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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 09. Date of preparing: 18/10/2015. Period: 33. Date of teaching: 20/10/2015. MID-TERM TEST –GRADE 4 Time allowed: 40 minutes PART 1. LISTENING. Question 1. Listen and number. (1,5 pt) A.. B.. C.. D.. Question 2. Listen and write T (True) or F (False) as examples (1pt).. 1. Look at this girl. Her name is Lan. 2. Good bye. See you later.. T. F. 3. What is your favorite subject ? 4. She cann’t swim. 5. Today is Monday . 6. she is tall .. Question 3. Listen and draw the line. There is an example. ( 1,5 pt).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Question 4. Listen and tick () . (1 pt). 1. what is it ?. .. A.. B.. C.. .. 2/ What school is it ?. A.. B.. C..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 3.What are they doing ?. A.. B.. C.. 4/ What date is it today ?. A.. B.. C. Question 5. Listen and complete. (1pt). 1. Mai : What’s this ? Linda : It’s a ................... 2. Hoa : what ............ your favorite subject , Nam ? Nam : Art . 3. Mary : where are you …………. ? Tom : I am from Japan . 4. Linda : What lesson have you got today ? Peter : I have got ……….. PART II. READING AND WRITING (15 minutes).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Question 6. Look and read. Put a tick ( ) or cross (X) in the box. 1. she is cooking . He is 2. He is riding a bike .. (1pt)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 3. I play hide – and - seek..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 4. she is from Japan .. Question 7. Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words .(1 pt). 0. npe. pen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Question 8.Choose a word from the box and write it next to numbers from 1-4. (1pt) My new school This is my ( 1 ) ………… . It is big . It is a large school in the countryside . This is my classroom . It is small . there are twenty ……… and twenty chairs in the classroom. This is ……. . Her name is Mai . she is fourteen years old . she is short .she likes playing the …………. School. desks. Classmate. Piano. IV: Comments: ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... Week: 09 Date of preparing: 18/10/2015 Period: 34. Date of teaching: 2010/2015 Correct test. Week: 09. Date of preparing: 19/10/2015. Period: 35. Date of teaching: 21/10/2015. Unit 6 Where’s your school? (Lesson 1, part 1,2) I. Objectives: -By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Use the words and phrases related to the topic Where’s your school? II. Preparations: 1. Teacher’s: book, a tape, pictures, puppets. 2. Students’: book, notebook. III. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up: (7’) -Revise the verbs phrases to talk about activities Ss learn in Tieng Anh 4(read, cycle, skip, skate, cook, swim, play football, play volleyball). Using flashcards. -Listen. 2. Presentation: (10’) Task1: Look, listen and repeat. -Have Ss open their books page 40.. -Open their books.. -Ask Ss the name of the characters and what they say.. -Listen. -Use 2 puppets to present the situation.. -Listen and observe.. -Play the tape.. -Listen. -Play the tape again.. -Listen and repeat.. -Ask ss work in pairs to practice the dialogues.. -Work in pairs.. -Monitor the activity. 3. Practice: (12’ ) Task 2: Point and say -Ask ss to look at and point Peter and Phong. -Look and point.. -Ask ss what each ss should say.. -Answer.. -Play the tape. -Play the tape again.. -Listen.. -Ask Ss practice in pairs.. -Listen and repeat.. -Monitor the activity.. -Practice in pairs. -Call on some pairs to practice at the front of the class. -Have the whole class repeat all the phrases. Task 3: Let’s talk -Have pupils look at each of the picture on page 30.. -Go to the board and practice. -Repeat.. - Ask pupils to identify the characters in the pictures.. -Look at the picture.. -Guide Ss to do the task.. -Identify the characters.. -Get ss practice in groups. -Monitor the activity 4. Production :( 5’). -Listen -Practice in groups..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Task 4: Walk and talk. - Ask Ss to walk around the class ask and answer about Where’s your school?.. -Walk and talk.. 5. Home work: (1’) -Ask Ss learn the lesson by heart at home.. -Listen.. IV: Comments: ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... Week: 09 Date of preparing: 19/10/2015 Period: 36. Date of teaching: 21/10/2015. Unit 6 Where’s your school? (Lesson 1, part 3, 4) I. Objectives: -By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Use the words and phrases related to the topic Where’s your school? II. Preparations: 1. Teacher’s: book, a tape, pictures, puppets. 2. Students’: book, notebook. III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up: (5’) -Ask Ss recite the rhyme Where’s your school?. -Recite the chant.. 2. Presentation :(10’) Task 1: Listen and tick -Have Ss open their books page 41.. -Open their books.. -Tell Ss that they are going to listen to four dialogues about address. -Listen. -Have them look at the pictures to identify similarities and differences among them -Play the recording. -Listen and tick.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> -Play the recording to Ss check their answer. -Listen and check. -Get Ss to swap their answers before check as a class 3. Practice: (12’) Task 2: Look and write. -Open their book page 41. -Have Ss open their book page 41. -Look at the pictures.. -Have Ss look at the pictures. -Complete. -Ask them to find appropriate words to complete the sentences under each picture -Have Ss to work in pairs. -Work in pairs. -Monitor the activity -Have Ss trade their answer in pair for correction. -Call on some Ss to report their answers.. -Report their answers. -Listen and give comments. -Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus. 4. Production :(7’) Task 3: Let’s sing This is the way - Put the large piece of paper with the sing on the board. - Sing the song. - Divide the class to two and sing following the tape. -Call on some volunteers to sing. -Have Ss write a dictation of the song. -Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the song. 5. Home work: (1’) -Ask Ss to recite the chant on page 40 at home.. -Look -Sing -Sing in groups -Sing. -Listen.. IV: Comments: ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span>

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