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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Exam number 1. Find out the correct answer of each question. Question 1: If = 121 then x-201=121 x=201+121 x=322 Question 2: Write > ; = ; < 17 - 2 + 4 19 = 19 Question 3:. =. 6x3+1. The average of 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 is (5+7+9+11+13):5=9 Question 4: If then 77:7=11 Question 5:. =. If and 112+113+114=339 ; 115+116=231 A-B=339-231=108 Question 6: Write the missing number: 4563005 - 2146356= 2416649 Question 7: Find the value of k if. then. -. =. =. The result: k = 18-(8-k)=17 8-k=1 K=7 Question 8: If A is more than then A = 19+57=76 Question 9: Three years ago, Nora was half as old as Mary is now. If Mary is four years older than Nora then Mary is. years old now.. Mary: (4+3)*2 =14 Question 10: It took boys hours to clean a house. How many boys are needed to clean the house in hours? The result is: 3 boys  6 hours ?-----------2 hours Need 9 boys More 9 boys-3= 6boys. boys..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Exam number2.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Exam number 3.

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