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not worth it because we have other significant thing to do like keeping fit, reading.

For another, we need a nutritionist on line to tell us how to eat to be healthy. Nutrition is
a science in that nutritionists study how to keep nutrient balance. If you eat too much, too
little or eat something too much, too little, you can all make you sick. We need a
specialist to give us instructions on our diets.

In conclusion, what I want to invent is a cooking machine not only because it can
emancipate us from the time consuming cooking but also because we can get scientific
nutrient instructions in our daily lives.

Essay 674 Topic 132 What new product would you develop?

Were I able to invent something, I would like to develop a new vehicle, uantum
Transmitter? As has been heavily described in a number of science fictions, this
revolutionary invention can transport anything to anywhere in no time, and will
incredibly change not only people`s daily lives, but also the whole industry.

Bicycles, automobiles, trains, airplanes, shuttles, all these advanced vehicles contribute to
the development of the human society in various aspects. However, each one of them
suffers from some shortcomings: bicycles are too slow; automobiles have limited
capacity; trains are inconvenient, etc. Could there be one vehicle which can be expected
to replace all above? Surely yes! Quantum Transmitter is the best candidate.

Due to the development in Quantum Mechanics, a promising branch of modern physics,
it is well known that any object is made up of tiny quantum such as neutrons and protons.
Furthermore, the object can be exactly copied, provided that all information about the
huge amount of quantum is accurately described. Therefore, the object can be virtually
transported. By irtually? I mean it is the information about the object, but not the object

itself is going to be transported. The information is then transported, at a speed of 300
thousands kilometers per second, to anywhere, and is eventually reverted to the original

The most advantage of this vehicle is the rapidness. What actually is transported is just
information, which can travel in form of electromagnetic waves. A vivid comparison is
that, imagine taking a phone call, when the call is connected, the talker himself can be
transported to the destination of the call. How fantastic this would be! In other words, one
can takes his courses here in U. S. and lives in China. He can benefit from both better
education and more comfortable life.

Another advantage is the convenience. Differing from any traditional vehicle, via the
transmitter, our destination can be anywhere. Thus it is practical to put exports in houses,
schools, offices, and so on. So one need not worry about which flight he/she should take,
nor need he/she be hurry to catch the flight. Travel will also be less boring because the
long trip disappears. All one need is be at there and enjoy the beautiful sight.
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Also worthy noting is the formidable capacity of these new vehicle. The information to
be transported need little physical room, thus one can transport as much information as he
likes at the same time. Thus our new vehicle will be the best replacement of shuttles, for
it can transport great amount of things to outer-space.

Admittedly, one possible shortcoming of our Quantum Transmitter is the high expenses.
This would be the case in its first few years. But, as all its ancestors, expense is not a
long-term problem.

Essay 675 Topic 132 What new product would you develop?

There are many inventions and product that could alleviate and improve life on the Earth.
But if I could invent something new, I would definitely invent a flying machine. The
flying machine would bring enormous amount of money to an inventor, change
economical patterns and improve life of all the people.

The flying machine would be an instant commercial success. As soon as it appeared in
show-rooms around the world every person would dream about it. I would initially sell a
few machines to billionaires for exorbitant amount of money, then to armies from
wealthy nations. In several years time, the flying machine would be affordable even to
middle-class families.

Also the flying machine would bring about complex changes in economy. New industries
would be born, some industries would gradually die out. For example car industry would
not be able to compete with my flying machines and stock prices of major car producers
would fall steeply and I would manage to buy those car companies for cheap. Those
companies have very talented engineers and researches. By utilizing their skills I would
improve my flying machine even more.

Tourism industry would also change dramatically. Every person, even from poor
background, would be able to travel to distant resorts. Revenue from tourism would
increase drastically in remote places, for example on remote islands in Pacific or in South
America. For example now it cost at least USD1200 to get from Moscow to Brasilia but
with my flying machine the price would fall to USD 50 or even less.

Last, but not least is that the flying machine would improve life of people around the
world. People in distant locations would be able to travel easily to cities to buy equipment
and food. It would be possible to inhabit in places without water - you can always bring
water and food on a flying machine. Flying machine would drastically decrease number
of deaths in remote villages, for example, in Russia sometimes it takes several days to get
to the nearest hospital.

In conclusion I want to say, that I chose the flying machine due to commercial
perspectives, changes it would bring and just interest in flying. The society with flying
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machine would be so different from society we live now. And with the flying machine we
could even reach stars!

Essay 676 Topic 132 What new product would you develop?

As we know that necessity is the mother of invention. In other words, people will
certainly invent anything that they need very much in the real life if the have the ability.
Therefore, I would invent a baby-sitter robot. which will take care of my baby and make
the baby stay away form danger.

In the first place, as a father of a three-year-old baby, I would make every effort to invent
a baby-sitter robot taking care of my baby when I go to work. In fact, not only do I go to
work everyday, but my wife goes to work as well. As a result there will be a dilemma in
front of parents when they have a child who should stay home and look after the baby,
who should continue to work, mother or father? In my opinion, with the baby-sitter robot,
they do not need to make a choice. Parents will no longer give up their works because of
their children.

In the second place, the baby-sitter robot can make my baby stay away from danger. In
my opinion, neither mothers nor fathers can concentrate on one thing 24 hours away.
Babies are so unpredictable that you never know what s/he will do in the next minute. For
instance, the baby may swallow a coin or fall over the ground from the bed went you just
do not look at him/her for a second. However, the robot does not have such a problem
because she never gets tired. She can keep an eye on the baby all the time. Any potential
dangerous action will be prevented. Also, when the baby is sleeping, the robot can still

watch the baby I f you want. In addition, a baby-sitter robot can entertain the baby. Songs
and stories can be inputted in the robot`s memory and replayed whenever the baby needs.
It is so easy to change them that the baby will never be bored on one song or story.

For it to be invented, there is still a long way to get it done. But with a high development
of science and technology, almost in every few days there is a new invention coming out.
In the future, the baby-sitter robot will be invented. and it will bring people more
convenience with looking after babies and making them away from danger. In short, it
could emancipations parents from the time consuming watching their babies.

Essay 677 Topic 132 What new product would you develop?

If I could invent something new, I would develop a human digital ID chip, which can be
implanted into one`s body. The ID chip should record all the information about a person.
It must also have numerous microsensors, which can function as communication medium
between inside and outside of a human body. I am sure this invention can bring
invaluable benefits to people and the whole society.

First of all, the potential medical application of this chip is enormous. For example, the
numerous microsensors by monitoring blood clots and blood pressure, sending data
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outside of the body can provides patients or doctors with a rapid, secure and non-invasive
method for obtaining medically critical information, which can be used to warn of a
potential medical crisis. It also could retrieval full medical archival for emergency
medical care.

Secondly, the ID chip can be used as identification device. It can improve the security
and reduce the criminality. For example, every year the number of missing children
reported is terrible high. If we implant an ID chip into the body of a child, we can easily

find him or her, wherever he or she goes. With this device, a criminal can be easily
caught, no matter how he or she has changed appearance. Thus, the ID chip can be a
strong deterrence to prevent crime.

Finally, the ID chip can also help people better control themselves and handle every
day`s life. Through microsensors it can alert people at any moment if they are doing
something when t their bodies` conditions are not adequate. For example, it can
automatically detect the alcohol content in one`s body, and prevent over drunken person
from driving.

In sum, if I could invent something new, the human digital ID chip will be my first
choice. With the burgeoning development of information technology, my invention will
have a great perspective.

Essay 678 Topic 132 What new product would you develop?

Have you ever thought how hard would it be if you haven`t had things such as television,
telephone or computer around your self? For sure, it would have been so hard. There is
many inventions that have made our lives so much easier for us. Therefore, if I could
invent something, I would develop a time machine for three reasons.

First of all, I can go to the past and prevent some tragedies from happening; for instance,
I can visit Hitler and prevent the disaster of World War two from happening.
Furthermore, I can see the chaotic moments of The Great Depression all around the world
and try to realize how people were suffering from problems such as inflation, lack of
food, etc. I can also do some researches on these disasters so as to make them seem more
understandable to me and other people.

Next, I have been interested to see people in the past and learn their cultures; for instance,
I can learn how they ate food with out having forks or knives. Besides, I can realize the

ways they entertained their selves with out having television, electricity or computer. In
addition, I can learn how they protected them selves from the hazards in their
environments such as dangerous animals, floods, etc.

Finally, as the most interesting part, I can go to future and see how people will live with
having the highest technology. I can see the new inventions and the ways they work;
moreover, I can buy some of them, which seems interesting to me, and bring them to the
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moment where I live right now and try to show them to people in order to amuse them.
Furthermore, I can tell people that this is my new invention, so my name will go in the
history of inventors which is interesting for me.

In conclusion, I am optimist that we humans can invent things that can shock us, so we
shouldn`t be surprised, I think, when we see that humans have managed to invent
something like Time Machine or other things more interesting than that.

Essay 679 Topic 132 Inventions

Invention has been made very easy due to the development of technology and science. In
today's rapidly changing world, something new is invented now and then. If I were to
invent something new I would like to develop a product which could consume all kinds
of pollution which is present in our surroundings and in air. I would also give it a name as
"Pollution Controller". It could help in saving so many people's life who are affected by
the polluted air which causes them breathing problems, tension free of the use of vehicles
such as cars, automobiles, trucks, etc, and it could also help create as much factories in
the cities such as chemical factories, oil refineries, etc. If I invent a product named as
"Pollution Controller", it could give a lot of benefits to the people of the society. Many

people have been affected by the pollution contained in the air that has caused them
breathing problems, these pollution also causes the life span of an individual to be short.
Moreover, old people and young children are the foremost victims to pollution. If I create
such a product which will help prevent the environment from being polluted and thus I
can make a big change in the life of the people which is a great success for me. Vehicles
has also played a major part in polluting the air to such an extent that the gasoline and
fuel of the car has created many diseases in the bodies of the people. Once the fuel is
filled in the air, then where ever the wind blows it takes the smoke and filthy things to
other areas of the country thus making the whole society polluted. If I were to produce
such an item which could consume all kind of pollution in it then I could save lot of lives
of the people. Secondly, I could also give boost in the production of more vehicles,
automobiles, etc which will not be considered a major threat to life. And thus, people's
life will also be comfortable using advanced cars and motorbikes which is another
achievement for me. Factories, industries, etc is the cornerstone for any developing
country. And the large portion of the air pollution is the cause of the smoke which is
exhausted from the factories. If I were to invent this product which could completely
prevent the air from being polluted then I will help such industrialists to build their
industries in cities anywhere, factories will also be increased, oil refinery could also take
their place in cities which is often built in far off areas where people not inhabit.
Therefore, I could help make strong the economy of the country as well as the technology
will also be increasingly developed. In conclusion, if "Pollution Controller" is not
invented then it could take many lives of the people, could also reduce their life span,
could make them disabled physically, factories and industries will not prevail in the cities
thus causing them to create in far off areas which will cost them for the transportation,
