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Lesson Plan 5 week 31 period 63

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Cai Be Service of Education and Training Doan Thi Nghiep Primary School Teacher: Do Van Hung. LESSON PLAN – GRADE 5 UNIT 19. ROAD SIGNS LESSON 2 - Preparing date: 06/04/2014 - Teaching date: 08-10/04/2014 - Week: 31 &Period: 63 I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters “br” as in zebra and those of the letters “cr” as in crossing, listen and complete the sentences provided II/ Teaching aids: worksheet, tape recording III/ Procedures: Time 5’. 5’. Contents I. Warmer: Display.. II. Presentation - Teach the sounds of the letters “br” and those of the letters “cr” 1.Listen and repeat. 18’. III. Practice 2. Listen and read together. 3. Group and say aloud Answers: zebra: brown, umbrella, breakfast, bring. crossing: cry, crown, crocodile, crossword.. T’s activities. Ss’ activities. - Gets students to joint into the activity - Introduces the new lesson.. - Joint into the activity - Listen. - Teaches the sounds - Listen and of the letters “br” and repeat. Take note that of the letters “cr” - Plays the tape and - Listen and repeat asks students repeat - Asks students to listen and then work in groups to read together - Asks students to look at the chart and the word box. - Says each word and gets students to repeat. Then lets students do the task independently. - Listen and then work in groups to read together - Look at the chart and the word box - Listen and repeat. Then do the task independently.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 4. Listen and complete Answers: 1. must use; 2. mustn’t ride; 3. must wear; 4. football in the street, 5. a moving bus.. 5’ 2’. IV. Production 5. Fun time (Crossword Puzzle) VI. Home work - Review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson. Duyệt của Ban Giám hiệu. - Asks students to check their answers in pairs. - Provides the answers and explanations - Gets students to read in chorus all the words in each column - Plays the tape for students to listen and complete the sentences with appropriate information - Asks students to exchange their answers with their partners - Provides the answers and explanations. - Check answers in pairs.. - Asks students to play the game. - Play the game. - Asks students to review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson. - Review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson. Duyệt của Tổ chuyên môn. - Listen and check answers - Read in chorus all the words in each column - Listen and complete the sentences with appropriate information - Exchange and compare their answers with their partners - Listen and check answers. Người soạn. Đỗ Văn Hùng.

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