, they are 2. He likes studying English 3. He sometimes helps his mother cook meals 4. No, he doesn’t V. Rewrite as directed ( 1m ) 1. What’s your date of birth? 2. Minh prefers Cartoon films to detective films..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> Week: 20 preparation: 3/ 1 / 2014 Period: 55 teaching: 6 / 1 / 2014. Date of Date of. UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY A1 A holiday in Nha Trang I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about past events. - Talk about past experiences. II. Language contents: Grammar: Past simple tense with irregular verbs. - Vocabulary: wonderful, aquarium, gift, souvenir III. Techniques:  Pair work, ask and answer, roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : picture , a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: Have Ss review the tenses they’ve learnt (simple present / simple future / present progressive) 2.Presentation: Ask Ss if they like traveling and where they often on summer holidays. Ask Ss if they know Nha Trang or some famous places in Nha Trang or where people often go and visit in Nha Trang. Introduce the dialogue between Ba and Liz. - Play the tape. Ss listen to and identify the places Liz’s family visited and what they did there. Ss listen and repeat. - Introduce the structures of the past simple tense. - Explain voc. 3.Practice: - Have them practice in pairs, alternating the roles. - Some pairs practice before the class. 4.Production: - Let them read over the sentences. - Number the sentences. - Give the answers.. Content. A1 – Listen. Then practice….. Vocabulary: - wonderful (a) recent (adj) aquarium(n) - gift(n)= present - souvenir (n) - tired (adj) Structure: The past simple tense Form: (+) S + V-ed / V2 (-) S + didn’t + V (?) Did + S + V …? Yes, S + did. No, S + didn’t. Ex: Nga went to Ha Noi last year. I didn’t watch TV yesterday. Key: (3) Liz bought souvenirs. (2) Liz visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium. (4) Liz returned to Ha Noi. (1) Liz went to Nha Trang. (5) liz talked to Ba about her vacation..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> T asks some questions and Ss answer. 5.Homework: - Copy the numbered sentences. - Learn voc + gram. Prepare A 2 (Explain voc + answer the questions) -. ************************************************************************** Week: 20 Date of preparation: 6/ 1 / 2014 Period: 56 Date of teaching: 8 / 1 / 2014 UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY A2 A holiday in Nha Trang I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about the trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang of Liz’ family. - Ask and answer about events in the past. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Past simple tense with irregular verbs. Vocabulary: shark, dolphin, turtle, exit, cap, crab, poster, see-saw, eat-ate, ……….. III. Techniques:  Pairwork, ask and answer, silent reading… IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , a cassette , a tape, sub-board V.Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about the famous places people often visit. 2. Presentation: - Introduce the Robinson’s trip to Tri Nguyen aquarium and ask them to guess what they saw and did there. Ss listen and read. - Explain voc. 3. Practice: Let them read the passage themselves. - Have them read the questions and find the answers. Ss check the answers in pairs. - Call on some Ss to give the answers.. Content. A2 – Listen and read… Vocabulary: - Shark (n) - Dolphin (n) - Turtle (n) - Exit (v) - Cap (n) - Crab (n) - To see - saw To eat - ate a. Her parents went to the aquarium with her..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> - T corrects.. 4. Production: Ask Ss to look at the pictures and identify the place or activity of each one. - Have them retell the story about Liz’s trip (refer to the reading passage and use the verbs in the past simple tense) - Call on some Ss to tell the story before the class. - Correct. 5.Homework: - Copy the answers - Learn voc. - Prepare A 3,4( Explain voc). b. They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish. c. They bought a cap and a poster. d. Yes, she did. Liz wore the cap all day. e. Yes. They ate fish and crab. f. Because she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> Week: 20 Date of preparation: 7/ 1 / 2014 Period: 57 Date of teaching:. 9 / 1 / 2014. UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY A3,4 A holiday in Nha Trang I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Listen and find the information to choose true sentences. - Read Ba’s diary and correct false sentences. II. Language contents: Grammar: Past simple tense with irregular verbs. Vocabulary: mine, next door, move, improve, keep in touch, on the other side, teach - taught III. Techniques:  Pairwork, ask and answer, … IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: A3-Listen… - Ask S to summarize the Liz’s trip to Tri KEY: Nguyen aquarium b–d–e–h–j 2.Presentation + Practice A4 – Read Ba’s diary. *Activity 1: A3-Listen… Vocabulary. - Introduce A3 by reminding some details Mine which they have already learned. - rent st from sb (v) - Turn on the cassette the first time and the - next door (adv) whole class listen. - move to (v) - Turn on the cassette the second time so - on the other side (adv) that students can find the answers. - keep in touch (v) - Ask students to give the answers on the - improve (v) board. - teach - taught - T corrects the answers Key: *Activity 2: A4 – Read Ba’s diary. a) Liz lived next door to Ba. T introduces. b) Liz learned Vietnamese in Vietnam. - Explain voc. c) Ba collects stamps. Ask Ss to read the sentences. d) Liz’s aunt lives in New York. Have them read the passage from Ba’s e) The Robinsons moved to Hanoi. diary and check if the sentences are true f) The Robinsons moved. Now Ba is sad. according to the passage. g) Ba will see Liz again. - Call on some Ss to give the answers. - T corrects. Week: 21 Date of preparation: 10 / 1 /2014 Period: 58 Date of teaching: 13 / 1 / 2014.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY B1,2 Neighbors I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about neighbors. - Ask questions with “did”. II. Language contents: Grammar: Past simple tense. - Vocabulary: hairdresser, material, make - made, clever, dressmaker. III. Techniques:  Pair work, ask and answer, roleplay,… IV. Teaching aids: : picture , a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm arriveup:Pelmanism be go see teach 2. Presentation went saw+ Practice: arrived taught was / + Activity 1: B1 – Listen. Then practice… were Introduce the situation of the dialogue. - Play the tape. - Have them listen and repeat. - Explain vocabulary. B1 – Listen. Then practice… - Have them practice in pairs, alternating the Vocabulary. roles. - hairdresser (n) - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue - dressmaker (n) aloud. - material (n) - Silent reading. - clever (a) - Answer the questions. - to make - made - T corrects the answers. a.She’s a hairdresser. b. She’s a dressmaker + Activity 2: B2 – answer. - Let them read the sample sentences and B2 – Answer. explain how to use them. a.No, she didn’t. - Ss read the dialogue again, then ask and b.No, she didn’t . answer in pairs. c.Yes, she did. - Check the answers. - Learn voc. 3.Production: - Copy the answers. T asks some questions and Ss answer. - Prepare B 3,4 (Explain voc) 4. Homework: ************************************************************************ _____________________________________________________________________________ Week: 21 Date of preparation: 13 / 1 / 2014 Period: 59 Date of teaching: 15 / 1 / 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> UNIT 9 : AT HOME AND AWAY B3,4 Neighbors I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about past events. - Practice the past simple tense. II. Language contents: Grammar: Past simple tense with regular verbs. - Vocabulary: sew, useful, hobby, decide, sewing machine, cushion, try on, fit, III. Techniques:  Pair work, ask and answer, roleplay,… IV. Teaching aids: : picture , a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Play a game - Two groups will find out some regular and irregular verbs. B3 – Read. Then answer… 2. Presentation + Practice: Vocabulary. + Activity 1: B3 – Read. Then answer… - sewing (n) Ask Ss what they learn in “Home economics” - useful (a) at school + what they like doing. - hobby (n) - Introduce the lesson. - decide (v) - Play the tape. - cushion (n) - Explain voc - fit (v) - Review the simple past with regular and - try on (v) irregular verbs. Key: Have Ss read the passage themselves. a) Hoa learned how to sew. - Ask them to read the questions and find the b) She made a cushion for answers. her armchair. - Have them compare with a partner. c) It was blue and white. - Give correct answers. d) She made a skirt next. - T corrects: e) It was green with white flowers on it. f) It looked very pretty. + Activity 2: B4 – Write…….. g) It didn’t fit her. - Have them read through the sentences. h) Her neighbor helped her. - Ask them to use the correct past form of the i) It fitted very well finally. verb to complete the sentences. B4 – Write…….. - Give the answers. watched – bought – cut - used - T corrects. decided – was – made – was 3.Production: wasn’t - helped - fitted - Ask them to use the correct past form of the verb 4.Homework: - Copy B 4 and the answers - Prepare “Language Focus 3” (Explain voc,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> copy the exercises).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> Week: 21 Date of preparation: 13 / 1 / 2014 Period: 60 Date of teaching: 16 / 1 / 2014 LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review what they’ve learnt from unit 7 to unit 9. II. Language contents: Grammar: Past / present / future simple tense . How much.....? More, less, fevew III. Techniques:  Pairwork, ask and answer, roleplay,… IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , sub-boards… V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Ss play a square (find out the words relating to places) 2.Presentation+ Practice: +Activity 1: How much is it? 1.How much is it?  -Have Ss repeat after the T (the Asking about the price: dia)  How much is it?  It’s … -Ss work in pairs (play roles)  How much are they?  They’re … -Some pairs practice before the (Students’ dialogues) class.  -Ss work in pairs (make similar dialogues, using provided words and numbers) -Some pairs practice before the class. 2.Prepositions  Ss practice asking and answering a.Asking about the way about themselves.  Could you tell me how to get to the +Activity 2: .Prepositions: shoe store?  -Have Ss review these  It’s on NguyenHue street. prepositions.  It’s next to … -Ss look at the map and write the *The shoe store is on Hai Ba Trung street. location of each store. It’s next to / near the clothing store to the -Some Ss give the answers left. -Ss works in pairs (read the dia) *The bookstore is on Hue street. It’s -Have Ss make similar dialogues between the restaurant and the minimart. (using the words and numbers in the *The restaurant is on Hue street. It’s next table) to / beside the bookstore to the left. -Call on some pairs play roles *The minimart is on Hus street. It’s next to / before the class. beside the bookstore to the right..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span>  Ss practice asking and answering about themselves.. +Activity 3: .Past simple tense:  -Ask Ss to give the past form of the verbs in te table. -Correct -Have Ss complete the sentences (words in the box) -Ss give the answers. -Correct +Activity 4: Simple tense:  -T explain the request. -Have ss look at Nga’s diary.  -Have Ss work in pairs. -Some pairs play roles in the dia before the class. -Correct. +Activity 5: More, less and fewer:  -Have Ss review these words. -Explain the model sentences.  -Let them write new sentences. -Ss give the answers. -Correct (Teacher’s note – page 106) 3.Production: - Have Ss do some more exercises.. *The library is on Tay Ho street. It’s opposite the hairdresser’s. b. Asking about the distance  How far is it from … to …? It’s (about) … m/km (Students’ dias). 3.Past simple tense: a. helped, remembered, took, sent, thought, talked b. talked, bought, worked, sent. 4.Simple tense Nga: ………..help my Mom …study English Nga: I cleaned my room, helped my Mom, studied E, watched TV, played volleyball, and stayed at Hoa’s house Nga: I willstudy E, clean my room, help my Mom, see a movie, visit my grandmother and buy new shoes. 5.More, less and fewer: - Before there were 4 bananas. Now there are fewer bananas. - Before there were 500ml of orange juice. Now there is more orange juice.. Week: 22 Date of preparation: 17 / 1 / 2014 Period: 61 Date of teaching:. 20 / 1 / 2014. UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE A1 Personal hygiene I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - read the letter and answer the questions. - talk about everyday activities. II. Language contents: - Grammar: Past and present simple.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> - Vocabulary: nearly, harvest time, receive, stay up late, take morning exercises, hear, iron, probably, forget. III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, ,… IV. Teaching aids: : picture , a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about Hoa. A1 – Read. Then answer… 2.Presentation Vocabulary Introduce the letter and ask Ss to - Harvest (n) (v) guess what Hoa’s mother will - Write – wrote write. - Iron (v) Play the tape. Ss listen. - Nearly Explain voc. Ss read voc. - take morning exercises, (Chorally and individually) hear (v) 3. Practice - iron(v) Ss read the letter. (Chorally) - probably(adv) - Some Ss read the letter. - forget(v) - Silent reading. - stay up late - Have them answer the questions. - T corrects. Structure a) Verb + V(to-inf) Want, wish, hope, remember, forget + V(to-inf) Ex: What does Hoa’s mother want her to do? What does Hoa’s mother want her not to do? b) be + adj + V(to) We are happy to hear The answer keys a.They are busy because it is almost harvest time. b.Hoa’s grandfather helps them on the farm. c.They will (hope to) go to Hanoi soon, 4.Production: after the harvest. T gives some sentences on d.Now Hoa is different. She gets up early another board and Ss answer and does morning exercises every day. “True” or “false” e.Hoa’s mother want her to do her own 5.Homework: washing and ironing. - Copy the answers. - Hoa’s mother doesn’t want her to eat - Learn voc. too much candy / stay up late. - Prepare A 2,3( Talk about their.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> activities) ************************************************************************* __________________________________________________________________________ Week: 22 Date of preparation: 19 / 1 / 2014 Period: 62 Date of teaching: 22 / 1 / 2014 ___________________________________________________________________________ UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE A2,3 Personal hygiene I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - listen and put the pictures in order. - make a list of Hoa’s everyday activities. - read and write a diary ,talk about personal hygiene. II. Language contents: - Grammar: present simple tense. - Vocabulary: polish, put on, put in, change, pants, comb hair III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, ,… IV. Teaching aids: : pictures , a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Brainstorming (Write down the verbs relating to take care of the health.) 2.Presentation + Practice: A2 – Listen: +Activity 1: A2 – Listen: Vocabulary - To clean clothes Introduce the situation and the instructions - To change into to the Ss. To put on shoes - Let them look at the pictures and guess - To put …in what each picture is about. - Polish (v) - Let them listen to the tape (twice) and put - Pants (n) the pictures in order. The answer key - Have them listen again and check. a, e, f, d, g, c, Ss give the answers. h, b. T corrects. A3 – Read Nam’s diary +Activity 2: A3 – Read Nam’s diary - comb hair Have Ss read Nam’s diary and ask some questions. - Have them write a diary in the same style. Let them practice the dialogue in pairs. - Let them ask and answer questions about.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> each other’s routines. 3.Production: Have Ss read Nam’s diary and ask some questions. - Have them write a diary in the same style. 4.Homework: - Write a diary Prepare A 4 (Explain voc) -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> Week: 22 Date of preparation: 21/ 1 / 2014 Period: 63 Date of teaching:. 24 / 1 / 2014 UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE A4 Personal hygiene. I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and write a letter in English, talk about one’s life. II. Language contents: - Grammar: present simple tense - Vocabulary: strange, careful. III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, ,… IV. Teaching aids: : a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Play a game Noughts and crosses 2.Presentation A4 – Write…….. - Introduce the situation with a reference to Vocabulary the letter of Hoa’s mother. - strange (a) - Explain voc. - careful (a) Ss read voc. - carefully (adv) 3. Practice Key Have Ss read through the letter to catch the was over all meaning. having Ask Ss to read the letter again and find the show appropriate form of verbs to fill the blanks. Take - Have some Ss read the letter before the get class. go - T corrects. wash iron eating 4.Production: told Ask Ss some questions about this letter. see  Who wrote this letter? go  Does Hoa get up early?  What does she do after getting up?  Who washes and irons her clothes? - Copy the letter. 5.Homework: - Prepare B 1,2 (Explain voc) Week: 23 Date of preparation: 26 / 1 / 2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> Period: 64 Date of teaching:. 7/2/. 2013. UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE B1,2 A bad toothache I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - talk about a visit to the dentist. - answer the questions about Mr. Lai by listening. II. Language contents: - Grammar: present / past simple tense - Vocabulary: toothache, dentist, appointment, scared, hate, sound, drill, loud, kind, regularly,sensibly, uniform, advice, remind, explain, fill, cavity, hurt, afterwards, fix, .... III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: - Ask Ss to say how to take care of their health. Have Ss brainstorm what they should do if they have a toothache or what the dentist does when they come to see him. 2.Presentation + Practice: B1 – Listen. Then practie… +Activity 1: B1 – Listen. Then practie… Vocabulary - Introduce the situation. -toothache (n) - Play the tape. -have a toothache - Explain voc. -dentist (n) Let Ss listen and repeat the dia. -appointment (n) - Practice in pairs. -have an appointment - Let them roleplay the dia before the class. -scared (a) Ask Ss to read through the lesson, then find -hate (v) the answers. -sound (n) Ss give the answers. -drill (n) - T corrects. -loud (a) -fill (v) -cavity (n) -hurt (v) -afterwards (adv) -fix (v) a.Minh has a toothache. b.No, he doesn’t. The loudness of the drill scares him. c.Because she had a toothache. (She had a cavity filled.) d.She filled the cavity in her teeth..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> e.I went to the dentist. f.. No, I am not. +Activity 2: B2- Listen and answer Have Ss read questions a-d and guess the answers. - Let them listen to the tape twice and note the information needed for the answers. - Have them listen again to check their answers. - Call on some Ss to give the answers. - Give the correct answers. B2- Listen and answer Vocabulary -advice (n) -explain (v) -remind (v) -sensible (a) -regularly (adv) -uniform (n) a.She is a dentist. b.She wears a uniform to work. c.Most children feel scared when they come to see Dr. Lai. d.She explains what will happen. She gives them advice. She tells them how to look after their teeth and she reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly.. 3.Production: - Read the dia and vocabulary again 4.Homework: - Copy the answers. - Learn voc. Prepare B 3,4 (Explain voc and read the text) Week: 23 Date of preparation: 27 / 1 / 2014 Period: 65 Date of teaching: 29 / 1 / 2014 UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE B3,4 A bad toothache I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - talk about oral hygiene and describe past events in a dentist’s. - practise asking and answering the question with “Why”. II. Language contents: - Grammar: present / past simple tense - Vocabulary: surgery, smile at, healthy, notice III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, gapfill. IV. Teaching aids: : a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: Brainstorming (Write down the words relating to the dentist). Content. The dentist. 2.Presentation + Practice: *Activity 1: B3 – listen and read: Ss look at the picture and answer the questions about Minh (What’s the matter with Minh? How does he feel? What’s the doctor doing? Why does that happen to Minh?) Have Ss listen to the passage twice. - Have them read the passage themselves. - Let them listen and look at the passage again. - Have them read through the paragraph and find the appropriate words in the text to fill in the space. Have Ss give the answers before the class. - T corrects. *Activity 2: B4 – Ask and answer…. Let Ss retell what happen to Minh. - Let them observe picture (a) and the model exchange. - Have them observe remaining pictures and practice in pairs. 3.Production: Have some pairs roleplay the dialogue before the class. 4.Homework: - Copy the story. - Make the dialogues. - Prepare Unit 11: A 1 (Explain voc). B3 – listen and read: Voc: Surgery (n) Smile at (v) - Notice (v) - Healthy (a) *Now complete the story: nervous…smiles…cavity…brush… pleased. B4 – Ask and answer…. b.Minh is nervous. Why? Because he’s seeing the dentist. c.The cavity is not serious. Why? Because it’s small. d.Minh looks worried. Why? Because he always forgets to brush his teeth. e.Minh is happy. Why? Because his teeth are OK..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> *************************************************************************** Week: 23 Date of preparation: 29 / 1 / 2014 Period: 66 Date of teaching: 31 / 1 / 2014 UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY A1 Check up I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - Give order / instruction. - Follow / respond to doctor’s instruction during a check up. - Read and fill out a medical form. - Talk about one’s height, weight. II. Language contents: - Grammar: present / past simple tense + Would you…? Vocabulary: Have a medical check-up, medical record, take one’s temperature, measure, scales, height. III. Techniques: Pairwork, ask and answer, roleplays IV. Teaching aids: : a cassette , a tape, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about keeping fit and staying healthy. 2.Presentation: A1 –Listen. Then practice… Let Ss look at the picture and ask some New words: questions: -Check-up (v)  Who are they? -have a medical check-up  Where are they? -A medical record (n)  What do you think they are doing? -take one’s temperature (n) …………………………….. -37oC = centigrade degree - Introduce the situation. -Measure (v) Have them read the dialogue themselves. -Height (n) - Explain voc and expressions -Scales (n) Play the tape and Ss listen to. 3.Practice: Key Ss practice the dia in pairs. 6a - Ask some pairs to roleplay before the 8b class. 3c - Ss answer True or False. 2d 5e 1f 4.Production: 4g - Have them number the sentences in order. 7h.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> - Ask them to give the answers. - T corrects. Have Ss retell this story.. 5.Homework: - Copy these sentences. - Learn voc. - Read the dia.Prepare A 2 (Copy the exercise).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> Week: 24 Date of preparation: 17 / 2 / 2014 Period: 67 Date of teaching:. 18 / 2 / 2014 UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY A2 Check up. I.Objectives: After finishing the lesson, Ss will be able to fill in the information in the blanks by listening. II. Language contents: - Grammar: present simple tense - Vocabulary: III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, roleplays IV. Teaching aids: : sub-board V.Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about Hoa (in A1) Ss answer. 2. Presentation: - Let students look at the picture and ask some questions:  “How many people are there in the picture?”  “Who are they?”  “Where are they?”  ………………………………… ……………………… - T introduces the situation - Have them read the dialogue the first time and make guesses on the missing words. Play the tape and Ss listen to. - Let them listen to again and do the exercise. Have Ss compare their answers with their partners. 3.Practice: - Ask them to give the answers. Ss listen to again and provide the correct answers.. Content. A2- Listen. Then write the missing words. Doctor: I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa. How old are you? Hoa: Fourteen Doctor: And your height is one meter 50 centimeters? Hoa: no, I think I’m shorter. The nurse measured me. Doctor: Oh. How tall are you? Hoa: One meter 45 centimeters. Doctor: I will ask the nurse to check your height again. How heavy are you? Hoa: I think I’m 42 kilograms. Doctor: No. It says on your form that you’re 40 kilograms..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> 4.Production: Have Ss play the roles of the dia. Ask Ss some questions about the dialogue. 5.Homework: - Copy the dia. - Prepare A3 (Copy the medical record) -. *********************************************************************** Week: 24 Date of preparation: 18 / 2 / 2013 Period: 68 Date of teaching: 19 / 2 / 2013 UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY A3 Check up I.Objectives: After finishing the lesson Ss will be able to: - Talk about one’s height, weight. - Read and fill out a medical form. II. Language contents: - Grammar: present simple tense Qh-questions - Vocabulary: forename, male, female III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : sub-boards V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: Play Games: Lucky numbers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1) Give the past form of the verb “have” 2) Make sentence with “school” 3) Answer: “Where do you go when you have a toothache?” 4) Make the question: “I’m 1m45 tall.” 5) Lucky number.. Content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> 6) Answer: “What time do you go to bed?” 2. Presentation: - T explains the request. Ss read model sentences to know the information. 3.Practice: Have Ss work in pairs and cover the form. Some pairs ask and answer before the class. - Complete the form. -. 4.Production: Ss ask / answer and fill their own information in their medical records. 5.Homework: - copy the medical record. - Do exrecises - Prepare B1(Explain voc, read the dia) -. A3 – Ask and answer…. New words: -Forenames (n) -Surname (n) -Male (n) -Famale (n) -Gender (n) -What’s your gender? 1. Which school / class are you in? 2. What’s your forenames / surname? 3. Where do you live? 4. What’s your gender? 5. How old / heavy / tall are you?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> Week: 24 Date of preparation: 19 / 2 / 2014 Period: 69 Date of teaching: 21 / 2 / 2014 UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY B1 What was wrong with you? I.Objectives: After finishing the lesson Ss will be able to: - Ask and answer about one’s health conditions. II. Language contents: - Grammar: past simple tense - Vocabulary: Have a bad cold / headache, sick note, virus. III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, roleplays IV. Teaching aids: : tape, cassette recorder V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Have Ss tell some diseases. B1- Listen. Then practice… - T introduces the new lesson. *New words: 2.Presentation: -Have a bad cold(v) Let Ss observe the picture and ask them -Have a headache(v) questions to guess its content. -Have a virus(v) (This is Mr.Tan, the teacher and this is Lan. -Have a stomachache(v) Look at balloon 1: Lan wasn’t there. She was -write a sick note (v) absent. What do you think Mr.Tan is asking -Have flu Lan? What was wrong with her? Look at *Grammar: balloon 2”) -What’s wrong with you? - Have them read the text themselves. -I have a headache. - Give the answers to these questions. -Help do something - Play the tape. -Have + name of illness - Explain voc. Key: 3.Practice: a. Because she had a bad cold. Let them practice the dialogue in pairs. b. She had a headache. Call on some pairs to roleplay the dialogue c. He tells Lan to stay inside at before the class. recess. - Have them ask and answer the questions d.The doctor said that Lan had a in pairs. virus. Ask Ss to give the answers. e.The doctor wrote Lan’s sick note. - T corrects. - Learn voc. 4.Production: - Copy the answers. - Ss answer “T” / “F” - Read the dia. - 5.Homework: - Prepare B3,4 (Explain voc).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> Week: 25 Date of preparation: 22 / 2 / 2013 Period: 70 Date of teaching: 25 / 2 / 2013 UNIT 11 : KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY B3,4 What was wrong with you? I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - listento the tape about one’s health conditions. - read the text about the common cold. II. Language contents: - Grammar: past and present simple tense - Vocabulary: disease, common cold, symptom, runny nose, a light fever, cough, sneeze, relieve, prevent III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : tape, cassette recorder, sub-board. V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content toothache. 1.Warm up: Brainstorming cold. Diseases. - Introduce new words and new lesson. (Flu, stomatchache, headache) 2.Presentation+ Practice: *Activity 1: B3 – Listen. Then complete the table. Let Ss draw the table. - Explain the request and the situation. Have Ss listen to the tape once. - Let them listen again and complete the table. - Call on some Ss to give the answers. - Play the tape again to check the answers. T asks some questions and Ss answer about the listening. *Activity 2: B4.Read, Then answer the questions. Ask Ss some questions about the flu (cold). - Let them read the passage themselves.. B3 – Listen. Then complete the table. Key: cold: 10 flu: 43 stomachache: 37 headache: 5 toothache: 17 Total days lost: 112 B4 -Read, Then answer the questions. Vocabulary -disease n() -common (adj)-common cold - symptom (n - runny nose (n) -sneeze (v) -relieve (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> - Explain / Elicit difficult words - Let them read the questions and find the answers. - Call on some Ss to give the answers. - T corrects (Teacher’s note – page 123). - prevent (v) -a light fever (n) -cough (v) The key answers a. we call the cold ‘common’ because every year millions of people catch it. b. they are a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing, and sneezing. c. No, there is no cure for the common cold. d. No, these medicines don’t cure a cold, but they relieve the symptoms. e. we can prevent a cold by eating well, doing exercise, keeping fit and staying healthy.. 3.Production: Ss answer “T” / “F” 4.Homework: Copy the answers; Learn voc; Review units 9, 10, 11 to do the 45-minute test.. Week: 25 Date of preparation: 22 / 2 / 2014 Period: 71 Date of teaching: 27 / 2 / 2014 TEST 45 MINUTES Objectives: Test S about the grammar and voc they’ve learnt from unit 9 to unit 11 . Contents: I . Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau( 4 đ ) 1. How ………..is it from your house to school ? it’s about 2 kilometers( old / much / far ) 2. The doctor …………….. a cavity in my tooth last week. ( filled / fill / filling ) 3. We usually brush our teeth …………………. meals. ( after / while / before ) 4. Remember often to …………...........in touch with me .( lose / keep / make ) 5. The girl decided to learn …………...to use a sewing machine. ( how / what / which ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> 6. Minh goes to the denitst …………….he has a toochache . ( why / because / when ) 7. You shouldn’t ………………………up late ( to stay / stay / staying ) 8. We didn’t …………………Ha Long Bay last Tet holiday. ( visit / visited / visiting ) II. Viết động từ sau ở dạng V2/ V-ed ( 1đ ) Verb Past simple tense Go Went Take Tell Be see III. Sử dụng đúng động từ trong ngoặc ( 2 đ ) 1. 2. 3. 4.. We ( eat ) ………….a delicious dinner last night. She often ( watch ) ……………TV in the evening. They ( play )…………………soccer in the stadium right now. He ( return )………………his village next year.. IV. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi ( 2 đ ) On the way home yesterday, Ben caught in the rain. She had a bad cold. She coughed and sneezed a lot . she had to stay in bed all day. The doctor took her temperature and gave her some medicines . her mother was beside her all the time to take care of her . Questions: 1. What happened to Ben on the way home yesterday? …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Why did she have to stay in bed ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Who took her temperature ? ………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Was her mother always her beside her ? ………………………………………………………………………………………. V. Ghép những câu hỏi ở cột A tương ứng với các câu trả lời ở cột B ( 1 đ ) 1. 2. 3. 4.. A What sports do you like ? Were you tired after Tet holiday ? Why didn’t Phong go to school yesterday ? Would you like to play chess ?. B a. Because he was sick . b. Yes, I was c. I like playing soccer d. I’m sorry, I can’t.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> Week: 25 Date of preparation: 27 / 2 / 2014 Period: 72 Date of teaching: 29 / 2 / 2014 UNIT 12 : LET’S EAT A1 What shall we eat? I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Identify kinds of food: meat, vegetables, and fruits. - Behavior: helping the students to choose the healthy and hygienic food. II. Language contents: - Grammar: past and present simple tense / neither, either, so, too III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, roleplays IV. Teaching aids: : tape, cassette recorder, pictures V.Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: Ask Ss about the food they buy or see at the market. - Ask them to guess what Hoa and her aunt bought while going to the market yesterday. 2.Presentation: - Let them look at the picture on the page and listen to the first part of the text. - Explain voc 3.Practice: Have Ss listen and repeat. - Have them practice in pairs. - Introduce “too / neither” - Let some pairs practice before the class. (The dia) +++ Do the same as the first part for the second and third one of the text. (Introduce “so / either”) Ask Ss about kind of vegetables andfruit they like and dislike.. 4.Production: Ask Ss to read the dialogue again to -. Content. A1 – Listen and read…. Vocabulary: -Stall (n) quầy hàng. -selection (n) sự lựa chọn. -pork (n) thịt heo -neither (adv) cũng không = not either Ex: I don’t like pork. Neither do I. (I don’t either) -display (n) sự trưng bày -spinach (n) rau chân vịt -cucumber (n) quả dưa chuột -so (adv) cũng vậy = too Ex: I like spinach. so do I (I do, too) -Papaya (n) quả đu đủ -pineapple (n) quả dứa - ripe (adj) chín -durian (n) quả sầu riêng -smell (v) ngửi (có mùi) KEY: beef - spinach - cucumbers oranges.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> write a list of the food Hoa and her aunt bought. - Call on a student to read aloud it before the class. - Correct. 5.Homework: - Learn voc , grammar - Copy the list of the food. - Prepare A 2,4 (Explain voc).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> Week: 26 Date of preparation: 1 / 3 / 2014 Period: 73 Date of teaching: 3 / 3 / 2014 UNIT 12 : LET’S EAT A2,4 What shall we eat? I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -Talk about food: like and dislike. -Talk about the food they ate. II. Language contents: - Grammar: past and present simple tense - Vocabulary: III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : Sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity. .. Content. 1.Warm up: Net work fruit. meat food. vegetable. 2.Presentation + Practice: *Activity 1: A2 – Ask and answer….. Have Ss review how to use “ so , too, either, neither” - Use the models to ask them questions - Have them answers aloud. - Let them practice in pairs (ask / answer about different foods they like and dislike) - Some pairs ask / answer before the class.. A2 – Ask and answer….. Grammar: Responses with “so”, “too”, “either” and “neither”  Cách dùng “so” và “too” (cũng vậy, cũng thế) Chúng ta dùng “so” và “too” khi đồng ý với một ý kiến khẳng định.  Đối với động từ TOBE So + be + Subject Subject + be, too. Ex: He is hungry. She is hungry. She is, too. / So is she.  Đối với động từ thường *Activity 2:A 4- Write…:. So + aux. V + Subject Subject + aux.V, too.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> Ask Ss to write sentences about what they had for breakfast / lunch / dinner - Let them compare their sentences with a partner. - Call on 2 students to read aloud and write on the board. - Correct. -. Ex1: They like soccer. He likes soccer. He does, too. / So does he. Ex2: He can swim. She can swim. He can, too. / So can she.  Cách dùng “Either” và “Neither” (cũng không, cũng vậy) Dùng Either và neither khi đồng ý với một ý kiến phủ định.  Đối với động từ TOBE Neither + be + Subject Subject + be + not, either. Ex: He isn’t hungry. She isn’t hungry. She isn’t, either. / Neither is she.  Đối với động từ thường Neither + aux. V + Subject Subject + aux.V + not, either. 3. Production: Ss continue ask and answer about themselves. 4.Homework: - Write part 4 into their notebooks. - Prepare “A3” (Explain voc). Week: 26 Date of preparation: 2 / 3 / 2014 Period: 74 Date of teaching: 4 / 3 / 2014 UNIT 12 : LET’S EAT A3 What shall we eat? I.Objectives: After finishing the lesson, Ss will be able to know some more about some food and describle how to make a meal..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> II. Language contents: - Grammar: past and present simple tense - Vocabulary: bowl, slice, stir-fry, soy sauce, dish, add III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, gapfilling IV. Teaching aids: : Sub-board, pictures, cassette V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: - Ask some pairs of Ss to ask / answer about food they like and dislike. 2.Presentation A3 – Read. Then answer… Let Ss look at the pictures and guess the Vocab: content. -slice (v) Ss answer some questions: -add (v) * Hoa’s aunt cooked dinner thet evening. -stir-fry (v) Read and find out the answers to these -soy sauce (n) questions: -bowl (n)  What did she cook? -dish (n)  How did she prepare the a.Write the menu: food? -Cucumber salad with onuons.  What did Hoa do? -Boiled spinach. ……………. -Stir-fried beef with green peppers and 3.Practice: onions. Have Ss read the text in their minds. -Rice. Ask Ss to read the text aloud. b.Key: - Explain voc. 1. Slice the beef. - Have them give answers (can ask and 2. Slice the green peppers and answer) onions. - Have them write the menu. 3. Heat the pan. 4. Stir-fry the beef. 5. Add some soy sauce to the dish. 6. Boil / cook rice. 7. Add salt to the spinach. *Matching the instructions to the pictures: 4. Production: IC -2F – 3A – 4D – 5B – 6E – 7G. - Have S work in pairs (part b) - Ask them to add the missing verbs to the instructions. - Have them match the instructions to the pictures. - Call on some Ss to give the answers. - T corrects 5.Homework: - Write the menu and the instructions. Prepare B1(Explain voc) -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> - Learn voc..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> Week: 26 Date of preparation: 28 / 2 / 2014. Period: 75 Date of teaching:. 2/ 3 / 2014 UNIT 12 : LET’S EAT B1 Our food. I.Objectives: After finishing the lesson, Ss will be able to identify healthy food. II. Language contents: - Grammar: past and present simple tense - Vocabulary: III. Techniques: roleplay, gapfilling, ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, picture, poster V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity. Content. 1.Warm up: Brainstorming (Write down the durian words relating to fruit) fruit. papaya. banana. 2.Presentation: Introduce. Let Ss guess what problem Ba B1 – Listen. Then practice… was having and why he had the problem. - Let them listen to the dia. 3.Practice: - Have them listen and repeat. - Practice in pairs. - Call on some pairs to roleplay before the class. - Silent reading. - Have Ss complete the paragraph.. Key: 1.doctor 2.sick 3.asked 4.had 5.spinach 6.wash.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> - Have them compare with a partner. - Ss give the correct words. - T corrects. 4.Production: Ask Ss some questions. 5.Homework: - Complete the paragraph. - Learn voc. - Prepare “B 2,4”. 7.more carefully 8.vegetables. 9.make 10.she 11.medicine.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> Week: 27 Date of preparation: 9 / 3 / 2014. Period: 76 Date of teaching:. 11 / 3 / 2014 UNIT 12 : LET’S EAT B2,4 Our food. I.Objectives: After finishing the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about good health habit and diet. Listening for details about some foods these people ate and drank. II. Language contents: - Grammar: past and present simple tense - Vocabulary: balanced, diet, effect, moderate, an amount of, energy, dairy product, lifestyle III. Techniques: ask and answer IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Ask Ss to tell some healthy food and how they do in order to have a healthy lifestyle B2 – Listen and read 2.Presentation + Practice: Vocab: *Activity 1: B2 – Listen and read -a balanced diet (n) chế độ ăn uống cân đối. Ask Ss some questions about the food -effect (n) ảnh hưởng they’d like to eat. Introduce the lesson. -lifestyle (n) lối sống - Play the tape. -moderate amount (n) số lượng - Elicit new difficult words in the text vừa phải - Have them read the text themselves. -moderation (n) sự điêu độ - Call on 2 Ss to read it aloud to the -energy (n) sức lực, năng lực class. -dairy product (n) sản phẩm bơ - Let them read the questions: a-b sữa - Ask them to answer. Compare with their friends Key: - Call on some Ss to give the answers. a.Sugar adds taste to the food and - T corrects. (Teacher’s note) gives you energy. b.No, it isn’t. A balanced diet *Activity 1: B4 – Listen and write… alone is not enough. All people - Have S study the picture for a few need exercise to keep a healthy mins. life. - Explain the request and the situation. c.Yes, I do. Because I feel - Let them listen to the tape (twice) healthier and healthier when I eat - Have them listen again and write the the moderation like now..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> letters of what Lan, Nga, Ba and Hoa ate and drank. - S give the answers. - Listen and correct  Lan: f, b, d, g  Ba: a, c, e , h  Nga: a, d, g  Hoa: b, e, g. B4 – Listen and write… Lan: b, d, f, g Ba: c, a, e, h Nga: a, d, g Hoa: b, e, g. 3.Poduction : T asks Ss to read news words again 4.Homework: - Learn voc. - Read the text. - Prepare “Language Focus 4” *********************************************************************** ___________________________________________________________________________ Week: 26 Date of preparation: 2 / 3 / 2014 Period: 77 Date of teaching: 5 / 3 / 2014 __________________________________________________________________________ LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 I.Objectives: Help Ss review what they’ve learnt from unit 10 to unit 12 II. Language contents: - Grammar: past simple tense So / too / either / neither A little / a lot of / lots of / too much - Vocabulary: III. Techniques: Pairswork, ask and answer, gapfill IV. Teaching aids: : Sub-board, pictures V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Ss play a square (find out the words relating to food) 2.Presentation + Practice: 1.Past simple tense: +Activity 1: 1.Past simple tense: b. No, I didn’t. I had dinner in a  -Have Ss review past simple tense. restaurant. -Explain the request and the example. c. No, I didn’t. I went to the movie  -Let Ss practice in pairs (ask / answer) theater yesterday. -Some pairs ask / answer before the d. No, I didn’t. I read a book on the class.T corrects weekend..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span>  Ask Ss some questions about them. +Activity 2: 2.Indefinite quantifiers:  Have Ss review these words.  -Let them do the exercise (a) -Give the answers -Correct -Ss practice the model dia. -Pair work -Some pairs practice before the class.. +Activity 3: 3.Too and Either:  Have Ss review “too / either”  -Ss practice the model dia. -Pair work. -Some pairs practice before the class. +Activity 4: 4.So and Neither: - Follow the steps of activity 3. +Activity 5: 5.Imperatives:  Explain voc.  -Ss complete & compare with their classmates. -Give the answers -T corrects.  Some Ss read all these instructions. 3.Production: - Ss do some more exercises. 4.Homework: _ Copy exercises and prepare Unit 13: A1. e. No, I didn’t. I played football yesterday. 2.Indefinite quantifiers:  Ta dùng “a little” trước danh từ không đếm được và “a few” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiêu. Ex: a little coffee a few apples  Ta dùng “a lot of / lots of” trước cả hai loại danh từ đếm được số nhiêu và không đếm được. Ex: a lot of tea lots of salt  Ta dùng “too much” trước danh từ không đêm được Ex: too much water a)B. a lot of tea C. a little sugar D. a lot of salt E. too much coffee b) A. a little or a lot / only a little. B. a lot of C. too much D. a little. 3.Too and Either:. 4.So and Neither: 5.Imperatives: b.wash c.slice f.stir g.wait. d.mix. e.add.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> Week: 27 Date of preparation: 8 / 3 / 2014 Period: 78 / 2014. Date of teaching:. 10 / 3. TEST CORRECTION. I.Objectives: Help S to know the mistakes in their test in order to study better. II.Language Contents: 1.Voc: Words relating to units 9,10 and 11 2.Gram: - Simple past tense. - Why – because - Prepositions of location III. Techniques:  Pair work IV. Teaching aids: : papers, a sub-board V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities I. 1.Pre - correcting: - T comments on the test Ss did. - T praises Ss who have good tests.. Contents II.. 1. far 2. filled. Took 3 .after 2.While - correcting: Told 4. Keep - T reviews some grammar points and Was / were 5. how vocabularies in the test. Saw 6. because - Aks Ss to do the test again sentence by sentence 7. stay through teacher’s explanation. 8. visitted - Correct the mistakes: Have Ss who had the III. correct sentences go to the board. 1. ate 2. watches 3.Post - correcting: 3. are playing - Note again what Ss have to remember. 4. will return - Give the tests to the Ss. IV. - Remark the tests.(the tests got good / fair / 1. Ben caught in the rain poor grades) 2. She had a bad cold. / She coughed and sneezed a lot . 3. The doctor took her temperature 4.Homework: 4. Yes . She was - Copy the corrected test. - Prepare Unit 14 : A 1, (Explain voc) V. 1. c 3a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> 2. b Week: 28 Date of preparation: 17 / 3 / 2013 Period: 79. 4d Date of teaching:. 19 /. 3 / 2013 UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES A1 Sports I.Objectives: After finishing the lesson, Ss will be able to know some popular sports in the USA. II. Language contents: - Grammar: present / past simple tense - Vocabulary: surprising, skateboarding, roller-skating, rollerblading, baseball III. Techniques: Pair work, ask and answer, True /False IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures, sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Have Ss retell what they should do to stay fit and healthy (eat body-building foods, fruits…;do exercises and play sports) Ask Ss which sports are their favorite ones and when in their free time which one they often play. A1 – Listen and read…. - Introduce the new lesson. Voc: 2.Presentation: -baseball (n) bóng chày - Let them look at the pictures indicating -skateboarding (n) trượt ván sports. -roller-skating (n) trượt patin - Ask whether some of them play one of -rollerblading (n) trượt patin these sports. -football (n) bóng đá - Introduce the content of the reading. -surprisingly (adv) một cách ngạc - Ask them to notice 10 sports which are nhiên the most popular that the young in a. b. (students’ answers) America love to play. - Play the tape. - Explain voc. 3.Practice: Silent reading. - Call some Ss to tell the name of some sports listed (mentioned) in the reading. - Ask Ss if they know how to play any of these 10 sports. - Pair work (ask / answer) - Call on some pairs practice before the class. - Correct..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> 4.Production: Ask Ss which sports are popular in Viet Nam. - Ask Ss some questions and Ss answer. 5.Homework: - Learn voc. - Copy the answers. - Prepare A 3,5. ******************************************************************** Week: 28 Date of preparation: 18 / 3 / 2013 Period: 80. Date of teaching:. 20 /. 3 / 2013 UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES A3,5 Sports I.Objectives: After finishing the lesson, Ss will be able to: - know how to make and use adjectives and adverbs. -Be aware of safe warning when swimming in the water. II. Language contents: - Grammar: adjectives / adverbs - Vocabulary: lifeguard, pool edge, cycle, cyclist, skillful, safe, careful, careless, strict III. Techniques: roleplay, gapfill IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Have Ss retell the ten most popular sports in the USA. Ask Ss about popular sports in Viet Nam. A3 – Listen. Then practice…. 2.Presentation + Practice:  adj + ly = adv of manner +Activity 1: A3 – Listen. Then practice….  adj N / V¬adv - T introduces. Ask Ss to look at the pictures, observe and then tell what people in the pictures do. Ex: She’s a slow swimmer. - Play the tape (twice) She swims slowly. Ask Ss some questions to introduce how to use “adj / adv”+ how to form advs:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span>  What does he do?  Is he good at soccer?  Is he a good soccer player?  What does he play?  How does he play soccer? - Have Ss pratice in pairs. - Some pairs practice before the class. - Have Ss underline the adjs and advs in these sentences. +Activity 2: A5 – Write. Change…. Have Ss look at the pictures and ask some questions. - Explain the request and voc. - Ss complete the text. - Give the answers. - T corrects 3.Production: Remind how to use “adj / adv”+ how to form advs: 4.Homework: - Copy the text; Learn voc and prepare A 4. A5 – Write. Change…. Clearly Carefully Safely Carelessly Strictly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> Week: 28 Date of preparation: 19 / 3 / 2013 Period: 81. Date of teaching: 3 / 2013. UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES A4 Sports I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice in talking about walking. II. Language contents: - Grammar: past simple - Vocabulary: take part in, competition, win – won, prize, organize, participant, increase, WFF, WTS III. Techniques: Ask / answer; T/F IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Ask SS some questions about sports  What sports do you like?  Do you often play it?  Do you like jogging? - Introduce the lesson. 2.Presentation - T gives some questions and asks S to A4 – Read. Then answer…. find the answer by reading the text Vocabulary: themselves. -take part in (v) tham gia - T can explain some new difficult -WFF = walking for fun words. -competition (n) cuộc thi 3.Practice: -win the prize (n) đạt giải thưởng - Have them read the text carefully. -organize (v) tổ chức - Ask some Ss to read the text aloud. -organization (n) ban tổ chức - Answer the questions. -participants (n) ngườI tham dự Ss give the answers. -WTS: walk to school - T corrects a. He takes part in Walking For Fun club / walking. b. The writer’s school team won the first prize; they were so happy and wanted to keep the activity. c. One activity is a km walk / walking 5 km to the beach on Sunday morning; and the other is walk – to – school day. d. It’s 5 km from school to the beach. e. Wednesday is the WTS day. f.Members living near school often take. 21 /.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> part in the WTS day. 4.Production: - Ask S some questions about them. - Answer T / F 5.Homework: - Copy the answers. - Learn voc. - Prepare B 1,2 ******************************************************************** Week: 29 Date of preparation: 11 / 3 / 2013 Period: 82 Date of teaching: 3 / 2013. 25 /. UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES B1,2 Come and play I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to speak / write / accept or refuse an invitation. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: Would you like + to infinitive Modal verbs 2.Vocabulary: ought to, paddle, spare III. Techniques: Ask / answer; roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures, poster V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: - Play a square (Find out the words relating to sports) 2.Presentation + Practice: B1 – Listen. Then practice…. *Activity 1: B1 – Listen. Then practice…. Grammar: Let Ss look at the picture and ask what Modal verbs: Can, must, have to, Ba and Nam are doing. ought to, should + V - Introduce the situation. Vocabulary: - Play the tape. -paddle (n) vợt - Pick out the modal verbs and how to -spare (n) definite them + the invitation. Answer: - Explain voc 1. Nam should finish his homework Ss practice: Pair work. before he plays table tennis. - Call on some pairs to play the roles 2. Nam will be ready in a few minutes. before the class. 3. Ba will finish a question for Math..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span> - Ask and answer questions in pairs. - Give the answers. - T corrects. *Activity 2: B2- Listen….. 4. Ba has two paddles. B2- Listen…. (Students’ dialogues). - Explain the request. - Listen to the model dialogue. Pair work (change the underlined details using the information in the box) - Make the dialogues before the class. 3.Production: - Ss do some more their dialogues. 4.Homework: - Learn voc and gram. - Copy the answers. - Prepare B3 (Explain voc). *********************************************************************** Week: 29 Date of preparation: 25 / 3 / 2013 Period: 83. Date of teaching: 3 / 2013. UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES B3 Come and play I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, S will be able to: - know about the invention of Jacques Cousteau. -use could/ couldn’t to tell about the past abilities. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: Past simple and modals. 2.Vocabulary: undarwater, vessel, explore, invent, special breathing equipment III. Techniques: Ask / answer; T /F IV.Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures, poster V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Have Ss tell names of some sports. - Introduce the new lesson. 2.Presentation B3- Read. Then answer…. Let Ss observe the pictures and Vocab: -. 27 /.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span> guess what sport it is. - Ask some questions to elicit the meanings of the words. 3.Practice: - Read over the text. - Have Ss repeat. - Silent reading. - Ask Ss some questions. - Ss answer.. 3.Production: Ss answer “T / F” - Request them to pick out the sentences in the text which identify their choice. - T corrects. - Tell them some things more about Jacques Couteau. 4.Homework: - Learn voc. - Answer T/F - Prepare Unit 14: A1. -stay underwater (v) ở dưới nước -dive (v) lặn -diver (n) a person who dives -special breathing equipment (n) thiết bị thở đặc biệt -invention (n) sự phát minh -invent (v) phát minh -scuba-diving (n) lặn có SD bình d. khí -vessel (n) tàu, thuyên -explore (v) khám phá Questions: True or False? Check, and then correct the false sentences. a.F. Most of the world’s surface is water. b.T c.T d.F. Jacques Cousteau invented a deepsea diving vessel. e.T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span> Week: 29 Date of preparation: 26 / 3 / 2013 Period: 84. Date of teaching:. 28 / 3 /. 2013 UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN A1 Time for TV I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to express what they do in their free time. II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: Present simple. 2.Vocabulary: series, adventure, cricket, prefer II.Iechniques: roleplay, multiplechoice IV.Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about their favorite TV program. 2.Presentation: Show Ss the schedule of the TV program and ask them where they can read it. - Ask them to look at the picture and guess what the members of Hoa’s family are doing. Introduce the conversation and ask Ss to guess what Hoa’s family often does. - Play the tape. Ss repeat sentence by sentence. - Elicit new words and the grammar. 3.Practice: - Play roles. - Call on some pairs to do the conversation before the class. - Ask them to do the exercise. - Give their answers. - Correct 4.Production: Ask Ss some questions about themselves. 5.Homework: - Learn voc. - Do exercises. - Prepare A2. A1 – Listen. Then practice… Vocab: -News in English (n) bản tin tiếng Anh -Series: “The Adventure of the Cricket” -News (n) bản tin trong ngày -prefer / like + to_inf (v) thích Ex: They prefer to do other things. -sound + adj: nghe có vẻ -boring (a) chán -adventure(n) -cricket(n) Key: a) C b) A c) B d) C e) D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span> Week:30 Date of preparation: 29 / 3 / 2013 Period: 85. Date of teaching:. 1 / 4 / 2013. UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN A2 Time for TV I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to invite or suggest S.O and reply to an invitation / suggestion. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: Would you like to…………? 2.Vocabulary: detective, a cowboy movie III. Techniques: roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, posters V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about activitives they often do in their free time. - Introduce the new lesson. A2 – Listen and read….. 2.Presentation: Vocab: - Show them some posters about some -cowboy movie (n) film cao bồi films and entertainment programs. -New Age Theater (n) Rạp thời đại - Ask them to work in pairs, tell what mới they want to do in their free time and -Can you make it on …? what they dislike. -Would you like …? - Introduce the conversation. -Let’s … - Explain voc. -What about …? - Let them listen to the cassette, repeat -drama club (n) CLB kịch chorally. -detective movie (n) film trinh thám 3.Practice: - Practice in pairs. Practice: (Note the suggestion or polite request A: Would you like to go to the theater with “Would you like to…..? this week? Let’s…..;What about you?Cane you B: That sounds great. What would you make it on..?”) like to see? A: There is a play on the Young Theater. B: OK. Can you make it on Monday night? A: Sorry. The theater doesn’t open on Monday nights. How about Wednesday? B: I’m sorry I think I can’t. I’m going.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span> to learn for my English test. What about Saturday? Are you free that day? A: Yes, I am. Let’s go on Saturday. 4.Production: Ask Ss to make other dialogues, using the informtion given in their schedule and the advertising posters. 5.Homework: Make dias. - Prepare A 3( Explain voc). ********************************************************************* Week:30 Date of preparation: 30 / 3 / 2013 Period: 86 Date of teaching: 2 / 4 / 2013 UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN A3 Time for TV I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the development of TV in Viet Nam. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: Past simple 2.Vocabulary: owner, gather, change III. Techniques: gapfill, ask / answer IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, posters, pictures V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: - Ask Ss some questions:  Do you like watching TV?  Do you have one at home?  What about your neighbors?  How often do you watch TV? …………………………………….. - Introduce the new lesson. 2.Presentation: A3 – Read: - Play the tape. Vocab: - Explain voc. -owner (n) chủ 3.Practice: -gather (v) = assemble (v) - Have them read the text by themselves -change (v) thay đổi carefully. Key: - Some Ss read the text aloud before the 1. People.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span> class. - Ask some questions and Ss answer.. 4.Production: Let Ss fill the blanks with appropriate words. - Check with their classmates. - Ss give the answers. - T corrects. 5.Homework: - Learn voc. - Copy the summary. - Prepare B1,2.. 2. Not 3. TV 4. Popular 5. Evening 6. Gather 7. They 8. Today 9. Have 10.Life 11.know.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span> Week:30 Date of preparation: 2 / 3 / 2013 Period: 87. Date of teaching:. 4 / 4 / 2013. UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN B1,2 What’s on? I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their interests and TV programs. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: like / prefer + to infinitive / gerund 2.Vocabulary: kind, cartoon, fistful, sport show, weather forecast II. Techniques: ask / answer, roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Ask Ss some questions about TV programs. Ask Ss to look at the picture and tell about the 2 characters on the screen. - Ask them “What kinds of program are the characters from?” and ask if they like this cartoon. B1 – Listen. Then practice. - Introduce the dia. Vocab: 2.Presentation + Practice: -sport show (n) *Activity 1: B1 – Listen. Then practice. -cartoon (n) film hoạt hình - Introduce the dia. -kind(n) Ask Ss to listen and note which a.No, because there aren’t any good programs Ba and Nga like. programs for teenagers. - Play the tape. b.Ba watches sports shows, cartoons and Have Ss answer these questions. movies. - Write these answers on the board c.Nga likes to watch programs about and introduce “like + to do / doing teenagers in other countries. ST) d. Nga doesn’t like the music program - Explain voc because they don’t play the kind of music Pair work. she likes. - Some pairs practice before the e. This evening Nga is going to listen to class. the radio and maybe read a book. - Ask / answer the questions. B2 – Listen. Write……. - Correct -Early news (n) bản tin đầu ngày *Activity 2: B2 – Listen. Write……. -The world today (n) thế giới ngày nay - Show them the pictures and -Weather forecast (n) dự báo thời tiết programs listed. - Ask some questions a) Children’s program starts at five.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span> - Tell them the purpose of this exercise. - Ask them to listen and note the times of the programs while listening. - Check and give answers 3.Production: - Ask Ss some questions about TV programs they like. 4.Homework: - Learn voc. - Read the dia. - Copy the answers and prepare B3,4 (Explain voc). b) c) d) e). Early news is at six tonight The weather forecast is at ten past six The world today is at a quarter past six. Movie: “A fistful of dollars” starts at seven.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span> Week:31 Date of preparation: 6 / 4 / 2013 Period: 88. Date of teaching:. 8 / 4 / 2013. UNIT 14 : FREETIME FUN B3,4 What’s on? I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about some programs on TV. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: present simple 2.Vocabulary: audience, import, contest, contestant, band, satellite III. Techniques: ask / answer, gap fill IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures, poster V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Have Ss look at the pictures in the book and tell the pictures are about / who they are. (The music band “The Moffats” – The famous inspector Sherlock Homes – A scene from the “To the peak of the Olympia”) B3- Listen and read… - Introduce the new lesson. -audience (n) khán giả 2.Presentation + Practice: -contest (n) cuộc thi *Activity 1: B3- Listen and read… -contestant (n) thí sinh - Explain voc. -import (n) film ngoại nhập - Introduce the passage they are going -satellite (n) to hear. - Play the tape. The keys Let them listen to the first paragraph a. They like to hear the latest pop nd rd and repeat, then 2 and 3 one. music. - Silent reading. b. They are: students, workers and - Have them ask / answer the questions family members. in pairs. c. They usually include police and - Give the answers. hospital series. - Correct d. Student’s answer B4 – Write…. 1) Around 2) Watch *Activity 2: B4 – Write…. 3) Listen - Have them read the words in the box. 4) Series - Ask them to read the passage and use 5) Show the words given to complete the 6) like passage. 7) Station.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span> - Give the answers. - Correct 3. Production: Ask Ss some questions about TV programs in Viet Nam. 4.Homework: - Learn voc. Copy the answers. - Prepare to do the 45-minute test.. 8) Receive 9) Cities 10) possible.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span> Week:31 Date of preparation: 7 / 4 / 2013 Period: 89. Date of teaching:. 9 / 4 / 2013. TEST 45 MINUTES I.Objective: Help Ss to review knowledge which they learnt last periods. II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: The grammar points in units: 12,13,14 2.Voc: vocs in units: 12,13,14 III.Teaching aids: sub-boards, textbook IV.Techquines: V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities Contents 1.Warm up: 2.New lesson: *The content of the exercises: Have Ss review the I.Tìm ra và gạch chân từ không cùng nhóm với từ in hoa( 1đ grammar points in ): 1.FOOD mango, beef, pizza, the objective. pig - T remarks and 2.FRUIT chicken, grape, durian, corrects. banana - Let Ss do the 3.VEGETABLES lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, exercises. spaghetti - Ss give the 4.DRINK tomato, soda, coffee, answers. milk - T corrects II.Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu( 3 đ): 1.I like mangoes and ………….. do they. A . so B. neither C. too. D.. either 2.These bananas are green. They are……….. A. ripe B. good C. not ripe D. not small 3.Add………. salt to the soup, please. A. few B. a little C. many D. too much 4. C.Ronaldo is my favorite soccer player. He plays very …….. A. good. B. well. C. bad. D.. badly 5.They prefer playing soccer ……….. watching TV. A. than B. to C. more than D. and 6.Tom and Jerry is a Walt Disney …………. A. cartoon B. sports show C. detective movie D.romantic film III. Chia động từ trong ngoặc( 2 đ): 1.These children like (watch) __________ cartoons on.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span> TV. 2.You ought to (go) ____________ to school on time. 3.I would like (tell) ___________ you something about myself 4.Nga (watch) ___________ “Romeo and Juliet” last Sunday. IV/ Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi .(2đ) In 1960s, most people in Viet Nam didn’t have a TV set. The people with TVs popular. In the evening, the neighbors gathered around the TV. They stayed until the TV programs finished. Viet Nam is different today. More families have a TV set and life is more comfortable. But neighbors don’t know each other as well as they did in the past because they watch TV in their own living room. 1, Did most people have a TV set in 1960s? ................... 2, What did the neighbors do in the evening? ............ 3, How is life today in Viet Nam?........................ 4, Where do people watch TV today? .................... V. Viết lại câu bắt đầu bằng từ gợi ý sao cho nghĩa của câu không đổi ( 1đ ): 1.My uncle is a skillful tennis player. My uncle plays…..……………………………………. 3.Consolidation: 2.You should learn how to swim. - Have Ss review these You ought…………………………………………………. grammar points and words again. 4.Homework: Review from unit 12 to uint 14 to do the test 45’.. Week:31 Date of preparation: 7 / 4 / 2013 Period: 90 Date of teaching: UNIT 15: GOING OUT A1 Video games. 10 / 4 / 2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span> I.Objectives: Ss will be able to give advice and reply on video games II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: Modal verb 2.Vocabulary: amusement, center, addictive, arcade III. Techniques: ask / answer, reloplay IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: - Play a game: “Slap the board” (These words relate to TV programs) 2.Presentation: - Show them the picture and ask “What can you see in the picture?”. - Explain the word “amusement center” - Ask some questions about these places. - Present the content of the dia. - Play the tape 3.Practice: - have them pratice the dia in pairs. - Elicit the words - Some pairs practice before the class 4.Production: - Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs. - Give the answers. - Correct - Ask Ss some questions about themselves. 5.Homework: - Write the answers. - Learn voc. - Prepare A 2 ( explain voc). Content. A1 – Listen Voc: -amusement (n) -center(n) -addictive(a) -arcade(n) Key: a. Nam is going to the amusement center. b. He’s going to play video games. c. About once a week. d. No, he doesn’t. e. He usually stays for about an hour. f. Because video games can be addictive. g. He will do his homework later.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span> Week:32 Date of preparation: 13 / 4 / 2013 Period: 91. Date of teaching:. 15 / 4 / 2013. UNIT 15: GOING OUT A2 Video games I.Objectives: Ss will be able to talk about video games and their affects. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: Modal verb 2.Vocabulary: dizzy, social skill, inventor III. Techniques: ask / answer, gapfill, multipe choice IV. Teaching aids: : cassette, pictures, poster V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up - Ask Ss questions about video games, what they know about video games, how often they play video games and how they enjoy these games. 2.Pre-reading: - Present the reading. - Play the tape. - Explain voc 3.While-reading: - Silent reading. - Have them read aloud. (Some Ss) - Ss complete these sentences. - Ss give the answers. - Correct 4.Post-reading: - Ask Ss some questions. 5.Homework: - Read the text. - Learn voc. - Prepare A3 (Explain voc). A2 – Listen and read…. New words -invent (v) -invention (n) -inventor (n) -to become – became -dizzy (a) -spend (v) -develop(v) -play outdoor(v) -social (a) -skill(n) The answer keys a) D ; b) A ; c) D ; d) B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span> Week:32 Date of preparation: 14 / 4 / 2013 Period: 92. Date of teaching:. 16 / 4 / 2013. UNIT 15: GOING OUT A3 Video games I.Objectives: Ss will be able to know more about video. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: present simple 2.Vocabulary: identify, useful, protect, premises, robbery, robber, teaching aid, university, course, future, industry, image III. Techniques: ask / answer, gapfill IV. Teaching aids: : sub-board V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Wordsquare Have Ss find out the words they’ve learnt in A A3 – Complete the passage….. 2 New words (v) Identify , buy – bought, (n) Bank , store , robbery, robber, A F Y D T O L premise, university course, U S K I L L Y industry; video compact P X E Z F M S discs (VCDs), video cassette O U T Z V N Q recorder (VCR) ; music E R G Y I H W industry, video camera = D E V E L O P surveillance camera, close C S O C I A L circuit camera = security camera (adv) worldwide 2.Pre-reading: The answer keys - Explain voc 1. be - Test Ss about voc in the box. 2. have 3. is 4. identify 3.While-reading: 5. are, - Have Ss read the passage and complete it. 6. use - Ss give the answers. 7. can - T corrects 8. will 9. buy 4.Post-reading: 10. show - Ask Ss some questions about the passage. - Copy the passage. - Learn voc. 5.Homework: Prepare B 1,2 (Explain voc) Week:32 Date of preparation: 15 / 4 / 2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span> Period: 93. Date of teaching:. 17 / 4 / 2013. UNIT 15: GOING OUT B1,2 In the city I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the difference between the city and the country. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: present and past simple 2.Vocabulary: rest, know – knew, keep...awake, direction, scare, get used to III. Techniques: ask / answer, roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : picture, cassette V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: - Ask Ss some questions about their places.  Where do you live?  Do you like living there?  Why / why not?  ………………………… …………………. 2.Presentation+Practice: B1 – Listen. Then practice… *Activity 1: Vocabulary - Play the tape. -Know – knew - Ss liten to the tape. -scare (v) - Explain voc -get used to - Ss read the dia.(Chorally) -Rest (n) - Work in pairs. -keep...awake(v) - Some pairs practice the dia before -direction(n) the class. Grammar - Silent reading. You will get used to it soon. - Have Ss ask / answer questions in The noise keeps me awake at pairs. night. - Some Ss answer before the class. The answer keys - T corrects. (Teacher’s note) a. She goes to the school theater once or *Activity 2: twice a week. The rest of the week she - Explain how to do the exercise B2. usually stays at home in the evening - Get Ss to work in pairs. b. No, she doesn’t like the city. - Get feedback. c. Before, Hoa lived in a village near Hue. d. She liked living there because she knew all the people in her neighborhood, the village was quite and there was only a little traffic..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span> 4.Production: (Using B2) - Ask Ss some questions about themselves. 5.Homework: - Copy the answers. - Learn voc - Prepare “B 3, 4”.. e. She doesn’t like the city because it is noisy and the road are busy f. She hates crossing the road most because bikes , motorbikes, and cars come from every directions and they scare her. B2 – Work with a partner. Student’s answer. ******************************************************************* Week:33 Period: 94. Date of preparation: 20 / 4 / 2013 Date of teaching:. 22/ 4 / 2013. UNIT 15: GOING OUT B3,4 In the city I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about favorite activities in the evening. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: like/ prefer + to – infiitive; like + gerund 2.Vocabulary: begin – began, rarely, socialize, regularly. III. Techniques: ask / answer IV. Teaching aids: : pictures, cassette V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: - Ask Ss some questions. B3 – Read: 2.Presentation + Practice: News words *Activity 1: B3 – Read: -To begin - began - T introduces -Socialize (v) - Play the tape. -Rarely (adv) - Explain voc. -regularly (adv) - Some Ss read the text. Key: - Silent reading. * She visits her friends. - Have Ss make a list of things Hoa does in * She talks and listens to music the evening. with her friends. - T corrects * They help each other with their *Activity 2: B4 – Listen. Match each name….. homework. - Have Ss look at the pictures and talk about * She plays table tennis and plays their contents. chess with her friends. - Ss listen to and match each name to an * She socilizes with her friends. activity. * She goes to the library and - Give the answers. borrows books. - T corrects. B4 – Listen. Match each.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span> 3.Production: name….. - T has Ss listen the tape script with the missing The answer words. Ba - b) Hoa – a) 4. Homework: Nga – d) - Learn voc. Nam – c) Lan – f) - Prepare Unit 16 (A 1) An – e ******************************************************************** Week:33 Date of preparation: 21 / 4 / 2013 Period: 94. Date of teaching:. 23/ 4 / 2013. 2nd SEMESTER TEST CORRECTION I.Objectives: Help SS to know the mistakes in their test in order to study better. II.Language Contents: - Vocabulary and grammar from unit 9 to unit 14 III. Techniques:  Pair work IV. Teaching aids: : papers, a sub-board V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Pre - correcting: - T comments on the test Ss did. - T praises Ss who have good tests.. Contents I .Chuyển tính từ sau sang trạng từ ( 1đ ) Adj. good 2.While - correcting: - T reviews some grammar points and slow vocabularies in the test. - Aks Ss to do the test again sentence by sentence Safe through teacher’s explanation. - Correct the mistakes: Have Ss who had the bad correct sentences go to the board.. adv Well Slowly Safely Badly. II. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất (4đ) 3.Post - correcting: - Note again what Ss have to remember. 1C - Give the tests to the Ss. 2B - Remark the tests.(the tests got good / fair / 3C poor grades) 4B 5C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span> 6C 7D 8A III. Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc(2đ 1 .to play / playing 2.received 3. watchs 4. didn’t have IV. Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi ( 2đ) 4.Homework: - Copy the corrected test.. 1. Yes. It does 2. People need only a pair of rackets, a shuttlecock, a net and a small piece of land to play the game 3. People can play badminton in their free time or in a competition 4. One of the strongest countries in badminton is Indonesia V. Viết lại câu theo gợi ý (1m) 1. minh should get up early 2. he drives carefully.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span> Week:35 Date of preparation: 4 / 5 / 2013 Period: 96. Date of teaching:. 6 / 5 / 2013. UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES A1 Famous places in Asia I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about some countries and capitals in Asia. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: present simple 2.Vocabulary: send- sent, pilot, fly, region, accasionally, album. III. Techniques: ask / answer, roleplay, matching IV. Teaching aids: : pictures, cassette, poster V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Brainstoming Countries in Asia - Have Ss tell the countries in Asia. 2.Presentation: - Present the dia. - Play the tape. S listen to. - Explain voc 3.Practice: - Ss practice the dia chorally. - Pairs work. (Play roles) - Some pairs play roles before the class. - Silent reading. - Have Ss match the half – sentences on page 155. - Ss give the answers . - T corrects. (Teacher’s note). 4.Production: - Ask Ss some questions about the dia. 5.Homework: - Copy the exercise; - Learn voc; Prepare A 2,3 (explain voc). New words: -send- sent -pilot (n) -fly - flew -region (n) -occasionally (adv) - album (n) Answer: a) D b) F c) B d) C e) A f) E.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span> ************************************************************** Week:34 Date of preparation: 1 / 5 / 2013 Period: 97. Date of teaching:. 7 / 5 / 2013. UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES A2,3 Famous places in Asia I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know some famous places in Asia and the capitals of some countries in Asia. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: present simple 2.Vocabulary: a cultural show, Baliness III. Techniques: ask / answer IV. Teaching aids: : pictures, cassette, poster V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Pelmanism (The countries and their capital) Cambodia Myanmar Indonesia Malaysia China Thailand Laos Bangkok Beijing Kualar Phnompenh Vientiane Yangon Jakarta Lumpur 2.Pre-listening: - Have Ss practice in pairs (ask / answer) (The example on page 155) - Some pairs practice before the class. 3.While-listening: - Explain the request. - Play the tape . - Ss listen to and complete the pilot’s schedule. - Give the answers. - T corrects  Mon: Bangkok  Tue: Singapore  Wed: Jakarta  Thu: Bali  Fri:Bali  Sat: HongKong  Sun: back to HaNoi 4.Post-listening: - Ask Ss some questions about the countries in Asia. 5.Homework: - Copy the exercises..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span> - Prepare A 4. ******************************************************************* Week:35 Date of preparation: 5 / 5 / 2013 Period: 98. Date of teaching:. 8 / 5 / 2013. UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES A4 Famous places in Asia I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know some famous places in Asia. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: present simple, may/ can/ could 2.Vocabulary: attraction, be interested in, ancient monument, shadow puppet show, resort, admire, coral III. Techniques: ask / answer IV. Teaching aids: : pictures, cassette V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: - Have Ss tell some famous places in Asia. - Present the text. 2.Pre-reading: - Play the tape. - Ss listen to - Explain voc. 3.While-reading: - Ss read the text chorally. - Some Ss read the text. - Silent reading. - Ss answer the questions. - T corrects. Content. New words: -attraction (n) - be interested in - ancient monument - shadow puppet show - resort (n) - admire (n) - coral (n) Answer: a.The three kinds of tourist attractions mentioned in the passage are ancient monument, shows and resorts. b.Student’s answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span> 4.Post-reading: Ask Ss some questions about famous places in VietNam. 5.Homework: - Learn voc and answer the questions. - Prepare B 1,2. ******************************************************************** Week:35 Date of preparation: 6 / 5 / 2013 Period: 99 Date of teaching: 9 / 5 / 2013 UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES B1,2 Famous people I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about Vo Nguyen Giap, a famous person in VN, and some famous people in the world. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: present and past simple 2.Vocabulary: quiz, General, lead, force, defeat, battle, be famous for III. Techniques: ask / answergapfill, roleplay, T/F IV. Teaching aids: : pictures, cassette, posters V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: Have Ss talk about some famous peolple in VN. Have Ss look at the picture of V.N.Giap - Present the new lesson. 2.Presentation+Practice: *Activity 1: - Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat the dia. - Explain voc Have Ss practice in pairs (play roles) - Some pairs practice before the class.. Content. B1.Listen. *New words: -quiz (n) -General (n) -lead (v) -force (n) -defeat (v).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span> -. Silent reading. Ask Ss to do the exercise (on page 158) Ss give the answers. T corrects.. *Activity 2: Have Ss practice in pairs to complete the dia. - Some pairs practice before the class. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to make the dialogues about famous people they know. - Some pairs practice before the class. Ask Ss some questions about these people. 3.Homework: - Copy the exercises. Prepare B 4,5. Week:35 Date of preparation: 7 / 5 / 2013 Period: 100. -battle (n) - be famous for *Answers: a.F. Liz knows nothing about General Giap. b.F. The people’s Army of VietNam defeated the French in 1954. c.T d.F. General Giap was born in 1911 e.T f.F. Ba will lend Liz some history books. B2.Practice. 1.like 2.prefer 3.guess 4.favorite. Date of teaching:. 10 / 5 / 2013. UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES B4,5 Famous people I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about Thomas Edison, Christian Andersen and Uncle Ho. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: past simple 2.Vocabulary: bulb, gramophone, motion picture, author, fairy tale, III. Techniques: ask / answer IV. Teaching aids: : pictures, cassette, posters V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Guessing game - T gives some cues and S guess who they are..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span> 2.Presentation+Practice: *Activity 1: Play the tape. Ss listen to. - Explain voc - Some Ss read the text. - Silent reading - Have Ss work in pairs (playroles: Edison, Andersen and newspaper reporter) - Some pairs practice before the class. *Activity 2: Have Ss complete the table after listening to the tape some times. - Give the answers - T corrects Year Place Date of birth 1890 Kim Lien Left Viet Nam 1911 Worked in hotel 1900s London Went to another 1917 Paris country Moved again 1923 Guangzhou Founded 1930 Vnamese Communist Party Formed Viet 1941 Viet Nam Minh Front Became 1945 President Died 1969. 4.Homework: - Copy the exercise; Prepare “Language Focus 5”. B4.Read. *New words: -bulb (n) -gramophone (n) -motion picture -auther (n) -fairy tale (n) B5.Listen. *New words: -leave (v) -move (v) -found (v) -form (v) -declare (v) -independence (n) -Democratic Republic of Viet Nam.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span> Week:32 Date of preparation: 14 / 4 / 2013 Period: 101. Date of teaching:. 16 / 4 / 2013. LANGUAGE FOCUS 5 I.Objectives: Help Ss review the grammar and voc from unit 13 to 16. II. Language contents: 1.Grammar: adj, adc, modal verb, like / dislike, tenses 2.Vocabulary: sleep, cry, climb, shrimp... III. Techniques: ask / answer, gapfill, multiple choice, roleplay IV. Teaching aids: : pictures, posters V. Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Pelmanism slow good skillful quick bad quickly skillfully well badly slowly 2.Presentation + Practice: *Activity1:.Adjectives and adverbs: a.Check the correct box………  -T pastes the poster (box) on the board -Have Ss review adjs and advs  -Have Ss check the correct box. -Ss give the answers  T corrects.(adjs: dangerous, good, bad – advs: slowly, skillfully, quickly) b.Complete the sentences…  Have Ss review how to use adj / adv  -Ss do the exercise -Ss give the answers  T corrects (quickly, slowly, good, dangerous, skillful) *Activity2: Modal verbs:  -Have Ss review modal verbs. -Ss practice the dia (a) (Chorally and pairs work)  -Have Ss look at the pictures and the words in part (b) to make similar dias in pairs. -Call on some pairs to practice before the class.  -Ask Ss to look at the pictures and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span> give some advices. -T corrects *Activity 3:Expressing “likes” and “dislikes”  -Ss review “ like / dislike” -Explain voc.  -Ss look at the menu and work in pairs. -Some pairs practice before the class. *Activity 4:Tenses:  Have Ss review the structures of these tenses.  -Have Ss read these sentences and check the correct column.  T corrects Past a b c d e f g h i j. Present x x. Future. x x x x x x x. *Activity 5:Because: Ss work in pairs. - Practice before the class. 3.Production: Ss do some more exercises. 4.Homework: - Copy the exercise and review units in the second semester.. Week: 32 Date of preparation: 14 / 4 / 2013 Period: 102 Date of teaching: 16 / 4 / 2013. x.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span> REVISION I.Objective: Help S to review: - The simple past / present and future tense + the present grogressive tense II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: The simple past / present and future tense + the present grogressive tense 2.Voc: learned voc. III.Teaching aids: sub-boards, textbook IV.Techquines: V.Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Complete these words: 1.Put the verbs in the brackets  h_ _rde_ er sk into the simple present / furure _ _t tense:  m_ter_ l a.My father (jog) ________ every h_bb_ morning  c_sh_ _n n_ b.We (visit) ______ Huong _gh _ _ r Pagoda next week. 2.Presentation + Practice: c.She (be)_____ 14 on her - Have S review these grammar points. birhday. - T remarks and corrects. d.Mai (brush) ______ her teeth - Let S do the exercises. after meals. - S give the answers. e.She (have) ______ a meeting - T corrects tonight. 2.Put the verbs in the brackets into the simple past tense: a.My father (decorate) ___________ the Christmas tree. b.Hoa (learn) _________ how to use a computer in her computer class. c.She (buy) __________ a new dress yesterday. d.I (see) __________ her two days ago. e.They (paint) ___________ their house yellow. 3. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tenses: a.I (meet) ___________ her at the movies theater last night. b.He (go) _________ to her English club every Sunday. But last Sunday he(not go) ________ there, he (go) _________ to the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span> City’s Museum. c.My father (make) _____________ a dress now. d.Two years ago, he(teach) _________ at a village school. e.We (travel) __________to Hue next month. f.The children (be) ________ here ten minutes ago, but at th moment they (play)__________ in the yard. g.What _________ you (do) __________ tomorrow?. 3.Homework: - Review units they have learnt in the second semester. (Voc and gram). Week:32 Date of preparation: 15 / 4 / 2013 Period: 103 teaching: 17 / 4 / 2013. Date of REVISION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span> I.Objective: Help Ss to review: so / too / either / neither. II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: so / too / either / neither. 2.Voc: learned voc. III.Teaching aids: sub-boards, textbook IV.Techquines: V.Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity Content 1.Warm up: Find out the word doesn’t ***The content of the exercises: belong to the group in a line 1.Complete the sentences with “ too / 1.spinach beef cucumber either” pea a.We often go swimming in the summer, 2.terrible carefully awful and they ________ healthy b.She can speak English very well. I 3.stomachache sick headache ____________. toothache c.Nam didn’t come to the party last night, 4.washed needed and Minh _______ affected added d.Hoa will buy some oranges and 2.Presentation + Practice: pineapples. I___________ - Have Ss review these grammar e.Nam is hungry and his friends points. __________. - T remarks and corrects. f.They don’t want to go out tonight, and we - Let Ss do the exercises. _________ - Ss give the answers. 2.Complete the sentences with “ so / - T corrects neither” a.I like beef. And _________ my sister. b.They don’t play soccer. ____________we. c.Hoa doesn’t like pork, and _________ her aunt. d.Nam can swim. _____________Ba. e.My father won’t go to HaNoi, and _______ my mother. 3. Combine two simple sentences into one: a.They can play volleyball. We can play volleyball. b.I write diary every night. My sister writes diary every night. c.My father doesn’t drink beer. My uncle doesn’t drink beer. d.Milk is good for your health. Orange juice is good for your health. e.I am not a doctor. They aren’t doctors..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span> 3.Homework: - Review units they have learnt in the second semester. (Voc and gram) ************************************************************************ Week:33 Date of preparation: 20 / 4 / 2013 Period: 104 Date of teaching: 22 / 4 / 2013 REVISION I.Objective: Help Ss to review: Modal verbs Adjs and Advs II.Language contents: 1.Grammar: Modal verbs + V (-to) Adjs and Advs 2.Voc: learned voc. III.Teaching aids: sub-boards, textbook IV.Techquines: V.Procedures: Teacher and students’ activity 1.Warm up: Put the words into the correct groups onion, cucumber, apple, pan, spinach, bowl, pineapple, orange, carrot, banana, chopsticks, bean, pea, durian, potato, peper, spoon, papaya, plate, mango, pot, watermelon, glass, knife. @ Vegetable:___________________ ____________________________ ________________ @ Fruit ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________ @Things: ____________________________ ____________________________. Content 1.Complete the sentences with “can, must, should, ought”: a/You _______ wash your hand before meals. b/John is very good at Math. He _______ do all Math problems. c/It’s too late. I ____________ go now. d/She gets bad marks at Chemistry. She _________ to study harder. e/The traffic lights are red. You _______ stop. f/__________ I go to the movies now? g/Children _________ drink lots of milk. h/He _________ to drive more carefully. 2.Write the correct advs: good___________________ safe____________________ bad___________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span> _________ 2.Presentation + Practice: - Have Ss review these grammar points. - T remarks and corrects. - Let Ss do the exercises. - Ss give the answers. - T corrects. 3.Homework: - Review units they have learnt in the second semester to do the second semester test.. sudden__________________ slow ____________________ careless_________________ skillful__________________ strict ____________________ clear__________________ quick____________________ 3.Choose the correct words to complete the sentences: a/My sister plays the piano (good / well) b/It is an (interesting / interestingly) book. c/He drove (careless / carelessly) and he had an accident..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span> Date : 5/ 5 / 2011 Week : 37. Period 57 2 SEMESTER TEST CORRECTION nd. I.Objectives: Help SS to know the mistakes in their test in order to study better. II.Language Contents: - Vocabulary and grammar from unit 1 to unit 8 III. Techniques:  Pair work IV. Teaching aids: : papers, a sub-board V.Procedures: Teacher and sts’ activities 1.Pre - correcting: - T comments on the test Ss did. - T praises Ss who have good tests.. Contents A. LANGUAGE FOCUS. I/ 1. smaller 2.on 3.won’t 4.journalist 5.What 6. to play. 2.While - correcting: II/ - T reviews some grammar points and 1. will visit 2. drinks vocabularies in the test. - Aks Ss to do the test again sentence by sentence3. highest 4. listening through teacher’s explanation. III/ - Correct the mistakes: Have Ss who had the 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b correct sentences go to the board. IV/ 1.Subjects: history, math, biology, 3.Post - correcting: computer science, physics - Note again what Ss have to remember. 2.Activities: catch, blindman’s bluff, - Give the tests to the Ss. - Remark the tests.(the tests got good / fair / skip rope, basketball, play marbles C. READING. poor grades) I/ 1.Nga’s address is 14 Nguyen Tri Phuong Street. 2.She will have a small party for her birthday. II/ 1.She lives with her parents and two brothers. 2. She will be 14 on her next brithday. 3. The party will start at five o’clock and finish at nine. D. WRITING..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span> 4.Homework: - Copy the corrected test. - Prepare Unit 9 : A 1, (Explain voc). I/ 1.What is his telephone number ? 2.How far is it from your house to school? 3.What is your favorite subject ? 4.What time do you go to school ? II/ 1.What about going to the cafeteria? 2.Nam is going to watch TV tonight..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span>

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