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within a couple of minutes. Consequently, people will find it helpful to make himself
decisive. If one can make decision quickly, and what is more, if he can guarantee his
decision is right, then he will gain much. While, if one is irresolute, he will sooner or
later pay for his irresolution.
Essay 613 Topic 121 Are first impressions trustworthy?
It is said that the first impression is the best impression. But this is not always true. A
person cannot be judged in an instant. First impressions can be misleading. However in
some instances we have to base our opinion on the first impression.
We are very much influenced by the first impression of a person. Often it leaves a lasting
impression on our minds. This is especially true of interviews. The interviewer is
influenced by the attitude, appearance etc of the candidate. Within a short span of one
hour the candidate`s fate is determined. In other words if he manages to give a good
impression he gets the job. But can a person`s character be judged accurately so swiftly.
It is very easy to give a wrong impression. During a social gathering if a well-dressed
man were to arrive, he would be escorted to a seat because from his appearance, people
have got the impression that he is an eminent person of the society. But an ill clad man
would be ignored. Perhaps it is the latter who is the better of the two. Perhaps his honesty
earned him only poverty.
Appearances are often deceptive. Many things in life which appear beautiful on the
surface may be rotten inside. Drugs and alcohol are the classical examples. Just like a red
and rosy apple that appears mouth watering but turns out to be rotten inside, drugs
provide only momentary pleasure and ruin us in the end. As a poet once said; `I have seen
kindness done by men with ugly faces And flowers in stony places things are not as they
appear. I remember an acquaintance of mine. She had the reputation of being very short
tempered and selfish. But when I was in need she was the only one who turned up to help
me. It was only when I came to know her better that I realized what a wonderful person
she was.
So I would like to conclude by saying that all that glitters is not gold. The ugly stone
when well polished may turn out to be a diamond. So we must not mistake the diamond
for a stone and throw it away. Especially while looking for a friend, we must not count on
first impressions alone.
Essay 614 Topic 121 Are first impressions trustworthy?
First impressions are very important because they weigh a lot in most people`s
judgments. Sometimes if a person shows bad first impression, he or she may fail to get a
date, a job or a university admission. I will not, though, judge a person`s character so
quickly for several reasons.
First reason is that people`s behaviors and appearance change. When you see a person in
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different situation, you will get a different impression of him or her. For example, you
may see your serious boss drinking and singing in a bar. If you first met your boss in that
bar, you would have thought that he was not a boss that can handle a large company. And
if you met him or her at the office the other day, you would have thought you just met a
different person.
Another reason is that though some people can adjust their roles and appearance in
different situation smoothly, others cannot. Some people are shy so they become nervous
when you first meet them, and then they may look like they are arrogant. When I first met
my friend Judy, I thought she is inhospitable. She did not smile and just said several
words when we were talking. But when I knew her longer, I knew that she was really a
person who liked to help the others. And she was just shy and did not know how to talk
with a stranger.
Furthermore, since many people believe in the first impression, some people will use it
for cheating. There are some cases reported by newspapers that some defrauders act and
appear like decent people to defraud other people of money. Another example is that
there is some training for interview. If a person pay to have interview training, he may get
a higher interview score but, in fact, that person is no different.
However, First impression is very important for us since many people judge people this
way. So you have to pay attention to your first impression to others especially in some
important situation. But if it is we to judge other people, I believe that to judge others
gradually is a right way.
Essay 615 Topic 121 Are first impressions trustworthy?
Human nature is a complex thing. Therefore it is impossible to state that one way to
judge person`s character is better than the other. Everyone should their best way. I have
experienced that both approaches are right sometimes.
First impression about other person is based on many hidden intrinsic psychological
factors and past experiences, that we are not even conscious of. The experience with
other people has settled into our minds and it is sometimes causing a right decision.
Latter analysis may even lead us to the wrong direction.
On the other hand, most of the people know about the importance of the first impression
and they are trying to act accordingly. First impression may even be lead by many
unimportant details like clothing, perfume etc. Therefore quick judgment may be
unrealistic and fake. It is always good to spend more time with the person before the
decision, because it is very hard to fake for a long time.
I have been led by wrong first impression, because the person looked untreatable. After I
got to know him better he turned out to be a decent man and he is one of my best friends
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I have also tried to ignore my negative first impression about a coworker and tried to
believe in him. Although my belief even changed him to be better, we had to fire him
My conclusion is that there is no one right way to judge person`s character, that skill is
personal and must come with experience.
Essay 616 Topic 122 Unlimited Desires
Desires are one of the natural habits of man. Desires developed in one's heart are endless.
It is from the beginning of the human race that human wants are unlimited. Therefore, I
do agree that satisfaction of people is never complete and they always want something
new and different. People's needs are never satisfied because they want every kind of
comforts in their life, if one of their needs are satisfied, the other arouses, want to have
different lifestyles which results in endless desires. In the boundaries of desires, the first
and the foremost thing is to have comfort in what the people possess. They need every
kind of comforts and materials provided to them in their homes, at offices, in cars, etc.
For example, when a person intends to buy a house, he first looks for a comfortable house
that is suitable according to his desires. When he finally buys it, he then looks for quality
furniture, air conditioners, other equipments, etc which will be suitable according to his
will. Similarly, when he buys a car, he also desires to have an air conditioner in the car,
good seats in the car, and also in the offices, and many other areas of a person's comforts
and desires. Human wants are unlimited. When a person tries to satisfy one of his needs,
the other arouses. This satisfaction of human needs are a continuous cycle of life and is
unstoppable. For example, when he goes out for shopping, he prepares in mind to only
have basic needs which are important to him. But as he enters the market area, his desires
arouses to buy dress but along with dress he also intends to buy a wrist watch. And again,
when he passes by a scent shop, he again wills to buy a good perfume and next to it when
he peers at a shoe shop, his desires again arouses him to buy quality shoes. One needs
satisfied leds him to arouse another wants. Therefore, when he tries to satisfy with one
thing other needs arouses. Many people in today's world, adopt a new lifestyle. Change in
lifestyle also results in increasing one's demand for other goods of life. For example,
when a person tries different kind of things in his life, he suddenly feels to have a quality
and different look on his personality. New and expensive dress wore led him to feel like a
gentleman when he passes down the streets, or he feels like a model among the other
people. In conclusion, unlimited wants and needs of people cause them never to end their
satisfaction over their needs. One needs satisfied automatically increases in the other
form, thus increasing the human wants. People are never satisfied with what they have,
because these desires are in their nature, and they always want something more or
something different.
Essay 617 Topic 122 should one be satisfied or not
Should people be satisfied with what they have or should they always want something
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more or different? It is difficult to determine which point of view is better, because of the
different comprehension of life. However, although it seems to be a little ambitious, I
believe that most people are not satisfied with the present but to pursue a better and
varied life. The most significant reason to support my statement is that nowadays our
society are full of competition, if we are satisfied with ourselves and do not want any
developments, we will soon be thrown out of the tide of the society, just as the old saying
says that not to improve means to degrade. Since the industrial revolution broke out at
1800's, our world has changed more and more rapidly. Everyday we can find something
new and better. Therefore, in order to keep ourselves up to the pace of the world or even
lead the development in some special fields, we have no choice but to constantly renew
our knowledge and views to create something newer and better. In addition to the
pressure of survival, it may also be noted that not to be satisfied forever is the main
motivation to stimulate people to earn a better life. Only when one has some definite
goals in his mind will he be active and energetic to his life. We all have the similar
experience that it is the most significant time when we bring one of our dreams to reality
and gain some achievements. At that time, our pleasure is beyond the description. So we
can say that only when we always want something more or something different will we
have new aims and enjoy the rejoicing of succeed. To sum up, in order to adjust ourselves
to the changeable world and make a better life, we will never satisfied with what we have
but pursure more and different things. Remember, to develop ourselves constantly and
renew our goals in different life stages is the most important thing for us to enjoy our life.
Essay 618 Topic 122 should one be satisfied
Should people be satisfied with what they have or should they always want something
more or different? It is difficult to determine which point of view is better, because of the
different comprehension of life. However, although it seems to be a little ambitious, I
believe that most people are not satisfied with the present but to pursue a better and
varied life. The most significant reason to support my statement is that nowadays our
society are full of competition, if we are satisfied with ourselves and do not want any
developments, we will soon be thrown out of the tide of the society, just as the old saying
says that not to improve means to degrade. Since the industrial revolution broke out at
1800's, our world has changed more and more rapidly. Everyday we can find something
new and better. Therefore, in order to keep ourselves up to the pace of the world or even
lead the development in some special fields, we have no choice but to constantly renew
our knowledge and views to create something newer and better. In addition to the
pressure of survival, it may also be noted that not to be satisfied forever is the main
motivation to stimulate people to earn a better life. Only when one has some definite
goals in his mind will he be active and energetic to his life. We all have the similar
experience that it is the most significant time when we bring one of our dreams to reality
and gain some achievements. At that time, our pleasure is beyond the description. So we
can say that only when we always want something more or something different will we
have new aims and enjoy the rejoicing of succeed. To sum up, in order to adjust ourselves
to the changeable world and make a better life, we will never satisfied with what we have
but pursue more and different things. Remember, to develop ourselves constantly and
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renew our goals in different life stages is the most important thing for us to enjoy our life.
Essay 619 Topic 123 Non-ficitons vs. fictions
Reading is one of the most exciting inventions ever created by the human civilization.
Books could be used as an important resource of gaining people`s knowledge, receiving
information or just for entertaining purposes and having fun. I completely disagree with
the following statement above since different people could choose to read different books
and magazines of various genres.
Millions of readers around the world prefer to read fantasy books. These books have fake
stories but they sometimes reflect real events and real history facts. For example, the
world-renowned trilogy The Lord of The Rings has its many millions of fans around the
globe, continuing to attract more and more readers because of its unique story line. This
trilogy, created and written by the genius author, JRR Tolkien, has a fantasy world named
Middle Earth, in which fantastic characters fight against an ominous emperor of the
darkness for peace and love. Many people think that this marvelous story reflects the real
history facts occurred during the World War II. They believe that the trilogy`s heroes
might be recognized as aligned forces from Great Britain and USA and Hitler and his
nazi forces as Sauron and dark battalions with the Orcs and Trolls together. In my
opinion, this tremendous story has become an invaluable and classic example of
representing the real life events and facts.
Finally, I would like to say that people should read not only about real facts and events
but also enjoy reading fantastic stories written by many terrific authors, in which fiction
could be understood and interpreted in the way that real events and facts happened
throughout the history.
Essay 620 Topic 123
Reading is one of the most exciting inventions ever created by the human civilization.
Books could be used as an important resource of gaining people`s knowledge, receiving
information or just for entertaining purposes and having fun. I completely disagree with
the following statement above since different people could choose to read different books
and magazines of various genres. Millions of readers around the world prefer to read
fantasy books. These books have fake stories but they sometimes reflect real events and
real history facts. For example, the world-renowned trilogy The Lord of The Rings has its
many millions of fans around the globe, continuing to attract more and more readers
because of its unique story line. This trilogy, created and written by the genius author,
JRR Tolkien, has a fantasy world named Middle Earth, in which fantastic characters fight
against an ominous emperor of the darkness for peace and love. Many people think that
this marvelous story reflects the real history facts occurred during the World War II.
They believe that the trilogy`s heroes might be recognized as aligned forces from Great
Britain and USA and Hitler and his nazi forces as Sauron and dark battalions with the
Orcs and Trolls together. In my opinion, this tremendous story has become an invaluable