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De thi va dap an HKI Anh 10

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>………………. ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HẾT HỌC KỲ I MÔN TIẾNG ANH 10 (Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút). Bài 1: Tìm một từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại. 1. A. children. B. chemistry. C. kitchen. D. chat. 2. A. disabled. B. forced. C. believed. D. realized. 3. A. seat. B. meat. C. head. D. heat. 4. A. life. B. brick. C. smile. D. realize. 5. A. around. B. mouse. C. count. D. country. Bài 2: Chọn các phương án đúng (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành các câu sau. 6. Yesterday afternoon. Sarah ______ to the station to meet Paul. A. went. B. had gone. C. go. D. goes. 7. Neither of the children likes eating sweets, _____? A. don’t they. B. do they. C. does he. D. doesn’t he. 8. The factory______ John works in is the biggest in the town. A. where. B. which. C. when. D. how. 9. My mother sometimes______ vegetables at this market. A. buy. B. buying. C. to buy. D. buys. 10. Would you like ______ and visit my country? A. come. B. came. C. coming. D. to come. 11. This box ______ for a long time yet. A. wasn’t opened. B. hasn’t been opened. C. hadn’t been opened. D. isn’t opened. 12. I’m trying to finish my homework, don’t make so much noise, _____? A. will you. B. do you. C. aren’t you. D. won’t you. 13. She ______ her children do their homework before going out. A. forces. B. asks. C. makes. D. tells. 14. It rained all the time, ______ was a great pity. A. that. B. what. C. which. D. who. 15. If we ______ a supermarket here, we will have a nice, cool place for shopping. A. have. B. has. C. had. D. had had. 16. ‘Do you_________ your father or mother?’ ~ ‘I think I look more like my mother.’ A. see after. B. take after. C. like after. D. look after. 17. He was busy ______ his homework. A. doing. B. to do. C. that he was doing D. he was doing. 18. When my father _____ here for fifteen years, he’ll be entitled to a pension..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> A. will work. B. works. C. worked. D. has worked. C. learn. D. learned. 19. Nam is interested in ______ English. A. learning. B. to learn. 20. There ______ a hotel opposite the station but it closed a long time ago. A. used to be. B. is. C. use to be. D. isn’t. C. is going to rain. D. rained. 21. I think it ______ the sky is so cloudy. A. was raining. B. will rain. 22. JACK: “It’s very kind of you. Thank you very much for your help.” NAM: “_____” A. Not at all. B. You’re welcomed C. Thank a lot. D. That’s a good idea. 23. When you lived in Hanoi, ______ to the theatre? A. do you use to go. B. did you use to go. C. are you used to go. D. did you to going to. 24. It rained yesterday after it _____ dry for months. A. was. B. has been. C. is. D. had been. 25. My father doesn’t allow me ______ in his room. A. smoke. B. smoking. C. to smoke. D. not smoke. 26. Someone ______ me there’s been an accident on the motorway. A. told. B. said. C. spoke. D. asked. 27. John: “Do you think it will rain?” ~ Tom: “Oh! ______”. A. I don’t hope. B. I hope not. C. I don’t hope so. D. It’s hopeless. 28. It takes my brother two hours______ to work. A. to go. B. going. C. gone. D. go. 29. ______ farming is a hard work, I enjoy country life. A. Although. B. However. C. Since. D. Because. 30. I’d like to watch the news. Please______ the TV. A. turn in. B. turn down. C. turn on. D. turn off. Bài 3: Xác định một lỗi sai trong 04 phương án được gạch chân sau(A, B, C hoặc D). 31. In the world today, there are 5,000(A) to 6,000 living(B) languages, which(C) English is by far the most widely(D) used. 32. It is the English language which(A) is used as an official(B) language in 44 countries, and as the language of business, commerce(C) and technology in many others(D). 33. Tet’s(A) preparations and celebrations used to spread(B) over months, but(C) nowadays the holiday is(D) much shorter. 34. On the days(A) of Tet everyone tries to be nice and polite to each other(B). People believe that what(C) they do on the first day of the year will influence on(D) their luck during the whole year..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 35. Paul really didn’t mind very surprised(A) by the party to celebrate his fortieth(B) birthday, although(C) he told his friends that they shouldn’t have done(D) it. Bài 4: Chọn một phương án đúng (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để cho nghĩa của câu đó tương đương với câu dẫn. 36. I have never eaten such a delicious dish before. A. This is the first time I have ever eaten such a delicious dish. B. I ate more a delicious dish than this. C. This is the worst dish I have ever eaten. D. I will never eat this kind food. 37. You should tidy up your room. A. You had better tidy up your room.. C. You can tidy up your room. B. You better tidy up your room.. D. You might tidy up your room. Bài 5: Chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau. 38. If you study hard, ______. A. you’ll pass the next exam. B. you passed the next exam. C. you’ll fail the next exam. D. you are passing the next exam. 39. Tom told Mary that ______. A. he will tell her about that the next day.. B. he would tell her about that the next day.. C. he will tell her about this tomorrow. D. he would tell her about that tomorrow. 40. _____ and you will be able to answer them correctly. A. Read all the questions carefully. B. If you read all the questions carefully. C. Reading all the questions carefully. D. To read all the questions carefully. Bài 6: Chọn phương án đúng(ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành các chỗ trống trong bức thư sau. Dear Ha, You will be delighted to know that Father is giving a (41) ______ to celebrate the New Year. He has (42) ______ some of our relatives and his friends to make the party a success. I too have invited a number of my (43) ______ Mother has asked me to tell you to (44) ______ home for the new year celebration. I’m will be here in time to (45) ______ the fun with us on that day. Your sister,. Huong 41. A. party. B. game. C. valley. D. wedding. 42. A. plant. B. invited. C. eat. D. decrease. 43. A. children. B. people. C. birds. D. friends. 44. A. shot. B. come. C. swim. D. play. 45. A. share. B. borrow. C. go. D. land.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Bài 7: Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D)để trả lời các câu hỏi sau. A TEACHER IN A SPECIAL CLASS Like other teachers, Nguyen Thanh Loan enjoys her teaching job. However, her class is different from other classes. The twenty-five children, who are learning how to read and write in her class, are disabled. Some are deaf, some dumb and others mentally retarded. Most of the children come from large and poor families, which prevents them from having proper schooling. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children. They used to believe that their children could not learn anything at all. In the first week, only five children attended the class. Gradually more children arrived. Their parents realised that the young teacher was making great efforts to help their poor kids. Watching Loan taking a class, one can see how time-consuming the work is. During a maths lesson, she raised both arms and opened up her fingers one by one until all ten stood up. She then closed the fingers one by one. She continued the demonstration until the children realised they had just learned how to add and subtract. The children have every reason to be proud of their efforts. They know a new world is opening up for them. 46. Loan’s class is different from other classes because the children ______. A. are from large families. B. are less mentally developed. C. love Maths very much. D. are disabled. 47. At first the parents were ______the idea of sending their children to the special class. A. interested in. B. satisfied with. C. opposed to. D. worried about. 48. It can be inferred from the second paragraph of the reading passage that there has been ______. A. a lot of protest from the parents against the class B. a change in the parents’ attitude towards the class C. a feeling of doubt in the teacher’s ability D. a belief in parents’ opposition 49. The writer describes how Loan teaches the children to add and subtract in order to prove that__. A. the children like Maths. B. the teacher is proud of her work. C. adding and subtracting are important. D. the teaching work takes time. 50. The writer’s attitude towards Loan’s work in the passage can be described as ______. A. admiring. B. humorous. C. angry THE END. D. suspicious.

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