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Unit 11 National parks

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Bob: Hello, Barbara. Barbara Barbara: Hello, Bob. It’s my birthday today. name: Bob:Teacher’s Oh, yes! Your birthday! Happy birthday, Barbara! Class:Thanks, Bob. Somebody gave me this blouse for my Barbara: birthday. Week: Bob:Period: What a beautiful blouse! It’s got brown and blue butterflies on it. Date/month/year Barbara: And big black buttons. Bob: Did Ruby buy it for you? Barbara: Yes. And my brother gave me a hairbrush and a book about baby birds. Bob: I didn’t remember your birthday, Barbara. I’m terribly sorry..

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> OUTLINE. - PART E. Language Focus I. Warm up II. Content •. Pronunciation. •. Grammar and vocabulary. . Exercise 1. . Exercise 2. . Exercise 3. III.. Homework.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> PRONUNCIATION Tore. Door. Write. Ride. I DON’T WANT TO BE…. Tie. /t/. Died. / id /. /d/.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Listen and repeat. /d/. /t/. difficulty. /'difikəlti/. contain /kən'tein/. invader. /in'veidə/. plant. spend. /spend/. worked /wə:kt/. lived. /livd/. different /'difrənt/. dependent /di'pendənt/. topic. /'tɔpik/. /plɑ:nt/.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Practise these sentences 1. It’s next to the restaurant on the third floor. 2. They’re on the next counter on your left, dear. 3. It’s exactly twenty-two minutes to ten. 4. They stayed at home and played cards with the children. 5. Sidney and I listened to the radio and studied 6. Donald and I had a bad cold, so we decided to stay at home..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Grammar: Conditional sentences type 1 and 2 (review) If I have enough money,….. Eg: If I have enough money, I will buy a laptop/ car.... …, I would buy a bike/car.. Eg: If I had enough money, I would buy a laptop/ car....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Conditional type 3 Look at the following example: Did you go to school yesterday? Yes, I did. What would have happened if you hadn’t gone to school yesterday? I wouldn’t have understood the lesson.. What grammatical point we are going to learn today?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Conditional type 3 sentence? FormHow many clauses are there in the conditional Main clause If clause. past perfect,…would/ could/might + have + v3/-ed If+ S + had(not) + V3/-ed + Obj, S + would…(not) + have + V3/-ed + Obj Usage: To express the unreal condition in the past. Bob missed the shool bus, so she came to school late yesterday. If Bob hadn’t missed the school bus, he wouldn’t have come to school late..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. If I (know) that you were ill last week, I would have gone to see you.  If I had known that you were ill last week, I would have gone to see you.. 2. I would have bought a new bicycle if I (have) enough money.  I would have bought a new bicycle if I had had enough money.. 3. If I had had a motorbike, I (go) home immediately..  If I had had a motorbike, I would have gone home immediately.. 4. If he had worked hard, he (pass) his examination..  If I had worked hard, he would have passed his examination.. 5. We (enjoy) the party better if it had not been so long..  We would have enjoyed the party better if it had not been so long.. 6. If the rain (stop), I would have gone for a walk. . the rain had stopped him, he would have gone for a walk. 7. IfIf you (call) him, he would have come.  If you had called him, he would have come..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Exercise 2: Write a sentence with ‘If’ for each situation. E.g: I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat anything.  If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. 1. The accidents happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly.  If the driver in front hadn’t……………………. 2. I didn’t know that Lam had to get up early, so I didn’t wake him. If I had known that ……………………. 3. I was able to buy the car only because Hoa lent me the money. If Hoa hadn’t .................................... 4. Mary wasnot injured in the crash because she was wearing a seatbelt If Mary hadn’t .......................................... 5. You didnot have breakfast – that’s why you are hungry now. If you had ................................................. 6. I didnot get a taxi because I didnot have any money on me. If I had .............................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Exercise Exercise 3: 3: Use Use the the given given information information to to make make conditional conditional sentences sentences with with ‘If’. ‘If’. 1. I wasn’t working at the restaurant last night. I didn’t wait on your table.  If I had been working at the restaurant last night, I would have waited on your table. 2. They weren’t paying attention, so they didn’t see the sign marking their exit from the highway.  If they had been paying attention, they would have seen the sign marking their exit from the highway. 3. Carol didn’t answer the phone because she was studying.  If Carol hadn’t been studying, she could have answered the phone. 4. The sun was shining, so we went to the beach yesterday.  If the sun hadn’t been shining, we wouldn’t have gone to the beach yesterday. 5. The music was playing loudly at the restaurant, so I didn’t hear everything Mr.Lee said during the dinner.  If the music hadn’t been playing loudly at the restaurant, I could have heard everything Mr.Lee said during the dinner..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Summary.

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