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Exercise unit 6

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>TỪ VỰNG UNIT 6 ANH 9 A. VOCABULARY 1.. achieve. /əˈtʃiːv/. v.. đạt được, giành được. 2.. complain. /kəmˈpleɪn/. v.. than phiền, khiếu nại. 3.. complaint. /kəmˈpleɪnt/. n.. sự than phiền, lời phàn nàn. 4.. cover. /ˈkʌvə/. v.. che phủ, che đậy. 5.. creature. /ˈkriːtʃər/. n.. sinh vật, loài vật. 6.. deforestation. /ˌdiːˌfɔːrɪˈsteɪʃn/. n.. sự tàn phá rừng, hiện tượng rừng bị tàn phá. 7.. deliberate. /dɪˈlɪbərət/. adj.. thong thả. 8.. disappointed. /dɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/. adj.. thất vọng. 9.. dump. /dʌmp/. n.. bãi đổ, nơi chứa. 10. dynamite. /ˈdaɪnəmaɪt/. n.. thuốc nổ. 11. environment. /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/. n.. môi trường. 12. exhaust fume. /ɪɡˈzɔːst fjuːm/. n.. khí thải. 13. fence. /fens/. n.. hàng rào, rào chắn (bằng gỗ, kim loại). 14. fine. /faɪn/. v.. phạt hành chính. 15. flow. /fləʊ/. n.. dòng chảy. 16. fly. /flaɪ/. n.. con ruồi. 17. fly. /flaɪ/. v.. bay. 18. foam. /fəʊm/. n.. bọt. 19. folk. /fəʊk/. n.. người (cách nói thông tục). 20. garbage. /ˈgɑːbɪdʒ/. n.. rác thải. 21. hedge. /hedʒ/. n.. hàng rào (hàng cây tiếp nhau), bờ giậu. 22. junkyard. /dʒʌŋkjɑːd/. n.. bãi chứa đồ phế thải. 23.. leaf / leaves /liːf/ /liːvz/. sing. n.pl. n.. lá cây. 24. litter. /ˈlɪtə/. v.. vứt rác bừa bãi, bày bừa. 25. mass. /mæs/. n.. khối, đống. 26. minimize. /ˈmɪnɪmaɪz/. v.. giảm thiểu tối đa. 27. persuade. /pəˈsweɪd/. v.. thuyết phục. 28. persuasive. /pəˈsweɪsɪv/. adj.. mang tính thuyết phục. 29. pesticide. /ˈpestɪsaɪd/. n.. thuốc trừ sâu. 30. pollute. /pəˈluːt/. v.. làm ô nhiễm, gây ô nhiễm. 31. pollution. /pəˈluːʃ(ə)n/. n.. sự ô nhiễm. 32. prevent. /prɪˈvent/. v.. ngăn chặn, phòng chống. 33. prohibit. /prə(ʊ)ˈhɪbɪt/. v.. cấm, ngăn cấm. 34. provide. /prəˈvaɪd/. v.. cung cấp.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 35. pump. /pʌmp/. v.. bơm. 36. questionnaire. /ˌkwestʃəˈneə/. n.. bản câu hỏi. 37. raw sewage. /rɔː suːɪdʒ/. n.. nước thải chưa qua xử lý. 38. recycle. /riːˈsaɪk(ə)l/. v.. tái chế. 39. reduce. /rɪˈdjuːs/. v.. làm giảm, giảm. 40. respiratory. /ˈrespərətɔːri/. adj.. thuộc hô hấp. 41. reuse. /riːˈjuːz/. v.. sử dụng lại, tái sử dụng. 42. rock. /rɒk/. n.. đá, hòn đá, tảng đá. 43. row. /rəʊ/. n.. hàng (ngang), hàng lối. 44. sand. /sænd/. n.. cát. 45. sigh. /saɪ/. v.. thở dài, thở phào. 46. spill. /spɪl/. v.. làm đổ, tràn ra. 47. spoil. /spɔɪl/. v.. làm hỏng. 48. spray. /spreɪ/. v.. phun ra. 49. trash. /træʃ/. n.. đồ cũ bỏ đi, đồ vô dụng. 50. unpolluted. /ʌnpəˈluːtɪd/. adj.. không bị ô nhiễm, chưa bị ô nhiễm. 51. wrap. /ræp/. v.. gói, bọc lại. A. EXERCISES I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the box. creature - complaining - disappointed - covered - deliberate disgusting – achieved – complaint – deforestation - dynamite. 1. The team has ______________ a lot of success. 2. He is always ______________ about everything. 3. You have no grounds for ______________. 4. The food is ______________ with plastic wrap. 5. The strange ______________ come from outer space. 6. There has been rising ______________ recently. 7. She spoke in a slow and ______________ way. 8. His parents were ______________ with his result. 9. People here have to suffer a ______________ smell from a garbage dump. 10. Using ______________ for fishing is illegal. II. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the box. exhaust fumes – fence – save – fly - flow fined – garbage – folk – foam - back. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. It's time for us to ______________our environment. There are too many ______________in the air. There is a green ______________around his house. He was ______________for dangerous driving. She tried to stop the ______________of blood from the wound. Look! There is a ______________in your cup of coffee. I fly ______________to London this evening. After drinking beer, there was ______________on his moustache..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 9. Her parents are country ______________. 10. Don't throw ______________into the river. III. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the box. 11. pesticide - polluted - hedge -– litter – mass – 12.minimize - persuade – persuasive – junkyard - leaves 13. 1. This _________________ is private. 2. Old cars have been moved to the _________________ in the south of the city. 3. A lot of _________________ fell down on the road after the heavy rain. 4. Please do not _________________ in the school yard. 5. A _________________ of clouds covered the sun. 6. The authority must find urgent solutions to _________________ pollution. 7. It is not easy to _________________ him to do the right thing. 8. His speech yesterday was not _________________. 9. Using too much _________________ has polluted the environment. 10. The explosion _________________ the town with dioxin. IV. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the box. 14. - raw sewage – recycled – respiratory - pump up – provides 15. 16. prevent - pollution - questionnaire - prohibited - reduced 1. Environmental ______________ is a serious problem. 2. Locks won't ______________ a burglar from getting in. 3. Smoking is ______________ here. 4. This club ______________ a good service for this area. 5. Please ______________ the tire. 6. Please complete this ______________ and return it to us. 7. Many factories have discharged ______________ into rivers. 8. This envelope is made from ______________ paper. 9. The number of homeless cases has been ______________ slightly. 10. Living in the polluted environment can cause some ______________ diseases. V. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the box. 17. row - sand – sighed – unpolluted – wrapped – reused – 18. rocks - spilled - spoiled - sprayed 19. trash – 1. These milk bottles can be _____________. 2. There are dangerous _____________.around the island 3. There are at least twenty people in the _____________. 4. They mix _____________ and cement to make mortar. 5. She _____________with relief that it was all over. 6. Water had _____________out of the bucket onto the floor. 7. The rain _____________ the performance. 8. Champagne _____________ everywhere. 9. Take the _____________ out of the house. 10. This river seems to be _____________. 11. The book is carefully _____________.. B. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS Exercise 1 happily – loudly – skillfully – beautifully - quickly 1. He is shouting out________________. 2. The teacher is smiling________________..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 3. He is running ________________ after the school bus. . 4. She always dresses________________. 5. She is kicking the ball________________. Exercise 2 quietly - attentively - carelessly - well - brightly 1. Bill Gates is very ________________ known around the world. 2. The sun is shining very________________. 3. Students have to speak ________________ when they are in the library. 4. He is listening________________. 5. He's driving________________. Exercise 3. Điền trạng từ vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu dựa vào các tính từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc đơn. 1. She cries _________________. (terrible) 2. Some children behaved _________________. (bad) 3. I don't know _________________ what my brother is doing. (exact) 4. The boy is so polite. He always replies me _________________. (polite) 5. They were _________________ tired. (awful) 6. I have learned very _________________ to get high scores in IOE tests. (hard) 7. Please read the instructions _________________. (careful) 8. He _________________ ran to the supermarket yesterday. (quick) 9. She can play the piano very _________________. (good) 10. You should speak more _________________. (clear) 11. Many young people now speak English _________________. (fluent) 12. She is shy, so she can't make friends _________________. (easy) 13. He walks _________________ to enjoy fresh air in the early morning. (slow) 14. Prices have increased _________________ since 2013. (rapid) 15. The plane flew _________________ to Ho Chi Minh city. (direct) Exercise 4. Xác định từ in đậm trong câu là tính từ hay trạng từ. 1. Everyone has equal rights. (Adj / Adv) 2. Vietnamese local people are very hospitable to visitors. (Adj / Adv) 3. Some teenagers ride their motorbikes carelessly. (Adj / Adv) 4. This shirt is too costly, so I can't afford it. (Adj / Adv) 5. The little girl talks to her grandmother in a respectful way. (Adj / Adv) 6. She opens the window slowly. (Adj / Adv) 7. She is loved by lots of students because she is a devoted teacher. (Adj / Adv) 8. Mai was extremely happy when she received birthday presents from her parents. (Adj / Adv) 9. Unfortunately, I lost my favorite book on the way home. (Adj / Adv) 10. Vietnam has a tropical monsoon climate. (Adj / Adv) 11. Although she is an amateur singer, she sings beautifully. (Adj / Adv) 12. It's quite hot here in summer. (Adj / Adv) 13. In some companies, workers are allowed to wear casual clothes to work. (Adj / Adv) 14. When I was a primary school student, I was usually at the top of the class. (Adj / Adv) 15. Slowly, she opens the box. (Adj / Adv).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Exercise 5. Chọn từ đúng cho các từ sau. 1. The homework is not as (easy easily) as I thought. 2. (Hopeful Hopefully), we will all pass our English exam. 3. She can type (fast fastly). 4. Your absence makes me (disappointed disappointedly). 5. Both my mother and my father cook (good well). 6. I find this book very (interesting interestingly). 7. Her voice is so (soft softly). 8. Doing exercise (regular regularly) can help you keep fit. 9. She was so (sad sadly) when she got bad news. 10. He adapted (quick quickly) to the new environment. Exercise 5. Dựa vào thông tin đã cho, điền trạng từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu. 1. He is a bad boy. He always treats others _______________. 2. She is a good architect. She designs houses and buildings _______________. 3. The little girl is very gentle. She speaks _______________. 4. Mr. Dung is a serious teacher. He wants his students to do homework _______________. 5. This is a beautiful painting. It is _______________painted. 6. Dr. Tam is sometimes angry. He shouts _______________. 7. Thu is a nice piano player. She plays the piano _______________. 8. She is a perfect staff. She always does her work _______________. 9. The children are very happy. They are jumping up and down _______________. 10. United's victory was an easy win. They won it _______________. Exercise 5. Điền vào chỗ trống dạng thức tính từ hoặc trạng từ thích hợp của các tính từ được cho trong bảng. colorful. careful. hard. heavy. happy. quiet. serious. traditional. good. extreme. 1. The bus driver was _____________ injured. 2. Chung Cake is one of Vietnamese _____________ dishes on Tet holidays. 3. Be _____________! The bird is making beautiful sounds. 4. Loan is _____________ intelligent. 5. The family lived _____________ together. 6. These children are _____________ at English. 7. Anita placed the crystal vase _____________ on the shelf so that it won't be broken. 8. I saw a _____________ butterfly on a rose. 9. Go out and have a rest! You shouldn't work so _____________. 10. It has been raining _____________ all day. Exercise 6. Viết lại câu bằng cách thêm because và dấu phẩy. 1. He felt cold, he put on his coat. => _________________________________________________________________________________. 2. We must put on our raincoat before going outside, it is raining heavily. => _________________________________________________________________________________. 3. The boy's legs were badly hurt, he couldn't play football. => _________________________________________________________________________________. 4. I have just finished my dinner, I am not very hungry. => _________________________________________________________________________________. 5. We study very hard, we want to get good grades in English. => _________________________________________________________________________________. 6. Loan doesn't want to miss the school bus, she gets up early every morning..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> => _________________________________________________________________________________. 7. He has to quit school, his family is very poor. => _________________________________________________________________________________. 8. My dog lives outdoors, I keep its house warm. => _________________________________________________________________________________. 9. I hid behind the door, I didn't want to see her. => _________________________________________________________________________________. 10. She joined an English club, she wanted to improve her spoken English. => _________________________________________________________________________________. Exercise 7. Mỗi câu có hai lựa chọn. Đánh dấu vào lựa chọn đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu. 1. He is having a rest as _______. A. he is tired B. he is working 2. She gets good grades in her exams because _______. A. she is lazy B. she is hard-working 3. I'm so happy and lucky because _______. A. my parents give me great care B. I fell off a tall tree 4. Her brother can't buy that pair of fashionable shoes as _______. A. he doesn't have any money B. he is rich 5. My English intonation sounds better because _______. A. I hate speaking English B. I speak English day by day 6. We do our homework carefully because _______. A. we don't want to make any mistakes B. we love seeing the sky. 7. The flowers grow fast because _______. A. I water them every day B. they are going to die 8. My father locks the door carefully because _______. A. he doesn't want burglars to break in B. he enjoys watching our house 9. The students are taking the writing course because _______. A. they want to broaden their vocabulary B. they want to improve their writing skill 10. My little sister tried to learn English at the age of six because _______. A. she wants to study abroad in the future B. she likes Mathematics 11. I can't speak because _______. A. I like loud sounds B. I have a sore throat 12. I ask my boss for a day off because _______. A. I intend to take part in my cousin's wedding B. I am a workaholic 13. He always wears a hat because _______. A. he is embarrassed about being bald B. he doesn't like wearing a hat 14. The man was released as _______. A. there was no evidence against him B. he is guilty 15. I went to the class union because _______. A. I wanted to see my old classmates B. I hate meetings Exercise 8. Nối hai mệnh đề để tạo thành câu. 1. A 1. Because no one was watching the television, 2. The teacher punished him 3. I don’t like them because 4. We didn’t swim there 5. Because he was broke,. B a. because he had been late for school more than three times. b. because the water was not clean. c. he couldn’t buy anything. d. I switched it off..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> e. they are dishonest. 1, _________. 2, _________. 3, _________. 4, _________. 5, _________.. 2. A 1. She asks her mother for advice 2. Huong gets the job because 3. We want a new microwave as 4. Because she is a creative and humorous teacher, 5. My classmate annoys me because. B a. she has necessary qualifications. b. she constantly asks me ridiculous questions. c. as she doesn’t want to make a big mistake again. d. her lessons are very interesting. e. the one that our family have now is broken.. 1, _________. 2, _________. 3, _________. 4, _________. 5, _________. Exercise 9. Viết lại các câu dưới đây bằng cách sử dụng trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân. 1. Mr. Juan only has a little money, so he buys a cheap car. (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. 2. He always did well in his English tests, so his parents were not surprised that he got an A. (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. 3. I forgot to keep the milk in the refrigerator, so it went bad. (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. 4. My grandfather has high blood pressure, so he has to watch what he eats. (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. 5. His father died at a young age, so he had a difficult childhood. (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. 6. She wanted to major in English, so she chose Vietnam National University. (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. 7. He is late for an important meeting, so he is worried (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. 8. Dr. Phuong prescribed the wrong medicine, so he was in trouble. (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. 9. Son had excellent grades and participated in many activities, so he got the job. (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. 10. The lecture was so boring and irrelevant, so some of the students fell asleep. (Because). => _________________________________________________________________________________. Exercise 10. Cho từ loại đúng của các từ trong ngoặc. 1. We must learn about keeping the environment_________________. (POLLUTE) 2. The accident happened because of _________________driving. (CARE) 3. It rained_________________for three days. (HEAVY) 4. The inhabitants have made _____________on how to protect the environment. (SUGGEST) 5. It is _________________that our environment is more and more polluted. (DISAPPOINT) 6. Mrs Smith has_________________provided a pinic lunch for us. (KIND) 7. The drivers have left lots of garbage on the ground after their _______________ (REFRESH) 8. A complaint letter should be ended _________________. (POLITE) 9. The river has been _________________with toxic waste from local factories. (POLLUTE) 10. There are some volunteer_________________to help clear up the beach. (CONSERVE) 11. She was_________________pleased that she passed the exam. (EXTREME) 12. The new machine he bought last week works_________________ (EFFECTIVE) , 13. We should save our country s _________________resources. (NATURE) 14. Some______________groups have declared a boycott of tourism on the island. (ENVIRONMENT) 15. It was very ________________of you to leave the medicine where the children could get it. (CARE) 16. Polluted water can_________________do harm to people,s health. (DIRECT) 17. Jackson canceled the concert, to the great_________________of his fans. (DISAPPOINT).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Exercise 11. Chọn đáp án thích hợp để hoàn thành câu. 1. I am __________ that my teacher helps me improve my English quickly. (grateful / afraid) 2. She was very __________ that he didn't keep his promise. (helpful / disappointed) 3. Tuan is __________ that his parents live happily together. (angry / glad) 4. They are not __________ that they have to pay much money to buy food. (happy / unhappy) 5. My sister was __________ that her boyfriend was too late to pick her up. (angry / delighted) 6. Everyone is __________ that we won the first prize. (amazed / unlucky) 7. I am __________ that I am Vietnamese. (important / proud) 8. He is __________ that his child waters the tree every morning. (pleased / sad) 9. We were __________ that we missed the last bus. (thankful / worried) 10. I am __________ that I sincerely believe in what people say. (wrong / interesting) 11. He was __________ that she didn't tell his parents about the accident. (grateful / true) 12. The teacher is very __________ that her students are very hard-working. (delighted / afraid) 13. I'm not __________ that a robber can do everything to rob money or properties. (unhappy / surprised) 14. She is __________ that her English result is not bad. (relieved / disappointed) 15. He was __________ that he didn't suffer any side effects of drug overuse. (frightened / lucky) Exercise 12. Điền dạng đúng của các từ cho sẵn trong bảng để hoàn thành câu. complain. play. not set. clean. ache. play. speak. buy. come. not forgive. 1. If he visits Hoang Anh in the hospital, he _____________ her some flowers. 2. I will see a doctor if my head still _____________tomorrow. 3. Our neighbors _____________if our dog keeps barking at night. 4. If he practices the guitar every day, he _____________beautifully. 5. You will easily burn yourself if you _____________with matches. 6. If she _____________too softly, no one will be able to hear her. 7. I will prepare lunch if you _____________the floor. 8. She _____________ me if I don't apologize. 9. If you _____________ the alarm clock, you will not wake up on time. 10. Your wish _____________ true if you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake in one blow. Exercise 13. Dựa vào các từ gợi ý để viết câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. If/ our PE teacher/ give permission/ ,/ we/ play/ badminton.  _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. If/ he/ take/ a shower/ instead of/ a bath/ ,/ he/ save/ a lot of/ water.  _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. You/ be healthier/ if/ you/ do exercise/ for 10 minutes/ every day.  _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. If/ it/ sunny/ tomorrow/ ,/ we/ go to Thong Nhat Park/ for a picnic.  _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. If/ we/ recycle and reuse more/ ,/ we/ help/ our planet.  _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. She/ get higher marks/ if/ she/ spend/ more time/ on her homework.  _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What/ your teacher/ say/ if/ you/ late for school/ tomorrow?  _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. You/ become/ fatter/ if/ you/ continue to eat/ too much greasy food.  _________________________________________________________________________________ 9. If/ office workers/ sit/ in front of the computer for too long/ ,/ they/ have a backache.  _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. If/ we/ eat a clean apple/ each day/ ,/ we/ be very healthy.  _________________________________________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Exercise 14. Chọn đáp án thích hợp để hoàn thành câu. 1. If she calls you,_______________? A. will you answer the phone B. does she answer the phone 2. If you continue to break the speed limit,_______________. A. you will be fined B. you are fined 3. Drivers will be safe in an accident if_______________. A. they drive fast B. they wear their seatbelts 4. If we use more recycled materials, _______________. A. we will contribute to our planet's recovery B. we contribute to our planet's recovery 5. _______________ if you don't phone her every day? A. Your girlfriend will be angry B. Will your girlfriend be angry 6. We will save the polluted lakes if _______________. A. our environmental project is successful B. our environmental project will be successful 7. If I have time, _______________. A. I relax and do my favorite activities B. I will relax and do my favorite activities 8. What _______________ if the weather is good at the weekend? A. you will do B. will you do 9. If you have more friends,_______________. A. you will be happier B. you are happier 10. _______________, they will be able to study at their chosen school. A. If students will pass the university entrance examination B. If students pass the university entrance examination Exercise 15. Hoàn thành câu với dạng đúng của các động từ cho trong ngoặc. 1. If you (not hurry) __________________, you (miss) __________________the school bus. 2. I (go) __________________to the cinema if I (finish) __________________my homework in time. 3. If it (not rain) __________________, the students (play) __________________sports in the schoolyard. 4. The teacher (be) __________________pleased if we (do) __________________our homework. 5. If you (not put) __________________the gun down, I (call) __________________the police. 6. If I (have) __________________a toothache, I (see) __________________a dentist. 7. I (lend) __________________you my camera if you (need) __________________it. 8. You (not pass) __________________the course if you (be) __________________lazy. 9. If we (not protect) __________________endangered species, they (become) __________________extinct. 10. If they (send) __________________the parcel by airmail, it (arrive) __________________much faster. 11. If my brother (pass) __________________the interview, he (get) __________________the job..

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