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Giao An Nang Cao E 6

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 01 Period: 01. Date of planning: 06/09/2015 Date of teaching: 06/09/2015. PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can understand the present simple tense and complete the task well II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content + Affirmative Sn, I + V- bare Si + V-s/ es . - Explain the way of using the - Take note and present simple tense: copy down + To tell about things that happen  b, g, n, l, d, v, m, r + again and again (habits, regular  f, k, p, t, ay, uy,+ s occurrences ,  customs , and routines ).  phu âm + y  ies Ex :They go to church every  Sundays. o, x, s, z, sh, ch + es + To tell the facts . + Negative : Ex : Thanks Giving comes on Sn + DO NOT + V.Bare. the fourth Thursday of November Si + DOES NOT + V.Bare. + Question . : DO / DOES + S + nV.Bare? Note: We often use “always, + WH: usually, often, sometimes, never, WH + DO / DOES + S + V. Bare? seldom or every day/week...” in (Be)  Am, is, are/ the Simple present tense.. s      . (Have)  Have, has. - Explain the way how to do the task. - Check and correct. - Individual work - correct the form of the verb on board - Take note and copy down. * Practice 1. Correct the form of the verb 1. She (go) ------------------ to school everyday 2. There (to be) ------------------ big problems in many parts of the world. 3. A lot of people (go) -------------------- to work by car. 4. Davis never (take) ---------------------- the bus to school. 5. He plays volleyball but he (not enjoy)----------------------- it. 6. Most shops usually (open) ------------------------- at 8.00 a.m and (close) --------------------- at 6.00 p.m. 7. School children (wear) ------------------------- uniform on Monday. 8. I want ( buy)------------------- some stamps. 9. Ruth (live) ----------------- in an apartment. 10. He (watch)---------------- TV every night.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> -Guide Ss the way to use “ To Have” on present simple -Correct -Have Ss translate into Vietnamese. - Take note and work in pair - Talk aloud - Translate. - Write on board and guide the tasks. - Take note and copy down. * Practice: 2. Have or Has 1. Paul…………….. two brothers. 2. We…………….. a dog and Nam ………….. a cat. 3. You …………….. a good camera. 4. She …………….. an English dictionary. 5. This book ……………..80 pages. 6. You …………….. a computer. 7. My uncle………….. a house in HCM city. 8. How many floors does your school …..? 9. My school …………….. floors. 10. They …….. breakfast at six o’clock.. *Homework: - Learn the formation by heart. - Prepare: D1,3 ; E1. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ Week: 01 Period: 01. Date of planning: 06/09/2015 Date of teaching: 06/09/2015. PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can understand the present simple tense and complete the task well II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities -Guide Ss how to complete the task -Check and correct. Ss’ Activities. Content. I. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) 1.What is your name ? -- Individual A.His name is Ba B. My name is Ba work in 15 C. Her name is Ba D. Its name is Ba minutes - Take note and 2.How do you spell your name ? A.Hung B. H-U-N-G copy down C. My name is Hung D. My name is H-U-N-G 3._________ is that ? – That’s my house. A.How B. What C. Who D. Where 4.___________ is Hoa ? – She is in the living room A.How B. What C. Who D. Where 5._________ is David ? – He is twelve..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> -Have Ss read the passage the answer the questions -Correct. A.How B. What C. Who D. How old 6.___________ is he ? – He’s Hung A.How B. What C. Who D. How many 7.___________ students are there in your class ? – There are thirty students in my class A.How B. What C. How old D. How many 8.There ________ pens on the desk. A. Is B. Am C. Are D. be 9. _____________do you live ? A. How B. What C. Where D. Who 10. What is this ? - It _________ a window. A. am B. is C. are D. tobe 11. I ____________ twelve years old. A. am B. is C. are D. be 12. - ____________ that your desk ? - Yes, it is. A. Is B. Am C. Are D. Do 13. How old is he ? - He _________ thirteen. A. am B. is C. are D. tobe 14. What are those ? - _________ are armchairs. A. You B. We C. It D. They 15. There is _______ English book on the table. A. two B. an C. a D. three 16. How many _____are there in your class ? - There are thirty-seven. A. doctors B. nurses C. students D. engineers 17. What is that ? It’s _________ eraser. A. a B. an C. on D. at 18. _________ down, please ! A. Come B. Sit C. Close D. Stand 19. What is _________ name ? - My name’s Linh A. her B. his C. your D. my 20 . How are you ? - I’m ___________, thank you. A. good B. five C. fine D. twelve 21. Mr. and Mrs. Phong ______________ teachers A. is B. am C. be D. are 22. Close ______________ book. A. you B. he C. we D. your 23. This is Mr. Hung. __________ is a student. A. you B. he C. we D. she II. Read the passage, then answer the questions: -Pair work Then write the Minh is a student. He lives on Quang Trung Street. This is answer on board his house. There are eight rooms in his house. In the living room, there is a couch, two armchairs, a table, a television, a - Take note and stereo and a bookshelf. There are hundreds of books in the bookshelf. On the bookshelf, there is a clock and a lamp. copy down There are five people in his family: his father, his mother, his brother, his sister and he. * Questions: What does Minh do ? Where does he live ? How many rooms are there in his house ? What is there in the living room ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> What are there in the bookshelf ? How many people are there in his family in III. Answer about you: 1. What is your name ? 2. How do you spell your name ? 3. How old are you ? 4. Where do you live ?. -Have Ss practice asking and answering in pairs -Check. - Practice pairs. - Write on board and guide the tasks. - Take note and copy down. Talk aloud. *Homework: - Learn the formation of the present simple tenses by heart. - Translate the passage into Vietnamese. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. Ban Giám Hiệu Duyệt Tuần 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Week: 04 Period: 03. Date of planning: 13/09/2015 Date of teaching: 14/09/2015. Ending sounds /z/ /s/ iz/ I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can pronounce /Z / /S/ /IZ/ correctly II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities -Explain how to change singular noun into plural noun by adding -s /-es. -Give the rule of pronunciation of -s /-es.. Đọc là /s/ / iz / /z/. Ss’ Activities. Content. A. STRUCTURES: - Take note and 1. Danh từ số ít, danh từ số nhiều. practice after - Danh từ số ít muốn chuyển sang danh từ số teacher nhiều ta chỉ cần thêm “s” hoặc “es” vào sau danh từ đó. - Take note and Ex: - a pen → pens. practice after - an armchair → armchairs. teacher - a bench → benches. - Đối với trường hợp danh từ tận cùng là “ce, ch, sh, z, sh, s, ss, x, se” thì ta thêm “es.” Ex: - a dish → dishes - a box → boxes - a house → houses - a bench → benches, 2. The way to pronunce “s” hoặc “es”. Tận cùng là p, f, k, t. Ví dụ books, roofs, maps, cats, ce, ch, sh, z, sh, dishes, boxes, s, ss, x, se benches, Ngoài 2 trường beds, pens, rulers, hợp trên. …. -Have Ss change the words into plural noun -Give feedback. - Rewrite on board - Take note and copy. B. EXERCISE: I. Rewrite the following words in the plural forms. a book →______________ a student →______________ a pen →______________ a teacher →______________ a piano →______________ a bench →______________ a bus →______________ a box →______________ a glass →______________ a basket →______________ a map →______________ a cat →______________ II. Put these above words in correct pronunciations. ( IZ / /S/,/Z/) / IZ / /S/ /Z/ __________ ____________ ___________ __________. ____________. ___________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> -Have Ss change the words into plural noun -Give feedback - Write on board and guide the tasks. - Rewrite on board - Take note and copy - Practice - Take note and copy down. __________. ____________. ___________. __________. ____________. ___________. *Homework: - Learn the pronunciations /Z / /S/ /IZ by heart.. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ Week: 04 Period: 04. Date of planning: 13/09/2015 Date of teaching: 14/09/2015. Present progressive tense I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students understand the II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. -- Explain the way of - Take note and the use and the form copy of the present progressive tense. present progressive tense. Content I. THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE FORM : Affirmative : S + am / is /are + V-ing Negative : S + am / is / are + not +V-ing ... Question : Am / Is /Are + S + V-ing...? USE : The Present progressive tense is used: + To talk about an action that is happening now.( as you are speaking ) . Ex : The baby is crying . Pick her up . + To talk about something that is happening around, but not necessarily at the moment we speak. Ex: He is writing a novel at the moment. + To talk about the future. Ex: She is meeting her friends this evening. Note: We often use “now,right now, at the moment, at present...” in the present.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Ss work in pairs in 15’. - Have them give the answer and translate the passage into Vietnamese. - Complete on board. - Give feedback. - Ss take note and copy. - Write on board and guide the tasks. - Take note and copy down. * Correct the form of the verb. 1. What __________he (do) ______________now? - He (water)_____________flowers in his garden. 2. At the moment , my sisters (play)__________ volleyball and my brother (play)__________soccer. 3. Look! Aman (call)_________________you. 4. Keep silent ! I (listen )______________to radio . 5.______you (play)____________badminton now? 6. At the moment, I (read)______________a book and my brother (watch)_______ TV. 7. Who _____you _____________(wait) for,Vien? - I _______________________(wait) for Mr.Hung. 8. At the moment ,Nam and his friends (go) _________________shopping. 9. At the moment, I (eat)______________.an orange and My sisters (Play)_______ Tennis. 10. Now ,Mr.Long (draw ) ___________his house. 11. At the moment , my sister (read)______a book. 12. Now, Lan (study)________________English and Lien (listen)______________to music. 13. Look! They (run)_____________________. *Homework: - Learn by heart the form of the present progressive tense. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. Ban Giám Hiệu Duyệt Tuần 5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Week: 06 Period: 05. Date of planning: 20/09/2015 Date of teaching: …/09/2015. Grammar practice 1 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Students can remember vocabulary and old structures II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content I. Choose the best answer (A,B,C or D). - Guide Ss how to do. - Ss work in. the exercises. pairs in 15’. - Have them give the. - Ss take note. answer and explain. and copy. the reason why they choose it - Give feedback. 1. What is your name ? A. Her name is Ba B. My name is Ba C. His name is Ba D. Its name is Ba 2. Where is she ? A. She is in her classroom B. She is Chi B. C. She is fine D. She is twelve 3. What is that ? - ____________________ A. It’s the clock B. It’s an clock C. It’s a student D. a clock 4. Where does he live ? A. He live on Le Loi street. B. He lives on Le Loi street. C. He lives at Le Loi street. D. He live in Le Loi street. 5. How do you spell your name ? A. Hung B. H-U-N-G C. My name is Hung B. D. My name is H-U-N-G 6. …………….. is that ? – That’s my house. A. How B. What C. Who D. Where 7. ………………is Hoa ? – She is in the living room A. How B. What C. Who D. Where 8. ……………….is David ? – he is twelve. A. How B. What C. Who D. How old 9. ………………..is he ? – He’s Hung A. How B. What C. Who D. How many 10. ………………. students are there in your class ? – There are thirty students in my class A.. How B. What C. How old How many 11. I am in……………….. A. the grade 6 B. grade 6 C. 6th grade the grade 6th 12. Phuong is in ………………. D.. D..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> A.. - Guide Ss how to do. - Ss work in. the exercises. pairs in 15’. - Have them give the. - Ss talk aloud. answer and explain the reason why - Give feedback. - Ss take note and copy. class 6A B. the class 6B C. the 6A class D. 6A class 13. Our classroom is on ………………… A. the two floor B. the second floor B. C. The floor two D. second floor 14. There are ………….. pens on the desk. A. second B. the second C. two D. the two 15. I have …………… books. A. the thirty B. thirtieth C. the thirtieth D. thirty II. Find the mistake weather they are right or not. 1. Our class is on the three floor._________________________ 2. Nhung’s house haves six rooms. _________________________ 3. What time your brother gets up ? _________________________ 4. Tom’s house is in the city and it’s small. _________________________ 5. How many teachers there are in your school ? _________________________ 6. Her garden is big. It’s a garden big. _________________________ 7. Ba brushes his tooth at six forty- five. _________________________ 8. Every morning we have breakfast at seven o’clock. _________________________ 9. This is my book and these is my books too. _________________________ 10. Do Minh’s sister go to school at seven fifteen ? _________________________. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ Week: 06 Period: 06. Date of planning: 20/09/2015 Date of teaching: …/09/2015. Grammar practice 2 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Students can remember vocabulary and old structures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer and translate the passage into Vietnamese - Give feedback. Ss’ Activities. - Ss work in pairs in 15’. Content I. Fill in each blank with ONE word:  Chi lives …………… Tran Hung Dao street. She learns ………….. Tran Phu school. She ……… to school every day. She does ……... learn French. She ………..English. She ...........…. well.. - Ss write on board This ………… her classroom and ………… is her teacher. I. …………at Tran Phu school, too. And that ………… my classroom. I ………… not learn English. And I learn well, ………... - Ss take note and copy. . Hello, ……….am Nam. This ………… my house and …………is my school. In my ………….. , there………….. six rooms. This …………. my living room. In my living room, there ……….. a table, a couch………..two armchairs. On the table, …………..are four cups and a tea-pot. There is …………… television and a telephone in my living room, ………… In my school, there………….. twenty- five classrooms. In my…………, there ………….a board ………. …. twenty-one desks. There ………. twenty benches and a chair …………my classroom, too. II. Make questions with the word provided: 1. Who………………….................. ? – This is Thu, my sister. 2. What ……………….………? – Those are desks and benches. 3. What …………………………..? – They are David and Mary. 4. How many ……………………………….? – There is one board in the classroom. 5. How many ………………………………………. ……….? – There are four chairs in the living room. 6. ……………………………………………… ? – Yes, there is a television on the table. 7. ……………………………………………….? – No, there are not twenty desks in the classroom.. - Guide Ss how to do the. III. Read the passage then answer these questions:. - Ss work in. Minh is a student. He lives on Quang Trung Street..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> exercises. pairs in 15’. - Have them give the answer and translate the passage into Vietnamese. - Ss write on board. 1.What does Minh do ? 2.Where does he live ?. - Give feedback - Ss take note and copy - Have Ss practice. This is his house. There are eight rooms in his house. In the living room there is a couch, two armchairs and a table. There is television , a stereo and a bookcase in the living room, too. There are hundreds of books in the bookcase. On the bookcase, there is a clock and a lamp. There are five people in his family: His father, his mother, his brother, his sister and he.. - Practice asking and answering. 3.How many rooms are there in his house ? 4.What are there in the living room ? 5.What are there in the bookcase ? 6.How many people are there in his family ? 7.Who are they ?. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. Ban Giám Hiệu Duyệt Tuần 6.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Week: 07 Period: 07. Date of planning: 20/09/2015 Date of teaching: …/09/2015. Grammar practice 3 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Students can remember vocabulary and old structures; the way of using have or has II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer and translate these sentences into Vietnamese. Ss’ Activities - Ss work in pairs in 10’ - Ss take note and copy. - Give feedback. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Ss work in pairs in 10’. - Have them give the answer. - Ss take note and copy. Content I. Fill “have” or “has” into the blanks 1. Paul…………….. two brothers. 2. We…………….. a dog and Nam …………….. a cat. 3. You …………….. a good camera. 4. She …………….. an English dictionary. 5. This book ……………..80 pages. 6. You …………….. a computer. 7. My uncle…………….. a house in HCM city. 8. How many floors does your school ……………..? 9. My school …………….. floors. 10. They …………….. breakfast at six o’clock. II. Use ONE word to complete the passage My (1)……………. is Lan. I’m (2) 11……………. old. I’m(3)……………. Student. I’m (4)……………. Grade 6. I(5)……………. at Le Hong Phong school. I(6)……………. with my parents and my brother in a small house in Gia Rai. My mother ia a (7)…………….. - Give feedback. She teaches at a high school. Her name (8)……………. Linh (9)……………. Father is a doctor. He works in a (10)…………….. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Ss work in pairs in 10’. - Have them give the answer and translate these sentences into Vietnamese. - Ss take note and copy. - Give feedback. - Practice asking and answering. III. Read the passage then answer the questions Hello! My name is Phong. I’m twelve years old and I’m in grade six. My school is in the country. It’s a small school. My school has two floors and sixteen classrooms. My classroom is on the first floor. There are thirty five students in my class. Every morning I get up at six. I get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face. I have breakfast at six twenty and go to school at six forty. 1. How old is Phong ? →-____________________________________________ 2. Which grade is he in ? →-____________________________________________ 3. Is his school big ? →-_____________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 4. Where is his classroom ? →-_____________________________________________ 5. How many students are there in his class? →-_____________________________________________ 6. does he go to school ? →-___________________________________________. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ Week: 07 Period: 08. Date of planning: 20/09/2015 Date of teaching: …/09/2015. Grammar practice 4 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Students can remember vocabulary and old structures; the way of using have or has II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer and translate these sentences into Vietnamese - Give feedback. Ss’ Activities - Ss work in pairs in 20’ - Ss explain the reason how to do - Ss take note and copy. Content I . Correct the form of these verbs: 1. Every morning I (get)……..up at six and my sister (get) …………. up at six, too. 2. My brother and I often( have)…………… breakfast at 6.30 and then my mother (go) …………. to work and I (go) ………….. to school. 3. Lan and Hoa (learn) …………. at Tran Phu school and Mai (learn) …………. at Vo Thi Sau school. 4. Every day Phuong (go) to school in the morning and (do)………… her homework in the afternoon. 5. Chi often (brush)…………… her teeth and (wash) ………… clothes in the evening. 6. My class (be) ………… on the first floor and their class (be) ………… on the second floor. 7. My house (be) ………… on Tran Hung Dao street but Lan and Hoa’s house (be) ………. On Nguyen Trai street. 8. We (learn) …………. at Le Hong Phong school and Phuong (learn) …………. at Vo Thi Sau school. 9. How many rooms your house (have)……………….. 10. There (be)……….. twenty-nine classrooms in my school. 11. (be) ……………Thu’s bags ? – No, they (be not) ………………… 12. Minh (get) …………….. dressed and (wash) …………… his face at 6.40. 13. I (be) ……………. in grade 6 and my brother (be).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> ……………. in grade 2. 14. What time your children (go) …………. to school ? 15. They (live) ……………… on 4th floor.. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer - Give feedback. - Ss work in pairs in 5’ - Ss explain the reason how to do - Ss take note and copy. II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D 1. My sister…………….. her face every morning. A. washes B. gets up C. brushes D. has 2…………….. grade are you in ? A. what B. Which C. How D.Where 3David and Mary …………….. their teeth every morning. A. washes B. gets up C. brushes D. have 4……………. are classrooms and that is a teacher. A. These B. those C. this D. they 5.At six Hoa gets up and …………. dressed. A. gets B. get C. has D. have. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. Ban Giám Hiệu Duyệt Tuần 7.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Week: 08 Period: 09. Date of planning: 20/09/2015 Date of teaching: …/09/2015. Grammar practice 5 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Students can remember vocabulary and old structures; II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Ss work in pairs in 10’. - Have them give the answer and translate the passage into Vietnamese. - Ss take note and copy. - Give feedback. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Ss work in pairs in 10’. - Have them give the answer. -Rewrite on board - Ss take note and copy. - Give feedback. Content I.. Use the word in box to complete the passage in kitchen an chairs my live room armchair I(1)……………. in a small room (2)……………. New York. It’s part of (3)……………. old house. I have one (4) ……………. and a kitchen and I share a bathroom with three other people. In (5)……………. room there is a bed, an (6)……………. and a coffee table, and I have a television and a hi-fi, too. In the (7)……………. there’s a cooker and a sink. There’s a small table and two (8) ……………. , too. The kitchen’s small, but it’s OK. There are a lot of pubs, cafes, and restaurants on the street, so I don’t cook a lot. II. Find out the mistake from the sentences 1.Mary live in that house. _________________ 2.Does peter tired ? _________________ 3.Is your son a work or a student ? _________________ 4.Does Simon likes his English class ? _________________ 5.Laurence come from Italy _________________ 6.Do he want wine for his dinner ? _________________ 7.He is not speak English ? _________________ 8.She have breakfast at six thirty. _________________ 9.He goes to school in 6.30. _________________ 10.My classroom is on this first floor. _________________. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ Week: 08. Date of planning: 20/09/2015.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> Period: 09. Date of teaching: …/09/2015. Grammar practice 5 I. Objectives:. - Students can remember vocabulary and simple tense II. Teaching ads: Extra board III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Ss work in pairs in 15’. - Have them give the answer and explain the reason why they choose it. - Ss take note and copy. Content I. Choose the correct answer 1. What is your name? - _______ name is Peter. (My / Your / Her / His) 2. She is a student. This is _______ school. (his / your / her / his) 3. He is a teacher. ________sister is my friend. (His / Her / Our / My ). - Give feedback. 4. How many chairs _______ there in your classroom. (am / is / are / do ) 5. _________ class are you in? - Class 6A. (What / Which / Where / How) 6. He _______ to school at half past six. (go / goes / going / is) 7. She _______ go to school on Sunday. (doesn't / don't / isn't / does) 8. We _______ breakfast at home. (has / have /eats / see) 9. There is a river __________ my house. (in / near / next / on) 10. We have History _______ Monday. (in / on / from / at). - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. II. Correct the form of the verb. - Ss work in pairs in 15’ - Have them give the answer and explain the reason why they choose it - Give feedback. - Ss take note and copy. 1. What (be) ________his name? - My name (be)__________ Helen. 2. What she (do) ________ in the school? - She (go) _____to school. 3. He (play)______ soccer every afternoon? - No, he (do) ________ 4. What time you (get up) ___________every day? - I (get up) ___________ at six. 5 She (play) ___________games in the morning? - No, she doesn't. She (do) ___________ her homework. 5. My father (have) ___________ a lot of books in the bedroom. 6. He (not have) ___________ a big house. He (have) ________ a very small house..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer and translate the passage into Vietnamese - Give feedback. - Ss work in pairs in 10’ - Ss take note and copy. 7. There (be) ___________twenty-eight students in the class. 8. I (not read) ___________books at night, and my brother (not read) ___________ books at night. III. Complete the passage Hello! My name is Helen. I am twenty-seven years (1) ____. I am (2) ______engineer. I live (3) ______ North Street, with (4) ________ family. There are (5) _______ people in my family: my father, my mother, my sister, two brothers and I. My house (6) ______ four room.My mother and my father (7) ________ teachers. They teach English. My sister is a teacher, (8)__________. She teaches Literature. My brothers (9) ________ students. They (10) _________ to school every day.. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. Ban Giám Hiệu Duyệt Tuần 8.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Week: 09 Period: 11. Date of planning: 10/10/2015 Date of teaching: 12/10/2015. Revision for Unit 4 I. Objectives:. - Students can remember the ways to do the simple tense exercises II. Teaching ads: Extra board, workbook III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Ss work in pairs in 15’. - Have them give the answer and explain the reason why they choose it. - Ss take note and copy. - Give feedback. Content I. Correct the verb form: Everyday Lan (get) gets up at 6 o’clock. She (brush) 1______________ her teeth, washes her face and (have) 2______________ breakfast at 6.30. After breakfast, she (get) 3______________dressed and goes to school at 6.45. Her classes (start) 4______________at 7 o’clock and (finish) 5______________at 11 0’clock. After school she (go) 6______________ home and has lunch at 11.30. In the afternoon Lan (do) 7______________ her homework from 2 o’clock to 5 o’clock. After that she (help) 8______________her mom cook dinner. In the evening she (watch)9______________TV from 7 o’clock to 8 o’clock. She (read) 10_____________books at 9 o’clock and goes to bed at 10 o’clock. II. Correct the verb form: 1. Nam (watch) _____________ TV every evening.. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer and explain the reason why they choose it - Give feedback. 2. _________he often (play) ________ soccer in the afternoon - Ss work in pairs in 15’. 3. They (be not) __________________ farmers. 4. _________ you ( play)______________ volleyball ?. - No, _______________ 5. _________ you (do) ___________ the housework ?. - Ss take note and copy. - Yes,_____ 6. Phong (not play)____________________games. He ( do) ___________ his homework 7. ___________ (be) they students ? – No, ___________ 8. What are those ? – They ____________(be) flowers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 9. What is that ?. - It _____________(be) a rice paddy.. 10. She (have) ________________ breakfast at seven.. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ Week: 09 Period: 12. Date of planning: 10/10/2015 Date of teaching: 12/10/2015. READING COMPREHENSION I. Objectives:. - Develop Ss’ reading skill II. Teaching ads: Extra board, workbook III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer - Check them the reasons why it is true or false - Give feedback. Ss’ Activities - Ss work in pairs in 15’ - Ss talk aloud and translate into Vietnamese - Ss take note and copy. Content III. Read the passage the answer true (T) or false (F): Hello ! My name is Phong. I’m twelve years old and I’m in grade 6. My school is in the country. It’s a small school. My school has two floors and six classrooms. My classroom is on the first floor. There are thirty-five students in my class. Every morning I get up at six o’clock and I get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face. I have breakfast at six-twenty and go to school at six-forty..  Answer true (T) or false (F) ______1. Phong is twelve years old. ______2. He’s in grade 6. - Have Ss translate the passage into Vietnamese. ______3. Phong’s school is in the city ______4. Phong’s school is small. _____ 5.There are 60 classrooms in Phong school. ______6. Phong classroom is in second floor. ______7. His class has 53 students. ______8. Phong brushes his teeth at 6. .20. ______9. He has breakfast at 6.30. ______10. Phong goes to school at 6.40. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. IV.. - Ss take note and copy. Read the passage, then answer the questions Every morning, Nam goes to school at quarter to seven because his classes begin at seven. Today he has English, Math,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> - Have them give the answer - Check them the reasons why it is true or false - Give feedback - Have Ss translate the passage into Vietnamese. -Translate into Vietnamese. Literature classes. He likes English most because it helps him very much to contact to Peter, his pen pal, a British student in London. Geography is also Nam’s favorite subject because he likes studying different countries and their people. Now it is for recess. Nam is talking to some of his classmates while the others are playing games. They are all happy and excited. * Questions : 1. Why does Nam go to school at quarter to seven every morning? →-__________________________________________________ 2. What classes does Nam have today ? →-__________________________________________________ 3. What subject does Nam like most ? Why ? →-__________________________________________________ 4. Does he have any pen pal ? →-__________________________________________________ 5. What subject is also Nam’s favorite one ? →-__________________________________________________ 6. What is Nam doing now ? →-__________________________________________________. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. Ban Giám Hiệu Duyệt Tuần 9.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Week: 10 Period: 13. Date of planning: 10/10/2015 Date of teaching: 19/10/2015. READING COMPREHENSION I. Objectives:. - Develop Ss’ reading skill II. Teaching ads: Extra board, workbook III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content I. Fill in each blank with a suitable word to complete the passage. Peter wakes up at seven o’clock, but he doesn’t (1) ………………up until a quarter past seven. He (2)………….a shower and gets dressed. (3)………………..breakfast he cleans (4)……………..teeth. he leaves his house at eight o’clock and catches the train (5)……………….Manchester. On the train he (6)……………..the newspaper and (7)…………….the crossword. He comes (8)……………….at about half (9)……………….six in the evening. After dinner, he washes up. Then he usually (10) ………………..TV. He goes to bed at about 11:30. . Answers the questions about you 1. What do you do after school ? → __________________________________________________ 2. Do you play soccer ? → __________________________________________________ 3. When do you have English ? → __________________________________________________ 4. Which classes do you have today ? → __________________________________________________ 5. What is there near your house ? → __________________________________________________ 6. What is there behind your school ? → ________________________________________________ II. Find the mistake and correct 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.. Mary live in that house. _________________ Does peter tired ? _________________ Is your son a work or a student ?_________________ Does Simon likes his English class ?_______________ Laurence come from Italy _________________ Do he want wine for his dinner ?_________________ He is not speak English ? _________________ She have breakfast at six thirty. _________________ He goes to school in 6.30. _________________ My classroom is on this first floor. _________________. Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ Week: 10 Period: 14. Date of planning: 10/10/2015 Date of teaching: 19/10/2015.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures II. Teaching ads: Extra board, workbook III. Procedures: Teacher ’s Activitie s. Ss’ Activiti es. Content. I. Build up sentences with “There is” and “There are”. 1. flowers / front / my house................................................................................................................... 2. police station / next / drugstore. _....................................................................................................... 3. well / right / brother’s house. _........................................................................................................... 4. river / next / rice paddy. _................................................................................................................... 5. two / photocopy store / near / bookstore. _......................................................................................... 6. hospital / between / museum / factory. _............................................................................................ 7. many / tree / on / our street. _............................................................................................................. 8. mountains / opposite / uncle’s house. _.............................................................................................. 9. two / temple / in / village. _................................................................................................................ 10. movie theater / left / street. _............................................................................................................. II. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.. 1.My house is behind a store. _The store is............................................................................................... 2.In the neighborhood there is a museum. _The museum.......................................................................... 3. There is a flower garden in my school. _My school .............................................................................. 4. His mother works in the hospital. She is a nurse. _His mother works as............................................. 5. Thu’s house is near the river. _Thu’s house isn’t………………. 6. What's the price of this car? _ How much............................................................................................. 7. I usually walk to school. _ I usually go................................................................................................. III. Make questions for the underlined parts. 1. ……………………………………………….? _The bakery is in front of my house. 2. ……………………………………………….? _My father works in a factory. 3. ……………………………………………….? _There are three bookstores near her school. 4. ……………………………………………….? _Hoa’s house is in the country. 5. ……………………………………………….? _My brother’s name is Quang..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> 6. ……………………………………………….? _Their children are three and nine years old. 7. ……………………………………………….? _The toy store is next to the bookstore. 8. ……………………………………………………..…………………….……….? _That’s a rice paddy. 9. ………………………………………………………….? _These are our neighbors. 10. ………………………………………………………….? _There’s a hotel near a park. 11. ………………………..……………….……………….? _We are in grade six. 12. ………………………………….…………………….? _We are in Miss Lan Phuong’s class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> Week: 11 Period: 15/16. Date of planning: 25/10/2015 Date of teaching: 26/10/2015. GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: Extra board, workbook III. Procedures: Teacher’ s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Ss work in pairs in 15’. I. Change into negative and questions 1. I live in Ho Chi Mih City. =>………………………………………………………………………… … =>………………………………………………………………………… …? 2. She watches TV every night. =>………………………………………………………………………… =>…………………………………………………………………………? 3. They play soccer after school. =>………………………………………………………………………… … =>…………………………………………………………………………? 4. Mai’s school is in the country. =>………………………………………………………………………… … =>………………………………………………………………………… …? 5. Mai and Lan are students. =>………………………………………………………………………… … =>………………………………………………………………………… …? 6. We have Literature on Friday. =>………………………………………………………………………… … =>………………………………………………………………………… …? 7. Nam does his homework at 7.30. =>………………………………………………………………………… … =>………………………………………………………………………… …? 8. Classes start at 7.00. =>………………………………………………………………………… … =>………………………………………………………………………… …?. - Have them give the answer on board - Give feedback. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Have them give the answer on board. - Write on board. - Ss take note and copy. - Ss work in pairs in 15’. - Write on board. - Ss take note and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> - Give feedback. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer - Give feedback - Have Ss translate the passage into Vietnames e. copy. - Ss take note and work in pairs - Ss take note and copy. -Translate into Vietnames e. II. Make questions 1. Every evening, she does her homework. => …………………………………………………………………………? 2. I have breakfast at 7 o’clock. => …………………………………………………………………………? 3. No, she doesn’t. she doesn’t play soccer. => …………………………………………………………………………? 4. It’s half past ten. => …………………………………………………………………………? 5. Nam gets up at six o’clock. => …………………………………………………………………………? 6. We have English and History today. => …………………………………………………………………………? 7. She has Geography on Tuesday and Friday. => …………………………………………………………………………? 8. They play volleyball after school. =>………………………………………………………………………… … III. Gap fill and answer the questions teeth. gets. grade dressed. home. has. start eats. Nga is a student. she is in ______ 6. Every day, she _____ up at half past five. She brushes her _____, washes her face and gets ______. Then she ______ a big breakfast and she goes to school at half past six. Classes _____ at seven and finish at half past eleven. Today, she _____Math, English, History and Literature. After classes, she goes _____ and has lunch at twelve o’clock. * Questions: 1. What does Nga do? 2. Which grade is she in? 3. What time does she go to school? 4. What time do classes start? 5. What time do classes finish? 6. What does she have today? 7. What does he do after classes? 8. What time does she have lunch?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> Week: 12 Period: 17/18. Date of planning: 25/10/2015 Date of teaching: 02/11/2015. GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: Extra board, workbook III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer - Give feedback. - Guide Ss how to do the exercises. - Have them give the answer on board - Give feedback. Ss’ Activities - Ss work in pairs in 15’ -Translate into Vietnames e - Copy. - Ss take note and work in pairs - Ss take note and copy. -Translate into Vietnames e. Content I. Matching A B 1. Does your mother listen to music? a. At a quarter to seven. 2. Do girls play soccer? b. Two. 3. What time do you go to school? c. Yes, she does. 4. Is your school small? d. No, they don’t. 5. How many floors does your house have? e. Yes, it is. 1____ 2____3____4____5_____ I. Choose the best option ( A,B,C or D) to complete the sentences. 1. I get up ____________ 6 o’clock ____________ the morning A. on/of B. of /in C. at/of D. at / in 2. Ba ____________ soccer every afternoon A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing 3. There ____________ books and two pens on the table. A. is B. am C. are D. be 4. Minh’s mother is a doctor. She works in a ____________ A. hotel B. factory C. hospital D. bookstore 5. __________ there a restaurant near your house? - Yes, there is. A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are 6. To the right ____________ the house, there are tall trees. A. on B. in C. of D. at 7. She ____________ breakfast at 7.00 A. to have B. have C. having D. has 8. ____________ is the bookstore ? – It’s opposite the hospital. A. What B. Where C. How D. When 9. I go to bed ____________ nine o’clock. A. on B. of C. in D. at 10. ____________do you have Math ? – I have Math on Monday and Thursday B. When B. What C. Who D. Which 11. My father is a teacher. He works in a ____________ A. factory B. museum C. hospital D. school 12____________ Nga play soccer ? – No, she doesn’t. A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are 13. Lan____________ television after school..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> - Guide Ss how to do the exercises - Have them give the answer on board - Give feedback. A. watches B. watch C. watchs D. to watch 14. There ____________ trees behind my house. A. be B. is C. are D. am 15. Where is your classroom ? – It’s on the ____________ floor. A. two B. one C. three D. second 16. This is Phong. ____________ is a student. A. I B. He C. She D. His 17.She ____________ English on Monday. A. have B. to have C. has D. having 18. ________________ do you live ? A. Which B. How C. When D. Where 19. We have English __________ Monday, Thursday and Saturday. A. at B. between C.on D. in 20. Ba ____________ breakfast at six thirty. A. have B. has C. is D. are III. Gap fill and answer the questions then learn by heart. - Ss take note and work in pairs - Ss take note and copy -Translate into Vietnames e. country small my years live are and behind works rice paddies Hello, __________ name’s Mai. I’m twelve _____________ old. I live in the ________ with my father and mother. We ____________ in a house near a lake. There is a _______ yard in front of our house. There __________ many flowers in the yard. _____________ our house, there are some tall trees __________ there is a big well near the trees. There are _________ near our house. My father __________ on the rice paddies..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Week: 13 Period: 19/20. Date of planning: 06/11/2015 Date of teaching: 09/11/2015. SAMPLE TEST 1 I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: Extra board, workbook III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Guide Ss how to do the test - Have them give the answer on board - Give feedback. - Have them give the answer on board. Ss’ Activities -Ss do the test in 45’. -Give answer and explain the reason why they chose -Copy. -Give answer and explain the reason why they chose. - Give feedback. -Copy. - Have them give the answer. -Give answer and. Content I. Choose the best answer 1. ________ do we have Geography? A. When B. Which C. Who D. What 2. How many ________are there? A. person B. table C. people D. beef 3. Some people --------------- eat meat. A. do never B. don't never C. no D. never 4. When you go out, please buy two ---------------- of soap for me. A. rods B. bars C. tubes D. bottles 5. They usually go ----------------- after work. A. to fishing B. to swimming C. cinema D. home 6. Everyone is having ----------------- at the picnic. A. good time B. good times C. the good time D. a good time 7. Nga is the ---------------------- of the two girls. A. pretty B. prettier C. prettiest D. more pretty 8. Would you like ------------------- that for you? A. I do B. me do C. me doing D. me to do 9. Her sister is thin but she is ......................... . A. light B. weak C. full D. strong 10. They say Nam has ---------------------- money. A. a B. a lot of C. lots D. many II. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the verbs in bracket 1. Nga (brush)______________________ her teeth after dinners. 2. We (have)__________________Geography every Wednesday? 3. Nga and Lan (go) ____________to school six days a week. 4. Who ___________________phoning you at the moment? 5. You (hear) __________ the wind? It (blow) ------------ very strongly tonight. 6. What your son usually (have) ........................ for breakfast? 7. Nga (have) -------------------- an English test in two days. 8. Yen (stand) --------------- at the corner. She (wait) --------------- for the bus. 10. Summer vacation (come) -------- soon. What (be) ------ your plan? III. Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition 1. What's .......................... breakfast? - Bread and milk..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> on board - Give feedback. explain the reason why they chose -Copy. - Have them give the answer on board. - Give feedback. - Have them give the answer on board - Give feedback. -Give answer and explain the reason why they chose -Copy. -Translate into Vietnames e. -Give answer on board -Copy. 2. I don't think it's much cheaper to go .......................... bus. 3. Please listen ................ what I am saying. 4. Do you have a pen ................... you? - Yes, I do. 5. I live a few kilometres ........................... my school. 6. Is there anything interesting .................... TV tonight? 7. Nga is waiting ......................... us. Be quick, please. 8. She is looking ................... her eraser. 9. I am going to have a birthday party ......... 2011 March 12th. 10. I usually help my parents .................. school. IV. Fill in the gap with the most suitable provided words There are (1)................. seasons in North of Vietnam. I like the spring and (2) ............ most. In the spring, it is warm and there are many kinds of (3) .............. blowing. I live in the countryside so the air is very fresh in the spring. The view looks like a beautiful picture. In the summer, it is very (4)............. I and my friends usually go (5)............... and (6) ................. our kites. Sometimes we (7) ............... fishing. I don't like the (8) .................. because the (9).................... is very cold and there is a lot of cold wind. I like living in the (10)...................... 1- A. two B. three C. four D. five 2- A. weather B. season C. winter D. summer 3- A. flowers B. flower C. bird D. birds 4- A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold 5- A. swim B. to swim C. jogging D. swimming 6- A. go B. play C. have D. fly 7- A. go B. get C. play D. take 8- A. season B. weather C. winter D. summer 9- A. season B. weather C. winter D. summer 10- A. city B. town C. countryside D. village V. Rewrite sentences keep the meaning unchanged 1. Nam is tall. Hung is taller. ->Hung ....................................................................................... 2. Let's go camping in Suoi Mo. -> Why......................................................................................? 3. How much is a bottle of cooking oil? -> How much does....................................................................? 4. Nga usually walks to school. -> Nga ......................................................................................... 5. Nobody in my class is fatter than Hoang. -> Hoang is ............................................................................ Week: 14. Date of planning: 14/11/2015. Period: 25. Date of teaching: 16/11/2015. GRAMMAR PRACTICE (UNIT 6) I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. Ss’ Activities -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. Content I/ Choose the best answer 1. There is a factory………………my house. (a. next / b. opposite/ c. in front) 2. My family have dinner in a ……………... (a. hotel / b. museum / c. restaurant) 3. ………….does your father work?- In a factory. (a. What / b. Where. / c. Which). 4. …………………is next to the police station? (a. What/ b. Where / c. Which) 5. There are three rulers on the table. ………………is your ruler? (a. What / b. Which. / c. Where). 6. They play soccer in the………………… every Sunday. (a. museum / b. hospital / c. stadium) 7. What are these?-…………………. (a. They are bookshelf / b. They’re bookshelves. / c. It’s a bookshelf.) 8. Is there a store near your house? …………………………… (a. Yes, it is. / b. Yes, there is. / c. Yes, it does.). -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. II. Correct the form of the verbs 1. My teacher (live)__________ in a big house. 2. Their house (have) ___________ a beautiful yard. 3. We (eat)__________ our lunch at school. 4. They (go) __________ to bed at eleven o’clock. 5. Minh and Nga (do) _______ their homework in the evening. 6. My mother (work)_______ in a bookstore.. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud. III. Gap fill and answer the questions country small my years live are and behind works rice paddies.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> -Copy down Hello, __________ name’s Mai. I’m twelve _____________ old. I live in the ________ with my father and mother. We ____________ in a house near a lake. There is a _______ yard in front of our house. There __________ many flowers in the yard. _____________ our house, there are some tall trees __________ there is a big well near the trees. There are _________ near our house. My father __________ on the rice paddies. Week: 14 Period: 25. Date of planning: 14/11/2015 Date of teaching: 16/11/2015. REVISION FOR TEST I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content I. Correct the verb form:. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. 1. Nam (watch) _____________ TV every evening. 2. _________he often (play) ______________ soccer in the afternoon ? 3. There (be) __________________ a store near my house. 4. _________ you ( play)___________ volleyball ?. - No, ___________ 5. _________ you (do) ________ the housework ?. - Yes, ________. 6. Phong (not play)____________games. He ( do) ______ his homework 7. ___________ (be) they students ? – No, ___________________ 8. What are those ? – They ____________(be) flowers 9. What ________ Nam (do)________ every evening ? - He ____(listen) to music. 10. She (have) ________________ breakfast at seven.. II. Read the passage. Then answer the questions -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down - Ask and answer. Miss Trang is a teacher. She teaches at a small school in the village. She gets up at six. Every morning she leaves the house at half to seven. The school is not near her house; so she goes to work by bicycle. Her class starts at seven and ends at eleven. She rides home and has lunch at quarter to twelve . 1. What does Miss Trang do ? 2. Where does she teach ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> 3. What time does she get up ? 4. Is the school near her house ? 5. How does she go to work ? 6. What time does she have lunch ? -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down - Ask and answer. III. Answer about you 1. What time do you get up ? 2. What time do you go to school? 3. What do you do after school ? 4. Is your school small ?. Ban Giám Hiệu Duyệt Tuần 14.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Week: 15 Period: 27/28. Date of planning: 14/11/2015 Date of teaching: 23/11/2015. REVISION FOR UNIT 7 I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. Ss’ Activities -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. Content I/Choose the best answer: 1. ………………there a restaurant near your house?.( Is/ Do/ Are) 2. My father go to work……………... motorbike. (by/ with/ to) 3. Is your apartment………….?- No, it isn’t. it’s small. (beautiful/ big/ noisy) 4. Her house is near a market. It’s very………………… (quiet/ far/ noisy) 5. …………do you go to school? - By bike. (What /Which/ How) 6. What’s …………………?- It’s a bank. (this/ these/ those) 7. Are there any flowers in the garden? – Yes, …………………. (there is/ there are/ there aren’t) 8. Does he ………………to the stadium? - Yes. He goes to the stadium on foot. (travels/ ride/ walk) II/ Correct the form of the verbs 1. Thu (go)__________ to school by bike every day. 2. Our house (have) ___________ a vegetable garden. 3. She (live)__________ in a small village. 4. They (work) __________ in a factory. 5. We (play) _______ soccer in the stadium every afternoon. 6. Nam (leave)_______ his house at seven o’clock. 7. His mother (travel) ______ to Hue By plane. 8. Lan (walk) ________ to the park on Sundays. 9. There (be) ______ a clinic near my apartment. 10. There (not be) ________ any stores in the country. III/ Answer the questions 1. Is there a vegetable garden behind your house? (Yes) =>………………………………………… 2. Is your house small? (No) =>………………………………………………… 3. Is Lan in the city? =>………………………………………………… 4. Are the children in the bookstore? (No) =>………………………………………………… 5. Are there any mountains behind your house? (No) =>…………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. 6. Are the trees tall? =>………………………………………………… 7. Do you go to school by bus? =>………………………………………………… 8. Does Chi live in town? (Yes) =>………………………………………………… 9. How does your father travel to work? (car) =>………………………………………………… 10. What time do you go to bed? (half past ten) =>………………………………………………… IV/ Arrange into correct answer 1. travels/ Mr Tan/ plane/ by/ to/ Nha Trang. =>………………………………………………… 2. students/ any/ classroom/ are/ the/ there/ in ? =>………………………………………………… 3. is/ beautiful/ flower garden/ the. =>………………………………………………… 4. a/ is/ market/ there/ house/ near/ his. =>………………………………………………… 5. How/ work/ travel/ does/ father/ your/ to? =>………………………………………………… V/ Gap fill lunch leaves in at eleven teacher near to goes This is my sister, Trang. She is a __________ . she teaches at a small school _____________ the village. Every morning, she gets up ________ six. And she ____________ the house at a quarter to seven. The school is not _______ my house, so she __________ to work by bike. Her class starts at seven and ends at_______ . My sister rides home and has __________ at a quarter _________ twelve..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> Week: 16 Period: 29/30. Date of planning: 14/11/2015 Date of teaching: 30/11/2015. REVISION FOR UNIT 8 I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. Ss’ Activities -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Take note and work in pairs -Write on board -Copy down. -Give feedback. Content I/Choose the best answer: 1. What is he doing?-He ………………a book.( reads/ is read/ is reading) 2. A farmer works on a……………....(house/ factory/ farm) 3. What………….Nam and Nga doing? (do/ are/ is) 4. Quang is arriving…………………a farm. (in/ at/ on) 5. …………is Mai waiting for?- She is waiting for Mary. (What /Which/ Who) 6. …………video games now ? (Do the children play/ Are the children play/ Are the children playing) 7. The sign says “No Parking”. You …………………park here. (can/ must/ must not) 8. The traffic lights are green. You ………………straight ahead. (can’t go/ can to go/ can go) II Correct the form of the verbs 1. Listen! Lan (play)__________ the piano. 2. Mary is at home. She (watch) ___________ TV now. 3. I (go)__________ to school by bus every day, but today I (go) ________ to school by bike. 4. Mai (have) ________ dinner at the moment. She (have) _______dinner with her family every evening. 5. Look at the sign, you can’t (turn) _______ right. 6. Mr. Nhan (go) _______ to work by car. 7. The students (write) ______ the answers on the blackboard. 8. You must (be) ________ careful when you cross the road. III/Change into negative and questions 1. We can turn left here. =>………………………………………………… =>………………………………………? 2. Mai and her friends are playing volleyball. =>……………………………………… =>……………………………………………………? 3. My father is working now. =>……………………………………………………. =>………………………………………? 4. My mother goes to the market every morning..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. -Take note and work in pairs -Take aloud -Copy down. -Have Ss rewrite the answer on board -Give feedback. -Write on board -Copy down. =>……………………………………… =>……………………………………………………? 5. The children are in the bookstore. =>……………………………………………………… =>………………………………………? 6. My sister is beautiful. =>……………………………………… =>…………………………………………………….? 7. You can park your car here. =>…………………………………………………….. =>………………………………………? 8. These businessmen travel to work by car. =>……………………………………… =>…………………………………………………….? IV/ Arrange these words into correct sentences 1. doing/ are/ what/ you?. =>………………………………………………………… 2. your/ what/ mother/ doing/ is/ now? =>………………………………………………………… 3. that/ Hue/ to/ going/ businessman/ is. =>………………………………………………………… 4. interection/ is/ there/ ahead/ an. =>………………………………………………………… 5. nust/ we/ down/ slow. =>………………………………………………………… 6. vegetable/ the /market/ to / taking/ is/ he/ the. =>……………………………………………………….. V/ Gap fill then answer the questions Engineer driving goes in roads fast intersection must Mr.Tam is an _________. He works _________a factory. Every day, he _______ to work at half past six. Now he’s _________ his car to the factory. The _______ are always busy at this time of the day, so Mr. Tam can’t go ________ . He’s coming to an_______. The traffic lights are red, so he ________ slow down and stop his car. 1. What does Mr. Tam do? =>……………………………………………………………. 2. Where does he work? =>……………………………………………………………. 3. What time does he go to work? =>……………………………………………………………. 4. What is he doing now? =>……………………………………………………………. 5. Can Mr. Tam go fast? =>……………………………………………………………. 6. Where is he coming?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> Week: 17 Period: 31/32. Date of planning: 30/11/2015 Date of teaching: 02/11/2015. REVISION FOR EXAM 1 I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example. Ss’ Activities. -Collect their answer. -Take note and work in pairs -Give the answer and explain the reason why they choose. -Give feedback. -Copy down. Content I. Choose the correct answer. 1. Ba ........................... soccer every afternoon A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing 2. The bookstore is ........................ .the drugstore and the hotel A. to the left of B. on C. in front of D. between 3. My mother and father ............................ teachers. A. is B. are C. be D. am 4. There ................................. books and two pens on the table. A. is B. am C. are D. be 5. ........................................ ? – I’m fine A. How are you B. How old are you C. How you are D. How old you are 6. This is my father. ................................ name is Ha A. he B. his C. she D. her 7. I get up ……………… 6 o’clock ………….. the morning A. on/of B. of /in C. at/of D. at / in 8. Nam .............................. to school every morning. A. walk B. walkes C. walking D. walks 9. She ................................ to Ha Noi by car. A. go B. travels C. travel D. walk 10. What time .............. the classes start? - At seven o’clock. A. is B. does C. do D. are 11. We ……………………. for a bus at the moment. A. waitB. waiting C. is waiting D. are waiting 12. She watches T.V at quarter ................................. seven. A. in B. on C. to D. at 13. Minh’s mother is a doctor. She works in a ………………… A. hotel B. factory C. hospital D. bookstore 14. Are there ....... students in the classroom? - No, there aren’t. A. some B. a C. an D. any 15. ............ there a restaurant near your house? - Yes, there is. A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are 16. Lan ………………………...her bike to school now..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Take note and work in pairs -Write on board. -Give feedback. -Copy down. A. ride B. is riding C. rides D. riding 17. This is Phong. ………….. is a student. A. I B. He C. She D. His 18. Look! Minh and Hoa ………….. to school by bike A. travels B. traveling C. is traveling D. are traveling 19. ………many people are there in your family? A. What B. What time C. where D. How 20. We have English ……… Monday and Thursday. A. at B. of C. on D. in 21. Does Ba live in town? – Yes, …………..does. A. he B. she C. they D. I 22. My sister ……….. a nurse. A. are B. is C. am D. are 23. Nam …………. breakfast at six thirty. A. have B. has C. is D. are 24. ……………….? – She is a student. A. What does she do B. What does he do C. What do you do D. What do they do 25. This is Thu. …………. school is big. A. His B. He C. She D. Her 26. Lan’s brother is a………. . He works in a hospital. A. engineer B. teacher C. doctor D. student 27. There …………… five books on the table. A. is B. are C. isn’t D. am 28. I go to bed …………….. ten o’clock. A. at B. in C. on D. for 29. She ……………. English on Monday. A. have B. to have C. has D. having 30. He ……………….. television two hours a day. A. watch B. watchs C. to watch D. watches 31. How …………….. bedrooms are there in your house ? A. many B. much C. any D. some 32. There is …………… eraser in the box. A. a B. an C. two D. and 33. What time …………….. she have lunch ? A. do B. does C. dos D. are 34. ………………. many floors does your school have? - Two A. Which B. How C. When D. Where 35. My classroom is on the …………… floor. A. one B. a C. first D. oneth II. Write sentences, use the cues given 1. What time/Hoa/finish/her class/ every day? > …………………………… 2. We / not / go / school / Sunday > …………………………………………. 3. Huy / play / soccer / afternoon. > …………………………………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 4. Lan / live / Tran Phu street > ……………………………………………. 5. Nga / live / the city. >…………………………………………………….. 6. Lan / do / her home work / everyday. > …………………………………. 7. Nam / not / go / school / Sunday >……………………………………….. 8. Minh / play / soccer at the moment >…………………………..…………. 9. My family/ have breakfast/ now .>………………………………………. 10. Look at the man! He / wait / you. >……………………………………….. 11. Lan / have / two dogs / a cat. >…………………………………………… 12. What / you /do/ now ? >…………………………………………………... 13. I / do / homework/ now, >………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> Week: 18 Period: 33/34. NC1. Date of planning: 30/11/2015 Date of teaching: 08/12/2015. REVISION FOR EXAM 1 I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities. -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities -Take note and work in pairs -Write on board. -Give feedback. -Copy down. -Guide the task by example. -Take note and work in pairs. -Guide the task by example. Content I. Answer the questions about you 1. How are you? ___________________________________________________ 2. How old are you? ___________________________________________________ 3. Which grade are you in? ___________________________________________________ 4. Which class are you in? ___________________________________________________ 5. Is your house big? ___________________________________________________ 6. How many floors does your school have? ___________________________________________________ 7. Where is your class room? ___________________________________________________ 8. Where do you live? ___________________________________________________ 9. How do you go to school? ___________________________________________________ 10. What time do you get up? ___________________________________________________ 11. What time do you go to school? ___________________________________________________ 12. What do you do after school? ___________________________________________________ 13. What time do you go to bed? ___________________________________________________ 14. Do you play soccer? ___________________________________________________ 15. Is there a post office near your house? ___________________________________________________ II. Choose the best answer ( A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence ( 5 points) 1. I get up __________ 6 o’clock __________ the morning.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> -Collect their answer. -Give the answer and explain the reason why they choose -Copy down. -Give feedback -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Copy down -Take note and work in pairs -Write on board. -Give feedback. -Copy down. A. on/of. B. of /in. C. at/of. D. at /. in 2. Ba ____________ soccer at the present A. play B. plays C. are playing D. is playing 3. There ____________ books and two pens on the table. A. is B. am C. are D. be 4. Minh’s mother is a dctor. She works in a ____________ A. hotel B. factory C. hospital D. bookstore 5. ______ there a restaurant near your house? - Yes, there is. A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are 6. This is Phong. ____________ is a student. A. I B. He C. She D. His 8. She ____________ English on Monday. A. have B. to have C. has D. having 8. ________________ do you live ? A. Which B. How C. When D. Where 9. Nam is riding ____________ bike to school. A. her B. his C. him D. he 10. Ba ____________ breakfast at six thirty. A. have B. has C. is D. are III. Read the passage. Then answer the questions. This is Lan. She is twelve years old. She is a student. She is in grade 6. Her house is beautiful. There is a hotel near her house. There are flowers in front of her house. There are tall trees behind her house. To the left of the house, there is a well. There are four people in her family: her father, her mother, her brother and her. Everyday, she gets up at five. She brushes her teeth at six. She has breakfast at six thirty. She goes to school by bike. Classes start at seven and finish at eleven. 1. How old is Lan ? ………………………………………………………………… .2 What does she do? …………………………………………………………………  True (T) or False (F) 1. There isn’t any hotel near Lan’s house _______________ 2. There is a well to the right of her house ______________ 3. Lan lives with her parents and her brother ____________ 4. Every day, She rides her bike to school ______________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Week: 20. NC1. Date of planning: 30/12/2015. Period: 37. Date of teaching: 05/01/2016. UNIT 9 : THE BODY (1) I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Give feedback. Ss’ Activities. Content. I. Choose the correct answer. Only one answer in -Take note correct. and work in 1. _____ her hair long? pairs A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are -Write on board 2. Cindy has______lips And explain A. heavy B. full C. tall D. noisy why they 3. What color______your shoes? choose their A. is B. are C. does D. do answer 4. Which word contains a different sound from the others? -Copy down A. head B. tea C. chest D. leg 5. Which word is the odd one out? A. color B. green C. white D. yellow 6. There are some tall trees in front ______ my house. A. in B. of C. at D. on 7. What’s ______? - That’s his hand. A. this B. that C. these D. those 8. Match the adjective strong with its opposite. A. weak B. light C. heavy D. fat 9. He’s tall_______thin. A. nor B. so C. and D. however 10. What color is her hair? -________black. A. This is B. Those areC. It is D. They are 11. Bobby________big blue eyes. A. is B. are C. has D. have 12. Angela and Rose_____dinner now. A. has B. have C. is having D. are having 13. Look! The bus______ ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> -Guide the task by example. -Have Ss translate into Vietnamese. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer. -Give feedback. -Copy down. -Collect their answer. A. comes B. come C. is coming D. are coming 14. Which sentence is correct ? A. Have you got any pencils?B. Do you have any pencils? C. You have any pencils? D. A & B 15. - ______ - They are playing volleyball. A. Who are they playing with? B. What do they do? C. Why are they playing volleyball? D. What are they doing? 16. My grandfather ______ TV every night. A. watches B. watch C. is watching D. are watching 17. We ______ to music now. A. listen B. listens C. are listening D. is listening 18. - ______ - She has five pens. A. Are those her pens? B. Are her pens exoensive? C. How many pens does she have? D. What are these? 19. - ______ - Jim and Jack are. A. What do they do? B. Who is jogging in the park? C. Who are jogging in the park? D. What are they doing? 20. I often watch TV ______ night. A. on B. in C. for D. at II. Read the text and then decide if the statements are true or false. My name’s Helen and my husband’s name is Peter. We’ve got three children_ two sons and a daughter. Our sons’ names are Ian and Ben. They’re twins, but they aren’t identical. Ian’s got dark hair, but Ben’s hair is fair. Our daughter’s name’s Tracy. She’s eight years old. The boys are four. My father’s name is Frank and my mother’s name is Maureen. I’ve got two younger brothers, called Adam and Bobby. Adam is married. His wife’s name is Ulrike. She’s from Sweden and she’s got long, blond hair. They’ve got a baby daughter called Anna. So my parents have got four grandchildren_ two grandsons and two granddaughters. My husband’s got an older sister, but he hasn’t got any brothers. His sister’s name is Millie. She’s still single..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> UNIT 9 : THE BODY (1) 1. Frank is Ben’s grandfather. A. True B. False 2. Peter’s daughter has got black hair. A. True B. False 3. Adam is Bobby’s brother. A. True B. False 4. Millie hasn’t got a husband. A. True B. False 5. Bobby is married. A. True B. False 6. Peter hasn’t got any sisters. A. True B. False 7. Frank and Maureen’s granddaughters are twins. A. True B. False 8. Ben’s brother has got dark hair. A. True B. False Week: 20 Period: 38. NC2. Date of planning: 30/12/2015 Date of teaching: 08/01/2016. I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Give feedback. Ss’ Activities -Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer -Copy down. Content I. Choose the best answer 1. ________ do we have Geography? A. When B. Which C. Who D. What 2. How many ________are there? A. person B. table C. people D. beef 3. Some people --------------- eat meat. A. do never B. don't never C. no D. never 4. When you go out, please buy two ----------- of soap for me. A. rods B. bars C. tubes D. bottles 5. They usually go ----------------- after work. A. to fishing B. to swimming C. cinema D. home 6. Everyone is having ----------------- at the picnic. A. good time B. good times C. the good time D. a good time 7. Nga is the ---------------------- of the two girls. A. pretty B. prettier C. prettiest D. more pretty 8. Would you like ------------------- that for you?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Give feedback. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Give feedback. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Give feedback. A. I do B. me do C. me doing D. me to do 9. Her sister is thin but she is ......................... . A. light B. weak C. full D. strong 10. They say Nam has ---------------------- money. A. a B. a lot of C. lots D. many II. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the verbs in bracket 1. Nga (brush)________________ her teeth after dinners. -Take note and work in 2. We (have)____________Geography every Wednesday? 3. Nga and Lan (go) __________to school six days a week. pairs -Write on 4. Who ___________________phoning you at the moment? board 5. You (hear) __________ the wind? It (blow) ------------ very And explain strongly tonight. why they 6. What your son usually (have) ........................ for breakfast? choose their 7. Nga (have) -------------------- an English test in two days. answer 9. Yen (stand) --------------- at the corner. She (wait) --------------- for the bus. -Copy down 10. Summer vacation (come) -------------- soon. What (be) ----------- your plan? III. Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition 1. What's .......................... breakfast? - Bread and milk. -Take note and work in 2. I don't think it's much cheaper to go .......................... bus. 3. Please listen ................ what I am saying. pairs -Write on 4. Do you have a pen ................... you? - Yes, I do. board 5. I live a few kilometres ........................... my school. And explain 6. Is there anything interesting .................... TV tonight? why they 7. Nga is waiting ......................... us. Be quick, please. choose their 8. She is looking ................... her eraser. answer th -Copy down 9. I am going to have a birthday party ......... 2011 March 12 . 10. I usually help my parents .................. school. IV. Give the correct forms of words -Take note 1. She ...................... us English at school TEACHER. and work in 2. In my ......................, there is a park NEIGHBOR. pairs 3. Ha Noi has a lot of ................. places BEAUTY. -Write on \4. What is the .................. of this mountain? HIGH board 5. We often buy cheap bread in the ................. BAKE. And explain HIỆU 6. TRƯỞNG They have DUYỆT a lot of ........................ in the summer. ACT why they 7. This is the ....................... pagoda in Bacgiang OLD choose their 8. Don't ride too quickly. It is ......................... DANGER answer BIG -Copy down 9. My house is .................. than yours. 10. He greets me in a ......................... way. FRIEND.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> Week: 21 Period: 39. NC1. Date of planning: 10/01/2016 Date of teaching: 15/01/2016. UNIT 9 : THE BODY (3) I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Give feedback -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer -Copy down Take note and work in pairs -Write on board choose their answer -Copy down. -Give feedback -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer -Give feedback. Week: 21 Period: 40. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board choose their answer -Copy down. NC2. I/ Choose the correct word to fill in blank 1. The weight lifter is not light. He’s _____. (short/ light/ heavy) 2. My mother has beautiful teeth. Her teeth are _____. (brown/ white/ not white) 3. Is_____ nose big? – Yes, She is. (she/ their/ her) 4. Nga ____ full lips. (have/ has/ are) 5. The girls_____ long black hair. (has/ have/ are) 6. He has _____ oval face. (an/ a the) 7. Is Tuan weak or strong?- _____. (Yes. He’s strong/ He’s strong/ No. He’s weak.) 8. ____ are your eyes? – They’re black. (What/ What color/ Which) II/ Correct the form fo the verb 1. I (have) __________ a round face. 2. Lan (have) ________ long hair. 3. These boys (be) _________ tall and thin. 4. Miss Hoa (not have) __________brown eyes. 5. We (have) _________ breakfast now. 6. My friends (live) _________ in the city. 7. Nam (play) ___soccer in the stadium at the moment. 8. Chi (be) ______ light, but she (not be) _______weak V/ Complete the passage then answer the questions Hoa/ a student. She / tall/ thin. She/ an oval face. She/ long black hair. She/ black eyes. She / a small nose. She / full lips/ small white teeth. She/ strong and beautiful. => Hoa is a student …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………..… 1. What does Hoa do? => ………………………………………………… 2. Is she tall or short? => ………………………………………………… 3. Does she have an oval face? => ………………………………………………… 4. What color is her hair? => ………………………………………………… 5. What color are her eyes? => ………………………………………………… 6. Is her nose big? => ………………………………………………… 7. Are her lips full or thin? => …………………………………………………. Date of planning: 10/01/2016 Date of teaching: 14/01/2016. UNIT 9 : THE BODY (4) I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Give feedback. -Guide the task by example. Ss’ Activities Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer -Copy down. -Collect their answer. -Take note and work in pairs -Write on board. -Give feedback. -Copy down. -Guide the task by example. -Take note and work in. Content I. Choose the best option: 1. There are ____________on the feet. A. toes B. fingers C. eyes D. hands 2. His sister isn’t ________________. She is tall. A. thin B. short C. fat D. heavy 3. What does he do ? He is a ________________ . A. weight lifter B. engineer C. strong D. weak 4. This woman is old. She is a ______________. A. strong B. weak C. thin D. tall 5. I _________________ many books. A. have B. has C. am having D. to have 6. The girl ________________ black eyes. A. is B. have C. has D. are 7. We _______________ breakfast at present. A. have B. having C. are having D. is have 8. My brother _______________ in Ben Tre Province. A. live B. lives C. is living D. living 9__________ are the tall trees?_ They are to the right of the house. A. Where B. What C. When D. Which 10 ____________does your father travel to work?_ By motorbike A. What B. How C. Where D. When II. Make questions: 1. ……………………………………? – No, he isn’t. he is thin. 2. ……………………………………? – My nose is small. 3. ……………………………………? – Yes. Her eyes are black. 4. ……………………………………? - No, she doesn’t. she has long hair. 5. ……………………………………? – They are green. 6. ……………………………………? – My schoolbag is blue and white. 7. ……………………………………? – Chi is a gymnast. 8. ……………………………………? – Those are his fingers. VI. Read the passage, then answer the questions. Miss Chi is a gymnast. She is tall and thin. She is light. But.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> -Collect their answer -Give feedback. pairs -Write on board. she is not weak. She is strong. She has a round face. She has long black hair. She has brown eyes. She has a small nose. She has full lips and white teeth.. -Copy down -Translate into Vietnamese. * Questions: 1. What does Miss Chi do ? …………………………………………………………… 2. What color are her eyes ? ………………………………………………………… 3. Does she have a round face or an oval face ? …………………………………………………………… 4. Does she have a big nose …………………………………………… 5. Is her hair long or short ?. HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 21.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Week: 22 Period: 41. NC1. Date of planning: 16/01/2016 Date of teaching: 20/01/2016. UNIT 10 : STAYING HEALTHY (1) I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Give feedback. Ss’ Activities Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer -Copy down. Content I/Choose the best answer. 1. I’m _____. I’d like some meat and some rice. (tired/ thirsty/ hungry) 2. How does she _____?- She cold. (feel/ feels/ do) 3. Are there any_____ in the fridge? (meat/ apple juice/ apples) 4. What is there ____? – There is some milk. (drink/ to drink/ to eat) 5. I eat an apple every morning. It’s my_____ fruit. (good/ like/ favorite) 6. Would you like some tea?-No. _____ . I’m not thirsty. (thanks/ I don’t/ I like) 7. He feels tired. He wants _____. (going to bed/ to go to bed/ to go to the bed) 8. ____ some coffee? (Would you to like/ Do you would/ Would you like) II/ Correct the form of the verbs 1. My brothers (want) __________ cold drinks. 2. We (like) ________ orange juice. 3. The student (feel) _________ tired now. He (want)____ to go home. 4. Mai (eat) __________ some chicken and some rice at the moment. 5. I’d like (go) _________ to the movie theater. 6. Phong (have) ______ fish, beans and rice for his lunch. 7. My sister (brush) ________ her teeth after every meals. 8. Nam (like) _________ potatoes and carrots..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Week: 22 Period: 42. NC2. Date of planning: 16/01/2016 Date of teaching: 19/01/2016. UNIT 10 : STAYING HEALTHY (2) I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old grammar structures and vocabulary II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. -Give feedback. -Guide the task by example -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer -Copy down. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain. Content III/ Change in to negative and questions 1. Thu has some bread and butter for her breakfast. => ………………………………………… => …………………………………………………? 2. They like apples and oranges. => ………………………………………………… => …………………………………………? 3. My brother likes to go out for dinner. => ………………………………………… => …………………………………………………? 4. There is some milk in the bottle. => ………………………………………… => …………………………………………………? 5. There are some vegetables in the fridge. => ………………………………………… => …………………………………………………? 6. I would like some noodles. => ………………………………………… => …………………………………………………? 7. The children want to go to the zoo. 8. Mai wants a hot drink. => ………………………………………… => …………………………………………………? IV/ Make questions 1. …………………………………………………? – He feels hot. 2. …………………………………………………? – I’d like some meat and some vegetables. 3. …………………………………………………?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> -Give feedback. why they choose their answer -Copy down. – No. I don’t like noodles. 4. …………………………………………………? – My sister wants hot milk. 5. …………………………………………………? – His favorite food is chicken. 6. …………………………………………………? – There is some fish and some break for lunch. 7. …………………………………………………? Yes. There are some bananas. 8. …………………………………………………? – Phong likes iced coffee. It’s his favorite drink.. HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 22.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> Week: 23 Period: 43. NC1. Date of planning: 16/01/2016 Date of teaching: 28/01/2016. UNIT 10 : STAYING HEALTHY (3) I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old vocabulary and answer the questions well. II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer -Copy down. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their. Content V/ Cpmplete the passage then answer the questions big drinks at has food likes some so dinner Nam has breakfast_______6.30.He________bread and butter for his breakfast. He _______ some hot milk. It’s his favorite drink. At 11.30 he has a _________ lunch with chicken, vegetables and rice. He ______ chicken. It’s his favorite________. ______ is at 6.30 in the evening. He doesn’t like vegetables for dinner, ________ he has some fish, soup and rice. He drinks ________ orange juice for dinner. 1. What food does Nam have for breakfast? =>………………………………………………… 2. What’s his favorite drink? =>………………………………………………… 3. What time does he have his lunch? =>………………………………………………… 4. What is his favorite food? =>………………………………………………… 5. Does he like vegetables for dinner? =>………………………………………………… 6. What does he have for dinner? =>………………………………………………… VI. Fill in the blanks with “ SOME “ or “ ANY ”: 1. I have ________ pictures. 2. Mrs. Lan doesn’t have _____________ children. 3. She doesn’t want ___________ meat. 4. Would you like ______________ coffee ? 5. Are there __________ eggs in the box ? 6. Do you want ______________ fish ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> answer -Copy down. Week: 23 Period: 44. 7. He wants ______________ vegetables. 8. They don’t want _____________ chicken. 9. We have ______________ friends. 10. I like______________ fruit with my lunch. 11. I want to make _________ sandwiches, but we don’t have bread. 12.Would you like______________ meat ? 13.Are there ______________oranges and bananas 14. A: Excuse me, do you have _____________ pencils ? B: No, I’m sorry. We have some pens over there, but we don’t have _____________ pencils.. NC2. Date of planning: 16/01/2016 Date of teaching: 27/01/2016. UNIT 10 : STAYING HEALTHY (4) I. Objectives:. - Help Ss remind the old vocabulary and answer the questions well. II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer -Copy down. Content II. Choose the best option ( A,B, C or D): 1. There isn’t ____________ milk in the bottle. A. a B. an C. any D. some 2. I am thirsty. I’d like a ____________. A. orange juice B. noodles C. rice and chicken D. drink 3. I am ________ .I ‘d like some noodles . A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. full 4. I am ________. I ‘d like some water. A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. cold 5. _______would you like ? _ Some orange juice , please. A. Which B. What C. How many D. How 6. ________ does she feel ? A. When B. How C. Where D. What.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer -Copy down. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And explain why they choose their answer -Copy down. 7. I feel tired ; so I’d like _____________ A. some noodles B. a hot drink C. to sit down D. an apple 8. Which _______do you like , tea or milk ? A. food B. drink C. drinks D. fruit 9. I’m thirsty; so I’d like __________ . A. some chicken B. some fish C. some bananas D. some tea 10. Mary and _______ would like to join the English Club speaking A. me B. my C. mine D. I III. Read the passage, then answer the questions: Mr Hung is an engineer. He works in Da Lat. Every morning, he gets up at five o’clock. He has some noodles for breakfast. Then he drinks a glass of orange juice. At 6.30, he goes to work by car. He has lunch at a restaurant near his factory. He finishes his work at 4.30. He goes home and has dinner with his family. In the evening, he watches television and read. a. What does Mr Hung do? b. Where does he work? c. Does he eat rice for breakfast? d. How does he go to work? e. Where does he have lunch? f. Does he have dinner at a foodstall? g. What does he do in the evening? h. Does he listen to music in his free time? IV. Write the questions for these answers. 1. ………………………………? - He feels hot. 2. ………………? - I’d like some meat and some vegetables. 3. ……………………………? - No. I don’t like noodles. 4. ……………………………? - My sister wants hot milk. 5.. ……………………….… ? - No, there isn’t any milk. HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 6. …………? - There is some fish and some23 break for lunch. 7. ………………………? - Yes. There are some bananas. 8.……………………………? - She feels tired 9.……………………………? - Lan would like orange juice. 10. …………………………? - Yes, there is some ice –cream.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Week: 24 Period: 45. NC1. Date of planning: 14/02/2016 Date of teaching: 18/02/2016. UNIT 11 : GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1 I. Objectives: - Ss can use quantifiers (a kilo of…) and containers (a bottle of …) to talk about things people buy at the store. “How much / many…?” with “want” and “need” to talk about quantities for shopping. II. Teaching ads: workbook, extra board, pictures III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Content Activities Take note and work in I. Matching: pairs -Write on A B board a. of toothpaste And translate 1. a bar 2. a can b. of eggs -Copy down 3. a tube c. of cooking oil 4. a dozen d. of soap Take note e. of peas and work in 5. a bottle pairs II. Choose the best answer: -Write on 1. She wants ________ cooking oil. board A. a box of B. a dozen C. a bottle of D. a bottle And explain 2. Her mother is going to buy ________tea. A. a tube of B. a packet C. a packet of D. a kilo why they 3. I’d like ________ chocolate. choose their A. a can of B. a kilo C. a box of D. a box answer 4. Lan wants ________eggs. A. a kilo B. a dozen C. a dozen of D. a can of -Copy down 5. We want ten ________ rice. A. a dozen B. kilos C. kiloes of D. kilos of 6. She wants ________beef. A. a half kilo of B. a half kiloC. half a kilo of D. half a kilo 7.________ I help you ? A. Do B. Would C. Can D. Am 8. How ________ eggs do you want ? A. any B. much C. many D. some 9. How __________sugar does she need ? A. any B. much C. many D. some 10. I’d like a ___________ of lemon juice . A. bottle B. cup C. glass D. box 11. She eats ___________of bananas. A. many B. some C. a lot D. lot.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. 12. I don’t have ______ apples but I have _____ oranges. A. any- any B. any - some C. some - any D. some - some 13. ________rice do you want ? A. How B. How many C. How much D. What 14. How much rice do you want ? - _______________ A. Yes, I do B. A kilo C. Ten thousand dongs D. There is a kilo 15._________bananas do you need ? A. How B. How many C. How much D. What III. Complete these sentences:. any – bottle- dozen – else - favorite - grams – half – many – much - some. 1. Is there anything……………you’d like to buy ? 2. We need…………..a kilo of meat. 3. How…………….lemonade do you want ? 4. Please give me a………………eggs. 5. How much is a ……………….of milk ?. 6. Does he want four hundred…………..of chicken ? 7. I’d like an apple and……………..rice. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. 8. How……………….bars of soap does your mother want ? 9. Is there………………cheese at the canteen ? 10. My……………..vegetable is beans. IV. Put them in correct order to make a complete dialogue: a. Thanks. How much are they? b. Can I help you ? c. How many oranges do you want ? d. Yes. I’d like some oranges. e. Half a dozen, please. f. Here you are. g. Ten thousand dong. Thank you..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Week: 24 Period: 46. NC2. Date of planning: 14/02/2016 Date of teaching: 17/02/2016. UNIT 11 : GRAMMAR PRACTICE 2 I. Objectives: - Further practice in offers and requests for food and drink. - Talking about prices for food and drink with “How much…?” II. Teaching ads: workbook, smartboard III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note 1. and work in pairs 2. -Write on 3. board 4. And translate5. -Copy down6.. Content I. Write the questions for these answers: 1. We want two bottles of water. =>………………………………………………………….? 2. My sister needs some oranges. =>………………………………………………………….? 3. They would like three apples. =>………………………………………………………….? 4. A bowl of noodles is 3.000 dong. =>………………………………………………………….? 5. There is some iced tea to drink after dinner. =>………………………………………………………….? 6. An ice-cream is two dollars. =>………………………………………………………….? 7. You can go to the supermarket to buy beef. =>………………………………………………………….? 8. Her favorite is fried rice. =>………………………………………………………….? 9. Those are peas and beans. =>………………………………………………………….? 10. The salesgirl is Mrs Ngoc. =>………………………………………………………….? III. Complete with the suitable words. __________ I help you ? - Yes, I’d like__________ cabbages. __________ else? - Yes, I need__________ eggs. How__________ rice do you want ? Mrs Tu needs__________ beef. How__________ is this book? - Five thousand dong. What do you__________? - I need__________ cooking.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. oil. 7. How __________ bananas are there ? 8. There __________ twelve apples. 9. Are there __________ onions on the table? Take note 10. __________ meat do you want? – Half a kilo, please. and work in II. Choose the best answer. pairs I (1) ________ usually eat breakfast. I only have (2) -Write on _______of coffee. I don’t eat (3) _______ until about eleven board And translate o’clock. Then I have a biscuit and a glass of (4) _______ for -Copy down lunch. I usually have a salad. That’s (5)________about two o’clock. I have (6) ________at half past six in the afternoon. I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat (7) ________or fish. I eat cheese and eggs and things like that. I have a glass of water or fruit (8) ________with my meal. At weekend I go to a (9) ________ in the evening. You can (10) ______ vegetarian meals in a (11) ________ restaurants now. 1) a. don’t b. not c. am not d. no 2) a packet b. a cup c. a can d. a bar 3) any b. some c. anything d. something 4) a. peas b. rice c. chocolates d. milk 5) a. at b. on c. in d. of 6) a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner d. supper 7) a. meat b. rice c. vegetables d. noodles 8) a. water b. soda c. juice d. lemonade 9) a. store b. restaurant c. shop d. apartment 10) a. get b. getting c. to get d. gets Take note b. much c. dozen d. lot of and work in 11) a. many III. Reading comprehension and answer the questions: pairs Today is Sunday. Mrs. Brown goes to the market in the -Write on board morning. She needs many things. First, she wants some meat: And translate one kilo of fish, five hundred grams of beef. Then, she wants -Copy down some vegetables. She needs three cans of peas and one kilo of tomatoes. Finally, she wants two cans of beer and four bottles of mineral water. She goes home by taxi. * Questions : 1. Where does Mirs. Brown go in the morning ? ……………………………………………………………… 2. How many kilos of fish does she need ? ………………………………………………………………… 3. Does she need five kilos of beef ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> ………………………………………………………………… 4. How much water does she need ? ……………………………………………………………… 5. Does she go home by car ? ………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Week: 25 Period: 47. NC1. Date of planning: 14/02/2016 Date of teaching: 23/02/2016. REVISION (UNIT 9,10,11) I. Objectives: - Help Ss review the structure grammar from unit 9 to 11. - Further practice in simple present, present progressive tense, quantities and prices, adjectives, questions words, quantifiers, offers and requests for food and drink. II. Teaching ads: workbook, smartboard III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities. Content. I. Rewrite these sentences: Take note 1. How many/ apples/ you/ want ? and work in 2. Nam/ iced-tea pairs 3. They/ go/ work/ bus/ everyday -Write on 4. What/ your favorite/ food? board And translate 5. What time/ you/ go/ bed? -Copy down 6. Where/ Lan/ have breakfast ? 7. There/ any milk? 8. My mother / cook/ meal/ now 9. He / play / soccer / now. 10. I / hungry / and I / like / bread / milk. II. Answer about you Take note and work in 1. Do you like orange juice ? pairs 2. How much is a fried rice at the canteen? -Write on 3. How do you feel? board 4. What would you like? And translate -Copy down 5. What is your favorite food? 6. What are you doing now ? 7. What is your favorite drink ? 8. What is there to drink/eat? 9. What would you like for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? Take note III. Matching: and work in A B pairs 1. Are there any vegetables in the fridge? a. Yes. There is some. -Write on 2. Can I help you? b. Two cans. board 3. How much are they? c. I’d like some beef. And translate 4. Is there any milk in the bottle? d. No. There aren’t any. -Copy down 5. How much rice does your mother want? e. They are 15,000đ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> 6. How many cans of peas do you need? 7. What would you like to drink? 8. Would you like some sandwiches?. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Week: 25 Period: 48. f. No, thanks. I’m full. g. Five kilos. h. Iced coffee, please. 1____ 2____3____4____5_____6____7____8____ IV. Complete these sentences: Take note and work in 1. He (play) __________ volleyball every afternoon. pairs 2. Nam and Nga (drink) __________ some milk at the -Write on moment. board 3. They (be) ________ in the kitchen now. And translate 4. My sister (want) ____________ to be a doctor. -Copy down 5. I (have) __________ a round face. 6. Lan (have) ________ long hair. 7. These boys (be) _________ tall and thin. 8. Miss Hoa (not have) __________brown eyes. 9. We (have) _________ breakfast now. 10. My friends (live) _________ in the city. NC2. Date of planning: 14/02/2016 Date of teaching: 23/02/2016. REVISION (UNIT 9,10,11) I. Objectives: - Help Ss review the structure grammar from unit 9 to 11. - Further practice in simple present, present progressive tense, quantities and prices, adjectives, questions words, quantifiers, offers and requests for food and drink. II. Teaching ads: workbook, smartboard III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities. Content. I. Read the passage, then answer the questions: Take note Mr Hung is an engineer. He works in Da Lat. Every and work in morning, he gets up at five o’clock. He has some noodles for pairs breakfast. Then he drinks a glass of orange juice. At 6.30, he -Write on goes to work by car. He has lunch at a restaurant near his board And translate factory. He finishes his work at 4.30. He goes home and has -Copy down dinner with his family. In the evening, he watches television and read. * Questions: 1. What does Mr Hung do?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. 2. Where does he work? 3. Does he eat rice for breakfast? 4. How does he go to work? 5. Where does he have lunch? 6. Does he have dinner at a food stall? 7. What does he do in the evening? 8. Does he listen to music in his free time? Take note II. Complete, using “some or any”: and work in 1. We have____ friends. Do we have____ soda in the fridge ? pairs 2. I like_______ fruit with my lunch. -Write on 3. I want to make_____ sandwiches, but we don’t have bread. board And translate 4. A: Excuse me, do you have _______ pencils ? B: No, I’m sorry. We have _______ pens over there, but we -Copy down don’t have_______ pencils. 5. Would you like_______ milk ? 6. Are there_______ oranges and bananas? III. Rewrite these sentences: Take note 1. he / need/ bottle / cooking oil. and work in =>…………………………………….. pairs 2. they / want/ dozen / egg. -Write on =>…………………………………….. board And translate 3. mother / like/ half a kilo / rice. -Copy down =>…………………………………….. 4. she / want/ two/ bar of soap. =>…………………………………….. 5. we / need/ five tubes/ toothpaste. =>……………………………………... HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 25.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> Week: 26 Period: 49. NC1. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 03/03/2016. UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES A. WHAT ARE THEY DOING? I. Objectives: - Further practice in present progressive and sports vocabulary to talk about what people are doing now. - “Which…? Questions” to talk about people’s regular exercises. II. Teaching ads: workbook, smart board III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain. Ss’ Activities. Content. I. Make questions and answer: Take note Ex: He/ swim and work in A: What is he doing ? pairs B: He’s swimming. -Write on 1. children/ play badminton. board And translate 2. Mr Minh/ jog -Copy down 3. Miss Nguyet/ do aerobics. 4. students/ play soccer. 5. his sister/ skip. 6. you/ play table tennis. 7. Tung and Hung/ play volleyball 8. her father/ fish. II. Complete these sentences: Take note and work in 1. Hoa (like) _________volleyball. She often (play) pairs _________ volleyball with her friends. They (play) -Write on _________ it three times a week. They (play) __________ board volleyball in their school yard now. And translate 2. What _____your father (do) ____in his free time? -Copy down 3. Where (be) ________ Mai? She (be) ______ in the kitchen. She (cook) ______ lunch for her family now. 4. Which sports _________ your brothers (play) ______? They (swim) ________. They (swim) _________ in the swimming pool now. III. Rewrite these sentences: Take note 1. Ly/ go jogging/ every morning. and work in 2. Viet/ listen / music/ everyday. pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Week: 26 Period: 50. -Write on 3. Mr and Mrs Ba/ go camping/ now board 4. Which / sports/ he / play /? And translate 5. They / jog / the park/ now. -Copy down IV. Make questions for these answers: 1. Mai likes aerobics. 2. They are playing tennis at the moment. 3. I swim and play badminton. 4. Her favorite sport is swimming. 5. I’m playing badminton.. NC2. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 03/03/2016. UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES B. FREE TIME I. Objectives:. - How often…? Questions and answer with “once, twice, three times … to talk about frequency of activities. II. Teaching ads: workbook, smart board III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities. Content. I. Choose the best answers: Take note 1. ___________do you do in your free time? and work in A. What B. When C. Who D. Why pairs 2. ___________ your brother like playing soccer? – Yes, a lot -Write on A. Are B. Do C. Is D. Does board 3. My sister is. ___________ aerobics at the moment And translate A. having B. doing C. playing D. making -Copy down 4. She listens to music ___________ A. two times a week B. a week twice C. twice a week. 5. Do you ___________in your free time? -Yes, I do. A. do your homework B. go to school C. plays soccer 6. ________ sports does Lan play? – She _________ badminton. A. What/ plays B. Which/ play C.Which / is playing D. How/ plays 7. He . ___________his bicycle now.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task. A. riding B. is riding C. ride D. rides 8. They are _____aerobics now. A. play B. playing C. doing D. do 9. What do you do_____ your free time? A. on B. at C. in D. of 10. My sister and I ____ television in the living – room now. A. am watching B. are watching C. is watching D. watching 11. “Does Hoa play volleyball”? - No, ___________ A. She not plays B. She don't C. She isn’t D. She doesn’t 12. He often. ___________fishing in the summer A. go B. goes C. going D. to go 13. Which sports. ___________? – I play soccer. A. do you do B. do you play C. does he do D. are you 14. Do they . ___________ sports?- Yes, they do. A. like B. to like C. likes D. liking 15. Are you free . ___________Sunday ? A. in B. at C. of D. on 16. What do you often do ______your free time? A. on B. in C. at D. for II. Complete with the correct tense of the verbs: Take note 1. What time ………… you (go) …………….. to school? and work in 2. Lan ( watch ) ………………….. T.V three times a week. pairs 3. Nam & Ba often ( go) ………………. fishing on Sunday. -Write on 4. We ( not go) ………………………… to school on Sunday. board And translate 5. My brother like jogging. He ( jog) ……………………… -Copy down every morning. At the moment, he ( jog)………….. in the park. 6. What is she doing ? -She (cook )………………… lunch. 7. Where is Ba? - He (be) …. in the yard. He (play)…… badminton. 8. Hoa (not read )….. book now, he ( do)…….. his homework. III. Complete the dialogue: A: Who’s that in the picture ? B: That’s my brother, Minh. Take note A: …………………………….free time? and work in B: He often plays sports. pairs A: ……………………………………..? -Write on B: He usually plays badminton and soccer. board And translate A: ………………………………………………….?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Copy down. B: No, he never plays volleyball. A: …………………………………………? B: He plays badminton every afternoon. A: ………………………………………now? B: He’s playing computer games in his room. IV. Make questions for these answers: 1. ………………? - She goes jogging once a week. Take note and work in 2. ………………? - They often go to the park. 3. ………………? - No, they don’t go camping every week. pairs 4. ………………? - She plays tennis. -Write on 5. ………………? - I’m playing badminton. board And translate 6. ………………? - I go fishing in my free time. -Copy down 7. ………………? - He reads books twice a week. 8. ………………? - He feels tired now.. HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 26.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> Week: 27 Period: 51. NC1. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 11/03/2016. UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES C. HOW OFTEN ? I. Objectives: - How often…? Questions and answer with “once, twice, three times … to talk about frequency of activities. II. Teaching aids: - Extra boards, exercise papers. III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. Content I. Choose the best answers: 1. My brother likes ________ In the mountain A. walking B. walks C. to walk D. walk 2. My sister doesn’t like volleyball at all. She ____ plays volleyball A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never 3. I often listen ________ the music in my free time A. to B. of C. in D. of 4. She often visits her grandmother ________weekends. A. on B. in C. to D. of 5. Lan and Hoa sometimes________to the zoo A. are going B. goes C. go D. is going 6. He ________his bicycle now A. riding B. is riding C. ride D. rides 7. She always ________at five o’clock A. get up B. gets up C. is getting D. getting 8. Mary and Tom never ________to school on Sundays A. goes B. are going C. go D. don’t go 9. How ________do you go to fishing? - Once a week. A. usually B. sometimes C. often D. never 10.________ he play basketball? No, he doesn’t. A. Do B. Is C. Does D. Are 11. Does Nga ________ to the zoo every Sunday?-Yes, she does. A. goes B. go C. going D. to go 12. What are they doing?-They are ________ to music. A. listen B. listening C. listens D.to listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. 13. Phong ______ soccer every afternoon. It’s his favorite pastime. A. play B. plays C. is playing D. is going to play 14. Minh ________ eats fish and beef. He doesn’t like them. A. always B. usually C. often D. never 15. We often ________ soccer in the afternoon. A. do B. jog C. brush D. play Take note II. Put the adverbs of frequency in correct order: and work in 1. What time do you go to school? (often) pairs =>…………………………………………………………… -Write on ……. board And translate 2. Nam jogs in the early morning. (usually) -Copy down =>…………………………………………………………… ….. 3. The street is busy on Monday morning. (always) =>…………………………………………………………. 4. My mother drinks hot tea. (never) =>…………………………………………………………… 5. Nhan is late for school. (never) =>……………………………………………….. 6. He play tennis. (never) =>…………………………………………….. 7. Mr Cuong goes jogging in the morning. (always) =>…………………………………………….. 8. My sister has classes in the afternoon. (sometimes) =>…………………………………………….. 9. She doesn’t come home until 10 o’clock. (usually) =>…………………………………………….. 10.The sales girls are very young. (usually) =>……………………………………………….. III. Make questions for these answers. Take note and work in 1. Phong often goes fishing in his free time. => ………………………………………………? pairs -Write on 2. Ly goes jogging twice a week. board => ………………………………………………? And translate 3. They often have a picnic in the park. -Copy down => ………………………………………………? 4. Nam and Ba sometimes go to the zoo..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Week: 27 Period: 52. => ………………………………………………? Take note IV. Rewrite these sentences: and work in 1. What / you/ do/ in / free/ / time? pairs 2. We / never/ go camping/ / because / we/ not/ have / tent. -Write on 3. Mr Phong / like playing/ table tennis. board And translate 4. She /go / park/ four / times/ week/ -Copy down 5. My / sister/ do aerobics/ yard/ now. 6. Which sports / he / play/ weekends ? 7. The children / listen/ music/ room/ at the moment. 8. Mary/ go swimming/ twice/ week. V. Make questions and answer with “How often?” NC2. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 09/03/2016. GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. Objectives: - Remind their grammar points and vocabulary - Extra boards, exercise papers. III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do. Ss’ Activities. Content. I/ Correct the form of the verbs Take note 1. Hoa (like) _________volleyball. she often (play) and work in _________ volleyball with her friends. They (play) pairs _________ it three times a week. They (play) __________ -Write on volleyball in their school yard now. board And translate 2. What _____your father (do) ____in his free time? -Copy down 3. Where (be) ________ Mai? She (be) ______ in the kitchen. She (cook) ______ lunch for her family. 4. Which sports _________ your brothers (play) ______? They (swim) ________. They (swim) _________ in the swimming pool now. 5. He never (go) _________ camping because he (not have) ___________ a ten. II Make questions Take note and work in 1. Mai likes aerobics. pairs => ………………………………………………? -Write on 2. They are playing tennis at the moment..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. board => ………………………………………………? And translate 3. I swim and play badminton. -Copy down => ………………………………………………? 4. Phong often goes fishing in his free time. => ………………………………………………? 5. Ly goes jogging twice a week. => ………………………………………………? 6. They often have a picnic in the park. => ………………………………………………? 7. Nam and Ba sometimes go to the zoo. => ………………………………………………? 8. Her favorite sport is swimming. => ………………………………………………? III. Arrange into correct order Take note 1. play/ sports/ he/ which/ does? and work in =>…………………………………………………… pairs 2. often/ Phong/ his/ fly/ kite/ how/ does? -Write on =>……………………………………………………. board And translate 3. twice/ Mary/ swimming/ week/ a/ goes.. -Copy down =>…………………………………………………… 4. are/ they/ in/ park/ jogging/ the/ now. =>……………………………………………………. 5. your/ what / brother/ does/ do/ free/ time/ in/ his? =>……………………………………………………. IV. Complete yhe dialogue. Can where -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. go swimming pool Who Sometimes Take note swimming What and work in Nam: ________ do you do in pairs your free time, Phong? -Write on Phong: I often go ___________. board Nam: Oh, I like swimming, too. __________ do you often go And translate -Copy down swimming with? Phong: I usually ____________ with my best friend Thanh. ___________I go with my father. Nam: ___________ do you often swim? Phong: I always swim at Ky Dong ___________. Nam: ____________________I go with yu next time? Phong: Yes, of course. You can. That’ll be great fun. Name: …………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 27.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> Week: 28 Period: 53. NC1. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 15/03/2016. UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS A. THE WEATHER AND SEASON I. Objectives: - Students will be able to ask and answer about the weather, the weather they like, activities in the weather; ask and answer about activities in the different weather.III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. Content I. Choose the best answers: 1. Please open the window. It’s very____ here. A. cold B. hot C. cool D. tired 2. Is it___________ in the spring? – Yes, it is. A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold 3. There is a football match today at the ______ A. museum B. stadium C. hospital D. bakery 4. What ____ do you like ? - I like warm weather. A. food B. drink C. sports D. weather 5. I don’t like iced tea. I like a ________ drink. A. cold B. cool C. warm D. hot 6. There are four _________ in a year. A. weather B. seasons C. months D. weeks 7. What does he often do on the ___________? – He often goes swimming with his friends. A. winter B. summer C. Sunday D. weekend 8. What’s her favorite ___________? - Spring. A. activity B. season C. sport D. fruit 9._________ seasons are there in a year ? - Four A. How much B. How many C. how often D. How 10. How __________ do you go camping, Sang ? A. much B. many C. often D. old 11. I _________ go swimming in the spring. A. often don’t B. do often not C. don’t often D. doesn’t often 12._____do you listen to music ? – Every night. A. What time B. How often C. How long D. How much.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. 13. In HCM city, there are two __________ A. activities B. years C. seasons D. sports 14. She does aerobics __________ a week. A. on time B. two times C. four D. twice 15. Mr. Pike travels to Da Lat ________ plane. A. on B. by C. with D. to II. Change into negative and interrogative: 1. It is often cold in the summer. 2. They sometimes walk in the mountains. 3. Mai usually goes to the movies on Sundays. 4. Miss Hoa likes warm weather. 5. You can camp in the park. 6. He always has some eggs for breakfast. III. Put in correct order: 1. What do you do when it’s warm? (often) 2. It is cold in the winter. (usually) 3. Do you have cold shower in the summer? (always) 4. We go camping in the winter. (never) 5. She doesn’t have some milk for her breakfast (sometimes) 6. Are you late for school? (often) IV. Complete the passage with the suitable words: Viet Nam, our country, is very beautiful. It has ____ seasons: spring, summer, fall and ____. In the spring, it often _____, sometimes it’s rainy. In the summer, it’s hot and sunny. The _____is cool in the fall and in the winter it is ______ cold and windy. I like ____ weather ___. I can do many activities. When it’s hot, I usually go _____ and play____. Sometimes, I go fishing with my ______. V. Reading comprehension and answer the questions: There are four seasons in my country. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. In the spring, the spring is usually warm. Sometimes, it is cold, but not very cold. There are many flowers in the spring. In the summer, the day is long and the night is short. We often go swimming in this season. This fall is the season of fruits. In the winter, it’s usually very cold. The day is short and the night is long. * Questions: 1. How many seasons are there in a year ? What are they ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Week: 28 Period: 54. What are there in the spring ? Is the day long or short in the winter ? What is the weather like in the winter ? What do they often do in the summer ? Do they often go swimming in the fall ?. NC2. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 13/03/2016. GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. Objectives: - Remind their grammar points and vocabulary - Extra boards, exercise papers. weather.III. Procedures: T’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. I/Choose the best answer 1. There are _____ vegetables in the fridge. (some/ any/ a/ an) 2. Her lips are thin. They are _____ (fat/ full/ strong/ weak) 3. What_____ is her hair?- It’s black. (long/ time/ color/ short) 4. She is thirsty. She’d like some____. (noodles/ orange juice/ apples/ fish) 5. We’d like some chicken and rice _____ lunch. (at/ from/ with/ for) 6. Would you like _____ iced tea? (a/ an/ some / any) 7. Mai doesn’t want _____ noodles. (a/ an/ some/ any) 8. How ____ bananas are there on the table? (much/ many/ long/ about) II/ Make questions 1. A bowl of noodles is 3.000 dong. =>…………………………………………………………… … 2. Nam feels thirsty. =>…………………………………………………………… … 3. Her eyes are black. =>…………………………………………………………… … 4. They are watching TV now. =>…………………………………………………………… …5. I’d like a glass of lemon juice. =>…………………………………………………………… … 6. My favorite food is fish. =>…………………………………………………………… … III/ Correct the form of the verbs 1. He (play) __________ volleyball afternoon. 2. There (not be) ________ any water in the bottle. 3. Nam and Nga (drink) __________ some milk at the moment. 4. They (be) ________ in the kitchen now. 5. My sister (want) ____________ to be a doctor. IV/ Complete questions How much What How many When Where Who How 1. __________ is there to drink? – There is some milk. 2. __________ meat do you want? – Half a kilo, please. 3. __________ grams of beef does your mother want?200grams. 4.__________ are these vegetables? – They are 3.00dong. 5. __________are you going? – To the post office. V/ Complte the dialogue:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 28.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> Week: 29 Period: 55. NC1. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 22/03/2016. UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS A. THE WEATHER AND SEASON I. Objectives: - Students will be able to ask and answer about the weather, the weather they like, activities in the weather; ask and answer about activities in the different weather.III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their. Ss’ Activities. Content. I. Choose the best answers: Take note 1. It’s ___________ in the summer. and work in A. cold B. hot C. cool D. warm pairs 2. It’s ___________ in the fall. -Write on A. cold B. hot C. cool D. warm board And translate 3. It is very cold in the _______ in Viet Nam. B. spring C. fall D. summer -Copy down A. winter 4. Do they __________sports?- Yes, they do. A. like B. to like C. likes D. liking 5. We don’t go camping. We don’t have a __. A. kite B. tent C. tense D. tens 6. Nam and Ha never ___________to school. A. walk B .walking C .is walking D. walks 7. _____________it’s hot, we go swimming. A. What B. When C. Where D .How 8. It often _____________in the rainy season. A. rain B. is raining C .rains D raining. 9. There are four _______ in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. A. activities B. pastimes C. weathers D. seasons 10. What’s the weather ___________ today? A. like B. see C. look D. hear II. Make questions for these answers: Take note 1. We often play basketball in the spring. and work in 2. It’s cold in the winter. pairs 3. My mother likes cool weather. -Write on 4. It’s cold and windy in Ha Noi. board And translate 5. I often go swimming when it is hot. -Copy down 6. They go to the movies twice a month..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. 7. My favorite season is spring. 8. We never go sailing in the summer. 9. Nam likes warm weather. 10. Chi and her friends often play volleyball in the spring. III. Complete the dialogue: Take note Nam and An are friends. Nam lives in the city and Nga and work in lives in the country. They are on the telephone at the moment. pairs -Write on An: What’s the weather ____________in the city, Nam? board Nam: ______ is cold and windy. Do you like cold ______? And translate An: No. I __________. -Copy down Nam: ____________ ___________do you like? An: I like warm weather. Nam: What do you do _________it’s warm? An: I often ____fishing. And you? What do ______ ______in this season? Nam: I often play sports. An: _________sports do you play? Nam: I __________badminton and volleyball. IV. Rewrite these sentences: 1. What / weather / like / the winter? - It / cold / winter. Take note 2. What / weather / you/ like? and work in 3. Lan / like / hot weather. pairs 4. They / go / sailing / when / it / warm. -Write on 5. Nam / go / swim / summer. board And translate V. Answer about you: -Copy down 1. What’s the weather like in the summer / winter/ fall/ winter? 2. What weather do you like? 3. What do you do when it’s hot / cold / warm / cool? 4. Do you like hot weather?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> Week: 29 Period: 56. NC2. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 20/03/2016. GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. Objectives: - Remind their grammar points and vocabulary - Extra boards, exercise papers. weather.III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task. Ss’ Activities. Content. I/ Choose the best answer Take note 1. What_____ your brother doing now? – He is playing and work in soccer.(is/ do/ are) pairs 2. _____ sports does he play?- Badminton. (What’s/ Which/ -Write on How) board And translate 3. _____ does your father go fishing?- Every weekend. (How/ -Copy down How often/ How much) 4. ____ the weather like in the winter?- It’s very cold. (What’s/ What/ Which) 5. What do you often do _____ is it hot?- I often go swimming. (what/ which/ when) 6. What’s your____ season?-Spring.( favorite / the/ liked) 7. _____ weather do you like?- I like fall weather. (Which/ What/ How) 8. He ___goes fishing in the winter. It’s too cold.(always/ never/ usually) Take note II/ Put adverb into correct order and work in 1. What do you do when it’s warm? (often) pairs =>……………………………………………………………. -Write on 2. It is cold in the winter.(usually) board And translate =>……………………………………………........................... -Copy down . 3. Do you have cold shower in the summer?.(always) =>…………………………………………………. 4. We go camping in the winter. (never) =>…………………………………………………………… … 5. She doesn’t have some milk for her breakfast (sometimes) =>………………………………………… 6. Are you late for school? (often) Take note.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do. and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. =>…………………………………………………………… III/ Make questions 1. We often play basketball in the spring. => ………………………………………? 2. It’s often sunny in the dry season. => ………………………………………? 3. My mother likes cool weather. => ………………………………………? 4. It’s cold and windy in Ha Noi. => ………………………………………? 5. I often go swimming when it is hot. => ………………………………………? 6. They go to the movies twice a month. => ………………………………………? 7. My favorite season is spring. => ………………………………………? 8. He is flying his kite at the moment. Take note => ………………………………………? and work in IV/ Change these sentences into negative and questions pairs forms -Write on 1. It is often cold in the summer. board And translate => ……………………………… ] -Copy down => ………………………………? 2. They sometimes walk in the mountains. => ……………………………… => ………………………………? 3. Mai usually goes to the movies on Sundays. => ……………………………… => ………………………………? 4. Miss Hoa likes warm weather. => ……………………………… => ………………………………? 5. You can camp in the park. => ……………………………… => ………………………………? 6. He always has some eggs for breakfast. => ……………………………… Take note => ………………………………? and work in V/ Complete the dialogue pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> the task -Collect their answer. -Write on Nam and An are friends. Nam lives in the city and Nga board lives in the country. They are on the telephone at the moment. And translate An: What’s the weather ____________in the city, Nam? -Copy down Nam: ___________ is cold and windy. Do you like cold ____________? An: No. I __________ . Nam: ____________ ___________do you like? An: I like warm weather. Nam: What do you do ___________it’s warm? An: I often____________________fishing. And you? What do _____________ in this season? Nam: I often play sports. An: _________sports do you play? Nam: I __________badminton and volleyball.. HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 29.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> Week: 30 Period: 57. NC1. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 29/03/2016. UNIT 14: MAKING PLAN B. FREE TIME PLANS. I. Objectives: - Students can use “Going to” future positive statements and “wh” questions, to talk about vacation plans. weather.III. Procedures: T’s Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Ss’ Activities. Content. I. Complete the sentences. Take note 1. I (visit) _________my uncle and aunt tomorrow. and work in 2. He ____often (not go) ____ to the movies on Sunday pairs nights. -Write on 3. My father (travel) _________to Ha Noi next week. board And translate 4. The teacher (read) _________the dialogue at the moment -Copy down and we (listen) _________to him. 5. What about (play) _________basketball this afternoon? 6. Lan and Nga (see) ___________ a new film tonight. 7. We sometimes (walk) ____in the mountains on the weekend. 8. Her brother (drink) __________ coffee every day. 9. Lan usually (play) __________ badminton in the fall. 10. They (not go) ________ fishing in the winter. 11. My sister (drink)______ some fruit juice at the moment. 12. He (jog) ____________ every morning. II. Read the passage, then check True or False. In the summer holidays, Phong’s family go to the beach Take note and work in for three or four days, they always go to Nha Trang. They usually stay in a hotel but sometimes they stay in a small pairs house near the sea. -Write on board Every morning, they go to the beach. Phong goes And translate swimming but his sister never swims. She plays volleyball on -Copy down the beach. Volleyball is her favorite sport. They usually have sandwiches for lunch or sometimes they go to a restaurant. In the afternoons, they walk. In the evenings, they often go the movie theater. A. Write True (T) or false (F)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. 1..….. Phong’s family go to the beach in the summer. 2….. They usually stay in a small house in Nha Trang. 3….. They usually have sandwiches for lunch. 4….. They often walk in the mornings. B. Answer the questions 1. Where do Phong’s family go in the summer holidays? 2. Where do they usually stay? Take note 3. How long do they stay there? and work in 4. What do they do every morning? pairs 5. Does his sister swim? -Write on 6. What does she do on the beach? board And translate 7. What is her favorite sport? -Copy down 8. What do they usually have for lunch? 9. What do they do in the evenings? III. Rewrite these sentences. 1. We / going to / visit / Hue / next week. Take note 2. Hoa / often / go fishing / Sundays. and work in 3. It / hot / summer. pairs 4. Every afternoon/ I/ play/ badminton. -Write on 5. Lan/ go / to /Hue / this summer vacation. board And translate 6. She / going / stay /a hotel. -Copy down 7. She / going / stay / a week. IV. Answer about you. 1. What do you do in your free time? Take note 2. Are you reading at the moment? and work in 3. What are you going to do this Sunday? pairs 4. How often do you watch television? -Write on 5. What are you going to do tonight / tomorrow / this board And translate weekend? -Copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> Week: 29 Period: 56. NC2. Date of planning: 28/02/2016 Date of teaching: 20/03/2016. GRAMMAR PRACTICE I. Objectives: - Remind their grammar points and vocabulary - Extra boards, exercise papers. weather.III. Procedures: T’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content I/Choose the correct answer:. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. 1. I’m going to stay_____ my uncle.(to/ with/ at) 2. _____ are you going to stay in Ha Noi?- For three days. (How often/ How far/ How long) 3. Which place is Mai going to visit _____? (first/ firstly/ at first) 4. She is going____ the citadel. (visit/ to visit/ visiting) 5. What about _____ volleyball this afternoon? (play/ to play/ playing) 6. He is going to____ some photos. (do/ take/ make) 7. Let’s have some drinks now. _ _____ (Yes. We drink/ That’s a good idea/ Yes. Let’s drink) 8. Why doesn’t Nam want to go the park?- ____.(because he’s tired./ Good idea./ He doesn’t want.) II/ Correct the form of these verbs in brackets: 1. I (visit) _________my uncle and aunt tomorrow. Take note 2. He ___________often (not go) __________ to the movies and work in on Sunday nights. pairs 3. My father (travel) _________to Ha Noi next week. -Write on 4. The teacher (read) ___________the dialogue at the moment board And translate and we (listen) _________to him. -Copy down 5. What about (play) _________basketball this afternoon? 6. Lan and Nga (see) ___________ a new film tonight. 7. We sometimes (walk) ________in the mountains on the weekend. 8. Her brother (drink) __________ coffee every day. III/ Make questions 1. We often play basketball in the spring. Take note and work in => ………………………………………? pairs 2. It’s often sunny in the dry season. -Write on.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. board => ………………………………………? And translate 3. My mother likes cool weather. -Copy down => ………………………………………? 4. It’s cold and windy in Ha Noi. => ………………………………………? 5. I often go swimming when it is hot. => ………………………………………? 6. They go to the movies twice a month. => ………………………………………? 7. My favorite season is spring. => ………………………………………? 8. He is flying his kite at the moment. ………………………………………?. =>. IV/ Complete the sentences Take note 1. Why don’t we go to the movies tonight? and work in => What about ________________________________? pairs 2. She likes cold weather. -Write on => What ______________________________________? board And translate 3. Nam is going to visit the beach and swim. -Copy down => What ______________________________________? 4. Let’s play badminton. => Why don’t __________________________________? 5. Mai wants to go to Huong Pagoda. => Where ______________________________________? 6. She does aerobics every morning. => How often ___________________________________? V. Read and answer the questions Hi ! My name is Nam. I am going on vacation this Take note summer. First I am going to visit Da Nang for five days. I am and work in going to stay with my uncle and aunt. I am going to visit pairs Cham Museum and Hoi An ancient town. Then I am going to -Write on stay at a friend’s house in Nha Trang for three days. There I board And translate am going to visit beach and swim. Finally, I am going to visit -Copy down my grandmother and grandfather in Ho Chi minh City. I am going to stay with them for a week. * Answer the questions .(2 points) 1. Which place is Nam going to visit first?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> =>_______________________________________________ _ 2. What is he going to do in Da Nang? =>_______________________________________________ _ 3. Where is he going to stay in Nha Trang? =>_______________________________________________ _ 4. How long is he going to stay in Ho Chi Minh City? =>_______________________________________________ _ * True (T) or False (F). (1 point) 1.___ In Da Nang, Nam is going to stay with his uncle. 2. ___ Nam isn’t going to visit Cham Museum, Hoi An ancient town 3. ___ He is going to swim in Nha Trang sea. 4. ___ He is going to visit his grandparents in Ho Chi Minh City.. HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 30.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> Week: 31 Period: 59. NC1. Date of planning: 27/03/2016 Date of teaching: 31/03/2016. UNIT 14: MAKING PLAN C. SUGGESTIONS. I. Objectives: - Ss can make suggestions to talk about their holiday plans. II. Teaching aids: - Extra board, paper photos III. Procedures: T’s Activities Ss’ Content Activities I. Complete the dialogue, use the words in the box: -Guide the task Take note do want Why go by travel have going and work in Nam: What are we going to ________ in the vacation ? by example pairs Then explain Nga: Let’s ___________ camping. -Write on way how to do Nam: We don’t __________ a tent. What about _________ to board the task And translate Hue? -Collect their -Copy down Nga: I don’t ____ go to Hue. ____don’t we go to Huong answer Pagoda? Nam: That’s a good idea. How are we going to __________? Nga: Let’s go ___________minibus. Nam: Yes. Good idea. II. Write the suggestions using "Let's, What about, Why -Guide the task Take note and work in don't we" and the words given. by example Example: go to the zoo. → Why don't we go to the zoo? pairs Then explain 1. stay at home and listen to music. -Write on way how to do 2. play soccer this weekend. board the task 3. go jogging in the park. And translate -Collect their 4. travel to work by bike. -Copy down answer 5. go camping in the mountains. III. Fill in the blanks with "Let's, What about, Why don't -Guide the task Take note we." and work in by example 1. ______ walk to the park? It's near here. pairs 2. ______ have some orange juice. Then explain -Write on 3. ______ play! We have a lot of homework now. way how to do board 4. ______ sit under the trees. the task -Copy down 5. ______ going to the theater by bus? -Collect their -Ask and 6. ______ go swimming. It's too cold. answer answer 7. ______ going for a walk?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Week: 31 Period: 60. 8. ______ go swimming? IV. Write the suggestions. Take note Example: It's very hot. (go swimming) and work in → Let's go swimming. pairs → What about going swimming? -Write on → Why don't we go swimming? board And translate 1. I'm thirsty. (drink some orange juice) -Copy down 2. Lan's mother is not fine. (visit her) 3. The beach is very beautiful. (take some photos) 4.There's a good movie on TV tonight. (stay at home and watch TV) 5.The weather is cool. (go camping in the countryside) 6. I'm very tired. (go to bed early) NC2. Date of planning: 27/03/2016 Date of teaching: 30/03/2016. UNIT 14: MAKING PLAN C. SUGGESTIONS. I. Objectives: - Ss can make suggestions to talk about their holiday plans. II. Teaching aids: - Extra board, paper photos III. Procedures: T’s Activities Ss’ Content Activities I. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. -Guide the task Take note 1. How ______ is she going to stay with her aunt? and work in 2. Let's ______ by bus. by example pairs 3. She is going to ______ her grandparents. Then explain -Write on 3. ______ don't we go swimming today? way how to do board 4. I ______ watching this film on television now. the task And translate 5. How are they ______ to travel to Hue? -Collect their -Copy down 6. ______ place are they going to visit first? answer 7. ______ about going to the zoo? II. Make questions. 1. Lan wants to go fishing. -Guide the task Take note and work in 2. I'm going to stay at my aunt's house tonight. by example pairs 3. She often wears warm clothes in the winter. Then explain -Write on 4. My brother usually goes to the zoo with his friends. way how to do board 5. They go to the park twice a week..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Ask and answer -Copy down. 6. Forty students in my school are going to visit the citadel in Hue this summer. 7. Nam is going to visit the zoo tomorrow. 8. They are going to stay in Da Nang for two weeks. III. Complete the dialogue. Take note Hoa: (1) …………………… are you going to do tonight? and work in Lan: I’m going to (2) …………………… my homework. pairs Hoa: What (3) ……… you (4) ……………… to do -Write on tomorrow? board Lan: Tomorrow’s Sunday. I’m going to go and see my friend. And translate Then (5) ……… are going to see a movie. What (6) -Copy down …………… you? Hoa: This afternoon I’m going to (7) ………… badminton. Tomorrow I’m going to (8) …………… a football (9) ………… Take note IV. Reading comprehension and answer the questions: and work in Dung likes camping. She often goes to the beach on the pairs weekend with her parents and her brother. They sometimes go -Write on sailing and swim there. Dung’s brother usually brings a board camera and he takes some photos. Dung and her parents take And translate food, drinks and fruits. They are going to camp in the -Copy down countryside this weekend. They are going to stay there for two days. They aren’t going to go sailing but they are going to go to the pagodas tomorrow. * Questions: 1. What does Dung like ? 2. When does she go ? 3. Who does she go with ? 4. What do they always do on the beach ? 5. Does Dung bring a camera ? 6. How long are they going to stay in the countryside ? 7. Are they going to go sailing this weekend?. HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 31.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> Week: 32 Period: 61. NC1. Date of planning: 27/03/2016 Date of teaching: 07/04/2016. UNIT 15: COUNTRIES. A. WE ARE THE WORLD. I. Objectives: - Countries, Nationalities and language vocabulary to talk about where people are from. - Practice asking and answering about country, nationality and language. II. Teaching aids: - Extra board, paper photos III. Procedures: T’s Activities Ss’ Content Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain. I. Choose the best answer: 1. What’s his ______________? - He’s Chinese. A. population B. country C. nationality D. language 2. Which language do they ________________? A. speak B. have C. make D. stay 3._____________ are you from? A. What B. When C. Where D. How 4. He’s from France. He _________ French. A. says B. speaks C. talks D. listens 5. Peter comes from Britain. He speaks ____________. A. British B. English C. American D. China 6. Yoko is ________Japan. He is Japanese. A. in B. to C. from D. with 7. What is her _____________? _ She is Australian. A. languageB. nationalityC. population D. country 8. They are going _________vacation in London. A. in B. on C. at D. for 9. ________languages can you speak? A. When B. How C. How much D. Which 10. I am Mary. I am __________ Great Britain. A. to B. from C. at D. on work in pairs II. Make questions : -Write on 1. I’m from Viet Nam. board => ………………………………………? Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. -Ask and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. answer -Copy down. 2. His friends speak Japanese. => …………………………………………. ? 3. The weather is cool and wet in London => …………………………………………. ? 4. Mr Bush is British. => ………………………………………….. ? 5. Mary’s aunt is from Korea.  ………………………………………….. ? III. Read and answer the questions: Take note and work in Hi, my name is Ha. I’m Vietnamese. I’m twelve pairs years old. Now I’m in grade 6. sometimes I speak English -Write on in English class. I live in Ho Chi Minh city with my board And translate parents and my brother, Nam. He can speak Chinese and -Copy down English. My country is very beautiful. We have a lot of mountains and rivers. We have large forests and long beaches, too. * Questions: 1. What’s Ha’s nationality ? ………………………………………………………… 2. Which grade is she in ? ………………………………………………………… 3. Can she and her brother speak English ? ………………………………………………………… 4. Who does she live with ? ………………………………………………………… 5. Is her brother Chinese ? ………………………………………………………… 6. Does Vietnam have a lot of mountains and forests ? ………………………………………………………… Take note and work in IV. Answer about you: pairs 1. What’s your name? -Write on 2. How old are you? board 3. Where are you from? And translate -Copy down 4. Which language do you speak? 5. What’s your nationality?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> Week: 32 Period: 62. NC2. Date of planning: 27/03/2016 Date of teaching: 08/04/2016. UNIT 15: COUNTRIES B. CITIES, BUILDINGS AND PEOPLE. I. Objectives:. - Ss can use comparative and superlative adjectives of one syllable. II. Teaching aids: - Extra board, paper photos III. Procedures: T’s Activities Ss’ Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Content. I. Give the correct form of the adjectives in the brackets. Take note 1. Ha Noi is (small) _______________than Ho Chi Minh city. and work in 2. Ho Chi Minh city is the (big)___________city in Viet Nam. pairs 3. The Eiffel Tower is (tall) _______than Pyramid of Cheops. -Write on 4. The desks are (short) _________________than the benches. board And translate 5. The Nile River is the (long) ___________river in the world. -Copy down 6. The Mount Everest is the (high) ________ mountain in the world. 7. The Eiffel Tower is (tall) _____ than the Statue of Liberty. 8. Mexico City is (big) _________________ city in the world. 9. These rulers are (long) _______________ than those rulers. 10. Phanxipang is (high) ___________ mountain in Viet Nam. Take note II. Write comparative sentences as model. and work in Ex: Hue/ small/ Hanoi. pairs Hue is smaller than Hanoi. -Write on a. My school/ big/ my sister’s. board -Ask and __________________________________________________ answer b. Lan/ young/ Hoa. -Copy down __________________________________________________ c. My uncle/ old/my aunt. __________________________________________________ d. Tuan/ thin/ his brother. __________________________________________________ e. Gold Star Hotel/ high/ Silver Star Hotel. __________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -. f. This ruler/ long/ that one. __________________________________________________ g. In the winter/ days/ short/ nights. __________________________________________________ h. Mr. Quang/ strong/ Mr. Loc. __________________________________________________ j. This room / large / my room. __________________________________________________ III. Write superlative sentences. Take note and work in Ex: Mexico City/ big/ city/ world Mexico City is the biggest city in the world. pairs a. Petronas Twin Towers/ high/ world. -Write on board __________________________________________________ And translate b. The Amazon River/ long/ river/ world. -Copy down __________________________________________________ c. Everest/ high/ mountain/ world. __________________________________________________ d. The Great Wall of China/ long structure/ world. __________________________________________________ e. Phanxipang / high mountain/ Vietnam. __________________________________________________. HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 32.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> Week: 32 Period: 63. NC1. Date of planning: 27/03/2016 Date of teaching: 16/04/2016. UNIT 15: COUNTRIES C. NATURAL FEATURES. I. Objectives:. - Should be taught about “VN” “lots of …” as a quantifier with geography vocabulary to describe Vietnam. II. Teaching aids: - Extra board, paper photos III. Procedures: T’s Activities Ss’ Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Content. I. Choose the best answer: Take note 1. I don’t have __________ money. (some/ many/ much) and work in 2. We are planting __ trees in front of the house.(a/ any/ some) pairs 3. They don’t have __________ coffee.(a/ some/ any) -Write on 4. There are _____ flowers on the table.(a little/ a lot/ a few) board And translate 5. They need __ cooking oil to fry the fish.(a few/ a little/a lot) -Copy down 6. There are too _______ people here. (lots of/ much/ many) 7. Mr Hai produces____. (a lot of rice/ lots of rices/ may rices) 8. There is ____ milk in the bottle. We should buy some more. (lots of / a few/ a little) 9. She plants _____ flower in the garden. (a lot/ a few/ a little) 10. ______ fruit does Mr Hai produce? (How much/ How many/ How often) II. Complete the passage : work in pairs country Wall capital city -Write on board -Ask and 1. We have a lot of beautiful (1)____________________ . answer -Copy down 2. Which is the highest (2) ________________ in Viet Nam. 3. How long is the Great (3) __________________ of China ? 4. Is Lan the best (4) ___________________ in your class ? 5. My (5) _______________ is a great one. 6. Ho Chi Minh city is bigger than the (6) ____________ city. 7. There is a lot of (7) ____________________ in Viet Nam. 8. A country is quieter than a (8) _____________________ ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. III. Make questions : Take note 1. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world and work in =>…………………………………………………………....? pairs 2. The Nile River flows to the Mediterranean Sea. -Write on =>……………………………………………………………..? board And translate 3. His chickens produce a lot of eggs. -Copy down =>…………………………………………………………..…? 4. Francoise is French. =>……………………………………………………………..? 5. Her mother is going to the market.  ……………………………………………………… ? 6. The Mekong River is the longest river in Viet Nam. => ………………………………………………..? 7. John is from the USA. => …………………………………………………………….? 8. She speaks French. => …………………………………………………………….? 9. Joko is Japanese. => ……………………………………………………………? 10. The Great Wall of China is over 6,000 kilometers long. => …………………………………………….? IV. Choose the best answer: Take note 1. Laura is from Canada. She speaks _____.(Canadian/ and work in English and French/ American) pairs 2. Susan is from Great Britain. She’s _____. (English/ -Write on Britainer/ British) board And translate 3. What’s Lee’s _____? (nation/ national/ nationality) -Copy down 4. Nam is____ vacation in Hue. (on/ in/ at) 5. London is a big city, but Tokyo is _____ than London. (the biggest/ biggest/ bigger) 6. Nam is ____ boy in the class. (the taller/ the tallest/ tallest) 7. There isn’t _____ rain in the desert. (much/ many/ any) 8. ____ is thr Great Wall? _ It’s between 4 and 12 meters high.(How long/ How high/ How big).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> Week: 33 Period: 64. NC2. Date of planning: 27/03/2016 Date of teaching: 15/04/2016. UNIT 15: COUNTRIES C. NATURAL FEATURES. I. Objectives:. - Ss can do the exercise with comparative and superlative adjectives, indefinite quantifier, countries, nationalities and language vocabulary to talk about where people are from. - Practice asking and answering about country, nationality and language. II. Teaching aids: - Extra board, paper photos III. Procedures: T’s Activities Ss’ Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Content. I. Give the correct tense of the verbs : Take note 1. Laura (be) __________ from Canada. She (speak ) and work in __________ English. She (come) __________ to Viet pairs Nam tomorrow. She (stay) ____________ in a hotel in -Write on board Ho Chi minh City for 3 weeks. She (visit) ___________ a And translate lot of places in Vietnam. -Copy down 2. Which language ________Peter ( speak ) __________? – He (speak) ____________ English. 3. He often (have) __________ coffee for breakfast, but today he (eat) ________ some eggs and bread with his friends in a canteen. 4. At the moment, the children (play) ______ soccer in the garden. 5. ____________ you ( speak ) ____________ Chinese ? 6. I (not be) ______________ from France. 7. Son (be) ____ from Viet Nam . He (speak) _____ Vietnamese. He can (speak) __________ English, too. He (live) ________with his family in HCM City. He often (go)_____ to school on Sundays to practice his English. Tomorrow (be) ____Sunday. He (walk) ________ to school tomorrow. Now he (read) _______a book. II. Choose the best answer:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. 1. HCM City is __________city in Viet Nam . A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest 2. We have __________lakes in the countryside. A. any B. a lot C. lots of D. much work in pairs 3. Tokyo is __________than Mexico City. -Write on A. small B. smaller C. the smallest D. very small board 4. The Mekong River is the __________in Viet Nam. -Ask and A. longer B. very long C. long D longest answer -Copy down 5. My friends usually go __________ in the river. A. swimming B. sailing C. camping D. walking 6. How many deserts are there in the _____________ ? A. building B. language C. town D. world 7. Nam has a picnic on a beautiful _________________ A. lake B. river C. forest D. beach 8. Ha Noi is the ______________ of Viet Nam. A. capital B. city C. town D. country Take note and work in 9. This town has a _____________ of 12000. pairs A. structure B. tower C. population D. nationality -Write on 10. Sang and his family are __________ vacation in Hue. board B. at C. of D. on And translate A. with -Copy down 11. Which is the_________________ city in the world ? A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the big 12. Our country doesn’t have ______________ deserts A. any B. many C. a lot D. some 13. The _______________ is 452 meters high. A. beach B. tower C. house D. river III. Complete with the suitable words: Take note Viet Nam is a tropical ______. There are only two and work in ______ in Viet Nam: the dry season and the pairs ______season. It often ______ in the rainy season. The -Write on board weather is wet ______humid. In the dry season it’s And translate ______ and sunny. There is lots ______rain, so the -Copy down country is very ______. There are ________forests and great ________ like the Mekong and Red Rivers. There are lots of lakes, and ________ beautiful beaches, too. There aren’t ______deserts in Viet Nam..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 33.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> Week: 34 Period: 65. NC1. Date of planning: 17/04/2016 Date of teaching: 21/04/2016. UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT A. ANIMAL AND PLANTS. I .Objectives: - Countable and uncountable quantifiers: a lot, a little, a few to talk about food. - Should be practice asking and asnwering the questions with “How much” and “How many”. II. Teaching aids: - Extra boards, exercise papers. III. Procedures: T’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. I. Choose the best answer: Take note 1.______ those flowers. and work in A. Don’t pick. B. Not pick C. No pick D. Can’t pick pairs 2. His father often ___ the buffalo to the field early in the -Write on morning. board B. leads C. harrows D. plants And translate A. plows -Copy down 3. Eating _____ vegetables is very good for your health. A. few B. little C. much D. a lot of 4. Why _____ we protect the environment? A. are B. should C. have D. want 5. People should stop cutting ______ the forests. A. down B. up C. on D. in 6. There _____ any trash in their classroom. A. is B. are C. isn’t D. aren’t 7. Susan _____ a lot of flowers in her garden. A. plows B. harrows C. grows D. feeds 8. _____ do factories do with waste paper, scrap metal and old plastic? - They recycle all these things. A. Which B. Who C. When D. What 9. We have _____ fruit trees. A. a few B. a little C. much D. a lot 10. Horses are used to _____ the cart. A. plow B. pull C. harrow D. put 11. Wild animals are _____ danger. A. in B. on C. up D. at 12. Their _____ produce a lot of fresh milk. A. chickens B. birds C. cats D. cows 13. _____ rice do they produce? A. How many B. How much C. How few D. How little 14. People are _____ the land, the rivers and the oceans. A. pollute B. polluted C. polluting D. pollution 15. We should ______ paper, cans and bottles for recycling. A. feed B. collect C. turn D. switch 16. _____ do you recycle? - We recycle waste paper and plastic. A. Who B. Where C. Why D. What 17. When you don’t need a light, switch it _____. A. on B. up C. down D. off.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> 18. _____ throw trash on the streets. A. No B. No C. Don’t D. You not 19. Please _____ your trash in a trashcan. A. put B. to put C. putting D. you put 20. There are _____ tall trees in the park. A. much B. a lot of C. little D. any -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answ. work in pairs -Write on board -Ask and answer -Copy down. II. Complete these sentences: 1. He shouldn’t (throw) __________ trash on the street. 2. They (do) ________ their homework at the moment. 3. What ___________you (do)__________ next Sunday? 4. Mai often (go) ________ to the movies in her free time. 5. There (not be) ____________ any water in the bottle. 6. My father (grow) _______a lot of vegetables in our garden. 7. Don’t (throw) ___________trash on the street. 8. People (burn) _______too much coal, oil and gas at present. 9. We should (protect) ___________the environment. 10. I can (speak) _________a little English. III. Complete these sentences:. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down. Which What Where Why How many How much 1. _______ milk do his cows produce?- They produce a little milk. 2. _________ is polluting the air? – Gases. 3. _________ are the wild animals in danger? – Because people are destroying the forests. 4. ____________cats does he have? –Two cats. 5. ________ is the biggest city in Viet Nam? – Ho Chi Minh City. 6. ___________ should we put the trash? – In a trash can.. Week: 34 Period: 66. NC2. Date of planning: 17/04/2016 Date of teaching: 22/04/2016. UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT A. ANIMAL AND PLANTS. I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> - Countable and uncountable quantifiers: a lot, a little, a few to talk about food. - Should and shouldn’t for giving advice about protecting the environment. II. Teaching aids: - Extra board, paper photos III. Procedures: T’s Activities Ss’ Activities -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Content. I. Choose the best answer: 1. Mr Hai produces _____. (a lot of rice/ lots of rices/ may rices) 2. The population of the world __. (is growing/ are growing/ grow) 3. Some Asian animals are _____danger. (in/ on/ at) 4. There is ____ milk in the bottle. We should buy some more. (lots of / a few/ a little) 5. When you see a dripping faucet,_____. (switch if off/ pick it up/ turn it off) 6. We collect waste food and feed it ____ pig. (for/ with/ to) 7. She plants _____ flower in the garden. (a lot/ a few/ a little) 8. ____ fruit does Mr Hai produce? (How much/ How many/ How often) 9. I don’t have __________ money. (some/ many/ much) 10. We are planting ____ trees in front of the house.(a/ any/ some) 11. They don’t have __________ coffee.(a/ some/ any) 12. There are _______ flowers on the table.(a little/ a lot/ a few) 13. They need ____ cooking oil to fry the fish.(a few/ a little/ a lot) 14. There are too _______ people here. (lots of/ much/ many) II. Read the passage and decide if the statements are work in pairs True (T) or False (F). -Write on Miss Lien lives in a small house in Hanoi. She teaches board English at a school there. She usually has breakfast at -Ask and seven in the morning and she has lunch at twelve o'clock answer in the canteen of the school. She teaches her students in -Copy down the morning. She teaches them dialogues on Wednesdays and Fridays. On Mondays, she teaches them grammar. In the evening, she usually stays at home and listens to Take note and work in pairs -Write on board And translate -Copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. music. She sometimes goes to the movie theatre. She always goes to bed at ten o'clock. 0.__F__ Miss Lien lives in a big house and teaches English at a school in Hanoi. 1.______ She usually has breakfast at 7.30 in the morning and has lunch at home at 12 o'clock. 2.______ She teaches her students dialogues on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 3.__She usually stays at home in the evening and goes to bed at 9 4.______ Sometimes she goes to the movie theatre. III. Complete, using: How many, how much, how often, how hight, how tall, how much, how old, how. Take note 1.________ is she? 1m45 and work in 2. ________ is a bottle of cooking old? 25,000 dong pairs 3. ________ do you go to school? By bus. -Write on 4. ________ does Mr. Hung go to the cinema? Twice a board week. And translate 5.________ apples do you want? Half a dozen. -Copy down 6. _______ is this mountain? 30 meters hight. 7________ is Ba? He is 12 years old. 8. _______ rice does Mr. Hai produce? He produdes a lot of rice. IV. Complete these sentences: 1. My father (grow) _________a lot of vegetables in our garden. Take note 2. Don’t (throw) ___________trash on the street. and work in 3. People (burn) _________too much coal, oil and gas at pairs present. -Write on 4. We should (protect) ___________the environment. board 5. I can (speak) _________a little English. And translate 6. She (visit) ___________ her grandparents next Sunday -Copy down. HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 34.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> Week: 35 Period: 67. NC1. Date of planning: 17/04/2016 Date of teaching: 26/04/2016. UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT B. POLLUTION. I .Objectives: - Countable and uncountable quantifiers: a lot, a little, a few to talk about food. - Should and shouldn’t for giving advice about protecting the environment. II. Teaching aids: - Extra boards, exercise papers. III. Procedures: T’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. I. Choose the best answer: Take note 1. What should we do ______ waste paper? and work in A.to B. with C. on D. of pairs 2. We should _____ the environment. -Write on board A. protect B. to protect C. protecting D. protection And translate 3. We should not _____ electriccity. -Copy down A. waste B. throw C. burn D. destroy 4. There isn’t _____ milk in the fridge. A. some B. any C. little D. few 5. Keep _____ the grass. A. on B. out C. off D. up 6. That book is quite cheap. You don’t need ____ money to buy it. A. many B. much C. a few D. a lot 7. My father _____ to plow the paddy fields. A. should B. can C. is going D. not 8. _____ damage trees in this park. A. No B. Not C. Don’t D. You not 9. There _____ any cheese. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. hasn’t D. haven’t 10. What do you do _____ those bottles and cans. A. to B. with C. for D. on 11. There are _____ beautiful flowers in the garden. A. much B. a lot of C. little D. any 12.You look tired. You _____ go to bed early. A. do B. are C. should D. ought 13. Where does the _____ come from? A. pollute B. pollution C. polluting D. polluted 14. People are wasting _____ much power. A.as B. too C. far D. more 15. Why do farmers burn the forests?- ____ they need more fields. A. Although B. However C. Because D. When 16. People are burning too ______ coal, oils and gas. A. many B. few C. much D. a lot of II. Make questions for these answers: 1. My grandfather is the oldest person in my family..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. Week: 35 Period: 68. work in pairs -Write on board -Ask and answer -Copy down. => …………………………………………………? 2. Yes. He has some paddy fields. => …………………………………………………? 3. The farmer produces a lot of rice. => …………………………………………………? 4. She goes to the market because she needs some vegetables. => ……………………………………………? 5. We should collect empty bottles and cans and recycle them. => ……………………………………………? 6. When you don’t need a light, you should switch it off. => ……………………………………………? III. Complete, using the words in the box:. too cheapest expensive traffic on a little a few are The streets of Ha Noi ____ very busy. There is a Take note and work in lot of ___. Most of people only have___ money to spend pairs ____ transportation. As a result, there are only _____ -Write on private cars on the roads. board And translate The bike is the ______ form of transportation, so there -Copy down are a lot of bikes. There are lots of motorbikes, _______. There are a lot of taxis, but they are ______ . IV. Complete these sentences: 1. We shouldn’t (throw) __________ trash on the street. 2. They (do) ________ their homework at the moment. Take note 3. What ___________you (do)__________ next Sunday? and work in 4. Mai often (go) _______ to the movies in her free time. pairs 5. There (not be) ____________ any water in the bottle. -Write on board And translate -Copy down. NC2. Date of planning: 17/04/2016 Date of teaching: 27/04/2016. REVISION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> I .Objectives: - Further practice in + Present simple tense, present progressive tense, near future, + Wh- questions, Yes –No questions, + Adjectives / Suggestions / Vocabulary / Prepositions. + Comparatives and superlatives. II. Teaching aids: - Extra boards, exercise papers. III. Procedures: T’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. -Guide the task by example Then explain way how to do the task -Collect their answer. I. Choose the best answer: Take note 1. How long are you going to stay? -_________a week. and work in A. for B. at C. in D. of pairs 2. What is he doing now? - He _________video games. -Write on board A. is play B. plays C. play D. is playing And translate 3_________go to Huong pagoda? -Copy down A. Let/s B. How about C. Why don’t we D. What about 4. He is not tall. He is_________ A. fat B. short C. small D. tall 5. It is warm _________the spring. A. in B. on C. of D. for 6. I’d like_________apples, please. A. any B. some C. much D. many 7. The Nile river is the_________river in the world. A. the longest B. long C. longer D. longest 8. How often does your mother go fishing? -_________ A. In the park B. Yes, she is C. Every week D. With me 9. How do you feel? _________ A. I’m from China B. I’m tired C. I’m twelveD. I’m Nam. 10. We have____ lakes in the countryside. A.any B. a lot C.lots of D. much 11. She ______________ a hot drink. A. want B .wants C .is D. like work in pairs 12 How _____________ rice do you want ? – One kilo -Write on board A. many B .much C .some D. any -Ask and 13. He isn’t heavy. He is ___________ answer A. thin B .fat C. strong D. light -Copy down 14. Lan ________ full lips. A. thin B. has C. is D. are 15. ____________eggs does your mother want ? – A dozen. A. How B. How many C. How much D. How long 16. __________she like chicken? - Yes, she does. A. Is B. Do C. Does D. Are 17. He _____________ an apple now. A. is eating B. am eating C. are eating D. eat 18. ____________ is a sandwich? – It’s 4,000 dong..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> HIỆU TRƯỞNG DUYỆT TUẦN 35.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span>

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